Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may, june, july Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 2 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Aegotheles cristatus/owlet nightja 1 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after da 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Peturus norfolcensis/squirrel glide 1 4.7.2012 23.57. 151.16 x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 4,7.2012 23.58. 151.19 x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 4.7.2012 23.57. 151.16 x peppermint tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Morelia spilota/carpet python 1 4.7.2012 23.57. 151.16 x peppermint tree s.73 irrelevant information 5.7.201s.732 irrelevant23.58. s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationLive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55. 151.16 x under the bark of dead tree 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 5.7.201s.732 irrelevant23.55. s.73 information irrelevant151.16 EHP informationx large dead blue gum 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55. 151.16 x windrowed timber heap 12.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 verreauxii/legless lizar 1 12.7.2012 23.55. 151.16 drain embankmen 19.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 19.7.2012 23.16. -151.16 x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream 20.7.2012 23.50. 151,16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 20.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 1 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity Permit holder's address: Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information EHP Permit number:* WI RP10716712 - s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* RELEASE DL

s.73 irrelevant information 14/01/2013 23.47 151.13 Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.47 RTI151.13 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 3 15/01/2013 23.46 151.12 Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.45 151.12 Alive 6 Litoria caerulen/Green tree frog 1 16/01/2013 23.45 151.12 Dead 6 Vericelia annulata/bandy bandy snake 1 23.45 151.12 Alive 6 Carlia vivax/ 1 17/01/2013s.73 23.45irrelevant informations.73151.12 irrelevant information Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 21/01/2013 23.52 151.15 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/Bearded dragon 1 23.52 151.15 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 22/01/2013 23.52 151.15 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 3/04/2013 23.46 150.58 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.46 151.58 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 120420 5 RTI 14-289 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 AliveFile A 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko Page 2 of 121 3 Wildlife data records Spotter catcher wildlife data records Action codes legend: R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) EHP -

Release details Actions Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments RELEASE DL

14/01/2013 23.47. 151.13. x tree hollow s.73 irrelevant information 14/01/2013 23.47. 151.13. x RTI tree hollow 15/01//2013s.73 irrelevant 23.6 information 151.13. x tree hollow 15/01/2013s.73 23.46.irrelevant information 151.12. x tree hollow x Windrowed timber Crushed by excavator 16/01/2013 23.46. 151.12. x Windrowed timber 17/01/2013 23.45. s.73151.12. irrelevant information x tree hollow 21/01/2013 23.52. 151.15. x Dead tree 21/01/2013 23.52. 151/15. x tree hollow s.73 irrelevant information 22/01/2013 23.52. 151.15. x tree hollow 3/04/2013 23.46. 150.58. x tree hollow 3/04/2013 23.46. 150.58. x tree hollow 120420 4/04/2013RTI 14-289 23.46. 150.58. x tree hollow File A Page 3 of 121 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Morelia spilota/carpet python 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 5/04/2013 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/Sheathtail bat 1 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 22/05/2013 25.08. 149.33. Alive 6 Petauroidies volans/greater glider 1 25.08. 149.33. Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 29/05/2013 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 litoria nasuta/rocket frog 1 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 gEhyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive EHP6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.51. 151.03. alive - 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 31/05/2013s.7323.52. irrelevant informations.73151.04. irrelevant information alive 6 Morelia spilota/ carpet python 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04. RELEASEalive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 2 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Pseudonaja textilis/Eastern brown snake 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Carlia vivax/skink 2 23.52. 151.04.DL alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. RTI151.04. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 2 23.52, 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 4/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 120420 2 RTI 14-289 File A Page 4 of 121 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 4 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow relocated within log to beyond clearing limits 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.46 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44 150.58 x tree hollow Flew to beyond clearing limits 5/04/2013 23.44 150.58 x tree hollow 22/05/2013 25.08 149.33 x tree hollow Escaped to beyong clearing limits 22/05/2013 25.08 149.33 x tree hollow relocated to nearby retained tree 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 X tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow EHP 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow - 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow Escaped to nearby retained vegetation 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013s.73 23.51irrelevant information s.73151.03 irrelevant information x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollowRELEASE contained within a log and relocated 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Construction area Relocated to site boundary 3/06/2013 23.52 151.03 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.03 x TreeDL hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151..04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x RTI Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 4/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow escaped from falling tree 120420 4/06/2013RTI 14-289 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow File A Page 5 of 121 5/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 3 23.52 151.04 alive 6 unidentified micro bats 7 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 6/06/2013 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 2 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 7/06/2013 23.51 151.04 alive 6 gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51 151.05 alive EHP6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 2 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 8 23.51 151.05 alive - 6 Litoria latopalmata/ broadpalm frog 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Lichmera indistincta/ brown honey eater 1 11-Jun 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 s.73 23.52irrelevant informations.73151.04 irrelevant information alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Aegotheles cristatus/ owlet nightjar 1 23.52 151.04 dead 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 7 23.52 151.04 RELEASEalive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52 151.04 dead 6 Pogona barbata/ bearded dragon 1 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04DL alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Aepyprymnus rufescens/Rufous bettong 2 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 13/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Lialis burtonis/Burtons snake lizard 1 23.52 RTI151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monitor 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 3 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monitor 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 unidentified micro bats 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 120420 2 RTI 14-289 File A Page 6 of 121 14/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 1 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within their log and allowed to self release 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Loose bark 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow EHP 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Ground litter - 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Active nest in small tree Retained where is until chicks are fledged 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013s.73 23.52. irrelevant informations.73151.04. irrelevant information x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated x Tree hollow Cause of death- crushed by falling tree- large unstable tree 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollowRELEASE x Ground litter Cause of death- crushed by falling tree 11/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x TreeDL hollow 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground cover Escaped to retained vegetation 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground litter 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x RTI Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyound clearing limits 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 120420 14/06/2013 RTI 14-289 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow File A Flew to beyond clearing limits Page 7 of 121 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 4 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 s.7323.52. irrelevant informations.73151.04. irrelevant information alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. Alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1

23.52. 151.04. dead 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 23.52. 151.04. alive EHP6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 2 23.52. 151.04. alive - 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1

RELEASE DL Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RTI

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 8 of 121 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Ground cover 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 17/06/2013s.73 23.52.irrelevant information s.73151.04 irrelevant information x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow

x Tree hollow Adult female with young. Killed by falling tree. Unstable dead tree. Orphaned juvenile will be raised in care for release upon maturity. C tree hollow EHPParent killed (above) 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x tree hollow - 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow


120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 9 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria nasuta/Rocket frog 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter s.73 irrelevant information 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 alive 6 gEhyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 X tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 EHPx Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow Escaped to nearby retained vegetatio 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Morelia spilota/ carpet python 1 31/05/2013 23.51 -151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 1 31/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 2 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 2 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Pseudonaja textilis/Eastern brown snak 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Construction area Relocated to site boundary 23.5 151.04 alive 6 Carlia vivax/skink 23/06/203 23.52 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 13/06/203 23.52 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 23/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151..04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 23/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 14/06/203 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake RELEASE14/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 14/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 24/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow escaped from falling tree s.73 irrelevant23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationalive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 44s.73/0 6irrelevant/203 23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationx Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 35/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 unidentified micro bats 75/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within their log and allowed to self releas 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Loose bark 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink DL 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 16/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzagRTI gecko 26/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 2 6/06/2013 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 26/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51 151.04 alive 6 gehyra dubia/Gecko 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 27/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 87/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Litoria latopalmata/ broadpalm fro 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Ground litter 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Lichmera indistincta/ brown honey eate 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Active nest in small tree Retained where is until chicks are fledged 11-Jun 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 2 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Aegotheles cristatus/ owlet nightja 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 dead 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 7 x Tree hollow Cause of death- crushed by falling tree- large unstable tre 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 dead 6 Pogona barbata/ bearded drago 1 x Ground litter Cause of death- crushed by falling tree RTI 14-289 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak File1 A 11/06/2013 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow Page 10 of 121 120420 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 1 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Aepyprymnus rufescens/Rufous bettong 2 12/06/2013 23.52.578 151.04. x Ground cover Escaped to retained vegetatio 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 12/06/2013 23.52.676 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Lialis burtonis/Burtons snake lizard 1 13/06/2013 23.52.731 151.04. x Ground litter 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monito 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 3 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monito 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 unidentified micro bats 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyound clearing limits 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 1 14/06/2013 23.52. s.73 irrelevant151.04. informationx Tree hollow Flew to beyond clearing limits 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2s.73 14/06/201 irrelevant3 23.52. information151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow s.73 irrelevant23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationalive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground cover 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 4 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glide 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 Alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow

23.52 151.04 dead 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 x Tree hollow Adult female with young. Killed by falling tree. Unstable dead tree. Orphaned juvenile will be raised in care for release upon maturity. Pare 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 C tree hollow killed (above) 19/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04.EHPx Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1s.73 19/06/201 irrelevant3 23.52. s.73 information irrelevant151.04. informationx Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 19/06/2013 23.52. -151.04. x Tree hollow

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RELEASE DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 11 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may, june, july Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 2 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Aegotheles cristatus/owlet nightja 1 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after da 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Peturus norfolcensis/squirrel glide 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 4,7.2012 23.58 151.19. x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x peppermint tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Morelia spilota/carpet python 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x peppermint tree s.73 irrelevant information 5.7.201s.732 irrelevant23.58. s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationLive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55 151.16. x under the bark of dead tree s.73 irrelevant information 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 5.7.2012 23.55 s.73 irrelevant151.16.EHP informationx large dead blue gum 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55 151.16. x windrowed timber heap 12.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 Anomalopus verreauxii/legless lizar 1 12.7.2012 23.55 151.16. drain embankmen 19.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 19.7.2012 23.16 -151.16. x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream 20.7.2012 23.50. 151,16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 20.7.2012 23.50 151.16. x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 12 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-May-2012 to 24-August-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/Yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 18.05.2012 x dead tree Escaped beyond clearing limit 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles critatus/Owlet nightja 1 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19. x dead tree flew beyond clearing limits 18.05,2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 18.05.2012 23.56 151.13. x large spotted gum 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 unidentified micro bats 40 18.05.2012 x large spotted gum flew beyond clearing limits 18.05.2012 23.57 151.29 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 2 18.05.2012 23.56 151.13. x large spotted gum 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 18.05.2012 23.56 152.13. x large dead tree 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 unidentified micro bats 20 18.05,2012 23.58 151.19. X large dead tree flew beyond clearing limits s.73 irrelevant information 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles critatus/Owlet nightja 1 18.05.2012 EHPx dead tree flew beyond clearing limits 19.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationlive 6 Trichosurus volpeculata/brushtail possum 1 19.05.201s.732 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant informationx dead tree stump Escaped beyond clearing limi 19.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Varanus tristis/black headed monito 1 19.05.2012 23.57 151.16. x wind rowed trees 21.05.2012 23.53 152.29 live 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 21.05.2012 - x peppermint tree released beyond clearing limit 21.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Trichosurus volpeculata/brushtail possum 1 21.05.2012 23.57 151.16. x peppermint tree 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Litoria gracilentea/green tree fro 1 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19. X peppermint tree

21.05…2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 21.05.2012 23.57 151.6.7 x peppermint tree 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monitor 1 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19. x peppermint tree Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 13 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may/June/July Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 21.05.2012 23.58 151,19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 21.05.2012 23.58 151.19 x Peppermint tree 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Podargus strigoides/tawny frogmouth 1 4.06.2012 x large tree escaped to beyond clearing limit 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Podargus strigoides/tawny frogmouth 2 4.02.2012 x small tree escaped to beyond clearing limit 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monito 1 4.06.2012 23.57 151.16 x dead tree

5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 death 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 3 5.06.2012 x large dead tree 3 dead caused by impact of falling tree. All normal proceedures followed 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.06,2012 23.57 151.16 x large peppermin 5.06.2012 23.58 151.28 live 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 5.06.2012 x dead tree escaped to standing tree, left to move on of own accor s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informationEHP 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 7 5.05.2012 s.73 irrelevant informationx Peppermint tree Contained within log and allowed to self realease after dark 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles cristatus/owlet nightja 1 5.06.2012 - X Peppermint tree escaped from tree hollow to beyond clearing limit 6.6.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 4 6.6.2012 x large spotted gum Contained within log and allowed to self realease after dark 6.6.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 6.6.2012 x Peppermint tree escaped to standing tree, left to move on of own accor 6.6.2012 23,58 151.18 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 6.6.2012 23.57 151.16 X Peppermint tree 6.6.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 2 6.6.2012 23.57 151.16 X large spotted gum 6.6.2012 23,58 151.19 death 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 6,6,2012 23.57 152.16 x large spotted gum death due to the impact of falling tre

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 14 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may/june/july 2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 7.6.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monito 1 7.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x small dead tree 7.6.2012 23.57. 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 7.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x windrow 7.6.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 7.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x windrow 8.6.2012 23.58. 151.19 live 6 morelia spilota/carpet python 1 8.6.12 23.56 151.16 x peppermint tree 8.6.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 8.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x peppermint tree

8.6.2012 23.57. 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 8.6.2012 X dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 8.6.2012 23,57, 151,19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 8.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x dead tree s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevantEHP information 18.6.2012s.73 irrelevant23.58. information151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 19.6.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark

19.6.2012 23.57. 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 - x small dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 19.6.2012 23.57. 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 19.6.2012 23.56 151.16 x peppermint tree 19.6.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/squirrel glide 6 19.6.2012 23.57 151.16 x peppermint tree 3.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Isoodon macrourus/northern brown bandicoo 1 3.7.2012 x grassy ground cove escaped to retained vegetatio 3.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 3.7.2012 23.58 151.19 x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16 x large dead tree

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 15 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 30.04.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 30.04.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 30.04.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis (Barred-sided Skink 1 30.04.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 1.05.201s.732 irrelevant23°24' s.73 information irrelevant150°29' informationAlive 6 Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon 1 1.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 1.05.2012 23°24' 150°29' Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 4 1.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 3 escaped to retained vegetation. 1 was relocate 2.04.2012 23°24' 150°29' Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 1 2.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton. Taken to Alma St. Vet, 2.05.2012 23°24 150°29' Alive - Injured 6 Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) 1 2.05.2012 n/a n/a Y Rockhampton. Vet later advised that it had been successfully treated and released. s.73 irrelevant information 4.05.2012 23°24 150°30' Alive 6 Litoria fallax (Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog 8 4.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.24 s.73 information irrelevant150.29. informationY Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 4.05.2012 23°24 s.73 irrelevant150°30' informationAlive 6 Litoria chloris (Red-eyed Tree Frog 3 4.05.2012 23.24 150.29.EHPY Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 5.05.2012 23°24 150°30' Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 5.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 2 escaped to retained vegetation. 1 was relocate 8.08.201s.732 irrelevant23°24 information150°30' Alive 6 Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon 1 8.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 151°90. Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 11.05.2012 23.24 -150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 150°29. Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zig Zag Velvet Gecko 1 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 s.73 irrelevant150°30. informationAlive 6 Litoria nastua (Rocket Frog 1 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 150°30. Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 16 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 11.05.2012 23°24 150°30 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zig Zag Velvet Gecko 1 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23°24 s.73 information irrelevant150°29 informationAlive 6 Cryptoblepahrus virgatus (Wall Skink 6 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 15.05.2012 S 23.58 E 151.19. Alive 6 Diporiphora australis (Tommy Roundhead 1 15.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 16.05.2012 S 23.58 s.73 irrelevantE 151.19. informationAlive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 16.05.2012 S 23.55 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island s.73 irrelevant information 16.05.2012 S 23.58 E 151.19. Alive 3 Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied Sheathtail Bat) 3 16.05.2012 n/a n/a Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island Contained within log and allowed to self-release after dark 16.05.2012 S 23.58 s.73 irrelevantE 151.19. informationAlive 6 Heteronotia binoei (Bynoe’s gecko 2 16.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.58 s.73 information irrelevantE 151.19 informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island Killed by impact of falling tree. All procedures followed. Corpse buried o s.73 irrelevant information 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Dead 6 Trichosurus vulpecula (Brushtail Possum) 1 / / / EHP Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island site 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Acrobats pygmaeus (Feathertail Glider 2 17.05.2012 S 23.55 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 3 17.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 2 were relocated. 1 escaped to retained vegetatio 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 3 Petaurus australis (Yellow-bellied Glider 1 17.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant-151.19 informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationAlive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 7 17.05.2012 S 23.57. E 151.16. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 5 were relocated. 2 escaped to retained vegetatio 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata (Green Tree Snake 1 17.05.2012 S 23.55. E 151.16. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 3 Petaurus australis (Yellow-bellied Glider 2 17.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.55. s.73 information irrelevantE 151.16. informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 1 was relocated. 1 escaped to retained vegetatio 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 18.05.2012 S 23.56. E 151.13. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 17 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 19.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Varanus tristis (Black-headed Monitor 1 18.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.53 151.19 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zigzag Gecko 2 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island s.73 irrelevant information 21.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationAlive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula (Brushtail Possum 1 21.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.57 s.73 information irrelevantE 151.16 informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Litioria gracilentea (Green Tree Frog 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.19 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Varanus tristis (Black-headed Monitor 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.19EHPY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata (Green Tree Snake 1 21.05.2012 S 23.58 E151.19. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island


Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 18 of 121 120420 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI RP10109611

