Project Management and Text: Lovisa Brånby Layout: Roman Pixell, Karmatic Experience Group Translation from Swedish: Rosemary Hollis

Illustrations: Natella Nikolaevna Eremina-Enander Photography: Lars Enander page 4, Olga Nielsen page 17 (upper picture) and Svanthe Harström pages 2, 3, &17 (lower picture) Pictures of the Bayeux Tapestry are taken from Mogen Rud’s book: Bayeuxtapeten - om slaget vid Hastings 1066, Tidens Publishing 1994

Printed in Sweden by Joma Tryck AB, Ljungby

ISBN 91-972266-4-5 © Gränsfors Bruks AB 2005

GNY-e.indd 2-1 05-04-20 14.00.02 Gränsfors Bruks – Learning From Times Gone By Knowledge of past practice in the own up of knowledge and skills is a prerequisite area of work is essential for developing for the harmonious development of Gräns- and changing a company. At Gränsfors fors Bruks and partly from our passionate Bruks we manufacture axes. The design interest in axes. of an is based on knowledge of axes accumulated over many generations. A small part of Gränsfors Bruks’ production consists of the forging of a series of replicas At Gräns- of Ancient Northern European Axes. The fors booklet you are holding in your hand, Bruks, like the reproduction of ancient axes, is an we take it effort to pass on a part of what we have lear- upon our- ned from others. By spreading knowledge selves not about axes we hope to create an interesting only to exchange of information. produce axes of We would like to thank all of our ‘‘axe high qua- friends” - including those of you who we lity but also to sustain and spread know- have never met - who have helped us in ledge about axes. This concerns both the the past and who hopefully will continue to manufacture of axes as as the uses, help us expand our knowledge of axes in the handling and history of different axes. future. The motivation for this stems partly from our conviction that a continual building Gabriel Brånby, Gränsfors Bruks AB

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GNY-e.indd 2-3 05-04-20 14.00.06 Axe Lore – Knowledge to Maintain During the latter part of the 20th cen- The axe has been developed over many A consequence of Gränsfors Bruks’ wide tury, the use of axes declined rapidly. This thousands of years. Knowing about the cul- knowledge of axes and the forging of was due to the invention of the chain ture and social history of the axe provides axes is that the company has become saw and other technical innovations used us with a better understanding of the design standard setting within the axe . in areas such as forestry, the construction and function of axes used today. An example of this is the elimination 1 industry and energy production. Conse- of unnecessary and resource-hungry, in quently, axe lore also decreased. Know- Gränsfors Bruks, which is situated in the some cases environmentally harmful pro- ledge was lost not only within a dwind- northern part of the Swedish province of duction processes. This development has ling group of users, but also among axe Hälsingland, has taken this particular aspect been welcomed from an environmental manufacturers and axe traders. to heart, and axe lore manifests itself in a perspective by axe users and by other number of ways. For instance, through the axe manufacturers, the result being that

tradition of axe manufacturing; the actual a number of competitors have tried to 2 manufacture of axes today; the Gränsfors imitate Gränsfors Bruks’ axes. Plagiarism The smiths’ tools Axe Museum, the network made up of is perhaps the best testimonial a product discerning ‘‘axe enthusiasts’’ can receive, but an original remains fore- at home and abroad, as well ver an original. as documentation of know- ledge. Past knowledge The axe is still regarded as a useful tool in has been researched, today’s society, even though it is used less 3 applied, documented and and axe lore has decreased considerably. learned by the smiths so that Axes are still used and will continue to be Illustrations by N.N. Eremina-Enander old knowledge is blended used in the foreseeable future. This is why from the book, Klassiskt Järnsmide, in which the axe- smith, L. Enander, demon- with modern techniques in it is important that knowledge is revived, strates how different ancient axes are different areas. recorded and passed on. forged.

