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The NCAA News The NCAA N ews March 13,1985, Volume 22 Number 11 Official Publication of National -Collegiate .~~~Athletic Association Changes in Women schedule . insurance national meeting A national meeting of womrn’s O’Hare, Roscmont, Illinois. as an- proposed athlctlcs administrators has been sche- nounced in the February 6, 19X5, The NCAA Insurance Committee dulcd June 7-8, just before the annual issue of The NCAA Nrws. has recommended that the current meeting of the National Association However, the Administrative Corn- travel accident and loss-of-revenue of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. mittee has noted that significant insurance programs be discontinued A final decision regarding the Division numhcrs of mcmhers in both Divl- and replaced by three new programs I-A and Division I-AA mldyear legIs- sions I -A and 1-AA have questloncd beginning with the 1985-86 academic latlve meetings WIII not bc made until the need 10 conduct the summer Icgis- year. after rhc spcclal N<‘AA Convention lauve mcctmgs this year, especially in Meeting February 25-26 in Phoe- June 20-21 in New Orleans. SW Women. pqr I2 nix, Arizona, the committee recom- ‘I he “womrn’s meeting” will he mended that the current programs, conducted June 7-X m Las Vegas by Convention underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance NACIIA, in cooperation with the Company, be dropped because only Special NCAA Committee on Wom- four percent of the membership pur- en’s Intcrcsts. The meeting is not attendance chased the travel accident program in bemg sponsored by the NCAA, al- 1984-85 and only one percent pur- though a subcommittee ot the wom- chased the loss-of-revenue plan. en’s interests committee will plan and sets record Last year, the NCAA Council conduct thr session. G. Jean Cerra, A final audit of the registrations at granted a one-year exception to the IJnivcrsity of Missouri, Columbia, the 1985 NCAA Convention in Nash- seven-percent participation require- chair of the special committee, will ville shows that the Convention did ment to enable the programs to be appomt the suhcommlttcc. set an all-time attendance record, continued for 1984-85. While the NCAA Administrative contrary to the prehminary count “Even though Aetna has agreed to Committee has approved payment 01 reported in the January I6 issue of underwrite both programs in 1985-86 the expenses of that subcommittee to The NCAA News. with no increase in premium, the attend the meeting, it noted earlier A total of 1,742 persons attended committee believes that it is time to that it would not be appropriate for the 1985 Convention, 10 more than discontinue these programs and focus the NCAA to sponsor such a meeting first reported, surpassing the record on potential new programs that will and cause resultant costs for member of I.737 set a year earlier at the Dallas better scrvc the needs of the member- B-L*. .“. _ mstltutlons m hght of the fact that the Convention. ship,“said Charles A. laff, committee majority of the Special Committee on It marked the fifth consecutive year chair. Tournament MVP Women’s Interests did not believe that the total-attendance record was The new institutional programs to Southeast MissouriIs Riley EIlis (shooting) wa.snamed the most such a meeting was necessary. broken. Since 1,075 (not a record) Meanwhile, the Divisions 1-A and be considered by the Administrative valuable player in the South Central regional of the NCAA attended the 1980 Convention in New Committee would be underwritten by I-AA midyear legislative meetings Orleans, the total has climbed to Division II Men 2 Basketball Championship. Southeast Missouri tcntativcly have been schrduled for 1,314in 1981 (MiamiBeach), 1,315in State Mutual Life Assurance Com- advanced to the quarterfinals by defeating Delta State. pany of America, the primary insurer August 7-9 at thr Hyatt Regency 1982 (Houston), 1,521 in 1983 (San for the lifetime catastrophic injury Diego) and 1,737 in Dallas in 1984. insurance program sponsored by the Included among the 1,742 in at- NCAA, and administered by Ameri- Answers provided for questions tendance in Nashville were 1,534 dele- can Sports Underwriters, Inc., the gates from active member institutions current administrator of the catastro- and conferences, I5 representing af- phic program. on catastrophic insurance program filiated members, 72 visitors and I2 I The new programs recommended Since the NCAA approved a plan and supervising the necessary com- Q: What is a catastrophic injury? media representatities. by the Insurance Committee are basic in December to provide lifetime cata- pliance with legal requirements. In A: A catastrophic injury, generally Other records established in Nash- athletics accident medical insurance, strophic injury insurance for student- the committee’s judgment, this