Date permit issued: 22/11/2013 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 27/02/2015 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 31/10/2013 to the 27/05/2014 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments 31/10/2013 OffBroadwaters.73Road, NandiirrelevantQͲ27.38 s.73 information irrelevant151.006 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 31/10/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,Nandis.73QLD irrelevantͲ27.38 informations.73 irrelevant151.006 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 31/10/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3913 150.9944 Alive LC Melomyscervinipes 1 31/10/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3913 150.9944 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3975 information151.0120 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 2 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi s.73QLD irrelevant -27.3975 informations.73 irrelevant151.0120 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, irrelevantNan-27.406 information151.0060 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 Qld irrelevant -27.406 informations.73 irrelevant151.0060 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3975 s.73 irrelevant151.0120 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3975 151.0120 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3975 information151.0120 Alive LC Morethiataeniopleura 1 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3975 informations.73 irrelevant151.0120 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, irrelevantNan-27.406 information151.0060 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 Qld irrelevant -27.406 informations.73 irrelevant151.0060 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3993 151.0071 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 01/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3993 s.73 irrelevant151.0071 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4051 s.73 irrelevant150.998 informationAlive LC Delmaplebeia 1 02/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4051 s.73 irrelevant150.998 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6696 150.3547 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 03/11/2013 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6696 150.3547 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7303/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2557 149.6827 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 03/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD EHP-26.2557 s.73 irrelevant149.6827 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4034 150.9963 Alive LC Diporiphoranobbi 1 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4034 150.9963 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4048 s.73 irrelevant151.1007 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4048 151.1007 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.1779 151.2426 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi- QLD -27.1779 s.73 irrelevant151.2426 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7303/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2558 149.6829 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 03/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2558 149.6829 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.4020s.73 information irrelevant151.040 informationAlive LC Varanuspanoptes 1 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.4020 s.73information irrelevant151.040 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4032 151.0474 Alive LC VaranusVarius 1 03/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4032 151.0474 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4088 151.0215 Alive LC Egerniamcpheei 1 04/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4088 151.0215 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla, QLD -27.1774 151.2424 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 06/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla, QLD -27.1774 151.2424 x Euthanised and buried on site s.7306/11/2013 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Cond -26.5746 154.7913 Alive LC Demansiapsammophis 1 06/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Condamine Rd, Na-26.5746 154.7913 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3872 151.0197 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 7 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3872 151.0197 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3872 151.0197 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3872 s.73 irrelevant151.0197 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3872 151.0197 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 07/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3872 151.0197 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway,s.73 Walto irrelevantn-23.623 information155.0951 Alive LC Cryptoblepharusaustralis 1 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton,s.73 QLD irrelevant -23.623 information155.0951 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3981 150.9901 Alive LC Eulamprustenuis 1 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3981 150.9901 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla, QLD -27.0552 150.5934 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 08/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla, QLD -27.0552 150.5934 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.0546 information150.5894 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 08/11/2013 Montrose Chinchilla, QLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0546 information150.5894 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton-23.6213 155.0954 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 2 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton, QLD -23.6213 155.0954 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3872 151.0197 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3872 151.0197 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway,s.73 Walto irrelevantn-23.623 information155.0951 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton,s.73 QLD irrelevant -23.623 information155.0951 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3872 s.73 irrelevant151.0197 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 8 08/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3872 151.0197 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton-23.5936 155.1046 Alive LC Aegothelescristatus 1 09/11/2013 Capricorn Highway, Walton, QLD -23.5936 155.1046 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQ-27.3892 151.0319 Alive LC Brachyurophisaustralis 1 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQLD -27.3892 151.0319 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQ-27.3852 150.9935 Alive LC Gehyradubia RELEASE1 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,Nandi QLD -27.3852 150.9935 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3852 information150.9935 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3852 150.9935 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3870 151.0172 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3870 s.73 irrelevant151.0172 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3738 151.0482 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3738 information151.0482 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQ-27.3767 151.0433 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 09/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQLD -27.3767 151.0433 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3871 151.0174 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3871 151.0174 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3892 151.0319 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 5 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3892 151.0319 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3870 information151.0166 Alive LC Varanuspanoptes DL 1 09/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3870 151.0166 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3852 150.9940 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3852 150.9940 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, Nanirrelevantd-27.403 information151.0290 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 QLD irrelevant -27.403 information151.0290 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3852 150.9935 Dead LC Gehyradubia 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3852 150.9935 x killedduringclearingactivities 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4016s.73 irrelevant151.029 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4016 s.73 irrelevant151.029 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQ-27.3852 150.9935 Dead LC Gehyravariegata 1 10/11/2013 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQLD -27.3852 150.9935 x killedduringclearingactivities 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3852 150.9940 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3852 150.9940 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3767 151.0433 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3767 151.0433 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3767 151.0433 Alive LC RTINotadenbennetti 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3767 151.0433 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0549 149.4523 Alive LC Platycercuspalliceps 3 10/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road,s.73 SuRat irrelevant Q -27.0549 information149.4523 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3843 150.9989 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3843 150.9989 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3767 s.73 irrelevant151.0433 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3767 s.73 irrelevant151.0433 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3767 151.0433 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3767 151.0433 x killedduringclearingactivities s.7310/11/2013 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Cond -26.9299 150.3419 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 10/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Condamine Rd, Na-26.9299 150.3419 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6735 150.3833 Alive LC Pseudonajatextilis 1 10/11/2013 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6735 150.3833 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0561 149.4493 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 10/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0561 149.4493 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4024 151.0298 Alive LC VaranusVarius 1 10/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4024 151.0298 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3978 information150.9880 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3978 150.9880 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0568 149.446 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 3 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0568 149.446 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0568s.73 irrelevant149.446 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 2 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0568 s.73 irrelevant149.446 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3686 151.0359 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3686 151.0359 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3717 151.0341 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3717 151.0341 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3964 151.0198 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3964 151.0198 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3808 s.73 irrelevant151.0232 informationAlive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3808 informations.73 irrelevant151.0232 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3804 151.0249 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3804 151.0249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3978 150.9880 Dead In Musmusculus 1 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3978 150.9880 x Euthanised on site 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3805s.73 irrelevant151.019 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3805 s.73 irrelevant151.019 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3863 151.0197 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 5 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3863 151.0197 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3805 s.73 irrelevant151.0192 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 11/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3805 s.73 irrelevant151.0192 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/11/2013RTI 14-289 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3873 151.0265 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1File 11/11/2013 A Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3873 151.0265 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 19 uninjured of 121 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0568 s.73 irrelevant149.446 informationAlive LC Varanusvarius 1 11/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0568 s.73 irrelevant149.446 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0573 149.4128 Alive LC Cracticusnigrogularis 1 12/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0573 149.4128 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3833 151.0229 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3833 151.0229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3833 151.0229 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3833 151.0229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3841 151.0227 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3841 151.0227 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3848 151.0228 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3848 151.0228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3846 151.0228 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3846 151.0228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3841 151.0227 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3841 151.0227 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3840 s.73 information irrelevant151.0228 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi s.73QLD irrelevant -27.3840 informations.73 irrelevant151.0228 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3840 151.0228 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3840 151.0228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3840 151.0228 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3840 151.0228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3833 151.0229 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 6 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3833 151.0229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3823 151.0232 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3823 151.0232 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3823 151.0232 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 12/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3823 151.0232 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0646 149.4253 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 12/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0646 149.4253 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7313/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-26.198 s.73 information irrelevant149.615 informationAlive LC Centropusphasianinus 1 13/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.198 informations.73 irrelevant149.615 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4079 151.0138 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 13/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4079 151.0138 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3833 151.0229 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 13/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3833 151.0229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/11/2013 of Woleebee, Q-26.1988 s.73 irrelevant149.6152 informationAlive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 13/11/2013 of Woleebee, QLD -26.1988 s.73 irrelevant149.6152 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7313/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, Q-26.1988 149.6155 Dead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 13/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.1988 149.6155 x killed during clearing activities 13/11/2013 of Woleebee, Q-26.2002s.73 irrelevant149.619 informationAlive LC Varanustristis 1 13/11/2013 of Woleebee, QLD -26.2002 s.73 irrelevant149.619 informationx Individual in tree hollow - tree retained. 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3862 151.0107 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 2 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3862 151.0107 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3847 150.9935 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3847 150.9935 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0645 s.73 irrelevant149.4258 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0645 s.73 irrelevant149.4258 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0636 149.4252 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0636 149.4252 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0629 149.4243 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0629 149.4243 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3866 s.73 irrelevant151.013 informationAlive LC Limnodynastessalmini 4 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3866 s.73 irrelevant151.013 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi Q-27.3649 150.9969 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLD -27.3649 150.9969 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi Q-27.3650 s.73 irrelevant150.9971 informationAlive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLD -27.3650 s.73 irrelevant150.9971 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3864 information151.012 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 2 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3864 information151.012 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3834 150.996 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3834 150.996 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3864 s.73 irrelevant151.012 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3864 s.73 irrelevant151.012 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3834 150.996 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3834 150.996 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi Q-27.3646 150.9960 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLD -27.3646 150.9960 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3840 s.73 irrelevant150.9989 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3840 s.73 irrelevant150.9989 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3866 151.013 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3866 151.013 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3865s.73 irrelevant151.013 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 18 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDEHP -27.3865 s.73 irrelevant151.013 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3862 s.73 irrelevant151.0107 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3862 s.73 irrelevant151.0107 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3864 151.012 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 5 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi- QLD -27.3864 151.012 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3866 s.73 irrelevant151.013 informationDead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3866 s.73 irrelevant151.013 information x killed during clearing activities 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3864 151.012 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3864 151.012 x killed during clearing activities 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3862 151.0107 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3862 151.0107 x killed during clearing activities 14/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, Nanirrelevantd-27.386 information151.0112 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 QLD irrelevant -27.386 information151.0112 x killed during clearing activities 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Developments.73 irrelevant R -27.0589 s.73 information irrelevant149.4243 informationAlive LC Pogonabarbata 1 14/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road,s.73 SuRat irrelevant Q -27.0589 informations.73 irrelevant149.4243 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road,s.73 Nandi irrelevant Q-26.929 information150.3412 Alive LC Varanuspanoptes 1 14/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.929 information150.3412 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7315/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-26.2095 information149.612 Dead LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 15/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.2095 information149.612 killed during clearing activities 15/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 irrelevantQLD-27.149 s.73 information irrelevant150.760 informationAlive LC Criniaparinsignifera 1 15/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLDs.73 irrelevant-27.149 informations.73 irrelevant150.760 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7315/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, Q-26.2095 149.612 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 15/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2095 149.612 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0607 s.73 irrelevant149.4246 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0607 s.73 irrelevant149.4246 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Developments.73 irrelevant R -27.0630 information149.426 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 4 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road,s.73 SuRat irrelevant Q -27.0630 information149.426 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7315/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, Q-26.2095 s.73 irrelevant149.612 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 4 15/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2095 s.73 irrelevant149.612 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0607 149.4246 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 2 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0607 149.4246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi Q-27.3653 151.0001 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 15/11/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLD -27.3653 151.0001 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7315/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, Q-26.2052 s.73 irrelevant149.6145 informationAlive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 15/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.2052 informations.73 irrelevant149.6145 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3846 150.9993 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3846 150.9993 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3846 150.9993 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3846 150.9993 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Developments.73 irrelevant R -27.0630 s.73 information irrelevant149.426 informationAlive LC Nyctophilusgouldi 2 15/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0630 s.73 irrelevant149.426 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3845 150.9995 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3845 150.9995 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3845 150.9995 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 8 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3845 information150.9995 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3843 150.9988 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum RELEASE6 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3843 s.73 irrelevant150.9988 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3842 150.9988 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3842 150.9988 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, Nanirrelevantd-27.380 information150.9898 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 QLD irrelevant -27.380 information150.9898 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3836 150.9960 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3836 150.9960 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3845 150.9995 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3845 150.9995 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3845 information150.9995 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 8 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3845 information150.9995 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3843 150.9988 Alive LC PlatyplectrumornatumDL 6 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3843 150.9988 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3842 s.73 irrelevant150.9988 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3842 150.9988 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, Nanirrelevantd-27.380 information150.9898 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 QLD irrelevant -27.380 information150.9898 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.3836 information150.9960 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.3836 informations.73 irrelevant150.9960 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 irrelevantQLD-27.150 information150.7637 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 15/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLDs.73 irrelevant-27.150 information150.7637 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3835 150.9969 Alive LC Pteropuspoliocephalus 1 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3835 150.9969 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3835 150.9969 Alive LC Pteropusscapulatus 1 15/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3835 150.9969 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7316/11/2013 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, Q-26.1974 149.5930 Alive LC Anomalopusleuckartii 1 16/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.1974 149.5930 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0678 149.4246 Alive LC RTIDemansiapsammophis 1 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0678 149.4246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0549 149.4511 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0549 149.4511 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4021 151.0118 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4021 151.0118 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0597s.73 irrelevant149.42 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 4 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0597 s.73 irrelevant149.42 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0683 149.4244 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0683 149.4244 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0597 149.4252 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0597 149.4252 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0600 149.4256 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0600 149.4256 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3837 150.9976 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 3 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3837 150.9976 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3837 150.9976 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 3 16/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3837 150.9976 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0683 149.4246 Alive LC Oeduramarmorata 3 16/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0683 149.4246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Nan irrelevantd-27.4045 information151.0112 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 2 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.4045 information151.0112 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0675 149.4254 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0675 149.4254 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0589 149.4256 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 4 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0589 149.4256 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0675 s.73 irrelevant149.4254 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 4 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0675 s.73 irrelevant149.4254 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7317/11/2013 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Cond -26.9246 150.3472 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 17/11/2013s.73 irrelevant informationoff Kogan-Condamine Rd, Na-26.9246 150.3472 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3813 151.0169 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 22 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3813 151.0169 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3813 151.0169 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 6 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3813 151.0169 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3813 151.0169 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 30 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3813 151.0169 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4022 151.0121 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4022 151.0121 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4079 151.0187 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4079 151.0187 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4090 151.0212 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 17/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4090 151.0212 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/11/2013RTI 14-289 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4079 151.0187 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2File 17/11/2013 A Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4079 151.0187 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 20 uninjured of 121 140303 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0589 149.4256 Alive LC Strophuruswilliamsi 1 17/11/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0589 149.4256 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3852 151.0056 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3852 151.0056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4090 151.0212 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 5 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4090 151.0212 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4090 s.73 irrelevant151.0212 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4090 s.73 irrelevant151.0212 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3791 150.9991 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3791 150.9991 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.3802 s.73 irrelevant150.998 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 26 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.3802 s.73 irrelevant150.998 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4090 151.0212 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 5 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4090 151.0212 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4090 151.0212 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 5 18/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4090 151.0212 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1813 150.7773 Dead LC Demansiapsammophis 1 19/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1813 150.7773 x killed during clearing activities 19/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3862 151.0007 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 12 19/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3862 151.0007 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4110 151.0356 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 19/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4110 151.0356 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3858 151.0039 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 20/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3858 151.0039 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3882 151.0005 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 21/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3882 151.0005 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/11/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Na irrelevantn-27.3938 information151.0000 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 22/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi s.73 Qld irrelevant -27.3938 information151.0000 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4003 151.0043 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 23/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4003 151.0043 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1494 s.73 irrelevant150.7596 informationAlive LC Varanusgouldii 1 23/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1494 s.73 irrelevant150.7596 informationX relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4005 151.0062 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4005 151.0062 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1494 150.7592 Alive LC Petaurusbreviceps 3 24/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1494 150.7592 X relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4005 151.0062 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 24/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4005 151.0062 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1417 150.7534 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 26/11/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1417 150.7534 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 27/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3966 150.9870 Dead LC timida 1 27/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3966 150.9870 x killed during clearing activities 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2096 149.5710 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2096 149.5710 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-29.0120 150.7384 Alive LC Dacelonovaeguineae 3 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -29.0120 150.7384 C taken to carer 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2096 149.5710 Alive LC Gehyradubia 6 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2096 149.5710 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2102s.73 irrelevant150.776 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 6 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2102 s.73 irrelevant150.776 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road,s.73 Braemer irrelevant S-27.20 s.73information irrelevant150.7759 informationAlive LC Pogonabarbata 1 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SFs.73 irrelevant-27.20 information150.7759 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2096 149.5710 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 28/11/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2096 149.5710 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4066 150.9861 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 28/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4066 150.9861 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2080 150.7766 Alive LC Vermicellaannulata 1 28/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2080 150.7766 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2821 150.7613 Alive LC Dacelonovaeguineae 1 29/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2821 150.7613 C taken to carer 29/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2821 150.7613 Alive LC Gehyradubia 7 29/11/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2821 150.7613 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3949 150.9976 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 29/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3949 150.9976 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3949 150.9976 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 29/11/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3949 150.9976 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2170 150.7634 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 01/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2170 150.7634 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/12/2013 Off Broadwater s.73Road, Na irrelevantn-27.3911 information150.9945 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 01/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi s.73 Qld irrelevant -27.3911 information150.9945 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.3911 150.9945 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 01/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.3911 150.9945 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2178 150.7758 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 02/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF EHP-27.2178 150.7758 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4020 s.73 irrelevant150.9993 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4020 150.9993 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4018 150.9993 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 2 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi- Qld -27.4018 s.73 irrelevant150.9993 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4044 150.9967 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4044 150.9967 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-31.9115 150.9080 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 4 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -31.9115 150.9080 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4025 150.9993 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 02/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4025 150.9993 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4029 150.9860 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 03/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4029 150.9860 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.180 150.7767 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 2 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.180 150.7767 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 irrelevantQLD-27.180 information150.7767 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLDs.73 irrelevant-27.180 information150.7767 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1799 150.7569 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1799 150.7569 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1808 150.7576 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1808 150.7576 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1808 150.7763 Dead In Musmusculus 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1808 150.7763 x euthanised in the field 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1807 150.7572 Dead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1807 150.7572 x Killed during clearing works s.73 irrelevant information04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1804 150.7582 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 04/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1804 150.7582 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2484 s.73 irrelevant149.5883 informationDead In Bufomarinus 1 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2484 149.5883 x euthanised in the field 05/12/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0538 149.4579 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 05/12/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0538 149.4579 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2473s.73 irrelevant149.58 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 3 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2473 s.73 irrelevant149.58 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.2486 149.5882 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 05/12/2013 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.2486 149.5882 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1805 s.73 irrelevant150.7585 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 05/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1805 150.7585 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0538 149.4579 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 05/12/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0538 149.4579 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4058 s.73 irrelevant150.998 informationAlive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 05/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4058 150.9983 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4056 150.9983 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 05/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4056 150.9983 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4071 151.0119 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4071 151.0119 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.0538 149.4579 Alive LC Egerniastriolata RELEASE1 06/12/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, SuRat Q -27.0538 149.4579 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 QLirrelevantD-27.1719 information150.7616 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD s.73 irrelevant-27.1719 information150.7616 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1725 150.7603 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1725 150.7603 x Animal not found, only dropped tail found. 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1725 150.7603 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 06/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1725 150.7603 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4078 151.0089 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4078 151.0089 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4074 151.0136 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 19 06/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4074 151.0136 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1767 150.7581 Alive LC Gehyradubia DL 1 07/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1767 150.7581 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4073 151.0160 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4073 151.0160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.0538 155.4579 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.0538 155.4579 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4073 151.0160 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4073 151.0160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4089 151.0204 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4089 151.0204 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nand-27.4073 151.0161 Alive LC Varanusvarius 1 07/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi QLD -27.4073 151.0161 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1691 150.7652 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1691 150.7652 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1731 s.73 irrelevant150.7599 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1731 150.7599 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1731 150.7605 Alive LC RTICarliavivax 1 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1731 150.7605 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4083 151.0221 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 08/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4083 s.73 irrelevant151.0221 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4085 151.0232 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 08/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4085 151.0232 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Broadwaters.73 Road, Nairrelevantn-27.408 information151.0273 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 08/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandis.73 Qld irrelevant -27.408 information151.0273 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1700 150.7654 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1700 150.7654 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1768 150.7580 Alive LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 08/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1768 150.7580 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1780 150.7563 Dead LC Brachyurophisaustralis 1 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1780 150.7563 x Regurgitateds.73 irrelevant by information 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1779 150.7551 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1779 150.7551 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4095 151.0310 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4095 151.0310 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4097 151.0324 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4097 151.0324 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4100 151.0338 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4100 151.0338 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4101 151.0347 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 09/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4101 151.0347 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.2232 150.7700 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.2232 150.7700 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 QLirrelevantD-27.1780 information150.7563 Alive LC Vermicellaannulata 1 09/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD s.73 irrelevant-27.1780 information150.7563 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4112 151.0410 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4112 151.0410 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4122 151.043 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4122 151.0439 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4119 s.73 irrelevant151.043 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 10/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4119 151.0431 x euthanised in the field 10/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.2179 150.7759 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 10/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.2179 150.7759 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.2173 150.7756 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 10/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.2173 150.7756 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4032 150.9869 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4032 150.9869 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1666 s.73 irrelevant150.7600 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 3 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1666 150.7600 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013RTI 14-289 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1666 150.7600 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1File 11/12/2013 A Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1666 150.7600 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 21 uninjured of 121 140303 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4073 151.0471 Alive LC Moreliaspilota 1 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4073 151.0471 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1666 150.7600 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1666 150.7600 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4039 150.9867 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 11/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4039 150.9867 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1783 150.7548 Alive LC Smicrornisbrevirostris 1 11/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1783 150.7548 x Relocated nest to adjacent bushland with chick inside. Parents t 12/12/2013 Off Bluff-Jelinbah Rd, Bluff -23.5292 s.73 irrelevant149.0105 informationAlive LC Cincloramphusmathewsi 3 12/12/2013 Off Bluff-Jelinbah Rd, Bluff, QLD -23.5292 s.73 irrelevant149.0105 informationx Nest relocated with 3 chicks. Parents observed using nest at ne 12/12/2013 Off Bluff-Jelinbah Rd, Bluff -23.5189 149.0159 Alive LC Malurusmelanocephalus 1 12/12/2013 Off Bluff-Jelinbah Rd, Bluff, QLD -23.5189 149.0159 x Nest relocated with 1 chick into bush approximately 1m from orig 13/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1662 150.7604 Dead LC Moreliaspilota 1 13/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1662 150.7604 x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 13/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4082 150.9857 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 13/12/2013 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4082 150.9857 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer S-27.2148 s.73 irrelevant150.775 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 13/12/2013 Off Kerrs Road, Braemer SF -27.2148 s.73 irrelevant150.775 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 QLirrelevantD-27.1573 information150.1471 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD s.73 irrelevant-27.1573 information150.1471 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1575 150.1471 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1575 150.1471 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1661 150.7595 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 14/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1661 150.7595 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1667 150.7525 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 15/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1667 150.7525 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1667 150.7525 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 15/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1667 150.7525 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1801 150.7767 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 16/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1801 150.7767 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1667 150.7525 Alive LC Eremiascincusrichardsonii 3 16/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1667 150.7525 x Mother and two babies relocated offsite into adjacent bushland 16/12/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi Q-27.3494 150.9926 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 2 16/12/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLD -27.3494 150.9926 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1612 150.7574 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1612 150.7574 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/12/2013 Off Halliford Road,s.73 Nandi irrelevant Q-27.35 information150.9928 Alive LC Leristapunctatovittata 1 17/12/2013 Off Halliford Road, Nandi QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.35 information150.9928 x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1613 150.7585 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1613 150.7585 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1612 150.7574 Alive In Musmusculus 1 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1612 150.7574 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1605 s.73 irrelevant150.7521 informationAlive LC Trichosurusvulpecula 1 17/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1605 s.73 irrelevant150.7521 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/12/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.2907 150.6574 Alive LC Amalosiajavocae 1 18/12/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, Tara Qld-27.2907 150.6574 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/12/2013 Off SuRat Development R -27.2875 150.6603 Eggs LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 18/12/2013 Off SuRat Development Road, Tara Qld-27.2875 150.6603 x relocated 10 Gecko Eggs into adjacent habitat - matching micro 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1605 150.7607 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1605 150.7607 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1605 150.7602 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1605 150.7602 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1607 150.7599 Eggs LC GeckoEggs 3 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1607 150.7599 x relocated 10 Gecko Eggs into adjacent habitat - matching micro 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 QLirrelevantD-27.1544 information150.7526 Alive LC Moreliaspilota 1 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD s.73 irrelevant-27.1544 information150.7526 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.2858 150.6560 Alive LC Varanusvarius 1 18/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.2858 150.6560 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1608 150.7529 Dead LC Egerniastriolata 1 19/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1608 150.7529 x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 19/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1609 150.7534 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 19/12/2013 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1609 150.7534 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/01/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1429 150.7501 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 07/01/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1429 150.7501 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/01/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1467 150.7491 Alive LC Moreliaspilota 1 07/01/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1467 150.7491 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/01/2014 Off SuRat Development R -27.2854 150.655 Alive LC Amphibolurusnobbi 1 08/01/2014 Off SuRat Development Road, Tara Qld-27.2854 150.655 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/01/2014 of Woleebee, Q-26.2258 s.73 irrelevant149.610 informationAlive LC Aepyprymnusrufescens 1 09/01/2014 of Woleebee, QLD -26.2258 s.73 irrelevant149.610 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7309/01/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-26.225 information149.611 Dead LC Anteresiamaculosa 1 09/01/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.225 informations.73 irrelevant149.611 information x Killed during clearing works 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9952 150.6096 Dead LC Anteresiamaculosa 1 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDEHP -26.9952 150.6096 x Killed during clearing works 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9954 150.6092 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.9954 information150.6092 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.9953 information150.6092 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 3 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla- QLD -26.9953 150.6092 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9951 150.6095 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9951 150.6095 x Killed during clearing works 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.995 information150.6092 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.995 information150.6092 x Killed during clearing works 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9949 150.6094 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9949 150.6094 x Killed during clearing works 09/01/2014 Off SuRat Development R -27.2858 150.6550 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/01/2014 Off SuRat Development Road, Tara Qld-27.2858 150.6550 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9952 s.73 irrelevant150.6096 informationDead LC Anteresiamaculosa 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9952 s.73 irrelevant150.6096 information x Killed during clearing works 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.9954 information150.6092 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.9954 information150.6092 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9953 150.6092 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9953 150.6092 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9951 150.6095 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9951 150.6095 x Killed during clearing works 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9951 150.6095 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9951 150.6095 x Killed during clearing works 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.995 information150.6092 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.995 information150.6092 x Killed during clearing works s.73 irrelevant information10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9949 150.6094 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9949 150.6094 x Killed during clearing works 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9855 150.610 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9855 150.610 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9855 s.73 irrelevant150.610 informationAlive LC UnknownBat 1 10/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9855 s.73 irrelevant150.610 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Gueleras.73 Rd, Duirrelevant -27.2410 information150.9972 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklos.73 QLD irrelevant -27.2410 information150.9972 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9901 150.6175 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9901 150.6175 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 s.73 irrelevant150.6173 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 s.73 irrelevant150.6173 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9898 150.6176 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9898 150.6176 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.041 information150.6180 Alive LC Leristatimida 1 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.041 information150.6180 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.1737 s.73 irrelevant151.766 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.1737 s.73 irrelevant151.766 information x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2412 150.9972 Dead In Musmusculus 1 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2412 150.9972 x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2411 150.9973 Alive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus RELEASE1 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2411 150.9973 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Gueleras.73 Rd, Duirrelevant -27.2411 s.73 information irrelevant150.9973 informationDead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 11/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklos.73 QLD irrelevant -27.2411 informations.73 irrelevant150.9973 information x Killed during clearing works 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 150.6173 Alive LC Smicrornisbrevirostris 3 11/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 150.6173 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0399 150.5701 Alive LC Aegothelescristatus 1 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0399 150.5701 C Taken tos.73 animal irrelevantcarer informationRed Sands Ecology 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0404 s.73 irrelevant150.569 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0404 s.73 irrelevant150.569 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.040 information150.6182 Alive LC Calyptorhynchuslathami 2 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73QLD irrelevant -27.040 information150.6182 Observed flying overhead 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9858 150.5904 Dead LC CycloranaalboguttataDL 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9858 150.5904 x Killed during clearing works 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0075 150.6559 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0075 150.6559 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0414 150.6178 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0414 150.6178 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.6177 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.6177 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.6180 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.6180 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 s.73 irrelevant150.6180 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.6180 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0410 information150.6180 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0410 information150.6180 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2382 150.9791 Alive LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 12/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2382 s.73 irrelevant150.9791 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.6180 Alive LC RTINebuliferarobusta 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.6180 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0413 150.6176 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0413 150.6176 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0398 150.5700 Alive LC Pseudonajatextilis 1 12/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0398 150.5700 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0414 150.6178 Alive LC Saccolaimusflaviventris 1 12/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0414 150.6178 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/01/2014 Off Ducklo Gueleras.73 Rd, irrelevant Du -27.248 information150.9483 Alive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 12/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklos.73 QLD irrelevant -27.248 information150.9483 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0095 information150.6598 Alive LC Amalosiarombifera 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0095 information150.6598 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.011 s.73 information irrelevant150.6544 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusnobbi 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.011 information150.6544 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0112 150.6536 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0112 150.6536 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0114 s.73 information irrelevant150.653 informationAlive LC Diplodactylustaenicauda 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0114 s.73information irrelevant150.653 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.009 information150.6602 Alive LC Gehyracatenata 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.009 information150.6602 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0095 information150.6601 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0095 information150.6601 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.009 s.73 information irrelevant150.6602 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.009 informations.73 irrelevant150.6602 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0095 150.6601 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 13/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0095 150.6601 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2489s.73 irrelevant150.955 informationDead LC Podargusstrigoides 1 13/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2489 s.73 irrelevant150.955 information x Died while being taken tos.73 animal irrelevantcarer informationRed San 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9855 150.5957 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9855 150.5957 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9851 150.5958 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9851 150.5958 x Killed during clearing works 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0169 150.6625 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0169 150.6625 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0169 information150.6625 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0169 information150.6625 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0169 s.73 irrelevant150.6625 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0169 s.73 irrelevant150.6625 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0474 150.5771 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0474 150.5771 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0377 150.5523 Alive LC Gehyradubia 6 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0377 150.5523 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/01/2014RTI 14-289 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0297 150.5729 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1File 14/01/2014 A off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0297 150.5729 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 22 uninjured of 121 140303 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0378 150.5520 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 14/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0378 150.5520 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0094 150.6594 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0094 150.6594 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0142 150.6556 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0142 150.6556 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0465 150.5771 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0465 150.5771 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9855 150.6026 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9855 150.6026 x Killed during clearing works 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9851 150.6173 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9851 150.6173 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0094 150.6594 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0094 150.6594 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0154 150.6583 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0154 150.6583 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0254 150.6035 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0254 150.6035 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0094 150.6594 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0094 150.6594 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0254 150.6035 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0254 150.6035 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0087 150.6587 Alive LC Saccolaimusflaviventris 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0087 150.6587 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0087 150.6587 Dead LC Saccolaimusflaviventris 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0087 150.6587 x Killed during clearing works 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0254 150.6040 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 15/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0254 150.6040 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0454 150.5418 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0454 150.5418 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0454 s.73 irrelevant150.5418 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0454 150.5418 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0445 150.5642 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0445 150.5642 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.2360 151.2525 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.2360 151.2525 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0353 150.5555 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0353 150.5555 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0353 150.5555 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0353 150.5555 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9854 150.6027 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9854 150.6027 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9853 150.6028 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9853 s.73 irrelevant150.6028 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9854 150.6027 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9854 150.6027 x Killed during clearing works 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9402 150.6031 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9402 150.6031 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0353 150.5555 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0353 150.5555 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0504 150.5695 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0504 150.5695 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0482 150.5595 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0482 150.5595 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0454 150.5417 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0454 150.5417 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0454 150.5417 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0454 150.5417 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0443s.73 irrelevant150.563 informationAlive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 16/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0443 150.5638 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0363 150.5420 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0363 150.5420 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0459 150.5710 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0459 150.5710 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 150.5930 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 150.5930 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9891 150.5927 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9891 150.5927 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9904 150.5927 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9904 150.5927 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.9899 information150.5927 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.9899 information150.5927 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9899 s.73 irrelevant150.5927 informationDead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDEHP -26.9899 150.5927 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5920 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9903 150.5920 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5922 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla- QLD -26.9903 150.5922 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5922 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9903 150.5922 x Killed during clearing works 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0449 150.5648 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0449 150.5648 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0366 150.5425 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0366 150.5425 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2574 s.73 irrelevant150.968 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 17/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2574 s.73 irrelevant150.968 information x euthanised in the field 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0444 150.5549 Alive LC Chalinolobusgouldii 3 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0444 150.5549 C juveniles taken to carer 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5922 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9903 150.5922 x euthanised in the field 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5922 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9903 150.5922 x euthanised in the field 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9903 150.5920 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 2 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9903 150.5920 x Killed during clearing works 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0440 150.5569 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0440 150.5569 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9904 150.5922 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 18/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9904 150.5922 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information18/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2494 150.9632 Alive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 18/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2494 150.9632 x Self relocated into adjacent bushland 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0470 s.73 irrelevant150.6150 informationAlive LC Carliarubigo 1 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0470 s.73 irrelevant150.6150 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0452 150.6076 Alive LC Carliarubigo 1 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0452 150.6076 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 150.5995 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 150.5995 x Killed during clearing works 19/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2637 150.9671 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 19/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2637 150.9671 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0486 150.6082 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0486 150.6082 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0470 150.6150 Dead LC Tiliquarugosa 1 19/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0470 150.6150 x Killed during clearing works 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0522 150.6013 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0522 150.6013 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0461 150.5629 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0461 150.5629 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450 150.607 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 150.607 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450s.73 irrelevant150.607 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei RELEASE1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 s.73 irrelevant150.607 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0446 150.6075 Alive LC Leristafragilis 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0446 150.6075 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2562 150.9616 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 20/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2562 150.9616 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0467 s.73 irrelevant150.2984 informationAlive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0467 s.73 irrelevant150.2984 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0507 150.6085 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0507 150.6085 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Du -27.2543 150.9461 Dead In Musmusculus 1 20/01/2014 Off Ducklo Guelera Rd, Ducklo QLD -27.2543 150.9461 x euthanised in the field 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450 s.73 irrelevant150.607 informationAlive LC PlatyplectrumornatumDL 1 20/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 s.73 irrelevant150.607 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 OffKerrsRd,Beelbee,QLD -27.1997 150.6853 Dead In Bufomarinus 10 21/01/2014 OffKerrsRd,Beelbee,QLD -27.1997 150.6853 x euthanised in the field 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0522 150.6010 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0522 150.6010 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0522 150.6011 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0522 150.6011 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.989 s.73 irrelevant150.6056 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.989 s.73 irrelevant150.6056 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.989 information150.6056 Alive LC Cycloranaverrucosa 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73QLD irrelevant -26.989 information150.6056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0522 150.6009 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0522 150.6009 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0520 150.6012 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0520 150.6012 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0516 s.73 irrelevant150.581 informationDead LC RTIMenetiatimlowi 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0516 s.73 irrelevant150.581 information x Killed during clearing works 21/01/2014 OffKerrsRd,Beelbee,QLD -27.1997 150.6853 Dead In Oryctolaguscuniculus 1 21/01/2014 OffKerrsRd,Beelbee,QLD -27.1997 150.6853 x euthanised in the field 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0455 s.73 irrelevant150.5417 informationAlive LC Pogonabarbata 1 21/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0455 s.73 irrelevant150.5417 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9895 150.6057 Dead LC Chelodinalongicollis 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9895 150.6057 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896s.73 irrelevant150.606 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 s.73 irrelevant150.606 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 150.6054 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 150.6054 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9895 150.6060 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9895 150.6060 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9898 150.6055 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9898 150.6055 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 150.6055 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 150.6055 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 150.6058 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 150.6058 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-26.9901 information150.6058 Alive LC Cyclorananovaehollandiae 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.9901 information150.6058 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9895 150.6055 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9895 150.6055 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9896 150.6054 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9896 150.6054 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9898 150.6056 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9898 150.6056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9893 s.73 irrelevant150.6056 informationAlive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9893 s.73 irrelevant150.6056 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 150.6055 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 150.6055 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9897 150.6055 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9897 150.6055 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9895 150.6055 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9895 150.6055 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9895 150.6057 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9895 150.6057 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9899 150.6057 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9899 150.6057 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0490 150.5453 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0490 150.5453 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014RTI 14-289 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0414 150.5460 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1File 22/01/2014 A off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0414 150.5460 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 23 uninjured of 121 140303 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0418 150.5460 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0418 150.5460 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.042 information150.5451 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.042 information150.5451 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0427 150.5449 Dead LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0427 150.5449 x Killed during clearing works 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0404 150.5453 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0404 150.5453 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-33.0634 151.5102 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -33.0634 151.5102 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0412 150.5457 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 22/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0412 150.5457 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd -25.3420 149.8413 Alive LC Boigairregularis 1 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghinda -25.3420 149.8413 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburns.73 Rdirrelevant -25.3407 information149.8406 Alive LC Diporiphoraaustralis 1 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghindas.73 irrelevant -25.3407 information149.8406 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd -25.3420 149.8413 Alive LC Diporiphoraaustralis 1 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghinda -25.3420 149.8413 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd -25.3420 s.73 irrelevant149.8413 informationDead LC Gehyradubia 1 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghinda -25.3420 s.73 irrelevant149.8413 information x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0394 150.5867 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0394 150.5867 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.5699 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.5699 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0390 150.5862 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0390 150.5862 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburns.73 irrelevant Rd -25.340 information149.8414 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 23/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghindas.73 irrelevant -25.340 information149.8414 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0299 information150.5843 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0299 information150.5843 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.038 information150.5867 Alive LC Varanusvarius 1 23/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.038 information150.5867 x Self relocated into adjacent bushland 26/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0403 150.5699 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 26/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0403 150.5699 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0390s.73 irrelevant150.58 informationAlive LC Gehyracatenata 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0390 s.73 irrelevant150.58 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0396 150.5868 Alive LC Gehyracatenata 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0396 150.5868 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0388 information150.5867 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0388 information150.5867 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0392 150.5864 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0392 150.5864 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0403 150.5699 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0403 150.5699 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.008 information150.6589 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.008 information150.6589 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0091 150.6592 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0091 150.6592 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,s.73Chinchi irrelevant-27.0403 information150.5699 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 2 26/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0403 information150.5699 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.039 information150.5863 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.039 information150.5863 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0389 150.5860 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 26/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0389 150.5860 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0371 150.5415 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0371 150.5415 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0398 150.5866 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0398 150.5866 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0385 150.5518 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0385 150.5518 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.5876 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.5876 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0421 150.5890 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0421 150.5890 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0371 150.5415 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0371 150.5415 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0385 150.5518 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0385 150.5518 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0400 150.5868 Dead LC Gehyradubia 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0400 150.5868 x euthanised in the field due to critical injuries obtained during cle 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 s.73 irrelevant150.5876 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 2 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 s.73 irrelevant150.5876 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.5876 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDEHP -27.0408 150.5876 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0087 150.6587 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0087 150.6587 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0427 150.5425 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla- QLD -27.0427 150.5425 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0408 150.5876 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0408 150.5876 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0353 150.4405 Dead In Musmusculus 2 27/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0353 150.4405 x euthanised in the field. 