% a ^sT'’' , V ' - ‘-f. ''ik;

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Clear tonight with lows 90 to 35. Sunny Thursday with highs 55 to 60.

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IONS )AY, AT’RIL S. i»7il-- VOL. XCVII, No. 157

Carter still

not certain

about bomb

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President ^ Both Wright and Byrd indicated

Carter tpld congressional leaders Carter was leaning strongly against

today he has not made a final deci- the farm bill, which administration

sion on the controversial neutron sources warn could increase food warhead, according to House prices by up to 3 percent.

Democratic Leader Jim Wright. "We talked a great deal about in- “He said he would discuss it flation," Wright said. “The president

further with members of Congress is concerned about it. We talked

before announcing his decision," about the energy program and he Wright told reporters following a believes that the lack of a program

White House breakfast meeting. more than anything else is causing a

But Wright said there was virtually drop in the dollar."

no discussion of the neutron warhead Wright predicted that a com-

— which kills people with little prehensive energy package would be

damage to property — despite recent passed by Congress and signed into

reports that Carter is leaning toward law by the president by mid-summer.

banning its production. West German Foreign Minister

“There was no discussion of the Hans-Dietrieh Genscher, accom- neutron bomb beyond the president’s panied by Secretary of Slate Cyrus

comment that he was considering it Vance, met with Carter for an hour and was going to come to a position Tuesday, and sources said he asked on it, but he wasn’t there yet,”

Wright said.

Carter also reportedly indicated to Kite rescue successful the congressional leaders that: Study urges • He plans to deliver a major ad-

It may look as though Frank Berk, 11, of 31 Carey Road, rubber boat out on Union Pond Tuesday to rescue their dress on his new anti-inflation left, and James Orcutt, 11, of 96 North St., are out for a little program in a few days. forced sale wayward kite. (Herald photo by Dunn) sail. But looks are deceiving. Actually, the two boys took the • He would probably veto a massive "inflationary" farm bill of reserves now in Congress. The bill is expected to come before the Senate and House next week. WASHINGTON (UPI) - A govern- Administration sources have said ment study concludes Congress are Panel rejects MDC plans Carter is leaning away from builrfing should consider forcing some of the and deploying the neutron warhead. nation’s biggest oil companies to dis- By JUNE TOMPKINS consideration of MDC supply was enough difference in estimated costs needs. West Germany Tuesday publicly en- pose of coal and uranium reserves made by Philip Rubins and seconded to make it advantageous to join the There was also the opinion that if dorsed U.S. production of the worth more than $100 billion, it was Herald Reporter by Fred Thrall, MDC. the town did enter an agreement with warhead to help offset the power of learned today. The Manchester Water Study Com- Thrall said that improvements to Other objections to joining the the MDC, it would mean that the communist Warsaw Pact forces in The Federal Trade Commission mittee voted unanimously Tuesday the town water system could be done MDC were that before Manchester MDC might also take over .some of Europe. staff conclusion, not endorsed by the night to reject any further considera- cheaper through the town than by could receive water from the MDC, the town’s land as well as the water Senate Democratic Leader Robert commission Itself, is based on the tion of joining the Metropolitan merging with an outside supplier. special legislation would be required system. Byrd of West Virginia said he urged the()ry the energy market soon may District Commission for water ser- The committee figured that the in addition to agreement from dis- The committee had received the Carter this morning to go ahead with be in the hands of a few powerful vice. town’s water system, after im- trict member towns, and the process most recent projection estimates the neutron weapon and that Carter firms, stifling both competition and The committee will recommend to provements, would last until about could be lengthy. from the MDC Monday, hardly time indicated he would announce a deci- the development of alternative Town Robert Weiss and to 2010 after which an arrangement Ted Lingard, chief of the Eighth to review the comparison estimates sion in the coming days. energy sources. the Board of Directors that the town with MDC could be reconsidered. But Utilities District Fire Department, before Tuesday’s meeting. It has had ”I simply told him I support The staff will present its thoughts continue with proposed plans to build the committee agreed that the disad- told the committee he was concerned 15 meetings to decide on the best plan production of it ... that the Soviets later this month to the Senate an- a water treatment plant in the Globe vantages of joining the MDC far out- that the water flow would be cur- to improve the town’s water .system have achieved a great advantage titrust subcommittee headed by Sen. Hollow area. , tailed if the town joined the MDC, to comply with the federal Safe weighed the advantages. They also from their buildup in Western —.See Page Ten-A The motion to discontinue further agreed that that there was not and it would affect fire fighting Drinking Water Act. Europe," said Byrd.

Tom Conran to receive Art group backs

Cheney Hall plan

chamber service award HUD money is currently unallocated By JUNE TOMPKIN.S for local development. He also said The Greater Manchester Chamber , softball and other sports ac- Herald Kepurter Western State College, He also that being within a proposed of Commerce today announced the tivities, attended the University of Connec- Cheney Hall, once the of designated national historic site, winner of the first in a series of new- Conran has been honored by the ticut School of Insurance. social and cultural activities for the Cheney Hall might be eligible for ly created Community Service Jaycees, Army and Navy Oub, Elks, He was a chief parachute rigger Cheney family in the 19th century, national foundation grants to be used Awards. and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. In with the U.S. Coast Guard for seven may again be the center for similar for rehabilitation purposes. awarding him the Community Ser- Named as recipient of a Communi- years. programs. Mason estimated a cost of about $1

ty Service Award in the field of vice Award, Jim Breitenfeld, His community involvement in- The Manchester Arts Council today million for renovations. Youth Activity is Thomas F. Conran executive vice president of the cludes serving 13 years as assistant moved to be a coalescent force Committee members suggested Jr. of 153 Grandview St., a life-long chamber, said that the spirit of recreation director, active ,with behind the purchase of Cheney Hall much of the labor involved might resident of Manchester. Manchester has long been founded on Manchester Little League 21 years. on Hartford Road, The Council also come from volunteers who would the base of volunteer service, and Midget and Pony football coach 14 moved that, if the purchase is Conran’s history of more than 25 make it a community project. "the work of Tom Conran is living years, director of the "Y” successful, the Arts Council serve as years of volunteer service to the Several community and civic proof that care and concern, when clinic 20 years, and director of Pass, the managing agent for the historic youth of Manchester has centered groups have already informed Ann coupled with initiative and hard Punt & Kick on a local and state hall. primarily on recreation and sporting Miller, council member, of their work, can make a difference.” basis 10 years. The co-owner, Leon Podrove, is activities, but has also included a commitment to support the purchase Conran is associated with G.T. Conran has also spent many years asking $350,000 for the property at wide range of other youth-related ef- and use of Cheney Hail. Labonne & Associates. He and his of voluntary service as a m em ^r of the corner of Hartford Road and Pine forts. The council agreed it would be wife, Ruth, have three children, the Community "Y” Board of Direc- .Street, About 10 years ago, the asking He has lent his time supporting the Tlioiiias F. Conran Jr. necessary to find a permanent renter Carleen, Thomas and Patricia. price was $60,000. town's youth in football, basketball. for the hall in order to afford its Conran attended local schools and —.See Page Ten-A Because the location is within the maintenance. area eligible for Community The chairman of the Manchester Development Funds, Alan Mason, Conservation Land and Trust Inc., chairman of the Arts Council, said Terry Parla, said that Podrove told Today’s news summary that federal funds could be used her he had a party already interested toward the renovation of the building in purchasing Cheney Hall for a HARTFORD (UPI) - crease, if the pickup can be com- districU, 2,402 men had voted perhaps six — Democrats as being which was described by a committee "high class” restaurant. Mrs. Parla Republican legislative leaders pleted in time, of about $2 “yes,” and 1,360 had voted "no.” vulnerable to possible dis- member as "in a state of disaster," today attacked the Democrat million," she said. ciplinary action for taking Mason said that about $250,000 of — See Page Pen-A budget as "a blatant attempt to WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi- payments from the South Korean buy the November election on WASHINGTON (UPI) - Moves dent Carter has selected Air rice dealer They said they could credit.” to roll back Social Security taxes Force Gen. David Jones to be the not judge whether the full com- House Minority Leader Gerald gathered momentum today in next chairman of the Joint Chiefs mittee itself would agree Stevens, R-Milford, and Senate Congress. of Staff, Pentagon sources say. Police honored Minority Leader Lewis B. Rome, All House Democrats were Jones, who now serves as chief NICOSIA, Cyprus (UPI) - R-Bloomfield, said today they called to a caucus to consider a Greek Cypriot students today don’t like the House Democratic of staff of the Air Force, will take resolution to endorse election- over the top military job in the demonstrated for the second budget plan, unveiled Tuesday, year legislation to cut Social straight day against President in holdup case United States if the appointment that calls for $20 million worth of Security payroll taxes and for the is approved by Congress. Carter’s proposal to lift an arms property tax rebate checks to be first time finance part of the Jones will replace Air Force embargo against Turkey and The Town of Manchester Tuesday Two were arrested after a chase on mailed to homeowners in the fall. program through general Gen, George Brown, the present police foiled attempts to march on night honored two policemen who foot by Novak and Dailey. The third (See earlier story on page 2A) revenues. the American Embassy. chairman, who has served four helped capture three suspects in the suspect was arrested a ^ u t a half- Senate hearings also were get- President Spyros Kyprianou hour later in Bolton. years as head of the Joint Chiefs March II armed holdup of the HARTFORD (U PI)-G ov. Ella ting under way on the subject. said the move to lift the arms ban Heritage Savings and Loan Money “We are proud of you and the work

T. Grasso today said her proposed imposed after the Turkish inva- Market in the Food Mart super- you do,” Mayor Stephen Penny said WASHINGTON (UPI) - House budget will probably have to be in- WASHINGTON (UPI) - Union sion of Cyprus in 1974 would add to market. as he presented the two policemen creased by $2 million to give ethics committee investigators, miiw construction workers have on completing their questioning of the problems of the divided Officer Stephen Novak of the with certificates of appreciation raises to 13,000 state workers ratified a new three-year con- Tongsun Park, want to know more island. Manchester Police Department and from the town. overlooked when pay bikes were tract, officials said today, about his ties to some incumbent Sgt, Eldward Dailey of the Connec- banded out to other employees. marking the end to four months of SALISBURY, Rhodesia (UPI) congressmen but have little ticut State Police were honored for Lt. Leslie Williams, troop com- ”1 am not going to assess strikes against the soft coal in- — The biracial interim govern- reason to suspect Speaker their work in the apprehension of the mander of the Slate Police barracks blame, but we have a moral dustry. ment agreed today on which Thomas O’Neill of wrongdoing, suspects. in Colchester, said that the foot chase obligation here," B6rs. Grasso A final tabulation was not yet moderate blacks will head each of sources said today. 'file'arrests followed a chase by car was long and through snow and told the Finance Advisory Com- in, but with 43 of 51 locals repor- Rhodesia’s nine ministries — in- Committee sources said in- that started on West Middle Turnpike wooded areas. mittee today. ting from United Mine Workers cluding the sensitive defense and vestigators singled out five — and continued into Hebron. The "If they both weren’t in ideal "This will mean a budget in- police ministries. suspects then abandoned their vehi- physical condition, we wouldn’t have cle and fled into the woods. caught the suspects,” Williams said. PAGE TWO-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed], April 5, 1W8 MANCHESTER EVEJ41NG HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed., April 5, 1978 — PAGE THKKE-A House bill balances ‘Potpourri’; will feature Sarasin gives votes to Rome divorce settlements HARTFORD (UPI) — Ronald Sarasin, of West Hartford’s delegates to this summer’s shaping up to be a bitter primary on May 2. Republican state convention. He said he had HARTFORD (UPI) - When it "I don’t think its possible to make thought not too long ago to be the frontrunner "It was a no win situation... for the rock opera made the decision to preserve party unity. comes to splitting up the family a judgment on that (what a woman in Connecticut’s Republican gubernatorial Republican Party,” Sarasin told reporters. property after a marriage falls does as a housewife),” she said. “I race, has given one of his competitors the "That (the political unity argument) is ab- “We would have wound up with a disunited surd,” Rome said later. But he added he apart, the Connecticut House thinks think it should be a 50-50 split, like A rock opera in one act, “Joseph largest delegate bloc to this summer’s GOP party. We have to fight Democrats, not women should get credit for the work they have in California and Texas.” convention. “couldn't be happier” about Sarasin’s an- Republicans.” and the Amazing Technicolor nouncement. they did as housewives. In a related action, the House ap- Dreamcoat,” has been added to the Sarasin, a congressman representing the 5th Sarasin’s announcement baffled some On a vote of 124-20, the House proved 144-0 and sent to the Senate a District which covers the Naugatuck Valley, At recent West Hartford GOP closed door veteran political observers. attractions being presented at the caucus, Sarasin picked up 18 delegates. Rome Tuesday approved and sent to the bill allowing a women to decide if she says he’s got enough votes to win the nomina- Sarasin, considered by most to be the early “Arts Potpourri” sponsored by the received six. Senate a bill requiring judges to tion anyway and he doesn’t want to cause an frontrunner in the GOP gubernatorial race, wants to revert back to her maiden Manchester Scholarship Foundation, Rome didn’t care for the split-up and for- evaluate the "contribution” a name, or a former married name, intraparty flap. was recently upset in Fairfield where voters Inc. on Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. at mally announced his intention Monday to housewife made to a family when when she gets a divorce. The Colony in Talcottville. State Senate Minority Leader Lewis B. gave House Minority Leader Gerald Stevens primary among the the registered Republican of Milford U delegates and Sarasin only seven. considering who gets the family Under existing law, a divorcee The rock opera joins a variety of Rome, R-Bloomfield, says he doesn’t buy that voters of West Hartford in an all-or-nothihg It was assumed Sarasin would go to the house and other real estate in must now receive permission from a presentations including the Foot logic, but he’s more than happy to take the delegates. battle for the 24 delegates. political mats in West Hartford to show that divorce,. annulment and separation judge to change her name. The bill Prints Dancers, trio of instrumen- In a hastily called news conference, Sarasin Sarasin said Tuesday he would concede the he wasn’t losinK support. settlements. would allow her to do so simply by talists, jazz blues group, and visual said Tuesday he was conceding to Rome all 24 delegates rather than participate in what was Rep. Ernest Abate, D-Stamford, requesting the change. arts and sculptures. and the bill's proponent, said Connec- In other action, the House: Julius Hartt singers John Carrera, ticut statutes "now favor the • Killed, 69-62, a bill that Would Cecilia Van Eyck and Kim McCarthy husband." take away the secretary of state's will also perform, accompanied by GOP women planning trip "This (bill) gives balance to what 1 power to put the names of candidates Patrick Vaccariello. The Manchester Republican Women’s Club is having its consider an inequitable situation," he or she considered serious con- Charles Plese, associate professor annual bus trip to Boston Wednesday, April 26. he said. tenders on presidential primary of speech pathology at Manchester A “do-your-own-thing” day is planned with everyone UlST THREE DAYS... But Rep. John DeMerell, R-Essex, ballots. The defeated bill would have Community College, will serve as meeting for dinner at Anthony’s Pier 4. The bus will leave suggested the bill would require allowed only the names of those can- master of ceremonies. In all, 27 per- Frank’s parking lot at 8 a.m. and return at approximately judges to make "on-site” inspections didates who garnered at least 1 per- formers have donated their services. 8:30 p.m. of homes to determine what kind of cent of their party’s vote statewide. In the opera, Joseph had prophetic Only stand-by reservations are left because the 49-seat 28th AINVERSARY SALE job a women did as a housewife. • Killed, 108-30, a measure that dreams and was given a coat of many Trophy for marching bus is filled. “1 would never pass the test. I’m a would require the state and com- colors by his doting father, Jacob. The trip is the fifth annual one sponsored by the GOP BUY NOW AND SAVE $ lousy housekeeper, " quipped Rep. munities to financially aid persons This favor was bitterly resented by Manchester Police Chief Robert Lannan (left), and Capt. Henry Women’s Club. Dorothy Goodwin, D-Storrs. who were evicted because their Joseph’s brothers who sold him into Minor admire the trophy awarded to the Manchester Police Depart- But she expressed the opinion of apartment building or housing com- slavery into Egypt. ment for being selected as the second-place winner in the “Best LaLeche League sets topic the majority when she said, "I think plex was condemed for housing code The authors of "Jesus Christ Marching Unit” category of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hartford that a husband who forces his wife to violations. “The Family in relation to the Breastfed Baby" will be Superstar” have created a soft fan- recently. The local police unit was one of 35 units being judged in this the topic of the LaLeche League of South Windsor S ItO OR stay at home ... owes her something • Approved, 140-0, and sent to the tasy from the Biblical story of for not allowing her to go out to Senate a bill that could allow some particular category. It was the first time the Manchester outfit has meeting on April 12 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Judith Joseph and his brothers that turns Foster of 90 Foster St., South Windsor. work." contractors to construct buildings won in the three years it has participated. Capt. Minor led the 917 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER the ancient tale into a rollicking Discussion leader will be Ellen Falzarano. All women Rep. Elinor Wilber, R-F’airfield, that are not accessible to the han- pastiche of vaudevillian tunes, coun- Manchester unit. The trophy was awarded by the United Irish was the only woman to vote against dicapped. interested in breastfeeding are invited. For further infor- OPEN THURSDAY TO 9 PJH. try and western, acid rock and fifties Societies. (Herald photo by Pinto) mation call Mrs. Ellen Falzarano, 644-9598. the measure. rock and roll. Tickets are available from George Eagleson at 646-1881. Champagne and Black students not surprised Gunther loses effort hors d’oeuvres will be served. NEW HAVEN, (UPI) — A leader of the It was our general feeling that the CIA to stop court merger Black Student Alliance at Yale is not sur- monitored everything we did from when Generator bids prised to learn the CIA was keeping an eye we decided to go on strike to after May on the group in 1970, Day,” Henry Louis “Skip” Gates said HARTFORD (UPI) — Republican The bill was passed 30-1 and sent to sought by town Tuesday. gubernatorial candidate Sen. George the House. Gunther was the only BELOW The Town of Manchester is seeking Gunther, R-Stratford, has made senator voting against it. bids for power generators to be used another and probably his last In other votes, the Senate: in case of emergency at the Howard attempt to block the merger of • Approved unanimously and sent and Buckingham Reservoir stations. Connecticut’s courts. to the House a bill allowing school The generators might be needed to The Senate Tuesday considered a nurses to give injections to students Members of the Foot Prints Dancers Lori Garden, choreographer; and Frannie continue the water supply system in ORIGINAL bill to adopt the reorganization of the who first get a doctor’s prescription rehearse for their performance at the “Arts case of a power outage. court system, eliminating Common and written permission from their Gould, Joan Welch, Mary Ellen Hamorsky, Pleas and Juvenile Courts and parents, Potpourri” on Sunday. They are, from left. and Denise Martin. (Herald photo by Dunn) The bids will be opened April 17 at 11 a . m . elevating all judges to the Superior • Approved 32-4 and sent to the Court. House a measure letting grand- The reorganization was approved in parents apply for a court order giving tw«w DEALER 1977. Tuesday’s action was a them visitation rights to their technicality. grandchilden in case of divorce of Democrats offer budget plan Gunther, who has often called the their parents or separation. HARTFORD (UPI) — Democratic Register and you Senate "a country club for lawyers," • Approved 34-0 and sent to the help equalize the quality of education She proposed a $2,085 billion budget, legislative leaders, after weeks of proposed an amendment to the bill House a bill that would give credit between rich and poor towns, and including, the sales tax cut. said each town would assess the tax- may be the lucky closed-door negotiations, have that would have eliminated the unions the power to set up computer $3.9 million to help towns pay school The leaders said Mrs. Grasso had exempt property and be paid 25 per- winner of a 1978 COST! reorganization and returned the state terminals allowing 24-hour banking agreed on a state budget plan that busing costs. ’’some say’’ in the budget cent of the taxes it would have been to the old system. by machine and terminals in stores gives 820 million in property tax Though they discussed at length negotiations. able to collect. Ford Freewheel­ Gunther said, "All this does is so purchases could be electronically rebates to homeowners, but no per- suggestions to cut sales, clothing and Homeowners who live in big cities The education equalization plan ing Cruise Van, a sonal tax cuts. raise the pay of every judge." charged to the buyer’s bank account. dividends taxes, the leaders at the would get a bigger check than those doubles the amount of money given Included In the leadership’s ) last minute rejected all of those Ford Mustang II WE HAVE THE COST SHEETS TO PROVE IT ! "It puts on the bench people who Other financial institutions already living in the suburbs under the rebate last year to school systems. Mrs. proposal, unveiled Tuesday, was $10 proposals. have no experience as judges," he have the authority to establish or use proposal. And homeowners could Grasso proposed giving $30 million in T-Roof Convert­ million for cities losing revenue on 8a id. the so-called satellite devices and House Speaker James J. Kennelly, only get one check because they equalization grants. ible or a Ford The amendment was defeated 26-7. point-of-sale terminals. tax-exempt property, $40 million to D-Hartford, said, "The program would have to prove they live in the The leaders’ plan leaves intact the focuses on the middle-class eligible house before they could proposed elimination of the 2.5 per- Classic Shorty Ilf homeowner who is the workhorse of collect. cent tax on sales of business Flareside Pick- the economy” To help cities who have complained machinery, a $9 million revenue Up Truck. The plan would raise the state tax-exempt property has hurt them, item. budget to a record $2.13 billion by WHIU THEY LAST! the leaders plan to give payments to plowing back into the spending plan 34 towns to help them recover lost $70 million of the expected $76 uuinp A taxes from hospitals and private million state surplus. a colleges. M BIG BANDS OUR LOW EST PRICE EVER Gov. Ella T. Grasso proposed Feb. Rep. Gardner Wright, D-Bristol, 10 cutting the state sales tax by one- S 5 15PM half percent, which would have cut JEFF JACOBS into the surplus by about $51 million. To enter simply complete an entry blank from any of our stores or print your name, address and zip code on a 3 ” x 5* card with the words Jarman S-Speed Sweepstakes' and mail to Jarman S-Speed Sweep­ ’nr RCA 12'di.gon.i black & white stakes. PO Box 40592. Nashville. TN 37204 Entries must be post­ AIRWAY ManchMtar Evaning Harald marked by April 30. 1978 and received no later than M ay 5. 1976 No r /it. purchase necessary Only one entry per person O dds of winning will 100% SOLID STATE ' T h e a te r TRAVEL AGENCY Publlahod ovory ovening excopi be determined by number of entries received W inners will be selected . Sundaya and holldaya. Entered at the in random drawing by Shockley Research. Inc . an independent lodg­ «7 CENTER ST, ing organization, whose decision is final Aft prizes are guaranteed to iGil SPORTA BLE TV Mancheater. Conn. Poat Office aa Se­ schedule NOTICE 646-2500 cond Claaa Mall Matter. be awarded (prizes may not be exactly as pictured) W inners will be • Low power consumption: uses less energy notified by mail after M ay 5. 1978 To obtain a list of winners, write on average than a 40-watt bulb. Suggested Carrier Rates Shockley Research, Suite 231. Theatre Office Building, 100 Oaks, Probate Court is open for Nashville. TN 37204 and include a stamped, self-addressed envelope • Fast warm-up picture tube gives you a sharp, Vernon Cine 1 — "The Boys Payable In Advance This sweepstakes is open to residents of the U S . except em ployees iliili NOW in Company C" 7:20-9:30 conferences with the Single copy...... 16a of the Jarman Sh o e Company. Q enesco Inc . and Sho ckley Research. bright picture In atwut six seconds. ONLY Weekly...... 90a- Inc or their families Void where prohibited or restncied by law All Vernon Cine 2— "American judge from 6:30 P.M. to 6 Complete One month ...... $3.90 federal, stale and local laws apply Liability for all taxes, if any. is the sole Hot Wax ” 7:10-9:10 P.M. on Thursday nights. Travel Service Three montha ...... $11.70 responsibility of the respective prize winners N o substitution or U.A. Theater 1 — "High Six montha...... $23.40 assignment of prizes is permitted Only one prize to a family Proof of Night telephone number; "OM’t Umi Tim WHknt Vs” One year...... $46.00 eligibility may be required Entry in sweepstakes constitutes permission Anxiety" 7:30-9:15 Mall Rates Upon Request to use winners names and pictures f(x promotional purposes Prizes 649-0445 will be delivered to the winners nearest authorized Ford dealerships U.A Theater 2 — “Straight Subscribers who fall to recelva thair newspaper before 5:30 p.m. Time" 7:10-9:30 William E. FitzGerald •hodid telephone the circulation, U.A. Theater 3 — "Annie Judge of Probate department. 647-9046. I H a ir 7:30-9:20 ------.( J SPECIAL 100 PURCHASE % SOLID MlMCflESTa ShQwdasel EARLY CmemasI AMERICAN STATE 1^10116 649-5481. IM TER8TATE 8 4 exrraa CONSOLE SILVBRUum Winners of Cub Scout Pack 27’s Pinewood Sebastian Romano, discuss their cars and ROBERTS S m e E T Derby, Jimmy Sharp, left, Scott Auden and trophies. (Herald photo by Dunn) AM HERE .., EAST HARTFORD ANXIEHr. THE BOVS IN 568-8840 LEA’S (BAfMAW aUHNCCS STRIUGHTTIMEr COMPANY C 32.50 til 2.*20K M . MARKET T-,20 - 0:30 ( R ) Cubs htive Pinewood Derby 226 SP R U C E ST. MANCHESTER RCA XL-100 10a% Son state RCA XL-100 Lawrence DeForest of Den 3, the cus," and skits were presented by Cub Scout Pack 27 recently con- most colorful car. ducUni its PinewiHHi Derby at S(. Mrs. Vincenza Romano’s Den 1 and Jarman s COLOR CONSOLES PORTABLE COLOR TV Judges (or the race were Les unique 5-Speed Mary’s Episcopal Clnirch Mrs Irene Decelles’ Den 2, • S«p«r AttsColof Heck Melrix Fktwt Tiibt • Automotk Fine Tuning Yarnell of Boy Scout Troop 60 and Progress awards were received by casual IS a natural Winners were Sebastian Roiiiano Mrs. Nancy Yarnell of the Round- for today Several • AirtMMtk Hm Tmiaf • 21" OiagtiMl Pkhirt Tubt • AtcuCaior Stndi Motrix Pictur* Tub* of Den 1, (irst place; James Sharp of Lawrence Jarvis and Duane styles m waxhide • iriXngenoIPktvruTulM table staff and Cub Pack 60. Mitchell. Wolf badges; Richard • Pbi-hi AccuCkcwts Fsr Swvkt Webelos Den. second; and Scott Appreciation certificates were leather, suedes and • Automotk Owomn Control Hurteau, one gold and one silver "House combinations. Start track­ Auden, also o( the Webelos Den presented to Mrs. Laura Reynolds, third. arrow; Edward Moriarty III, one ing in Jarman's exclusive Butch Auden. Mrs. Harry Sharp. 5-Speed! SS0.SS Awards were also presented to silver arrow; and James Sharp, sCaHs" Mrs, Joseph Colletti and' Michael Recruiters badge. YOUR NOW $ Chris Beaudry of Den 2 (or having the SIxtMnth Annual Smith, all members of the Pinewood Webelos activity badges went to most original car; Richard Hurteau Derby committee. CHOICE ONLY ^ of Den 2, the most unusual car; and Duane Mitchell, David Dickson and The theme for the month was "Cir- Scott Auden. MANCHESTER M98 23^ ANTIQUES SHOW Werner studio sets recital • F fin OsNvsry YOU ALWAYS BUT B I f f f 9 Af •FmSsrvlss SATURDAY s F M I Wemevsl Parents, friends and all interested Knauth, Michelle Cote, Joan M. Sponsored by The Couple* Club MIGHT r ; J!B- V # ysirsM spsliswss The Werner Piano. Organ and persons are invited to attend this McLaughlin, Alpa Mehta. Sheri M, FEVER • m n Bissirlo ••swisetiofi APPLIANCtS’ MspSsfS Vocal Studio will present its students recital. Zeppa, Melanie Bodin, Kimberly SECnvi imKClITIOMl CinGH Johit Travolta in a piano and vw-al recital Friday at MEN’S SHOP ePMU Mswf SUM Mrysr oor4s Students participating are as Halloran, Melissa Coulombe. Lalia 3S5 North Mm St, MandRster, Cihb. •PMn 90 Msy iMffiisftt pton 7:30 p.m. in Woodruff Hall of Center B brnie'S ii follows: Margaret L. Cormier. P. Machie, Maura Hagearty, Gail Exit 93, /-86 FOLLOW SIGNS Congregational Church. OPHIIVU. YEl 9; YMS. t SAY. YEl S Melissa Carroll, Julie D’Avanzo. Downey, Kelly Scanlon. Kristen L. Food Bar on Pramltaa Piano and vocal students of Karen Wendy C. Marx. Jennifer A. Clough, “Where Women Love To Shop For Men” W, Kissman, Gladys M. Grover and Stahl. Mary Louise Sullivan. Sally Kolreg, Kristin L. Cavallo, Also Dawn Oowley, Jay Crowley, MANCHESTER PARKADE Martha Hayes will participate. Per- TRI-CITY PLAZA, VERNON Mary Lawrence. Tracy E. Parsons. Betsey Plummer, Maria A. Tumbuil, Thursday, April 6,1978 • 1-10 PM formers include beginners of this MANCHESTER VERNON (BETWEEN 8BM AND YOUTH CENTRE) Mark Lamson, Katherine M. Yavis, Carole Schreiber, Velvet M. Antonia, Friday, April 7.1978 • 1-9 PM season and others who have been Deborah L. Greeson, Lesley Carroll, PLEASE CMlYHEAm E m MAIN tTB UT Tri-CII, PlM 879-3394 Janet A. Linlev. This Ad Permits 1 or 2 Parsons to Purctiase FORSCflEENTNES studying several years. Also, Lucia G. Vemali, Alison L. ______$1.50 TlckelB tor $125 Each 643-9561

