Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense Joint Effects Model (JEM) Briefing to CBIS January 2007 Tom Smith JEM Acquisition Program Manager
[email protected] Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense JEM Program Office Org Chart Tom Smith Tom Smith ArchitectureArchitecture Lead: Lead: Andy Andy Hill Hill ModelModel IPT/JSTO: IPT/JSTO: JEM APM JEM APM ProductProduct Support: Support: Gerald Gerald Slonaker Slonaker JohnJohn Hannan Hannan TestTest Lead: Lead: Marcus Marcus Fieger Fieger CDRCDR Stephanie Stephanie Hamilton Hamilton Dan Hallock Rick Fry Dan Hallock Rick Fry IncInc 1 1 DAPM DAPM LTLT Curt Curt Wall Wall IncInc 2 2 DAPM DAPM ProgramProgram Support: Support: PMOPMO Engineering Engineering Support: Support: SusanSusan Sullivan Sullivan RalphRalph Nebiker, Nebiker, Lead Lead EricEric Rial Rial KristinKristin Baird Baird Software Software NSWCNSWC Dahlgren: Dahlgren: Matt Matt Wolski Wolski Development Development PreonPreon Moore Moore Lead: Steve Twyman Lead: Steve Twyman L-3L-3 Titan Titan (JSTO): (JSTO): Ian Ian Sykes Sykes Northrop-Grumman Northrop-Grumman IEM:IEM: Serge Serge Olszanskyj Olszanskyj StevenSteven Stage Stage T&ET&E IPT IPT Lead: Lead: Russell Russell Brown Brown AccreditationAccreditation Agent: Agent: Mike Mike Metz Metz IV&VIV&V Lead: Lead: Brian Brian Boyle Boyle 2 Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense Description • JEM is an ACAT III Program that will provide a single, validated capability to predict the transport and dispersion