pro- speaking, is an unexpected injury that ville: 830 organizations represented, special intercollegiate all-risk accident athletes at NCAA member institu- gram, which has been approved by seriously impairs or disables a stu- 70 I registered voters (8 I. I percent of insurance and loss-of-revenue insu- tions, a number of questions have the Council, represents the best pro- dent-athlete for a prolonged period, all possible), 644 active members, 3 19 rance. arisen. Following are some of the gram available to achieve the objective possibly the rest of his or her life. Division I members, 80.1 percent of The basic athletic accident medical more commonly asked questions of offering lifetime benefits to cata- Under this policy, a catastrophic injury all Division II members and 217 Divi- insurance program would include an about the program. strophically injured student-athletes is defined as one in which one of the sion I11 members. accidental death and dismemberment Q: Why is the NCAA sponsoring and other eligible students particlpat- following conditions exists: Divisions I and III had higher provision and cover medical expenses this program? ing in activities related to intercolle- (a) $25,000 of medical expenses are percentages attend in Dallas in 1984, up to a maximum of $25,000 per A: There has been a growing con- giate athletics. incurred as a result of the accident while Division II’s total attendance occurrence, which is where the catas- cern on the part of the membership within one year of the time of the (rather than percentage) also was trophic injury insurance begins. about how to provide adequate insu- In the News accident, or higher in Dallas. Of the Association’s 891 active and Although the loss-of-revenue in- rance benefits to catastrophically in- Chief executive officers of colleges (h) l-he student-athlete’s injury conference members, 705, or 79.1 surance program would be similar to jured student-athletes. At the direc- and universities within the NCAA, results in loss of hearmg, sight, speech percent, were in attendance in Nash- the current program, it would be tion of the NCAA Council, the acting in concert, could solve the or use of two or more limbs. ville. Of the 864 eligible voters, 701, broadened to include postponement Insurance Committee spent the past major problems in intercollegiate ath- Q: What is a member institution’s or 8 I I percent, were registered. and rescheduling of games and would IWO years examining the concept of letlcs . ..Z responsibility to a catastrophically The number of legislative proposals be extended to sports other than providing lifetime benefits to students Legislative Assistance . .3 injured athlete’? football and basketball. The all-risk seriously injured while participating Championships highlights .6-X A: This is a question each institution before the Convention was 182, down I9 from the Dallas Convention and policy would provide 24-hour all- in intercollegiate athletics, negotiating Championships previews . .9 must answer; however, the NCAA Sue c‘hunges,page I2 with acceptable insurance companies .SY Answrrs, page 3 well under the record 257 in 1976. Harshman leaves a legacy of honesty to college basketball By James M. Van Valkenburg of more than 200 former players at a changes and has not had an outstand- at .X 14(third highest ever), and North bama-Birmingham’s Gene Bartow NCAA Dnector of Stat~stlcs home game, and his wife was given 40 ing season. Carolina’s Dean Smith is next at .770 .66 I. The world ofcollege basketball will roses-- one for each of his 40 head- Even so, the Huskies may be ready (fifth). Syracuse’s Jim Boeheim (.744), say farewell to a legend, Marv Harsh- coaching seasons. to peak at tournament time and could The others in this classy group are Memphis State’s Dana Kirk (.667) man of Washington, in this 47th Na- His team tied for the Pacific-IO give Harshman his tirst trip to the Lou Carnesecca of St. John’s (New and Old Dominion’s Paul Webb(.666) tional Collegiate Basketball Cham- Conference championship with South- Final Four. He is the sentimental York) at .738, Georgetown’s John have nine seasons on the Division I pionship. With 642 career victories, ern California and was 22-9 for the favorite to reach Lexington. In any Thompson .734. Arkansas’ Eddle Sut- level. Others, like Tulsa’s Nolan Rich- most by any active Division I men’s regular season, but the 67-year-old event, many describe him as a great ton .733, Wichita State’s Gene Smith- ardson (.768), meet the five-year re- coach and seventh best in history, coach with thick white hair says he person dead honest and warm. For qulrement; still others, like Temple’s Harshman is the leader of an out- has not done a good joh this season. many years, he has been one of the Basketball notes John Chaney (.775 for I3 years), have standing field of tournament coaches.
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