f . PAGE FOUR-A ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed.. April 5, im MANCHESTER EVE.\1N'G HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Wed., April 5. 1978 - PAGE KIVE-A iEurnin^ ralb [ Thoughts ] Technicality Comment session Manchester — A City of Village Chai'm spells death Founded Oct. 1, 1881 n Peter 3:8 — "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the R oa d, H R C ideas heard M«nb«r, Aodrt Buruu ol Circulation Mombor, Unitod Prow Inlornational for 143 bills word of God the heavens woe of old, the potholes also complained that Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, A directors comment session r NOlirfflATTHE FIRtT and the earth standing out of the town vehicles are being misused. for several months but has not vet Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. water and in the water.” John Tuesday attracted three Manchester been acted on PANAMA canal -PA(iT residents, including a man who com- He also complimented Timothy and Peter indicate that the heavens H.4RTFORD i I’PI i — Rep. Sam -Another man said that he is Rtymood F, flobinion, Editor-PubllHior M*foW E. Turtongton, Muntging Editof O'Sullivan, highway superintendent, 15 OUT OF THE tUA',’, Gejdenson. D-Bozrah. got a little sur- plained about pothoiss on Dougan's pleased with the action of the Human and the earth are created by the Word AUey. for his work with the town. * O p i n i o n ' GATORS., INEWN GET of God, and are dependent for con- prise from his legislative chieftains O'Sullivan, who has headed the Relations Commission He has a ON WITH THE tinued existence upon God’s Word. last week. So now he's preparing one The man said that the boles were complaint before the board and filled in the fall, but the road again department for two years, announced 6U5INESSATHANP. He is dependable. of his own (or them. last week that be is reigning. asked that his file be released to the needs repair. A Highway Depart- Rev. Neale McLain It s a long, complicated story, but A resident of Bremen Road asked HRC so that the record of his dis- ment spokesman said that the rxiad is Skip French pastry CJiurch of the Nazarene what it boils down to is that almost that the town repair a flooding charge can be cleared 150 of the Legislature's bills appear not a town road but is maintained by He is a former town employee. R1&HT...HALP OP the department as a courtesy. problem at his home or he will sue. A One taxpayer Monday night tion will still prcxluce the same to have violated the lawmakers' proposal to correct the problem has Director \ ivian Ferguson presided THE 60AT5AKE- rules and they may be beaded for The resident who com plaint about at the session. made his voice heard loud at revenue that 55.06 mills did for ^>T|L4-UNPE01P£P0N been befnre the Board of Directors the public hearing on the their graves. this fiscal year. THE ?EMNP PANAMA Last week. Gejdenson. House budget of the town manager. It ( Yesterdays ] The m an ag er’s budget canal TKE^■IV- chairman of the Labor and Industrial Manchester public records was clear, too. proposal asks for a 37-mill tax V... Relations Committee, went to “It’s time to skip the French rate; it’s too much; it is not a 25 years ago Washington (or two days on a 14«rTant> drrdri business trip While he was gone, Zubrow, property at 25E Cliffside ^- This date was a Sunday; The John M. Domenick S r . Davie, Lydall Eastern Inc . doing business pastry. It’s a little too rich for hold-the-tax-line budget in all several of the bills his panel had ap- Drive, $44,300. Herald did not publish. Fla , and Jolie K Domenick to .Ar- as Lydall Inc , Colonial Fiber, 615 us.” areas, because there are some proved were killed by the House of Elfrieda Knofla to Richard P Parker St cadio Gonzalez and Ana E Gonzalez, Hayes, property at 71 E Middle We don’t need any new ser- new services proposed. Representatives on a legislative both of Danbury, property at Prisca Kenison, 153 Leland Drive, 10 years ago technicality Turnpike. $77,500, vices, because we can’t afford Perhaps the hardest part of Norlhfield Green Condominium. $40 - JudgnirnI lien doing business as Kenkrafts. Box 685 Manchester Education Association L nder the Legislature s rules, the Marriage liren«e» them. any budget process is spending 000. Forbes & Wallace against Fred names attorney Donald DIneen of public must be notified five days in George C Ringstone to Richard W Edgar J Weaver. Rockville, and We need to review the ser- for salaries. The oniy way you advance when a bill is going to be air- and Idella Brunoli. $70,000. property Windsor to help arbitrate its salary- Lewis. Manchester, and CNmthia A on Coleman Road Donna M .Martens. 86 Hemlock St . ed at a public hearing April 14 at Emanuel Lutheran vices we now have to learn if save there is to eliminate some contract dispute with the Board of Lamb. South Windsor, property at 38 New tra d e nam e» Education, and establishes a special House Majority Leader William James' J Juliano. Vernon, and there are some that fit the borderiine jobs. Edwards St . S36.000 Lydall Elastem Inc . doing business committee to draft sanctions to be 0 Neill. D-East Hampton, employed George N Lampe and Kristy H (Tynthia J Devins, Hebron. April 22 “French pastry” category. If It will be interesting to the little known rule to dispose of a as Lydall Inc . Lydall & Foulds Divi- at Trinity Covenant applied against the school system if Lampe. Homewood, 111 . to David P sion, 615 Parker St there are, eliminate them. watch the directors as they demands are not granted. bill that prevented a municipal of- We’ve had a revaluation; the deliberate Weiss’ budget. It ficial from hiring a relative, a fellow homeowner is going to pay a worker or a member of his political will be interesting to learn party for a federal public senicos ^Radioactive leaking^ bigger percentage of any tax where the majority members job. increase, and the homeowner of the board would make cuts Open forum But later, the Republicans used the was fluid from car likely will be heard as the town and where the minority same rule to kill labor committee Posing are members of the Manchester Youth Ballet who D bills they weren't too fond of WEST HARTFORD will appear in an “Evening of Ballet " Friday at 7 30 p.m in Police said the scare oc- now conducts a survey of members would make them When the dust had cleared, it I PI ' — Thei report residents. Illing Junior High School. Chris Couglin kneels in front while curred after a motorist —they both promised to cut appeared all but one of the labor crackled over the citizens with a CB radio noticed a Revaluation doesn’t furnish government spending. committee s 31 bills had failed to Monica Smith, left. Trisha Dougan and Rene Cosma are in the band radio a tractor- We are m iiiding o u r own business rear. 'Herald photo by Dunni substance leaking from the a town board with any new meet the public hearing require- trailer on Interstate 64 was back of the truck We hope they can work in ment Mr. Cummings mistakes levity for think that when the "town” fire dis- rather a low opinion of town people. I smiling and shake hands all around, leaking radioactive “windfall” in taxes. A shade harmony and give this town a Sorry, the leadership told Gejden- material nonsense and says, "The time has trict taxpayers get a look at the don't think they are any different Mr. Cummings states, “Now we go under 32 mills after revalua- budget that it can liye with. son Those bills are dead unless you The word spread like Because a sign on the come to educate the people, etc.” I whopping budget increase requested than we in the North End. to court,” knowing that the sincerely hope he is not planning to can convince the Senate president Ballet show Friday lightning Within minutes. rear of the vehicle said it by their fire department, they will When the chips are down, they will bitterness resulting will split pro tern and the speaker of the House Gov Ella Grasso. .Adjutant was carrying nuclear build a "schoolhouse” with my hard understand why we North Enders are be the ones who will stand up one by Manchester for years to come. of Representatives to resurrect the The Manchester Youth Ballet will Appearing with the Youth Ballet as General John Freund and material, the motorist Carter an evangelist earned money. reluctant to be “forcibly adopted.” one and say, “These people are min- measures through emergency cer- make its premiere performance in guest artists will be Christopher Gib- state environmental of- thought the leaking liquid C«m«t 188CMDM I don’t think the people of Mr. Cummings appeals to basic I am just one grandmother, have By ANDKKW TIJIJ.Y "Scare anybody?" Everybody ding their own business — let’s do the tification" a procedure which would '.An Evening of Ballet' Friday at son of the Connecticut Ballet Co and ficials were racing to the was radioactive, police Manchester need to be educated greed when he suggests, “Let’s grab never met any of the other letter WASHINGTON - It figured. On from Jimmy Carter down (or up?) same.” bring them back to the floor 7 30 p m in Illing Junior High Karen Brooke .Moore of the North scene to make a first hand said about how to think. The Eighth writers from the North End. I speak the day still another cost of living in- should be scared to death. Never these p^ple and make them pay for Mr. Cummings would do us all Gejdenson. just back from the School FYoceeds from the perfor- Carolina School of Dance .Arts They inspection District "can” and "does” work. I part of this.” I suggest that he has for myself when 1 say I’m not about nation's capital, thought this was a mance will benefit the Manchester crease was announced Jimmy Carter mind arguing about who the villains more good if he took his committees will perform the Grand Pas de Deux What they found was to stand around "smiling” while little harsh Bicentennial Band Shell from Sleeping Beauty ' Miss Moore fluid leaking from an auto MANCHESTER was In Venezuela urging handouts for are. Both Big Business and Big up to the empty firehouse weekends UIIHF m somebody comes and tries to take So Tuesday, he instructed his staff The newly formed non-profit com- will also perform the female varia- transmission that had been the Third World. The next day, when Labor, if still in their right minds, and ran a flea market to help pay for WALLPAPER AND PAINT away something I’ve worked hard to find out if any other committees pany has been founded by FYiscilla tion from Tschaikovskv's Pas de placed on the very end of 5 SINATR.A U.S. Steel raised prices by |10.50 a have to be fearful about what it. for. Any committee that shows up on had violated the public notification Gibson of the FYiscilla Gibson Dance Deux ' the Roadway Express ton/ Carter was in Brazil saying how As soon as I suggested that North galloping inflation is doing to their my doorstep, I’il turn the hose on rule By going through old legislative Studio to allow young lalented Gibson, a lead dancer with the truck as part of the cargo. 18S W E ST MIDDLE TURNPIK E about some human rights down here. Enders think about where they spend empires. Neither can afford to do them. I may be a grandmother, but bulletins, the staff found that nine dancers an opportunity to appear in a Connecticut Ballet Co . has M A N CH ESTER $46-0143 We don't have a president. We've their dollars, Mr. Breitenfeld got one committees had apparently broken performing company for civic choreographed a new ballet, es- business if inflation goes unchecked. unlike Wickham Park, I don’t need a got an evangelist. foot out of the sinking boat and the rules. events, school fine arts programs, as pecially for the Youth Ballet, titled It wasn't until a started spraying sunshine all over “ caretaker” yet. (Same to you, According to their figures. 143 bills well as iheir own productions "Canon for Six to music bv The administration attacked the fella!) couple of weeks steel price increase as much higher the place. He chides us for “negative were involved Some of these bills The company currently consists of Pachelbel TEC H ST E R E O ago that the White than "can be explained by the higher E(jitor; Fr. Steve Jacobson feelings” and suggests we take long I am presently baking lOO ginger- have already passed either the House 15 Manchester area girls ages 14 to .Also being premiered will be or the Senate IT Performing members from House sur- cost of coal” as a result of the coal walks. He signs his letter with his ti- bread men — going to decorate them "Ballade, a ballet set lo music bv A service of the Manchester The outcome of the bill dispute is .Manchester are .Monica Smith. Chopin and choreographed bv rendered to reali- strike settlement. That may be so. tle of “Executive Vice President of as firemen — nice big sign “Save the A uncertain at this time Will the Christine Coughlin. Laura Mahon. Priscilla Gibson, artistic director of ty and But Carter's role as disciplinarian is Area Conference of Churches the Chamber of Commerce” so that North End — Have a fireman for we are to assume that all North End Legislature have to kill those 143 Marci Edelson. Tania Gembala. Jen- the new ballet group acknowledged weakened by his earlier approval of a lunch” — getting them ready for a bills'’ Will it have to recall the bills it nifer Sullivan. Trisha Dougan. Other ballets being performed bv business and professional people en- that infldlion was wa^e boost for the miners estimated bake sale — to raise money for has already passed and pass them Rebecca McCray. Linda Glade. the company are Ballet Blanc and dorse his views. I think not! V the nation's most pressing problem. at 37 to 40 percent over three years. courts, etc. again'’ Will Sam Gejdenson's bills be Suzanne Hebert. Erica Taylor and .Annen Polka " UNBELIEVABLE SALE! QuMtIon: That has been true ever since Carter has seemed to believe that have been resolved in court, the I have news for Mr.- Breitenfeld. resurrected’’ Tracy-Leigh Hummel From Vernon For ticket information, call ihe / Carter took office, promising love, if he didn't notice Inflation it would have noticed that lUancheiter majority of them are still pending. Between beating off all these com- Hope Mr, Breitenfeld is out for a "1 don't know.' Gejdenson said are Rene Cosma and Tammy Pn.scilla Gibson School of Dance ha$ a number of X-rated book leadership, and rejection of politics go away. His key economic advisers Recently, a town ordinance mittees and working for a living and walk that day and will stop by to see "We ll have to see Oellers Laurie Johnson is from 643-5710 0toreM, m astage p a r lo ri, and trying to buy food and shoes for the Tolland ANY DEMO ITEMS as usual. Well, the man may love us have met only infrequently and most- regulating the operations of massage the “good things” in Manchester. P t a v e r n i f e a t u r i n g “ e x o t i c all, but off his record he couldn't lead ly they have talked about needing parlors was enacted in Manchester. kids, we North End people don’t have (The) Whole town is invited; come dancert." h there anything the too much time for long walks. Now a boy scout hot dog eating contest. more time to come up with a The Manchester Police Department see us negative, non-productive ALL DISCONTINUED ITEMS And he has been deterred from police can do to curb the smut participated in the drafting of the or- that we have the whole Chamber of “monsters.” program. traded taking strong action against inflation Meanwhile, Carter played dinance. Enforcement of this or- Commerce to contend with, we’ll be Elinor A. Patten ¥ * Jf by warnings from that Georgian cheerleader when Congress in- dinance is the responsibility of the lucky to get our tomatoes planted. 33 M ather St. The Good Deeds of DISC ONE OF A KIND ITEMS Wunderkind, 33-year-old Hamilton creased Social Security taxes and Answar: Town Health Department. While Mr. Breitenfeld asks us to keep Manchester Jordon — whose knowledge of raised the minimum wage. Both add Since 1971, the number of outlets The Manchester Police Depart- When products made in the L'.S. are ted to Congress, proposes to kill it. economic would fill a teaspoon — directly to the price of everything for sexually explicit materials has ment cannot set standards of morali- sold oserseas — whether they're ma- We think that would be a huge mis- TRADE IN ITEMS that a get-tough position would be sold; experts in and out of the ad- slowly but steadily increased in ty for citizens of the community, but chines or meters, jet engines or helico{>- take. damaging to our nation's econom- politically unpopular. ministration say the two pieces of Manchester. Unless, or until, a crime has and will, investigate non- lolitics ters — jobs arc generated for .American ic well-being. AAe believe DISC should is committed on the premises of any legislation would add 1.25 percentage compliance with existing laws. workers. be kept because il stimulates Ihe econ- In short, in the tradition of word points to the inflation rate this year of these outlets, the police can do Submitted by: earson ■America needs expon growth. Other omy. helps create jobs, produces lax heelers everywhere, Jimmy Carter and 3 percentage points in 1979. nothing to curb the increase in their Robert Lannon countries, too. are eager to build up iheir revenues, has a positive impact on Ihe has been preoccupied with the numbers. Until proven otherwise, Chief of Police international trade. So. to stimulate ex- U.S. balance of payments, and strength- political urgency of not making So it is not quite accurate to say they are engaged in a legitimate Manchester Police Department ports. they gise their own manufac- ens our nation's hand in international anybody sore. He has been too busy Carter has no economic program. He business enterprise. 239 E. Middle Turnpike, turers all kinds of tax breaks and subsi- negotiations on trade and tariffs. Manchester By GREG PEARSON posting "No Smoking" signs and has. It's called something for Many complaints have been dies. French. British, and Japanese DISC takes on even greater impor- Tel. 646-4555 worrying about the location of toilets everybody, and kindly forget his received by the Manchester Police companies, for example, enjoy total tax tance in light of the nation's 19'” trade in assorted factories to work at the campaign attacks on Big Brother Department regarding these outlets, ASK MACC is published ■ by The exemption on their income from expons deficit of S26." billion, largest in our job of being president. government and his pledge to adopt and a number of investigations have Herald in cooperation with the State primaries are being Friday, it appears that there wiil be and offshore operations, special deduc- history. l,ast week, the Council of Wage and zero-based budgeting. been conducted. Requests for Manchester Area Conference of predicted for both parties this year, no Manchester primaries in 1978. tions for expon promotion, and favored President Caner attributes the mas- ALL ITEMS IN THIS Price Stability began consultations On the inflation front, Jimmy warrants have been submitted to the Churches. We invite readers to ad- but it is apparent that there will be no treatment from iheir tax authorities. sive gap to oil imports. But the L S. dress questions- to ASK MACC, Box with key industries aimed at slowing Carter has been saving his umbrella courts, where probable cause to such activity on a town level in Here in the L'.S.. exponers don't get Department of Commerce pcvinis out 47, M anchester, 06040. Every effort The passage of the Bottle Bill by wage and price increases. Carter's for a rainy day. Looking out his win- Manchester. ' anything approaching the advantages believe a crime has occurred, has will be made to respond to questions the State Senate showed an in- that last year our trade deficit grew by timidity was never more shockingly dow, the working stiff could tell him Lt. Gov. Robert Killian, who is that foreign countries give their compa- S21 billion w hile oil imports rose by only been found. Where the courts have through this column, but we cannot teresting contrast of opinions SALE revealed than in a statement by a challenging Gov. Ella Grasso for the nies. The U.S. government does provide it's been pouring for more than two found insufficient evidence of a answer questions individually. ASK between the two state senators who SIO billion. The SI 1-billion difference council spokesman. Democratic gubernatorial nomina- years. Carter can't see the rain in his crime, the warrants have been MACC is indebted to the generosity represent Manchester. one expon inceniiv e as a relativ ely small clearly shows our problem isn't just oil; "These are not jawboning own backyard because his eyes are and wisdom of our contributors who tion, has said that he has enough offset to the massive expon-tax subsi- it's also expons. Japan and Germany, WILL BE TAGGED refused. However, a number of sessions,” he saih. "We're not asking delegates to July's convention to Sen. David Barry of the Fourth trained on the vision of an overseas arrests have been made for prostitu- represent a cross-section of the agen- dies of other nations. Bat now Presidenl which import more oil per dollar of their anybody to do anything. We don't world drunk on the milk of human cies and individuals in the helping force a September primary. District has been a long-time sup- Caner wants lo lake il away. Me think tion, obscenity and permitting total exports than the U.S. does, have want to scare anybody,” kindness. professions who serve all of us in the A candidate needs at least 20 per- porter of the Bottle Bill and had en- it should be retained. r OVER COST! obscenity. While some of these cases been able to run up trade surpluses be- Manchester community. cent of the votes at the state conven- dorsed it again this year. Barry's dis- The U .S. incentiv e is called DISC, for cause of their rapidly rising exports. The tion to primary. trict includes part of Manchester and Domestic International Sales Corpora- U.S. must do the same. The Republican hopefuls also have all of several surrounding towns. tion. United Technologies has a DISC. Thus. Chairman Al ITIman of the Moral issues in the Pana m a treaty talked primary. Anne Scherr, cam- Sen. George Hannon of the Third So do more than 9,(XX) other American House Ways and Means Committee, paign press secretary for Ronald Senatorial District was a strong op- companies of all sizes. DISC isn't only who say^ he has “ never been a great l.eiigiie (2) We are forbidden to increase Zone, without reinforcements from treaty which denies us the right to Sarasin, said Friday that the con- ponent, perhaps the most vocal in for big business. supporter" of DISC, believes this is no (Editor's Note; Phyllis Schlafly is the number of our troops at the Canal the United States, with'the treaty- have a single troop, base or installa- gressman will obtain a majority of this year's session, of the bill. He When a company qualifies to set up a time to "pull the little bit of tax incentive chairman of the National Defense over the present level. noose of being forced to "consult and tion at the Canal or adjacent votes from the deiegates to the state sponsored the Anti-litter Bill, which DISC to process its expon sales and in- we have for exports." 5 committee of the Daughters of the (3) The defense of the Canal is cooperate” with the Panamanians, territory. GOP convention. That statement, is considered an alternative to the € • come, it can defer a portion of that in- DISC works. Since it became law. American Revolution. Here she made subject to a Combined Military and possibly even against an attack Q: Does the United States have an however, probably would bring op- Bottle Bill but also passed the come from federal taxes on the condi- DISC has pushed up exports by more presents the moral case against the Board consisting of an equal number by Torrijos' troops who have been alternative? position from Lewis Rome’s and Senate. tion that it reinvest the defened taxes in Panama Canal treaties.) than S9 billion, which represents over of Americans and Panamanians who armed with American tax dollars. Gerald Stevens' forces. Rome, a Hannon’s district includes part of its expon business to strengthen its abil- Mrs. Schlafly: Yes, we probably .400,000 expon jobs and over one mil- must “consult and cooperate” on could violate the treaty and retake state senator from Bloomfield, has Manchester and all of Etest Hartford. ity to compete in iniernational market- lion jobs in the entire economy. Q: What Is the moral issue in- defense planning. Q: What about after the year 1999? the Canal — but at what cost in lives drawn much support in the capital The Bottle Bill has been approved places. ,Ai United Technologies, exports for AvaiMiiiAt: volved in the Panama Canal (4) Under the overall deal with AU ITEMS OPEN MONDAY AU-mSMS Mrs. Schlafly; Next comes the of American servicemen? Are we region. Stevens, a state represen- by the House and now goes to Gov. Thepurposeof DiSCis to help Amer- 1976 and 1977 totaled S2 billion. This LJMfTED treaties? THRU FRIDAY UNTTEO Panama, the U.S. taxpayers will give question of defending the Canal un- wiliing to risk American blood for the tative from Milford, did very well Grasso, who has said she will sign it. irxR companies sell more abroad and to compares with exports of S524 million TOIHSTOCK TON6STOCK Mrs. Schalfly: A good case can be I 10 AJi. to t WM. the Torrijos regime $50 million in der the treaty already passed by the paper promise of a pro-Communist against Sarasin in a late-March The Anti-litter Bill still must be make them more competitive. This QUANTmES OUANTTHES made that the treaties are highly im- for pre-DISC 1971. Our export sales ONLY SATURDAY ONLY military sales credits, which he will Senate, which goes into effect after dictator who demonstrated his con- primary in Fairfield. passed by the House. means more production and more jobs 10 AJA. to • F.M. moral because they deprive us of the mean about 20.000 jobs in our own I use to arm his troops, primarily to 1999. It specifically states that after tempt for his country's own constitu- The fourth GOP candidate is State A TECH physical means of defending the at home. It contribntes favorably to Ihe plants and an estimated 20.000 addition- perpetuate his own dictatorship. 1999, "only the Republic of Panama tion when he seized power, and who Sen. George Gunther. The sixth voting district of Canal with the least cost in American nation's trade balance, or the difference al jobs at our supplier companies. AW shall operate the Canal and maintain There probably will be no Manchester's Democratic Town lives. has demonstrated his contempt for between its exports and imports. DISC helps us sell our products in wsr S T E R E O Q: What possible defense problems military forces, defense sites and human rights ever since? primaries in Manchester challenging Committee recently re-elected The treaty still before the Senate Congress created DISC in 1971 and overseas markets. It contributes to our do we see under this treaty? military installations within its W any of the delegate slates selected Pascal Mastrangelo to a two-year then weakened it in 1976. Now President runs to 1999. Under it, we retain the ability to provide jobs here at home. We Mrs. Schalfly: Now assume that territory.” Q: Could you summarize the moral for state and local conventions. term as chairman of the district. right to defend the Canal, but here is Carter, in the tax package he has submit- believe it should be kept on the books. CALDOR SHOPPINR PLAZA there is a threat to the Canal during When I ask treaty proponents what issue involved? Both registrars of voters. Mastrangelo has served 25 years as the way this right is hamstrung by the next 22 years, from Torrijos, who we will do if Panama closes the Mrs. Schalfly; Should we sur- Democrat Herb Stevenson and district chairman and has been a MANCHESTER • 646-8364 the treaty terms: may want to "nationalize” the Canal Canal to our warships, they reply, render American territory and Republican Fred Peck, reported member of the town committee for (1) We immediately cede to immediately, or from Communist “We’ll send in our troops, do late last week that no one had taken 35 years. Panama most of the territory of the property, already paid for by S3tFi |tMi Im. agitators whom he allows to run riot, whatever is necessary for national American taxpayers, which we may out papers for challenging slates. Almost Mastrangelo’s equal in to------« —-- Canal Zone, which means we sur- TtMtM nta t0m, (77-2432 or from saboteurs from Panama or security, and retake the Canal.” find it necessary to reacquire by the Since all the work for a primary, length of service is Town Employee render the buffer zone that enables Cuba or elsewhere. Pr»n i Gfouv • Oa Group • Esw« Group • SAorsny Airt^-a^t • Ka*r.7^^ SU’'-ia'3 West h r t f M i S 3 - S 1 3 tariB additional expenditure of American including the filing of a challenge Ernest Tureck. In March, be began Power SyjIfFfo Dwuton • Horoer Sysierm • Chtmctf Sysieffts Oa^son • UrvieC Tecnnoioiyes .m -\m .m m a us to keep five miles away from the M. i K - m Our existing troops at the Canal Q: Could the United States do that? lives? This is the moral issue that slate and the obtaining of signatures his 34th year with the town. He has Canal all saboteurs, rioters, or at- will be callea upon to defend the Mrs. Schlafly: It would be impossi- cries out for an answer before it is from five percent of the party served tte last 11 as superintendent tacking troops. Canal without the advantage of the ble for us to do this while obeying the too late. members in town, has to be done by of the Park Department. PAGE SIX-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn- Wed.. April 5, 1W8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., April 5, 1978- PAGE SEVEN-A R e a lty w o m en Mrs. Quaglia now 83 M anch ester p o lice re p ort set lu n ch e o n Mrs. Palmina Quaglia, a resident greeting from President and Mrs. Health tests show Carter. She's had it framed already. of the Meadows Convalescent Home, Manchester Police arrested Mrs. Quaglia, who has lived in tons of cigarettes were stolen on tion with cashing a stolen check. The Women's Council of Realtors celebrated her 83rd birthday, April 1, H ^ W W. Twigg, 16, of 31 Sum- Manchester all te r life, has two sons March 11. Court date is April 24. hold a luncheon meeting Tuesday, with her family. A birthday cake was mit St. on charges in connection and two other daughters, who reside Other charges included second William J. Perkins, 21, of 130 April 18 at noon in the Student Center made by her daughter, Mrs. Ray with several burglary and van- and third-degree criminal mis- most not that fit Pearl St. was ch arg ^ with dis- Fike of Bdancfaester. in the Manchester area. She has 13 Building at Manchester Community dalism incidents at downtown chief and fourth-degree larceny in orderly conduct Tuesday in con- A physical fitness test administered by shape than the women, the Health According to Mrs. Quaglia, the grandchildren and one great- College. * stores in March. connection with b i^ e n windows nection with an incidimt at a Department’s summary report said. best surprise of ail was a birthday grandchild. the Town of Manchester’s Health Depart- The program will include a film, Twigg was charged with two at the B.D. Pearl Appliance store Channing Drive residence. Police ment at the third annual Health Fair Fifty percent of the men and 36 percent “YOU — Your Opportunities counts of third-degree burglary on Main Street and at offices at said Perkins assaulted his es- showed that people generally are not as fit of the women scored in the good to Unlimited,” Guest sprakers will be and fourth-degree larceny in con- 575 Main S t, also on March 11. tranged wife in her home. He was as they think they are. excellent range on the test. Mildrol Richards, WCR governor; nection with two incidents at A juvenile was arrested last released on a non-surety bond for The test was given at the fair, which Children from 8 to 14 scored better than Areiene Feldstein, presidmt; and Antique show this week Fuller’s Package Store, 20 Bissell week in connection with the court April 17. was held March 21, and more than 100 per- any other age group in the test. A total of Harriet Haffner, membership chair- St. in which the windows were Fuller’s Package Store burglary. held Thursday from 1 to 10 p.m. and Police made 13 motor vehicle sons participated. 63 percent attained an excellent rating. man. The 16th Annual Manchester An- broken and cases of beer stolen. Twigg was released on a non- A majority of those who participated in Friday from 1 to 9 p.m. arrests, mostly for speeding, on The participants were asked before the Membership pins will be awarded tiques Show will be held this week at He was also charged with third- surety bond for court April 24. Tuesday. the fitness testing were able to do a pull- About 30 New l^gland antique test what kind of shape they thought they to members who have sponsored a Seoind Congregational Church, 385 degree burglary and third-degree About $250 worth of lumber was were in. Then, they participated in several up, (65 percent) a sit-up (69 percent) dealers will be represented at the new member since February. N. Main St. The date was incorrect in larceny in connection with a Keith A. Fazzino, 17, of 69 Cam- reported stolen from a building steps to determine physical fitness. touch toes (85 percent) and walk the show. For reservations and menu infor- Monday’s Herald. 4H similar incident at the Big L store bridge St. was charged with third- site on Lamplighter Drive Other general findings based on the balance line (88 percent). Proceeds from the show support mation call Suzanne Critz, B&W on Main Street from which 25 car- degree forgery and fourth-degree between Monday and Tuesday. tests included: Women participants scored slightly The show, sponsored by the educational scholarships for needy Realty, IM E. Center St., 647-1419. larceny by possession in connec- • Males are in better shape than better than men in the touch toes— 90 per- Couples Hub of the church, will be students and other church projects. Deadline is April 14. females. cent to 85 percent — and were about the • Children between the ages of 8 and 14 same in the balance line—89 percent to 88 are in better shape than those between the percent — and the sit-up — 90 to 91 per- Library program slated Liquor, tax bills sought ages of 15 and 19. cent. The question on fitness showed that Participants in the age groups of 8-14, The bill was part of a reform Bridgeport, said he breathed new Dr. Kassow is assistant professor HARTFORD (UPl) - Two male participants were more confident of 45-M, 55-M and over 75 all were able to do St. James Ladies S o u t h W i n d s o r package that followed a six month life into a bill dealing with a state of history at Trinity College in Hart- state lawmakers have filed their physical condition than the female a sit-up, pull-up and the balance line. The last program in this season’s study of the liquor industy in income tax because he wanted it to host program ford. In 1971 he was an exchange stu- petitions at the General Assembly Guest speaker participants. Booked For Lunch series sponsored Connecticut. discussed by the Legislature in an dent at Leningrad State University resurrecting legislative proposals More males than females thought that The Ladies of St. James are spon- by the Friends of the South Windsor Another major bill included in election year. Dr. Abraham Kurien, a where he conducted research. His re- dealing with a state income tax they were in shape — 70 percent to 50 per- B'nai B'rith group soring a program concerning the F^blic Library will be held on April and liquor regulation. the package, which would have Roberti said the issue is impor- Manchester physician, will be guest cent publications deal with Russian cent —, got enough exercise — 53 percent Irish Children's Project on Monday 12 at the Wapping Community Both measures had died in the provided for the repeal of laws tant because state officials will speaker at the 23rd annual awards will note birtnday studies. to 27 percent —, and had enough physical at 8 p.m. in the lower hall of St. Church at 12:15 p.m. guaranteeing a minimum price not have a surplus to use next banquet of M anchester WATES The program is free of charge and Legislature’s Government Ad- activity daily — 53 percent to 40 percent. B’nai B’rith Women, Ben Ezra Chapter James School. “The Ivankiad,” by Vladimir markup on all liquor sold in the year to keep taxes down and will Thursday at Fiano’s Restaurant in Emblem Club presents scholarships those attending are asked to bring ministration and Policy Com- More males than females said that they of Manchester, will celebrate its 25th an- Terry Parla, coordinator for this Voinovich, will be discussed by Dr. mittee. state, also failed to get out of have to resort to an income tax. Bolton. along lunch. Coffee and dessert will participated regularly in some kind of niversary on Sunday, May 7 at a project in 1975 and 1977, will narrate Mrs. Ivers Drown Jr., chairman of the Olechny of East Catholic High School, Samuel Kassow. A satire on Russian committee. Under the measure, a con- The event will open at 6:30 with a be provided. Sen. George W. Hannon, Jr. D- athletic activity — 50 percent to 32 per- testimonial brunch honoring Patricia a slide presentation of this red tape, this tale of the writer's However, lawmakers said they stitutional amendment would social hour, and dinner will be served membership committee of the Emblem Club Kathleen Tierney of East Catholic, and Free baby-sitting is available at East Hartford, announced cent. Men also were worried more about Graves, youth officer of the Manchester ecumenicai endeavor. struggle to get an apartment lam- expect an attempt will be made in require any state income tax law at 7:30. No. 251 in M an ch ester, p resented Michael Rose of the American School for the the Community Child Care Center at Tuesday he filed a petition having a heart attack — 44 percent to 33 Police Department, and the chapter's Host families from other parishes poons the Soviet bureaucracy. The the Connecticut Senate to tack the enacted to be ratified by a Dr. Kurien will assist in presenting scholarships to several area students recent- Wapping School. reviving a call for replacement of percent. charter members, at The Colony in will be guests. All members of the Deaf. Also a recipient, but not pictured, is author's stubborn pursuit of his repeal bill onto another liquor bill statewide referendum before the awards to members and in the crow- No reservations are necessary the state Liquor Control Commis- The Harvard Step Test, which shows Talcottville. parish are Invited to attend. Irish ly. Recipients are, from left, Doreen Kevin P. Hurst of East Catholic. (Herald rights is potentially dangerous to him as an amendment later this week. tax could be imposed. ning of this year's queen of either for the program or the free sion with an Alcoholic Beverage cardio-vascular fitness, indicated that the For ticket information call 6494159 or soda bread will be served. Downham of Manchester High School, Steven photo by Dunn) as he uses real names of the people Control Authority. Rep. Vincent A. Roberti, D- Manchester WATES. men who participated are in better overall 649-9920 before April 30. involved. baby-sitting. ^