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GNY-e.indd 4-5 05-04-20 14.00.10 Development of The Iron Axe

Axes have been around for thousands of A major problem for the smiths in years and seen from an historical perspec- those days seems to have been the tive may have been the most important uneven quality of iron, with regard tool used by man. Primarily, the axe has to its properties and carbon content. been used as a utility tool, but it has also Eventually, however, progress led to served as a weapon and as a cult artefact the refinement of iron into steel that to symbolise status and power. For many could be hardened which resulted in a years, stone, bronze and copper were the better end product. But, it took until most important materials used to make the 20th century before steel could be The head of the socketed axe was forged into a wedge- axes. produced industrially thus ensuring an shape, and the handle fastened into a socket. even quality and carbon content. When iron extraction first began in around 500 BC, iron became the Scandinavian smiths were influenced The earliest iron axes were the so-called findings indicate that they were not only predominant material for axe production. by craftsmanship in Europe during the socketed axes. These were forged into a used as axes, but also as chisels and wood The art of iron extraction and use of iron time of the Great Migration, when wedge shape from the poll to the cutting chisels. brought about great economic and social both smiths and axes travelled between edge. These axes did not have an eye - changes. Agricultural work was intensi- different countries and regions. In but rather the handle was fastened into In Scandinavia, socketed axes were in use fied, which led to an increase in the popu- spite of this, regional characteristics a socket, which accounts for the name. until about the year 600. But, findings lation and a greater need for new equip- of axes and broad-axes can be seen. This type of axe was a legacy from earlier at burial places in Jämtland and Härjeda- ment and better tools. The axe became For instance, some of the shapes of socketed axes cast in bronze. len suggest that this type of axe was in a precondition for both development and axes, which are typical for the Nordic common use in these areas up until the survival. countries, were developed at this time. Socketed axes had a variety of uses: some Viking era.

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GNY-e.indd 6-7 05-04-20 14.00.12 During the From the 11th century, axes were produced 7th century, with a so-called handle-socket. At this time, iron axes with axe blades were often larger and of a more oval handle even width. The thin-bladed combat axe also eyes became became common in the Nordic common in countries during this period. Sweden. The ded lugs on each side of the eye below the oval-shaped axe eye was a technical axe-head. The lugs, which we now call ‘‘ears’’, Today, there are very few handles improvement, since the handle was firmly enable the axe-head to get a firm grip on the preserved from the early Iron fixed and could not twist in the hole. shaft. This type of axe is called the two-lugged Age, although the type of wood axe. During this period, the so-called four- was probably the same as that These handle-eyed axes were also forged lugged axes were also developed. These axes used during the late Middle into a wedge-shape, and had two exten- were quite common in Norway and Iceland. Ages and up until our time, i.e. beech, birch, ash, and witch elm. Axe handles were normally straight, but during the Viking The socket and the were forged Age curved handles were sometimes separately before being welded together. found on carving axes, for instance, to The handle-eyed axes had two or four lugs and were forged into a achieve a better balance. The handles on the single wedge-shaped piece. Above is felling axes probably remained straight until a two-lugged axe and to the left an the end of the 19th century when Ameri- example of a type of four-lugged axe. can- style axes with curved handles became common even in Europe.

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GNY-e.indd 8-9 05-04-20 14.00.14 The Axe As An Everyday Tool – The Utility Axe

During the , the axe was prima- the hatchet was an ideal tool to use for The basic hatchets and chopping axes logs and planks. This meant the broad rily one of the most important tools used carving since it only required the use of were later developed into new types of axe was of great importance in the cons- for cultivation. The axe enabled man to one hand to work with it. The felling axes axes such as splitting axes and broad axes, truction of Viking buildings (skiftesverk- transform the natural landscape into cul- were larger, heavier, and weighed between which came to the Northern countries hus)** and clinker-built boats***, both tivated land, and in many ways provided 800-1200 grams. These were used mainly from Middle and Western Europe during of which came into production in the one of the basic conditions for the buil- for felling trees and timber to provide the 7th century. The broad axe was used latter part of the 7th century. This form ding up of society and culture. material for housing and building boats. mostly for hewing timber and squaring of construction was particularly common during the . The early iron axes can be divided into the following In the first place, the early groups: hatchets, felling axes, socketed and handle-eyed and later battle axes, of which axes were popular tools used hatchets and chopping axes for chopping and wood- became the most common work. However, the most utility tools. The wedge- common utility axes also had shaped axe from the time of to serve as weapons until the Great Migration was deve- special axes more suitable for loped into a typical utility axe. battle were developed.