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0428 150.5964 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0428 150.5964 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0432 150.5900 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 27/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0432 150.5900 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0397 150.5614 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 28/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0397 150.5614 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0340 150.5946 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0340 150.5946 x euthanised in the field. 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0288 150.5935 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0288 150.5935 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0378 150.5932 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0378 150.5932 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0383 150.5944 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0383 150.5944 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured s.73 irrelevant information28/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,Chinchi -27.0382 150.5515 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 28/01/2014 OffWeiambillaRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0382 150.5515 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0383 150.5939 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0383 150.5939 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd -25.3420 149.8412 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 28/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghinda -25.3420 149.8412 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd -27.2639 150.9673 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 28/01/2014 Off Waterton-Wythburn Rd, Ghinghinda -27.2639 150.9673 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0380 s.73 irrelevant150.592 informationAlive LC Pogonabarbata 1 28/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0380 s.73 irrelevant150.592 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0460 150.5887 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0460 150.5887 x selfͲrelocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0457 150.5911 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0457 150.5911 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450 150.5860 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 150.5860 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0097 150.6549 Alive LC Ctenotusregius 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0097 150.6549 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0448 150.5852 Alive LC Ctenotusregius 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0448 150.5852 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0170 150.5748 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 29/01/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0170 150.5748 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0447 150.5851 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei RELEASE1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0447 150.5851 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0310 150.5928 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitoquartus 1 29/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0310 150.5928 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/01/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0166 information150.5742 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 29/01/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0166 information150.5742 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0449 150.5853 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0449 150.5853 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/01/2014 off Hurses Rd, QLD -21.5757 150.7101 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 30/01/2014 off Hurses Rd, QLD -21.5757 150.7101 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450 s.73 irrelevant150.5851 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 s.73 irrelevant150.5851 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Gehyradubia DL 1 30/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0457 150.5912 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0457 150.5912 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0389 150.5869 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0389 150.5869 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0449 150.5850 Alive LC Hemiaspisdamelii 1 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0449 150.5850 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0456 150.5915 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0456 150.5915 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0457 150.5912 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0457 150.5912 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0386 150.5870 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 30/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0386 150.5870 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 Off Joseph Road, Tara QLD-27.0256 150.5366 Dead LC Moreliaspilota 1 30/01/2014 Off Joseph Road, Tara QLD -27.0256 150.5366 x killedduringclearingactivities 30/01/2014 Off Joseph Road, Tara QLD-27.0258 150.5365 Alive LC RTIPogonabarbata 1 30/01/2014 Off Joseph Road, Tara QLD -27.0258 150.5365 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0450 150.5851 Alive LC Saccolamiusflaviventris 2 30/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0450 150.5851 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0210 s.73 irrelevant150.622 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0210 s.73 irrelevant150.622 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0235 150.6228 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0235 150.6228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0225 s.73 irrelevant150.6225 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0225 s.73 irrelevant150.6225 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0382 150.5953 Eggs LC GeckoEggs 2 31/01/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0382 150.5953 a log bumped by machinery exposing Eggs, Eggs covered using s 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0377 s.73 irrelevant150.620 informationAlive LC Gehyracatenata 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0377 s.73 irrelevant150.620 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.1849 168.5371 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.1849 168.5371 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0231 s.73 irrelevant150.6226 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0231 s.73 irrelevant150.6226 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Unkown -27.0229s.73 irrelevant150.6 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 31/01/2014 Unkown -27.0229 s.73 irrelevant150.6 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0232 150.6227 Alive LC Liopholismodesta 2 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0232 150.6227 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0375 150.6233 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 31/01/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0375 150.6233 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0449 150.5916 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 31/01/2014 Off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0449 150.5916 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 31/01/2014 Unkown -27.0223 s.73 irrelevant150.6159 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 31/01/2014 Unkown -27.0223 s.73 irrelevant150.6159 information x Euthanased 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0238 150.6228 Dead LC Pogonabarbata 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0238 150.6228 x killedduringclearingactivities 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -27.0232 150.6227 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 31/01/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -27.0232 150.6227 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/02/2014RTI 14-289 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0377s.73 irrelevant150.620 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1File 01/02/2014 A Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0377 s.73 irrelevant150.620 informationx relocatedintoadjacentPagebushland uninjured24 of 121 140303 01/02/2014 Off Grosmont Rd, Wondoa -26.0804 s.73 irrelevant149.8213 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 01/02/2014 Off Grosmont Rd, Wondoan, QLD -26.0804 s.73 irrelevant149.8213 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0455 150.6077 Alive LC Eremiascincusfasciolatus 1 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0455 150.6077 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0258 150.5365 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0258 150.5365 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0443 s.73 irrelevant150.6083 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0443 s.73 irrelevant150.6083 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0444 150.6083 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0444 150.6083 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0121 information150.5946 Alive LC Veranuspanoptes 1 02/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0121 information150.5946 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0187s.73 irrelevant150.599 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0187 s.73 irrelevant150.599 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0158 150.5968 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0158 150.5968 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9949 150.6036 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9949 150.6036 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9949 150.6036 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9949 150.6036 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73 QLDirrelevant-27.028 information150.5127 Alive LC Hemiaspisdamelii 1 03/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.028 information150.5127 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9953 s.73 irrelevant150.6038 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9953 s.73 irrelevant150.6038 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0207 150.6220 Dead LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0207 150.6220 x killed during clearing activities 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9946 150.6044 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9946 150.6044 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0456 150.6082 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0456 150.6082 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0491 information150.6200 Alive LC Moreliaspilota 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0491 information150.6200 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0219s.73 irrelevant150.598 informationDead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 03/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0219 s.73 irrelevant150.598 information x killed during clearing activities 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9949 s.73 irrelevant150.6036 informationDead LC Turtlesp 1 03/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9949 s.73 irrelevant150.6036 information x killed during clearing activities 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0143s.73 irrelevant150.596 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0143 s.73 irrelevant150.596 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4065 150.6583 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 04/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4065 150.6583 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.056 information150.5929 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.056 information150.5929 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0554 150.5943 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0554 150.5943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0551 150.5943 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0551 150.5943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0555 150.5943 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 04/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0555 150.5943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0266 s.73 irrelevant150.5065 informationAlive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 04/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0266 s.73 irrelevant150.5065 informationx Self relocated into adjacent bushland 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooneys.73 Rd irrelevant -27.4053 information150.6599 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rds.73 irrelevant -27.4053 information150.6599 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4034 150.6614 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4034 150.6614 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4047 150.6609 Dead LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4047 150.6609 x Killed by shearing activities 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4036 150.6583 Dead LC Delmatincta 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4036 150.6583 x Killed by shearing activities 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd x Observed running off site, self relocating 05/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9857 150.6406 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 05/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9857 150.6406 relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.3998 150.6601 Dead LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.3998 150.6601 x Killed by shearing activities 05/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0271 150.5071 Dead LC Diplodactylussteindachneri 1 05/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0271 150.5071 x Euthanased 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooneys.73 Rd irrelevant -27.4040 s.73 information irrelevant150.6610 informationAlive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd s.73 irrelevant-27.4040 informations.73 irrelevant150.6610 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4065 150.6584 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4065 150.6584 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4036 150.6585 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 05/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4036 150.6585 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73 QLDirrelevant-27.026 information150.5064 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 06/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73EHP irrelevant-27.026 information150.5064 x Self relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9908s.73 irrelevant150.632 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9908 s.73 irrelevant150.632 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,s.73Chinchilla irrelevantQ -26.9903 information150.6318 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,Chinchilla-QLD s.73 irrelevant-26.9903 information150.6318 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9980 150.5972 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9980 150.5972 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,s.73Chinchilla irrelevantQ -26.997 information150.5972 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 3 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLDs.73 irrelevant-26.997 information150.5972 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9960 150.5978 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9960 150.5978 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9960 150.5978 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9960 150.5978 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,s.73Chinchilla irrelevantQ -26.9949 information150.5978 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 3 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLDs.73 irrelevant-26.9949 information150.5978 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9949 s.73 irrelevant150.5978 informationDead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 2 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9949 s.73 irrelevant150.5978 information x Killed during clearing activity 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQ -26.9891 150.6389 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.9891 150.6389 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,s.73Chinchilla irrelevantQ -26.989 information150.6382 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLD -26.989 150.6382 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,s.73Chinchilla irrelevantQ -26.990 information150.6320 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 06/02/2014 OffChurchRoad,ChinchillaQLDs.73 irrelevant-26.990 information150.6320 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0564 150.6166 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0564 150.6166 x Euthanased 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9947 150.6173 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9947 150.6173 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9950s.73 irrelevant150.617 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9950 s.73 irrelevant150.617 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 Dead LC Egerniastriolata 1 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 x Euthanased 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0575 150.6146 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 07/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0575 150.6146 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 Alive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 07/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4367 150.6301 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0587 150.6080 Alive LC Amalosiarombifera 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0587 150.6080 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0587 150.6080 Dead LC Amalosiarombifera 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0587 150.6080 x Killed during clearing activity 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9935 150.6371 Alive LC Boigairregularis 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9935 150.6371 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0572 150.6130 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0572 150.6130 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 s.73 irrelevant150.6199 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher RELEASE1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 s.73 irrelevant150.6199 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 150.6195 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 150.6195 x Killed during clearing activity 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9984 150.5949 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9984 150.5949 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0573 150.6083 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0573 150.6083 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9912 150.6274 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9912 150.6274 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9894 150.6199 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9894 150.6199 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0583 150.6080 Dead LC Gehyradubia DL 1 08/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0583 150.6080 x Killed during clearing activity 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0242 information150.5046 Alive LC Amphibolurusnobbi 1 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0242 information150.5046 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0201s.73 irrelevant150.506 informationAlive LC Carliarubigo 1 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0201 s.73 irrelevant150.506 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9890 150.6271 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9890 150.6271 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9900 150.6272 Dead LC Denisoniadevisi 1 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9900 150.6272 x Killed during clearing activity 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9890 150.6271 Dead LC Hemiaspisdamelii 1 09/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9890 150.6271 x Euthanased 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0660 150.5344 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 09/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0660 150.5344 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4370 150.6302 Alive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 09/02/2014 Off Old Mooney Rd -27.4370 150.6302 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0660 150.5344 Alive LC RTIMenetiagreyii 1 10/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0660 150.5344 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0447 150.5263 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0447 150.5263 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0447 150.5262 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0447 150.5262 x Euthanased 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 150.5396 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 150.5396 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 150.5396 Alive LC Gehyracatenata 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 150.5396 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0555 150.5981 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0555 150.5981 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 s.73 irrelevant150.5396 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 4 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0637 s.73 irrelevant150.5396 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0453 150.5263 Dead LC Lialisburtonis 1 11/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0453 150.5263 x Killed during clearing activity 11/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0229 150.6226 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 11/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0229 150.6226 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5296 Alive LC Carliarubigo 1 12/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5296 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0113 150.5924 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0113 150.5924 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0111 150.5919 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0111 150.5919 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.011 information150.5923 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.011 information150.5923 x Killed during clearing activity 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0111 150.5923 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0111 150.5923 x Killed during clearing activity 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0115 150.5921 Dead LC Dendrelaphispunctulatus 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0115 150.5921 x Killed during clearing activity 12/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5296 Alive LC Morethriaruficauda 1 12/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5296 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0183 150.6356 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 12/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0183 150.6356 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationDead In Bufomarinus 1 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737 s.73 irrelevant150.534 information x Euthanased 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0695 information150.5296 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0695 information150.5296 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0179 150.6356 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0179 150.6356 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0110 s.73 irrelevant150.5996 informationDead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0110 s.73 irrelevant150.5996 information x Killed during clearing activity 13/02/2014RTI 14-289 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0107 150.5996 Dead LC Delmaplebeia 1File 13/02/2014 A off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0107 150.5996 x Killed during clearingPage activity 25 of 121 140303 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 150.5296 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 150.5296 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 s.73 irrelevant150.5296 informationAlive LC Nebuliferarobusta 3 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 s.73 irrelevant150.5296 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationAlive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 13/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0737 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0178 150.6357 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 13/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0178 150.6357 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0755 information150.5283 Alive LC Carliarubigo 1 14/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0755 information150.5283 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0130 150.5855 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0130 150.5855 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0070 150.5867 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0070 150.5867 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0070 150.5867 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0070 150.5867 x Killed during clearing activity 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0126 150.5864 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0126 150.5864 x Killed during clearing activity 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.012 s.73 information irrelevant150.5857 informationDead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.012 informations.73 irrelevant150.5857 information x Killed during clearing activity 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7135 150.3382 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 2 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7135 150.3382 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0078 150.5943 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0078 150.5943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0071 150.5943 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 14/02/2014 off montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0071 150.5943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7190 150.3388 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7190 150.3388 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7135 150.3382 Alive LC Limnodynastessalminii 1 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7135 150.3382 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0667s.73 information irrelevant150.534 informationAlive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 14/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0667 informations.73 irrelevant150.534 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0133 150.5857 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0133 150.5857 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0094 150.5961 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 14/02/2014 off montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0094 150.5961 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7390 s.73 irrelevant150.3745 informationAlive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 14/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7390 s.73 irrelevant150.3745 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0049 150.5963 Dead LC Tiliquascincoides 1 14/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0049 150.5963 x Killed during clearing activity 15/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0690 150.541 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 15/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0690 150.541 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/02/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73 QLDirrelevant-27.069 s.73 information irrelevant150.541 informationDead In Bufomarinus 1 15/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.069 informations.73 irrelevant150.541 information x Euthanased 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0245 150.636 Alive LC Carliarubigo 1 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0245 150.636 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0049 150.5963 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 3 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0049 150.5963 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0254 150.6368 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0254 150.6368 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.0253 information150.6370 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 2 15/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.0253 information150.6370 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0697 s.73 irrelevant150.5299 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0697 s.73 irrelevant150.5299 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0697 150.5299 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0697 150.5299 x Euthanased 16/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0091 150.5987 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 16/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0091 150.5987 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.009 information150.6002 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 16/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73QLD irrelevant -27.009 information150.6002 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0768s.73 irrelevant150.540 informationAlive LC Delmaplebeia 1 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0768 s.73 irrelevant150.540 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -27.4370 150.6303 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 16/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -27.4370 150.6303 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0768 150.5353 Alive LC Podargusstrigoides 1 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0768 150.5353 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0769 150.5409 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 16/02/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0769 150.5409 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1711 149.7181 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1711 149.7181 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0047 150.5930 Alive LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 17/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLDEHP -27.0047 150.5930 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1711 149.7183 Alive LC Tytoalba 1 17/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1711 149.7183 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1749 149.7320 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan -QLD, 4419 -26.1749 149.7320 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1726 149.7251 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1726 149.7251 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1730 s.73 irrelevant149.7250 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1730 s.73 irrelevant149.7250 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1730 information149.7250 Alive LC Petaurusnorfolcensis 1 18/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1730 information149.7250 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9860 150.6411 Dead LC Parasutadwyeri 1 19/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9860 150.6411 x Killed during clearing activities 19/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1782 149.7169 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 19/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1782 149.7169 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1730 149.7336 Alive LC Demansiapsammophis 1 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1730 149.7336 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9861 150.6432 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 20/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9861 150.6432 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1733 149.7341 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1733 149.7341 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1726 149.7249 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 20/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1726 149.7249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1740 149.7434 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1740 149.7434 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1735s.73 irrelevant149.741 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 3 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1735 s.73 irrelevant149.741 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1821s.73 irrelevant149.70 informationDead LC Gehyradubia 1 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1821 s.73 irrelevant149.70 information x killed during clearing opeRations 21/02/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1613 150.7670 Alive LC Litoriarubella 1 21/02/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1613 150.7670 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevant QL-26.179 information149.7012 Dead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.179 information149.7012 x killed during clearing activities 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1822 149.7016 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1822 149.7016 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1825 s.73 information irrelevant149.7018 informationAlive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 21/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1825 informations.73 irrelevant149.7018 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/02/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee,s.73 irrelevantQLD-27.161 information150.7670 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 21/02/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLDs.73 irrelevant-27.161 information150.7670 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1826 149.7021 Alive LC Acrobatespygmaeus 1 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1826 149.7021 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -26.9860s.73 irrelevant150.643 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 22/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -26.9860 s.73 irrelevant150.643 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825 149.7018 Alive LC Carlliavivax 1 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 149.7018 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1822 149.7018 Alive LC Gehyradubia RELEASE2 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1822 149.7018 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1828 information149.7019 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1828 information149.7019 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1826 149.7021 Alive LC Gehyradubia 6 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1826 149.7021 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.7019 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 3 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.7019 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1822 149.7018 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 22/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1822 149.7018 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevant QL-26.177 information149.7169 Alive LC Brachyurophisaustralis 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.177 information149.7169 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1832 149.7020 Alive LC CryptoblepharuspulcherDLpulcher 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1832 149.7020 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0107 150.5098 Dead LC Dendrelaphispunctulatus 1 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0107 150.5098 x Killed during clearing activities 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825 149.702 Alive LC Gehyradubia 8 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 149.702 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 13 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0091 150.5123 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0091 150.5123 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0128 s.73 irrelevant150.5059 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0128 s.73 irrelevant150.5059 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1785 information149.7171 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 6 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1785 information149.7171 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1789 s.73 irrelevant149.7169 informationAlive V RTIParadelmaorientalis 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1789 s.73 irrelevant149.7169 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825 149.702 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 149.702 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationAlive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1825 s.73 irrelevant149.702 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1785 149.7171 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1785 149.7171 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevant QL-26.182 information149.7021 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 23/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.182 information149.7021 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0294 150.5128 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0294 150.5128 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1782 149.7166 Alive LC Cryptoblepharusaustralis 1 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1782 149.7166 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0091 150.5123 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0091 150.5123 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6576 150.4062 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6576 150.4062 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6576 150.4062 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6576 150.4062 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6576 150.4062 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6576 150.4062 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6576 150.4062 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 24/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6576 150.4062 x Euthanased 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0090 150.5113 Alive LC Dendrelaphispunctulatus 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0090 150.5113 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1782 s.73 irrelevant149.7166 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1782 s.73 irrelevant149.7166 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1730 information149.7336 Alive LC Gehyradubia 7 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1730 information149.7336 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0117 150.5079 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0117 150.5079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0088 150.5114 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0088 150.5114 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0088 150.5119 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0088 150.5119 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0094 150.5121 Alive LC Gehyradubia 5 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0094 150.5121 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1701 149.6953 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 3 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1701 149.6953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1730 149.7336 Dead LC Gehyravariegata 1 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1730 149.7336 x killed during clearing activities 24/02/2014RTI 14-289 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1730 149.7336 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1File 24/02/2014 A Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1730 149.7336 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 26 uninjured of 121 140303 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1701 149.6953 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1701 149.6953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1782 149.7166 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 24/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1782 149.7166 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0088 150.5119 Alive LC Saccolaimusflaviventris 1 24/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0088 150.5119 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1727 information149.7249 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1727 information149.7249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1701 149.6953 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1701 149.6953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1701 149.6953 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1701 149.6953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, s.73Wandoan irrelevant QL-26.172 information149.7249 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.172 information149.7249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1712 149.7065 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1712 149.7065 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1701 149.6953 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 2 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1701 149.6953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1712 information149.7065 Alive LC Leristafragilis 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1712 information149.7065 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1736 149.7067 Alive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1736 149.7067 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevant QL-26.170 information149.7070 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 25/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.170 information149.7070 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0271 150.5057 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 26/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0271 150.5057 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6632 information150.3905 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 2 26/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6632 information150.3905 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd,s.73 Chinchill irrelevanta-27.00 s.73 information irrelevant150.5880 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 QLD irrelevant -27.00 informations.73 irrelevant150.5880 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0036 150.5879 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0036 150.5879 x Euthanased 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0030 150.5881 Dead LC Delmaplebeia 1 26/02/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0030 150.5881 x Killed during clearing activities 26/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0319 150.5056 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 26/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0319 150.5056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 27/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0032 150.5878 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 27/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0032 150.5878 x Killed during clearing activities 27/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0032 150.5873 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 27/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0032 150.5873 x Killed during clearing activities 27/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6627 information150.3879 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 27/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6627 information150.3879 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0636 150.5383 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0636 150.5383 C Taken to wildlife carer for treatment s.7328/02/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2611 149.6737 Alive LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 28/02/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2611 149.6737 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6634 150.3951 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 28/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6634 150.3951 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6640 150.3947 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 28/02/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6640 150.3947 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7328/02/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2611 149.6737 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 28/02/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2611 149.6737 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Taras.73 Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.063 information150.5376 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.063 information150.5376 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara s.73Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.0629 information150.5349 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 28/02/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.0629 information150.5349 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 28/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevant QL-26.176s.73 information irrelevant149.72 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 28/02/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.176 s.73information irrelevant149.72 information x Euthanased s.7301/03/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2674 149.6723 Dead LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 01/03/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2674 149.6723 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6599 information150.3987 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6599 information150.3987 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6644 s.73 irrelevant150.3979 informationDead LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6644 s.73 irrelevant150.3979 information x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3953 Dead LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3953 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6636s.73 irrelevant150.392 informationAlive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6636 s.73 irrelevant150.392 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6641 150.3958 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6641 150.3958 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6630 s.73 irrelevant150.3949 informationDead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6630 s.73 irrelevant150.3949 information x killed during clearing works s.7301/03/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2542 149.6749 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 01/03/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD EHP-26.2542 149.6749 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6636 s.73 irrelevant150.392 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 4 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6636 s.73 irrelevant150.392 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 of Woleebee, QL-26.2584 149.6736 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 01/03/2014 of Woleebee,- QLD -26.2584 149.6736 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7301/03/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2673 149.6724 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 01/03/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2673 149.6724 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 of Woleebee, QL-26.2584 149.6736 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 01/03/2014 of Woleebee, QLD -26.2584 149.6736 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0634 150.5392 Dead LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 01/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0634 150.5392 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 of Woleebee, QL-26.2611 s.73 irrelevant149.6737 informationAlive LC Moreliaspilota 1 01/03/2014 of Woleebee, QLD -26.2611 s.73 irrelevant149.6737 informationx Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.7301/03/2014 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QL-26.2674 149.6723 Dead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 01/03/2014s.73 irrelevant informationof Woleebee, QLD -26.2674 149.6723 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6610 150.3988 Alive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6610 150.3988 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6639 150.3937 Dead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6639 150.3937 x killed during clearing works 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6630 150.3949 Dead LC Uperoleiasp 1 01/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6630 150.3949 x killed during clearing works 02/03/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0633s.73 information irrelevant150.534 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 02/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0633 s.73information irrelevant150.534 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information02/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0253 150.6366 Alive LC Antechinusflavipes 1 02/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0253 150.6366 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6539 s.73 irrelevant150.3656 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6539 s.73 irrelevant150.3656 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6539 150.3656 Alive LC Carliasp. 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6539 150.3656 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1738 s.73 irrelevant149.735 informationAlive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1738 s.73 irrelevant149.735 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6585 150.3988 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6585 150.3988 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6584 s.73 irrelevant150.3985 informationAlive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6584 s.73 irrelevant150.3985 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6587 150.3988 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6587 150.3988 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6580 s.73 irrelevant150.399 informationAlive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6580 s.73 irrelevant150.399 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6588 150.3988 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6588 150.3988 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6588 s.73 irrelevant150.3988 informationDead LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6588 s.73 irrelevant150.3988 information x euthanased on site 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6588s.73 irrelevant150.398 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6588 s.73 irrelevant150.398 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1735 149.7422 Dead LC Lialisburtonis RELEASE1 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1735 149.7422 x Euthanased 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6588 s.73 irrelevant150.3988 informationAlive LC Litorialatopalmata 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6588 s.73 irrelevant150.3988 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.658 s.73 information irrelevant150.39 informationDead LC Litorialatopalmata 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.658 s.73information irrelevant150.39 information x killed during clearing works 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1745 149.7438 Dead In Musmusculus 2 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1745 149.7438 x Euthanased 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1735 149.7341 Dead In Musmusculus 1 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1735 149.7341 x Euthanased 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1753 149.7351 Dead In Musmusculus 1 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1753 149.7351 x Euthanased 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1734 149.7421 Alive LC PlatyplectrumornatumDL 1 02/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1734 149.7421 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6581 150.3991 Dead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6581 150.3991 x euthanased on site 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6588 150.3988 Alive LC Uperoleialaevigata 2 02/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6588 150.3988 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 03/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1778 149.7079 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 03/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1778 149.7079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0656 150.5348 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0656 150.5348 x Euthanased 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7286 150.4079 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7286 150.4079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7286 150.4079 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7286 150.4079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.7286 s.73 irrelevant150.4079 informationAlive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.7286 s.73 irrelevant150.4079 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6645 150.4092 Alive LC RTICycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6645 150.4092 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6641 150.3956 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6641 150.3956 x killed during clearing works 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6629 150.3953 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6629 150.3953 x killed during clearing works 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6563 information150.4088 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6563 information150.4088 x Euthanased 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0215 150.6365 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0215 150.6365 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0224 150.6364 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0224 150.6364 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6627 150.3953 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6627 150.3953 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0225 150.6363 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0225 150.6363 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0645 150.5352 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0645 150.5352 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0655 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationAlive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0655 s.73 irrelevant150.534 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0656 150.5348 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0656 150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0657 150.5347 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 03/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0657 150.5347 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6632 150.3948 Dead LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6632 150.3948 x killed during clearing works 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6635 150.3953 Dead LC Ramphotyphlopsaffinis 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6635 150.3953 x killed during clearing works 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6632 s.73 irrelevant150.3948 informationDead LC Snake(unknownSpecies) 1 03/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6632 s.73 irrelevant150.3948 information x killed during clearing works 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0213 150.6364 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 03/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0213 150.6364 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1823 149.7015 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 04/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1823 149.7015 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6635 150.3545 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6635 150.3545 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 04/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 04/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD x Euthanased 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3952 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3952 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014RTI 14-289 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6627 s.73 irrelevant150.3953 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1File 04/03/2014 A Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6627 s.73 irrelevant150.3953 informationx relocated into adjacentPage bushland 27 uninjured of 121 140303 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara s.73Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.0676 information150.5348 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.0676 information150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0676 150.5348 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0676 150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0751 150.8365 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0751 150.8365 x Euthanased 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6635 information150.3951 Eggs LC SkinkEggs 1 04/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6635 information150.3951 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0676 150.5348 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 04/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0676 150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3571 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 05/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3571 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/03/2014 off Buloke Drives.73 irrelevant-27.1952 information150.8057 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 05/03/2014 off Buloke Drive s.73 irrelevant-27.1952 information150.8057 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3571 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 05/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.663 information150.3571 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-32.5547 s.73 irrelevant151.9076 informationAlive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 05/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -32.5547 s.73 irrelevant151.9076 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1720 149.7243 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 06/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1720 149.7243 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.1988 150.9067 Alive LC Carliasp. 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.1988 150.9067 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.2001 150.9063 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.2001 150.9063 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,Chinchillas.73QLD irrelevant-27.0697 information150.5301 Alive LC Cryptophisboschmai 1 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0697 information150.5301 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -32.5544 151.9079 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -32.5544 151.9079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-27.0130 150.6529 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 06/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -27.0130 150.6529 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5300 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0698 150.5300 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drives.73 irrelevant-27.199 s.73 information irrelevant150.906 informationAlive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive s.73 irrelevant-27.199 informations.73 irrelevant150.906 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 150.5302 Alive In Musmusculus 1 06/03/2014 offClynesRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0695 150.5302 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -32.5545 151.9081 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -32.5545 151.9081 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.2006 150.9059 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 06/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.2006 150.9059 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla-26.9621 148.2324 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 07/03/2014 off Montrose Rd, Chinchilla QLD -26.9621 148.2324 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6633 s.73 irrelevant150.4087 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6633 s.73 irrelevant150.4087 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6642 150.4022 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6642 150.4022 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6642 150.4022 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 07/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6642 150.4022 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.1968 150.9058 Dead LC Diplodactylusvittatus 1 07/03/2014 off Buloke Drive -27.1968 150.9058 x killed during shearing 08/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1750s.73 irrelevant149.748 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 08/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1750 s.73 irrelevant149.748 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1754 149.7486 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 08/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1754 149.7486 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,Chinchillas.73 QLirrelevantD-27.0125 information150.5068 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.0125 information150.5068 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0126 150.5067 Alive LC Morethiasp. 1 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0126 150.5067 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0126 150.5066 Dead In Musmusculus 1 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0126 150.5066 x Euthanased 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0116 150.5083 Dead In Musmusculus 1 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0116 150.5083 x Euthanased 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0124 150.5053 Dead LC Rhinellamarina 1 09/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0124 150.5053 x Euthanased 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7344 Alive LC Carliarubigo 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7344 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 150.7304 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 150.7304 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6614 s.73 irrelevant150.3800 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6614 s.73 irrelevant150.3800 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6615 150.3794 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6615 150.3794 x killed during clearing 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6883 150.3790 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDEHP -26.6883 150.3790 x killed during clearing 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.661 information150.3798 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.661 information150.3798 x killed during clearing 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1940 150.7334 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy- -27.1940 150.7334 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1940 150.7334 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1940 150.7334 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1969 150.7365 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1969 150.7365 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1964 150.7363 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 10/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1964 150.7363 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6619 information150.380 Dead LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 10/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6619 information150.380 x killed during clearing 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1726s.73 irrelevant149.598 informationDead In Bufomarinus 4 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1726 s.73 irrelevant149.598 information x Euthanased 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1931 s.73 irrelevant150.7263 informationDead LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1931 s.73 irrelevant150.7263 information x killed during clearing 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1726 s.73 irrelevant149.598 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 3 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1726 s.73 irrelevant149.598 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.194 information150.7300 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 3 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.194 information150.7300 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 s.73 irrelevant150.7298 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 s.73 irrelevant150.7298 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1726 149.598 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 3 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1726 149.598 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1726s.73 irrelevant149.598 informationAlive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1726 s.73 irrelevant149.598 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1739 s.73 irrelevant149.5989 informationAlive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 8 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1739 s.73 irrelevant149.5989 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road,s.73 Wolee irrelevant -26.1726s.73 information irrelevant149.598 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 3 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebees.73 Creek irrelevant -26.1726 informations.73 irrelevant149.598 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1750 149.5416 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 16 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1750 149.5416 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1937 150.7310 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1937 150.7310 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1940 150.7337 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1940 150.7337 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.194 information150.7300 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.194 information150.7300 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 s.73 irrelevant150.7298 informationAlive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1945 s.73 irrelevant150.7298 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1943 150.7298 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1943 150.7298 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1937 150.7304 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 11/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1937 150.7304 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1701 149.5922 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides RELEASE1 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1701 149.5922 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road,s.73 Wolee irrelevant -26.1755 information149.5964 Alive LC Uperoleiarugosa 1 11/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebees.73 Creek irrelevant -26.1755 information149.5964 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.1897 s.73 irrelevant149.600 informationAlive LC Anaresiamaculosa 1 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.1897 s.73 irrelevant149.600 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1919 150.7168 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 3 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1919 150.7168 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1918 150.7165 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 3 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1918 150.7165 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Wolee -26.185 s.73 irrelevant149.5954 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebee Creek -26.185 s.73 irrelevant149.5954 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road,s.73 Wolee irrelevant -26.185 information149.5954 Alive LC MorethiaboulengeriDL 1 12/03/2014 Off Sundown Road, Woleebees.73 Creek irrelevant -26.185 information149.5954 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1924s.73 irrelevant150.72 informationAlive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 12/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1924 s.73 irrelevant150.72 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7302 Alive LC Cryptoblepharusaustralis 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7302 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1921 150.7183 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1921 150.7183 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1911 150.7109 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1911 150.7109 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6580 s.73 irrelevant150.4062 informationDead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 1 13/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6580 s.73 irrelevant150.4062 information x killed during shearing 13/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1669 149.5905 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1669 149.5905 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.1937 information150.7303 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.1937 information150.7303 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1925s.73 irrelevant150.716 informationAlive LC RTIGehyradubia 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1925 s.73 irrelevant150.716 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1911 150.7111 Alive LC Lamphropholisdelicitata 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1911 150.7111 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1722 149.5926 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 2 13/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1722 149.5926 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1946 150.7305 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1946 150.7305 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7302 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1942 150.7302 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.191 s.73 information irrelevant150.7103 informationAlive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.191 informations.73 irrelevant150.7103 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1928 150.7069 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1928 150.7069 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1967 150.7048 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1967 150.7048 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0766 150.5337 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 13/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0766 150.5337 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.0765 150.5333 Dead In Musmusculus 1 13/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.0765 150.5333 x Euthanased 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1958s.73 irrelevant150.706 informationAlive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1958 s.73 irrelevant150.706 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.1911 s.73 information irrelevant150.7112 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.1911 informations.73 irrelevant150.7112 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1910 s.73 irrelevant150.709 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 13/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1910 s.73 irrelevant150.709 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1984 s.73 irrelevant149.6156 informationDead LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1984 s.73 irrelevant149.6156 information x Euthanased 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.1891 s.73 irrelevant150.746 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.1891 s.73 irrelevant150.746 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.1890 150.7470 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.1890 150.7470 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,Chinchillas.73 irrelevantQLD-27.188 information150.7471 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD s.73 irrelevant-27.188 information150.7471 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0467 150.5116 Alive LC Ctenotusallotrophis 1 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0467 150.5116 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2036 s.73 irrelevant149.5985 informationAlive LC Eremiascincusrichardsonii 1 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2036 s.73 irrelevant149.5985 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1966 150.7037 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1966 150.7037 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.1979 information150.6962 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.1979 information150.6962 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014RTI 14-289 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2361 151.2527 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1File 14/03/2014 A Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2361 151.2527 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 28 uninjured of 121 140303 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0474 s.73 irrelevant150.510 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0474 s.73 irrelevant150.510 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara s.73Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.0467 information150.5136 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.0467 information150.5136 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.196 information150.7009 Dead LC Leristatimida 1 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.196 information150.7009 x killed during clearing 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 s.73 irrelevant150.6983 informationDead LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 s.73 irrelevant150.6983 information x killed during clearing 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD-27.1884 150.7460 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 14/03/2014 offAurthurRd,ChinchillaQLD -27.1884 150.7460 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1742 s.73 irrelevant149.592 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1742 s.73 irrelevant149.592 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.9242 s.73 irrelevant144.5971 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 14/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.9242 s.73 irrelevant144.5971 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.1969s.73 information irrelevant150.699 informationAlive LC Pygopusschraderi 1 14/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.1969 s.73information irrelevant150.699 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0466 150.5104 Alive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 14/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0466 150.5104 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Dead In BufoMarinus 10 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x Euthanased 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0463 150.5099 Alive LC Carliasp. 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0463 150.5099 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Taras.73 Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.045 information150.5054 Alive LC Carliasp. 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.045 information150.5054 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 150.6957 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspannosus 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 150.6957 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0466 150.5053 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0466 150.5053 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2029 149.5985 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2029 149.5985 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1961 150.6951 Dead LC Delmatincta 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1961 150.6951 x killed during clearing 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0460 150.5074 Eggs LC GeckoEggs 2 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0460 150.5074 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0466 150.5046 Eggs LC GeckoEggs 2 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0466 150.5046 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1968 s.73 irrelevant150.6998 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1968 s.73 irrelevant150.6998 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1966 150.6950 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1966 150.6950 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 150.6951 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 150.6951 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1963 150.6949 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1963 150.6949 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0460 150.5072 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0460 150.5072 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara s.73Rd, Weia irrelevantm -27.0462 information150.5048 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla,s.73 QLD irrelevant -27.0462 information150.5048 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Limnodynastesfletcheri 2 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 2 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 5 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 3 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Litorialatopalmata 1 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 s.73 irrelevant150.694 informationAlive LC Menetiagreyii 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1962 s.73 irrelevant150.694 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1910 150.7447 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1910 150.7447 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1797 149.6018 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1797 149.6018 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1809 149.6045 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 15/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1809 149.6045 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0464 150.5056 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0464 150.5056 x killed during clearing 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0459 150.5068 Dead LC Pogonabarbata 1 15/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0459 150.5068 x killed during clearing 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1975 s.73 irrelevant150.7370 informationAlive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 15/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy EHP-27.1975 s.73 irrelevant150.7370 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan,s.73 irrelevant Q -26.190 information149.5969 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 16/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.190 information149.5969 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1956 150.6965 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy- -27.1956 150.6965 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6447 150.3561 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6447 150.3561 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6450 150.3543 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6450 150.3543 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1965 150.6952 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1965 150.6952 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6446s.73 irrelevant150.35 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6446 s.73 irrelevant150.35 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1957 150.7455 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1957 150.7455 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.1958 information150.7455 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.1958 information150.7455 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6519 150.3647 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6519 150.3647 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1879 149.6070 Dead In Musmusculus 2 16/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1879 149.6070 x Euthanased 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6446 s.73 irrelevant150.3556 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 16/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6446 s.73 irrelevant150.3556 information x Euthanased s.73 irrelevant information16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1969 150.7051 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1969 150.7051 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1958 150.7445 Dead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 16/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1958 150.7445 x killed during clearing 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6382 150.3544 Dead LC Amalosiarombifera 1 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6382 150.3544 x killed during clearing 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.649 information150.3600 Alive LC Carliamunda 3 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.649 information150.3600 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1839 s.73 irrelevant149.710 informationAlive LC Carliasp. 