By [N e w s tor se n io r citiz a n s W ALLY FORTIN H ock an u m par k group HI! Well, Monday we registered for the was one of our volunteers who helped Fall River trip and by noontime we had seniors with income tax returns. one full bus. Right now we have started a Also our heartfelt condolences to the plans wal k by river waiting list, and if we get enough to fill it, families of Mrs. Marjorie Dougan and Mr. we will take It. The trip is scheduled for Arthur McGowan who passed away last Everyone is invited to participate Sun- and would like to buy our own. Though May 4. week, day in a walk along the Hockanum River 'much volunteer labor has and will be in- Our Variety Show cast had a long hard Back to the Variety Show, and this Sun- beginning at 1 p.m. from the Economy volved, we need funds for the cost of the workout Sunday and we are just about day. afternoon we will have a regular Electric parking lot on Oakland St. and tapes, film and the production of the ready. The show Is just around the corner rehearsal from 1 to 5 p.m. Everyone must proceeding as far as the Steak Out tapes,” he said. and In fact a week from this Friday is the attend this rehearsal. restaurant in Talcottville. To date, the program has been opening. Tickets are going fast, and if they Eddie Reed plays The river walk, sponsored by presented to the Manchester and Vernon continue, we won’t have but very few, if Historical Society and to the Vernon Tomorrow for our Fun Day we will have Manchester’s Hockanum River Linear any, to sell at the door, We could well have Park Committee, will be led by Peter Health Department. The next showing a complete sellout before then. the fabulous Eddie Reed, long time will be Thursday evening at a meeting of professional pianist who for many years Kennedy, a committee member. A reminder to everyone who has tickets The week of April 15 to 22 has been Scandia Lodge, Vasa Order of America, at out that they must turn in their monies or entertained, at Cavey’s Restaurant. Mr. Emanuel Lutheran Church. Reed will play a number of old songs and 10 W 30 40-Co un t 36- O u nce B o n us Size B A N D A ID Bra n d designated as river cleanup week In tickets by this Sunday. We need to know 12-Pack H en drie's 2 2- O u nce preparation for the annual Hockanum just where we stand for the final week. If will end up a sing-along. I'm sure you’ll enjoy his playing. Stop in for lunch then J o y D e t e r g e n t Q u a k e r S t a t e M o t o r O il T a m p a x List e ri n e A n t ise p t ic P la st ic S t rip s River Race on April 29. you have tickets out and do not return Ice C r e a m S a n d w ic h e s By Jo h nso fi a n d stay for some real enjoyable treat. Re g ular a n d Su p er 32 o u n c es The April 15 cleanup will be around them by this Sunday, then you will end up p lus 4 o u n c es fre e . Jo h nso n A ll o n e Q u a rt o f Su p e r C o m forta b le j Union Pond, and on April 22, various parts Area fire calls owning them and be responsible for the Trips planned Le m o n fresh h y g ie n ic, e asy to | Size 60-count ^ j D e licio u s ice Ble n d I0 w 3 0 59* ^ of the river and its bank will be cleared of money. We have been getting calls about the cre a m fille d d ish cle o n er. 1.47 debris. Setback renuIlH Air-Cruise to Miami and then to four The committee, which has developed a Tolland County islands. We have the flyers here at the of- Action here starts with our setback sound-slide program of the river, is Tuesday, 6:28 p.m. — Andover to Colum- Li fice, and although the trip isn't scheduled gaffies last Friday afternoon with the looking for about $1,000 so that it can con- bia to cover while Columbia department until Nov. 12, we must register this month following winners: Felix Jesanis, 148; O N E O F T H E S T O P A S H O O C O M P A N IE S O N E O F T H E S T O P 4. S H O P C O M P A N IE S tinue to present the program to all in- assisting at Lebanon fire. in order to secure the best cabins on the Modi Mart Paul Schuetz, 135; Floyd Post, 133; Oscar terested groups. Dr. Douglas Smith, Tuesday, 6:59 p.m. — Grass fire. Moun- ship and seats on the plane. Registration W h y g e n e r ic Cappuccio, 129; Bill Stone, 127; Arvid chairman, said. tain Spring Road, Tolland. blanks are attached to the flyer explaining Peterson, 123; Hans Fredericksen, 123; wants to b e "We are now borrowing a tape recorder Tuesday, 7:22 p.m. — Grass fire, where to send our deposit. Helen Silver, 120; Mike DeSimone, 120; and slide projector from the high school Hutchinson Road, Andover. Speaking of trips, we have some flyers \b u r d r u g s s a v e Helena Gavello, 119. M e d ie M e dia Pinochle here from LaBonne Travel Agency explaining a nice bus ride to y o u m o n e y On Monday afternoon we had 14 tables Williamsburg, Va. The trip includes one for our pinochle games and the winners night at the Ramada Inn, Old Town, MarbQ were: Helen Gavello, 792; Betty Jesanis, M art.0 The drug company that develops o PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORES Alexandria; two nights at Bonne Homme PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORES 792; Mabel Wilson, 770; Marjorie McLain, Richard in Williamsburg, tax and baggage new drug acquires the exclusive 768; Josephine O'Connor, 755; Kitty Drugstore U n u su o M y h e o v y 'd e m o n d s rn o y re q u ift* ' right to manufacture and sell a drug handling, full breakfast and dinners in- A d Prices Effe c tiv e Thro u g h Byrnes, 750; Olive Houghtaling, 750; cluding tax and gratuities; admissions to under its brand name se ttin g re o s o n o b le l- m its o n sonu* S o tu rd a y, A p ril 0. 1978 it e m s in f o irn e ss to o il c u sio m e fs Florence Guay, 749; Martha LaBate, 742; Colonial Williamsburg, Governor's for I 7 years. After that Roblna Carroll, 741; Helen Silver, 738; Palace, Busch Gardens, illuminated tour Don't hesitate to ask any questions the chemical equivalent Leon Fallot, 730; Paul Schuetz, 724; A1 of Washington including John F. Kennedy AYDS W ELLA B ALSA M Jli illU can be manufactured BU FFERIN C OLG A TE Chellman, 719. Center. concerning your medication or any other and sold by its generic SH A M P O O 65 lOO's TO OT HPASTE OondolciiccH Complete package is $185 per double oc- I DIET C A N D Y name competitively. cupancy. Drop by and pick up a flyer. It health information you are seeking BRAND We send our sincere heartfelt con- NAME That’s why at Medi Mart dolences to the family of William Graif, sounds like a very nice trip, which starts £ 1 9 9 ' = g e n e r i c generics save you money on May 19. 2.99 d r u g DRUG 1.29 1.09 who passed away this week. Mrs. Graif 24 o / Size flo v o re d H e lp s co n trol sp lit e n d s W e're open 7 d a ys a w e e k . . . Ask our Pharmacist for a Tim e so v in g re lie f 9-oz tu b e for the 8-oz b ottle w h o le fo rm ly c a r n i T i e ls a n d every e ve nin g (Except Su n d a ys 'til 6 p.m.) price comparison. m a b ottle Bird Sanrt uary The most important pcli- ean ncstinK ground on the TR A C II SECRET GELUSIL V ASELIN E east coa.st of is Peli- A Q U A NET Ni ’w' .l R OSE MILK KERI FLEET can Island in the Indian F A CE CRE A M T W IN BLA DES R O LLO N LOTIO N A D ULT E N E M A A N T A CID PETROLEU M JELLY I Kiver near Sebastian, used MITES H AIR SPRAY te»4 as a rookery at least since Vd'J'llIM* 1B58 Karly boat travelers < < along the river used to kill -= 1.79 1.39 89 1.79 37 < 89 59 Packa g e of nin e sh oving Scented or unscented S O f o b le ts For re lie f of 7 oz si/ e |Of A ">us» ft hundreds of pelicans as they 1 3 0/ H olds your hoir S kin c o re cre a m w ith 6 W oz b ottle o f core K e e p se v e ro l m yo ur cartrid g es. ontip erspiront. 1.5-oz. m e d icin e closet so ur sto m ac h or a cid ry m e d icin e Cabin et cruised by this island. They for flours m o istu riz e r 2-oz for yo ur skin used the birds for target in d ig estio n practice until it was desig- nated as the first federal % MEDI M ART MEDI M ART M EDI M ART wildlife refuge in the United CH A N TILLY BATH ESSE N CE RARE Stales by executive order of , B A M B O O D A N DRUFF VIT A M INS N O ASPIRIN FUJIC O LO R F- I’resident Theodore Roose- & SH O W ER G EL B O N US O FFER velt in 1903 H A M PERS SH A M PO O WITH IRO N PAIN RELIEVER FILM b ' O u r w' 5.00 O ur O ur S m a ll siz e FREE 00< < reg I 09 :5 B u y $5 w o rth o f C h a n t illy Buy the .75 02 spray dF reg 89tf 1.29 reg 1 59 reg ) 0 5 79 M e d iu m siz e 3 .0 0 cologne by Houbigont 16 oz. size. CO MPARE TO Insto m a tic 126 12 pro d uct a n d g et the su p er Bottle for to o CO MPARE 100 fo b le ts or 110-12 St/ e roM La rg e siz e 5 .0 0 — 1 6 o z Both a n d S h o w e r a n d g el the . 75 02. body- HEAD & SHOULDERS TO O N E-A DAY WITH IRO N CO MPARE 10 TYLEN OL. DIN NERS B e S U R E . . . B D SS has been se ein g the Home O wner for fra grance free. 96 YE A RS. For a complele F R E E M SPEC n O N of your home G e l fre e by a Termite Control Expert, su pervise d by the finest kPPOimMENT technical staff, phone: ----- STAR W ARS CO U N TD O W N BtautHullf tuml»h9d WIRE FEN CE a a C KJELOSEN'S THE COLLECTIO N PHOTO PICK UP CHARLIE’S SURPRISE BAG, 8 ’ 8"« f 8 " —whilB. O urrBfl. 1.49 T F T f SABRE BY WATERPIK Itth C w it u ry H orn* B U H ER FRA ME by In tercraft FILLED WITH CHARLIE PRODUCTS, 649-9240 LEAF RAKE . - n A A Out O ur C O O KIES H A N G - A -T O O l St»«l lines. Oor reg. 2.29 I . D “ -eg 499 14.77 eg 19 88 00 Call: L2im it 24 per store. C o u n td o w n to w e ig h t loss 6 • T r T f reg 9 99 LAWN SPRINKLER O u r re g JUST 6.75 WITH ANY $5 PURCHASE! BUSSTEBM HEC0NTBOL 1.99 1 6 x2 0 siz e , lo v e ly for o il m e m o ries 633-7197 2.99Pe^Y P Oscillatin g Oor reg. 4.6 9 w . O r DIET SCALE 2 4 9 O n e p o u n d tin o l DfV. O F B U SS EXTER MIN AT OR CO MPA NY • EST . 1662 SIREN H ORN 1.99 im p o rte d coofc les Th« O ld est tk Larg est in Conn. 50 rod, 6 h of'gofs an d H OSE H A N GER W oich yo ur c a lo rie s O u r re g 2 95 Glastonbury 4 mounting brockets Rustproof oluminum. Oor r«g. 1 . 1 9 / / WISHBO NE °reg 5 99 ITAUA N DRESSIN G Charlie has a beautiful idea 1^ 3.9 9 68 < D OUBLE B O N US OFFER GA RDEN H OSE y a a Hours of fun. f ROBT. BURNS 5 PACK Our r.g . 8 9(. 16 O z. for spring and summer fun: The Surprise LO N G H A N DLE 100% vinyl. O ur r»g. 5.99 O e T P y $ 1 0 0 O E E G ARDE N TO OLS YARD CART TIPARIUO CIG ARS N A M SC O I V r r PRO CESSIN G I b-PLUS BagI It folds small, opens big, for the H OSE N OZZLE IrighI, plosHc ploy-toy FIG NEW TO NS W io llo fsro t w in o. O ur r«g. 1.29 / / ' k I ^ 33< eo ch IT A n y roll of 110 or 126 Kcxiak, GAF, Fu|i- for O u rr. g . 99*. I FREE FILM beach, for long weekends, picnics O urrog. 1.99 G re o t toste fro m o h n « cig o r colof film brought to M e di M ori with ® In clu d e d w ith fin ish e d Each IMEDi M ART TRASH or just plain totingl It comes packed LAST THREE DAYS... 3.9 9 LA W N M O WER FRESHEN -UF • W 9 C coupon through A p ril 15. 1978 to be I p rin ts w ill b e o co u p o n for Oof teg 4 99 Choice of B A GS O R U N ERS — a c Omdoer. indoar toy. | A O DISPOSA6LE UGHTER lO -F A CK O U M i t d evelo p e d an d printed ^in our lo b. I o FREE ROLL of o ur re g $1 09 with CharHi concentrated perfume hoe, roke, shovel, ond 39-gal. lO-ct. trash bogs. 20-ct, / O g r r . g .2 . 4 9 L Imported tighter reg. 2 / 99f O V Cinnainon, Pepptrmtnt, SfMor- Tor cher^td wb*rt opplicobU on r*g pTW* I FujiCOlor 110 or 126 print cultivotor w o tl.b aik Bt lin ws.Osir reg. 9 9 « » 8 6 « ^ Our r.g . 99< I film , 12 e xp o tu res spray, two mini cakes of Charlie 28th MNVERSARY SALE . _ ME [ H M A KT C O U P O N , _ , Body Silk Soaps, and Body Silk Powder. The Surprise is yours for just 6.75 B U Y N O W A N D S A V E $ with your $5 purchase from the Charlie collection. Come collect! Cosmetics: C H ARTER O AK M ALL C H ARTER O AK M ALL all D&L stores except New London. SUOOR 9 4 0 SILVER LA NE • T E L 569 -4 12 0 9 4 0 SILVER LA NE EAST HARTFORD EAST HARTFORD * T E L 8 69-4120 917 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER OPEN mURSDAY TO 9 PJ«. PAGE EIGHT-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Wed.. April 5. 1978 Business office future ■ . - - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., April 5. 1978 - PAGE NINE-; Killian to talk at college 1 WO area towns will share health director topic of MCC seminar for a zone change from RR to AA-30 Lt. Governor Robert Killian will be representatives of the media, college dent Senate at MCC. South Windsor only four months before his resigna- a schedule with Coppa and Glaston- a variance for construction closer to the rear line than permitted at the bury officials. on 3.03 acres, located on the west the first of six announced candidates students and staff. He will conclude The schedule for the rest of the Glastonbury has approved an tion. Curtis’ resignation came at a the sideline than permitted at the same address. “The Office of the Future” was the side of Foster St. near the intersec- system will include increased for the job as governor of Connec- the program by answering questions “Meet the Candidates” series agrMment which calls for sharing time when South Windsor was ZBA hearings same address. SulidiviAion OK subject of a seminar last week at tion of Orchard Hill Drive. productivity and efficiency, cost ticut to app^r in a series of “Meet from the audience. follows: April 13, U.S. Rep. Ronald their health director with South plagued with well pollution problems The South Windsor Zoning Board of • Michael L. Mattera, 623 King St., Manchester Community College. The South Windsor Planning and savings and the elimination of the Candidates” nights at The panel for each of the six can- Windsor. in the Birch and Brian Road area. Appeals will hold' a public hearing a temporary and conditional permit Wusliingtun intern Jeffrey E. Bartlett from the Hart- Sarasin (R); April 20, Cary 'Zoning Commission has voted to ap- duplication, among others, he said. Manchester Community College didates will be different. Those on South Windsor Town Manager Paul Originally South Windsor had Thursday at 7; 30 p.m. in the South for two years for a catalogue-type Gertrude Stone of South Windsor ford Insurance Group told the nearly Blanchette (I), a student at Central prove, with conditions, the applica- Bartlett is assistant director of the (MCC). the panel for Killian will include Talbot said that Glastonbury has sought to enter into an agreement Windsor Town Hall to consider the sporting goods outlet. will be among 50 seniors who will be 275.students, teachers and business Connecticut State College; May 4, tion of U & R Housing Corp. for a methods and procedures department Charles F. J. Morse, Op Ed editor for Gov. Ella Grasso (D ); May 11, State apeed to allow its director of health. with Manchester, however, an agree- following applications: participating in the sixth annual representatives of the major changes Sponsored by the Student Senate at ment could not be reached. • Floyd B. Lambert Jr., 131 resubdivision of property known as of the systems improvement division the Hartford Courant; Bob Brown, Sen. Lewis Rome (R); and May 18, Richard Coppa, to provide health ser- • Robert Sharp, 246 Foster St., a Highgate Estates, into 21 lots. The Connecticut Senior Intern Program in business offices and operations he the college, the meeting will be Talbot received approval from the McGrath Road, a variance for con- at The Hartford. In that capacity, h e ' staff reporter for The Chronicle in State Rep. Gerald Stevens (R). vices and inspections for South Wind- variance for reconstruction of a gar- property is located on the west side in Washington, D.C., this week. foresees for the future. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the struction closer to the sideline than studies electronic office equipment Willimantic; Dave Garrett, news sor. Town Council early in March to go age requiring a sideyard variance at of Foster Street in an AA-30 zone. The program is sponsored by Sen. Instead of the “one man, one and is also involved in research and auditorium on the main campus off ahead with plans with Glastonbury. permitted. director at WINF radio; Carroll Town committee chairmen, state South Windsor has been searching the same address. Also approved is the application of Lowell Weicker. The participants secretary” relationship, secretaries planning in the development of in- Bidwell Street. The meeting is open The present agreement will be sent • Ronald J. Frechette, 882 Plea- Maddox, director of college and com- central committee members and for a health director since the • R ic h a r d G. L a c a f ta , 129 G & R Realty Co. for a revised site will spend the week meeting with will be grouped in "word processing tegrated, electronic office systems. to the public free of charge. to state Health Commissioner sant Valley Road, variance for con- munity relations at MCC, and J. state convention delegates of both resignation in January of Health Farnham Road, a variance for con- plan of development on property senators and congressmen, touring centers” where they will work with The seminar wae sponsored by The Killian will make an opening state- Douglas S. Lloyd for approval. struction in front of the building line Craig Riker, a veteran and student at major parties from the 15 towns in Director Sidney Curtis. struction closer to the sideline than located at 8 Nutmeg Road in an In- the city and attending briefings computers and microform systems, Hartford Group and MCC chapters of ment that will last between 10 and 15 Talbot said as soon as the state ap- at the same address. dealing with problems of the elderly. the college. The meeting will be the Manchester Community service Curtis had been in the position for permitted at the same address. dustrial Zone. photo-composition systems and elec- the Administrative Management minutes. He will then respond to o' proves the agreement he will discuss • Guy N. Plourde, 374 Strong Road, The program is funded by con- moderated by Peter Tiemann, a stu- • James E. Jarvis, 20 Birch Road, The commission has also approved tronic information transmittal .Society, an international organiza- questions from a panel comprised of area will be notified and encouraged a variance for construction closer to tributions from Connecticut dent and former member of the Stu- to attend the series.. the application of Joseph Krawski Jr. systems, Bartlett said. tion that promotes better manage- businesses and labor unions. Them e benefitsoeneiiis ofoi theme revampedrevampeo ment ofol businesses. Jeffrey Bartlett ^ Area unit on aging ^ Mrs. Dodd will speak will hear governor Concert tonight at church on Soviet dissidents ISi^E ^L SO . Vernon MMANCHEITER t|iejC|||HDina-«ty||e Gov. Ella Grasso will be the guest speaker at the an- Jeff Steinberg with “Wind and During the concert he will share his COMPLETE AUTO CUSS SERVICE nual meeting of the Department on Aging of the MHS, RHAM Mrs. Susan Dodd, assis- on Soviet Jew ry in Fire” will be appearing in concert story of many years living in in- homes, high school assemblies, con- w s s o w . CIWS FURWTUltl TOVt Hockanum Valley Community Council Inc. cert halls, hospitals, and homes and tant director to the Brussels, Belgium, two tonight at 7 at Manchester Church of stitutions, struggles to achieve, executive director of the years ago. n il o I Bentley School after eliminating government may bring in its own delivery on steel. $ 100 or more in a new or existing REMINGTON ALUMINUM COMBINA noN several other sites in the downtown contractor to do the work on the Lawrence also expressed ci tion to (detect a lire at its earliest stages STORM & SCREEN WINOOWS & IV .” area. clinic. The work in that area of the about the depleting contingem savings account. Limit 3 per family. DOORS Federal Community Development school is not scheduled to begin until which is down to $3,124 on the ancJ sound a loud alarm. And be- COLONIAL HIUTC T-12 funds would pay for the clinic at an project. He said it should be M M CROSSBUCK after school is out in June. IK" SM. iMmS 2/iii/iiu;’ fitifl initial cost of ^0,000. Of that sum, $40,000 to $50,000. irkB^ lir nht. M tm. ni«- ■BtOratRippiA N Robert Kenniff, Building Com- cause it's battery-powered, it’s easily - NT b* about $20,000 has been designated for Tile committee decided not lyWiN R fen mR ■raw RMM. RMt mittee member questioned what installed. N o home or apartment Save money fim I pMi MMlrM Ivl rehabilitation of a site. “seems to be a whole change in any action on the contingency NTMa. PTMlir riM- IbmIi intalaOn. on any other projects lish '‘iHtlMtalMipairiR Rm . 187.00 OML Architect Richard Mankey priorities.” He said he thought the should be without one. NOW with our Investment -h rm id i e h ii e m t R«9. 881.00 Tuesday night asked the Building rooms proposed for the clinic were Lawrence. The committee me| Take advantage of our special 52.00 Committee forj direction on what he “desperately needed" by the school. Frank Stamler indicated that 18.95 OBOmy 12.00 44.95 should do on the Bentley project to amount of funds which may Savings Accounts. CASH A CARRY Cxfra D.SnijrS2M “What are we going to do with the 19.80 OtRmtd accommodate the new facility. He over from the Bentley project prices: AMtoEWd ^ two special teachers?” he asked. These popular savings plans recommended that the project Donald Kuehl, committee for Washington School is m 5 • $ 10 plus tax when you open a one SUMP s- O proceed as scheduled. He said if the secretary, said some of the known. year or longer Investment Savings range from one to ten years and pay MINI VAC PUMP Tne committee also delayed P um p. ISO S .L p w Iw w . Hm . e onm e llMH. u n . on installing a concrete tank : higher interest rates than regular PUMP wM• r MII al “B hl iS2 S -- TIL Mietlwi Account witli as little ■^Mrastir W Re*. Andover selectmen ditional drainage at the schi passbook savings accounts. W, itiUK S ttMl meeting is scheduled for Thui as $100, or isipito M L tis I %3Si morning among the archi And, at Hartford National, you isttiss itriiftr. engineers and town officials to liiciMrgt IS ti WET/MY table gym request the drainage problems at the a breeze to wear... our can start an Investment Savings 2271 | * a t mr SHOP Side Oval and to determine if suals’ spring Action on a request for $662,000 to Account with as little as $100. VJICUUM school and they should do the job. flooding of the oval could affect] eparates softly sashed gauze tunic U V W i U W build a gymnasium at the Andover There will be a public information new Recreation building. ratfl riU " bMB. Elementary School, was tabled meeting today at 8 p.m. in the Lawrence presented a cost er/cotton seersucker Romantic new topping with ruffled drawstring Compare that with the minimum titnilM «iN mM T ue^ay night by the Board of school’s all-purpose room to hear the timate of $16,290 for the additic top, and, terrifically neckline, better left untied. Gathered front and deposits required by other banks, Selectmen. architect explain the proposed plans drainage work. Ing texture of shantung, back yokes. Bigger. Better. Nice to collect now In Board members said they need and to answer questions of Andover then come start saving with us. Deputy Police (Thief Richard S jolse, $35. Terry Top, airy polyester/cotton gauze. Pink, blue, natural. more information before making a residents. tor reported to the committee t q jo ls e , c re a m , $ 2 2 . Sizes S-M-L. By ‘Miss Capri', sportswear, down- Save lives. And save money. recommendation to residents. They The school building committee, the first phase of work on the pol gnehester and TrI-City town Manchester and TrI-City F»laza, Vernon. said they have to consider the cost of which, estimated the cost of the station addition has not been c o ^ building the facility and the costs of facility, has said that half of the pleted because the ground has The W.G. GLENNEY CO. maintaining and operating it after it amount has been approved for state thawed sufficiently to ail is built. funding. The committee has es- drainage. He said the contractor H O M E IM PR O V E M E N T CE N T E R One of the questions raised by the timated that the addition would cost eager to complete the work as soor , H a r t f n d N f i t k i f i a l board, after bearing a presentation the taxpayers slightly more than two possible. If you’ve got a little money, why not get a lot of b ^ ? W r. F.l n iu r v tllmston Glastonbury WillinUr' by ardiitect Peter Abel, was whether mills a year. , The copimittee also approved Member *1 M,.r St WrstRb hi Hfl-n- i-.- s; *.i ^ a new boiler wouhlJier^qnireil to ac- ’The p r o j ^ has to be approve, by, 160,57^ in additional items which FCAC ' 649-5253 875-6213 633-4675 429-9916 ^ commodate the addition. J. Russell the voters, by June 30, in order to now be included in the police stat Thompson, first selectman, said the take advantage of state funding. project because of a low base Mon -Fn 7.30-5 00 Mnnch Fn lo 8:30 • Sat. 8:00-1:00 school has two boilers now at the price. PAGE TEN-A - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., April 5, 1978 ObituariM ) Vote on Sunday liquor Dental clinic, pond plan Mrs. Evelyn B. Turkington Robert B. Calvert III Stanley S. MIeczko lfflaurl|fatpr Mrs. Evelyn Burrell Turklngton, Robert B. Calvert, 28, of 25 Monroe Stanley S. MIeczko, 57, of 144 73, formerly of 149 Bissell St., died St., Meriden, formerly of Signal Hill Road, Wilton, formerly of would give advice only debated by board, public Hr r al Ji Tuesday at a Manchester convales- Manchester, died this morning at the Manchester, died Monday at cent home. She was the widow of Meriden-Wallingford Hospital after a SECOND SECTION Norwalk Hospital. He was the hus- By GREG PEARSON Robert Weiss’ trip to a convention in Zinsser eariier had read a petition By GREG PEARSON land at Case Mountain and Hickey’s with William Tierney, management Winston S.C. TurkinKton. brief illness. He was the husband of band of Mrs. Florence E. Farley Kansas City. Weiss left Tuesday he had received in opposition to the Herald Reporter Grove near Union Pond, is limited. analyst „on the status of BOR grants Mrs. Regina M. Scarfo Calvert. Herald Reporter WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5.1978 MIeczko. morning for the convention. The fun- proposal to permit liquor sales on He said that the board would need and when applications should be Mrs. Turklngton was bom Aug. 5, Mr. Calvert was bom July 25,1949, An expected referendum question The Manchester Board of Direc- The funeral is scheduled for this ding probably will be acted on next Sunday. It was signed by about 300 help from the Conservation Commis- made. 1904, in Manchester, daughter of the in Manchester, son of Robert and to permit Sunday liquor sales in tors and several members of the afternoon at 2 at St. Matthew's week. persons. sion in setting priorities n lin u 4‘(l fro m Pugi* O n o ) mand. He will demonstrate how to put up your own shingles before the fair season begins. local citizens over the age of 60. the four largest coal producers — Come and see how easy It Is. Reservations must be made in ad- Consolidation Coal and Island Creek cluded as part of the total reserves, said Podrove didn’t want all the A recent meeting of the Wapping which amount to about 300 billion ______Fair Association was the beginning vance by calling Sally Clark, Coal — are owned by Continental Oil purchase price at once, but would ex- Bentley job goes ahead Bayberry Trail. IVIunclK'Hlcr tons. This is the limitation the staff of the long and tedious planning and Occidental Petroleum respec- tend it over a period of time. Bingo is played every Tuesday at Tuesday, 2:13 p.m — I’alse alarm, Box tively. As of 1975, 12 oil and gas com- report prefers. Mason said the council should act necessary for the successful fair. Elected officers for the 1978 fair in- St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Hall at 34, Forest Street. (Town) panies owned more than half of all • If the limit were set at 5 percent, fast in its preparation to present a 12:15 p.m. Thursday is drop-in day at uranium reserves. bontinental and Exxon would have to plan to the town because the deadline clude Dudley Morrell, president; INSULATE NOW & SAVE!! Mike Gessay, internal vice- 12:15 at St. Peter’s. The local Public sell off 4 billion tons worth more than despite plans for clinic FTC officials said they have con- for CD fund applications is about Buy NOW while there Is PLENTY IN STOCK. We have Itl Owens Corning, $40 billion. president; Rich Putinas, external Health Nursing Association will hold cluded there is still a good chance the May 1. Zonollte and Johns-ManvIlle. Other sizes available tool Get your FREE classrooms which are to be a free blood pressure clinic on L Correction ) • When it somes to uranium, a 3 clinic is not approved by the Board of vice-president; Jeff Fletman, Steve various fuels can compete against The council also feels that a com- Phamplet “How to Insulate.” Why wait until next tall when prices will be higher By SUSAN VAUGHN renovated in Bentley were not Thursday at St. Peter’s. percent limit would force Gulf, Kerr- Directors and the federal Depart- Galovich and Warren Newberry, each other, but that competition is munity development of Cheney Hall & availability lowl Prices good until April 15,1978. Delivery 20C extra per Herald Reporter necessarily ’’needed” , but would be New members of the Senior A story on page Seven-C of today’s McGee, Exxon and Getty to get rid of ment of Housing and Urban Develop- treasurers; Martha Jorgensen, endangered by the increasing in- will help Main Street revitalization. roll/bag. The Town Building Committee used. Renovations on four lower level Citizens Club include Alfred Baxter Herald lists an incorrect date for the ore equivalent to 200 million tons of ment, any delay could leave the secretary and John Woodcock, volvement of oil and gas companies Philip Harrison, council member, Tuesday night agreed to go ahead classrooms which were listed as and George Hawkins. The Senior annual meeting of the Manchester refined uranium worth $8 billion. Bentley project in a bad situation. general council. in the market. was appointed to head a coalition with the Bentley School project on alternates in the bidding were in- Citizens Club will meet this month on State Bank. The meeting will be This, they said, is because of a • A 5 percent limit for uranium group. Zonoiite Vermuclite Attic Insulation, 3 cu. ft. per bag .. 3.39 Mankey said if the project is ap- Officers include Tony Dennis, ac- schedule, and not to delay it because proved, the Board of Education will cluded in the project because of the tivities; Steve Dube, activities; Lou April 12 at 1 p.m. at St. Margaret Friday, ApriL7at6p.m.at the bank’s of proposed plans to locate a town get credit for the work not done for low costs. ” If we put the dental clinic Burnett, admissions; Billy Vedavit- Mary’s Church Hall, Hayes Road. main office, 1040 Main St. 3‘/2"x 15" Kraft Faced, Johns-Manville, 50 sq. ft. roll . . . 5.49 dental clinic in the school. the school project; however, he said in, it will extend the time on the Some of the members of the there would be a minor loss on some classrooms,” Kuehl said. Building Committee expressed con- items which may have to be Mankey also reported that about 15 4”x l5 " Foil Faced, Johns-Manville, 50 sq. ft. roll ..... 5.78 cern that delaying any part of the returned. percent of the overall work on PRACTICALLY work for the dental clinic could The dental clinic would be located Bentley is done. 6 "x l5 " Kraft Faced, Owens Corning, 40 sq. ft. R-19 . . . jeopardize the whole project. The in the southwest corner of the lower In other business, architect 7.39 Bentley project began last month level of Bentley in two rooms Richard Lawrence reported on the A after many delays over the past two presently occupied by the school Washington School renovations and tic 6 "x l5 " Unfaced, Owens Corning, 40 sq. ft. R-19 ..... years and is scheduled for comple- social worker and reading con- additions. He said about 25 percent of 6.97 tion before September. isfer sultants. Mankey said it is a good the total project, including the joint WARDROBE Last week the Manchester Ad- location because it is accessible from use facility for the West Side Recrea- artford 9 "x l5 " Kraft Faced, Owens Corning. 