Notes to File Issue/Area: Coordination Ref No: 3 Date: Monday, 22 April 2019 Subject: OCT- NGR Meeting (IDPs & Natural Disaster Response Coordination) Attendance: OCHA, FAO, IOM, WFP/PAT, UNHCR, WHO, UNICEF, ACBAR, SCI, IRC, NRC, DRC, WHH, IMC, ACTED, NCRO, PUAMI, WAW, RRAA, DACAAR, FGA. PIN, DoRR, ANDMA ARCS,

Agenda: 1. Update on IDPs Assessment & Response – OCHA 2. Update on Assessment & Response on Natural disasters – IOM & ANDMA 3. Update on District Situation/Petition – DoRR 4. Discussion on bulk of petitions/long lists from districts with no emergency situation – with High Rejection rate – OCHA, DoRR and partners 5. CORDAID Umbrella Projects Brief Presentation

OCHA briefly presented info on the assessment and response as of 21 April where in total 11,213 families have been notified by DoRR offices in the region. The humanitarian organizations have assessed 10,394 families of which 4,639 (32,660) are selected and provided with the immediate humanitarian assistance. OCHA raised concern about the consistent high rejection rate.

OCHA also presented the update on Chapadara district where the conflict on 22 March displaced almost 5,257 families. As a result of the joint needs assessment of humanitarian organizations (IMC, PU-AMI, WFP, DACAAR, UNHCR/WAW, IRC, ARCS) conducted in Chapadara, Asadabad, Khas Kunar, Chawki, Narang, Watapur, Sarkani of Kunar and Behsud, Surkhrod, Kama, Kuzkunar districts and city of Nangarhar identified 3,554 families (24,879 individuals) as eligible for humanitarian assistance. As of 21 April 2,365 families (16,555 individuals) have been provided with humanitarian assistance including NFI, FI, cash for food, emergency shelter (tents) and WASH support. The needs assessment of 555 families moved to Nangarhar is ongoing and the response is also going on (detailed spreadsheet attached). The gap of 775 families for NFI from Kunar has been referred to ES&NFI cluster and is going to be filled by UNHCR. The need for 70 tents reported earlier will be reassessed by ARCS in agreement with UNICEF and if still recommended will be dealt with by ES&NFI.

PU-AMI raised concern about the 644 families being jointly assessed with IMC, DACAAR in coordination with DoRR where PU-AMI existed response capacity was only covering 160 families and to avoid delay IMC had responded with NFI and WFP distributed FI to all assessed families. It was discussed in detail and mutually agreed that as the immediate needs of the IDPs with the response including NFI, FI, health services through static and MHT and WASH services have almost been met, therefore provision of additional cash may result in panic/conflict among the beneficiaries and also to avoid duplication and maintain harmonization in assistance, PU-AMI should respond/cover new caseload in Kunar as reported.

UNICEF informed of having dispatched medicines to DoPH Kunar to be distributed to the health facilities with pressure due to the IDPs. Health cluster lead asked for the clarification on need of additional medical supplies and raised concern as was not coordinated with the cluster. The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives

Update on Assessment & Response on Natural disasters – as of 21 April 2019 - IOM & ANDMA

Deaths Deaths In Responde Province Districts Affected & Initial Info. # of Families Agencies Agencies Response Assistance Action Points j Status Status Assessed Families ured Assessed Assessed Responde Provided

Affected d d

Nangarhar 250 (1817 9 5 250 and 105 IOM, IMC, IOM, Ongoing NFI, Tents, -Health MHT will be deployed Assessment individuals) Assessment ongoing WFP, SCI, effective 23 April 2019.4.22, completed in Lalpur, NCRO, Pending: food, Kama, Rodat, Behsud, OXFAM, -WASH cluster will reassess the Jalalabad city, Goshta, RRD, ARCS, needs and respond accordingly. Mohmandara, Kot, Bati DACAAR, Kot DAIL, DA -IOM to share the list of families

recommended for permanent Assessment ongoing: shelter with ACTED. Shirzad, Dehbala,

Pachir- Agam, -ANDMA will clarify the land Chaparhar, Achin, status of families recommended Nazyan, Shinwar for shelter in Lalpur district and