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1839 s.73 irrelevant149.710 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7051 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7051 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2123 150.7101 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2123 150.7101 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6412 150.3558 Dead LC Diplodactylussteindachneri 1 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6412 150.3558 x Euthanased 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1833 149.7103 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1833 149.7103 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7056 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7059 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7059 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7052 Alive LC Gehyravariegata RELEASE2 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7052 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7059 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7059 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7052 Dead LC Gehyravariegata 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1973 150.7052 x Injured and therefore euthanased 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.2129 information150.7104 Dead LC Hemisphaeriodongerrardi 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.2129 informations.73 irrelevant150.7104 information x killed during clearing 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1908 149.7160 Dead LC Leristafragilis 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1908 149.7160 x killed during clearing 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1907 s.73 irrelevant149.7160 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1907 149.7160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1917 149.7154 Alive LC LygisaurusfoliorumDL 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1917 149.7154 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6440 150.3549 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6440 150.3549 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7056 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 17/03/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.1976 150.7056 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1832 149.7099 Dead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 17/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1832 149.7099 x killed during clearing 17/03/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1753 150.7506 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 17/03/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1753 150.7506 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD-27.1753 150.7506 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 17/03/2014 Off Kerrs Rd, Beelbee, QLD -27.1753 150.7506 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6489 150.3598 Alive LC Uperoleialaevigata 1 17/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6489 150.3598 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd,s.73 Columboola, irrelevant -26.64 information150.3551 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, s.73QLD irrelevant -26.64 information150.3551 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1835 149.7104 Alive LC RTICryptoblepharus pulcherpulcher 1 18/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1835 149.7104 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2573 149.5910 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2573 s.73 irrelevant149.5910 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2573 149.5910 Alive LC Leristafragilis 1 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2573 149.5910 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2569 149.590 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2569 149.590 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan,s.73 irrelevant Q -26.2588 s.73 information irrelevant149.593 informationAlive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.2588 s.73information irrelevant149.593 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6444 s.73 irrelevant150.3625 informationAlive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6444 s.73 irrelevant150.3625 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6444 150.362 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 18/03/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6444 150.362 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2569s.73 irrelevant149.590 informationAlive LC Varanustristis 1 18/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2569 s.73 irrelevant149.590 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd,s.73 Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.191 information150.7450 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.191 information150.7450 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1950 150.7494 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1950 150.7494 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2424 s.73 irrelevant149.6288 informationAlive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 19/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2424 s.73 irrelevant149.6288 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2424 149.6288 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 19/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2424 149.6288 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1948 150.7489 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 19/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1948 150.7489 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2402s.73 irrelevant149.616 informationAlive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 20/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2402 s.73 irrelevant149.616 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2437 s.73 irrelevant149.6011 informationDead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 20/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2437 s.73 irrelevant149.6011 information x Killed during grinding 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd,s.73 Kogan irrelevant -27.2603 s.73 information irrelevant150.694 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.2603 s.73information irrelevant150.694 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1953 150.7528 Alive LC Gehyracatenata 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1953 150.7528 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1954 s.73 irrelevant150.7507 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1954 s.73 irrelevant150.7507 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1957 s.73 irrelevant150.752 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1957 s.73 irrelevant150.752 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1953 150.7528 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1953 s.73 irrelevant150.7528 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1953 150.7528 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1953 150.7528 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014RTI 14-289 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1950 s.73 irrelevant150.7533 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1File 21/03/2014 A Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1950 s.73 irrelevant150.7533 informationx relocated into adjacentPage bushland 29 uninjured of 121 140303 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd,s.73 Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.195 information150.7533 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.195 information150.7533 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan -27.2612 150.6943 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan QLD -27.2612 150.6943 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan -27.2606 150.6948 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 21/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan QLD -27.2606 150.6948 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 irrelevantQL-26.1836 information149.7391 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 21/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -26.1836 information149.7391 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1913 149.7393 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 21/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1913 149.7393 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2140 149.5971 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2140 149.5971 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan,s.73 irrelevant Q -26.213 s.73 information irrelevant149.6125 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.213 informations.73 irrelevant149.6125 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2087 149.6124 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 21/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2087 149.6124 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1950 150.7526 Alive LC Saccolaimusflaviventris 1 21/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1950 150.7526 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1953 150.7531 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1953 150.7531 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2109 149.6166 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 22/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2109 149.6166 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2085 s.73 irrelevant150.749 informationAlive LC Eulampustenius 1 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2085 s.73 irrelevant150.749 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1816 s.73 irrelevant149.7400 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 2 22/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1816 s.73 irrelevant149.7400 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-27.2085 information150.749 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.2085 information150.749 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1948s.73 irrelevant150.752 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 4 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1948 s.73 irrelevant150.752 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1950 150.7533 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1950 150.7533 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1954 150.7507 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1954 150.7507 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1827 149.7405 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 22/03/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1827 149.7405 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2109 149.6166 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 22/03/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2109 149.6166 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, s.73Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.195 information150.7532 Dead In Musmusculus 1 22/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.195 information150.7532 x Euthanased 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2107 150.7466 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2107 150.7466 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0468 150.5046 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 23/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0468 150.5046 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2036 s.73 irrelevant150.7545 informationAlive LC Leristapunctatovittata 1 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2036 s.73 irrelevant150.7545 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2030 150.7445 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2030 150.7445 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2030 150.7450 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 2 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2030 150.7450 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2026 150.7442 Dead V Paradelmaorientalis 1 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2026 150.7442 x killed during clearing 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2032 150.7448 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 23/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2032 150.7448 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0473 150.5104 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 23/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0473 150.5104 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2031 150.7538 Alive LC Amphibolurusburnsi 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2031 150.7538 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiam -27.0469 150.5146 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 24/03/2014 Chinchilla-Tara Rd, Weiambilla, QLD -27.0469 150.5146 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2037 s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationAlive LC Carliamunda 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2037 s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2031 150.7541 Alive LC Gehyradubia 5 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2031 150.7541 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1889 150.7535 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1889 150.7535 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2026 150.7541 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2026 150.7541 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1889 150.7535 Dead LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1889 150.7535 x Euthanased 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2032 150.7537 Dead LC Leristapunctatovittata 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2032 150.7537 x killed during clearing 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2029 s.73 irrelevant150.7539 informationAlive LC Leristatimida 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDEHP -27.2029 s.73 irrelevant150.7539 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2035 150.7542 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2035 150.7542 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2034 150.7538 Alive LC Liopholismodesta 2 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee,- QLD -27.2034 150.7538 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2029 150.7541 Alive LC Liopholismodesta 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2029 150.7541 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2032 150.7542 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2032 150.7542 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2037s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2037 s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2035 150.7542 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2035 150.7542 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2035 150.7539 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2035 150.7539 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2126 150.7534 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2126 150.7534 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2032 150.7535 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2032 150.7535 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2031 150.7535 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 24/03/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2031 150.7535 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan -27.2605 s.73 irrelevant150.6949 informationDead LC Moreliaspilota 1 25/03/2014 Weranga North Rd, Kogan QLD -27.2605 s.73 irrelevant150.6949 information x Euthanased s.73 irrelevant information01/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2140 149.5971 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 01/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2140 149.5971 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2140 149.5971 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 01/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2140 149.5971 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-27.1725 150.7604 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -27.1725 150.7604 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-27.1725 150.7604 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -27.1725 150.7604 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-27.1725 150.7604 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 02/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -27.1725 150.7604 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2087 s.73 irrelevant149.590 informationAlive LC Leristamuelleri 1 02/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2087 s.73 irrelevant149.590 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2089 149.5911 Alive LC Uperoleialaevigata 1 02/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2089 149.5911 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoans.73 QirrelevantL-27.1650 information149.7978 Alive LC Cryptophisboschmai 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD,s.73 4419 irrelevant -27.1650 information149.7978 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-27.1651 149.7978 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -27.1651 149.7978 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1843 149.7381 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1843 149.7381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1843 149.7381 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1843 149.7381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1843 149.7381 Alive LC Gehyradubia RELEASE1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1843 149.7381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1808 149.7346 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1808 149.7346 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1810 149.7346 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1810 149.7346 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1843 149.7381 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 03/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1843 149.7381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2184 149.6116 Alive LC Leristamuelleri 1 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2184 149.6116 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2274 149.5956 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2274 149.5956 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2258 s.73 irrelevant149.6129 informationAlive LC LimnodynastessalminiiDL 1 03/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2258 s.73 irrelevant149.6129 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1915 149.7156 Dead In Musmusculus 1 04/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1915 149.7156 x Euthanized 04/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QL-26.1906 149.7164 Dead LC Rhinellamarina 1 04/04/2014 Off Bundi Rd, Wandoan QLD, 4419 -26.1906 149.7164 x Euthanized 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2303 149.5889 Dead LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2303 149.5889 x killed during grinding 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2296 149.5894 Dead LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2296 149.5894 x killed during grinding 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2297 149.5894 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2297 149.5894 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2298 149.5896 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2298 149.5896 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3394 150.9791 Alive LC Morethiataeniopleura 1 05/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3394 150.9791 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3395 150.9801 Alive LC RTIMorethiataeniopleura 1 05/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3395 150.9801 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2333 149.5899 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2333 149.5899 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2333 149.5899 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 05/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2333 149.5899 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2352 149.5914 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2352 149.5914 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2343 s.73 irrelevant149.593 informationAlive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2343 s.73 irrelevant149.593 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2353 149.5914 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2353 149.5914 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2344 s.73 irrelevant149.5934 informationDead LC Rhinellamarina 1 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2344 s.73 irrelevant149.5934 information x Euthanized 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2324 s.73 irrelevant149.604 informationAlive LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 06/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2324 s.73 irrelevant149.604 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3918 151.0549 Alive LC Eremiascincusrichardsonii 1 07/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3918 151.0549 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2476 149.5882 Dead LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 07/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2476 149.5882 x Euthanized 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -33.3585 151.3362 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -33.3585 151.3362 x killed during grinding 07/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3918 151.0549 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 07/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3918 151.0549 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3393 s.73 irrelevant150.9814 informationDead LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3393 s.73 irrelevant150.9814 information x killed during grinding 07/04/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchill -27.0074 150.5933 Dead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 07/04/2014 Off Church Road, Chinchilla QLD -27.0074 150.5933 x killed during grinding 07/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2476 149.5882 Dead LC Rhinellamarina 1 07/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2476 149.5882 x Euthanized 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3396 150.9813 Dead LC Tiliquascincoides 1 07/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3396 150.9813 x killed during grinding 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2439s.73 irrelevant149.592 informationDead LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2439 s.73 irrelevant149.592 information x killed during grinding 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2440 149.5924 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2440 149.5924 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.639 information150.3696 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 08/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.639 information150.3696 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.2420 149.5949 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 08/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.2420 149.5949 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1983 s.73 irrelevant149.6011 informationAlive LC Boigairregularis 1 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1983 s.73 irrelevant149.6011 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014RTI 14-289 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-27.1893 information150.7466 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1File 09/04/2014 A Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.1893 information150.7466 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 30 uninjured of 121 140303 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1893 150.7465 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1893 150.7465 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3865 151.0630 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3865 151.0630 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Roads.73 irrelevant -27.3862 s.73 information irrelevant151.0620 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road s.73 irrelevant-27.3862 informations.73 irrelevant151.0620 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3859 151.0631 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.3859 151.0631 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd,s.73 Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.18 s.73 information irrelevant150.753 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.18 informations.73 irrelevant150.753 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1890 150.7537 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1890 150.7537 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Roads.73 irrelevant -27.3874 information151.0636 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road s.73 irrelevant-27.3874 information151.0636 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.387 151.0638 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road -27.387 151.0638 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Broadwater Roads.73 irrelevant -27.387 s.73 information irrelevant151.0638 informationAlive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/04/2014 Broadwater Road s.73 irrelevant-27.387 informations.73 irrelevant151.0638 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1937 149.6068 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1937 149.6068 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1969 149.6014 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1969 149.6014 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.1927s.73 irrelevant149.607 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 09/04/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.1927 s.73 irrelevant149.607 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-27.1889 information150.7537 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 09/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.1889 information150.7537 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9915 Alive LC Cycloranabrevipes 1 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9915 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/04/2014 Montrose Road, Chinchilla -27.0508 s.73 irrelevant150.5343 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 10/04/2014 Montrose Road, Chinchilla -27.0508 s.73 irrelevant150.5343 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd,s.73 Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.19 information150.7451 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 10/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.19 information150.7451 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3626 150.9914 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3626 150.9914 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3395 150.981 Dead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 10/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3395 150.981 x Killed during grinding 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3630s.73 irrelevant150.990 informationAlive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3630 s.73 irrelevant150.990 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3626 150.9941 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3626 150.9941 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3616 150.9845 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3616 150.9845 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Montrose Road, Chinchilla -27.0504 150.5324 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/04/2014 Montrose Road, Chinchilla -27.0504 150.5324 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9914 Alive LC Ctenotusstrauchii 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9914 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3618 150.9852 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3618 150.9852 x Killed during clearing 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3630 150.9911 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3630 150.9911 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9912 Dead LC Leristatimida 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3631 150.9912 x Killed during clearing 11/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1955 150.7512 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 11/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1955 150.7512 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3612 150.9847 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3612 150.9847 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Montrose Road,s.73 Chinchilla irrelevant -27.0518 information150.5342 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 11/04/2014 Montrose Road, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.0518 information150.5342 x killed during grinding 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3611 150.9847 Alive LC Ramphotyphlopsligatus 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3611 150.9847 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3620 150.9905 Dead LC Varanusgouldii 1 11/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3620 150.9905 x Killed during clearing 12/04/2014 Broadwater Road, Broadwa-27.3848 s.73 irrelevant151.0557 informationDead LC Cycloranaverrucosa 1 12/04/2014 Broadwater Road, Broadwater -27.3848 s.73 irrelevant151.0557 information x Killed during clearing 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5342 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5342 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0523 150.5334 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0523 150.5334 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0520 150.5321 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 2 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0520 150.5321 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0566 150.5307 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 12/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0566 150.5307 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/04/2014 Broadwater Road, Broadwa-27.3851 151.0542 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 12/04/2014 Broadwater Road, BroadwaterEHP -27.3851 151.0542 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/04/2014 Church Road -27.0316 150.6079 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 12/04/2014 Church Road -27.0316 150.6079 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5313 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road - -27.0573 150.5313 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0309 150.6115 Alive LC Cycloranaverrucosa 1 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0309 150.6115 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5313 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5313 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.052 information150.5315 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.052 information150.5315 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0528 150.5314 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0528 150.5314 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.2040 150.7545 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.2040 150.7545 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0572 s.73 irrelevant150.530 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0572 s.73 irrelevant150.530 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0577 150.5307 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0577 150.5307 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5312 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5312 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0310 150.6125 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0310 150.6125 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0304 150.6141 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0304 150.6141 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0304 s.73 irrelevant150.6141 informationAlive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0304 s.73 irrelevant150.6141 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1949 150.7513 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1949 150.7513 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0305 information150.6144 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 13/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0305 information150.6144 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0574 150.5311 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0574 150.5311 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5313 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 5 13/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0573 150.5313 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0295 s.73 irrelevant150.614 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0295 s.73 irrelevant150.614 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0309 150.6126 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 3 13/04/2014 Church Road -27.0309 150.6126 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.2031 150.7533 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 13/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.2031 150.7533 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.1751 150.7567 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.1751 150.7567 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6585 150.3988 Alive LC Cyloranaplatycephala 2000 14/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6585 150.3988 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6585 150.3988 Dead LC Cyloranaplatycephala RELEASE100 14/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6585 150.3988 x Killed during dewatering of a melon hole 14/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.038 information150.6115 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 14/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.038 information150.6115 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5402 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5402 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0523 s.73 information irrelevant150.5347 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0523 informations.73 irrelevant150.5347 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0524 150.5345 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0524 150.5345 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.052 information150.5348 Alive LC Gehyradubia 4 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.052 information150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0521 information150.5342 Alive LC Gehyradubia DL 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0521 information150.5342 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.052 information150.5348 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.052 information150.5348 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Church Road -27.0381 150.6086 Alive LC Lialisburtonis 1 14/04/2014 Church Road -27.0381 150.6086 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0522 information150.5403 Dead LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0522 information150.5403 x Killed during clearing 14/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.038 information150.6100 Alive LC Limnodynastessalminii 1 14/04/2014 Church Road s.73 irrelevant-27.038 information150.6100 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Church Road -27.0384 s.73 irrelevant150.610 informationAlive LC Limnodynastessalminii 1 14/04/2014 Church Road -27.0384 s.73 irrelevant150.610 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0523 150.5347 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0523 150.5347 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0524 150.5345 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 2 14/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0524 150.5345 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0533 150.5412 Dead LC RTICryptophisboschmai 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0533 150.5412 x Killed during clearing 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6584 150.3987 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 3000 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6584 150.3987 x Tadpoles observed in melon hole. Works stopped and melon ho 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6584 150.3987 Dead LC Cycloranaplatycephala 20 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6584 150.3987 x killed during clearing activities 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5330 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5330 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0535 150.5430 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0535 150.5430 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0518 150.5398 Dead LC Gehyradubia 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0518 150.5398 x euthanased due to injury 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6585 150.3991 Alive LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 15/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6585 150.3991 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0518 150.5398 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitoquartus 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0518 150.5398 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5323 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 15/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0521 150.5323 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0585 150.5431 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 16/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0585 150.5431 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.0259 s.73 information irrelevant150.6059 informationAlive LC Criniaparinsignifera 1 16/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.0259 informations.73 irrelevant150.6059 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3987 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 555 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3987 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6586 150.3991 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 300 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6586 150.3991 x Tadpoles relocated into adjacent melon hole uninjured 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3987 Alive LC Notadenbennetti 10 16/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3987 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 17/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0581 150.5427 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 17/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0581 150.5427 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3985 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 4 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3985 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3985 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 40 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3985 x Tadpoles relocated into adjacent melon hole uninjured 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3985 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 3 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3985 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3985 Alive LC Cycloranaplatycephala 130 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3985 x Tadpoles relocated into adjacent melon hole uninjured 17/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0581 150.5427 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 17/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0581 150.5427 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6613 150.3985 Alive LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 17/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6613 150.3985 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 18/04/2014RTI 14-289 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4109 150.9900 Alive LC Carliamunda 1File 18/04/2014 A Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4109 150.9900 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 31 uninjured of 121 140303 18/04/2014 Off Broadwater Road, Nan-27.4109 150.9900 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 7 18/04/2014 Off Broadwater Road, Nandi Qld -27.4109 150.9900 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0583 150.5374 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 19/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0583 150.5374 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2201 150.7273 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2201 150.7273 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2202 150.7276 Alive LC Leristapunctatovittata 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2202 150.7276 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2201 150.7273 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2201 150.7273 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.2206 information150.7272 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.2206 information150.7272 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2199 150.7279 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2199 150.7279 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.4082 150.9821 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 60 19/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.4082 150.9821 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2194 150.7271 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2194 150.7271 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.220 information150.7274 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.220 information150.7274 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2211 150.7276 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 19/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2211 150.7276 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2220 150.7330 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2220 150.7330 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2217 150.7327 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2217 150.7327 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.2221 information150.7329 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.2221 information150.7329 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2222 150.7327 Alive V Paradelmaorientalis 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2222 150.7327 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 20/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3224 s.73 irrelevant151.0139 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 130 20/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3224 151.0139 x All released unharmed into adjacent bushland 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2215 150.7326 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2215 s.73 irrelevant150.7326 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.220 information150.7354 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.220 information150.7354 x killed during clearing activities 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.2218 information150.7332 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 20/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.2218 information150.7332 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -26.995 information150.6097 Alive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-26.995 information150.6097 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0047 150.6098 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0047 150.6098 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9904 150.5919 Alive LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9904 150.5919 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 Alive LC Hemiaspisdumerlii 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalbys.73 irrelevant -27.3224 information151.0138 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby s.73 irrelevant-27.3224 information151.0138 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 Alive LC Limnodynastestasmaniensis 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9948 150.6097 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3219 151.0229 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3219 151.0229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, s.73Dalby irrelevant -27.321 information151.0141 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 9 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby s.73 irrelevant-27.321 information151.0141 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3212 151.0229 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3212 151.0229 x Killed during clearing 21/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.2222 150.7401 Dead LC Pogonabarbata 1 21/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.2222 150.7401 x Killed during clearing 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -26.9893 s.73 information irrelevant150.6052 informationAlive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-26.9893 information150.6052 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.611 Alive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.611 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -26.984 s.73 information irrelevant150.611 informationDead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 2 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-26.984 informations.73 irrelevant150.611 information x killed during shearing 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.6115 Dead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.6115 x killed during shearing 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.6115 Dead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9850 150.6115 x killed during shearing 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9898 150.6051 Alive LC Pseudonajatextilis 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9898 150.6051 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby -27.3214 151.0143 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 21/04/2014 Moonie HWY, Dalby EHP-27.3214 151.0143 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9851 150.6114 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 21/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9851 150.6114 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.0245 information150.5931 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla- s.73 irrelevant-27.0245 information150.5931 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0245 150.5931 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0245 150.5931 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0036 s.73 irrelevant150.5931 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 2 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0036 s.73 irrelevant150.5931 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3211 151.0170 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3211 151.0170 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3208 151.0150 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3208 151.0150 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0036 150.5931 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0036 150.5931 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.024 information150.6006 Alive LC Limnodynastessalmini 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.024 information150.6006 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.0036 information150.5931 Alive LC Litorialatopalmata 2 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.0036 information150.5931 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.625 information150.3445 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 22/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.625 information150.3445 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalbys.73 irrelevant -27.3211s.73 information irrelevant151.017 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby s.73 irrelevant-27.3211 s.73information irrelevant151.017 informationx relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured s.73 irrelevant information22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3208 151.0145 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3208 151.0145 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalbys.73 irrelevant 27.3211 information151.0166 Dead LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 22/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby s.73 irrelevant27.3211 information151.0166 x Killed during clearing works 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0044 150.5934 Alive LC Pseudechisguttatus 3 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0044 150.5934 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -26.9945 information150.5944 Alive LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-26.9945 information150.5944 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.024 information150.6005 Alive LC Tiliquarugosa 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.024 information150.6005 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0123 150.5855 Alive LC Uperoleialaevigata 1 22/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0123 150.5855 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 23/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6129 150.3435 Alive LC Dendrelaphispunctulatus 1 23/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6129 150.3435 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 s.73 irrelevant150.5930 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 s.73 irrelevant150.5930 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6004 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6004 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee,s.73 irrelevant Q-27.1889 information150.7538 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.1889 information150.7538 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1886 150.7540 Alive LC Gehyradubia 3 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1886 150.7540 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 150.5930 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum RELEASE1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 150.5930 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1889 150.7538 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1889 150.7538 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6004 Alive LC Pseudechisguttatus 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6004 C taken to carer 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchillas.73 irrelevant -27.011 information150.5929 Alive LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla s.73 irrelevant-27.011 information150.5929 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0110 s.73 irrelevant150.592 informationDead LC Pseudechisporphyriacus 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0110 150.592 x killed during shearing 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, Q-27.1890 s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationAlive LC Pseudonajatextilis 1 23/04/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLD -27.1890 s.73 irrelevant150.753 informationx self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 s.73 irrelevant150.5930 informationAlive LC UperoleialaevigataDL 1 23/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0112 s.73 irrelevant150.5930 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 23/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3215 s.73 irrelevant151.014 informationAlive LC Varanusgouldii 1 23/04/2014 Halliford Rd, Dalby -27.3215 s.73 irrelevant151.014 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6093 150.3416 Dead In Bufomarinus 2 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6093 150.3416 x euthanased on site 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6392 150.3577 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6392 150.3577 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0127 150.6354 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0127 150.6354 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6345 information150.3597 Dead LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.6345 information150.3597 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1887 150.7531 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 24/04/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1887 150.7531 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2246 150.7226 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2246 150.7226 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6001 Alive LC RTILimnodynastestasmaniensis 1 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0102 150.6001 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0106 150.5929 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 24/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -27.0106 150.5929 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6354 150.3593 Alive LC Litoriafallax 1 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6354 150.3593 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6345 s.73 irrelevant150.3597 informationAlive LC Mormopterusbeccarii 6 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6345 s.73 irrelevant150.3597 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamines.73 Hwy irrelevant -27.221 information150.7159 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy s.73 irrelevant-27.221 information150.7159 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2253 150.7244 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 24/04/2014 Kogan - Condamine Hwy -27.2253 150.7244 x self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6089 150.3400 Dead LC Vermicellaannulata 1 24/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6089 150.3400 x Killed during clearing works 25/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9953 150.6048 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 25/04/2014 Montrose Rd, Chinchilla -26.9953 150.6048 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6094 150.3464 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 25/04/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6094 150.3464 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant-27.0030 information150.5374 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 25/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0030 information150.5374 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 26/04/2014 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQ-27.3855 151.0564 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 26/04/2014 OffBroadwaterRoad,NandiQLD -27.3855 151.0564 x relocatedintoadjacentbushlanduninjured 29/04/2014 Davies Road -26.6256 150.3464 Alive LC Delmaplebeia 1 29/04/2014 Davies Road -26.6256 150.3464 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/04/2014 Davies Road -26.6258 150.3475 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 29/04/2014 Davies Road -26.6258 150.3475 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.286 s.73 information irrelevant150.660 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 29/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.286 informations.73 irrelevant150.660 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 29/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3494 150.9921 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 29/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3494 150.9921 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Haliford Road s.73 irrelevant-27.3499 information150.9920 Alive LC Litorialatopalmata 1 30/04/2014 Haliford Road s.73 irrelevant-27.3499 information150.9920 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 Alive LC Limnodynastesterraereginae 1 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.285 information150.6537 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.285 information150.6537 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2858 s.73 irrelevant150.6540 informationAlive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2858 s.73 irrelevant150.6540 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2865 150.6527 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 30/04/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2865 150.6527 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information 140303 30/04/2014RTI 14-289 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1File 30/04/2014 A Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.2859 150.6530 x relocated into adjacentPage bushland 32 uninjured of 121 30/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3499 150.9920 Alive LC Rattusfuscipes 1 30/04/2014 Haliford Road -27.3499 150.9920 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.00 information150.5365 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 01/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.00 information150.5365 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 01/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5357 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 01/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5357 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3469 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3469 x Euthanased 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6344 150.3462 Dead In Bufomarinus 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6344 150.3462 x Euthanased 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6314 150.3473 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6314 150.3473 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -83.2746 132.3625 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 3 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -83.2746 132.3625 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6315 information150.3470 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 2 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6315 information150.3470 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6294 150.3478 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 4 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6294 150.3478 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6312 150.3474 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6312 150.3474 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6332 150.3465 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6332 150.3465 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6345 s.73 irrelevant150.3463 informationAlive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6345 s.73 irrelevant150.3463 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3467 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3467 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6345 150.3462 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6345 150.3462 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6301 150.3480 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6301 150.3480 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6309 150.3477 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6309 150.3477 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6348 information150.3461 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6348 information150.3461 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6265 150.3477 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 02/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6265 150.3477 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0515 150.5274 Alive LC Gehyracatenata 1 03/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0515 150.5274 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 03/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.051 150.5274 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 03/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.051 150.5274 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 04/05/2014 Steinhort's Rd,s.73 Beleebee, irrelevant Q-27.217 information150.7304 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 04/05/2014 Steinhort's Rd, Beleebee, QLDs.73 irrelevant -27.217 information150.7304 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6390 150.3440 Alive LC Aepyprymnusrufescens 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6390 150.3440 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1420 s.73 irrelevant150.730 informationAlive LC Antechinusflavipes 1 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1420 s.73 irrelevant150.730 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0564 150.5238 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0564 150.5238 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0568 s.73 irrelevant150.5235 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0568 s.73 irrelevant150.5235 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1424 150.7309 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1424 150.7309 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1423s.73 information irrelevant150.730 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1423 s.73information irrelevant150.730 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Buloke Drive -27.1947 150.9116 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 05/05/2014 Buloke Drive -27.1947 150.9116 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6358 s.73 irrelevant150.3450 informationAlive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6358 s.73 irrelevant150.3450 informationx Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Buloke Drive -27.1925 150.9139 Alive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 05/05/2014 Buloke Drive -27.1925 150.9139 x Self-relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1420 150.730 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 05/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1420 150.730 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.055 s.73 irrelevant150.524 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.055 informations.73 irrelevant150.524 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.056 information150.5239 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.056 information150.5239 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0565 150.5242 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0565 150.5242 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6392 150.3438 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6392 150.3438 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6392 information150.3438 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6392 information150.3438 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6364 150.3445 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road EHP-26.6364 150.3445 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.638 information150.3441 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 05/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.638 information150.3441 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0569 150.5242 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road - -27.0569 150.5242 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0568 s.73 information irrelevant150.5239 informationAlive NT Strophurustaenicauda 1 05/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0568 informations.73 irrelevant150.5239 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Buloke Drive s.73 irrelevant-27.194 information150.9116 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 06/05/2014 Buloke Drive s.73 irrelevant-27.194 information150.9116 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1406 150.7287 Alive LC Egerniastriolata 1 06/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1406 150.7287 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6342 150.3444 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6342 150.3444 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6341 information150.3442 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6341 information150.3442 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6339 150.3433 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6339 150.3433 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3426 Alive LC Tiliquascincoides 1 06/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3426 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5700 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 07/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5700 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0128 s.73 irrelevant150.572 informationAlive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 07/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0128 s.73 irrelevant150.572 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information07/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6319 information150.3419 Alive LC Dendralaphispunctualata 1 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6319 information150.3419 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6331 150.3410 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6331 150.3410 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6319 s.73 irrelevant150.3419 informationAlive LC Notadenbennetti 1 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6319 s.73 irrelevant150.3419 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3412 Dead LC Notadenbennetti 1 07/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.633 information150.3412 x killedduringclearingactivities 07/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1408 150.7294 Alive LC Varanustristis 1 07/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1408 150.7294 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6398s.73 irrelevant150.338 informationAlive LC Antaresiamaculosa 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6398 s.73 irrelevant150.338 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1362 150.7254 Alive LC Antechinusflavipes 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1362 150.7254 x selfrelocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0101 150.5749 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0101 150.5749 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0092 150.4957 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0092 150.4957 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0096 150.5741 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0096 150.5741 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0097 150.5739 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0097 150.5739 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0110 150.5760 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher RELEASE2 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0110 150.5760 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6310 150.3379 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6310 150.3379 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1344 150.7251 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1344 150.7251 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3386 Alive LC Cryptophisnigrescens 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3386 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0102 150.5755 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0102 150.5755 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0095 150.5736 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0095 150.5736 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0095 150.5736 Alive LC Gehyradubia DL 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0095 150.5736 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0100 150.5734 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0100 150.5734 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6392 information150.3384 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.6392 information150.3384 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 s.73 irrelevant150.3386 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 s.73 irrelevant150.3386 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 150.3382 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 150.3382 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6305 150.3381 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6305 150.3381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6312 150.3385 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6312 150.3385 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1347 150.7250 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1347 150.7250 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1342 150.7250 Alive LC RTIGehyradubia 5 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1342 150.7250 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1338 150.7249 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1338 150.7249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1352 150.7253 Dead LC Gehyradubia 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1352 150.7253 x Killed during shearing 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6399 150.3386 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6399 150.3386 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6314 150.3379 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6314 150.3379 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1319 150.7246 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1319 150.7246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0110 150.5760 Alive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0110 150.5760 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0101 150.5756 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0101 150.5756 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3379 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3379 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.00 information150.5731 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.00 information150.5731 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0098s.73 information irrelevant150.574 informationAlive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0098 s.73information irrelevant150.574 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.010 information150.5763 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.010 information150.5763 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1338 150.7249 Alive LC Melomysburtoni 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1338 150.7249 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 s.73 irrelevant150.3382 informationAlive LC Menetiagreyii 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6307 s.73 irrelevant150.3382 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0107 150.5762 Alive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 08/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0107 150.5762 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6311s.73 irrelevant150.338 informationAlive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6311 s.73 irrelevant150.338 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1353 150.7252 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1353 150.7252 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1347 s.73 information irrelevant150.7250 informationAlive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1347 informations.73 irrelevant150.7250 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1319 150.7246 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1319 150.7246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1362 s.73 irrelevant150.725 informationDead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 08/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1362 s.73 irrelevant150.725 information x Euthanased 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3382 Alive LC Uperolearugosa 1 08/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6313 150.3382 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014RTI 14-289 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0070 s.73 irrelevant150.5725 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1File 09/05/2014 A Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0070 s.73 irrelevant150.5725 informationx relocated into adjacentPage bushland 33 uninjured of 121 140303 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5724 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5724 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5726 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5726 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0068 information150.5725 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0068 information150.5725 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.639 s.73 information irrelevant150.3379 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.639 informations.73 irrelevant150.3379 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1275 150.7246 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1275 150.7246 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.0653s.73 irrelevant148.237 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.0653 s.73 irrelevant148.237 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1276 150.7238 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1276 150.7238 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1277 150.7238 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1277 150.7238 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6505 150.3663 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6505 150.3663 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6505 150.3663 Alive LC Cycloranaalboguttata 1 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6505 150.3663 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0077 150.5724 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0077 150.5724 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5720 Alive LC Gehyradubia 6 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0084 150.5720 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.2214 information150.7241 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.2214 information150.7241 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1286 s.73 irrelevant150.7239 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1286 s.73 irrelevant150.7239 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1276 150.7239 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1276 150.7239 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0077 150.5724 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0077 150.5724 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6397 150.3381 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 3 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6397 150.3381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6397 150.3376 Alive LC Lygisaurusfoliorum 1 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6397 150.3376 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0062 150.5731 Alive LC Menetiaboulengeri 1 09/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0062 150.5731 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6393 150.3381 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road -26.6393 150.3381 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.639 s.73 information irrelevant150.338 informationAlive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 09/05/2014 Ryalls Road s.73 irrelevant-26.639 informations.73 irrelevant150.338 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1280 150.7238 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 09/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1280 150.7238 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6436 150.3723 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6436 150.3723 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6436 150.3723 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6436 150.3723 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6494 150.3670 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 09/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6494 150.3670 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0536 150.5172 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0536 150.5172 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0021 150.5701 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0021 150.5701 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0065 s.73 irrelevant150.5733 informationAlive LC Carliapectoralis 1 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0065 s.73 irrelevant150.5733 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5733 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0064 150.5733 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola,s.73 irrelevant -26.6446 information150.3544 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 10/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6446 150.3544 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1192 150.7211 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1192 information150.7211 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1203 150.7223 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1203 150.7223 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1191 150.7209 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 2 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1191 150.7209 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1198 150.7217 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1198 150.7217 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0553 s.73 irrelevant150.530 informationAlive LC Hoplocephalusbitorquatus 1 10/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0553 s.73 irrelevant150.530 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1195 150.7214 Alive LC Limnodynastesdumerilii 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1195 150.7214 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1192 150.7211 Alive LC Litoriacaerulea 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee EHP-27.1192 150.7211 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1194 150.7212 Alive LC Menetiagreyii 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1194 150.7212 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1195 information150.7214 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 10/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee - -27.1195 150.7214 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.055 information150.5157 Alive LC Amphibolurusmuricatus 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Roads.73 irrelevant -27.055 information150.5157 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0557 150.5156 Alive LC Carliamunda 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0557 150.5156 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0024 information150.5694 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0024 information150.5694 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0018 150.5701 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0018 150.5701 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.12 information150.7227 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.12 information150.7227 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6375 150.3536 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6375 150.3536 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6360 150.3525 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6360 150.3525 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1214 150.7225 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1214 150.7225 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1216 150.7225 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1216 150.7225 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured s.73 irrelevant information11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1230 s.73 information irrelevant150.7228 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1230 information150.7228 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0552 150.5161 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0552 150.5161 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1216 150.7225 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 11/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1216 s.73 irrelevant150.7225 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0559 150.5160 Alive V Phascolarctoscinereus 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0559 150.5160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6494 150.3670 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 1 11/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6494 150.3670 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.055 information150.5162 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.055 information150.5162 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0555 150.5154 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 11/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0555 150.5154 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0529 150.5156 Dead LC Brachyurophisaustralis 1 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0529 150.5156 x Euthanased 12/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6480 150.3698 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 12/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6480 150.3698 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6480 150.3698 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 12/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6480 150.3698 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0493 information150.5155 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0493 information150.5155 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1245 150.7232 Alive LC Gehyradubia RELEASE2 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1245 150.7232 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5161 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5161 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1240 150.7230 Alive LC Heteronotiabinoei 1 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1240 150.7230 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.124 150.7231 Alive LC Litorialatopalmata 2 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.124 150.7231 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.050 s.73 information irrelevant150.5160 informationAlive LC Menetiatimlowi 1 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.050 information150.5160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1233 information150.7229 Alive LC Moreliaspilota 1 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1233 information150.7229 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1232 s.73 irrelevant150.722 informationDead In OryctolaguscuriculusDL 1 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1232 s.73 irrelevant150.722 information x killed during shearing - impact injury 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.124 information150.7231 Alive LC Platyplectrumornatum 2 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.124 information150.7231 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0497 150.5158 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 12/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0497 150.5158 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.1235 information150.7229 Dead LC Tachyglossusaculeatus 1 12/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.1235 information150.7229 x euthanased 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0027 150.5684 Alive LC Carliapectoralis 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0027 150.5684 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.001 s.73 information irrelevant150.5684 informationAlive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.001 informations.73 irrelevant150.5684 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1333 150.7250 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1333 150.7250 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5160 Alive LC Gehyradubia 2 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0494 150.5159 Alive LC RTIGehyradubia 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0494 150.5159 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant-27.0494 s.73 information irrelevant150.515 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 2 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0494 s.73information irrelevant150.515 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0538 150.5187 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0538 150.5187 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0494 150.5159 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0494 150.5159 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6487 150.3593 Alive LC Morethiaboulengeri 1 13/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6487 150.3593 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.049 s.73 information irrelevant150.5159 informationAlive LC Nebuliferarobusta 2 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.049 informations.73 irrelevant150.5159 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5160 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road -27.0493 150.5160 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchillas.73 Road irrelevant -27.0494 information150.5159 Alive LC Nebuliferarobusta 1 13/05/2014 Tara - Chinchilla Road s.73 irrelevant-27.0494 information150.5159 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 13/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2570 151.0418 Dead LC Tiliquarugosa 1 13/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2570 151.0418 x killed during Bulldozer clearing - impact injury 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.286 150.660 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 2 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.286 150.660 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd,s.73 Nandi irrelevant -27.286 s.73 information irrelevant150.660 informationDead In Feliscatus 1 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi s.73 irrelevant-27.286 informations.73 irrelevant150.660 informationx Self relocated before capture 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3005 s.73 irrelevant151.0100 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 2 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3005 s.73 irrelevant151.0100 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/05/2014 Clynes Rd, Montrose-Chinc-27.0489 s.73 irrelevant150.515 informationAlive LC Gehyradubia 1 14/05/2014 Clynes Rd, Montrose-Chinchilla -27.0489 s.73 irrelevant150.515 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3002 151.0095 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3002 151.0095 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2994 151.0116 Alive LC Varanusgouldii 1 14/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2994 151.0116 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1275 150.7239 Dead LC Antechinusflavipes 1 15/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1275 150.7239 x euthanased due to injury 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3007 151.0096 Alive LC Cryptoblepharuspulcherpulcher 2 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3007 151.0096 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, s.73Nandi irrelevant -27.3008 s.73 information irrelevant151.0098 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi s.73 irrelevant-27.3008 informations.73 irrelevant151.0098 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3008 151.0098 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3008 151.0098 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3005 151.0100 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 15/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.3005 151.0100 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 15/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1197 150.7217 Alive V Geophapsscripta 2 15/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee -27.1197 150.7217 x Incidental sighting, self relocated 16/05/2014RTI 14-289 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.3130 s.73 irrelevant149.655 informationDead In Bufomarinus 1File 16/05/2014 A Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.3130 s.73 irrelevant149.655 information x Euthanased on site Page 34 of 121 140303 16/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6388 s.73 irrelevant150.3579 informationDead In Bufomarinus 1 16/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6388 s.73 irrelevant150.3579 information x Euthanased on site 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.3130s.73 irrelevant149.655 informationAlive LC Ctenotusrobustus 1 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.3130 s.73 irrelevant149.655 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2993 s.73 irrelevant151.0117 informationAlive LC Egerniastriolata 1 16/05/2014 Broadwater Rd, Nandi -27.2993 s.73 irrelevant151.0117 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.3130 149.655 Alive LC Gehyravariegata 1 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.3130 149.655 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, Q -26.3130s.73 irrelevant149.655 informationDead In Musmusculus 1 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLD -26.3130 s.73 irrelevant149.655 information x Euthanased on site s.73 irrelevant information16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan,s.73 irrelevant Q -26.3130 information149.655 Dead In Oryctolaguscuniculus 1 16/05/2014 Sundown Rd, Wandoan, QLDs.73 irrelevant -26.3130 information149.655 x Self relocated before capture 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6324 150.3896 Alive LC Carliavivax 1 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6324 150.3896 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6323 150.3882 Alive LC Gehyradubia 1 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6323 150.3882 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, -26.6324 s.73 irrelevant150.3839 informationAlive LC Leristatimida 1 20/05/2014 Boort-koi Rd, Columboola, QLD -26.6324 s.73 irrelevant150.3839 informationx relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured 25/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbees.73 irrelevant -27.139 information150.7709 Alive LC Pogonabarbata 1 25/05/2014 Kerrs Road, Beelbee s.73 irrelevant-27.139 information150.7709 x relocated into adjacent bushland uninjured