1. ft. R -3 0 112.42 visory Board of Health and the the outside. tion Center, has been completed, but Citizens Advisory Committee for Mankey said the work on the clinic that the entire project is about two EV' iccount. Community Development approved could either be done by the present months behind schedule because of 9 "x 2 3 " Kraft Faced, Owens Corning, 64 sq. ft. R-30 .18.63 1 ' plans to locate a dental clinic in contractor or, he said, the federal the bad winter weather and late deposit . I ^ t I I T r . i_ ^ 1 T 1 " Bentley School after eliminating government may bring in its own delivery on steel. REMINGTON ALUMINUM CUMBINATION several other sites in the downtown ITSELF! sting contractor to do the work on the Lawrence also expressed concern area. clinic. The work in that area of the about the depleting contingency fund STURM A SCREEN WINDUWS & IV.” D6URS Federal Community Development which is down to $3,124 on the entire family. “ Th li*M< mm COLONIAL school is not scheduled to begin until •M m wM a kWi CROSteUCK H IU TI T-12 funds would pay for the clinic at an after school is out in June. project. He said it should be about Ml M )ir wSi IX' M taaMM T/til/lilK” filly •rM I.rM .M aai •MlWrsIrOpii initial cost of $70,000. Of that sum, Robert Kenniff, Building Com- $40,000 to $50,000. »!■> * > raaaS b Mr gaaa. about $20,000 has been designated for liie committee decided not to take ■tiiaM I haa aaS BJHSESrU mittee member questioned what The New ' umai Uaat I pM WMlNm hr rehabilitation of a site. “ seems to be a whole change in any action on the contingency fund or y araai Ptaaht naia. Mc f e i n t a R a t e . ( i Ktg. 157.00 Architect Richard Mankey priorities.” He said he thought the on any other projects listed by MMilMaaHb NOW NTML Botany ^50(T lent -htaaqdaaakinaaiU N»O-M1.00 Tuesday night asked the Building rooms proposed for the clinic were Lawrence. The committee member 52.00 Ckimmittee for direction on what he "desperately needed” by the school. Frank Stamler indicated that the 4‘pc. 18.95 0«ivwy 02JM 44.95 should do on the Bentley project to amount of funds which may be left its. CASH A C A M Y Citra "What are we going to do with the 1S.SS DM rrm d Edra accommodate the new facility. He over from the Bentley project to use AlStmdM Sla..^ two special teachers?” he asked. '‘Q u a d ^ S u i t Ians recommended that the project Donald Kuehl, committee for Washington School is not yet O proceed as scheduled. He said if the SUMP secretary, said some of the known. and pay MINI VAC PUMP Tne committee also delayed action PUMP Pump. 2S0 eN. DOT how. Hm . c o n M cU m .. L M . on installing a concrete tank for ad- ;ular wMr M n. aRh 2 t-tL tueUmi .''nil lliroii^li till' \v<"i'k - and ucoki-nd-. - willi a v Reg. I *>e Andover selectmen ditional drainage at the school. A »<;« 1978 -llolany’ 500 'Uiiad' from W, itiUns iM SAVE/ meeting is scheduled for Thursday Mpdhr M L Ilf morning among the architect, 'Afar iho soil, with ihc \,.si lo malcli - or sictm itriiMr. engineers and town officials to study rfvfr>f(l to roiiirasl. ('.hangf to ilu- ,•)„•, k -lai k> lal, you tiictarii If li W ET/ M Y table gym request the drainage problems at the West and Ro l asital - iii.siantlv. Tlif piirf Dai ron* Tngs 2271 p i M p r SHOP Side Oval and to determine if any (M.lyrstrr fal.rir rfally' liold^ up - kfop> OO. VACUUM Action on a request for $662,1X10 to school and they should do the job. flooding of the oval could affect the liKikiii); fn\'h-pr<>!.f(|. In ta.alfful ’78 folor> of U » rii U ■* build a gymnasium at the Andover There will be a public information new RMreation building. wumr. Suit plus fanks, SAVESSUn Selectmen. architect ei^lain the proposed plans drainage work. from $ 150. Board members said they need and to answer questions of Andover 1 us. ~ .59J5 Deputy Police (Thief Richard Sar- more information before making a residents. tor reported to the committee that oney. recommendation to residents. Tbey The school building committee, the first phase of work on the police said they have to consider the cost of which, estimated the cost of the station addition has not been com- MANCHESTER building the facility and the costs of facility, has said that half of the pleted because the ground has not 903 M a i n Street The W.G. GLENNEY CO. maintaining and operating it after it amount has been approved for state thawed sufficiently to allow is built. funding. The committee has es- drainage. He said the contractor is HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER ^ One of the questions raised by the timated that the addition would cost eager to complete the work as soon as M E N ’S SHOP ofial board, after bearing a presentation the taxpayers slightly more than two VERNON possible. Tri-City Plaia ot of bank? W Ff Ctl IMkfV i'iinstc-' Gl.istoiihur-, ’Aii’nJ' by a it^ te c t Peter Abel, was whether mills a year. The committee also approved of Member ‘!6 1 Mam S; Ae?* Rd Syp Rt;i ^ a new boiler would be required to ac- The project has to be aiqiroved, by $60,877 in additional items which will "Mete 7(km€it Dx TKm f FDIC 6-19-5253 875-6213 633 ■1675 429-9916 ^ commodate the addition. J. Rossell the voters, by June 30, in order to now be included in the police station Thompson, first selectman, said the take advantage of state funding. project because of a low base bid Ml-’ T ’i 7 40 : y' • Mirnc'i Fn. to O.?-- • Sat. 8.^*'0-4’00 sdwol has two boilers now at the price. PAGE TWOB___MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed., April 5. 1978 Council to set date H ebro n ch a ngi ng fees MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed,, April 5, 1978— PAGE THREE-B fo r san itarian per m its General spending plan I If you have | Bolton secks 20 acres for budget hearing A revised fee schedule for Hebron construction of a septic system with Vernon saltation permits was approved I "ZnteT I for new town faciliUes Democrat Marie Herbst said, “In recently at a meeting of First Select- a new $5 charge for any additinal test Town Council mennbers, in dis- view of the fact there is tremendous required, with the repair work is up 7% in Coventry man Aaron,Reid, B^rd of Finance Is Andover i Town of Bolton is looking for rwently gave a lecture at Bolton agreement over how many public remaining at $15. interest in both the town budget and Chairman Jack Baker, Planning and ^ Donna Holland bmjlw acreage for the consolidation of town H'gh School on his experience in hearings to hold on the proposed The fee for commercial septic the education budget I think we &ning Commission Qiairman John Coventry Town Manager Frank s Rnlinn ...... MiHMt!) g facilities and a landfill area. About 20 Soviet concentration camps after budget, reached a compromise Mon- should have two public hearings.” systems is increased from $15 to $25 tors in the development of his for a full-time director at $12,500 was Hibbard, Building Inspector Richard Lonnol y has presented the Town proposal: Thp current budget con- |:|i _J***®" is acres are needed. World War II. day night but won't set the date until Republican John Giulietti said just Keef^ and Town Sanitarian Basil minimum plus $5 per $1,000 construc- stripped down to $3,000 to continue tion cost. Council with a general government tains approximately $55,000 or just ^nna Holland...... 646-0375 Anyone having property who is in- Deesy also related to the students tonight. one hearing could be scheduled and Bocyneski. budget proposal for 1978-79 amoun- the present part-time director. I Coventry | terested in selling it to the town or experience as a Hungarian A public hearing was originally set then if the turnout was really large it Building permit fees remain at $5 over one mill in surplus and bridge The budget proposal will now be The new schedule will be effective ing to $1,325,885. This is up $85,115 or bonding returns which is not S; Claire Connelly 742-8202 ^ anyone knowing of such property is •^•'eedom F ig h te r d uring the for April 19 at the Sykes ^hool, but could be adjourned to another night. per $1,000 cost with the minimum fee subjected to council scrutiny before May 1 and Reid and the two board less than 7 percent from the present available for the new budget; this Ellinston i Selectman Henry Hungarian Revolt of 1957. then it was found that the school will He said he didn’t see any sense in chairmen have been designated by to be $5 for anything under $1,000. and after the public hearings This fee applies to heating and plum- year's spending. year’s budget is already one mill less R-irhoi-o oi I. j Ryba at 648-8743 or 643-7517. his talk Deesy outlined how not be available that night. scheduling two meetings and then town ordinance as the committee to scheduled for this month. Usually the i;ii H ^ •^“^hmond .. .643-2711 | Recently the selectmen appointed grateful we should be for the many bing permits also. Combined with the Board of than the previous year; the Board of At the council meeting Monday finding out they are not needed. set fees for the building and sanitation council submits the manager’s Si "***''®*' S;- a four-member consolidation sub- freedoms we have that were non- night it was decided, temporarily, to Driveway permiU remain at $5 and, Education Budget request of $3,040,- Education request is up 8.8 percent Riepubiican ^ b e r t Wehrli agreed permits. 438, a debt service of $285,265, and budget for the hearing and then S: Karen Biskupiak ...... 228-0496 Si committee to study the consolidation existent in the Soviet Union and set the meeting for April 20 and to with Giulietti, noting that the turnout certificates of occupancy at $3. while revenue estimates are only up makes its changes prior to the annual The changes are: from $1 to $10 for capital expenditures, the total budget 6.9 percent; and the general govern- Si South Windsor iS °f few" facilities. Hungary. have it at the Middle School where it in the past, at public hearings, hasn't well perm its; from $15 to $25 for new This is the first fee schedule revi- town budget meeting. sion since 1970. package is $4,819,368. If approved, it ment requests are up 6.8 percent i$ Judy Kuehnel . . . . 644-1364 ® R'chard Morra is chairman of the '^•’e students were very impressed was felt that parking facilities are been very heavy. would result in a $5.57-mill increase, The taxpayers may cut specific Si Tolland iS aabcommittee. The other members "'ere eager to know when Deesy better and that schooi is more while revenue estimates are up only line items in the general government Democrat Lena Therault said it bringing the town tax rate up to 75.57 .01 percent. Si iS are Douglas Cheney, Ronald Soares "'““•'f return to answer questions accessible for handicapped persons. isn’t possible for everyone who wants budget and the bottom line of the ^ e b a ra Richmond .. .643-2711 g and Raymond Cocconi. fhey had, Time did not allow for a A n d over gro u p sponsors mills. “The budget differs from last year iS to to attend one night but would like The education budget will come in that revenue sharing is included as education budget or may approve or Si ’ CTnon g P ro f e s s o r le c liire s question-and-answer period, . f •n r * 1 to be afforded the option of attending reject the entire proposal without before a public hearing April 11. The part of the budget picture,” Connolly g Barbara Richmond . . .643-2711 Professor Janos Deesy of Bolton, a \,.w siin n « T ili-ivu opera event at ch u rch changes. However, no appropriations douth Windsor a"“‘*'er mght pneral government portion is slated added. “This will allow a full review S history instructor at the Greater tho r u r o i, i j m Herbst said. Two small may be added by the townspeople to Flying representative course will be taught at the school for an April 13 hearing. The annual at the annual town meeting of budget ss H artford rom m unity f^olleee Bolton Center School Grade 8 meetings are better than one Andover Rural Music Com- the council’s final proposal. ■ newspaper drive will be Saturday loginning April 17 at 7 p.m. Registra- town budget meeting will be May 12. requests and the interrelationship of offers garden jammed one .... the answer to the Chester W MOTgan, left, (D) Vernon’s state representative. mittee will present Opera For from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bolton tion will be at the first class. A $1 fee Connolly made no changes in the capital and operating items.” Reservations are being accepted ' town meeting is what happens at the poses with U. Col George A. Demers of the Connecticut Ak Everyone Thursday at 8 p.m. at An- ^ Elementary School playground. for manuals and supplies will be education budget and described the Among the specific changes made for 52 lots in the Avery Street com- hearing.” National GuArd before taking off on an orientation flight. The dover Congreptional Church. charged. The course is being spon- general government proposals as "a by Connolly is an increase in the dog munity garden, according to Town Mrs. Therault called attention to flight was in an Air Guard F-IOOF super sabre iet°fighter The opera singers and their accom- paniest are planning a program of sored by the fire department. maintenance budget.” He said no warden’s account from $4,000 to $5,- Treasurer resigns rec panel ‘o“ aSrd"r\rr Manager Paul Talbot. Persons who the fact that she and two other coun- papers to the school if possible. Morgan wanted to familiarize himself with the training func- new positions have been included, 000. Joseph Kuklevitch was recently had a lot last year have until April 7 to popular operatic arias and duets School regisiration cil members have a "Listening although clerks in the Highway hired to assist Warden Robert Coveniry Anyone needing pickup is asked to reserve tne same one. After that, Session” of the council scheduled for Uons and duties of the 103D Tactical Fighter Group based at from "The Barber of Seville,” Registration for Andover Elemen- Miller-Richardson Athletic Field „ ui- . . ■ call Jean Garno at 643-5482. Department and in the tax collector's Schefisch, and a recent Canine Con- reservations will be handled on a first that night and that Rockville High Bradley International Airport. He is a member of the Connec- "LaBoheme,” "Carmen” and “Gian- tary School incoming kindergarten William Ayer, a long-time member near his Plains Road home. Republicans may contact party ni Schicchi.” They will be performed students will be April 10, 11 and 12 office would be moved up to full trol Division inspection found con- come, first served basis. School is having its Career Fair that ticut Army National Guard where he serves as an enlisted man time. of the Coventry Parks and Recrea- Town Clerk Elizabeth Rychling in- chairman David Larry Knight, and Rosters uvailulile mostly in English. from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the ditions at the pound to be excellent. tion Commission and its treasurer fo rm e d th e R e p u b lic a n and E^njocrats should appjy to newly Rosters of tradesmen licensed in Former Mayor Howard Fitts is night and some council members are with the rank of E-6. "Notable percentage increases of There will also be a sprinkling of school. Other raises proposed by the for many years, has resigned from D em ocratic com m ittees of the elected chairwoman Ruth Benoit. Connecticut are on file at the town handling the reservations and may be to be there. substance include Social Security (up Broadway tunes. To be eligible to enter kindergarten manager would hike the town the commission. - reached at 277-3858. Garden plots are Because of the confusion about the 12 percent), group insurance (up 16 vacancy. Any resident interested in clerk’s office. The rosters include William Warden will emcee the in September a child must be 5 years planner’s pay from $14,578 to $15,600, “It is with deep regret that I must free and are limited to one per fami- dates and the pending conflicts, the percent), retirement (up 11 percent). assuming the post may contact one of plumbing and piping, heating, piping ly. Maps of the garden will be posted program. The artists will talk about of age on or before Dec. 31. the police chief’s salary from $17,050 inform the town manager that I no the committees or the town clerk's Goffee hour set and cooling, elevators, electrical mayor suggested that Stanley Volunteer Fire No. 1 (up 14 percent), to $18,075, the superintendent of in Town Hall and the public library. oj^ra and being opera singers. They Display at library longer can serve,” he said. “I have office at the Town Hall. The Coventry Auxiliary to the contractors and journeymen. Roesler, director of administration, and Volunteer Fire No. 2 (up 29 streets’ income from $16,000, and the The 52 lots will be numbered so that check out possible dates and report H erbst wants apology will invite questions from the enjoyed serving with the many fine Another resignation was received Windham Community Memorial The Andover Elementary School percent),” the manager said. In addi- engineer-sanitarian's wages from requests can be made for specific to the council tonight when it meets audience. people involved, but I no longer have from Wayne Blair, who is leaving the Hospital will hold a coffee hour on Open lioiise set Doris Chamberlain library now has a tion, the Booth Dimock Library is up $14,900 to $16,000. parcel. at a budget workshop. The funds for the performance maple sugar display at Gordon enough free time to be of any value to Sewer A uthority. The form er Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m, at the The Bolton Cooperative Nursery fo r attack at m eeti ng were provided by the Connecticut 14 p e r c e n t , th e T o w n H a ll The newly appointed Economic the commission.” The community garden plots have Mrs. Herbst and Mrs. Therault MacDonald and a penguin collection maintenance jumped 12 percent, and superintendent of streets is moving home of Arlene Paquette, School will have an open house April Commission on the Arts and locally Development Commisison’s request Ayer was instrumental in setting been available for the past few years, voted against a motion to have the Vernon apologize, Mrs. Herbst said "I have by Becky Neumuth, the maintenance garage rose 12,5 from Coventry. His term would have The co-hostesses will be Fay 13 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Bolton and have proved popular among supported by Fireside Realty Inc., for a $500 budget was approved by up many recreational programs in expired in November, Hietala. Local residents are invited Congregational Church educational one hearing with the provision that it Town Councilwoman Marie Herbst lived in Vernon for over 20 years, am The school Parent Teacher percent, Connolly. However, a proposal by the residents who have little or no gar- be adjourned to another night if need Walt’s Service Station and The Association has ordered a Random town, including the founding of boys’ Both town committees also are to attend and to bring a donation to building. Both mothers and children is calling for a public apology from a parent of five children, am a public Village Package Store. Connolly cited the following fac- Parks and Recreation Commission dening space. be. House Unabridged Dictionary in soccer. He has helped maintain the seeking members. Enrolled benefit the hospital. are welcome. Councilman Robert Wehrli because school teacher, and a former Smoke defectors of “a personal attack” she said was member of the Board of Education English and a 12-inch globe. Labels, n made against her at Monday night's and never before has my honest, in- The Andover Volunteer Fire that enabled the school to purchase council meeting. tegrity or character been questioned Department is sponsoring a class on the dictionary and glove are now F ir m to seek extension smoke detectors April 10 at 7 p.m. at At the meeting, Mrs. Herbst dis- by either friends or political foes." being collected for next year. School drama club Andover Elementary School. agreed with the manner in which the "I do not cheat and I do not lie and Information meeting fo r b u ild i ng in Ver n o n buying of a replacement ladder truck Mr. Wehrli’s implication that I do is Volunteers for the PTA fashion There will be a public information plans spring show for the Rockville Fire Department unfounded and reprehensible,” Mrs. show will meet April 10 at 8 p.m. at meeting on the proposed Andover Mercury Electric Co. which bought extension cords, electrical switches, was handled. Herbst said. the home of Nancy Goodier, Merritt Elementary School gymnasium Vernon the former Cavrock building in Ver- sockets, and sewing machine Mrs. Herbst is a minority She added that she reserves the Valley Road. The show will be June 9 tonight at 8 at the school all-purpose at 8 p.m. at the school. The Rockville High School Drama Club will present, as non’s Industrial Park about a year carrying cases. Democrat on the council and Wehrli right to disagree with Wehrli or room. The PTA will sponsor an informa- its spring production, "Cheaper by the Dozen.” ago, is expected to ask for an exten- These electrical parts are supplied is a Republican. anyone else in the future. “ Personal The meeting is sponsored by the tion meeting on drugs April 13 at 8 Sandra Fargo will be the director. R. Gregory Barbero sion of time to expand the facility. to manufacturers of sewing Mayor Frank McCoy attacks have no place in the council Building Committee. Peter Abel, jkMNhiMliy^ Mayor Frank McCoy told the Town p.m. at the school. and Karen E. Bryant will play the parts of the parents of machines, major electrical recommended that the question of of good government,” she said. architect, will be present to answer the 12 children featured in the play. Council Monday night that he met in A cardio-pulmonary resuscitation appliances, automobiles, and light buying the Rockville truck, plus questions. The parts of the children will be played by Cindy February with Julius Miller, presi- fixtures. questions to buy a truck for the Ver- Bryant, Tim Stevens, Susan M. Watson, John Boyle, dent of the company, and Miller said In addition to buying the Cavrock non Department and land to build a Carolyn Balk, Michael Brady, Lisa Dickey, Tracy he wouldn't be able to start construc- building which was owned by Alca new firehouse in Vernon, all go on the Newirth, and David Koch. WE’VE GOT THE ANSWER! tion on the 40,000-square foot addition Inc. a local group. Mercury also voting machines at the same time. Susan McMahon will play the part of the family’s by July 1 as the contract with the bought 10 acres of land, adjacent to Mrs. Herbst, and other Democrats town had stated. housekeeper and Bill Fox, the family doctor. Jeff Koenig, that building, from the town. on the council, objected to mixing the a as a cheerleader, and Marie Culjac, as a “stuffy’’ The company is operating on a As a protective measure for the questions of buying replacement small basis now in Vernon, but the teacher, manage to stir up the household at times. Dave HASTINGS town, the bill of sale for the land equipment and new equipment. They FUSTIC mayor said for many reasons the Carroll will play the part of the oldest daughter Anne’s stated that construction had to start feel voters will defeat the whole “somebody special.” white expansion can’t go forward now as on the new facility by July 1,1978 and package which comes to a total of baked UHIUTE planned. Mayor McCoy has turned Plans are to present the play May 13 at 8 p.m. in the it had to be a minimum of 40,000 feet. $390,000, to be bonded. high school auditorium. Tickets will be available at the enamel the matter over to the Economic This was to assure that the land Mrs. Herbst said the $100,000 for iABRIC SAL door. Development Commission for con- S O LID C O L O R S N A V Y , R E D , W H IT E 8i B LU E wasn’t bought for speculation and the Rockville truck could be paid out •kitchen sideration. DENIM Cleanup day srlieduled ALUMINUM should it be sold for more than it was of the current budget with Revenue The firm, which has its base in 50% D u p o n t'i O A C R O N®P o ly e tt e r / 5 0% Co tton April 29 will be cleanup day at Rockville High School. counter bought for, the difference would have Sharing Funds. She has also con- GUnERS and DOWRSPOUTS' New Hyde Park, N.Y., produces Machine wash Tu m b le dry Students will be joining forces to clean up and paint up to be given to the town. tinually emphasized the need for a tops the school buildings and the grounds. .032 gauge-heaviest and Capital Improvements budget. 4 4 " Wide The project is expected to start about 9 a m. and con- strongest gutter on the market I •bathroom Wehrli charged Mrs. Herbst with R E G U L A R L Y $1.4 8 A Y A R D - S A V E 32% tinue until about 3 p.m. Brian McCartney, new principal "changing your tune." walls of the school, said the effort will show the students take Are a police report He said, "Marie, you and I sat here NOIRON 10 F O O T pride in their school. Best of all, the teachers will cook last year and last year you were just Vernon lunch for the students. 16 FOOT ly after the robbery and he was iden- as loud and you accepted Mr. Daniel Prince, 17, of 12 Ward St., 21 F O O T tified by the station attendant. Police Dooley's (Thomas) motion to reduce Forum meetings planned SUSPENDED Rockville, was charged Tuesday said a gun was used in the robbery the capital improvements budget to Rockville High School is planning a series of forum 32 F O O T per night with second-degree robbery and an undetermined amount of BEAUTIFUL PRINTS & SOLIDS CEILINGS 'iq . $ 1." meetings for interested parents of students to explore and unlawful restraint in connection LENGTHS foot money was taken. Machine wash • Tu m b le dry their areas of concern and seek ideas of ways in which the • Easy To Install ft. with an armed robbery at the He further charged her with con- Prince was held at the police sta- stantly voting to reduce every budget 10 0% Co tton $' high school could be improved. • Hide old ceilings and give Gasland service station at Union and tion overnight in lieu of posting a The first meeting will be April 11 from 9:30 to 11 a m. in West streets. last year. Last year there was a 3 8 " W id» R E G U L A R L Y $1.9 8 A Y A R D - S A V E 26% your home new beauty! $25,000 bond and was to be presented Democratic majority on the board the school library. At this meeting areas to be discussed Police said Officer William Herzog in Common Pleas Court, Rockville, under Mayor Thomas Benoit. or about which parents would like more information, will ob.served Prince in the vicinity short- todav. In asking Wehrli to publicly be outlined for discussion at future meetings. The second meeting is scheduled for May 9 at 7:30 p.m. OUBLE KNITS in the library. IBI^OLD Are a school lunch menus A L L N EW S P R IN G C O L O R S Grange to meet Friday Machine wash - Tu m b le dry • 6 0 " Wide Vernon Grange 52 will meet Friday at 8 p.m. in Grange . DOOR Coventry Hebron South Windsor 100% K ODEL®P oly e s t e r Hall, Route 30. The program will be, “ Here Comes the WOOD R E G U L A R L Y $1.9 9 A Y A R D Judge.” UNITS Ml Sc Ik i o Ih Itliain AM s c h o o l s 2 The Junior Grange 92 will meet Saturday at 2 p.m. ROOF TRUSSES Monday Hamburger, bullered Monday Hot dog on bun, baked beans, There will be a rehearsal for degrees. noodles, onion rings, waxed beans, Monday: Coney Island hotdog, potalo Ideal for cole slaw, apple.saiice and cookies. puffs, buttered green beans • wardrobes cranberry eriineh with lopping luesday Heel and pepper steaks, We manufacture trusses Tuesday Juice, meal and cheese Tuesday: spaghetti with Italian meat CUeiWNITCMPMolt • closets mashed potato, corn, peanut butter .sauce, .salad, buttered green peas, Italian M A K E A B L O U S E F R O M S C A R V E S! in our own shop to grinder, potalo chips, green heans. squares Reg. *1.16 per panel • doorways ehoeolale peanut hiilter cups bread and butter Gyp sy Peasant Prints your needs. Wednesday .Sweet and sour chicken, Wednesday: Hot open faced turkey Machine wash • Tum ble dry • 10 0% Co tton 2 r ’K21 " • room dividers Wednesday ,Iuiee, chef's salad with seasoned nee, carrots, fresh apple tossed gm'n cheese strips, ham and sandwich, mashed potato, corn, OVER 15 YEARS I hiirsday Pizza casserolen garden cranberry sauce, roll and butter. R E G U L A R L Y $1.4 9 E A C H hologna slices. boiliHl egg. lomalo and salad, peaches your Per EXPERIENCE! dressing, homemade roll. eluK-olate cake Thursday: Pizza, salad with dressing, Friday Orange juiee. fish sandwich, vegetable, variety of ice cream 97« NOW Panel • Easy to install-no special with Irosling [leas, frosted cake Friday: Chef’s Day tools required. Thursday Western, thin sliced roast WAISTBAND In addition the combo " is served daily On Pizza Day only, the secondary Call 643-5144 or • Hardware designed for smooth liiH't on sesame bun, pickles, french fries, as an alternate lunch with the exception A C C E S S O R IE S 10% O F F apple cake schiKils will also serve Italian bread and Golle/y trouble-free operation. of the junior high lunch periixi This in- butter Each meal offers a choice of stop in for a quote. I'riday Pizza, tossed salad, gelatin cludes liamhurg on bun. lettuce, tomato, POLYESTER NON-ROLL • Your choice of designs & sizes Willi lopping three desserts, and fresh fruit and milk is onion, pickle, sauce, potato chips, also available S4% Polyestef / 16% Rubb er 3 *49" NLim Ft»-/ xV.itViry, BfTr- O'JS ^I >A»fv,h<-sit- • Brass finished hinge's and The high school and the t'aplain Nalhan vegetable of the day. dessert and milk %"Wide Hale ScliiMil oiler a choice of main dish aluminum one-piece track. each (lav FIfiiDMitiirv Vernon Monday Hot dog. baked beans 1 CAFE N O U S 5 casserole, carrots, French bread, Ili^;li and Middle McCALLS* t ) W E C U T LU M B ER KoIxM-tsoll Scllliol applesauce Monday; Sloppy Joes on roll, potato BUY ONE MC CALL'S PATTERN & PLYWCX)D TO 1 HreiikfasI iiieiui Tuesday Taco, Spanish rice, garden AND G ET ONE FRCEI puffs, corn, apple erhsp with topping hREE YOUR SIZE AND 1 30" w ide per p a ir 431/2 " high M I8U All Flush Monday Juice, cold cereal .salad, lemon chiffon pie. Tuesday; Open roast beef sandwich, PUT CLASS 32" w ide per p a ir 431/2 " high *1136 Louver Louver 1 u e s d a y F r u i t , s a u s a g e link. Wixlnesday Pizza casserole, green gravy, potato rounds, diced carrots, PATTERN SPECIFICATIONS AT iHums, peanut brownies strawberry fluff tarts with strawberry STOP IN AND SEE US .scramhh'd eggs INTO YOUR A NOMINAL FEE! 36" wide per pair 431/2 " high *21.18 Wednesday One-half orange, cin- Thursday: Orange juice, salami garnish. OFFER FOR THE DETAILS 24» X 80*' *30410 *2140 namon roll grinder, garden salad, potato chips, pud- Wednesday; Italian spaghetti with MORNING! Thursday .luiee, apple turnover ding meat sauce, green salad, bread and Friday One-hall orange, banana muf- Friday: Macaroni and cheese, fish butter, peaches. 30»i80' 34.73 24.25 fin stick, cole slaw, fresh apple Thursday: Tomato soup, grinders, All Specials Are Milk, bread and butter served with all OBTAIN YOUR DIPLOMA BY JUNEI Milk each dav potato chips, fruit gelatin. "SERVING MANCHESTER OVER 50 YEARS ’ CASH a CARRY ONLY 28.86 meals Friday: Juice, fishwich, tartar sauce, 36” x80” 3840 potato sticks, pickled beets, fruit. Eni4 in FIB Sdwol Eipnalency Cbsses SPECIALS GOOD Kleinentary and Sykes at the AdaK Education Center. Classes « 9 be THURSDAYzAPRILi half louver-half panel Monday: Sloppy Joe on roll, potato thru SATURDAY, APRILS Rockville hospital notes sticks, com. apple crisp with toppping. always H rst quality fabrics d notions held every Menday thran^ TInrsday fraa & all panel also in stock. Tuesday: Open roast beef sandwich, 1*39 ajn. to 1130 u l starthii April 10. potato rounds, carrots, strawberry fluff , HOURS with topping. 48", 60", 72" widths also Admitted Monday Samuel Helsito, Street, Rockville MON.-SAT.7A.M.-5 P.M. Wednesday: Italian spaghetti with Tolland, Steven Benson, Oxbow Drive, Discharged Monday: James Buckley, THURSDAY NITES in stock. Vernon, Therese Boutin, Broad Briwk: meat sauce, green salad, bread and Tolland; Burton Chamberlain. Bancroft butter, peaches TILS Francis Dowd, Ellington; Charles Miller, Road. Rockville; Viqtor DeMattia. Vernon AduR School Ellington; Karen Neff. Regan Road, Ver- Thursday: Grinders, potato chips, Somers; Rosa Franklin. Ellington. fruited gelatin. For more Information call: non, Cecelia Poliansky. Ellington; Margaret Harrigan. South Street, Donald Russell, Warehouse Point; Karen Friday: Fish bites, tartar sauce, 875-1960 255CfHrBI8T. USE YOUR Rockville; Ruth Lafond, Tolland. mashed potatoes, beets, roll with butter, Any wMkdcy niPfiiifiQ W E A R E O P E N A L L D A Y SA T U R D A Y ! SnuHly, Ellington; Paul Smithwick, Birth Monday: A daughter to Mr and MANcmsm Ellington, Agnes Wormstedt, Court cookies Mrs. Robert Cote, Stafford Springs. Milk served with all meals. PAGE FOUR-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manc

