The Daily Egyptian, July 31, 1974
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1974 7-31-1974 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 31, 1974 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 55, Issue 215 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 31, 1974." (Jul 1974). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1974 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ . ..uly 31 197.:.. VOI 55 No 215 Long's indictment sparks SIU audit By David Komblith Orescanin and Letner are scheduled Daily EgypIiaD Staff Writer to appear in Ci rcui t Court in Mur· physboro Aug . ~ to fil e a motion fo r Bruce Swinburne, dean of students, discovery. has asked the SIU internal a uditor to Ci rcuit Court Judge Richard Rich· review two University accounts fo r man withdrew from the case Tuesday which Sam Long , assistant professor in because he worked with Letner when government, had been fisca l offi cer , the the judge was state's attorney or Dai(y Egyptian learned Tuesday . Jackson County. No other judge has been appointed to Long, indicted Wednesday on a hear the case. charge of theft by deception over 5150, has also been relieved of hi s positions as fiscal officer of the two groups. Swin burne said. SIU foils The groups are the Il linois Public In · terest Research Group II PIRG ) and the Student Tenant Union (SfU). dorms' bid Swinburne said the audits are stan dard opera ting procedure. on liquor " When things a re all cleaned up he (Long ) may be fiscal offi cer again ," By Dave Ibal. the dean said. Daily Egyptian Staff Writer J .E . Simmons, director of in ternal auditing , said Swinburne's letler came East campus student organi zations to him Friday . He added that the audits attempted to purchase liquor using would begin within the next co uple of residence hall activity funds in May weeks. using falsi fi ed in voice vouchers . E:nil R. Spees, dean of student life . said Randall Nelson . government df'Part · Tuesday. ment chairman, and Lon Shelby, dean University regulation prOhIbit FU.!' of the College of Liberal Arts , would not chase of liquor with student funds . comment on Long's future at SI U. Spees said. When asked if Long would be On May 7, 13 and 20. residence ha ll leaching next semester . Shelby replied , organizations in the Brush Towers "The answer I've been instructed to University Park area made purchases give is no comment." Wh en asked ~o of nearly $250 from Chicken Hut. 201 S. gave him those instructions , he srud Dlinois Ave., Spees said . However. ap " No comment." parently all of this money went toward the purchase of alcoholic beverages S1U studeDt Ed Moultri buys lottery ticket rrom Sharon Gaby at PenDeY' • . Keith Leasure , vice president for supplied by Leo 's Liquors. Spees said . academic affairs and provost , was not -ShII_ available for comment Tuesday . A finance officer charged with han· dling resident activity money stopped Gola Waters , assistant dean of the payment on the vo uchers when a School of Business, said another indic· student called attention to the pur· ted instructor, Danilo Orescanin, for· chases, Spees said. The students in, Lottery ticket buyers mer executive vice president and cam volved have signed statements concer· pus treasurer, will continue teaching ning the issue, Spees stated. next semester. Spees did not say whether the students would be disciplined. rush to take a chance Waters added that if there was any Julia Muller, rISCal officer of the cam· change in Orescanin's future as a pus housing activity fee , filed a com· several other customers each bought teaCher at S1U it would come "from up By OIarloUe JODes plaint on behalf of S1U July 1 to liquor Daily EgypUlIJI Staff Writer three or four tickets. Many of them froot." commissioner Mayor Neal Eckert. came in just to buy the tickets, not to Orescanin and 1bomas Leffler, chief ' "'Ibe purchase authorizations were ap look at cars, Shirley Eller, cashier at 01 the S1U Security Police, were indic· parenUy written to the Clicken Hut in Tall Odes , skinny ones , rich ones, poor Vogler's said. ted Thursday 011 two counts each of ex~e for alcohol at Leo's ," the ones , old ones, young ones. tampering with public records. complamt states. Everybody's a gambler. Boren's IGA East reported selling 200 said that the purchases were tickets in the fIrSt two hours of sales. A LeflIer ·was suspended with pay Mon · ably made by a dorm floor or Lottery ticket sales in Carbondale are lot of people are buying up to $5 worth day. ~oars. " How the money is broken down booming. And many merchants predict of tickets, an employe S81d . in the area is pretty much a decision of the ticket sale business will get better Don Hecke , director of com · the student government in the area." by the day. Bleyer's Sports Mart had sold about munications at SIU, said Tuesday he Spees said. 120 tickets by 2 p.m. Tuesday. has been q.