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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.



RTI 14-289 File A Page 35 of 121 140303 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716812 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 28/05/2012 Expiry date of the permit: 29/05/2013 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments s.73 irrelevant information been undertaken used



Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 36 of 121 120420 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI RP12504313

Date permit issued: 5-Apr-13 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 4-Apr-16 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 5/10/13 - 5/04/2014 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 23/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Liasis burtoni 1 23/11/2013 x Succumbed to injuries shortly after collection.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 23/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 23/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 24/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Pseudocheirus peregrinus 1 24/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsiteEHP Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 24/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Litoria gracilenta 1 24/11/2013 property with owners permission.- -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 24/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra Dubia 1 24/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 24/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra Dubia 1 24/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 25/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Eggs deceased Least Concern Dacelo novaeguineae 2 25/11/2013 x 2 eggs broken in treefall, adults unharmed.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 25/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°47. x Male. Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 3 25/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25/11/2013 Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer RELEASE2 25/11/2013 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area. s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 25-Nov property with owners permission.s.73 irrelevant-25°14. informations.73 irrelevant151°47. informationx Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis DL 1 25-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 25-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 25-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 26-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least ConcernRTI Gehyra dubia 2 26-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 26-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 26-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x Male. Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private Very large individual, some old scars, overall good health. Released 26-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Morelia spilota 1 26-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 27-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 2 27-Nov property with owners permission. -25°15. 151°47. x Adult female with young on back. Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 27-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 2 27-Nov property with owners permission. -25°15. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 27-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 2 27-Nov Not captured, escaped outside clearing zone.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private RTI28-Nov 14-289Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Varanus varius 1File A 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Good health. Released Pageoutside clearing 37 area. of 121 As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Male. Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt Not possible to remove from hollow, tree left in situ overnight to allow 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 28-Nov evacuation.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Eulamprus tenuis 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Boiga irregularis 2 28-Nov property with owners permission. EHP-25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent- private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Diplodactylus vittatus 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 28-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Pogona barbata 1 28-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Large male. Released outside clearing area. s.73 irrelevant information Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 29-Nov Perry -25°16. s.73 irrelevant151°45. informationAlive Least Concern Aegotheles cristatus 1 29-Nov s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information Vacated hollow unharmed. Mt Rawdon Golds.73 Mine, Mt irrelevant information 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Saccoliamus flaviventris 2 29-Nov Flew away as tree fell unharmed.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 2 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer RELEASE1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Female. Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis DL 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least ConcernRTI Gehyra dubia 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 29-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Cryptoblepharus pulcher 1 29-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 30-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Saccoliamus flaviventris 1 30-Nov Flew out of falling tree

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 30-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 30-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 30-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45. Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 1 30-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 30-Nov Perry Alive Least Concern Boiga irregularis 1 30-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area. RTI 14-289 -25°16. 151°45. File A Page 38 of 121 140303 As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 30-Nov Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Pogona barbata 2 30-Nov property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Large adult male and female in same area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt Not yet fledged. Parents in area but due to location within clearing zone, 1-Dec Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Podargus strigoides 1 1-Decs.73 irrelevant information C the animal was taken into care.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 7.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis 2 7.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 7.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 2 7.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 7.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 7.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 8.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°15. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry s.73 irrelevant-25°16. s.73 information irrelevant151°45 informationAlive Least Concern Cryptoblepharus pulcher 1 8.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°15. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 2 8.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 2 8.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 8.12.13 property with owners permission. EHP-25°15. 151°47. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 2 eggs deceased Least Concern Dacelo novaeguineae 2 8.12.13 - x 2 eggs destroyed in tree fall. Adults unharmed. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private s.73 irrelevant information8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Pogona barbata 1 8.12.13 property with owners permission.s.73 irrelevant-25°15. informations.73 irrelevant151°47. informationx Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 8.12.13 Perry -25°16. 151°45 Alive Least Concern Isoodon macrourus 1 8.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°44. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt 8.12.13 Perry Handed in - Alive Least Concern Momopterus beccari 1 8.12.13 s.73 irrelevant information C Taken to wildlife carer

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 9.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis 1 9.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 9.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Varanus tristis 1 9.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 9.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 9.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°45. x Released outside clearing area. Single egg RELEASE Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt destroyed in 10.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 treefall Least Concern Corvus orru 1 10.12.13 x Single egg destroyed in treefall.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Golds.73 Mine, Mtirrelevant information conservations offset and adjacent private 12.12.13 Perry -25°16 s.73 irrelevant151°45 informationAlive Least Concern Antaresia maculosa DL 1 12.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 12.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Amalosia rhombifer 1 12.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 12.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Gehyra dubia 1 12.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°48. x Released outside clearing area. Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt RTI 12.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 2 12.12.13 s.73 irrelevant information-25°14. 151°48. x C Mother dropped joey, mother released, joey handed to wildlife carer.

As Per co-ordinantes - consisting of onsite Mt Rawdon Gold Mine, Mt conservations offset and adjacent private 12.12.13 Perry -25°16 151°45 Alive Least Concern Trichosurus vulpecular 1 12.12.13 property with owners permission. -25°14. 151°49. x Released outside clearing area.

RTI 14-289 File A Page 39 of 121 140303 Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. EHP -


RTI 14-289 File A Page 40 of 121 140303 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI RP12926313 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 17/06/2013 Expiry date of the permit: 16/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments s.73 irrelevant information

EHP Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. -


RTI 14-289 File A Page 41 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI WIRP12926313

Date permit issued: 17/06/2013 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 16/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 21/09/2013 S26.12. E149.30. Alive LC Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked Wallab 1 C Found in well lease sump, full of mud Died 23/9/13 21/09/2013 S26.12. E149.30. Dead LC Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked Wallab 1 x As above Mother and furred joey found togethe 23/09/2013 S26.14. E149.30. Dead LC Corvus orru Torresian Crow 1 x Found in well lease cellar pit, full of mu Joey of above 8/10/2013 S26.12. E149.28. Alive LC Litoria caerulea Common Tree Frog 1 10/8/2013 S26.12. E149.28. x Found in well lease sump, full of mud Released in wood pile 11/10/2013 S26.12. E149.30. Dead Not known Unknown mamma 1 x Found in well lease sump and just visible in the mu 12/10/2013 S26.12. E149.29. Dead LC Vermicella annulata Bandy-bandy Snak 1 x Found in well lease sumppi Died of exposure 25/10/2013 S26.14. E149.32. Dying LC Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked Wallab 1 x Found in well lease sumppit, full of mu Mother and pinky found together, euthanise 25/10/2013 S26.14. E149.32. Dead LC Macropus rufogriseus Red-necked Wallab 1 x As above Pinky of above 11/11/2013 S25.52. E149.11. Alive LC Gehyra dubia Eastern Dtella Gecko 2 11/11/2013 S25.52. E149.11. EHPx Found in rotten tree limb Release in dead stag 12/11/2013 S25.53. s.73 irrelevantE149.10. informationAlive LC Boiga irregularis Brown Tree Snake 1 11/11/2013 S25.53. E149.10. x Found in hollow tree limb Released in fallen timbe s.73 irrelevant information s.7319/11/2013 irrelevantS25.52. informationE149.12. Injuried LC Carlia munda Shaded Litter Raindow Snake x Found during vegetation stripping Euthanised Limnodynastes terraereginae Northern Pobblebonk s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant- information 19/11/2013 S25.53. E149.10. Alive LC Frog 1 11/19/2013 S25.53. E149.10. x Found in mulched vegetation Released under hollow log 5/12/2013 S25.57. E148.58. Dead LC Delma tincta Excitable Delma Legless Lizard 1 x Found during vegetation stripping 6/12/2013 S25.57. E148.58. Dead LC Ramphotyphlops sp.Blind Snake 1 x Found during top soil stripping Species not known due to injuries

6/12/2013 S25.57. E148.58. Dead LC Cryptophis nigrescens Eastern Small-eyed Snake 1 x Found during top soil stripping 11/12/2013 S25.56. E149.10. Dead LC Litoria caerulea Common Tree Frog 1 x Found during vegetation stripping 11/12/2013 S25.56. E149.10. Alive LC Cyclorana cultripes Knife-footed Frog 1 11/12/2013 S25.56. E149.10. x Found during vegetation stripping Released in drainage depression

Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 42 of 121 120420 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI WIRP12926313 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 17/06/2013 Expiry date of the permit: 16/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable):

* Mandatory information fields Capture location s.73For period: irrelevant information Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments

Nil Returns for this period

EHP Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'. - Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 43 of 121 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI WIRP12926313

Date permit issued: 17/06/2013 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 16/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable):

* Mandatory information fields Capture location s.73For period: irrelevant information Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments

Nil Returns for this period

EHP Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'. - Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 44 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity Permit holder's address: Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information EHP Permit number:* WI RP13972114 - s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 17/02/2014 Expiry date of the permit: 16/02/2017 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 08/10/2014 - 12/11/2014 Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* 15/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria revelata/Whirring Tree Frog 2 15/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 .0000000000 Alive Oedura castelnaui/Velvet Gecko 2 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 .0000000000RELEASEAlive Bat Vespadelus troughtoni/Eastern Cave Bat 8 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria revelata/Whirring Tree Frog 2 s.73 irrelevant information 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria revelata/Whirring Tree Frog 2 20/10/2014 55k 0467 7867DL .0000000000 Alive Ave Calyptorhynchus funereus/Black Cockatoo 1 22/10/2014 55k 0466 7867 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria caerulea/Common Green Tree Frog 1 29/10/2014 55k 0464 7871 .0000000000 Alive Reptiles Tiliqua scincoides/Blue Tongued Lizard 1 29/10/2014 s.7355k 04646irrelevant informationRTI7871 .0000000000 Alive Reptiles Diporiphora bilineata/Northern Two Striped Dragon 1 s.73 irrelevant information 5/11/2014 55k 0467 s.73 irrelevant7867 .0000000000information Alive Mammal Planigale/Planigale 2 5/11/2014 55k 0467 7867 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria caerulea/Common Green Tree Frog 1 6/11/2014 55k 0465 7868 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria caerulea/Common Green Tree Frog 5 6/11/2014 55k 0465 7868 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria revelata/Whirring Tree Frog 1

6/11/2014s.7355k irrelevant 0467 information 7866 .0000000000 Alive Reptiles Diporiphora bilineata/Northern Two Striped Dragon 1 8/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 .0000000000 Alive Mammal Trichosurus vulpecula/Brush Tailed Possum 1 8/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 .0000000000 Alive Amphibian Litoria caerulea/Common Green Tree Frog 4 10/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 .0000000000 Alive Reptiles Tropidonophis mairii/Keelback snake 1 Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus/Rainbow 11/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 .0000000000 Alive Ave Lorikeet 120420 2 RTI 14-289 File A Page 45 of 121 Wildlife data records Spotter catcher wildlife data records Action codes legend: R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) EHP -

Release details Actions Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 15/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone 15/10/2014 55k 0467 7865 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 0000000000 X Release whereRELEASE captured Bats were securely bagged and released after dark 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone 16/10/2014 55k 0467 7866 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone 20/10/2014 V TakenDL to JCU Veterinarian Found with broken wing 22/10/2014 55k 0466 7867 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone - Similar habitat Relocated within original hollow (cut from tree) 29/10/2014 55k 0464 7871 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone

29/10/2014s.73 55k irrelevant 0464 informations.73 irrelevant7871 information 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone 5/11/2014 55k 0466 7864 0000000000 X RTI Outside clearing zone 5/11/2014 55k 0466 7866 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone - Similar habitat Relocated within original hollow (cut from tree) 6/11/2014 55k 0465 7868 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone - Similar habitat Relocated within original hollow (cut from tree) 6/11/2014 55k 0465 7868 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone - Similar habitat Relocated within original hollow (cut from tree)

6/11/2014 55k 0467 7866 0000000000 X Ouside clearing zone 8/11/2014 X Location with felled tree hollow Natural progression 8/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 0000000000 X Ouside Clearing zone - Similar habitat Relocated within original hollow (cut from tree) 10/11/2014 55k 0464 7869 0000000000 X Outside clearing zone

11/11/2014 C Taken to Wildlife Carer 2 x Chicks - located with felled tree (Poplar Gum) 120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 46 of 121 Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.



120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 47 of 121 EHP -


120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 48 of 121 Authority holder's name: include Person in EHP contacts - Central Charge where relevants.73 irrelevant information ACTIONS Codes (mark column with 'X') - Legend: Wildlifep Management Area hours: Authority number or R2 = To: [email protected] description: e.g. SMP Release Cc: R1 = with first aid - project title etc WIRP11870812 Inj = I = [email protected] release, no Note V or C D = Death Investigation Injured and further action in column Authority number or taken to (V = Vet / C Kim Heynen - ph (07) 4936 0568 description: e.g. SMP nominated = Carer) Karen Richardson - ph (07) 4936 project title etc 26.10.12 - 25.10.15 wildlife carer 0525

Running report to be completed for all fauna injuries and deaths - all columns must be completed, with form emailed to EHP within 24 hours (refer Email protocol).

For occurance of special fauna i.e. koala, echidna, platypus, wombat and EVNT species - call EHP asap (next business day). SPECIES NC Act EPBC LOCATION of wildlife capture RELEASE location details ACTIONS COMMENTS / OUTCOME e.g. DATE TIME SPECIES COUNT Latitude - Longitude - Latitude - Longitude - of investigation - further management Lot on Date Count (dd/mm/yyyy) (24 hrs) Common Name (Scientific name) EVNT LC MNES (number) Location Description Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Inj practices put in place etc - Provide Plan (dd/mm/yyyy) (number) Degrees Degrees Degrees Degrees R1 R2 D I contact details and location of wildlife 13.05.13 Desert Tree frog Litoria rubella x 5 Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.19 13.05.13s.73 S26.31irrelevant information E150.31 5 x Relocated during Row clearance Limnodynastes EHP 1 13.05.13 Spotted Marsh Frog tasmaniensis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.19 13.05.13s.73 irrelevant s26.31 information E150.31 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 13.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.19 13.05.13- S26.3 E150.19 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Limnodynastes 1 s.73 irrelevant information 13.05.13 Spotted Marsh Frog tasmaniensis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.19 13.05.13 S26.3 E150.19 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Devis Banded 1 13.05.13 Snake Deninsonia devisi x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.19 13.05.13s.73 S26.31irrelevant information E150.19 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 14.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.10 14.05.13s.73 irrelevant S26.3 information E150.10 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 1 14.05.13 Fragile Sand Slider Lerista fragilis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.11 x Killed by machinery 15.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.31 E150.10 15.05.13 S26.3 E150.10 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 15.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.32 E150.10 x Killed by machinery Morethia 1 15.05.13 Boulengers Skink boulengeri x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 1 Relocated during Row clearance

Heteronotia binoei 1 15.05.13 Bynoes Gecko /Bynoes Gecko x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 15.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Morethia 1 15.05.13 Boulengers Skink boulengeri x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 15.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 1 RELEASE 15.05.13 Fragile Sand Slider Lerista fragilis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 15.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Metallic Snake eyed Cryptoblepharus 1 15.05.13 Skink metallicus x Cleared, grass land, black soil s.73 S26.34irrelevant informations.73E150.09 irrelevant information15.05.13 S26.3s.73 E150.09 irrelevant information 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 1 16.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.32 E150.09 16.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 16.05.13 Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea x 1 Cleared, grass land, blackDL soil S26.32 E150.09 16.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance 1 17.05.13 Fragile Sand Slider Lerista fragilis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 17.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Morethia s.73 irrelevant information 1 17.05.13 Boulengers Skink boulengeri x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 17.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Open Litter 1 17.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.33 E150.09 17.05.13 S26.3 E150.09 1 x Relocated during Row clearance Morethia RTI 1 18.05.13 Boulengers Skink boulengeri x Cleared, grass land, black soil S26.35 E150.08 1 Relocated during Row clearance Morethia 1 18.05.13 Boulengers Skink boulengeri x Cleared, grassland, sandy soil S26.38 E150.08 18.05.13 S26.3 E150.08 1 x Relocated during Row clearing 19.05.13 Green Tree Frog Litoria caerulea x 1 Cleared, grassland, sandy soil S26.36 E150.04 19.05.13 S26.3 E150.04 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Open Litter 1 19.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.92 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Open Litter 1 19.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.96 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 19.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.96 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 19.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.95 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 19.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.95 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Open Litter 1 19.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 19.05.13 S26.3 E149.95 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 49 of 121 19.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 19.05.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

1 20.05.13 Fragile Sand Slider Lerista fragilis x Cleared, grassland, sandy soil S26.36 E149.98 20.05.13 S26.36 E149.98 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Zigzag Velvet 1 20.05.13 Gecko Oedura rhombifer x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 20.05.13 S26.36 E149.94 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Zigzag Velvet 1 20.05.13 Gecko Oedura rhombifer x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 1 Relocated during pre clearance

1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.04 20.05.13 S26.36 E150.04 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.04 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 21.05.13 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.04 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Open Litter 1 21.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.37 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 21.05.13 Dwarf Litter Skink Menetia timlowi x 1 Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Open Litter 1 21.05.13 Rainbow Skink Carlia pectoralis x Rocky slope Eucalypt forest S26.36 E150.04 x Accidently crushed under rock.

1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Small rocky hill mainly cleared S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36 E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information 1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Small rocky hill mainly cleared S26.36 E150.05 21.05.13 S26.36EHP E150.05 1 x Relocated during pre clearance 1 21.05.13 Bynoes Gecko Heteronotia binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.93 21.05.13 S26.36 E149.93 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Robust Velvet - 1 21.05.13 Gecko Oedura robusta x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.93 21.05.13 S26.36 E149.93 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Vermicella Cleared, grassland, sandy 1 24.05.13 Bandy Bandy annulata x soil S26.40 E149.85 24.05.13 S26.40 E149.85 1 x Relocated during pre clearance Limnodynaste Cleared, grasslaand,black 1 25.05.13 10.15 Salmon Striped frog s salmini x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during pre clearance

Limnodynaste 1 Cleared, grassland, black 25.05.13 1245 Spotted GrassFrog s tasmaniensis x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance Cleared, grassland, black 1 25.05.13 1310 Common Delma Delma plebia x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance

Limnodynaste 1 Cleared, grassland, black 25.05.13 1330 Spotted Grass Frog s tasmaniensis x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance

Limnodynaste 1 Cleared, grassland, black 25.05.13 1440 Spotted Grass Frog s tasmaniensis x soil RELEASES26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance Green Tree Litoria Cleared, grassland, black 1 25.05.13 1525 Frog caerulea x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance Salmon Striped Limnodynaste Cleared, grassland, black 1 25.05.13 1545 frog s salmini x soil DL S26.31 E150.31 x Killed by machinery Spotted Grass Limnodynaste 1 Cleared, grassland, black 25.05.13 1600 Frog s tasmaniensis x soil S26.31 E150.19 25.05.13 S26.31 E150.19 1 x Relocated during clearance

Spotted grass Limnodynaste 1 Cleared, grassland, black 26.05.13 1135 Frog s tasmaniensis x soil S26.31 E150.19 Killed by machinery Heteronotia RTI 1 27.05.13 815 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest s.73S26.40 irrelevant informations.73 E149.85 irrelevant information 27.05.13s.73 S26.40 irrelevant informations.73 E149.85 irrelevant information 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 27.05.13 905 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.85 27.05.13 S26.40 E149.85 1 x Relocated pre clearance Metallic Snake Cryptoblephar 1 27.05.13 1020 eyed Skink us metallicus x Eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.85 27.05.13 S26.40 E149.85 1 x Relocated pre clearance Metallic Snake Cryptoblephar 2 27.05.13 1035 eyed Skink us metallicus x Eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.85 27.05.13 S26.40 E149.85 2 x Relocated pre clearance Fragile Sand 1 27.05.13 1100 Slider Lerista fragilis x Acacia/ eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.84 27.05.13 S26.40 E149.84 1 x Relocated pre clearance Bearded Pogona 1 27.05.13 1110 Dragon barbata x Acacia/ eucalypt forest S26.41 E149.84 27.05.13 S26.40 E149.84 1 x Relocated pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 50 of 121 Broad palmed Litoria Creek bank / cleared 1 06.06.13 1015 frog latopalmata x grassland S26.36 E150.03 06.06.13 S26.36 E150.03 1 x Relocated pre clearance Bearded pogona 1 06.06.13 1035 Dragon barbata x Cleared Eucalypt Forest S26.36 E150.02 06.06.13 S26.36 E150.02 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 06.06.13 12.05 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Creek bank/ eucalypt forest S26.35 E150.0 06.06.13 S26.35 E150.1 1 x Relocated pre clearance Creek bank / eucalypt 1 06.06.13 12.4 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x forest S26.35 E150.00 06.06.13 S26.35 E150.00 1 x Relocated pre clearance Creek bank/cleared few 1 06.06.13 14.15 Frog Litoria sp? x acacias S26.35 E149.99 06.06.13 S26.35 E149.99 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia Cleared paddock/ former 1 06.06.13 1505 Bynoes Gecko binoei x eucalypt forest s26.35 E149.99 06.06.13 S26.35 E149.99 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 07.06.13 1200 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E150.03 07.06.13 S26.36 E150.03 1 x Relocated during clearance Lively rainbow 1 07.06.13 1210 skink Carlia vivax x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E150.03 07.06.13 S26.36 E150.03 1 x Relocated during clearance Lively rainbow 1 07.06.13 1255 skink Carlia vivax x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E150.03 07.06.13 S26.36 E150.03 1 x Relocated during clearance Red naped Furina 1 08.06.13 1502 snake diadema x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.01 08.06.13 S26.36 E150.01 1 x Relocated during clearance Anteresia 1 08.06.13 1515 Spotted python maculosa x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.01 08.06.13 S26.36 E150.01 1 x Relocated during clearance 09.06.13 1310 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.00 09.06.13 S26.35EHP E150.00 1 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 09.06.13 1359 eyed Skink us pulcher x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.00 09.06.13- S26.35 E150.00 1 x Relocated during clearance Lively rainbow 1 09.06.13 1515 skink Carlia vivax x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E149.99 09.06.13 S26.35 E149.00 1 x Relocated during clearance Metallic Snake Cryptoblephar 2 10.06.13 11.45 eyed Skink us metallicus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.98 10.06.13 S26.36 E149.98 2 x Relocated during clearance 10.06.13 14.25 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 2 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.97 10.06.13 S26.36 E149.97 1 x Relocated during clearance Carentaria Cryptophis 1 10.06.13 1610 Snake boschai x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.96 10.06.13 S26.36 E149.97 1 x Relocated during clearance Open Litter Carlia s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information 1 11.06.13 845 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 2 11.06.13 1250 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 11.06.13 1343 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 11.06.13 1352 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance lively rainbow Carlia RELEASE 1 11.06.13 1400 skink pectoralis x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Dwarf Litter Menetia 1 11.06.13 1425 Skink timlowi x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 11.06.13 1535 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest DL S26.36 E149.96 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.96 1 x Relocated pre clearance Animal retreated to another tree without hollows after its hollow tree had been knocked down. It was left in 1 this tree overnight with minimal Petauroides disturbance and was gone next 11.06.13 1605 Greater Glider volans x EucalyptRTI forest S26.36 E149.96 morning 11.06.13 1623 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 11.06.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated during clearance 12.06.13 910 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated during clearance Dwarf Litter Menetia 1 12.06.13 1205 Skink timlowi x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 12.06.13 1240 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated pre clearance Fragile Sand 1 12.06.13 1405 Slider Lerista fragilis x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.94 1 x Relocated pre clearance Brown tree Boiga 1 12.06.13 1215 snake irregularis x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.95 1 x Relocated during clearance 12.06.13 1515 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.94 1 x Relocated during clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 51 of 121 Uncovered in hollow by escavator Brush tailed Trichosurus 1 and disappeared into undergrowth 12.06.13 1615 possum vulpecula x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 before it could be captured. 12.06.13 1615 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.94 12.06.13 S26.36 E149.9 1 x Relocated during clearance

Spotted marsh Limnodynaste 1 13.06.13 855 Frog s tasmaniensis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.94 13.06.13 S26.37 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 13.06.13 915 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.87 13.06.13 S26.37 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 13.06.13 1100 gecko taenicauda x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.36 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.3 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 13.06.13 1110 gecko taenicauda x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.36 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 13.06.13 1140 gecko taenicauda x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.86 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 13.06.13 1149 Frog caerulea x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.86 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance

Spotted marsh Limnodynaste 1 13.06.13 1149 Frog s tasmaniensis x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.86 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Rhamphotyphl 1 13.06.13 1200 Blind snake ops affinis x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.86 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance 13.06.13 1210 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.86 13.06.13 S26.36EHP E149.86 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 13.06.13 1235 gecko taenicauda x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.85 13.06.13- S26.36 E149.85 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 13.06.13 1250 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Cleared acacia woodland S26.36 E149.85 13.06.13 S26.36 E149.85 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 13.06.13 1548 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 13.06.13 S26.41 E149.82 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 13.06.13 1600 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 13.06.13 S26.4 E149.82 1 x Relocated pre clearance Eucalypt / Callitris 1 14.06.13 835 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland S26.41 E149.82 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information Golden tailed Strophurus s.73 irrelevant information 1 14.06.13 851 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 14.06.13 920 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 14.06.13 950 eyed Skink us pulcher x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 14.06.13 10.15 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/acacia woodland RELEASES26.41 E149.82 14/01/1900 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 14.06.13 1027 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Fragile Sand 1 14.06.13 1035 Slider Lerista fragilis x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance 14.06.13 1140 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt woodlandDL S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus Eucalypt/casuarina 1 14.06.13 1155 gecko taenicauda x woodland S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 14.06.13 1205 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.41 E149.81 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Open Litter Carlia 1 14.06.13 1240 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x EucalyptRTI forest S26.41 E149.80 14.06.13 S26.41 E149.8 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 15.06.13 1100 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.39 E149.65 15.06.13 S26.39 E149.6 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 15.06.13 1130 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.39 E149.64 15.06.13 S26.39 E149.64 1 x Relocated pre clearance Parasuta 1 15.06.13 1155 Dwyers snake dwyeri x Eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.85 15.06.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Relocated during clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 15.06.13 1235 gecko taenicauda x Callitris forest S26.39 E149.64 15.06.13 S26.39 E149.64 1 x Relocated pre clearance

Spotted marsh Limnodynaste 1 15.06.13 1505 Frog s tasmaniensis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.64 15.06.13 S26.39 E149.64 1 x Relocated pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 52 of 121 Aegotheles 1 16.06.13 810 Owlet nightjar cristatus x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.9 16.06.13 S26.36 E149.91 1 x Relocated during clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 16.06.13 907 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.9 16.06.13 S26.36 E149.91 1 x Relocated pre clearance Boulengers Morethia 1 16.06.13 1044 Skink boulengeri x Acacia woodland S26.37 E149.9 16.06.13 S26.37 E149.90 1 x Relocated pre clearance 16.06.13 1240 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt woodland S26.37 E149.90 16.06.13 S26.37 E149.90 1 x Relocated during clearance Ragged snake Cryptoblephar 1 17.06.13 1050 eyed skink us pannosus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.87 17.06.13 S26.37 E149.87 1 x Relocated pre clearance Dwarf Litter Menetia 1 17.06.13 1250 Skink timlowi x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.87 17.06.13 S26.37 E149.87 1 x Relocated pre clearance 18.06.13 900 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.85 18.06.13 S26.36 E149.85 1 x Relocated pre clearance 18.06.13 1450 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.85 18.06.13 S26.49 E149.85 1 x Relocated during clearance Robust Velvet Nebulifera 1 18.06.13 1450 Gecko robusta x Eucalypt forest S26.40 E149.85 18.06.13 S26.40 E149.85 1 x Relocated during clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 19.06.13 1119 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 19.06.13 S26.38 E14953 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 19.06.13 1123 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 19.06.13 S26.38 E149.38 1 x Relocated pre clearance 19.06.13 1208 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Acacia/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 19.06.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 19.06.13 1215 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 19.06.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus EHP 1 19.06.13 12.26 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.53 19.06.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus - 1 19.06.13 1434 skink foliorum x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.38 E149.52 19.06.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus Cleared eucalypt/callitris 1 20.06.13 1250 skink foliorum x woodland S26.37 E149.49 20.06.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 20.06.13 1310 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.49 20.06.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Relocated pre clearance Metallic Snake Cryptoblephar 1 20.06.13 1317 eyed Skink us metallicus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.4 20.06.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.06.13 1325 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest s.73S26.37 irrelevant informations.73 E149.49 irrelevant information 20.06.13s.73 S26.37 irrelevant informations.73 E149.49 irrelevant information 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 20.06.13 1350 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.37 E149.49 20.06.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Relocated pre clearance Superb collared Cyclorana 1 21.06.13 725 frog brevipes x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.31 E149.18 21.06.13 S26.31 E149.18 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Tree base litter Lygisaurus 1 21.06.13 1152 skink foliorum x Acacia woodland S26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Cleared eucalypt/acacia 1 21.06.13 1201 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland RELEASES26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Carentaria Cryptophis 1 21.06.13 1210 Snake boschai x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 2 21.06.13 1210 Frog caerulea x Cleared Eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 2 x Relocated pre clearance Carentaria Cryptophis DL 1 21.06.13 1221 Snake boschai x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 6 21.06.13 1221 Frog caerulea x Cleared Eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 6 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus Partially cleared 2 21.06.13 1253 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/callitris forest S26.41 E149.74 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.74 2 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus ClearedRTI eucalyot/callitris 1 21.06.13 1415 gecko taenicauda x forest S26.41 E149.73 21.06.13 S26.41 E149.73 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 22.06.13 812 eyed Skink us pulcher x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.78 22.06.13 S26.41 E149.78 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 22.06.13 840 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.79 22.06.13 S26.41 E149.79 1 x Relocated pre clearance 22.06.13 908 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.79 22.06.13 S26.41 E149.79 1 x Relocated pre clearance Freckled 1 22.06.13 1220 Monitor Varanus tristis x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.6 22.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 22.06.13 1344 gecko taenicauda x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.6 22.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 22.06.13 1403 gecko taenicauda x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.6 22.06.13 S26.40 E149.69 1 x Relocated pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 53 of 121 22.06.13 1421 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.40 E149.69 22.06.13 S26.40 E149.69 1 x Relocated pre clearance 22.06.13 1526 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.69 22.06.13 S26.41 E149.69 1 x Relocated pre clearance Boulengers Morethia 1 23.06.13 1044 Skink boulengeri x Cleared eucalypt forest S26.41 E149.77 23.06.13 S26.41 E149.77 1 x Relocated pre clearance Parasuta 1 23.06.13 1242 Dwyers snake dwyeri x Cleared callitris forest S26.41 E14976 23.06.13 S26.41 E149.76 1 x Relocated pre clearance 23.06.13 1535 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 23.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Zigzag Velvet Oedura 1 24.06.13 1031 Gecko rhombifer x Acacia/callitris woodland S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 24.06.13 1035 gecko taenicauda x Acacia/callitris woodland S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 3 24.06.13 1403 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated during clearance Wrinkled Uperolia 1 24.06.13 1459 toadlet rugoasa x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 24.06.13 1614 eyed Skink us pulcher x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26.41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Freckled 1 24.06.13 1617 Monitor Varanus tristis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.75 24.06.13 S26,41 E149.75 1 x Relocated pre clearance Desert Tree Cleared eucalypt/callitris 1 25.06.13 1232 frog Litoria rubella x woodland S26.41 E149.71 25.06.13 S26.41 E149.71 1 x Relocated pre clearance

EHP Removed from trench by machinery 1 Aepyprymnus operators before I could get to it so 27.06.13 750 Rufous bettong rufescens x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.31 E150.12 27.06.13- no gps reading was taken for release. Golden tailed Strophurus 1 28.06.13 648 gecko taenicauda x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.68 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 28.06.13 659 gecko taenicauda x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.68 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 28.06.13 714 gecko taenicauda x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.40 E149.68 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria s.73 irrelevant information 1 s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information 28.06.13 1015 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 28.06.13 S26.39 E149.63 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus 1 28.06.13 1023 skink foliorum x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 28.06.13 S26.39 E149.63 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 28.06.13 7.28 eyed Skink us pulcher x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.40 E149.68 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 28.06.13 1037 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 28.06.13 S26.39 E149.63 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus 1 28.06.13 1204 skink foliorum x Cleared eucalypt Forest RELEASES26.39 E149.62 28.06.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 28.06.13 1349 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.66 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.66 1 X Relocated pre clearance Robust Velvet Nebulifera 1 28.06.13 1450 Gecko robusta x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.66 28.06.13 S26.40 E149.66 1 x Relocated during clearance Robust Velvet Nebulifera DL 1 29.06.13 815 Gecko robusta x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.39 E149.66 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.66 1 x Relocated during clearance 29.06.13 1010 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.65 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.66 1 x Relocated during clearance Robust Velvet Nebulifera 1 29.06.13 1055 Gecko robusta x Eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.65 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.66 1 x Relocated during clearance 29.06.13 1105 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt woodland S26.40 E149.66 29.06.13 S26.40 E149.66 1 x Relocated during clearance Pale headed Hoplocephalus RTI 1 29.06.13 1155 snake bitorquatus x Eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.65 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Relocated during clearance 29.06.13 1155 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.65 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 29.06.13 1532 eyed Skink us pulcher x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.65 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 29.06.13 1540 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris forest S26.39 E149.64 29.06.13 S26.39 E149.64 1 x Relocated pre clearance 30.06.13 725 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.39 E149.64 30.06.13 S26.39 E149.64 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 30.06.13 1341 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.39 E149.60 30.06.13 S26.39 E149.60 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 30.06.13 1402 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Acacia/eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.60 30.06.13 S26.39 E149.60 1 x Relocated pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 54 of 121 Pale headed Platycercus Died before it could be taken to carer 1 30.06.13 1445 rosella adscitus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 30.06.13 x in Miles Green Tree Litoria 2 01.07.13 1127 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.23 E149.34 01.07.13 S26.23 E149.34 2 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 3 01.07.13 1122 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.23 E149.34 01.07.13 S26.23 E149.34 3 x Relocated pre clearance Tachyglossus 1 01.07.13 1427 Echidna aculeatus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.23 E149.38 01.07.13 S26.23 E149.38 1 x Relocated pre clearance 01.07.13 1515 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.23 E149.37 01.07.13 S26.23 E149.37 1 x Relocated during clearance Green Tree Litoria 2 02.07.13 754 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.23 E149.34 02.07.13 S26.23 E149.34 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 02.07.13 1031 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.23 E149.33 02.07.13 S26.23 E149.33 1 x Relocated during clearance Tachyglossus 1 02.07.13 1407 Echidna aculeatus x Callitris forest S26.23 E149.35 02.07.13 S26.23 E149.35 1 x Relocated during clearance Jammed in trench between pipe and Eastern grey Macropus 1 trench wall. Was eventually freed 03.07.13 725 kangaroo giganteus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.32 E149.10 03.07.13 S26.32 E149.10 1 x unscathed. tachyglossus 1 03.07.13 729 Echidna aculeatus x Callitris forest S26.23 E149.35 03.07.13 S26.23 E149.35 1 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 15.07.13 746 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar EHP 1 15.07.13 753 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance 15.07.13 805 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13- S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance Ocellated Oedura 1 15.07.13 819 Gecko monilis x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tachyglossus 1 15.07.13 1140 Echidna aculeatus x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.23 E149.32 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 15.07.13 945 gecko taenicauda x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance 15.07.13 1058 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated pre clearance 15.07.13 1107 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris/acacia woodland s.73S26.38 irrelevant informations.73 E149.54 irrelevant information 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.54 1 x Relocated during clearance 15.07.13 1125 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13s.73 S26.38 irrelevant informations.73 E149.54 irrelevant information 1 x Relocated during clearance Ocellated Oedura 1 15.07.13 1153 Gecko monilis x Acacia woodland S26.38 E149.54 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 15.07.13 1240 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Acacia woodland S26.38 E149.53 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 15.07.13 1352 gecko taenicauda x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.38 E149.53 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance 15.07.13 1420 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Acacia/callitris woodland RELEASES26.38 E149.53 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 15.07.13 1458 eyed Skink us pulcher x Acacia/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tachyglossus 1 15.07.13 1615 Echidna aculeatus x Acacia woodland S26.38 E149.52 15.07.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar DL 1 16.07.13 910 eyed Skink us pulcher x Acacia/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Vermicella 1 16.07.13 935 Bandy Bandy annulata x Acacia/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 x Killed by machinery Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 2 16.07.13 1138 eyed Skink us pulcher x Eucalypt/callitrisRTI woodland S26.38 E149.53 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 2 x Relocated during clearance 2 16.07.13 1138 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.38 E149.53 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 2 x Relocated during clearance Robust Velvet Nebulifera 1 16.07.13 1141 Gecko robusta x Callitris forest S26.38 E149.53 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Relocated pre clearance Metallic Snake Cryptoblephar 1 16.07.13 1406 eyed Skink us metallicus x Eucalypt woodland S26.38 E149.51 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.51 1 x Relocated pre clearance Open Litter Carlia 1 16.07.13 1505 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x Eucalypt woodland S26.38 E149.52 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Relocated pre clearance Brush tailed Trichosurus 1 16.07.13 1550 possum vulpecula x Acacia/eucalypt woodland S26.38 E149.52 Sighted during clearing. 16.06.13 1605 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Acacia woodland S26.38 E149.52 16.07.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Relocated during clearance Freckled Casuarina/callitris 1 17.07.13 1531 Monitor Varanus tristis x woodland S26.36 E149.48 17.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 55 of 121 Ocellated Oedura Casuarina/callitris 1 17.07.13 1540 Gecko monilis x woodland S26.36 E149.48 17.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Ocellated Oedura Casuarina/callitris 1 17.07.13 1545 Gecko monilis x woodland S26.36 E149.48 17.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus Casuarina/callitris 1 17.07.13 1555 gecko taenicauda x woodland S26.36 E149.48 17.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Fragile Sand Casuarina/callitris 1 17.07.13 1610 Slider Lerista fragilis x woodland S26.36 E149.48 17.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Caught in trench between pipe and Macropus 1 trench wall. Removed and released 18.07.13 750 Grey kangaroo giganteus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.33 E150.09 17.07.13 S26.33 E150.09 1 x at point of incident Found in trench between pipe and trench wall. Taken to Vet Clinic in Taroom where it was examined and ten euthenased. The Vet is of the 1 opinion that it may have been in a weakened condition before it flew into the trench and sustained an injury to Pelicanus the air sac. Taroom Veterinary 18.07.13 800 Pelican conspicillatus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.07 x Surgery 07 46273130 Spotted marsh Limnodynaste 1 18.07.13 1035 Frog sxCleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.00 17.07.13 S26.35 E150.00 1 x Removed from trench Tree base litter Lygisaurus EHP 1 19.07.13 844 skink foliorum x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.37 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria Callitris/casuarina - 1 19.07.13 908 Frog caerulea x woodland S26.36 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar Casuarina/eucalypt 1 19.07.13 927 eyed Skink us pulcher x woodland S26.36 E149.47 19.07.13 S26.37 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Callitris/casuarina 1 19.07.13 937 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland S26.36 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.37 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Freckled 1 19.07.13 934 Monitor Varanus tristis x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.36 E149.48 19.07.13s.73 S26.37 irrelevant informations.73 E149.48 irrelevant information 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information 19.07.13 954 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.36 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance 19.07.13 1103 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Casuarina forest S26.36 E149.47 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 19.07.13 1110 eyed Skink us pulcher x Casuarina forest S26.36 E149.47 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Ocellated Oedura 1 19.07.13 1141 Gecko monilis x Casuarina forest S26.36 E149.47 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus Callitris/casuarina 1 19.07.13 1425 gecko taenicauda x woodland RELEASES26.36 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.37 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus Callitris/casuarina 1 19.07.13 1456 gecko taenicauda x woodland S26.36 E149.48 19.07.13 S26.36 E149.48 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus 1 20.07.13 710 skink foliorum x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.47 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia DL 1 20.07.13 722 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.47 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.07.13 739 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 2 Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 2 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 755 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.07.13 755 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 CallitrisRTI forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance 1 20.07.13 824 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x Callitris/eucalypt woodland S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 2 20.07.13 848 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 2 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 1036 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 2 20.07.13 1049 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 2 x Relocated pre clearance Bearded Pogona 1 20.07.13 1125 Dragon barbata x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.43 1 x Relocated during clearance

Brush tailed Trichosurus 1 Seen during clearance and managed 20.07.13 1137 possum vulpecula x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.47 to escape beyond the ROW.

RTI 14-289 File A Page 56 of 121 Heteronotia 1 20.07.13 1145 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.47 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance Small eyed Cryptophis 1 20.07.13 1145 snake nigrescens x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.47 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.07.13 1258 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 1258 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura s.73 irrelevant information 1 20.07.13 1412 gecko monilis x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.07.13 1454 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 1454 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 3 20.07.13 1513 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 3 x Relocated pre clearance Small eyed Cryptophis 1 20.07.13 1535 snake nigrescens x Callitris forest S26.36s.73 E149.463 irrelevant information 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Golden tailed Strophurus 1 20.07.13 1603 gecko taenicauda x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance 20.07.13 1605 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 2 Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 2 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 1605 gecko monilis x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 20.07.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated Oedura 1 20.07.13 1619 gecko monilis x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.36 E149.45 20.07.13 S26.36EHP E149.46 1 x Relocated pre clearance Spotted marsh Limnodynaste 1 - 21.07.13 906 Frog s tasmaniensis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E150.02 21.07.13 S26.36 E150.02 1 x Removed from trench

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 21.07.13 920 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.01 21.07.13 S26.35 E150.01 1 x Removed from trench

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 2 21.07.13 1031 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E150.99 21.07.13 S26.35 E150.99 2 x Removed from trench s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 2 21.07.13 1114 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.98 21.07.13 S26.36 E149.97 2 x Removed from trench Green Tree Litoria 1 21.07.13 1132 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.97 21.07.13 S26.36 E149.97 1 x Relocated pre clearance

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 21.07.13 1132 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.97 21.07.13 S26.36 E149.97 1 x Removed from trench s.73 irrelevant information Green Tree Litoria RELEASE 1 21.07.13 1149 Frog caerulea x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.97 21.07.13 S26.36 E149.97 1 x Removed from trench 21.07.13 1555 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.36 E149.44 21.07.13 S26.36 E149.4 1 x Removed from trench

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 22.07.13 846 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt ForestDL S26.36 E149.98 22.07.13 S26.36 E149.98 1 x Removed from trench

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 22.07.13 858 Frog s tasmanienss x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.98 22.07.13 S26.36 E149.98 1 x Removed from trench

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 2 22.07.13 915 Frog s tasmanienss x ClearedRTI eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.97 22.07.13 S26.36 E149.97 2 x Removed from trench Heteronotia 1 22.07.13 1530 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Cleared Callitris forest S26.36 E149.44 22.07.13 S26.36 E149.44 1 x Relocated pre clearance Open Litter Carlia 1 23.07.13 1253 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.36 E149.44 23.07.13 S26.36 E149.44 1 x Relocated during clearance Found dead in middle of ROW in the morning, suspect it may have been killed by machinery while clearing the 1 previous afternoon and crawled out Tachyglossus onto track during the night. It was 23.07.13 800 Echidna aculeatus x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.45 x partly consumed. 27.07.13 925 Shingleback Tiliqua rugoas x 1 Cleared Brigalow S26.36 E149.41 27.07.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Relocated during clearance

RTI 14-289 File A Page 57 of 121 Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 28.07.13 942 Frog s tasmanienss x Pasture S26.35 E149.3 27.08.13 S26.35 E149.39 1 x Relocated during clearance Mus Mother and 8 babies killed by 9 28.07.13 1135 House mouse domesticus x Pasture S26.36 E149.3 x machinery during clearing Green Tree Litoria 1 28.07.13 1144 Frog caerulea x Pasture S26.35 E149.3 28.07.13 S26.35 E149.38 1 x Relocated during clearance 1 02.08.13 815 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared Brigalow S26.36 E149.86 02.08.13 S26.36 E149.86 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Tree base litter Lygisaurus 1 03.08.13 830 skink foliorum x Pasture S26.38 E149.8 03.08.13 S26.38 E149.84 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Eastern grey macropus 2 04.08.13 745 kangaroo giganteus x Cleared brigalow S26.38 E149.84 04.08.13 S26.38 E149.84 2 x Chased out of trench

Eastern grey Macropus 1 Stuck between pipe and trench wall. 04.08.13 1156 kangaroo giganteus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.35 E149.99 04.08.13 S26.35 E149.99 1 x Removed and released above trench

Eastern hooded Pygopus 1 04.08.13 817 scaly - foot shraderi x Pasture S26.21 E149.22 x Killed by machinery

Eastern grey Macropus 1 Cleared acacia/eucalypt Stuck between pipe and trench wall. 05.08.13 1125 kangaroo giganteus x woodland S26.37 E149.88 05.08.13 S26.37 E149.88 1 x Removed and released above trench Aepyprymnus EHP 2 06.08.13 659 Rufous bettong rufescens x Eucalypt/acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 06.08.13 S26.41 E149.81 1 x Chased out of trench Bearded pogona - 1 08.08.13 700 Dragon barbata x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.41 E149.82 08.08.13 S26.41 E149.82 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Eastern Tiliqua 1 08.08.13 744 bluetongue scincoides x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.41 E149.80 08.08.13 S26.41 E149.80 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 08.08.13 845 Dragon barbata x Pasture S26.41 E149.79 08.08.13 S26.41 E149.79 1 x Removed from trench and relocated

Eastern grey Macropus 1 Stuck between pipe and trench wall. 09.08.13 959 kangaroo giganteus x Cleared acacia woodland s.73S26.41 irrelevant informations.73 E149.82 irrelevant information 09.08.13s.73 S26.41 irrelevant informations.73 E149.82 irrelevant information 1 x Removed and released above trench Box patterned Lucasium 1 28.08.13 751 gecko steindachneri x Callitris forest S26.40 E149.6 28.08.13 S26.40 E149.68 1 x Removed from trench and relocated

Red necked Macropus 1 Stuck between pipe and trench wall. 28.08.13 1232 wallaby rufogriseus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.7 28.08.13 S26.41 E149.79 1 x Removed and released above trench Bearded Pogona 1 29.08.13 1406 Dragon barbata x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.41 E149.79 29.08.13 S26.41 E149.79 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar RELEASE 1 29.08.13 1200 eyed Skink us pulcher x Eucalypt forest S26.36 E149.95 x Run over by vehicle 1 30.08.13 735 Native mouse Pseudomys sp x Callitris forest S26.39 E149.6 30.08.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 30.08.13 750 Dragon barbata x Callitris forest DL S26.39 E149.65 30.08.13 S26.39 E149.65 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 2 30.08.13 919 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 30.08.13 S26.39 E149.63 2 x Removed from trench and relocated

Eastern grey Macropus 1 Stuck between pipe and trench wall. 30.08.13 1401 kangaroo giganteus x EucalyptRTI forest S26.22 E149.56 x Died shortly after being removed. 1 31.08.13 715 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.59 31.08.13 S26.39 E149.50 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 31.08.13 755 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 31.08.13 S26.39 E149.63 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Burtons legless 1 31.08.13 950 lizard Lialis burtonis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.60 31.08.13 S26.39 E149.60 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Removed from trench and 1 01.09.13 746 Cane toad Bufo marinus x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.63 euthenased. 1 01,09,13 704 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Burtons legless 1 01.09.13 709 lizard Lialis burtonis x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated

RTI 14-289 File A Page 58 of 121 Bearded Pogona 1 01.09.13 715 Dragon barbata x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 01.09.13 812 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared brigalow S26.39 E149.61 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Salmon Striped Lymnodynaste 1 01.09.13 827 frog s salmini x Cleared brigalow S26.39 E149.60 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.60 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 01.09.13 835 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared brigalow S26.39 E149.60 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.60 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 01.09.13 846 Curl snake Suta suta x Eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.61 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Whip tailed Macropus Stuck between pipe and trench. 1 01.09.13 1540 wallaby parryi x Cleared acacia woodland S26.41 E149.82 01.09.13 S26.41 E149.82 1 x Removed and relocated. 1 02.09.13 615 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 01.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale 1 02.09.13 639 planigale maculata x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 02.09.13 639 Native mouse Pseudomys sp x Cleared eucalypt Forest S26.39 E149.62 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.62 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale Cleared eucalypt & acacia 1 02.09.13 658 planigale maculata x woodland S26.39 E149.61 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Cleared eucalypt & acacia 1 02.09.13 705 Curl snake Suta suta x woodland S26.39 E149.61 02.09.13 S26.39EHP E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 02.09.13 712 Lace monitor Varanus varius x Cleared eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.61 02.09.13- S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 02.09.13 715 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.61 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 02.09.13 723 Dragon barbata x Cleared eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.61 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.61 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Removed from trench and 1 02.09.13 759 Cane toad Bufo marinus x Cleared eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.60 euthenased. Aepyprymnus 1 02.09.13 805 Rufous bettong rufescens x Eucalypt forest S26.39 E149.60 02.09.13 S26.39 E149.69 1 x Gently coaxed out of trench. Tachyglossus s.73 irrelevant information 1 s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information 04.09.13 612 Echidna aculeatus x Cleared acacia woodland S26.39 E149.58 04.09.13 S26.38 E149.58 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded pogona Eucalypt & acacia 1 04.09.13 732 Dragon barbata x woodland S26.38 E149.56 04.09.13 S26.38 E149.56 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Brush tailed trichosurus Eucalypt & acacia 1 05.09.13 730 possum vulpecula x woodland S26.38 E149.53 05.09.13 S26.38 E149.53 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Salmon Striped Lymnodynaste Cleared eucalypt & acacia 1 05.09.13 910 frog s salmini x woodland S26.38 E149.51 05.09.13 S26.39 E149.50 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona RELEASE 1 06.09.13 1030 Dragon barbata x Pasture S26.37 E149.49 06.09.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale 1 06.09.13 1039 planigale maculata x Pasture S26.37 E149.48 06.09.13 S26.37 E149.48 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 06.09.13 1145 Dragon barbata x Callitris forest DL S26.36 E149.46 06.09.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 07.09.13 710 Native mouse Pseudomys sp x Eucalypt & callitris forest S26.38 E149.51 07.09.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Sminthopsis Eucalypt & acacia 1 07.09.13 724 dunnart murina x woodland S26.38 E149.51 07.09.13 S26.38 E149.51 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 07.09.13 823 Native mouse Pseudomys sp x PastureRTI S26.38 E149.50 07.09.13 S26.38 E149.50 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale 1 07.09.13 920 planigale maculata x Pasture S26.37 E149.49 07.09.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Oryctolagus Eucalypt & acacia 1 08.09.13 620 European rabbit cuniculus x woodland S26.38 E149.51 08.09.13 S26.38 E149.52 1 x Chased out of trench Comon Planigale 1 08.09.13 735 planigale maculata x Pasture S26.38 E149.50 08.09.13 S26.37 E149.50 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 08.09.13 806 Dragon barbata x Cleared eucalypt & callitris S26.37 E149.49 08.09.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale 1 08.09.13 845 planigale maculata x Pasture S26.37 E149.49 08.09.13 S26.37 E149.49 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Planigale 1 08.09.13 855 planigale maculata x Pasture S26.37 E149.48 08.09.13 S26.37 E149.48 1 x Removed from trench and relocated

RTI 14-289 File A Page 59 of 121 Common Sminthopsis 1 09.09.13 753 dunnart murina x Eucalypt /casuarina forest S26.36 E149.47 09.09.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona Casuarina/callitris 1 09.09.13 808 Dragon barbata x woodland S26.36 E149.47 09.09.13 S26.36 E149.47 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 09.09.13 836 Native mouse Pseudomys sp x Eucalypt/callitris woodland S26.36 E149.46 09.09.13 S26.36 E149.46 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Common Sminthopsis Eucalypt/casuarina Found together copulating in trench. 2 10.09.13 635 dunnart murina x woodland S26.36 E149.47 10.09.13 S26.36 E149.47 2 x Removed and relocated. Green Tree Litoria 1 10.09.13 722 Frog caerulea x Callitris forest S26.36 E149.46 10.09.13 S26.36 E149.45 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Boulengers Morethia 1 10.09.13 809 Skink boulengeri x Callitris/acacia woodland S26.36 E149.41 10.09.13 S26.36 E149.45 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona 1 10.09.13 953 Dragon barbata x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 10.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Striped faced Sminthopsis 1 10.09.13 1105 dunnart macroura x Cleared brigalow S26.35 E149.40 10.09.13 S26.35 E149..40 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Devis Banded Deninsonia 1 12.09.13 859 Snake devisi x Cleared brigalow S26.35 E149.40 12.09.13 S26.35 E149.40 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Devis Banded Deninsonia 1 12.09.13 1004 Snake devisi x Pasture S26.35 E149.39 12.09.13 S26.35 E149.39 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Devis Banded Deninsonia 1 12.09.13 1011 Snake devisi x Pasture S26.35 E149.39 12.09.13 S26.35 E149.39 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Green Tree Litoria EHP 1 13.09.13 751 Frog caerulea x Pasture S26.36 E149.42 13.09.13 S26.35 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Boulengers Morethia - 1 13.09.13 759 Skink boulengeri x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 13.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 13.09.13 806 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 13.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated devis Banded Deninsonia 1 13.09.13 847 Snake devisi x Cleared brigalow S26.35 E149.40 13.09.13 S26.35 E149.40 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Ctenotus 1 13.09.13 949 robustus Striped skink x Pasture S26.35 E149.38 13.09.13 S26.35 E149.38 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Bearded Pogona s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information 1 14.09.13 645 Dragon barbata x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 14.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Devis Banded Deninsonia 1 14.09.13 702 Snake devisi x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 14.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Striped faced Sminthopsis 1 14.09.13 712 dunnart macroura x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 14.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated 1 14.09.13 712 Curl snake Suta suta x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 14.09.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Heteronotia RELEASE 1 14.09.13 826 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Pasture S26.35 E149.39 14.09.13 S26.35 E149.39 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Devis Banded Deninsonia 1 15.09.13 810 Snake devisi x Cleared brigalow S26.35 E149.40 14.09.13 S26.35 E149.40 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Green Tree Litoria 1 15.09.13 857 Frog caerulea x Pasture DL S26.35 E149.39 x Found dead in trench Partially cleared eucalypt 1 05.10.13 625 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland S26.39 E149.59 05.10.13 S26.39 E149.59 1 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar Partially cleared eucalypt 1 05.10.13 625 eyed Skink us pulcher x woodland S26.39 E149.59 05.10.13 S26.39 E149.59 1 x Relocated during clearance Partially cleared eucalypt 3 05.10.13 1100 Dubious Dtella gehyra dubia x woodlandRTI S26.39 E149.59 05.10.13 S26.39 E149.59 3 x Relocated during clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar Partially cleared eucalypt 3 05.10.13 1100 eyed Skink us pulcher x woodland S26.39 E149.59 05.10.13 S26.39 E149.59 3 x Relocated during clearance Observed sheltering in the open in a large tree shortly after clearance had 1 Brush tailed Trichosurus taken place. It was left undisturbed in 05.10.13 1210 possum vulpecula x Cleared eucalypt woodland S26.39 E149.58 x the tree. Cleared eucalypt & callitris 1 06.10.13 959 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland S26.36 E149.43 06.10.13 S26.36 E149.43 1 x Relocated during clearance Eastern Tiliqua 1 10.10.13 842 Bluetongue scincoides x Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.41 10 .10.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from ROW and relocated 10.10.13 842 Shingleback Tiliqua rugoas x 1 Cleared brigalow S26.36 E149.42 10.10.13 S26.36 E149.41 1 x Removed from ROW and relocated

RTI 14-289 File A Page 60 of 121 Green Tree Litoria Found dead beneath a rock during 1 14.10.13 659 Frog caerulea x Cleared rocky slope S26.03 E149.05 pre clearance Elegant Snake Cryptoblephar 1 16.10.13 1045 eyed Skink us pulcher x Callitris/ eucalypt woodland S26.23 E149.51 16.10.13 S26.23 E149.51 1 x Relocated pre clearance Fragile Sand Cleared callitris/eucalypt 1 16.10.13 1103 Slider Lerista fragilis x woodland S26.23 E149.51 16.10.13 S26.23 E149.51 1 x Relocated pre clearance 16.10.13 1128 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.24 E149.50 16.10.13 S26.24 E149.50 1 x Relocated pre clearance Casuarina/callitris 1 16.10.13 1415 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x woodland S26.25 E149.0 16.10.13 S26.25 E149.50 1 x Relocated pre clearance Eastern Brown Pseudonaja 1 17.10.13 750 snake textilis x Pasture S26.35 E149.37 16.10.13 S26.35 E149.37 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Heteronotia 2 17.10.13 1142 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Callitris forest S26.25 E149.49 17.10.13 S26.25 E149.49 2 x Relocated pre clearance 17.10.13 1202 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.26 E149.4 17.10.13 S26.26 E149.49 1 x Relocated pre clearance Green Tree Litoria 1 18.10.13 1114 Frog caerulea x Pasture S26.35 E149.37 18.10.13 S26.35 E149.37 1 x Removed from trench and relocated

1 Observed resting under a dead bush 18.10.13 1545 Feral cat Felis catus x Cleared casuarina forest S26.30 E149.44 and ran off before I could catch it. 19.10.13 928 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.31 E149.44 19.10.13 S26.31 E149.44 1 x Relocated pre clearance Tree base litter Lygisaurus Cleared acacia/eucalypt 1 19.10.13 1110 skink foliorum x woodland s.73S26.33 irrelevant informations.73 E149.43 irrelevant information 19.10.13 S26.33 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia Cleared acacia/eucalypt s.73EHP irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information 1 19.10.13 1139 Bynoes Gecko binoei x woodland S26.32 E149.43 19.10.13 S26.32 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia - 1 19.10.13 1502 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Casuarina forest S26.34 E149.43 19.10.13 S26.34 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance Occelated 1 19.10.13 1547 gecko oedura monilis x Eucalypt/ casuarina forest. S26.34 E149.43 19.10.13 S26.34 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance

Spotted marsh Lymnodynaste 1 19.10.13 715 Frog s tasmanienss x Pasture S26.35 E149.37 19.10.13 S26.35 E149.37 1 x Removed from trench and relocated Boulengers Morethia 1 20.10.13 1126 Skink boulengeri x Cleared eucalypt woodland S26.34 E149.42 20.10.13 S26.34 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance Open Litter Carlia 1 20.10.13 1205 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x Callitris forest S26.34 E149.43 20.10.13 S26.34 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance Open Litter Carlia 1 20.10.13 1233 Rainbow Skink pectoralis x Callitris forest S26.34 E149.43 20.10.13 S26.34 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance 21.10.13 1442 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest S26.25 E149.49 21.10.13 S26.25 E149.50 1 x Relocated pre clearance Heteronotia 1 10.11.13 857 Bynoes Gecko binoei x Callitris forest S26.31 E149.44 10.11.13 S26.31 E149.44 1 x Relocated pre clearance 10.11.13 908 Dubious Dtella Gehyra dubia x 1 Callitris forest RELEASES26.31 E149.44 10.11.13 S26.31 E149.43 1 x Relocated pre clearance 11.11.13 825 Cane toad Bufo marinus x 1 Pasture S26.35 E149.42 Euthenased DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 61 of 121 Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP11976812 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 26/10/2012 Expiry date of the permit: 25/10/2015 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): Mobiles.73 phone: irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 25/10/2012 to 25/04/2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

Nil to report - no captured or relocated during this time period.