The hatchets had short hand- Parts of The Bayeux Tapestry* illus- *The Bayeux Tapestry is approximately 70 meters in length (231 feet). It is embroidered in clear colours with scenes les and the axe head seldom weighed trate that the axe was frequently used that depict the preparations for battle and the Battle of Hastings, 1066. The tapestry, woven in the 11th century, is as a utility tool for felling trees and preserved in the town of Bayeux in the west of France. more than 600 grams. Because of its size, boat construction. **Skiftesverksystemet denotes a type of house-building technique characterized by horizontal planks placed one on top of the other. ***Clinker-built is a term used in boat building. In wooden boats, external planks overlap downwards.

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GNY-e.indd 10-11 05-04-20 14.00.16 The Axe As A Weapon – The Battle Axe

The Viking Age was between 800 and balanced feel to them. blades and were often attached to a long seldom weighed more than 500 grams. 1050 AD in the Northern countries. Gradually, the Nordic smiths developed a handle by four lugs above and below the The relatively slow development of the When the went into battle, the specific type of axe more suitable for battle. eye. In addition, the long curved blade was battle axe is probably due to its initial axe was an important weapon. It is some- This axe became the predecessor for the equipped with an accentuated steel edge. unpopularity as a weapon. People felt times difficult to separate the axes that future development of axes used in battle. These thin-bladed battle axes were kept more at home using traditional weapons were used in battle from craftsmen’s axes The battle axes had wide edges and thin intentionally lightweight and the axe head such as and , and at the because during same time asso- the early years ciated the axe these hand axes with the tradi- were at times also tional work of used in battle. the craftsman.

It would be Production of quite wrong the thin-bladed to describe the battle axe smiths’ crafts- began in the manship during 10th century, the Viking Age and during the as primitive. On Viking Age the contrary, the these weapons methods used to became the produce axes and other tools were well- The battle axe was frequently used seen in the Bayeux Tapestry’s depiction height of fashion. In all probability, axes developed. The axes were often distinctly in great battles, which can be clearly of the Battle of Hastings, 1066. were used in battles in Northern Europe wedge-shaped, functional and had a long after the Viking Age had ended.

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GNY-e.indd 12-13 05-04-20 14.00.18 The Cult Axe – A Symbol of Power and Status

The axe has been a cult accessory and During the Viking Age, the battle axe was a symbol of power in many cultures regarded primarily as a symbol of status since prehistoric times: in China, the Inca and dignity in Northern Europe, which was Empire, and to name a most apparent in Norway and Iceland. The few. That the axe was regarded as an thin-bladed, four-lugged battle axe appeared object that possessed power and instilled on ceremonial occasions where it became a fear was especially plain in ancient times. symbol of power and status for its owner. As an emblem of authority and the power These axes were often elegantly decorated to administer punishment, Roman offi- with, for instance, silver thread inlaid in the cials wore a so-called fasces which consis- , and shaped both to please as well as to ted of a bundle of rods bound together show the prosperity of their owner. around an axe with the blade projecting. The same symbol is found today on the The battle axe acquired a particularly promi- coat of arms for the Swedish police and nent role in Norway, since it was King Olav military police, the emblems of which the Saint’s attribute. King Olav the Saint of show a bundle of rods with a projecting Norway, who reigned during the latter part axe-blade. of the Viking Age, later became Norwegian patron saint. During the and , The battle axe as a symbol of power and status is the axe was regarded as a cult accesory illustrated clearly in several scenes on the Bayeux in Northern Europe, and remained so Tapestry. The picture shows Harald, who later became King of England, being offered the crown in the year throughout the Iron Age and Viking Age 1066. He holds in his hand a characteristic battle axe up to present time. as a manifestation of his power.

