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BOB STUMP, Chairman GARY PIERCE BRENDA BURNS BOB BURNS SUSAN BITTER SMITH COMMISSIONERS BOB STUMP, Chairman GARY PIERCE BRENDA BURNS BOB BURNS SUSAN BITTER SMITH BEFORE THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) DOCKET NO. E-04204A-13-0225 OF UNS ELECTRIC, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF ITS 2014 RENEWABLE ENERGY STANDARD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN, ) DISTRIBUTED ENERGY ) APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO ) INTERVENE ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN AND REQUEST , FOR RESET OF ITS RENEWABLE ) ENERGY ADJUSTOR 1 Pursuant to A.A.C. R14-3-105, the Arizona Solar Deployment Alliance (“ASDA”), an Arizona Non-Profit corporation hereby applies to the Arizona Corporation Commission (the ”Commission”) for an order granting ASDA leave to intervene in the above captioned docket. ASDA will be directly and substantially affected by the decision of the Commission in this matter. ASDA’s participation in this matter will not broaden the issues nor unduly delay the proceeding. For the reasons outlined above, ASDA respecthlly requests the Commission grant this Application for Leave to Intervene in this matter. 21 ASDA requests that all communications in connection with the above captioned 22 proceeding be directed to: 23 Garry D. Hays Law Offices of Garry D. Hays, P.C. 24 1702 E Highland Ave. Suite 204 Phoenix, AZ 85016 25 (602)-308-0579 26 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 30th 1702 East Highland Avenue, Suite 204 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Attorneyfor the Arizona Solar Deployment Alliance 3RIGINAL and thirteen (1 3) ;opies filed on July 30,20 13 with: 3ocket Control bizona Corporation Commission 1200 West Washington Street 'hoenix, AZ 85007 2opies of the foregoing ~ailed/handdelivered on July 30,2013 to: Lyn A. Farmer, Esq. Clhief Administrative Law Judge Hearing Division 4rizona Corporation Commission 1200 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Janice Alward, Esq. Chief Council, Legal Division Arizona Corporation Commission 1200 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Steve Olea Director, Utilities Division Arizona Corporation Commission 1200 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 Kimberly Ruht 38 East Broadway, MS HQE910 P.O. Box 71 1 hcson, Arizona 85702 3Y mwwKJ Lindsay Stri&er 16 17 18 I 19 20 21 22 ~ ~ 23 24 25 ~ 26 .
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