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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 62 of 121 120420 Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP 12496213

Date permit issued: 27/03/13 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 26/03/16 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73MOBILE: irrelevant s.73informationHOME: irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments NIL RETURN FOR THIS QUARTER – REHABILITATION LICENSE



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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 63 of 121 120420 Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP 12496113 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 27/03/13 Expiry date of the permit: 26/03/16 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73MOBILE: irrelevants.73 informationHOME: irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments NIL RETURN FOR THIS QUARTE



Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


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s78B(2) - Privacy

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s.73 irrelevant information EHP -


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s78B(2) - Privacy

s78B(2) - Privacy

s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information EHP

s.73 irrelevant information-

s.73 irrelevant information RELEASE DL s.73 irrelevant information RTI

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s78B(2) - Privacy

s78B(2) - Privacy

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s78B(2) - Privacy

s78B(2) - Privacy

s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information EHP -

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s78B(2) - Privacy

s78B(2) - Privacy

s.73 irrelevant information EHP -

s.73 irrelevant information


RTI 14-289 File A Page 76 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity Permit holder's address: Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information EHP Permit number:* WI RP10981512 - s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 11-May-12 Expiry date of the permit: 10-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Feb/March/April 2013 Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count*

28/03/2012 s 24.28. E 151.52 live 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 28/03/2012 s 24.28. E 151.52 RELEASElive 6 Litoria caerulea/Green tree frog 1

28/03/2012 S24.28. E151.53 live 6 unidentified microbat 2 s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevantDL information 28/03/2013 S24.28. E151.53 live 6 Litoria caerulea/Green tree frog 1

28/03/2013 S24.28. E151.53 live 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 8 28/03/2013 S24.28. RTIE151.53 live 6 Trichosurus vulpecular/Brushtail possum 1

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 77 of 121 Wildlife data records Spotter catcher wildlife data records Action codes legend: R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) EHP -

Release details Actions Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments Roosting under bark of gum top box, flew safely into retained 28/03/2013 x Oyster creek.Hills Road Baffle ck vegetaion 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52 x Oyster creek.HillsRELEASE Road Baffle ck found in branches, placed into retained vegetation Found in hollow branch. Branch moved to retained vegetation , bats 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52 x Oyster creek.Hills Road Baffle ck self relocated s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information DL 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52 x Oyster Creek. Hills road Baffle ck Found in branches of spotted Gum

28/03/2113 S 24.28 E151.52 x Oyster Creek. Hills Road Baffle Ck Found in hollow. Bats left in hollow to self relocate 28/03/2013 S24.28. E151.53 x Oyster Creek. Hills Road Baffle Ck Found in hollow, left in hollow to self relocate after dark. RTI

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 78 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity Permit holder's address: Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information EHP Permit number:* WI RP10981512 - s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 11-May-12 Expiry date of the permit: 10-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Feb/March/April 2013 Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count*

28/03/2012 s 24.28 E 151.52 live 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 28/03/2012 s 24.28 E 151.52 RELEASElive 6 Litoria caerulea/Green tree frog 1

28/03/2012 S24.28 E151.53. live 6 unidentified microbat 2 s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevantDL information 28/03/2013 S24.28 E151.53. live 6 Litoria caerulea/Green tree frog 1

28/03/2013 S24.28 E151.53. live 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 8 28/03/2013 S24.28 E151.53. live 6 Trichosurus vulpecular/Brushtail possum 1 RTI

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 79 of 121 Wildlife data records Spotter catcher wildlife data records Action codes legend: R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) EHP -

Release details Actions Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments Roosting under bark of gum top box, flew safely into retained 28/03/2013 x Oyster creek.Hills Road Baffle ck vegetaion 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52. x Oyster creek.HillsRELEASE Road Baffle ck found in branches, placed into retained vegetation Found in hollow branch. Branch moved to retained vegetation , bats 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52. x Oyster creek.Hills Road Baffle ck self relocated

s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information DL 28/03/2013 S 24.28 E151.52. x Oyster Creek. Hills road Baffle ck Found in branches of spotted Gum

28/03/2113 S 24.28 E151.52. x Oyster Creek. Hills Road Baffle Ck Found in hollow. Bats left in hollow to self relocate 28/03/2013 S24.28. E151.53. x Oyster Creek. Hills Road Baffle Ck Found in hollow, left in hollow to self relocate after dark. RTI

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 80 of 121 Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10955312 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 15-May-12 Expiry date of the permit: 14-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 15 May 2012 - 15 August 2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments Nil returns



Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 81 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10955312

Date permit issued: 15-May-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 14-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 15 AUGUST 2012 - 14 FEBRUARY 2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 5/11/2012 24°20 150°27 Alive Least Conce Lialis burtonis 1 5/11/2012 24°20. 150°27 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 5/11/2012 24°20 150°27. Alive Least Conce Limnodynastes terraereginae 1 5/11/2012 24°20. 150°27 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 5/11/2012 24°20 150°27. Dead Least Conce Pseudonaja textilis 1 5/11/2012 - - x - - 6/11/2012 24°20 150°27. Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 1 6/11/2012s.73 irrelevant 24°20. s.73 information irrelevant150°27 informationx Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 19/10/2012 23°59 151°18. Alive Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 1 19/10/2012 - - x Retained vegetation Self-relocated to nearby retained vegetation. 19/10/2012 23°59 151°18. Alive Least Conce Oedura rhombifer 1 19/10/2012 23°59. 151°18 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association Chicks were taken to the Gladstone Wildlife Association 10/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus (chicks) 2 10/11/2012 GDWCA GDWCAEHPx Inc. to be hand raised. 10/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 2 10/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area 10/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Litoria chloris 1 10/11/2012 23°54. -151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Varanus trisits 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Zigzag Velvet Gecko 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area Found inside the hollow of a dead Peppermint Tree. Was translocated away from clearing 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD area. 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Zigzag Velvet Gecko 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Bar-sided skink 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. 1 adult female and 2 pups. Translocated away from 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Petuarus norfolcensis 3 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD clearing area. 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information Found inside the hollow of a (dead) Queensland Peppermint Tree. Translocated away from clearing 12/11/2012 23°53 151°14. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD area. 12/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Petuarus norfolcensis 3 12/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area.

Found deceased on the ground. Cause of death was 13/11/2012 23°52 151°13. Dead Least Conce Cryptophis boschmai 1 13/11/2012 - - x - fatal injuries (most probably) sustained from the dozer.

RELEASE Found inside the hollow of a Queensland Peppermint 13/11/2012 23°52 151°13. Alive Least Conce Litoria caerulea 1 13/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Tree. Translocated away from clearing area s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information Found inside the hollow of a Queensland Peppermint 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Dendrelaphis punctulata 1 13/11/2012 23°54. 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Tree. Translocated away from clearing area. Found inside the hollow of a Queensland Peppermint DL Tree. As it is too young to fend for itself (orphaned), it was transferred to the Gladstone & District Wildlife Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association Carers Association to be hand-raised. Estimated 2 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 1 13/11/2012 GDWCA GDWCA x Inc. weeks in care. 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Litoria caerulea 1 13/11/2012 23°54 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Pogona barbata 2 13/11/2012s.73 irrelevant 23°54 s.73 information irrelevant151°15. informationx Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. Found inside the hollow of a tree. As it is too young to RTI fend for itself (orphaned), it was transferred to the Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association to be 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 1 13/11/2012 GDWCA GDWCA x Inc. hand-raised. Estimated 12 weeks in care. Found inside the hollow of a Queensland Peppermint Tree. As they are too young to fend for themselves (orphaned), they were transferred to the Gladstone & Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association District Wildlife Carers Association to be hand-raised. 13/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 2 13/11/2012 GDWCA GDWCA x Inc. Estimated 3 weeks in care.

3 owl chicks found in the hollow of a large Spotted Gum tree. The adult was seen flying out of the hollow prior to felling, and escaped to retained vegetation. As their nest was destroyed and they are too young to fend for themselves, the chicks were transferred to the Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association to be 14/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Southern Boobook 4 14/11/2012 GDWCA GDWCA x Inc. hand-raised. Estimated 6 months in care. 1 deceased Cockatoo chick found inside the hollow of a large Spotted Gum tree. Both parent birds were seen perching near the hollow prior to felling, both escaped to 14/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Dead/ Alive Least Conce Cacatua galerita 3 14/11/2012 - - x x - retained vegetation. RTI 14-289 File A Found in thePage hollow of82 a small of 121dead tree. 120420 Translocated 14/11/2012 23°53 151°13. Alive Least Conce Petuarus norfolcensis 1 14/11/2012s.73 irrelevant 23°54 s.73 information irrelevant151°15. informationx Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD away from clearing area. Found inside the hollow of a Spotted Gum tree. 14/11/2012 23°53. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Vespadelus pumilus Aprox. 20 14/11/2012 23°54 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. Found in the hollow of a Spotted Gum tree. 14/11/2012 23°52. 151°14. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 14/11/2012 23°54 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. Found in the hollow of a Queensland Peppermint Tree. 14/11/2012 23°52. 151°14. Alive Least Conce Varanus trists 2 14/11/2012s.73 irrelevant 23°54 s.73 information irrelevant151°15. informationx Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. Sighted in the clearing area. Self-relocated to beyond 14/11/2012 23°53. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Podargus strigoides 1 14/11/2012 - - x - clearing limits. 14/11/2012 23°53. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Petuarus norfolcensis 1 14/11/2012 23°54 151°15. x Haddock Drive, Gladstone QLD Translocated away from clearing area. Sighted in the clearing area. Self-relocated to beyond 16/11/2012 23°52. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Todiramphus macleayii 1 16/11/2012 - - x - clearing limits. 2 Rainbow Lorikeet chicks found deceased in the hollow 16/11/2012 23°52. 151°13. Dead Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 2 16/11/2012 - - x - of a large (dead) Spotted Gum tree.

2 Rainbow Lorikeet chicks found in the hollow of a large (dead) Spotted Gum tree. As their nesting place was destroyed and they are unable to fend for themselves, 16/11/2012 23°52. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 2 16/11/2012 - - x 1171 Glenlyon road, Gladstone QLD they were given to a wildlife carer to be hand raised. Possum found in the hollow of a tree. It escaped into a 16/11/2012 23°52. 151°13. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 16/11/2012 - - x - pile of timber 1 deceased Lorikeet chick found in the hollow of a 17/11/2012 23°53. 151°13. Dead Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 1- - - x - Bloodwood tree. 2 deceased Lorikeet chicks found in the hollow of an 17/11/2012 23°53. 151°13. Dead Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 2- - - x - Ironbark tree. 1 x possum sighted escaping from a tree hollow to 18/12/2012 25°26. 150°57. Alive Least Conce Common Brushtail Possum 1 18/12/2012 - - x - retained vegetation. Observed gliding from the falling tree to the canopy of 18/12/2012 25°26. 150°57. Alive Least Conce Greater Glider 2 18/12/2012 - - x - retained vegetation. 18/12/2012 25°26. 150°57. Dead Least Conce Green Tree Frog 1 18/12/2012 - - x - Fatal crush injury. Snake was contained within a hollow log and relocated 18/12/2012 25°26. 150°57. Alive Least Conce Carpet Python 1 18/12/2012s.73 irrelevant 25°26. s.73 information irrelevant150°57 informationx Side of Theodore-Eidsvold Road to retained vegetation 18/12/2012 25°26. 150°57. Alive Least Conce Squirrel Glider 1 18/12/2012 - - x - Sighted escaping to retained vegetation.

EHP Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association 2 chicks were found in a tree hollow. Both were taken to 27/09/2012 23°46. 151°08. Alive - chicks Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 2 27/09/2012 GDWCA GDWCA x Inc. the Gladstone Wildlife Carers to be hand raised. 27/09/2012 23°46. 151°08. Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 1 27/09/2012 23°46. -151°07 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 27/09/2012 23°46. 151°07. Alive Least Conce Heteronotia binoei 1 27/09/2012 23°46. 151°07 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 28/09/2012 23°47. 151°07. Alive Least Conce Varanus trisits 1 28/09/2012 23°47 151°07 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 28/09/2012 23°47. 151°07. Alive Least Conce Oedura rhombifer 1 28/09/2012s.73 irrelevant 23°47 s.73 information irrelevant151°07 informationx Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 28/09/2012 23°47. 151°07. Alive Least Conce Gehyra Dubia 1 28/09/2012 23°47 151°07 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 28/09/2012 23°47. 151°06. Alive Least Conce Cryptoblepahrus virgatus 1 28/09/2012 23°47 151°06 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation 28/09/2012 23°47. 151°06. Alive Least Conce Eulamprus tenuis 1 28/09/2012 23°47 151°06 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation The Glider incurred injury to the lower jaw. Was taken to s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information Biloela Vet Clinic to be euthanized. Environmental 21/08/2012s.73 irrelevant 24°20’ information150°27’ Injured Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 1 21/08/2012 Vet x Biolela Vet Clinic, Gladstone Road, Biloela incident reporting was completed. 23/08/2012 24°18’ 150°27’ Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 1 23/08/2012s.73 irrelevant 24°18’ s.73 information irrelevant150°27’ informationx Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation The chicks were removed from the tree using a cherry picker and then taken to the Biloela Vet Clinic. They were given a check-up then passed onto wildlife carers 23/08/2012 24°18’ 150°27’ Alive Least Conce Grallina cyanoleuca 2 23/08/2012 Vet x Biolela Vet Clinic, Gladstone Road, Biloela to be hand raised. 27/08/2012 24°18’ 150°27’ Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 2 27/08/2012 24°18 150°27 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation Fatally injured by machine. Environmental incident 28/08/2012 24°18’ 150°27’ Dead Least Conce Cryptophis boschmai 1 28/08/2012s.73 irrelevant - s.73 information irrelevant- informationx - reporting was completed. 31/08/2012 24°18’ 150°28’ Alive Least Conce Cyclorana brevipes 1 31/08/2012 24°18 150°28 x Retained vegetation Relocated to retained vegetation RELEASE Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to beyond clearing 28/11/2012 24°04. 150°50. Alive Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 1 28/11/2012 - - x - limits

2 x adult squirrel gliders escaped to retained vegetation. 2 x juvenile squirrel gliders were abandoned, as they were too young to look after themselves, they were DL Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association transferred the Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers 28/11/2012 24°04. 150°50. Alive Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 4 28/11/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. Association (GDWCA) to be hand raised.

1 x Lorikeet chick found within the hollow of a felled tree. Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association As its nest was destroyed and it is too young to look after 28/11/2012 24°04. 150°50. Alive Least Conce Trichoglossus haematodus 1 28/11/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. itself, it was transferred to GDWCA to be hand raised.

1 x adult and 13 x juvenile bats found within the hollow of RTI a Spotted Gum tree. A further 5 adults bats were sighted escaping to beyond the clearing limits. As the nesting place of the juvenile bats had been destroyed, and the Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association adults had abandoned them, they were taken to 29/11/2012 23°01. 150°52. Alive Least Conce Scotorepens greyii 19 29/11/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. GDWCA to be hand raised. 29/11/2012 23°01. 150°52. Alive Least Conce Gehyra dubia 1 29/11/2012s.73 irrelevant 24°04 s.73 information irrelevant150°50 informationx Retained vegetation Relocated beyond clearing limits 2 x Kookaburra chicks found within the hollow of a Spotted Gum tree. As the chicks’ nesting place had been destroyed and they were unable to look after Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association themselves, the chicks were taken to GDWCA to be 29/11/2012 24°01. 150°52. Alive Least Conce Dacelo leachii 2 29/11/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. hand raised. Carpet Python became entangled in the tracks of the excavator. It was taken to the Sun Valley Vet clinic for a 30/11/2012 24°04. 150°50. Alive Least Conce Morelia spilota 1 30/11/2012 24°01. s.73 irrelevant150°55. informationx Retained vegetation check-up, then released. s.73 irrelevant information Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to retained 30/11/2012 24°01. 150°53. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 30/11/2012 - - x Retained vegetation vegetation. Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to retained 30/11/2012 24°01. 150°53. Alive Least Conce Petaurus norfolcensis 1 30/11/2012 - - x Retained vegetation vegetation.

RTI 14-289 File A Page 83 of 121 120420 1 x Kookaburra chick found in a tree hollow. As its nesting place had been destroyed and it was unable to Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association look after itself, the chick was taken to GDWCA to be 30/11/2012 24°01 150°54 Alive Least Conce Dacelo novaeguineae 1 30/11/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. hand raised. Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to retained 3/12/2012 24°01 150°55 Alive Least Conce Isoodon macrourus 1 3/12/2012 - - x - vegetation. Snake found deceased due to injuries sustained from 3/12/2012 24°01 150°55 Dead Least Conce Pseudonaja textilis 1 3/12/2012 - - x - the excavator. Snake found deceased due to injuries sustained from 3/12/2012 24°01 150°55 Dead Least Conce Dendrelaphis punctulata 1 3/12/2012 - - x - the excavator. Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to retained 4/12/2012 24°01 150°5. Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1 4/12/2012 - - x - vegetation. 5/12/2012 24°00 150°56 Alive Least Conce Oedura robusta 3 5/12/2012 24°00 150°56. x Retained vegetation Relocated beyond clearing limits. s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information Sighted in the clearing area. Escaped to retained 5/12/2012 24°00 150°56 Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 1s.73 5/12/2012 irrelevant - s.73 information irrelevant- informationx - vegetation. 6/12/2012 24°00 150°56 Alive Least Conce Dendrelaphis punctulata 1 6/12/2012 24°00 150°56. x Retained vegetation Relocated beyond clearing limits. 3 x juvenile birds found within the hollow of a felled tree. 2 of the birds were found deceased. 1 was found to be healthy. As its nesting place had been destroyed and it Gladstone & District Wildlife Carers Association was unable to look after itself, the chick was taken to 13/12/2012 24°01 150°57 Dead/ Alive Least Conce Aegotheles cristatus 3 13/12/2012 GDWCA - x Inc. GDWCA to be hand raised. 19/10/2012 23°50 151°10 Alive Least Conce Trichosurus vulpecula 2 19/10/2012 23°50. 151°10 x Retained vegetation Relocated to nearby retained vegetation 19/10/2012 23°50 151°10 Alive Least Conce Morelia spilota 1 19/10/2012s.73 irrelevant 23°50. s.73 information irrelevant151°10 informationx Retained vegetation Relocated to nearby retained vegetation. Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. EHP -


RTI 14-289 File A Page 84 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection


Return of operations Section 188 – Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Nature Conservation Act 1992 A return must be submitted every three months from the permit start date, no later than 10 business days after each three month period. Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 A return must also be submitted within 10 business days after the permit expiry date. Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 A separate return must be submitted for each return period. A nil return must be submitted even if there has not been any wildlife taken during the period. You must keep a copy of the completedEHP return at the premises stated in the permit. - Permit holder’s name: s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder’s residential address:

Permit number: WIMP11043312 s.73 irrelevant information

Date permit issued: 20 July 2012

Expiry date of permit: 19 January 2013 Name of person in charge (if applicable): RELEASE Return period (tick one return period for this return) First 3 month period second 3 month period following expiry of authority DL Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture RTI caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey None captured in this ------period

Page 1 of 3 • 120925 RTI 14-289 File A Page 85 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ABN 46 640 294 485 Return of operations Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey



Please return to: Permit and Licence Management Department of Environment and Heritage Protection GPO Box 2454 …………………………………………………………………………. BRISBANE QLD 4001 Signature of permit holder: Date Or email to [email protected] (If mailing return only)

RTI 14-289 File A Page 86 of 121 Page 2 of 3 • 120925 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Return of operations Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)



RTI 14-289 File A Page 87 of 121 Page 3 of 3 • 120925 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI 10955312 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 15-May-12 Expiry date of the permit: 14-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 1 January 2013 - 31 March 2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments No animals captured in this period nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill nill



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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 88 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Release

Return of operations Section 188 – Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Nature Conservation Act 1992 A return must be submitted every three months from the permit start date, no later than 10 business days after each three month period. Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 A return must also be submitted within 10 business days after the permit expiry date. Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 A separate return must be submitted for each return period. A nil return must be submitted even if there has not been any wildlife taken during the period. You must keep a copy of the completedEHP return at the premises stated in the permit. - Permit holder’s name: s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder’s residential address:

Permit number: WIMP12767313 s.73 irrelevant information

Date permit issued: 11 April 2013

Expiry date of permit: 10 October 2013 Name of person in charge (if applicable): RELEASE Return period (tick one return period for this return) First 3 month period second 3 month period following expiry of authority DL Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture RTI caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey None captured in this ------period

Page 1 of 3 • 120925 RTI 14-289 File A Page 89 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ABN 46 640 294 485 Return of operations Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey



Please return to: Permit and Licence Management Department of Environment and Heritage Protection GPO Box 2454 …………………………………………………………………………. BRISBANE QLD 4001 Signature of permit holder: Date Or email to [email protected] (If mailing return only)

RTI 14-289 File A Page 90 of 121 Page 2 of 3 • 120925 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Return of operations Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)



RTI 14-289 File A Page 91 of 121 Page 3 of 3 • 120925 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI 10955312

Date permit issued: 15-May-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 14-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 1 April 2013 - 30 June 2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 5/05/2013 27.78 151.07 Alive LC Burton's Snake-Lizard (Lialis burtonis 1 Mature 5/05/2013 27.78 151.07 x Western Creek State Forest Found in leaf litter on the ground s.736/05/201 irrelevant3 27.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationAlive LC Ornate Burrowing Frog (Platyplectrum ornatum 1 Mature s.736/05/201 irrelevant3 27.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationx Kumbarillas.73 State Forest irrelevant Lot information Found trapped in a pool of wate 9/05/2013 27.78 151.07 Dead LC Tree Skink (Egernia Striolata 1 Mature 9/05/2013 n/a n/a x Western Creek State Forest

The tail of a goanna was spotted inside a hollow log during clearing. The s.73 irrelevant information fauna spotter was unable to remove the goanna from the hollow, so the entire log (with the goanna inside) was lifted by the excavator and placed outside the clearing area. The spotter checked the log the next day and 11/05/2013 27.78 151.07 Alive LC Unidentified goanna 1 mature 11/05/2013 n/a n/a EHPx Western Creek State Forest appeared that the goanna had moved on. s.7311/05/201 irrelevant3 27.78 s.73 information irrelevant151.07 informationAlive LC Robust Velvet Gecko (Oedura Robusta 1 mature 11/05/2013 27.78 151.07 x Western Creeks.73 State irrelevant Forest information 12/05/2013 27.80 151.01 Alive LC Wall Skink (Cryptoblepharus virgatus 2 mature s.7312/05/201 irrelevant3 27.80 s.73 information irrelevant151.01 informationx Western Creek State Forest -

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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 92 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Release Return of operations Section 188 – Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Nature Conservation Act 1992 A return must be submitted every three months from the permit start date, no later than 10 business days after each three month period. Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 A return must also be submitted within 10 business days after the permit expiry date. Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 A separate return must be submitted for each return period. A nil return must be submitted even if there has not been any wildlife taken during the period. You must keep a copy of the completedEHP return at the premises stated in the permit. - Permit holder’s name: s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder’s residential address:

Permit number: WIMP12767313 s.73 irrelevant information

Date permit issued: 11 April 2013

Expiry date of permit: 10 October 2013 Name of person in charge (if applicable): RELEASE Return period (tick one return period for this return) First 3 month period second 3 month period following expiry of authority DL Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture RTI caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey Nil Returns ------

Page 1 of 2 • 120925 RTI 14-289 File A Page 93 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ABN 46 640 294 485 Return of operations Damage mitigation permit (removal and relocation)

Common or scientific name (as Details of captured wildlife Details of wildlife disposed of Other remarks listed in the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Date of Name of caller Address of capture Number Date of Location where wildlife was Other disposal Management) Regulation 2006) capture caught release released (specify address) details (deaths, BP = Common brushtail possum escapes, etc.) ABT = Australian brush-turkey



Please return to: Permit and Licence Management Department of Environment and Heritage Protection GPO Box 2454 …………………………………………………………………………. BRISBANE QLD 4001 Signature of permit holder: Date Or email to [email protected] (If mailing return only)

RTI 14-289 File A Page 94 of 121 Page 2 of 2 • 120925 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Release Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10955312 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 15-May-12 Expiry date of the permit: 14-May-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 1 July 2013 to 30 September 2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments Nil Returns



Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 95 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 30.04.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 30.04.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 30.04.201s.732 irrelevant23°24 information150°29 Alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis (Barred-sided Skink 1 30.04.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 1.05.2012 23°24 s.73 irrelevant150°29 informationAlive 6 Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon 1 1.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 1.05.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 4 1.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.24 s.73 information irrelevant150.29. informationY Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 3 escaped to retained vegetation. 1 was relocate 2.04.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 1 2.05.2012 23.24 150.29. Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton. Taken to Alma St. Vet, 2.05.2012s.73 irrelevant23°24 information150°29 Alive - Injured 6 Ocyphaps lophotes (Crested Pigeon) 1 2.05.2012 n/a n/a Y Rockhampton. Vet later advised that it had been successfully treated and released. s.73 irrelevant information 4.05.2012 23°24 150°30 Alive 6 Litoria fallax (Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog 8 4.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 4.05.2012 23°24 150°30 Alive 6 Litoria chloris (Red-eyed Tree Frog 3 4.05.2012 23.24 150.29 EHPY Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 5.05.2012 23°24 s.73 irrelevant150°30 informationAlive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 5.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 2 escaped to retained vegetation. 1 was relocate 8.08.2012 23°24 150°30 Alive 6 Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon 1 8.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 151°90 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 11.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.24 s.73 information irrelevant-150.29 informationY Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 150°29 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zig Zag Velvet Gecko 1 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23°24 s.73 information irrelevant150°30 informationAlive 6 Litoria nastua (Rocket Frog 1 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.2012 23°24 150°30 Alive 6 Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Wall Skink 3 11.05.2012 23.24 150.29 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton

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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 96 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 11.05.2012 23°24 150°30. Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zig Zag Velvet Gecko 1 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 11.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23°24 s.73 information irrelevant150°29. informationAlive 6 Cryptoblepahrus virgatus (Wall Skink 6 Y Yeppen Lagoon, Rockhampton 15.05.2012 S 23.58. E 151.19 Alive 6 Diporiphora australis (Tommy Roundhead 1 15.05.2012 S 23.56. E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 16.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.58. s.73 information irrelevantE 151.19 informationAlive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 16.05.2012 S 23.55. E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island s.73 irrelevant information 16.05.2012 S 23.58 E 151.19. Alive 3 Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied Sheathtail Bat) 3 16.05.2012 n/a n/a Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island Contained within log and allowed to self-release after dark 16.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.58 s.73 information irrelevantE 151.19. informationAlive 6 Heteronotia binoei (Bynoe’s gecko 2 16.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.58. informationE 151.19 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island Killed by impact of falling tree. All procedures followed. Corpse buried o s.73 irrelevant information 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Dead 6 Trichosurus vulpecula (Brushtail Possum) 1 / / / EHP Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island site 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 6 Acrobats pygmaeus (Feathertail Glider 2 17.05.2012 S 23.55. E 151.16. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 3 17.05.2012 S 23.57. s.73 irrelevantE 151.16. informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 2 were relocated. 1 escaped to retained vegetatio 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 3 Petaurus australis (Yellow-bellied Glider 1 17.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.58. s.73 information irrelevant-151.19 informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58. s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationAlive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 7 17.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 5 were relocated. 2 escaped to retained vegetatio 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata (Green Tree Snake 1 17.05.2012 S 23.55 E 151.16. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 17.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 3 Petaurus australis (Yellow-bellied Glider 2 17.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.55 s.73 information irrelevantE 151.16. informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 1 was relocated. 1 escaped to retained vegetatio 18.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island

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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 97 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-Feb-2012 to 24-May-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 2 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 18.05.2012 S 23.56 E 151.13 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 19.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Varanus tristis (Black-headed Monitor 1 18.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.53 151.19 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer (Zigzag Gecko 2 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island s.73 irrelevant information 21.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationAlive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula (Brushtail Possum 1 21.05.201s.732 irrelevantS 23.57 s.73 information irrelevantE 151.16 informationY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Litioria gracilentea (Green Tree Frog 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.19 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis (Squirrel Glider 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.16 Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Alive 6 Varanus tristis (Black-headed Monitor 1 21.05.2012 S 23.57 E 151.19EHPY Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island 21.05.2012 23.58 151.19 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata (Green Tree Snake 1 21.05.2012 S 23.58 E151.19. Y Riverstone Rise, Boyne Island


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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 98 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 24-May-2012 to 24-August-2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/Yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 18.05.2012 x dead tree Escaped beyond clearing limit 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles critatus/Owlet nightja 1 18.05.2012 23.58. 151.19. x dead tree flew beyond clearing limits 18.05,2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 18.05.2012 23.56. 151.13. x large spotted gum 18.05.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 unidentified micro bats 40 18.05.2012 x large spotted gum flew beyond clearing limits 18.05.2012 23.57 151.29 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 2 18.05.2012 23.56. 151.13. x large spotted gum 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 18.05.2012 23.56. 152.13. x large dead tree 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 unidentified micro bats 20 18.05,2012 23.58. s.73 irrelevant151.19. informationX large dead tree flew beyond clearing limits 18.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles critatus/Owlet nightja 1 18.05.2012 EHPx dead tree flew beyond clearing limits s.73 irrelevant information 19.05.201s.73 2irrelevant23.58 s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationlive 6 Trichosurus volpeculata/brushtail possum 1 19.05.2012 x dead tree stump Escaped beyond clearing limi 19.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Varanus tristis/black headed monito 1 19.05.201s.732 irrelevant23.57. information151.16. x wind rowed trees 21.05.2012 23.53 152.29 live 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 21.05.2012 - x peppermint tree released beyond clearing limit 21.05.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Trichosurus volpeculata/brushtail possum 1 21.05.2012 23.57. 151.16. x peppermint tree 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Litoria gracilentea/green tree fro 1 21.05.2012 23.57. 151.19. X peppermint tree