MANgjgSTERJlVENlN^ HERALD. M an.h..,.. r„nn„ Wed.. Anril 6 ■(»..- P x .. P i tch i ng stro ng part New loo k with Indians Earl Yost Sports Editor with Cat h olic squad on dia m on d this season Label on both men stitches in his body, including 19 By LEN AUSTER proven otherwise he’s my No. 1.” make any noise we have to score of versatility as far as the outfield Who rates the title Mr, Hockey? scalp wounds and be lost every tooth S

ACROSS 63 Loop Answer to Previous Puzzle 64 Loud clamor 1 Author 65 Balaam’s IQUBLUJ Tt U n ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed,, April 5, 1978— PAGE NINE-B Wattd to 0if)r 4f W ^ fale $1 4„tos for Sato Sf Autos for Sato **” **61 Fleming mount nDQlaEi ts 1IT 4 Botheriome 66 Wagsrs Ta F 'll Charlee M. Schultz dut y Roinfi CASH PAID Immediately x*M ^sic4^Ep things 67 Curly letter uci Ic r c £ HI for gold iewelry and Dear Abby 9 Mental Dd i£ 1 WPI - TO ENv Y JIOAlN* diamonds. licensed brokker component DOWN an n A kin - BiCMii for over 1/2 century. Savitt (P»l GD II ra fin P.O.M.G. Jewelers, 3S 12 Breathe one’s 1 Thought (Fr.) n r L' l r.in tM lA ' - By Abigail Van Buren u U 'UJe UJON A moral' NQU)E didn't WB J(«$T OMCE r o kifcE Asylum Street, Hartford, 527^ last 2 Sights iin I HATE IT WHEN ounrour- shoP0/ OIU. 13 Artist’s 3 Bird home n VICTOR*/, TH0U6H EVEN WIN A DIDNT'? equipment 4 Rustic m R e A F i WE DON'T EVEN WIN To SET i15yiflAIB|> TW A ABBY: How do you tell a husband to SHUT UPT n • [T P PiPN'TWe? ' MORAL ViaORV After 40 years ol marriage, I have heard everything be has 14 Immerse 5 Cereal spike ,A MORAL VICTORV rno* r - Wi 15 Printer’s 6 Compass 1 1 c 1 Aooffls tor Rent 12 to say at lewt 15,000 times. I know all his war stories by 0 F T CPVfTW O- WAtdi HUj/TfONY OR U j OTH, measure (pi.) point .vuk m ’^^!^“ »ed-on-a-farm” routine, and his cures for 16 Circus ring 7 Half a score I 29 Folkiingar 49 City in Italit L ik e the rest o f THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - TONIGHT M toe lUs o f toe world. I have had it up to here with his 17 Historic 8 Hits with palm Guthrif 50 Fllghtlatt Bircb House Women. Central- loua, tong-wuded monologues on politics, religion, period 9 Notion 31 Pitrolium bird! Y®0 OUY5 ! ly located. Downtown b u ^ e s s -y o u name it, he’s an authority on the subject. 18 Colorado park 10 Dagger dtriv,tlv*i 51 Monkayt L/A-fi- ) Manchester. Kitchen 20 Tops out 11 Health centers He demands absolute silence when he’s watching a ball 32 Nitty privileges. Call 64P-2358. 22 Accounting 19 For example 53 Traval on game on television, but he thinks nothing of turning the set 33 Brim agency (abbr.) (abbr.) horaaback olf in the mddle of something I'm watching if he wants to 24 Noun suffix 38 Stimuliti BRIGHTLY FURNISHED say something. 21 State (Fr.) 54 Wading bird Roo - Central location, kitchen 25 Mountain naar 40 Star in VA^ULOVOJ UKie NO, I l^DULD NCrr LIKE crfe THE F IR S T T IM E i VE 23 Seas 55 Epocha privileges, gents only, We have &at most of our friends because of his ancient Troy Bl-Focale — By Ruth Marcus TTP UC7IN 7C7 J O IN NO 24 Poetic foot Scorpio 58 Potitiva pola EVB3 BEEN reference and security Icnow-it-all attitude. Who wants to be around someone who 26 College THE FRIENDSHIP DUMB CLUB/ NO W AV/ TURNS? CCMM W ITH A athletic group 25 Heathen deity 46 Aardwolf 59 Short tala- required. 643-2693 after 5 p.m. taiks all the time and never Ustons? I’ve listened to him for 26 Baleful CUIByKENHy^ (P U A D R U F IE N B 5A T 7V E . 40 years and I’m sick of it. 30 First-rate 48 Old Engliih graphic click (comp, wd.) 27 Fires (si.) TWO ROOMS - Furnished, 219 I’ve read your column for years. So has my husband. He pronoun 60 Noun autfix 34 Contemporary I CALLED THE T Center Street, One room at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IM LUCKY loves your humor. Maybe with humor you can offer a painter 6 9 ’0 11 TEMMI9 PQO-i VbU WOULD HAVE 211 Center Street. Mlution to my problem. Thanks for trying. And please 35 School 12 13 14 I DiDM'r dont send any* letters to the house. My husband doesn’t semester Your firqt MADE ME EAST HARTFORD Center - 36 Of equsi IS WIM A 8:3 0 P.M. believe in privacy-except for himself. 16 17 Attractive rooms. Maid ser- HAD IT score LE^90M 19 HAVE A bfiSYl vice. Refrigerators, 37 Raw materials IS 19 30 21 BASSIMET carpeting, showers. Free 39 Dawn (Sp.) 1 AT 3:30. DEAR HAD IT. It will take more than “humor” to solve 22 IM THE X.5 parking. Bus line. 41 Cask stave a problem that’s been building for 40 years. Obviously, to 42 In cese thet 1 Reasonable. 528-1776. T H E B L A R N E Y B O U L D E R w i l l b e 2S 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 W3: improve an ailing marriage both parties must be willing to 43 Name of a 1 1 r a f f l e... Aparlmonf for Rant S3 try. Professional counseling might help. If your husband thing 34 3. refuses to cooperate, you can either split, or “bear the ills 44 Female saint 1 1 w e i g h e d In M e r i e r t y B r e t h e r s l e t a; 3. LOOKING for anything in real you have, rather than Oy to others that you know not of." (abbr.) 40 Arf/ctos tor Safa Sf Artlrl»$ lor Solo 45 Christian 1 1 41 ArtleloM tor Sato 41 Dog§-Blrd$-P»ti 43 estate rental - apartments, 42 43 e n C e n t e r S t . symbol k Mm homes, multiple dwellings, no DEAR ABBY: Just a note to protest your approval of 47 Pigpen 1 1 ‘/ - s - uifW.m NCR CASH REGISTER - SOFA-72” . Quilted. Blue and 8 HORSE P O W E R Sears FREE 9 month...... puppy. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate giving gifts in someone else’s name: If someone were to 45 F 41 yellow. Like new. $275. Call 49 North Pole r 1 k Reconditioned, with many Lawn tractor, 36 inch cut, Shepherd/Collie, Spayed, Associates,, Inc. 646-1980. give Reverend Moon (remember the “Moonies’7) so much 49 SO 51 643-1225 anytime. discoverer «2 S3 54 56 Prlecilla’e Pop — Al Vermeer totals. Call after 5:30 p.m., $450. Circular table - 2 chairs, housebroken. Excellent with as a toothpick in my name. I'd likely go over and blow up 52 Eagle’s nest 1 228-3957, $50. H um idifier $40., children. To good home. 646- M A N CH E STE R - M ain his house. 56 Scamp 56 57 66|59 60 61 GOLD BOND BEST Sacro aluminum frame windows $10 2934. Street, 3 room apartment, 57 Sea duck I imagine you have a pile of letters on your desk 62 63 BERNARP WE BUT HES RETURNING MOLDED FORMICA top and deluxe queen size mattress each. Wood stove $175. After 5 heated, hot water, appliances, 61 Nigerian 64 HE CD ESNT REALLY Y ANP THATS A and box spring, 7 months old. concerning this subject, so if any of them agree with me IS HERE,,/ AREN’T SOMETHING HE . paneled bar with two shelves p.m. call 646-4646. gawking, no pets Security. 523- tribesman 65 WANT TD IvVAKE UP.' GOOP EXAMPLE.', CONNECTICUT ANIMAL (and most should), I’d appreciate it if you would publish 66 67 PEAR/ and four stools. 1175. 646-6028. $175. firm. Ask for Gary, 242- Welfare League has one year 62 Go to court SPEAKING BORRCWEP." HE'S INSINCERE/ 0741, 289-3106. them. old male, mixed, German INfWSFAPiR INTfRFRiSf ASSN) NEW HOME Sewing Machine A.P.E., MADISON, S.D. Building Supplloi 42 Shepherds, available for adop- FOUR ROOM Apartment - 426 - white and aqua, new cabinet, GOLF CLUB BAG - Two tion. 649-1326. Broad Street, no appliances, attach m en ts, $100. Cali wheel cart, two woods, five $155. Security oeposit. DEAR A.P.E. Some readers agree with you, but you're NATURAL STONE for anytime 569-2348. irons, like new, $65 . 646-2753. FREE ADORABLE Puppies - Married couple no pets. 643- the only one who threatened to blow up the house of Win at Bridge retaining walls, veneers, 4751. BURNEY BOULDER anyone who gave an unauthorized gift in your name. patios, etc. Pick up by the To good home. Males and ELECTRIC MEAT Sheer |20, BABY STROLLER - High pound or delivery by the ton. females. Call 643-1911. Silly double backfires Car Top Luggage Carrier, »25 chair, car bed, swing, MANCHEISTER - 3 rooms 2nd DEAR ABBY: A comment to BITING MY TONGUE, playpen, bumper pad, and Bolton Notch Stone (^arry, only did this bid warn his or best offer. Call 646-1718, floor. Excellent location, no the wife of the man who tells co-workers that he owns his Jumper seat, 10 gallon fish 649-3163. Uvestoefr 44 NORTH t/5-A opponents of the bad breaks, after 3:00 p.m. pets. Security deposit. Call own home, when in fact he is only renting it. tank and accessories. Call 649- ♦ A 10 3 it also allowed them to stop RIDING LESSONS indoor 588-1054 after 8 p.m. Ownership of property is a matter of public record. All TWO PAIRS of bucket seats 8004. If you’ve made a guess and it was » Q at a makeabie contract. riding ring. Western stock one needs to know is the address of the property and it cj^n a 10 8 ) from Pontiac. I pair red, I Dog$-Blrd$-Pal$ 43 family TREAT - First Kathy’s redouble merely seat, saddle seat, and hunt be looked up in the county assessor’s lxx)k. Other pertinent ♦AQJ752 pair white. Exeefient condi- TWO DOOR HOTPOINT floor, 2 bedrooms, with dining received by us by April 3rd you’ll want to frosted her cake. Of course, seat. All levels 228-9817, information, such as when the property was purchased, tion. $50 pair. 633-0131. Refrigerator-freezer, DOG-CAT BOARDING area. Appliances. Yard for WEST EAST she had to play the hand Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence automatic ice maker, side by bathing/grooming. Obedience how much was paid for it, the owner’s mailing address, and ♦ 9 7 4 ♦ KJ82 well, but that was just nor- Boala-Acceaaorlaa 45 children. Only $130. Call Ren- witness the actual weighing of Moriarty BOATING SUPPLIES - Petit side, green, 2 years old, protection classes. Complete tal Assistors, 236-5646. Small how much it is taxed is also available. ♦ AJ95 ¥10 6 mal. A5 THE WcKEE PILOT AND HIS CAPTORS 7 1’W NOW STARTINS T R EM EW B G R- Paints, Fiberglas Cloth and excellent condition. $200. Cali modern facilities. Canine fee, Bros. WTIC BLARNEY BOULDER and be If the man who falsely claims to own his own home has a ♦ Q J 5 3 2 * 9 The opening club lead was 649-2802 anytime. 15 FOOT LYMAN Upstrake LEAVE THB PARKINS L O T-TH IS TIWE ITS TO FOLLOW TH EW iy KEEP A S A F E ,, Resin. Johnson Outboards, Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon job that calls for in-depth investigation of his character and 3 K 10 9 8 6 4 won by dummy’s ace. De- THE KIDNAP CAR. TH AT’S REINS SECRET Road, Manchester. For reser- with 25 horsepower Evinrude clarer discarded the spade distance! they >• new and used. Outboard $375. Call 633-6867, EAST HARTFORD - the possible winner of a new 1978 assets, he is in deep trouble. For obvious reasons, l}dng SOUTH LY w a t c h e d ... - n MUSTN'T SUSPECT vations please call 646-5971. there ^ ! I Repairs. Capitoi Equipment, Luxiouriously carpeted 2 about such a matter implies a lack of integrity. ♦ Q65 five. She now passed the THEyRE BEIN6 . . 38 Main Street, Manchester, TAG SALES bedrooms, has all the extras. MERCURY ZEPHYR. So please tell his wife to stop biting her tongue so she queen of hearts to West’s TH E Y S O L . Qarden Producia 47 ¥ K 8 7 4 3 2 ;; 643-7958. POODLES - Guaranteed tiny Close to shopping. Call Rental can open her mouth and tell her husband what he’s toying ♦ A K 76 ace, the preliminary move THE' / ’VE SOT toy puppies and stud services JBKRy; TAG SALE - Saturday April Assistors, 236-5646. Small fee. with. a — to establish a cross-ruff. at fair prices. 1-423-8789. COW MANURE - $8 and $16 West switched to a spade, “ FOR SALE - Estate Items. 8th., 10 to 6, 46 Wedgewo^ loads, delivered. Gardens REAL ESTATE SECRETARY BACHELOR’S BEST Bet - Vulnerable; Both Kathy ducked, allowing .« Dining room set, excellent Drive, Manchester. Call 649- glowed. Call after 6 p.m., 649- " condition. Zenith coior con- 6143. FREE ADORABLE Puppies Only $100, including heat and Dealer: South East to win with the king. to good home. Males and DEAR SECRETARY: Thanks for the helpful Informa- East led the nine of dia- sole. good. Two A-78-13 tires, electricty. For details call tion. West North East South ' good. Power toois. Call 289- females. Call 643-1911. Rental Assistors, 236-5646. monds to cut down the possi- TAG SALE - Saturday April Anllquea 48 IV 5107. 8th., 10 to 4, 3 family. Fur- Small fee. Pass 24 Pass IV bilities of the impending GERMAN SHEPHERD Cross niture, dishes, many Pass 2# Pass 34 cross-ruff. But East was too - 1 year old. Male. FREE to WANTED. Antique furniture, late. ANTIQUE WOOD Parlor household items. 18 ft. boat WEEKLY SPECIAL - m o r i y b r o t i e r s Dbl. Pass Pass good home. Good companion glass, pewter, oil paintings or ^ / Rdbl Stove - $250. New velvet with trailer and motor. 33 Carpeted 2 bedrooms, with Pass Pass Pass Kathy won the king of couch, $300. 643-2097. and watch dog. Please call other antique items. R. dining area, basement, lots diamonds. She cashed the Carter Street, Bolton. Harrison, 643-8709. Astro-graph after 5, 633-9255. m ore. Only $180. Rental Opening lead: 3 king of hearts, trumped a LINCOLN Alley Oop — Dave Graue Assistors, 236-5646. Small fee. MERCURY By BERNICE BEDE 0 8 0 L heart, crossed to the queen By Oswald Jacoby of spades, trumped another could be loo impulsive. Don't AVAILABLE MAY 1st - 2 and Alan Sontag heart and cashed the ace of 'ATlS TVI'WW; ’i YtSOT THEN TAKE THIS \ SET 'KR OFF, Wlto YUH! 315 CENTER ST., MANCNESTER, CONN. 143-5135 repeat past mistakes in your WAV.' bedroom Duplex in excellent Kathy Wei, one of our spades, discarding a heart SET tRtJP OYER BROAD MLierr S...SHE'S 6QUI8HIN' “ c ! B U S IN E S S & S E R V IC E zeal to get things done. HIS 8H0UL WEIGH A - , location. Walk to shopping and greatest women players, from her hand. Now she bus. Full walk-out Basement VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Be needed only two more tricks _ WHOOPS.' adventursome today and you'll was headed for a minus with laundry hook-ups, small score. But this minus would to make the redoubled con- Wantad to Rant 57 discover, much to your tract. pet acceptable. $270 per j!Stc'Irs^(^‘ u5a™ T 7lan d »oforcyclaa-Blcyclar’'M surprise, you have talents hid- not be a calamity. The game month. 646-6297, 643-7023. April 6. 197B She led a club from WIDOW WANTS 3 bedrooms, Auto Body, 528-19W. den in areas where you've was match point duplicate 1973 BMW - 750, electric start, Condilions appealing to your always relied on others. and every other North-South dummy and discarded her GLASTONBURY - 4 room heated and appliances. No low mileage, good condition, adventurous spirit will be in the last heart. West, left with children, no peta. 649-4656. 1969 PONTIAC Custom S - LIBRA (S e p t 23-O ct 23) You're pair would also get in trou- apartment, heat, hot water, extras, asking $2500. 742-8823. offing this coming year You nothing but trumps, had to Power steering, radio, needs likely to seek to postpone ble because of the bad adults, references, no pets, will have full control as to which rather than meet issues ruff. He was forced to lead body work. $395. or best offer. ones you'll take advantage of breaks they all were running available April 15th. 633-0588. squarely today. It will only work into. from the Q-J-5 of diamonds DIRECTORY 6492503, 643-0057. ARIES (March 21-Aprii 19) Dele- Campara-Trallart against you if you try to find too into declarer’s A-7-6 and Sanricaa ORarad 31 Sarvlcai ORarad gating authority is something Then good old West came Sarvicaa ORarad BOLTON NOTCH - Nicely fur- Moblla Homaa 65 many excuses. there was no way to prevent 31 Building-Contracting 33 AUTOMOTIVE FORD GALAXY 500 - Body you prefer not to do. Today to her rescue. He doubled CAM TREE SERVICE - Free nished three room apartment. SCORPIO (O c t 24-Nov. 22) You her three-diamond bid. Not Kathy from taking two of the REWEAVING burs, holes. fair. Engine good. Best offer UTILITY TRAILER - 4x8 your premise is right: no one may be too much of an eager- estimates, discount senior ED'S LIGHT Trucking - attics CARPENTRY - Repairs, All utilities included. Mature *******••••••••••••••••••• can look out for you better than last three tricks. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. by April 15th. Call 6492170 feet. Good condition. $175. beaver today. You'll be much citizens. Company and cellars cleaned. remodeling, additions, gar- gentleman preferred. Call Autoa for Sale e i after 6:00 p.m., ask for David. you can. Having trouble select- Berry’s W orld.______'N K W .S F A P K H E NTK H P HIS F .AS.SN ) Window shades, Venetian Reasonable rates. Call 646- after 4 p.m., 649-9093. Call 649-2111, after 4:30 p.m. more efficient if you pace your- Manchester owned and blinds. Keys. TV for rent ages, roofing. Call David ing a career? Send for your self. o|)erated. Call 646-1327. 1943 for free estimate. 1973 OPEL MANTA - 4 copy of Astro-Graph Letter by Marlow s, 887 Main St. 649- Patria. 644-1796. 1977 DODGE ASPEN Wagon - SAGIHARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. The Flintetonee — Hanna-Barbara Productions 95 WEST MIDDLE Turnpike - cylinders. Good condition. mailing 50 cents for each and a 5221. 7,500 miles, V-8, am/fm, air, Automollva Barr lea 66 21) Looking for fun things to do WINDOW CLEANING - SHARPENING Axes, chain LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - 4 1/2 room Duplex, heat, elec- Automatic. $1695, or best radials, many extras. 872- long, self-addressed, stamped will be the diversion you need Wheter It’s your office, store saws, mower blades, grass New homes custom built, tric stove, refrigerator, gar- offer. Cali 875-4537. 4417.______^______envelope to Astro-Graph. P 0. today However, you'll have ODD JOBS DONE - Cellars, ELM MOTORS - Toyota, Dat- or residence, call Quality shears, house shears and remodeled, additions, rec age, lease and security Box 489, Radio City Station. more success if you avoid I'LL BET V o J'LL BE attics, garages, yards sun specialists, factory MV 'GROtJT*'HOSPITAL Maintenance Inc. lor your knives Lawn Mowers, rooms, garages, kitchens deposit required. Call 649- PLYMOUTH VOLARE 1974 CHEVY IMPALA - Small N.Y. 10019 Be sure to specify places where big crowds glad TO GET HOME cleaned, moving, trucking trained, one day service, 114 birth sign. spring cleaning needs. Fully Rototillers, Tractors remodeled, bath tile, ceement Premier 1976 - bluewith wood V8 , 35,000 miles original, gather. AND BACK IN YOUR „ lx)am lor sale. L^wn service. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) insured, estimates. Why not Repaired. Capitol Equipment, work. Steps, dormers. wain, luggage rack, slant 6, $2200. Call 646-4985. East Main Street, Rockville. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) OWN BED, EH, CLYDE ? j HAP HOPED for/ No job too big or small. 568- 38 Main Street. Manchester, CENTRALLY LOCATED - 871-1617. You'll only have to do later that There’s no need to have a chip make an appointment with us 8522. Residential or commercial low mileage, power steering what you sweep under the rug TV today. 646-8845. 643-7958 Call 649-4291. One bedroom apartment. and brakes, electric rear win- CAMARO - 1978 Z-28, Black on your shoulder when dealing Heat, hot water included. No •SkWSSftWW: today. Attending to things as with authority figures today. dow defogger, standard shift. with gold pin stripe, am/fm 8 they occur is the solution COMPLETE CARPET A Tile children or pets. Security. Nothing will be refused you if TENDER LAWN CARE - installation and repairs. Free CARPENTRY - Custom Must be seen to be ap- track radio, 4 speed, 9500 GEMINI (May 28-June 20) It's Call after 6 p.m. 643-0580. preciated. 6499868. you appeal to their sensitive Specializing in ALL phases ol estimates. Call Pat. at 646- Painting-Paparing 32 Houses. Additions, Garages. miles, $6100. Call 742-7664,246- important to mingle with new 2575. Smooth-Fit feelings Lawn M aintenance. 3745, after 5 p.m. Roofing and Siding. Kitchens, and different people, but today AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) EAST HARTFORD -5W 1969 MUSTANG - 351 Shrubbery trimmed. Clean ROY BRADLEY - Interior / Bathrooms A repair work of don't ignore a friend of long- Suggestions ol others may be ups. 647-9260, rooms, no pets or utilities. automatic, for parts. Best 1974 FORD GALAXIE 500 - EXPERT FURNITURE Exterior Painting and Paper all kinds. Call Robert Jarvis standing for someone you met selfishly motivated today. Security deposit. Call 2892028 offer. Call 6334)131. Deluxe, 4 door, air, midnight refinishIng and antique Hanging. Estimates Free. for an estimate. 643-6712. recently, Carefully evaluate all ap- anytime. blue, very good condition. CANCER (June 21-July 22) ihlCOME TAX Preparation, restoration. Free estimates. Call 646-2388. proaches before moving in a $1950. Call 5^7952. Challenges are something 10 years experience, business E Ix)veland, 649-8963. 1972 CADILLAC Coupe de specific direction and personal. Reasonable. PAINTING - interior and ROCKVILLE - Clean five Ville - 62,000 miles. Original. you'll respond well to but may PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImnay 34 rooms in private 2 family $1800. Call 647-9137. not want to handle today. All Home service. 563-2051. BRICK, BLOCK. STONE - exterior, paperhanging, TOYOTA - 1977. Celica ST. 4 Take advantage of all your home. New stove and speed. 7,000 miles. Rust problems should dissolve eas- material opportunities today. If Fireplaces, concrete excellent work. References. BIDWELL Home Improve- Born Loser — Art Santom refrigerator. Adults, or 1971 FORD Station Wagon - proofed. Like new. Call 649 ily under your direetton. you're bold and enterprising CARPENTRY REPAIRS - Of Chimney repairs. No job too Free estimates. Fully in- ment Co. Expert installation all types, 27 years experience. working couple, no children, Automatic transmission, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your your chances for high returns small. Save! Call 644-8356 for sured. Martin Mattson. 