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GNY-e.indd 14-15 05-04-20 14.00.22 Replicas of Ancient Axes Replicas are forged by hand at Gränsfors In the production process, the smith Bruks by the axe-smiths Lars Enander forges the replicas by hand shaping the (LE)*, Claudia Kowalek (CK) and Ulrika glowing iron, heated to 1200 degrees Stridsberg (US). Lars is a fourth genera- Celsius by pounding it with hammers or tion smith who for many years has had a sledgehammers. The smith’s knowledge special interest in the work of Viking Age and craftsmanship is vital in this process. smiths. He has been commissioned by Not only should the replica resemble various museums to forge replicas of iron the original as closely as possible but it The smith, Lars findings from archaeological excavations. should also fulfil the demands for quality Enander, heating expected of a utility tool today. (The iron in the furnace. The Old Northern European Axes in this replicas are probably of better quality series are based on original axes from the than the originals ever were). After forging, the Iron Age and the Viking Age. The origi- edge of the axe is nals can be found at different museums. After forging, the replicas made at Gräns- sharpened The design and final shaping of replicas is fors Bruks are sharpened, tempered, adapted so that it corresponds as far as is annealed, and finally simply made hand- possible to the original. les are attached. Replicas are not kept in stock but are made to order. From a social historical point of view, these replicas are useful because the qua- *In co-operation with Karl-Gunnar Norén, Lars lity of design means that we can actually Enander has also written two textbooks on forging: Järnsmidesboken and also Klassiskt järnsmide, Nielsen try out some of the types of axes used by & Norén publishing, 2001. Lars holds classes in the our ancestors. art of forging on a regular basis at Gränsfors Bruks.

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GNY-e.indd 16-17 05-04-20 14.00.29 Two-Lugged Chopping Axe Two-Lugged Beard Axe (Broad Axe) A Swedish axe developed during the 7th century and first used on the island of Gotland and in A Swedish axe developed during the 7th century. central parts of Sweden. The two lugs below the eye The broad axe originally came to the Nordic countries give the axe its characteristic look. The edge is short from Western and Central Europe and was subse- and straight. quently developed into two basic axe types: the two- lugged and the four-lugged. The two-lugged broad axe is characte- The chopping axe is thought to have been used rised by two lugs below the eye and was often quite big and heavy. primarily for felling trees as well as for timbering It had a short handle and a long extended edge. when building houses and boats. Axes with a short edge, about 7 cm long and weighing about 1 kg had The beard axe was used primarily as a tool for woodwork and for been used for felling and lopping trees right up into cutting and smoothing planks, for example. This type of axe was the 20th century. an essential tool used for boat building and in the construction of Viking buildings (skiftesverkhus) which were built using horizontal This replica, forged by hand, is based on an 11th planks. century axe discovered at Mästermyr on Gotland. The axe was found lying in a carpenter’s toolbox, This replica, forged by hand, is based on an 11th century axe which indicates that it belonged to a versatile crafts- found in Gothem on the island of Gotland. The original axe is man. The original axe is exhibited at the Museum of exhibited at the Museum of National Antiquities in Stockholm. National Antiquities in Stockholm.

Straight handle, 75 cm Straight handle, 75 cm Length of edge, 7 cm Length of edge, 15 cm Weight including handle approx., 1.3 kg Weight including handle approx., 1.6 kg

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GNY-e.indd 18-19 05-04-20 14.00.32 Four-Lugged Chopping Axe Battle Axe

A Norwegian axe from the 7th century which was This style of axe was developed in the Nordic developed into a western Scandinavian type. It is countries during the 10th century. It is characte- characterised by its four eye-lugs: two above and rised by its four eye-lugs: two above and two two below the eye. The axe has a relatively wide, below the eye. The axe has a wide, thin blade curved edge. with a long curved blade with its accentuated steel edge. Archaeological findings indicate that this type of axe probably formed part of people’s personal The battle axe was common in the Nordic equipment. It was used both as a hatchet and as a countries during the Viking Age and was consi- working axe, but also as a weapon in battle before dered the height of fashion. The axe was prima- the actual battle axe was developed. rily used in battle, but also signified the power and dignity of its owner. This replica, forged by hand, is based on an axe dating back to the 9th century, and was found This replica, forged by hand, is based on an in Skåne in the southern part of Sweden. The axe used during the Viking Age. The original is original axe is exhibited at the Museum Kulturen exhibited at Jämtlands Läns Museum in Öster- in Lund. sund.

Straight handle, 60 cm Straight handle, 85 cm Length of edge, 12 cm Length of edge, 20 cm Weight including handle approx. 1 kg Weight including handle, approx. 1.2 kg.

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GNY-e.indd 20-21 05-04-20 14.00.35 Gutter Adze

A Scandinavian style axe from the Viking A Scandinavian style axe similar to the Age characterised by its transverse edge. The regular adze apart from its edge which is adze, or tväryxa as it was also called, was a shaped differently. This adze is characteri- type of axe with a wide range of uses such sed by its sharply concave, bowl-shaped as in carpentry and as a cutting tool used to edge. The gutter adze was mainly used to make boat frames. hollow out timber, which this particular type of edge made possible. This replica, forged by hand, is based on several originals. This replica, forged by hand, is based on several originals.