21.05…2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/ squrrel glide 1 21.05.2012 23.57. s.73 irrelevant151.6. informationx peppermint tree 21.05.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monitor 1 21.05.2012 23.57. s.73 irrelevant151.19. informationx peppermint tree Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 99 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may/June/July Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 21.05.2012 23.58 151,19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 21.05.2012 23.58. 151.19 x Peppermint tree 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Podargus strigoides/tawny frogmouth 1 4.06.2012 x large tree escaped to beyond clearing limit 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Podargus strigoides/tawny frogmouth 2 4.02.2012 x small tree escaped to beyond clearing limit 4.06.2012 23.58 151.18 live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monito 1 4.06.2012 23.57. 151.16 x dead tree

5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 death 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 3 5.06.2012 x large dead tree 3 dead caused by impact of falling tree. All normal proceedures followed 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.06,2012 23.57. 151.16 x large peppermin 5.06.2012 23.58 151.28 live 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 5.06.2012 x dead tree escaped to standing tree, left to move on of own accor s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevantEHP information 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 7 5.05.2012 x Peppermint tree Contained within log and allowed to self realease after dark 5.06.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Aegotheles cristatus/owlet nightja 1 5.06.2012 - X Peppermint tree escaped from tree hollow to beyond clearing limit 6.6.2012 23.57 151.19 live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 4 6.6.2012 x large spotted gum Contained within log and allowed to self realease after dark 6.6.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 6.6.2012 x Peppermint tree escaped to standing tree, left to move on of own accor 6.6.2012 23,58 151.18 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 6.6.2012 23.57. 151.16 X Peppermint tree 6.6.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 2 6.6.2012 23.57. 151.16 X large spotted gum 6.6.2012 23,58 151.19 death 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 6,6,2012 23.57. 152.16 x large spotted gum death due to the impact of falling tre

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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 100 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may/june/july 2012 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 7.6.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 Varanus tristis/blackheaded monito 1 7.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x small dead tree 7.6.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 7.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x windrow 7.6.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 7.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x windrow 8.6.2012 23.58 151.19 live 6 morelia spilota/carpet python 1 8.6.12 23.56. 151.16 x peppermint tree 8.6.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 8.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x peppermint tree

8.6.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 8.6.2012 X dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 8.6.2012 23,57 151,19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 8.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x dead tree s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevantEHP information 18.6.2012s.73 irrelevant23.58 information151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 19.6.2012s.73 irrelevant information x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark

19.6.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 1 - x small dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 19.6.2012 23.57 151.19 Live 6 Denrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 19.6.2012 23.56. 151.16 x peppermint tree 19.6.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/squirrel glide 6 19.6.2012 23.57. 151.16 x peppermint tree 3.7.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 Isoodon macrourus/northern brown bandicoo 1 3.7.2012 x grassy ground cove escaped to retained vegetatio 3.7.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 oedura robusta/robust velvet geck 1 3.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58 151.19 Live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 4.7.2012 23.57. 151.16 x large dead tree

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 101 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* RP10716712 WI s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: may, june, july Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments

4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/yellow bellied sheathtail bat 2 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after dark 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Aegotheles cristatus/owlet nightja 1 4.7.2012 x dead tree contained within the log and allowed to self release after da 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Peturus norfolcensis/squirrel glide 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/brushtail possum 1 4,7.2012 23.58 151.19. x dead tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x peppermint tree 4.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Morelia spilota/carpet python 1 4.7.2012 23.57 151.16. x peppermint tree s.73 irrelevant information 5.7.201s.732 irrelevant23.58. s.73 information irrelevant151.19 informationLive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55 151.16. x under the bark of dead tree 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 5.7.201s.732 irrelevant23.55 s.73 information irrelevant151.16.EHP informationx large dead blue gum 5.7.2012 23.58. 151.19 Live 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 5.7.2012 23.55 151.16. x windrowed timber heap 12.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 Anomalopus verreauxii/legless lizar 1 12.7.2012 23.55 151.16. drain embankmen 19.7.2012 23.50. 151.16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 19.7.2012 23.16 -151.16. x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream 20.7.2012 23.50. 151,16 Live 6 Hydomys chrysogaster/water ra 1 20.7.2012 23.50 151.16. x in drain workings captured in baited trap . Relocated downstream

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 102 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity Permit holder's address: Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information EHP Permit number:* WI RP10716712 - s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* RELEASE DL

s.73 irrelevant information 14/01/2013 23.47 151.13. Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.47 RTI151.13. Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 3 15/01/2013 23.46 151.12. Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.45 151.12. Alive 6 Litoria caerulen/Green tree frog 1 16/01/2013 23.45 151.12. Dead 6 Vericelia annulata/bandy bandy snake 1 23.45 151.12. Alive 6 Carlia vivax/skink 1 17/01/2013s.73 23.45irrelevant informations.73151.12. irrelevant information Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 21/01/2013 23.52 151.15. Alive 6 Pogona barbata/Bearded dragon 1 23.52 151.15. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 22/01/2013 23.52 151.15. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 3/04/2013 23.46 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.46 151.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 120420 5 RTI 14-289 4/04/2013 23.46 150.58. AliveFile A 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko Page 103 of 121 3 Wildlife data records Spotter catcher wildlife data records Action codes legend: R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) EHP -

Release details Actions Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments RELEASE DL

14/01/2013s.73 23.47irrelevant information 151.13 x tree hollow 14/01/2013s.73 23.47irrelevant information 151.13 x RTI tree hollow 15/01//2013s.73 irrelevant 23.6. information 151.13 x tree hollow 15/01/2013s.73 23.46.irrelevant information 151.12 x tree hollow x Windrowed timber Crushed by excavator 16/01/2013 23.46. 151.12 x Windrowed timber 17/01/2013 23.45. s.73151.12 irrelevant information x tree hollow 21/01/2013 23.52. 151.15 x Dead tree 21/01/2013 23.52. 151/15 x tree hollow 22/01/2013s.73 23.52.irrelevant information 151.15 x tree hollow 3/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 3/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 120420 4/04/2013RTI 14-289 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow File A Page 104 of 121 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Morelia spilota/carpet python 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 5/04/2013 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 23.46. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Saccolaimus flaviventris/Sheathtail bat 1 23.44. 150.58. Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Possum 1 22/05/2013 25.08. 149.33. Alive 6 Petauroidies volans/greater glider 1 25.08. 149.33. Alive 6 oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 29/05/2013 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 litoria nasuta/rocket frog 1 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.51. 151.03. Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 gEhyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive EHP6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.51. 151.03. alive - 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 23.51. 151.03. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 31/05/2013s.7323.52. irrelevant informations.73151.04. irrelevant information alive 6 Morelia spilota/ carpet python 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04. RELEASEalive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 2 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Pseudonaja textilis/Eastern brown snake 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Carlia vivax/skink 2 23.52. 151.04.DL alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. RTI151.04. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 2 23.52, 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 4/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 120420 2 RTI 14-289 File A Page 105 of 121 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 4 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow relocated within log to beyond clearing limits 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 4/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.46. 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44. 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44. 150.58 x tree hollow 5/04/2013 23.44. 150.58 x tree hollow Flew to beyond clearing limits 5/04/2013 23.44. 150.58 x tree hollow 22/05/2013 25.08. 149.33 x tree hollow Escaped to beyong clearing limits 22/05/2013 25.08. 149.33 x tree hollow relocated to nearby retained tree 29/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Ground litter 29/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Ground litter 29/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 X tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow EHP 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow - 30/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow Escaped to nearby retained vegetation 30/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013s.73 23.51.irrelevant informations.73151.03 irrelevant information x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 31/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 31/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 31/05/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollowRELEASE contained within a log and relocated 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Construction area Relocated to site boundary 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.03 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.03 x TreeDL hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151..04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x RTI Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 3/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.51. 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 4/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow escaped from falling tree 120420 4/06/2013RTI 14-289 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow File A Page 106 of 121 5/06/2013 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 3 23.52 151.04. alive 6 unidentified micro bats 7 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.52 151.04, alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 6/06/2013 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 2 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 7/06/2013 23.51 151.04. alive 6 gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.51 151.05. alive EHP6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 2 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 8 23.51 151.05. alive - 6 Litoria latopalmata/ broadpalm frog 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Lichmera indistincta/ brown honey eater 1 11-Jun 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 2 s.73 23.52irrelevant informations.73151.04. irrelevant information alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Aegotheles cristatus/ owlet nightjar 1 23.52 151.04. dead 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 7 23.52 151.04. RELEASEalive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52 151.04. dead 6 Pogona barbata/ bearded dragon 1 23.51 151.05. alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04.DL alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monitor 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Aepyprymnus rufescens/Rufous bettong 2 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 13/06/2013 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Lialis burtonis/Burtons snake lizard 1 23.52 RTI151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monitor 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 3 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monitor 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 unidentified micro bats 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 120420 2 RTI 14-289 File A Page 107 of 121 14/06/2013 23.52 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail bat 1 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within their log and allowed to self release 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Loose bark 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51. 151.51. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow EHP 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Ground litter - 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Active nest in small tree Retained where is until chicks are fledged 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013s.73 23.52.irrelevant information s.73151.04. irrelevant information x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated x Tree hollow Cause of death- crushed by falling tree- large unstable tree 11/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollowRELEASE x Ground litter Cause of death- crushed by falling tree 11/06/2013 23.51. 151.05. x Tree hollow 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x TreeDL hollow 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground cover Escaped to retained vegetation 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground litter 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x RTI Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyound clearing limits 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 120420 14/06/2013 RTI 14-289 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow File A Flew to beyond clearing limits Page 108 of 121 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snake 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 4 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 s.73 23.52.irrelevant informations.73151.04 irrelevant information alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 23.52. 151.04 Alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet gecko 1

23.52. 151.04 dead 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 23.52. 151.04 alive EHP6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 2 23.52. 151.04 alive - 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 23.52. 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1

RELEASE DL Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RTI

120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 109 of 121 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocated 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Ground cover 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 17/06/2013s.73 23.52.irrelevant information s.73151.04. irrelevant information x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow

x Tree hollow Adult female with young. Killed by falling tree. Unstable dead tree. Orphaned juvenile will be raised in care for release upon maturity. C tree hollow EHPParent killed (above) 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x tree hollow - 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. x Tree hollow


120420 RTI 14-289 File A Page 110 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments s.73 irrelevant information 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria nasuta/Rocket frog 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Ground litter 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 29/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 alive 6 gEhyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 X tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 s.73 irrelevant151.03 informationx Tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.03 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 EHPx Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow Escaped to nearby retained vegetatio 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 30/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Morelia spilota/ carpet python 1 31/05/2013 23.51 -151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 1 31/05/2013 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 2 31/05/2013 23.52 s.73 irrelevant151.04 informationx Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 2 31/05/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 3/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Pseudonaja textilis/Eastern brown snak 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Construction area Relocated to site boundary 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Carlia vivax/skink 23/06/203 23.52 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 13/06/203 23.52 151.03 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 23/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Odura rhombifer/Zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 s.73 irrelevant151..04. informationx Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 23/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 13/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 4/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 14/06/203 23.51 151.03 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake RELEASE14/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 14/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 24/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow escaped from falling tree s.73 irrelevant23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationalive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 44s.73/ 0irrelevant6/203 23.52 information151.04 x Tree hollow 5/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 35/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 unidentified micro bats 75/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within their log and allowed to self releas 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Loose bark 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink DL 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 15/06/203 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 6/06/2013 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 16/06/203 23.51 s.73 irrelevant151.05 informationx Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzagRTI gecko 26/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 2 6/06/2013 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 26/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 16/06/203 23.51 151.51 x Tree hollow 7/06/2013 23.51 151.04 alive 6 gehyra dubia/Gecko 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 27/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 87/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Litoria latopalmata/ broadpalm fro 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Ground litter 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Lichmera indistincta/ brown honey eate 17/06/203 23.51 151.05 x Active nest in small tree Retained where is until chicks are fledged 11-Jun 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 2 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Boiga irregularis/ brown tree snake 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/possum 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Aegotheles cristatus/ owlet nightja 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52 151.04 dead 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 7 x Tree hollow Cause of death- crushed by falling tree- large unstable tre 23.52 151.04 alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 11/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52 151.04 dead 6 Pogona barbata/ bearded drago 1 x Ground litter Cause of death- crushed by falling tree RTI 14-289 23.51 151.05 alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak File1 A 11/06/2013 23.51 151.05 x Tree hollow Page 111 of 121 120420 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04 alive 6 Varanus tristis/ blackheaded monito 1 12/06/2013 23.52 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Aepyprymnus rufescens/Rufous bettong 2 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Ground cover Escaped to retained vegetatio 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 3 12/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Lialis burtonis/Burtons snake lizard 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Ground litter 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monito 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 3 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Varanus varius/lace monito 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 unidentified micro bats 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow Escaped to beyound clearing limits 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 13/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 saccolaimus flaviventris/sheathtail ba 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow Flew to beyond clearing limits 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow s.73 irrelevant23.52. s.73 information irrelevant151.04. informationalive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1s.73 14/06/201 irrelevant3 23.52. s.73 information irrelevant151.04 informationx Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/green tree snak 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow contained within a log and relocate 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 14/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Litoria chloris/ tree frog 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Ground cover 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 4 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Eulamprus tenuis/Barsided skink 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glide 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. Alive 6 Oedura monilis/Ocellated velvet geck 1 17/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow

23.52. 151.04. dead 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 x Tree hollow Adult female with young. Killed by falling tree. Unstable dead tree. Orphaned juvenile will be raised in care for release upon maturity. Pare 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glider 1 C tree hollow killed (above) 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 litoria caerulea/ tree frog 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 EHPx Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 2 19/06/2013 23.52. 151.04 x Tree hollow 23.52. 151.04. alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 19/06/2013 23.52. -151.04 x Tree hollow

Note: To insert extra lines go to the ' Insert' menu above and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RELEASE DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 112 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP10716712

Date permit issued: 24-Feb-12 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 23-Feb-15 Permit holder's contact number/s: Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 20/06/2013 to 1/11/2013 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 16/08/2013 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 3 16/08/2013 23.51 151.03. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyond clearing limits s.73 irrelevant information 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 1 C Tree hollow Retained in care as an orphan 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Varanus tristis/BBlack headed monito 1 16/08/2013 23.51 151.03. x Tree hollow 23.51 151,.03 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 1 16/08/2013 23.51 151.03. x Loose bark 26/08/2013 23.53 151.03 Alive 6 Elamprus tenuis/Bar sided skink 2 26/08/2013 23.53 151.03. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyond clearing limits 23.53 151.03 Alive 6 Isoodon macrourus/Northern brown bandicoo 1 26/08/2013 23.53 151.03. x Ground litter Escaped to beyond clearing limits 27/08/2013 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Petaurus breviceps/Sugar glide 1 27/08/2013 23.51 151.03. x Tree hollow Escaped to beyond clearing limits 23.51 151.03 Alive 6 Morelia spilota/Carpet pytho 1 27/08/2013 23.51 151.03. x Tree canopy Escaped to beyond clearing limits 28/08/2013 23.53 151.03 Alive 6 Trichosurus vulpecula/Brustail possum 1 28/08/2013 23.53 151.03.EHPx Tree hollow Escaped to beyond clearing limits 23.53 151.03 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/Green tree snak 1 28/08/2013 23.53 151.03. x Tree hollow 23.53 151.03 Alive 6 Phseudonaja textilis/Eastern brown snak 1 28/08/2013 23.53 151.03. x Ground litter Escaped to beyond clearing limits 1/08/2013 23.51 151.05 Alive 6 Varanus tristis/BBlack headed monito 11/08/203 23.51 -151.05. x Tree hollow 23.51 151.05 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/Gecko 11/08/203 23.51 151.05. x Tree hollow 2/08/2013 23.51 151.04 Alive 6 Morelia spilota/Carpet pytho 1 2/08/2013 23.51 151.05. x Tree hollow 23.51 151.04 Alive 6 Varanus tristis/BBlack headed monito 12/08/203 23.51 151.05. x Tree hollow 3 adults and 3 pups found inside hollow. 1 adult escaped. The rest were s.73 irrelevant information 23/08/2013 23.53 151.16 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 6 23/08/2013 C Tree hollow retained in care due to immaturity of pups. 23.53 151.16 Alive 6 Heteronotia binoei/ Bynos geck 1 23/08/2013 23.53 151.16. x Tree hollow 4 adults found inside hollow. 1 escaped and the rest were relocated after 23.53 151.15 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glider 4 23//08/2013 23.53 151.16. x Tree hollow dark s.73 irrelevant information 9/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Carlia schmeltzii/Rainbow skink 29/10/203 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 23,52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 1 9/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 10/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 1 10/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 11/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 2 11/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter s.73 irrelevant23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.12 informationAlive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1s.73 11/10/201 irrelevant3 23.52 s.73 information irrelevant151.12. informationx Dead grasstree 14/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 7 14/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Carlia schmeltzii/Rainbow skink 1 14/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 15/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 2 15/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 16/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 3 16/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 17-Oct 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 7 17/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Dendrelaphis punctulata/Green tree snak 1 17/10/2013 Tree top foliage Escaped to beyond clearing limits 18/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 4 18/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter s.73 irrelevant information 29/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 1 29/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Litoria carulea/green tree frog RELEASE1 29/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Inside tree stump 30/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 2 30/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Under loose bark 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 2 30/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter 31/10/2013 23.52 151.12 Alive 6 Pogona barbata/bearded drago 2 31/10/2013 23.52 151.12. x Ground litter s.73 irrelevant information 22/10/2013 25.18 150.24 Alive 6 Oedura tryoni/Southern spotted velvet geck 2 22/10/2013 25.18 150.24. x Under loose bark 25.18 150.24 Alive 6 Petaurus norfolcensis/Squirrel glide 1 22/10/2013 25.18 150.24. x Tree hollow Semi fledged juvenile found in work site. Relocated to nearby tree still in 23/10/2013 25.18 150.23 Alive 6 Gymnorhina tibicen/Magpie DL 1 23/10/2013 25.18 150.23. x Small tree attendance by adults. 28/10/2013 25.17 150.19 Alive 6 Oedura rhombifer/zigzag gecko 1 28/10/2013 25.17 150.19. x Loose bark 29/10/2013 25.17 150.18 Alive 3 Petaurus australis/yellow bellied glide 1 29/10/2013 x Tree hollow Escaped to beyond clearing limits 30/10/2013 25.18 150.22 Alive 6 Dacelo gigas/Kookaburra eggs/nes 2 30/10/2013 x Arboreal termite nes Tree was marked and retained Tree was felled. Partially fledged chick was placed in nearby tree still in 25.18 150.22 Alive 6 Struthidea cinerea/Apostle bird chick/nest 1 30/10/2013 25.18 150.22. x Nest in Brigallow tree attendance by adults. 31/10/2013 25.18 150.22 Alive 6 Gehyra dubia/GeckRTIo 1 31/10/2013 25.18 150.22. x Loose bark

RTI 14-289 File A Page 113 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP13103613 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 26/06/2013 Expiry date of the permit: 11/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information 432231127

* Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 01/12/13 - 01/03/14 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments Animal had a broken leg and was handed over to the Chinchilla Animal was captured and relocated during construction activities for the s.7312/12/2013 irrelevant 26°48'2 s.73 information irrelevant150°21 information 1 LC Cacatua galerita 1 12/12/2013 Na Na X Veterinary Services for care. Fairymeadow Road Irrigation Pipeline s.73 irrelevant information Animal was released to a brigalow treeline approximately 50m Animal was captured and relocated during construction activities for the s.7311/01/2014 irrelevant26°47 information150°18'1 1 NT Cyclorana verrucosa 1s.73 11/01/2014 irrelevant 26°47' s.73 information irrelevant150°18'1 informationX from the disturbed site. Fairymeadow Road Irrigation Pipeline s.73 irrelevant information



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Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit.


RTI 14-289 File A Page 114 of 121 120420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP13103613 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 26/06/2013 Expiry date of the permit: 11/06/2016 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 22/06/13 - 28/11/13 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments 14/09/2013 26°21'2 149° 2'1 Live LC Pseudonaja textilis 1s.73 14/09/201 irrelevant3 26°21'2 s.73 information irrelevant149° 2'2 informationx Released to open grassland 100m from disturbanc Animal captured and released during clear and grade activitie s.7314/09/201 irrelevant3 26°21'2 information149° 2'1 Dead LC Ctenotus leonhardi 1 14/09/2013 Na Na x Animal buried adjacent to construction are Animal deceased during clear and grade activitie Animals released to various habitat features within 100m of GPS s.732/04/2013 irrelevant 26°30'5 information148°52' Live LC Gehyra dubia 3 2/04/2013 26°31 148°52'3 x coordinates Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within 100m of GPS s.732/04/2013 irrelevant 26°31 information148°52' Live LC Gehyra catenata 4 2/04/2013 26°31 148°52'3 x coordinates Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within 100m of GPS s.732/04/2013 irrelevant 26°31 information148°52' Live LC Egernia striolata 11 2/04/2013 26°31'1 148°52'2 x coordinates Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities EHP Animal released to habitat feature within 100m of GPS s.732/04/2013 irrelevant 26°30'5 information148°52' Live LC Heteronotia binoei 1 2/04/2013 26°31'1 148°52'3 x coordinates Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities Animals released to various habitat features within 100m of GPS s.732/04/2013 irrelevant 26°31 information148°52' Live LC Litoria caerulea 2 2/04/2013 26°31'2 -148°52'1 x coordinates Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities Animal released to remnant brigalow community with gilgai s.73 irrelevant information 27/11/13s.73 irrelevant26°48'2 information150°20' Live LC Gehyra catenata 1 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within remnant 27/11/13s.73 irrelevant26°48'2 information150°20' Live LC Gehyra dubia 5 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x brigalow community containing gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within remnant 27/11/13 26°48'2 150°20' Live LC Litoria caerulea 9 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x brigalow community containing gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within remnant 27/11/13 26°48'2 s.73 irrelevant150°20' informationLive LC Limnodynastes fletcheri 1 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x brigalow community containing gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities Animals released to various habitat features within remnant 27/11/13 26°48'2 150°20' Live LC Limnodynastes salmini 3 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x brigalow community containing gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities s.73 irrelevant information Animals released to various habitat features within remnant 27/11/13 26°48'2 150°20' Live LC Mus musculus 2 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x brigalow community containing gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities Animal released within remnant brigalow community containing 27/11/13 26°48'2 150°20' Live LC Cryptoblepharus plagiocephalus 1 27/11/13 26°47'4 150°20'1 x gilgai formations Animal captured and released during clear and grade activities

Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RELEASE DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 115 of 121 120420 Release

s.73 irrelevant information

s.73 irrelevant information EHP - s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information

s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73RELEASE irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant informationDLs.73 irrelevant information RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 116 of 121 Release


s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information RELEASE s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevantDL information s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information RTI

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RTI 14-289 File A Page 118 of 121 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI RP14384814 s.73 irrelevant information Date permit issued: 15.04.2014 Expiry date of the permit: 14.04.2017 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments 15.04.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.0 000000 2 Vulnerable Denisonia maculata 2 16.04.2014 Same location of capture -21.9 0000000 148.0 00000 X

16.04.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Opisthodon ornatus 1 16.04.2014 Buffel grass habitat adjacent to work site -21.9 0000000 148.0 00000 X s.73 irrelevant information 16.04.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.0 000000 4 Least Concern Litoria caerulea 4 16.04.2014 Buffel grass habitat adjacent to work site -21.9 0000000s.73 irrelevant148.0 00000information X

17.04.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Cyclorana breviceps 1 17.04.2014 Buffel grass habitat adjacent to work site -21.9 0000000 148.0 00000 x 17.04.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Vulnerable Denisonia maculata 1 18.04.2014 Same location of capture -21.9 000000 148.0 00000 x Suitable adjacent habitat away from s.73 irrelevant information 27.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern Strophurus williamsi 1 27.05.2014 construction site s.73 irrelevant-21.4 0000000 information147.91 00000 x Suitable adjacent habitat away from 27.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern Cryptophis boschmai 1 27.05.2014 construction site EHP-21.4 0000000 147.91 00000 x 28.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern Cyclorana breviceps 1 28.05.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X Suitable adjacent habitat away- from 28.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern Carlia pectoralis 1 28.05.2014 construction site -21.4 0000000 147.91 00000 X Suitable adjacent habitat away from 28.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern 1 28.05.2014 construction site -21.4 0000000 147.91 00000 X Suitable adjacent habitat away from 29.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.4 0000000 147.9 000000 1 Least Concern Delma tincta 1 29.05.2014 construction site -21.4 0000000 147.91 00000 X Suitable adjacent habitat away from 30.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 1 Vulnerable Denisonia maculata 1 31.05.2014 construction site -21.2 0000000 147.89 00000 X s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information 31.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 2 Least Concern Menetia greyii 2 31.05.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X Suitable adjacent habitat away from 31.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 6 Least Concern Menetia greyii 6 31.05.2014 construction site -21.2 0000000 147.89 00000 X Suitable adjacent habitat away from s.73 irrelevant information 31.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 1 Least Concern Opisthodon ornatus 1 31.05.2014 construction site -21.2 0000000 147.89 00000 X Suitable adjacent habitat away from s.73 irrelevant information 31.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 1 Least Concern Cyclorana breviceps 1 31.05.2014 construction site -21.2 0000000 147.89 00000 X

31.05.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 147.8 000000 1 Least Concern Tiliqua scincodes 1 31.05.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X

17.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Isodon macrurus 1 17.06.2014 Same location of capture -21.7 000000 148.03 00000 X 17.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Cyclorana breviceps RELEASE1 17.06.2014 Same location of capture -21.7 000000 148.03 00000 X 17.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Lialis burtoni 1 17.06.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X

17.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Furina diadema 1 17.06.2014 Same location of capture -21.7 000000 148.03 00000 X

18.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Vulnerable Denisonia maculata 1 18.06.2014 Same location of capture -21.7 000000 148.03 00000 X 19.06.2014 Bowen Basin -21.7 0000000 148.0 000000 1 Least Concern Ctentous robustus DL 1 19.06.2014 Same location of capture -21.7 000000 148.02 00000 X

Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'. Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 119 of 121 Wildlife data record Wildlife Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 t Action codes legend: Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 species whose habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X)

Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 or is about to be destroyed by human activity R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) D = death (mark column with X) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information Permit holder's address: Permit number:* WI RP14384814

Date permit issued: 15.04.2014 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 14.04.2017 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: 15 July 2014 - 15 October 2014 Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Capture location * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name or common name* Count* Date* Location of release description * Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Comments

28.08.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.10 00000 Alive LC Saccolaimus flaviventris 1 28.08.2014 Taken into care n/a n/a C Awaiting confirmation that the animal is ok for release (Isaac MBLs) 27.08.2014 Bowen Basin -21.8 0000000 148.04 00000 Eggs LC Pardolote nest 4 27.08.2014 Euthanased n/a n/a X MGP TEP 2.09.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.02 00000 Dead LC Ramphotyphlops unguirostris 1 2.09.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X Anglo Infill Suitable adjacent habitat away from 6.10.2014 Bowen Basin -21.1 0000000 147.96 00000 Alive LC Gehyra dubia 1 6.10.2014 construction site -21.12 000000 147.01 00000 X Byerwen 1 6.10.2014 Bowen Basin -21.1 0000000 147.96 00000 Dead LC Delma tincta 1 6.10.2014 Deceased n/a n/a X Byerwen 1 Suitable adjacent habitat away from s.73 irrelevant informations.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information11.10.2014 Bowen Basin s.73 irrelevant-21.2 0000000 s.73information irrelevant 148.05 00000 information Alive LC Gehyra dubia 1 11.10.2014 construction site -21.23 000000 148.05 00000 X Byerwen 3 11.10.2014 Bowen Basin -21.2 0000000 148.05 00000 Alive PEST Rhinella marina 11.10.2014 Euthanased n/a n/a X Byerwen 3 Suitable adjacent habitat away from 15.10.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.10 00000 Alive LC Gehyra dubia 1 15.10.2014 construction site EHP -21.9717 s.73 irrelevant148.1 informationX Isaac MBLs Suitable adjacent habitat away from 15.10.2014 Bowen Basin -21.9 0000000 148.10 00000 Alive LC Pseudonaja textilis 1 15.10.2014 construction site - -21.9717s.73 irrelevant148.10 00000 information X Isaac MBLs

Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'. Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. RELEASE DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 120 of 121 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

Wildlife data records Wildlife management Wildlife data records Nature Conservation Act 1992 Spotter catcher records: when dealing with an animal of a species whose Spotter catcher wildlife data records Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006 habitat has been destroyed by natural disaster or is about to be destroyed by Action codes legend: Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006 human activity R1 = release, no further action (mark column with X) Permit holder's address: R2 = release with first aid (mark column with V or C (V = Vet / C = Carer) Permit holder's name:* s.73 irrelevant information D = death (mark column with X) Permit number:* WI RP13323813

Date permit issued: 21-Oct-13 s.73 irrelevant information Expiry date of the permit: 20-Oct-15 Permit holder's contact number/s:

Name of person in charge (if applicable): s.73 irrelevant information s.73 irrelevant information * Mandatory information fields Capture location For period: Release details Actions Collector’s name/s * Start date * Latitude * Longitude * Count type* Status* Scientific name / common name * Count* Date* Latitude * Longitude * R1 R2 D Location description* Comments large parcel of remnant vegetation adjacent to the 9/12/2013 629245.000 7571002.000 1 LC greater glider 1 9/12/2013 x branch snapped and crushed individual. Peak Downs Highway. large parcel of remnant vegetation adjacent to the individual checked for injury, young and retained until 9/12/2013 629245.000 7571002.000 1 LC greater glider 1 9/12/2013 629277.000 7571006.000 x s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information s.73 irrelevants.73 information irrelevant information Peak Downs Highway. night for successful releaese. dug up in cleared black soil paddock proximate to 8/12/2013 610711.000 7570850.000 1 V ornamental snake 1 8/12/2013 X released in densely vegetated gilgia s.73 irrelevant610702.000s.73 information 7570881.000irrelevant information Moranbah 6/03/2014 628 7569 5LCGehyradubia 5 6/03/2014 628 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 6/03/2014 628 7569 2LCLialisburtonis 2 6/03/2014 628 EHP7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 6/03/2014 628 7569 1LCLimnodynastesornatus 1 6/03/2014 628 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation s.73 irrelevant information6/03/2014 628 7569 1LCDiporiphoraaustralis 1 6/03/2014 628 - 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 6/03/2014 628 7569 1LCOeduramonilis 1 6/03/2014 628 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 8/03/2014 644 7538 1LCLitoriacaerulea 1 8/03/2014 644 7538 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 8/03/2014 :628862 7538 1LCGehyradubia 1 8/03/2014 628 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 8/03/2014 628 7569 1LCMorethiataeniopleura 1 8/03/2014 628 7569 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 8/03/2014 628 7570 7 LC Gehyra dubia 7 8/03/2014 628 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014s.73 irrelevant629 s.73 information irrelevant7570 information13 LC Gehyra dubia 13 9/03/2014 s.73 irrelevant629 s.73 information irrelevant7570 informationX windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 1LCPseudonajatextilis 1 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 2LCLialisburtonis 2 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 1LCAntaresiamaculosa 1 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 Limnodynastesornatus 3 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 Gehyradubia 11 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 Ctentousrobustus 2 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 Limnodynastesornatus 1 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 Cryptoblepharusvirgatus 1 9/03/2014 629 7570 X windrow released in adjacent remnant vegetation 9/03/2014 629 7570 9/03/2014 629 7570 X s.73 irrelevant information RELEASE Note: To insert extra lines in Windows 7 select 'Home' tab then click the 'Cells' tab and select 'insert sheet rows' otherwise go to the ' Insert' menu and click 'Rows'.

Return in electronic format to: The Wildlife Ranger in the regional office that issued your permit. DL RTI

RTI 14-289 File A Page 121 of 121 120420