649- of aluminum siding, gutters outlook is far-seeing and cou- Call .lohn Lessard, 742-9059. no pets. 875-3761. power steering and brakes, look quite good. estimates 4431 and trims. Roofing installa- rageous today, but you also ------^ low mileage. $1100. Call 649 1972 DODGE DART Swinger - (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) tion and repairs. 649-6495, 875- OENUInc 'WJP WHAT PIP \ PS5T-P5ST-K5T- MANCHESTER - 3 room 2130 after 5 p.m. 2 door hardtop. 6 cyliiraer. ALTERNATORS, STARTERS QUALITY PAINTING and 9109. Bugs Bunny — Halmdahl and StofftI eim\. There’s something apartment - centrally located, Automatic, power steering, 'CO I^ARWIM SCHOOL & GENERATORS - Our work Paper Hanging by Willis Mod p / ^ lor everyone In today’s a^ltances, no pets, security. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN Bug - air conditioning, snow Ures. TDCAT.AWeOY? is guaranteed, so why buy Schultz Fully insured, SPECIALIZING cleaning and New exhaust, good I Classified Ads. Check cLsewhere and pay more’ references 649-4343. Asking $1995. between IMS EABYs got AUTBiMATlC ) STEP repairing chimneys, roof, new mechanical condition, $900. them out lor super Quality Auto Electric. 985 9 and 4, after hours, 563-4613. ICE-MAKER, AUTERMATIC y THIS WAV roofs. Free estimates. 30 THREE BEDROOMS - Se- 6499868. buys. Main Street, Manchester TOM FLANAGAN - Painting, Years Experience. Howley DBTOSTER, AUTERMATIC... 3 rS K 3 N TH' cond floor. Carpeted. 1973 DATSUN 240Z - Mags. (rear) 649-8159. interior ' exterior. Papering. 643-5361 PAPERS PER General Repairs. Fully in- Appliances. Heat included. 1972 FIAT 850 convertible, Am/fm. Must sell! Family Our Boarding House — Carrol & M cCorm ick Bus line. Parking. Swurity excellent condition, $1000. expansion. New paint, radials, GWEAT/ 150 LAWN SERVICE - Mowing, sured Call now for Free ROOFER WILL Install roof ILL TAKE CARPET INSTALLATIONS - Estimate 643-1949. deposit. No pets. $275. Keith New paint, new tires, good shocks. Call 6495652, after 6 EASV raking and shrubs planted. siding or gutters for low dis- Real Estate, 646-4126. top. 6499868. p.m. IT/ BAY- ifiA P ASTitEY RACE UP THE ■JJlII Stair ,shlfts, repairs. Carpets, count price. Call ken at 647- STAIRS NO ONE COULD BELIEVE i steam cleaning. Free simates. Reliable. Call evenings and MENT5/ weekends. 429-3018, Eric. HAVE YOUR Cape/Ranch 1566. THEVRE PIFFERENT fiENERA- 649-6265. painted for $150-$200 by MANCHESTER - 4 room Trucka lor Bala 52 apartment, heat, hot water, TtON$! WE RE 6EE1N0 scheduling now. Professional 4-> 1 WILL CLEAN your home or tM iiiw ixUNTY jrtE^ORV MAPEIjtt ODD JOBS - cleaning cellers considers any Job. 289-9287. stove refrigerator parking, 1974 FORD COURIER Pickup and attics, moving large apartment - Call 644-9049, evenings or weekends, Don. Haating-Plumbing 35 convenient location, no peta, VOlKSWiMa -35,000 miles. Can be seen at PEaUF' between 9 a m. and 2 p.m. $195 monthly. 643-0030. 801 Parker Street, appliances. Also stone or loam ROUTE M , delivered. 644-1775. SEWERLINES, sink lines, Manchester, or call Robb at, BUT WHAT W IL ^ WATERPROOFING J.P LEWIS & SON - Interior Vamon-ManchMtor Uiw cleaned with electric cutters, Homaa lor Rant 54 6496400. 8:30 to 5:00. 1 VO WHEN ONE Basements, foundation and exterior painting, Haathcliff This Funny World ROTO TILLING - l.awns and by professionals. McKinney J49-26M •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 T H E C H A M P cracks, hatchways, tile lines, paperhanging, and itTs T tm a caica szaie gardens roto tilled using rear remodeling. Fullv insured Bros. Sewage Disposal Com- PURCHASE OPTION - State- Motorcjrctoa-Stojrctoa 64 ANP THE OTHER end tiller. Average garden. sump pumps 30 years ly 4 bedrooms and basement. 4 cyl.. automatic, rad. 649-9658 pany, 643-5308. THAT WONY be V WADDAYA TRYM* T^ DO... l$ T H E N O .l $12 Call 568-6878. experience! Charlie and Al Formal dining room. Great turn 4"^ NECESSARV-TM RXIL UP OUR WHOLE CHAUEN6ER? 648-4953, 242-5915. price, only $M0, Call Rental 2 Dr., 6, auto.. PS. yaUow. PAINTING, Interior, NO JOB TOO Small - Toilet OPERATION?? Assistors, 2395646. Small fee. i«n uwm nm mm GOING TO OAV THE Exterior Best workmanship! repairs, plugged drains, 4 cyl., 4 ap., cot^ graan. 7 kitchen faucets replaced HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1973 WHOLE THING Quality paint! Lowest prices! WIGHT , INCOME Dan shea. 646-5424. repaired. Rec rooms, CHILDREN h PETS ItTSmiAniT S27M FX-1200 - Built by factory Welcomed. Coxy 2 bedrooms 4 cyt., automatic. AM-FM radio, engineer. Branch heads, 8351 NOW/ bathroom remodeling, heat lunrootyeltow. u torn modernization, etc. Free with parking, appliances, and Barnett clutch, aluminum / TAX Estimate gladly given. M & M plenty of extras. Only $185. rocker rollers, Mikuni car- Building-Contracting 33 Call Rental Assistors, 239 buretor, balanced blueprinted Plumbing & Heating. 6492871. 1969 PLYMOUTH Sport The sm ooth-fit of this 5646. Small fee. motor, transmission. 871-2511. princess dress with side WES ROBBINS carpentry Satellite convertible, mags, FRANK SCOTELLA - Plum- pleats makes it so nice SERVICE remodeling specialist. Ad- automatic V-8, great cordi- bing. Repairs and LAKESIDE - Lovely 3 to wear. ditions. rec rooms, dormers, tion, $775. or best offer. 649 ^ it No. 8351 with Pboto- Remodeling. Faucets, bedrooms, with fireplace, 'W RITER* built-ins, bathrooms, 5341. Gaide is in Sires 38 to 50. vanities, hot ater heaters. appliances, and more. Several ARE never kitchens, 649-3446, TRIUMPH 1978 Bonneville Site 40, 44 bust . . . 4 DIRECTORY available. Call Rental IMPRESSED" t^ i Prompt service, on emergen- DATSUN B-210 -1974. Yellow, 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and yards 45-inch. cies. 643-7024. Assistors, 2395646. Small fee. CUSTOM CARPENTRY - recent tune-up. New exhaust. rack. $1,750. 2894042. PatUrm availabU only ______INCOME TAX Preparation - Homes, Additions, Repairs. Radials. Great condition. Any in m a t sAotent. PLUMBING, HEATING. ORleaa-Btoraa tor Rant 55 Experienced, personal se^ Cabinets. Call Gary Cushing. reasonable offer. 643-95a, 1977 MOPED - Excellent con- n MtU. imi UM tm eaeft Short Ribs — Frank Hill Sewer Cleaning - Repairing & vice at vour home Dan 345-2009. keep trying. dition. 600 miles. Must sell! I S94 m pMtifs aai Remodeling. 24 Hour Service. BOLTON NOTCH • For rent, Mosler, 649-3329. or 525-8263 Best offer. Call 6492094, after AfW WIFE HATES M E , <^AHEAD -njRNME ^ ^ L E A S T THE/ WON'T Call 28914m . Free Elstimates. small rustic bam, suitable for CHEVROLET Monte Carlo, w w auiwatT OH YES,THE/WILL, TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY 6:00 p.m. MVKICSCONT RESPECT JN10 SOME7WINS. fEABLETOKICK M E store or office. Parking. 1973 - am/fm with 8 tra<^, SWEETIE/ • ALLAN T KEELER S tax Carpentry and general con- Ilia Ate. at Awertcat ME-’TOJ KING OVER------D ANYMORE. , Inexpensive. 1-223-4460,7 a.m. TAKES M E.' servicb Tax returns done in tracting. Residential and excellent condition 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 1000 - Nee Teik, H.V. WSSS - 9 p.m. t. asking $2350. CaU \ o the privacy of your home. Call commercial. Whether it be a flooring Like new condition. Must sell! MM Neet. MStew c to ZIP ttBC 35 643601 betweenween 2 and 6 p.m. ctif, nrM anew m4 iitt. 8^1781 for appointment small repair job, a custom Any reasonable offer con- C 1»78 M «N a i«M Syad.. tm . S-5 built home or anything in 561^1317 after 7 p.m. sid««d. C«U 649tW .',aftor p ie Fan 4k Winter tl, FLOOR SANDING and ■ ' ll i|- (yf------,— _ TAX PREf^ARA:*^ between., call refinishing. Floors like new. OmCE SPACE 6:(mp.m. • BASIC FASHION ea>- "Murray I They let you play throughl” 1971 GREMLIN - 3 speed, re- taiee a Boeaa Caepaa. 0 TION - Ebipehenced. At your (Sp^ializing in older floors), CARPENTRY & Masonry • FOSmENT cent exhanst, battery and NEW HONDA CB 360 T • Blue . Price . . . $2.66 a copy. home service. Reasonable, staining floors. No waxing. »»• iq»*r* l»«t, c » ic r ol Additions and remodeling. front brakes. Rebuilt Purchased 2 weeks ago. Only Add $2.66 for tiic New Call Walt Zingler for appoint- Also ceilings and inside pain- 'w e w tfr Fur MA6C0T6 oh e u M U e o M carps." Free estimates. Call Anthony transmissiott, good tires with 300 miles on it. Most sell! SUCCESS IN SEWING. ment 646-5346. ting. John Verfaille, 6496750 Cragar mags, adtingiaSO. 649 ;i'| Squillcote, 649-0611. after 6 p.m. Asking $825, or best offer. Warranteed. 643-4815. PAGE TEN-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchegter, Conn., Wed.. April 5, 1878 Cost of liability i nsu ra nce zooms in Ver n o n Manchester schools echo The costs for liability insurance for more than 10 years ago. Zackin said the insurance costs for sion to renew the contract with for cost-of-living increases as deter- Washington interns 1 the Town of Vernon more than Zackin said the Insurance Advisory the current fiscal year are expected Anthony Botticello of Manchester for mined by the state labor department. Doris Stiebitz of 2 Loveland Hill doubled in the last year, Arnold Commission account was established to run to $232,000. The council use of a refuse disposal area in It also states that in no event shall a Road, Rockville; Alice Creelman, 41 With the sou nd of Zackin, chairman of the Insurance by ordinance and the ordinance budgeted $130,000. Ellington. decrease in population or a decrease music Allan Drive, Vernon; and Robert Advisory Board, told the Town Coun- stipulated that money in it be used Zackin said the big increase in The first contract was signed in in the cost of living index formula, Blake, 9 Jolly Road, Ellington, are in cil Monday night. for educational or charitable lability costs is not just common to By JUM.: TOMPKINS the Orff system with listening and 1969 and renewed in 1974. It comes up result in a reduction of payments un- Washington D.C. this week par- on the high school level. The in- Zackin explained that there is a expenses. Vernon. He said other towns are Herald Keporler traditional theory. for renewal again in July, 1979. der the contract. ticipating in the Connecticut Senior strumental students can choose to 152,000 deficit in the insurance ac- The money in the commission's ac- being deluged with workmen’s com- There are six elementary music Mayor McCoy said the newest The refuse area is located on the Intern Program Inc. participate in the concert band, the count and the council voted to count came from funds paid as com- pensation claims and such. Scales sung in solfeggio, arpeggios teachers offering classroom music in agreement did not state when Bot- east side of Sadds Mill Road in The program is sponsored annually marching band, the wind ensemble transfer 132,000 into it from the missions for some policies. Zackin Mayor McCoy reappointed the In- on violins and cellos, choral har- addition to three instrumental ticello had to be notified of the intent Ellington. It consists of 30 acres. by Connecticut Sen. Lowell Weicker. mony, percussion rhythms, flute (selected by audition), instrumental Interest on Debt account, but did not said he didn't think the council could surance Advisory Committee and teachers for band and strings. The in- to renew but the old one said that one A solid waste management plan for liie three are among some 50 per- sounds and mellow tones from the ensemble (used for school musical), approve transferring the remaining use these funds to cover the deficit in said it should investigate the strumental instruction is in addition year’s notice must be given, in the Capitol Region, is now under sons, representing Congressional French horn. and three vocal groups which include $20,000 from the Advisory Com- the insurance account. possibility of sevral towns getting to the required 30-minute music writing, and received by certified study. Mayor McCoy said he thinks Districts 1, 2 and 3. During the week Sounds like a music conservatory? the regular choir, advanced choir, mission's account. Mayor Frank The mayor asked town attorney, together on insurance coverage. period. mail. the area is at least two years away they will meet with senators and con- They're sounds of music coming and Round Table Singers. — McCoy said money had been building William Breslau to study the or- Refuse contract The charge for use of the area has from starting a recovery station and There is also the sixth grade glee up in that account since the town dinance and report back to the coun- gressmen, tour the city, and attend from Manchester's schools. The choice of electives is more ad- been $2 per person per year. The con- even further away from having a dub and, new this year, a Select vanced and offers class piano, har- governments were consolidated The Town Council Monday night briefings dealing with problems of About 5,000 elementary school cil. tract also contains a clause allowing transfer site. I * Choir made up of sixth grade mony and theory, folk-rock (an ap- gave Mayor Frank McCov permis- the elderly. students are given 30 minutes of students selected by audition. musical instruction each week in preciation course), sight reading and By the time a student enters junior even conducting. Area plan vocal, instrumental and listening. high school, he can choose from if a student wishes, he may pursue Listening, an integral part of the several electives in music. The an independent study of electronic music program, is a development of choice includes guitar tat llling for space musical awareness and includes body music. Junior High School only), electronic Although the study of music begins movement to express rhythm, tempo music, keyboard (chord organs) and reviewed and intensity. in kindergarten, the hard core or a stage band which plays dance traditional music instruction — Vernon Elementary music teachers use music. the Orff system mostly. It is a par- notes, time and key signatures, etc., The Town of Vernon's Singing continues under instruction tiegins in Grade 3. ticipatory program in effect for in each of the junior high school Open Space Plan is being "The healthiest picture is in the several years. Orff instruments in- grades. Annual concerts provide op- review^ by the Conserva- elementary grades where the growth clude xylophone-like instruments, portunities for the youths to perform. tion Commission and will potential really excites me, " says wooden and metal glockenspiel-like Singing groups and the hand be discussed at its next instruments, vibraphone, hand Michael Orfilelli, music supervisor meeting, April 25. frequently provide musical for the school system. "We feel thni drums and rhythm instruments. The background for the junior high school The plan has been complete musical program combines prepared by the Planning drama department, or participate in Department with the help school talent shows. —See l’ii({e Foiir-U of other town agencies. It Music becomes more sophisticated recommends that the town use some of its Bureau of Timmy Melroy, left, and Tom Conklin, Grade 2 students at Martin School, Photos by Outdoor Recreation (BOR) learn rhythm through body motion. funds to buy the DUNN and PINTO Tankerhoosen Gorge in UHhon T-5000 Talcottville. The price for that is $93,000, half of Tennis Racket which the town must pay or Patented damper system reduces make land donations to the unwanted racket vibration. town of comparable value Csidor Reg. Price...... 49.88 Csktor Sale Price...... 39.70 instead. Wiiion Msii-in Rebate...... 5.00* The Tankerhoosen Gorge consists of 40 acres south of Interstate 86. It has an YOUR old mill on it and a hard FINAL wood forest. COST The plan also recommends buying the 25- *Sm c/«rfr tor dtU llt. acre site on Thrall Road, off Route 83, at an es- Wilson “Match Point’’ TennlsRalls timated cost of $240,000. Bright yellow; factory fresh / The land would be suitable great for all-surface play...... Can of 3 for recreation because it is in a flood plain and has marshlands and a small Unisonic Deluxe pond on it. It is near the Hockanum River also. 12-Digit Memory Another action the plan Printing Calculator suggests is for the town to try to obtain easements or development rights for a Our linear park along the river. Reg. 89.99 © The Town of Manchester is Gives you a permanent, printed record in 2 colors. 4-key memory, initiating action for such a more. park along the Hockanum in that town. 60 Page Other items suggested in Magnetic-Mount NEW FASHION RAGE the plan are: Extension of F. Satin Disco Jacket Valley Falls Park to Bolton Photo Album Glamorized base- Notch and Walker Reser- ball styling. voir; asking or requiring A. Sundress with c. Girls’ Skirt ’n Shawl with hoods, front Our ^ j. Boys’ Tennis Shirts Our . 1. Ro«i. Tricolor crew-neck. developers to leave open Matching Shawl or Fashion Slacks powder blue S, Reg. 6.77 Colton/polyesler in Our 277 space for each project, Flouncedup polyesler/cotton plisses The grown-up styles Our Reg. G. Satin Gym Shorts blue, white or maize. Reg and calcultas, plus tailored styles with 5 9 9 Sizes&ie 3.H and, if there isn't enough Trouble-free way to display msdidsandcom- 7.991 all your precious pictures. out shawls. A sunworshipping group in bmalior7s.Stzes714 B.99 Elastic-waist pull- land, requiring them to sizes5-15,10-18, ons. tor the boss Our Reg- \ K. Boys’ Tennis Shorts Our Reg 12.99 to 14.99 -'Rocky” look 5.99and ' Polyester double- Our donate money equivalent Acetate. S.M.L. 6.99 *0 D. Ladies’ Knit Tops knits in wlhte.Mue Raj^ 397 to the market value of the H. Ladies’ Terry Knit Tops or maize. S(zas8-1& land that should have been Arrow All-Purpose Collar-detailed poly- L. Girls’ Printed T-ShIrts Your esler/cotton blends Our 5 4 4 Absorbingly color- reserved; guided growth Heavy Duty Staple Gun are fashion classics. Reg. lul Hooded and CrewnecKs with novelty Choice S,M,L. 6.M coliarod styles. Poly Reg. silk screen designs. Our should be practiced also. ester/cotton. S.M. L 5.W ■ Polyester/cotton. R«l Sizes414. 2.R Open lioiisc I. Fashion Skirts I. Misses', Jrs.' Corduroy Shorts Our E Misses’, Jrs.’ Pants M. Girls’ Boxer Shorts In o b se rv a n c e of Reg. 16.49 with Shawls to Match The live-ins of the Waistline interest season, with fly "Rocky" inspired Michael Orfitelli, center, teaches the art of making music "National Week of the All steel gun has hundreds Breezy ruffle-edge shirt lakes cover pants withbefts. OurReg.l front, belt loops Our gym s l^ s w ith Mrs. Mary Kalbfleisch teaches John Maulucci, a second grader at Martin School, rhythm on an Orff instrument. under matching ruffled shawl. Sizes sashes, cinches and 9.99 to Cotton Sizes5/6 Rag. contrast trims, with an electronic synthesizer to Bob Schaefer, left, and Chan Young Child," the Vernon of uses! visual-refill window. 516 to 15/16. Our R«f. 12.99 pockets 7/81015/16. 12.99 10 15/16. 4.M ■ ■ Side slits. 7-14. Living and Learning School Booth, eighth graders at Bennet Junior High School. will host an open house all this week. The school is located at Vernon Circle. Gerbil-Diet Food MASH DAY WONDERS! Octagon Officer Yelz Our will lell how Reg. 55c ‘ t W Liquid 10 or Size, special nutrient mix Detergent lo slop crime Cat Litter Tray Vonion 77!460. k. Officer William Yetz of Our ^ 4 4 Black &DeckBP For dishes or fine fabrics. the Vernon Police Depart- Reg. 1.98 I Heavy-Duty Hedge Trimmer ment will be the guest Large capacity; empties quickly. Dynamo speaker at the April 10 Our 0060 Liquid meeting of the Vernon Oster Clipper Kit Reg. 44.99 V A Detergent Area Chapter 2129 of the Makes 3600 cutting strokes per minute! 3-position safefy switch. Our American Association for Our 1 1 ^ 3 llZ rZ rO yT O JAM fFM Blaok&lkGkBr Retired Persons (AARP.) Reg. 17.67 I I % “MlnhTiller” Planting Heavy-duty detninf power. Officer Yetz will speak Keep vour dog groomed by yourselt Clock Radio and save' on crime prevention. The Cultivation Attachment Now Cold Powif meeting will start at 1:30 ., Power I Motor Filter Our Reg. Cordless p.m. at the Rockville Electric 29.99 Our &393 United Methodist Church, Our Q99 Reg. 124.99 GrauShear Reg. 15.49 W Wakes you to music or alarm; sleep, W1710L Grove Street. doze arkl tone controls. Lighted Aerates fish tank as it filters silently. Includes planting 8 cultivating tines CMr'i Hulpsy«uuv«onho( The group is planning a clock face, more. and side shield. LowPriet,13” bus trip to Boston on May 23 and will sponsor a defen- sive driving course May 15 and 16 at the church. (!’on- (( tact Elmer Martin, 872- I 3827 for information about the course and Anne fMogicChtC Misaiko, 14 King St., 875- 5560, for information about the Boston trip. 30” Gas Range T'mir pluiined The Rockville General Hospital Auxiliary will sil »7o ^196 sponsor a tour of the Big 25" oven with wkxkw, ight University of Connecticut and n o ^ edge. Lift-up top. Health Center in Far- Magic O ld 3 ir Gas R m mington on April 18. «Mi OonUmieufrClMi (M a A bus will leave the Shop- Cassette Record/Play Itog. 269.70...... 9239 ping Bag parking lot, MWjcCO N O tm toU tn- Rockville Center, at 9:45 AM/FM/Phono Stereo System ▲ « IpiDon OaiRaigi, a.m. and will return about Tapw cassettes from receiver, built-in turntable iSg.39339.70...... 9289 and live" with 2 mikes. Foam-front speakers Records 8-tracks 3 ways—from AM/FM stereo receiver, 3- 2:45 p.m. Lunch will be Our Reg. 199.99 nd"five...... ■■ HANQESATSMaAkSAVMOl I served at the cafeteria of ’167 llElJVBWAHDeCTaU*T10W0fTI0NM.aTEXimCHAI>Ct I the health center There will be a nominal charge 3 WAYS TO CHARGE SALEPWCES for the bus Seats are 1. CALDOR CHARGE EFFECTIVE: limited. Any member in- MfEDNESMY 2. ma st er CHARGE Kim Wright gets a lesson at Buckley School from Curtis Coolidge, music tcachci as terested should call Mrs. 3. VISA/BANKAMERICARD t U S T o M T n p l i T rt O lf a e p f k i GaMr tfn Pattie Clegg, a CETA employee and elementary music teacher, shows Charlene Donoluic Jackie Fortin. 875-0891. STORE HOURS: MON, thru FRI., 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. *SATURDAY, 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. »SUNPAY, 11 A JI. to 5 P.M. SATUKMY Sarah Robinson, French horn player watches. the correct arm position for bowing the cello at Nathan Hale School. Kim Temi)le obsci vcs.