Straight handle, 65 cm Curved handle, 65 cm Straight edge, 7 cm Curved edge, approx. 8 cm Weight including handle, approx. 1.3 kg Weight including handle, approx. 1.5 kg.

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GNY-e.indd 22-23 05-04-20 14.00.37 Broad Axe Bearded Axe With Eye-Socket

A Danish style axe from the 11th century, A northern European axe dating from the early although the original type is in all proba- part of the 12th century. Axes with eye-sockets bility much older. The axe is characterised made their breakthrough in the early Middle Ages by its long extended edge and its curved in Europe. A characteristic of this axe is the long, handle. sturdy eye-socket, and also its wide edge.

The broad axe was first and foremost a The bearded axe with its eye-socket was developed tool used for woodworking, such as in from the two-lugged axe type and was used for cutting and smoothing planks for house timbering and splitting logs. It was probably also and boat construction. used for carpentry.

This replica, forged by hand, is based on This replica, forged by hand, is based on a number an original from the 11th century. The of similar axe types from the early Middle Ages. original axe is on display at the Viking Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.

Curved handle, 50 cm Straight handle, 60 cm, Length of edge, 37 cm Length of edge, 12 cm, Weight including handle, approx. 1.3 kg. Weight including handle, approx. 1.1 kg.

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GNY-e.indd 24-25 05-04-20 14.00.39 The Axe Museum References and Bibliography

Adjacent to Gränsfors Bruks is the Gräns- extensive information is also available. Greta Arwidsson och Gösta Berg: Karl L. Mörkved: fors Axe Museum. The museum’s collec- This museum is not run for profit. The The Mästermyr Find Oksa som skogsverktoy tion consists of approximately 2000 axes, collection came about thanks to the many Larsson Publishing Company, 1999 Reprinted from the yearbook, The both old and new, mostly from Sweden. gifts received and voluntary work. Norwegian Forestry Museum, 1961- Lars Enander and K.G. Norén: 1962 Järnsmidesboken The Axe Museum in Nielsen & Norén publishing, 1998 Carin Orrling: combination with the Vikingar Lars Enander and K.G. Norén: The Swedish Institute, 1997 ongoing production of Klassiskt Järnsmide axes at Gränsfors Bruks Nielsen & Norén publishing, 2001 Mogens Rud: form the basis of our Bayeuxtapeten - om slaget vid Hastings John Haywood: 1066 holistic approach - an Historical Atlas of the Vikings Tidens publishing, 1994 approach that provides Penguin books, 1995 an understanding of the G. Steinsland and P. Meulengracht: Lars Holmblad and J. Leonardsson: Människor och makt i Vikingarnas värd cultural background and Vikingarnas värd Ordfront publishing, 1998 social history of the axe. Museum of National Antiquities, 2001 Håkan Strotz: Tomas Johansson: Yxans utveckling från stenåldern fram The museum is situated Forntida teknik till i dag. at Gränsfors Bruks’ Axe ICA publishing, 1993 Thesis written at Skogshögskolan in forge between Hudiksvall Umeå, 1994 and Sundsvall, 10 km Susan M. Margeson: Viking The exibition Vikingar held at the The exhibition includes everything from from the E4 highway, on the road between Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 1994 Museum of National Antiquities in early iron axes and replicas of old models Gnarp and Bergsjö. The museum is almost Stockholm, Autumn 2001 to brand new industrially manufactured always open. Gränsfors Axe Museum axes. Besides the many axes displayed, Phone Sweden: +46 652 71090

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GNY-e.indd 26-27 05-04-20 14.00.41 Gränsfors Bruks has manufactured axes since 1902. In addition to the book of Ancient Northern European Axes, Gränsfors Bruks also publishes The Axe Book, translated into four languages, and also the book: Yxa med dubbelegg (Double-Bit Axes) in co-operation with The Swedish Axe Thro- wing Society. The Axe Book can be ordered through:

GNY-e.indd 28-3 05-04-20 14.00.44 GNY-e.indd 4 05-04-20 14.00.46