Temperature Geothermal Systems in Martinique and Guadeloupe, French West Indies
GRC Transactions, Vol. 38, 2014 Toward a Continuum Geothermal Model to Explain Coexistence of Medium to High (100 to 250°C) Temperature Geothermal Systems in Martinique and Guadeloupe, French West Indies V. Bouchot1, A. Gadalia1, H. Traineau2, and S. Caritg1 1BRGM, Orléans, France 2CFG Services, Orléans, France v.bouchot@brgm.fr Keywords (Bouchot et al., 2010). So while Bouillante is a classical system Martinique, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles, Bouillante, Montagne of high temperature (250°C), according to geothermometers it Pelée, high to medium temperature geothermal systems, appears that the geothermal systems in Martinique show lower continuum geothermal model, evolution in space and time, temperature reservoirs between 100°C and 220°C. These different magmatic heat source, exploration guidelines, fluid equilib- reservoir temperatures coupled with their variations in time pose rium several questions. Do these temperature differences indicate dif- ferent stages of the same type of geothermal development (with successive prograde, peak or retrograde stages)? What impacts Abstract can the age, position, volume and duration of the magmatic ac- tivity as source of heat, have on the evolution of the geothermal The recent surface exploration data acquired in Martinique led system (duration, extension) and the temperature of its reservoir? to a revisit of the conceptual models of three geothermal systems The comparison of different systems, based on selected pa- in active volcanic arc context: Petite Anse in the Southwest of rameters such as reservoir temperature, duration of the geothermal the island, Lamentin in the center, Montagne Pelée in the North. system using fossils events, age and duration of magmatism, de- These three explored systems are compared with each other and gree of equilibrium of geothermal fluid, should provide relevant with the developed Bouillante geothermal field in Guadeloupe (15 answers to these questions.
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