Lost Port Royal

Andy Miller

© 2021

Port Royal 1690 painting by Peter Dunn

Yellow Sign Art by Erik Huffine Chaosium Yellow Sign © 1989 Chaosium Inc. Used with permission.

Other photos and art are public domain or free for public commercial use in the United States. Fonts used are free for commercial use.

Fonts: Booter - Five One, Ge orgia, Trebuchet MS, Anke Print, Black Sam’s Gold.

The photo of Robert W. Chambers on pp. 30, 35, 49 was published by L.C. Page and Company, Boston, 1903. It is in the Public Domain in the United States.

Call of Cthulhu is a Trademark of Chaosium Inc. and is used with their permission via the OBS Community Content program. SampleFor more information please visit Chaosium’s website: www.chaosium.com file The Miskatonic Repository Logo is used under license.


“Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices,

That, if I then had waked after long sleep,

Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming,

The clouds methought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked, I cried to dream again.”

― William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 3, Scene 2

H.P. Lovecraft - 1890-1937 Robert W. Chambers - 1865-1933

Special Thanks to my playtesters:

Kyle Matheson

Hannah Gambino James Brown Ambralyn Tucker Helen Koeval SampleYori Latimer file


Lost Port Royal

Investigating Carcosa ...... 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS Approaching the City ...... 27 Entering the City ...... 27

Carcosa and Madness ...... 28 Table of Contents ...... 5 Forward ...... 6 Encounters in Carcosa...... 29 Introduction ...... 7 The Odd Man in the Gallery ...... 30 The Destruction of Port Royal ...... 31 Keeper’s Information ...... 7 The Terrible Day - Saturday, June 7, 1692 ...... 31 The No-Win Situation ...... 8 Players’ Information ...... 8 Stopping Carcosa ...... 31 Aldebaran ...... 8 Success or Failure? ...... 31 The Aftermath ...... 32 Pirates and Seamen ...... 8 A Good Ship ...... 9 Sanity Rewards ...... 32 Where is The King in Yellow ? ...... 9 Afterword/Playtest Notes ...... 32 Adapting the Scenario ...... 9 Bibliography ...... 34 Villains, Foils, and Typical NPCs ...... 35 Locale ...... 11 ...... 11 Father Diego Alejandro Tafalla ...... 35 Port Royal ...... 12 George Rowley ...... 35 Recent History ...... 12 Jack Scott ...... 35 Typical Craftsman ...... 36 Port Royal in 1692 ...... 12 Areas in Port Royal ...... 13 Typical Laborer ...... 36 Royal Navy Ships ...... 15 Typical Seaman/Sailor/Pirate ...... 36 Typical Soldier ...... 36 Defenders ...... 15 Significant People ...... 37 Rumors and Oddities ...... 15 Creating Investigators ...... 15 Cleve Pettwood ...... 37 The Beginning of the End ...... 17 Gregorio & Giovanni D’Arezzo ...... 37 Jim Fowler ...... 37 Strange Beginnings - Saturday, May 31, 1692 ...... 17 Alice Bray ...... 38 The Yellow Sign ...... 17 Effects on Significant People† ...... 18 William Fisher ...... 38 The Print Shop, Sunday, June 1, 1692 ...... 19 Lily Campbell ...... 38 Maps ...... 39 The Watchman† - Monday, June 2, 1692 ...... 20 West Indies ...... 39 The Attacking Madman† ...... 20 The Maroons† ...... 20 Jamaica ...... 40 Confusing Streets† - Tuesday, June 3, 1692 ...... 21 Port Royal 1690 by Peter Dunn, Marked ...... 41 Port Royal 1690 by Peter Dunn, Unmarked ...... 42 Guernsey Sets Out ...... 21 The Priest† ...... 21 Port Royal Map, All Locations Marked ...... 43 High Street and Lime Street ...... 21 Port Royal Map, Marked ...... 44 More Madmen† ...... 22 Port Royal Map, Streets Only ...... 45 Port Royal Marked Map Key ...... 46 Seeker of righteousness† ...... 22 The Warehouse ...... 22 Handouts ...... 47 The Strange City ...... 23 Handout 1 ...... 47 First Appearance - Wednesday, June 4, 1692 ...... 23 Yellow Sign Flier ...... 47 Some Weaponry of the Era ...... 48 Statues† ...... 23 The Maroons Return ...... 23 NPC Pictures ...... 49 Things in the Sky† ...... 23 Significant People Pictures ...... 50 The City Across the Bay - Thursday, June 5, 1692 ...... 24 Pregenerated Investigator Pics ...... 51 Pregenerated Investigators Info ...... 52 The Towers† ...... 24 Night Sky† ...... 25 Pregenerated Investigators ...... 53 Byakhee Attack† ...... 25 Dean Ackworth ...... 53 Dr. Merriam Leighlin ...... 55 The Lost† ...... 25 Sam Fowler ...... 57 Carcosa Ascendant - Friday, June 6, 1692 ...... 26 Fleeing Rats ...... 26 Brün Jaeger ...... 59 SampleFlint Dawson ...... file...... 61 Byakhee in the Daylight† ...... 26 Theophilus Dawson ...... 63 Masqueraders ...... 26