-ACTD will assess the needs for their project/new grant in the Kunar Assessment 193 0 0 106 (742 individuals) 19 IOM, IMC, IOM, IMC Ongoing -NFI by IOM pipeline Completed in Assessment ongoing WFP, -Tent by IMC -ANDMA requested FAO to Wata Por, Dara Pech, DACAAR, consider the families who lost Shigal, Sarkano, ARCS, their agriculture corps and land Narang, Khas Kunar, ANDMA, DA -IMC will assess and respond to Nurgal, Chawki 37 families reported from Nuristan and one family Assessment ongoing reported from Dara-e-Nur. in

Marawara, Asad Abad, Dangam, Shultan, Nary, Asmar, Ghazi Abad, Chapa Dara Laghman Mehtralam, Qarghy, 80 4 0 6 (42 indi) IMC, WFP, No Dawlat Sha, Alishang, ARCS, response Alingar, Bad Pakh ANDMA, DA, yet RRD, DAIL Nuristan 37 0 0 ARCS, Not yet ANDMA Total 560 13 5 362 124 The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives

Update on Sherzad District Situation/Petition – DoRR:

DoRR Nangarhar informed that 626 families have approached DoRR as displaced from Sherzad and some parts of district on the border with Sherzad district. These IDPs have moved to Chamtala of Khogyani, Shekh Mesri, Duronta, Moimubarak, Charbagh, Marghondai of Surkhrod district and Jalalabad city. It was agreed that pre-screening committee led by IRC and attended by IMC, WAW, DACAAR and DoRR will review the petitions and share the final list with OCHA for assessment & response to be led by IRC. DoRR Director raised concern that as the conflict continues in the area, the number of displaced people may increase.

Discussion on bulk of petitions/long lists from districts with no emergency situation – with High Rejection rate – OCHA, DoRR and partners:

OCHA reiterated the concern of humanitarian community about high rejection rate in petitions and enquired the floor about the key reasons being noted during the joint needs assessments. DoRR informed of a team deployed from MoRR screening the petitions based on their experience and training obtained. The Director informed of the ongoing efforts to reduce the chances of fake petitions. But he also shared the concern of IDPs about the questions and lack of female staff in the assessment teams limiting the access. The Director added that sometime the assessment teams make decision on telephone contacts only.

The humanitarian agencies mentioned some of the key reasons for rejections as:-  Lack of database for recording IDPs data – to track it properly  Repeated petitions with different names after receiving humanitarian assistance  Protracted IDPs from the same districts make efforts to obtain assistance – making petitions  Host communities found having submitted petitions  Rejected families resubmit petitions with different name  District Governors and Community Leaders exaggeration in the initial information about displacement during conflicts Measures suggested to improve and reduce the rejection:  IOM working with MoRR and OCHA in Kabul on developing the IDPs database  District Governors and Line Directorates (DoRR and ANDMA) take accountability for the information and petitions  Assessment teams to visit the reported families and fill the HEAT form and clearly state the reasons for rejection and is mutually agreed  Partners make effort to recruit female staff and train them for the needs assessment  Police Security Check points record the IDPs at the time of their displacement and share it with DoRR  Assessment teams to try the given telephone number of IDPs repeatedly during the assessment period.

CORDAID, NCRO/OXFAM, RRAA Umbrella Projects Brief Presentation: NCRO, RRAA briefly presented their new projects funded through DRA grants for 2019.

NCRO . : . Khogaini . Chaprahar . Behsud . Surkhrud Target Beneficiaries . Undocumented Returnees . Recent IDPs . Returned IDPs . Disaster affected, Food insecure Host communities . . WASH . Cash for food (CFF) The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives

. Cash for work . Livelihood Support . Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) . Hygiene and GBV Training sessions . 415 Disaster affected, Food insecure HHs will be provided with Cash for food AFN 18000/Beneficiary (AFN 3000) half package for their 6 months- food expenditures.

. Construction of 8 new boreholes. . Rehabilitation of drinking water sources i.e. water supply networks, shallow wells, and Kariz which are damaged due to conflict or natural disasters. . Construction of 40 HHs Latrines.


. 4 components WASH, Livelihood, MPC and Shelter. . 49 permanent shelter (one room shelter including solar and battery for each family). . WASH . 12 new bore wells . 18 bore wells repairing bore wells . Hygiene Kits 300 plus hygiene promotion trainings to the beneficiaries of bore wells . Livelihood . vegetable seeds and tools to 150 farmers . Poultry for 30 widow women . small skills for 26 families . Cash for work . MPC . 360 families each family 19000 Afs

## The End ## The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors. Coordination Saves Lives