.y PAGE TWOC - MANCHESTER EVENING HKRALD, Manchester. Conn., Wed.. April 5, 1978

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed.. April 5. 1978- PAGE TtlKKK-C Cohen-Brunetti VitaUMcCallum Slop t Shop Coupon I Stop A Shop Coupon Slop A Shop Coupon Stop A Shop Coupon j Vis ccMxm and a $7 50 purchase VWh the oomai and a S7.50 purchase 1 I With ihB coLOon and a $7 50 purchase Carleen E, Brunetti of Manchester and Richard Zane ; With this coupon and a $760 purchase ; J Shop Early For Your Passover S eder\ Cohen of Farmington were married April 1 in an evening Marcia Eloise McCallum of Branford and Manuel Half Gallon Half Gallon ceremony at The Colony in Talcottville. Francis Vital of Groton were married April 1 at Shepherd aldoti Skippy Israel Matzo»%’ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo of the Sea Chapel of Groton. Sun Gbry , Stop & Shoe 2^9 Brunetti of 130 Wyneding Hill Road. The bridegroom is bathr oom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Cohen of Longmeadow, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. iPeanm Mass. ^ GeSilte Ush99^ McCallum of 13 Morse Road. The bridegroom is the son Judge Jay Rubinow of Manchester officiated at the ^Ice of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vital of Marlboro, Mass. Tissue double-ring ceremony. The room was decorated with iris Butter Borscht- oo* and white roses in wicker baskets. Peter Buscemi and 4 Pack Capt. Lucian Brasley of the U.S. Sub Base at Groton Creami JJreamy or Chunky 100% Pure Cake Mixes ad pkg 99* Soup Nuts UanM. n lOn? MAa Tom Tracy, both of Longmeadow, were guitarists. and the Rev. Eric Gothberg of Gales Ferry officiated at 500 sheet-1 ply roll Assorted Ravors The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a the ecumenical double-ring ceremony. Royden Wilkerson 18 o u n c e jar All NaturaU Macaroons»r.?gteg^^ qq fitted Qiana gown fashioned with high neckline, long of Old Lyme was organist and Mrs. Stanley Stawski of lC Ironi ConceiUigE^ tapered sleeves and a bodice of re-embroidered lace and Glastonbury was soloist. seed pearls in crescent design. She wore a matching lace and seed pearl trimmed cloche and carried a single The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an IKWl! orchid accented with spider ferns and stephanotis. Beet Ravioli ivory gown designed with Bishop sleeves, organza with il 10V?oz or CheesGi Mrs. Barbara deBlok of Manchester was her sister's re-embroidered lace bib and accordian-pleated lace trim, 258: | | Our best quality. cans Chef-Boy- matron of honor. high neckline, hemline trimmed with lace and a chapel- (I I ') 256 s«n> c ~ i "®*2 =B» Good Sun Apr 2-Sat.Apr L Good Sun Apr 2-Sat. Apr 8 qc*^ I Good Sun Apr 2-Sat. Apr 8 V<: V '. . Y, c' , ! ! . ! *; Steven Bazzano of Vernon and Adam M. Cohen of length train. Her fingertip veil was attached to a re- Lrw one pAg per cusiomer Umit or»e cin per cusiomer tO / > Lmut one lar per customer Good Sur\ Apr g-Sat Apr 6 'lOzSi ------— — umrt orw ctn < DT%.d Hospital. His maternal Coffee Cake Omamon 140/ lofrf Stops Shop220/pkg est Mass Her maternal great- Mr. and Mrs. Francis ____ r ______69“ P i n e a p p l e P i e grandparents are Mrs. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Raymond of 24 Kristoff of Glastonbury. WI S HBONE L OW CAL ORi B Dai sy Donuts 11'//04/Ke oM 2^ 55' Brownies 9'// tjunca packag?^ 89^ John Murphy of 32 2189 UBERWOODahkcmI •WUT UFI t VM 9 b $ ■ iw e e tC o m 7 ‘’l His maternal great- SALAD DRESSINGS .,».ozx Highland St, and Carlton P, Ridge St. His paternal PoUodEOOr grandparents are Mrs, ASSORTED CANDIES ,. • OZ. BAOS ^ * c €) King of Wethersfield. She grandparents are Mr. and CANNED H A T S l( Fresh Green Fresh California Edna Parkins of Florida BEW KHMIUST BBT^ • SWEET UPE SOUO PACK # Q ft Fresh California has a sister. Corev Eileen Mrs Stanley Mazur of 160 DOG FOOD. VAa...... »*A02.CAN 2i89« health & beauty aids We have your favorite brands, and Joseph Schoen of East CgMDKETSMM 3. Loomis St. His maternal SWEET LIFE WHI TE TUNA IN OIL...... 7 OZ. CAN " Fillets Hartford. S0 8 9 COFFEE APO...... LB. CAN HUD $ 1 0 9 California Squid ?,'o?.“:‘1.79 Beans Leeks SWEET LIFE RED OR RIPPLE • HIOZEN FOOD A DAIRT • TRASH BAGS ...... lOCT.PKa ^ Shrimp Cocktail ‘ 1.59 one TampaxTampons O ilo fO lW POTATO CHIPS SWEET UPE STEMS S PIECES # ^ f lf t All Green pound B IO ’S NZZA n o n ,.*1.09 Cookki Rsh Cakes 89* Regular or Super Beauty Lotion SWEET LIFE ewrrrirt "•" ‘ I®* MUSHROOMS lOtCAN^*" ■ Extra Fancy pkg 40 count package 4ouncebottfe LAST THREE DAYS. 41*1 SHUT Urt MMBi MOB 1 enai Mem 2/79‘ 49 Fb. MEDI UM SPONGES UMMMn TtflMMBII^ MR til OIANT AS OZ. PEO. $129 W N m i lU rn ftl l«.HM 2/89< COONTV PAI R CHEER DETERGENT ■ Woak 1 of Mcond and last cyd« inb Rim Processing Special Funk & Wagnalfs BI6 WHITE BREAD .. MOZ.LOAP31*1 COMOHTIEtOlStlfSn BB* Han h aki Waatic Sale $ 1 9 9 COESTESKUANraZA >.*1.69 EKCOETERNA® 2gth ANNIVERSARY BUNBHt NE ^ S Q f t • PRODUCE • Bringinyour film and Hamper Qoldor WMe ea TheG^ t Stainless Tableware CHEEZ-IT-CHACKEBS ,.isoz.pKa CUPCAKES?:'' i,.7 9 ‘ im kit^yourFree VigaL BUY NOW AND SAVE $ ' NarSCOFTEEHai ».4/*1 BAKMG POTATOES 7 9 * Laundry Basket Chocoble or Yetfow m.ArdBts‘199 u^Vt* ““ “ Free Vi gaBon of Pepsi with each roB of DiliiBerFd LVSOi MOOOMZmO Blow TASTLnBES«n. Floral Wastebasket Choc or YelOMf new** This weak ii»i79* TOMATOES^”' 59* k»lor print film brou^ in for processing Satin Finish LIQUID CLEANER „<>z ■ RKSKU3«n« ORANGES ■HTOfu 8/79* ttss week onfy. April 2e. No coupon required Round Wastebasket Picasso Wilha$3XX) rinses clean BDORt OLO $149 KENLKSTu., ,,.•1.09 3ook #1 Van Gogh avail 69oawaDtivior«tioitDatn 'Copurnril I97S Iv Stop! Stap SipuniwiiMi Alniw> (ddwvM NM mporMM lof (ypovipfM imn lYtOL $ 1 $9 CKESERDUSS;. ».99< NAVEL ORANGES 6 / 8 9 * SPRAY OISINFECTANT t... ■ u ,h 3/*1 917 MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER k------OPEN THURSDAY TO 9 PM. 2(3lltM (T inipiillKt Rti.S3t 30yirwinQrcl6 .10 p jL MML-SaL i U L-S p.M. SUNDAY MANCHESTER •EAST HARTFORD *VERN0N. Ain.-10 p.m., 9 a.m.-S p.m. SUNDBY PAGE FOUR-C - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed . April 5, IW8