Lost Carcosa ...... 27 5

Lost Port Royal

The English crown either remained silent in the face of this FORWARD or merely sent mild reprimands. Modyford reported Spanish crimes against England whether they happened or not. When

ordered to return stolen goods or ships, he wrote long letters “At no other time in the world's histor y has the business of piracy thriven so greatly as in the seventeenth century and the with excuses defending why it could not be done. Despite the first part of the eighteenth. Its golden age may be said to have in 1667, piracy against Spain increased. In 1668, Modyford employed to captain the extended from about 1650 to about 1720.” --John Fiske privateer fleet. A Spanish attack on Jamaica in 1670 gave him

The Golden Age of Piracy lasted from approximately the 1650s a good excuse to send Morgan out to take whatever ships he until the 1730s. The term “Golden Age” was first quoted by could find, leading to the attack on Panama. Unfortunately for Modyford, the second Treaty of Madrid, English journalist George Powell in 1894 when reviewing Charles Leslie’s A New and Exact signed in July 1670, meant peace between England and Spain. (1739). Use of the term was followed up in 1897 by historian Modyford was revoked of his commission and returned to John Fiske. England. He was replaced by Sir Thomas Lynch, who offered pardons The buccaneering period of this golden age is said to be from 1650 to 1680. It consisted primarily of Anglo-French seamen to the privateers. Though merchants had become rich in Port from Jamaica and Tortuga attacking Spanish colonies in the Royal, the Jamaican planters were struggling due to a lack of West Indies as the was then known. The Pirate manpower as men went off to pirate the West Indies. Those who didn’t accept the pardon were declare d pirates and hunted Round portion of the age is set in the 1690s and takes place more in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea wherein pirates from down. Though pirates continued to come to Port Royal, they the robbed Muslims and the East India Company. never again had the freedom they had under Modyford. Henry Morgan was knighted in 1674 and appointed Finally, the post-Spanish Succession period lasted from about lieutenant-governor of Jamaica, returning in 1675. He secretly 1715 to 1726 and saw privateers and Anglo-Saxon sailors resume piracy after the War of the Spanish Succession in the encouraged the pirates that surreptitiously worked out of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the North American Eastern town until about 1680, when he changed his stance on the privateers and pirates as well. Seaboard, and the West African coast. His feelings reflected Jamaica’s. Jamaica’s trad e in sugar This scenario primarily concerns the first age of piracy in the West Indies or the Caribbean. was becoming more important than income from piracy. The Port Royal was no stranger to piracy and privateering. Her pirates left, many heading for the South Sea (Pacific) and later the Carolinas of North America. governors, from the very beginning, proved more interested in Piracy markedly dropped altogether after King James II monetary gain than politics back home in England, sometimes going directly against orders from the crown in order to fill offered a pardon to who would give up their pirate their pockets and their coffers. With a distance of months from life in 1687 and a similar offer came from France in 1688. Around the same time, a larger and more efficient navy came to England, they were able to get away with sometimes figuratively thumbing their noses at their commanders and the West Indies. Piracy was becoming less profitable and more superiors back home, so long as they made a profit. dangerous. No governor more warmly embraced piracy, it seems, than Andy Miller July 2021 Sir Thomas Modyford, who came to Port Royal in June of 1664 and would govern Jamaica for six years. Though he spoke of ending the privateering altogether when he first arrived, and even initially repealed all privateering commissions, he soon changed his tune. Within only two weeks of his first statement about the privateers, he reconsidered and was soon one of their most steadfast patrons and supporters. Despite his claims against piracy and support for trade with Spanish colonies, he never turned away the sale of a Spanish prize in Port Royal, nor did many pirates remain imprisoned for long while he was governor. Soon, with an informal war between England and Holland, he was handing out commissions against the Dutch in the form of letters of marque. Sample This didn’t bring as much booty as raiding the file Spanish would, and Modyford soon had commissions against Spain despite the peace between that nation and his own.