-ioned by persons who The proprietors of Leo 's Liquors and The tickets officially went on sale at want to know why Orescanin and Long OIicken Hut have been notified to ap' noon Tuesday although some mer· were not suspended as Letner was. Eastgate Liquor had sold about 100 pear before the city liquor commission chants admitted they began selling tickets by mid-aftemOOll. Heeke said LeflIer was suspended in at an Aug . 7 public hearillli! for apparent Tuesday morning to pacify demanding accordance with ' 'usual procedures" violation of their liquor hcense, accor customers. Just about aU the customers are when a poitt; ~ency is involved. ding to the mayor's office. buying two to four tickets and some up 'nlomas and Robert Palmier were Most of the 14 Carbondale businesses to six or eight, Hibert Martin, a clerk at told to appear to answer charges made selling tickets said they were averaging ABC Liquor said. ' Gw, 8(1,1,- · by the University that they sold liquor about 100 sales per hour. And most on premises not licensed to do so , sales haven't been for single tickets. University Drugs 011 Illinois Avenue falsified food invoices to sell liquor to Many customers are buying at least said they bad sold <me customer :10 campus organizations and sold liquor two to four tickets, merchants report. tickets, Martin OWIey, owner of the from one outlet through another. drugstore, said he bad anld mOlt of the Investigation of the issue has passed Brunie Murando, owner of LBJ's tickets to students. "Businesa WiJI get from the University to the city, Spees Steakhouse, said he sold 200 tickets in better. II's a ~tID tbIog," be said. said. " As 01 July I, the malter has been the rtrst couple of hours. in the I!ands of Mayor ECkert," Spees 'lbe first drawing is lei fer Ale . • at said. On July 1 all documents relevant A spokeswoman at Vogler's Ford said the SpriIIIfidd Slate Fair. W"........ Gua says he bets lotto Is more fun Ihan to the 1asueI were turned over to the one man bouBht 10 tickets about DOOO DIIIIIbers will be where they are SlU liquor ra*f!e. mayor, Spees said. Tuesday, another bought eight IIDd anld IIDd pubIisI)ed in . y oe....,apers. Nixon backers claim chargeB are vague WASHINGTON (AP)-The two was needed bet....... himself and Nixon's original 25th District. since Sandman, 52, is • former Houae Judiciary ' Committee" :rD.i~~ '~~~ Wiggins. He said the two men redrawn. preaid8lt oC the New Jersey sUI<! already knew from 10 weeks of SEnate and was twioe a contender IIopubIicaDs who quickly cited lack for the Republican gubernatorial oC opeciIic dlargea .. • major Both Wiggins and Sandman say dosed.-door commil1ee deliberations He studied law and business ad dol..,.., apiDot Pteaid8lt Nimo's that neither oC them coosulted with that they ag"""'. ministration at the University of nominatim, winning it once. im~eat say they dido' plan the While House or even each other Southern California and: was an in· He represents New Jersey's it...;t jllll ""-'<d. before they set oot that line of Wiggins, t6, is a former mayor of fantryman in both World War 11 and beacb resorts including Atlantic defense at Friday's morning El Monte, Calif., and repr~ts the Kor-ean conflict. Qty. Reps. Owies E . Wiggins of session. Qilifornia and Ow-Iea w. S8Ddman Jr. oC New Jersey set out that theme Wtggins said he had no contact lea thao ball on hour into the with the White House on the im Nixon gives up subpoenaed tapes ..tioaaIly broadcast debate on the peachmElit action at aU until Nixon lint impeadun<nt article. aide Dean _ called him Mon· WASHINGTON (AP l-Pteaident The President's chief defense related to the oonversations would day. the day the second impeach· be submitted. Wednesday. ADd they hit it again and again Nixon on Tuesday surrendered the lawyer. James D. St. Cair. handed mmt article accusi..n@: Nixon of fIrSt 0( througbout the batm subpoenaed Watergate committee's im ab.... of power passed by a 28-10 Earlier . Deputy White House PMduneot deliberalioos : that the tapes to U.S. District Jud8e John J . ;~~I~~ =t:1~ ~r:;Woo:.~ vote. Sirica in compliance with last venations. St . Clair said the !'tess Secretary Gerald L. Warr.., cue against Nixm was based 00 week's historic Supreme Court said the SUl?reme Court 's 8·0 cirewnstantial inf..........