
Unit 1 – ’s History & Approaches AP Psych Assignment: Write and define/explain terms and identify; write and answer questions. Skip a line between each or highlight each term and question. The completed assignment is worth 100 points. It will be used as the basis for discussion, to answer questions on quizzes and tests, and as a reference for various class projects worth additional points.

Section 1: What is Psychology (pp. 2-7) Define: – structuralism – functionalism – – cognitive – psychology Identify: Socrates – – Rene Descartes – – Wilhelm Wundt – E. B. Titchenor – – Mary Whiton Calkins – – John B. Watson – Rosalie Rayner – B.F. Skinner 1. Explain the historical development of psychology through the views of: Buddha, Confucius, Hebrew scholars, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Bacon, Locke. 2. Give & explain the modern view of knowledge. 3. What event defined the start of scientific psychology? 4. Give & explain the research method closely tied to structuralism. Why did it fail as a method for understanding how the works? 5. Explain how evolutionist Charles Darwin influenced William James’ thinking regarding the functions of thoughts & . 6. From which two more established fields did psychology develop? 7. How was psychology defined under: Wundt & Titchener, behaviorists, modern ?

Section 2: Contemporary Psychology (pp. 8-15) Define: -nurture issue – natural selection – levels of analysis – biopsychosocial approach – biological psychology – – psychodynamic psychology – behavioral psychology – – social- – basic research – – applied research – industrial- organizational psychology – human factors psychology – – psychiatry Identify: Plato – Aristotle – Locke – Descartes – Charles Darwin 1. What is the biggest & most historic question in psychology? 2. Explain the perspectives of the following individuals on the nature-nurture debate: Plato, Aristotle, John Locke, Rene Descartes 3. Explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection, including his belief regarding the theory’s applications. 4. Give & explain contemporary psychology’s position on the nature-nurture debate. 5. Give three categories used to analyze psychological issues under the biopsychosocial approach & identify several factors considered under each category. (Figure 1.1) 6. What do psychology’s different perspectives do for one another? Give & explain the focus of the seven current approaches to psychology. (Table 1.1) 7. The various subfields of psychology are united through what common quest? 8. What is the goal of those who conduct basic research? Give & explain six types of psychologists that fall within this category. 9. What is the goal of those who conduct applied research? Give & explain four types of psychologists in this category. 10. What can psychiatrists do that psychologists cannot?