Lost Port Royal

Keeper’s Information

Lost Port Royal “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.” --Genesis 13:13 Or Doomed if You Do, Doomed if Yo u Don’t Andy Miller The Spanish Jesuit Priest Diego Alejandro Tafalla has taken the Originally Written May - July 2017 title “wickedest city on Earth” literally when it comes to Port Revised and Expanded June - August 2021 Royal. He believes the place to be evil, despite the English alliance with Spain. Obsessively focused on Sodom and Gomorrah, and believing Port Royal to be a new version of those evil places, he set out to find a way to destroy the town and rid the Earth of it forever. His search took him nearly a decade and led him from Spain to Italy, but he finally found what he was looking for in a forbidden tome called the Necronomicon and fragments of certain other blasphemous works. According to those writings, a certain sigil and spells could draw forth a place called Carcosa, which would sup upon a city of vice and melancholy, absorbing it unto itself. Though he feared to cast the actual Build Carcosa spell which would allow him to summon that terrible place directly to Earth, he was able to glean enough to see his plan to fruition. He arrived in Port Royal in late April and began to put his plot into motion, secretly spreading the dreaded Yellow Sign and gathering followers who would help him in his mad quest. He toiled for weeks until, in late May, strangeness comes to INTRODUCTION Port Royal as Hastur’s influence and Carcosa begin to notice it. It is the end of May and, within a week, one way or another, Father Diego’s plans reach fruition. The Jesuit priest is The Golden Age of Piracy has been long and, for some, hard. unlikely to live to see it, as his own mind has given out on him The days of freebooting and privateering seem to be drawing to and succumbing to the ill effects of the terrible things he is a close in the West Indies in the summer of 1692, however. doing, but he intends to see it through. With an alliance between Spain and England in 1671, the Two other parties are moving as well. buccaneers of Port Royal have become personae non grata. A The Maroons are African slaves who were released by the few years after Privateer Henry Morgan became Lt. Governor Spanish when the British took Jamaica or who escaped from of Jamaica in 1674, the English started prosecuting pirates. plantations, hiding away in the Blue Mountains and Cockpit Though things have quieted down in “the wickedest city on Country. One small group know of the mi-go, who have a earth,” all is not completely well. People are acting strangely in hidden mine in the mountains of Jamaica. When they reported Port Royal and a strange sigil appears on buildings all over the the Yellow Sign showing up sporadically in Port Royal in early town. No one knows exactly what it means. Perhaps it’s a May, they were told to learn all they could and ensure it was French plot. England is part of a coalition including Austria not the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, enemy of the mi-go. and the Holy Roman Empire, the Dutch Republic, Spain, and Additionally, one of the mad followers of Brother Diego, an Savoy, that has been at war with France since 1688. Can the Englishman named George Rowley, has gotten it into his head mystery of the oddities in the city be solved before it’s too late? he might save Port Royal. He is convinced if he finds 10 Or is Port Royal doomed? righteous men in the city, it will not be destroyed by Carcosa. Lost Port Royal takes place in the West Indies in the He has some information of what is going on, if he can be summer of 1692 in Port Royal, Jamaica. The British town has found and if investigators can make head or tail as to what he is long been a haven for pirates and buccaneers, but order has talking about. He is also quite mad. finally come to the only port of entry for Jamaica. Though the The only others in the town who might be able to stop what scenario follows a timeline, there are several instances where is happening are the investigators, a band of misfits, pirates, the Keeper can add specific occurrences or introduce and scholars who have long visited or lived in Port Royal. If reoccurringSample events in order to lengthen the game, or remove file they are unable to stop the plan, the town is doomed. Even if them to shorten it. It was originally played as a campaign they succeed, however, Port Royal is visited by a terrible game. It would take some cutting for convention play. earthquake on the morning of June 7 and destroyed. 7