Introduction to Pasture-Raised Poultry: Maximizing Foraging Behavior1
AN237 Introduction to Pasture-Raised Poultry: Maximizing Foraging Behavior1 Brad Burbaugh, Elena Toro, and Abel Gernat2 A defining characteristic of pasture-raised pouches attached to the lower end of the small poultry is access to pastureland that is rotationally intestine. These pouches are called "ceca" and contain grazed. This practice provides poultry with fresh microorganisms capable of some fiber digestion. pasture and small quantities of grass, insects, and This, in turn, releases small amounts of carbohydrates worms (Glatz et al. 2005; Miao, Glatz, and Ru 2004), that can be used by the birds (Duke 1986). Research which in turn can lead to enhanced quality of meat has shown that the ceca in foraging poultry are much and eggs. larger than that of poultry that do not forage (Fanatico 2007). Other avian species, such as geese and In a well-managed system, birds may eat enough turkeys, can obtain added nutrients from forage nutrients to replace 5%–10% of a grain-based diet. because they are better able to digest fiber due to the However, the percentage of diet substituted by these larger microbial population in their digestive tracts. sources may depend on several factors, like breed and When formulating diets for broilers and layers, it is age of the bird, environment, and the quality of the best to assume zero contribution to the birds' nutrient forage. This makes it difficult to know which requirements from pasture in order to ensure adequate nutrients will be supplied and in what amount nutrient intake from a well-balanced diet. (Fanatico 2007). Birds raised on pasture will still require a grain-based ration formulated for their With an elementary understanding of poultry growth stage.
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