n iK ALL FOOD MART STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 4 P M * '« “ ^vooRVAtuEMc«ocmcuuR 25th wedding anniversary I IR the STORE. WHILE SUPPLY LASTSI 3^ K\MILV'« I l.U.97 l..\\\Y K K Betty’s notebook Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Falco Sr. of 62 Hamlin St. celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary recently. Harry’s will left his FOOD MART [“ “ BUnER By Betty Ryder The couple was honored at a recep- “personal effects” to tee I I FOOD CUJ^B - U B. PKG. Q UARTERS tion at Fiano's Restaurant in Bolton friendly lady next door, 10.7 OZ. CAN - FOOD CLUB hosted by their son and daughter-in- and the rest of his estate to law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. relatives. Among his COUPON Falco Jr. of Manchester; their son- assets was a $10,000 cer- Remember my telling you last week about “ Soap are back from a most enjoyable trip to the Philippines in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. tificate of deposit at a local Tomato Soup 11 Opera, a new play by Eva Wolas which was presented at Mr. Vernier is the son of Mrs. Gertrude Vernier of Fort Maurice Dumont of Manchester; and bank. Should this money go WITH PURCHASE CJf $7,50 OR MORE AND THIS COUPON AT the University of Connecticut last week? Well, it was just Pierce, Fla., formerly of Manchester, two other daughters, Kathy Falco of to tee neighbor lady? FOOD MART, EXCLUSIVE O f COUPON ITEMS. GOOD SUN APRIL » APRIL B. LIMIT ONE CAN - I one of the funniest plays I ’ve seen in a long time. Mr. Vernier was born in Manchester and resided here New Jersey and Joanne Falco at After a court hearing the BONUS! It was the outrageous confessions of a modern until a few years ago. This was his wife's first trip home home. They also have a grandson, judge said no, ruling teat a _F/^LY . ^ ^ *' COUPON PER American housewife complete with two surprise to see her family in 12 years and the couple also spent a Stephen M. Falco of Manchester. bank deposit did not qualify . . j . few days in Tokyo and some time in Hawaii. The couple was married Jan. 10, as “ personal effects.” He The cast was super head^ by Tina Young as Mrs. Des- From Florida, Mrs. Vernier wrote that she has been 1952 a t St. Jam es C h urch in said the phrase generally mond, tee housewife who fantasiz^ under the influence enjoying the articles “ about your wonderful trip to Israel Manchester. Mrs. Francis Litrico of means items that are of two Enquirer personalities, Liz Taylor and Jacqueline and I am so happy you got to see so many unusual and Manchester was maid of honor, and ’’worn or carried about the Kenedy Onassis. beautiful sights. You make it all sound so real I can Julius Falco of Florida, Mr. Falco’s [^rson or (have) some in- ^ Food Mart Leaps Into Spring ^ true-to-life Liz, and Ms. almost visualize some of it." brother, was best man. Other atten- timate relation to the per- Wolas dialogue kept abreast of all the political events in dants were Mrs. Rose Ericksdn of son.” WALDBAUM S which the real live Liz is currently involved. “ A n n ie ” Manchester, Mrs. Falco's niece; All too often, language Mary Cadorette, Miss Manchester 1975 and also Miss Nicolas Bousanti of New Jersey, Mr. that seemed to be plain With Great Food Values All Week! Connecticut that year, played a beautiful Jacqueline with If you're not busy on May 17, why not join the New York Falco's nephew; and William English at the time a will all the elegance and sophistication attributed to the City Bus Tour and go and see the hit Broadway musical Moletich of Colchester. Food M art was written turns out to be > former president's wife. ‘Annie" The trip is being sponsored by the Women's Mrs. Falco is employed by the ambiguous later on. “ Per- The play, about a woman attempting to escape the Council of Realtors here in Manchester and the bus will Manchester Police Department. Mr. sonal effects” is a typical boredom of her life as a housewife by inventing in- depart at 8 a m. from McDonald's parking lot. VIVA HEINZ Falco is employed at Pillowtex Corp. source of dispute and CAKE GENERIC teresting and exciting people to help her make it through For information concerning cost and reservations con- in Manchester i Herald photo by litigation. Seeking its 'SWEET theday, was very capably directed by David Heilwell. He f^ tt Susan Critz, B&W Realty. 164 E. Center St., at 647- "NO FRILLS" Dunn) meaning in a particular TOWELS had directed “ One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, " f^*® FORA JOYOUS PASSOVER. KETCHUP MIXES situation, courts try to find OECDRATDR DR ASSORTED L A B E L “ Inherit the Wind" and “ Godspell," to name a few, at R s a work day, but I'd sure like to play hooky Food Marthas brought together a DUNCAN HINES telltale clues in the sur- UConn, 1M COUNT JUMBO ROLL 14 OZ. l o m i PRICES .Vlr. and Mrs. Lawrence iVI. Falco rounding circumstances. wonderfully complete selection ALLVARIETIES-IIWOZ.PKO. Handsome Luke Lynch portrayed a believable police Take another case. A A R E officer, although it's best we don't attribute all his ac- of Kosher-Parve foods. woman left her daughter tions to that honorable profession. E V E R Y D A Y “ my personal effects of MRS. ADLER'S Mrs. Desmond's laundry friend, the washing machine, AVIV every kind and description, 4 S ‘ 3 B « LO W PRICES played by Tom O'Learv. brought many moments of including silver, linens and GEFILTE laughter as did the .scenes in the living room when Liz china.” Did this include an MATZO FISH Food Marts was trying to convince her that there was more to life automobile? 5 LB. PACKAGE FCCD CLUB APPLESAUCE 39* WESSCN CIL than housework. 24 OZ. M R The court decided that it The scenery, lighting and costumes were tastefully CCFFEE m»«wil ihou«i ‘uoI'cIS’ *2.69 ROOOCLUR did indeed, awarding the TCMATC JUICE not. eoTTLii GENERIC done; the east tremendously talented. “ Soap Opera" DEL MONTE car to the daughter.- ROODCLUB A fx . FRUIT CCCKTAIL UOZ CAN 89* definitely falls into the R-rated category. - AOKSACN• " 2 CRUSHED TCMATCES NOZ.CAN 4 9 * LABEL DBLAtONTE YILLOW Reason: The woman must 2 BETTY CNOCRIR 1 only have one regret and that is that the show is over. ILIC E D O R have had a broad definition MACAROONS ^***o*if^&coiiu7**** 'tim CLING PEACHES HALViS After telling my co-workers about some of the highlights, 2 ic.'’«’.8 9 * GCLDEN GRAHAM CEREAL 69* of “ personal effects” in P I t T I V I PRODUCTS of which there were many, they want to see it, too. But, 1 SLICED PEACHES UO Z . CAN M o n tin i mind, because silver, DEL MCNTE PEARS 2'c‘.'!.'. 89* PANCAKE MIX ROOD CLUB 1101. We’ve peeled away the understand, Eva Wolas, the .successful playwright and FESTIVE RACKAOl 49* linens, and china obviously FRUIT COCKTAIL I t 0 2 . C A N first woman television pr(xlucer of such shows as would not be worn or frills to offer you a no- PEAR HALVES FiSTIVE Playhouse 90 and Pursuit, will soon be headed back to Los Tomatoes carried on the person. Angeles to continue her work there. B&M nonsense way to save. Caruso w In one unusual case the Food Chib Gaylord Food Club Let's hope she will return again soon and let us enjoy Mrs. Adler's Manischewitz WHh owner of a large yacht left her fine work. Bttll his “ personal belongings BORSCHT MATZO BEANS Soda Peas Tuno MEDIUM - EARLY JUNE Salad Oil 'Large Eggs and household effects" to n oz. JAR 5 POUND BOX 90Z. ALL FLAVORS CHUNK LIOHTINOIL Hack in lo w II CANS 04 OZ. ROTTLE J B I'oz. "PICK rouB owK" m m pr ooucii his widow. Rival claimants OUNCE CAN Had a note from Ann Mongell of Manchester informing ' argued that the yacht was CANS me that her son. Bob, a keyboard specialist with "A ll in 59 too major an asset to be NEW AT FOOD MARTI the Family," a pop rock/disco band, is currently covered by such a vague •3.“ FESTIVE B 7 as*’ as*= STRAWBERRIES BY THE POUNDI appearing in the Pallette Lounge at the Holiday Inn in expression. PEACH HALVES ItO Z . CAN FOOD CLUB East Hartford for a two-week engagement. However, the court held .O Z .C A N I MRS. W EIN IfR O S TCMATC JUICE .P A C K CHOPPED LIVER lO Z CUP MAC. & CHEESE DINNER 5 CALIFORNIA - RED RIPE LUSCIOUS Bob started taking piano lessons at the age of 7 from |N> that the yacht was included Mary Bawabe, formerly of Manchester, a neighbor, who, ooocl ui and must therefore go to GOLDS SCHAV koohcij.. 49* INSTANT CCCCA ' ■*« MASHED PCTATCES HUNORY JACK 89* with her husband and daughter moved to Israel when the the widow. Pointing out CHICKIN •■■F OAIINT 0> ITOCK V H IT A A L II state was just an infant. Prince that the deceased had been MELLO JELLS RACKAOE 59* LIPTCN LITE LUNCH -o. . pa« ZESTA SALTINES 59* Strawberries The band was recently written up in The Richmond a very rich man, the court ROKEACH CAMMILL'I (Va.) News Leader by staffer Jim Mason who wrote, said it could have been Manischewitz CHUNKY BEEF SCUP 1101 CAN FCCD CLUB RAISINS •-«« 69* "Mongell plays some interesting orchestral patterns that ■ riiidFinast100%5 i IUU70 rure Pure perfectly natural for him FULL c Spaghetti it FISH POUND really fill out the band's sound, working out on his to consider a mere yacht Egg M otzo OLDVIENNAWHITE U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED ■ GRADE " A " machinery an electric piano, synthesizer and string Regular, Thin or Zlti With Lines too insignificant to read JELLED REOUUR 12 oz. PACKAGE ensemble " liOrange Juice [ I special mention in his will. 27 OUNCE CAN Others in the band are singer Allyson Herkc, formerly A pulilir service feature CALIFORNIA FRESH - SWEET TASTING of Westport; Jeff Gaynor, guitar and vocals; Peter I of the Anierieun Bar ^icken Leg Quarters Bagnoli, drums and vocals; and Mike Petrell, bass and I Asaoeiation and the •1 .*® i Chicken B reoit NAVEL ORANGES background vocals. Conneetirut Bar Assoeia- POWERS FRUIT SLICES L'ifcS! 59* The group has been playing the circuit for a couple of tion. Quarters______Fre sh Pork Bon ele ss JUMBO years, having appeared at Grossingers in New York over WITH WIND SIZE the Christmas holidays and has just returned to Connec- c ^5 ticut from Blacksburg, Va. fVA news WAIDBAUM'S M.r. sm f Dim We ll have to .see if we can stop in and listen to Bob and Italian Chicken LUSCIOUS • VINE RIPENED "All in the Family" while they are in town Lundy Q — I rece ive d an CHEDDAR SWIFT PREMIUM Sausage More Values From The Finast! honorable discharge after PORK CANTALOUPES W I'li'oiiK* liiu'k To m a t o P a s t e Breast completing a two-year Cooked Ham CHEESE ANDSHOULDER Dm Udo Richmond Spaghetti 2.i5i1.00 enlistment. Am I eligible VERMONT SHARP (FORMERLY JUMBO Hear that Mr and Mrs. Ronald Vernier of Glastonbury SLICEDTO ORDER SHOULDER ROLL DAISY ROLL) >7 SIZE Rich to receive a headstone or *1.49 .$ i Viva itaiian Dressing. .. . IT79* Flavor Skin On U t aA. CHOtCi BBIR CHUCK cans H $. grave marker even though ^U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF^ U.S.D.A. CHOICE . BEEf '\ Colorr ta. . . '^65‘ Motor $^09 Bread Crumbs I had no wartime service? TOP BLADE STEAK College notes ; Skinless SEMI-BONELESS SEMI-BONEIESS FRESH GREEN BEANS l . 49* Richmond Tomatoes "r,3'c".^^ 89*' Sweet Grated Cheese Parmasan . . . 1.49 A — A headstone or U S D A CHOI CE e a a p U I (XTIIA MNCV WAIHIHOTON ITATI MO 0» OOIDH *,1.79 NOVA SCOTIA LOX HAND CHUCK CUBE STEAK Tomato Sauce Hunt ’s ...... 5 ^ 1.00 grave marker is available SLICED DELICIOUS APPLES 2i«89* Tomato Puree4 Co™...... ^^59* lb . CHUCK U S 0 A CHOICa BBIR iONILIII PLORI OA F MI H for any deceased veteran CHUCK David E. Kaplan, .son of Mr and Mrs S. B. Kaplan of ALASKAN LOX HAND SLICED Crushed Tomatoes poo. .. ^^59* Mr. Deli Favorite! of wartime or peacetime CHUCK ROAST '.To'.", c*1.19 CHICORY OR ESCAROLE 3*«‘1. 126 Adelaide Road, has been named to the president's U S D A CHOI CI L A R O r B I I I > service (other than active GENOA SA U M I sliceoV cT^deii honor roll for the fall semester of the 1977-78 academic CAEANM STEAK RED FWPE TOMATOES duty for training) who was ROAST CHUCK STEW BEEF l .*1,29 49* year al Rice University, Houston, Texas COOKED SALAMI TOOROEI U. t . O. A CHOI CI M I A A IT O H I j L l X U l l l l l l From Baker Street / Top Round steak .^£1. Coo k e d H am discharged under con- SALAD DRESSINGS •OTtil SLI CI O BEEF SHORT RIBS c*1.19 A R IIH FLORIDA ' , Among the students named to the dean's list for the ditions other than dis- GERMAN BOLOGNA TOOROIE OUR BUT ITALIAN ITYLI DOMESTIC 78*’ 70^" LB- RED RADISHES u i-* cr uo »aoi * first semester .it Barrington College, Barrington, R.I , honorable. L 08 39 $. ROAST BEEF SLICED TO OeOEK BREADED VEAL PATTIES c. 99* NIW cnop FIOIIOA are: VloilfiV Werklieiser, daughter of Mr and Mrs. F r e s h P o r k S p a r e r ib s Lean, Juicy Q — Are all patients POTATOES .??. •A’lir.V Li*-p9* Kiciirird C Werklieiser of 211 Castle Road; and Matthew Domestic eligible for reimbursement SWISS CHEESE FJOROLAND VEAL PATTIES OUR B I S T FINI MOUNTAIN W h it e B r e a d of transportation costs for COLONI AL U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEP COLONIAL MASTEK Hennigan, son of Donald J Hennigan of 2:t2 Ralph Road FIREPLACE LOGS BUR NINO . a 89* S w i f t ’s Pepperonis,«.n»,» visits to VA hospitals? CREAM CHEESE VIOtT.«Llt CHICKEN BOLOGNA BONELESS Finest Genoa SaiamiSi^^...... ,2.19 COLONI AL ITEMS OF THE Janet Grace, daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Grace of An- A — No. Only veterans PBODKl WltKI Round e t a CHEESE SPREADS '“0 ^.;;'.° CENTER CUT BACON Smoked dover, a freshman at Seton Hill College in Greensburg, Itaiian Hot Ham...... ^1,1.39 with service-connected dis- CHUCK TROPICAL OELIOHT FRESH HEALTHFUL Top 20 oz Pa., was elected recording secretary of the college's Whole Veal Breast 99? 4rallsMe Oelf In Stores Nfrtk Senriee DeM. abilities or those on an CREAM CHEESE SCALLIONS Lvs assigned and scheduled in- CHUNK LIVERWURST Sheulder MANGOES OR t Q i t lovernmenl Association SHENANDOAH STEAK TURKEY BAR WHITE MIAT Miss Grace is a math and engineering major Her new itaiian Bread ...... '^,39* come level can receive UNDERBLADE WATER ADDED PAPAYAS EACH j y IW H EA E CHUNK BOLOGNA reimbursement for l ‘'H O r BAGELS (FREE RECIPES AVAILABLE IN ALL FOOD MART position requires her to take the minutes from the student Engiish Muffins "dX,__ 1.00 Semi Boneless Ham s3:H7^ AVAILAELEI -NEW’- MARLS FLAVORED senate meetings and do .some publicity for government- transportation expenses. COLONIAL BACON • 3B le PRODUCE DEPARTMENTS) , Q — Does a veteran have OEM 1 L6. sponsored events . i*. to pay NSLl premiums if CHILD MILD FRANKS Pork Steaks .,99« FROZEN FOODS Rosemary Chadwick ot 688 Center .St . received a O v e n R e a dy he/she becomes disabled? GALOREf mm, mm daibyi Finast Sliced Bacon ,1.59 SWIRT' S master in business administration degree at Boston a — A waiver of franks c. 99* beef franks RRI MI UM Finast Bologna ,1.09 premiums is authorized CRINKLE CUT University's School of Management in .lanuarv R ib R o a s t GAYLORD n o i n PI ITC •ol oona-lunchion t4 Ar» ILM FLORIDA CITRUS W A d Armotf Skeed C A e I when a veteran becomes M OZ. PKG. V./VJLU OUlO COOKED SALAMI RAR LI * 1 .09 PORK SAUSAGE BREAKFAST Ms Chadwick majored in business administration Beet Liver Skjnad & D evem ed...... ib v S e I POTATOES U.S.OA Choice continuously totally dis- ORANGE JUICE MRTOn'* m y Cheese Pizza 9^ i| SAUSAGE Beal abled before his/her 65th SAUSAGE PIZZA je.cr 89* CANADIAN BACON ILICiV ‘ O' *1.59 I Ritw 9 thru 12 Ground ,1.19 i | l birthday and remains total- CREAM CHEESE iSi 59. SEAFOOD PLATTER TASTE OSEA B O t O B N 'l V IL IO W OR W H ITI I In the service ; | ly disabled for six con- «02 ^KO AMERICAN SINGLES *1.39 secutive months. Applica- / FKfSH BAKIBY i DIUCIOUS SHACKS! KRA RT NATURAL ■ ' I tion for waiver should be BROCCOLI SPEARS 3 .ko. *1. ^ HIAITH AMD BIAUTY AIDSI Navy Interior Communications Electrician 2. C. • CHOCOLATE YELLOW 0 « O O U I L l CHOCOLATE FOOD MART MUENSTER SLICES . 0. r ,. 95* submitted to the office PAULY Gregory Hoffman, whose wife, Cathleen. is the daughter SARA LEE CUP CAKES - I 01 PACKAGE 79* 12 OZ . « where the veteran's in- ENGLISH COLGATE ISeOFF CARAWAY MUENSTER Hi 89* of Mr and Mrs. Clememnt Martel of 72 Uinders Road, PKG. LABEL surance records are RICH’S CCFFEE RICH CARTONS 4 99* OP« East Hartford, has completed a specialized Interior Com- MUFFINS TOOTHPASTE 702. TUBE LUCKY WIP roipmo 65* !> located. CHANGE JUICE 3..89' munications Electrician Course. He is the son of Mr and F r e s h C a li f o rn i a OAriORD l}OZ CAN WHITE BREAD 5,?, 59* TOPCO ALCOHOL Bomii 3 ror^1. CHEESE BARS liWOMO HV 55* Mrs, Allan Hoffman. 53 Loomis Hoad, Bolton OLAZEORJSLLT DCNUTS eOSTOH eONNIE fO Z RACKAOE C M iatl • SALAMI IWIII The eight-week course was conducted at the Naval SUGAR HONEY GRAHAMS 'tS'l 79* RIGHT GUARD deodo r ant79* STICKS onV yV m V hiiii aonion TORCO Hi 95* Training Center, Great l,akes. 111, Im p orte d, Porce la ln>Cla d Pinochle TCP FRCST FISH CAKES FOOD CLUB MIXED NUTS *1.49 S t r a w b e rr i e s COSMETIC PUFFS XSS:: 59* MARGARINE ■aeuuR He joined the Navy in September 1973. ST i OSI RM HCCD ICE CREAM 'I OALLOM CARTON MOOO ALL PUVOni From The Ocean To You! “FirslOf DebonaireCook Manchester C H I I S I S A M U M H A M IU R O A R f R M R O NI COOKIES eu‘ .SSf,’ o i « "HI' 79* CHILDREN’S ASPIRIN iome 33* SWISS STYLE YOGURT 3 c'u*;.89* iC roRco HOOO COUNTRY 0 * U R O R CURD Top scorers in the [TCP FRCST PIZZA KfIBLIR The Season’ TUC CRACKERS 69* DANDRUFF SHAMPOO •O TTLI *1.19 CONTIUlSlR and Serve Wsre Manchester Senior Citizens COTTAGE CHEESE *1.39 H a ddock Fille t Pinochle Group game March Manchester schools echo This Wsek’s '•m t« rtgn 10 IM MM 10 3 pogi ol any lum o u tp l d m oHorM lot h N not tvMlMo In moo lo« oi M otwr toMO OoMn or ntwHotlon Not roogonoHOo (Of lypognpMttf orrori Quart 30 at the Army and Navy Qub r"”" 1 Tu. t» rLU.w ~ Feature are Paul Schuetz. 653. Mary ___ 1| IL.U. »l 1«qt $799 1 $ 4 3 9 Delicious WRh Finest Doesert Shels Hill, 601, Bea Cormier. 591, Frozen ■ each 35* eff 25* eff (Cuntiiiiied from Page Oiie-Cj Hope Secor. 589, Caroline II 20* eff II 20* e ff |l 20* eff ON A IN COUNT PKG. 11 ON A M OZ. PACKAOE | ONAUWOZ.PKO...... 19* o" ff 15’eff -10* eff Fredericksen. 588, Clifford ON ANY BAD I ON S - M o z . PKOS. ■ ■ AM A 1 I a BAA I B BETTY CROCKER ON A I I t l . iA O ON A S L I. IAO ON AN M OZ. PKO. the music program is growing and moving ahead. " Hammond, 585. Ann Fisher, "TOP cr est- Fresh Oysters S ta vw d • can 1.59 Fre sh Tom a to e s UPTON jjC a p tih iC n iiic h j JELLO j j G o ld e n R ip e 583, Hans Fredericksen, 578, POTATO Gold Modal Goals for the future are for a broader based elective Red Ripe wild DOMINO WHEATIES program to include history of music, the humanities, C h i e k e n ^ S e a Cam Vendrillo. 555. Lillian TEABAGS II CEREAL | PUDDINGS a FainHy Carlson, 550, Al Gates. 548. BIRD FOOD BUDS FLOUB mini-courses in music period. Orfitelli's dream for the Pek pkg. I I C M - QUAKER OATS I PIE FlUINCS li SUGAR 11 CERUL Bananas Vincent Borello, 545. wm Tw c w >Nn ! . m tm. cm rm t i fm aun. ' future is to see the string program grow, provide more _ II MtaiuOrOTln 2”mm TM.2 ca* M tu fm. u v t. I I WMI TMi CeofM A« PMi aeari.. l | w r a TM* C«we« ai PbiB Mart. | | wmi TMarmt Cwepe Af Pm R iWari. |I | I WMi m TMTM. CeraMCfoooo At « PeotfOMO Morf. Mon | I | I wimwmvmcmmmtiPMtumt. TM CeraM At PeeR Mart. I Vernon M r" » TM» < I I MiB ML. AorM 1 rarv j f _ | tm., AprN I TRrt | | eMB S«M, Apr" I TRr» I | Qaet S*R.. AprMt m opportunities tor ensemble or madrigal groups, have Whiteliina I M .M rK A U W I M .M rN A U iM ls«4., Apr" I. LkM | fPt . AprH A LMM I Set.. ApA4 iT m Winners in the Vernon specialized voice instruction classes, a male chorus, and W hH e Gra p e fhiit SaM White Senior Citizens Pinochle Club composition. (non tournament March 30 at the Some of Manchester's young musicians will be heard in [Finast ■NMfi ra w Or Water Senior Citizens Center are Bandorama at the Manchester Bicentennial Band Shell 48el Camille Poggie. 631. Bill June 14. Playing in the Bandorama w ill be band members $89* 7 oz. can Farr, 630. Frieda Weber. 622. of the elementary, junior high and high school bands. and Joseph Fetko. 589. 410 W EST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Pnce««fl«tiv»Aort2 fniAjHB. 1978 We r«Mrv« the rigN to im i quantities Not msponstda6 for rypognBihied9 arTors MANCHESTER PAGE S IX -C - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed.. April 5, 1978

MiMYCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed.. April 5. 1978 - PAGE .SEVEN-C Business Legion First District - f fetes leaders Saturday Everyfhins's ’7 7 good for State Bank 8P^lN4lnro Nathan G. Agostinelli. president of who know the town and who understand in to A testimonial dinner honoring Manchester State Bank, has announced the problems are making decisions on First District Commander Anne Coining Up that 1977 was a record year for earnings loans and financial matters. We never go Howell and First District President Income was $60,796 or 81 cents per share, out of town for a decision. This is impor- Laura Freeman will be held Saturday net income was up 132 percent, which was tant to our customers.” at the Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Post of rnore than double the bank's previous Agostinelli also expressed appreciation the American Legion, Legion Drive. high. Manchester State Bank’s previous The honorees serve as commander to the directors, stockholders, customers record-breaking year was 1976, with ear- and loyal bank employees for their con- 86TI0 N and president, respectively, of the ShopRlte nings of $26,229 or 35 cents per share. tributions and help in 1977 and looked to American Legion posts and In releasing the figures Agostinelli said, 1978 with optimism and continued growth. auxiliaries throughout Hartford and "It is obvious by our growth that the need The bank's annual meeting will be Tolland counties. By virtue of their for a strong, reliable hometown commer- Friday, April 17, at 6 p.m, in the bank's offices, they also serve on the cial bank is evident, local bank executives main office at 1041 Main St., Manchester. executive board of the Department of jh re e li Connecticut American Legion and its . Cm*•«Mim tM HN M te» ladies Auxiliary. ShopRite Assistant secretary #P f 5:5?^ N. gtete « teMM Co-chairmen of the event are First District Sergeant-at-arms Mrs. Mary Mrs. Dorothy K. Morganson of Vernon has been ap- BONELESS BEEF ROAST SALE! K. LeDuc of Manchester and pointed assistant secretary of People's Savings Bank. Sergeant-at-arms Frank Raimondi of DOES IT Mrs. Morganson has been associated with People’s for 12 West Hartford, years. In her new position, she will serve as the officer in A roast beef dinner will be served charge of the bank’s Rockville office. at 7 p.m, followed by dancing until 1 A resident of the Rockville-Ellington area all her life, p m. to the music of L«u Joubert, A G A IN ... she is a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church and MNEIESS IEEF< Ms. Howell resides at 91 Legion treasurer of its Altar Guild, past president of Rockville Drive, East Hartford, She is Our latest 20 page Emblem Club No. 5 affiliated with the Rockville Lodge of employed as deputy collector of Elks, member of the Rockville General Hospital taxes and revenue in West Hartford full color super Auxiliary and has been active in Red Cross, Girl Scout since 1969. She attended Rutgers circular is, as usual, and Cub Scout activities. University, enlisted in the U.S, Air People’s Savings Bank, founded in 1870, serves the Tri- Force in August 1962 and completed filled with storewide City area with branches in Rockville, Vernon and Vernon Anne IVf. H o w e ll Laura D. Freeman Circle. BOASTS basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. .She attended teletype savings. If you did and means committee since 1972. She Mothers, Commission on Junior school at .Shepard Air Force Base, received the Distinguished Service New CofC member Texas, Air (o Ground Com- Girls and department chairman for not getacopyof Award from WRCH Radio in 1972. this commission. She was depart- • B O n O M ROUND (BEEF ROUND) munications .School at Westover Mrs. Freeman, who resides at 36 our latest 20 page Robert D. Charnas, president and owner of National ment chairman for the merit awards, D o ro th y iVlorgunHon Media, 341 Broad St., is the newest member of the (Mass.) Air Force Ba.se and served Edmund St. with her husband, with the 8th Air Force at Westover Americanism and Education and , Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. • SHOULDER (lEDCHUCK) Eugene, has been employed at U&R Scholarship Commissions and is sup^ circular and in Vietnam. Ms. Howell received National Media is one of the largest advertising agen- Housing Corp. for 19 years. currently serving as First District an outstanding performance cer- in the mail or in the jcies and marketing firms in New England. It handies (B aicH ucn She joined the Veterans of Foreign vice president. • BONELESS CHUCK tificate from teletype .school. national accounts such a Fruit of the Loom, BIC Pen lb. Wars Ladies Auxiliary in 1954 ser- Mrs. Freeman is a member of newspaper, limited She joined the American Legion Corp, and Monsanto, regional accounts such as Northeast ving the local auxiliary in many South United Methodist Church and Post 96 in West Hartford in 1970 and chairmanships and offices and was quantities avail­ Utilities and Taylor and Fenn, and local accounts such as .served as adjutant, junior vice com- formerly served 10 years on the of- Savings Bank of Manchester, Vernon National Bank and NOT MORE THAN 28“o FAT REGULAR its president in 1961-62. ficial board of its education depart- able at your local mander, senior vice commander and She served 12 years as the hospital {Communications Cable, Inc. a.ssistant finance officer and was ment. She was a member of the The agency has been in business four years and has chairman at the Veterans Hospital in Cancer Society and served on the ShopRite. GROUND commander in 1974-75. On the district jmore than 35 employees. Newington and for three years as committee for the Mother’s March of Q Q Q level she was adjutant, chaplain, national eastern states hospital Dimes Coffee Hour. Every^ing's BEEF ll ww>i finance officer, junior vice com- chairman covering all New England Scholarship award mander and senior vice commander She is a member of Temple coming up States and New York. She also Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and is now serving as district com- served as president of the Third Savings... Michael E. Bristol of Glastonbury, assistant to the A&P - MEAT, BEEF. GARLIC, THICK SLICEO mander. She served as department and a member of the Army & Navy District from 1967-68. Club Auxiliary. product manager-deposit liability at Society for Savings, oratorical co-director in 1974-75, at ShopRite. was recently presented an award for scholarship by Mrs. Freeman joined the Her family includes a daughter. SLICED department vice commander for American Legion Auxiliary in 1969 Benjamin P. Terry, president of the bank. Bristol was women in 1975-76 and now .serves as Mrs. Priscilla Bronke of Andover; serving the local unit in many chair- and three sons, Francis Hill of An- one of the top students in his class in marketing for department vice commander. bankers given by Hartford Chapter, American Institute manships and offices and was its dover, and Randall Hill and Earle GROCERY BOLOGNA .She joined the American Legion of Banking. 99 president for two years from 1972- Ecabert, both of Manchester; and Auxiliary Unit 96 in 1972 and has 1974. nine grandchildren. ITALIAN STYLE WHOLE PEELED served as its civil preparedness She served as F irst D istrict She is also a member of 8/40 Robert D. CharnaH Joins realty staff A&P-MEAT OR chairman. treasurer in 1970 serving through Affiliated with the American Departmental, the honor auxiliary of Montini Tomatoes Mrs. June Lee Birdsall of Andover has recently joined many chairmanships to become First the American Legion Auxiliary and is Business Women's Association, she the staff of Blanchard & Rossetto Inc. as a real estate District president in 1977. a Chapeau Passe of Salon 566, BEEF is a member of the Robin Chapter in On a department level, she served broker. She has been active in the real estate field since East Hartford and .served on its ways January 1974. on the Commission for Gold Star 3 0^ CiQc FRANKS can Mrs. Birdsall attended Michigan State College for 99 three years and is an alumna of the University of Hart- ford. She was a member of the debating team, drama and geology clubs and was active on the college newspaper. SEVEN SEAS ALL VARIETIES (txcept Blue Ch»M«) W p pick the best fruit & vegetables Almanac CHICKEN OF THE SEAIn WATER OR 0 1 Before entering the real estate field, Mrs. Birdsall SALAD SOUD PACK spent 14 years with Collins & Rockwell Insurance Agency as office manager and policy writer. P-RIPE-FANOY By I nil rd I’rcHH liitcrniilioniil Actress Bette Davis was born on this Howard Hughes, 70, died of kidney DRESSING jj/9 TUNA.. She is active in community affairs, the cancer, heart, Today is Wednesday, April 5, the date in 1908. 95th day of 1978 with 270 to follow failure on a flight from Acapulco, and Red Cross drives, and also enjoys camping, skiing, On this day in history: Mexico, to Houston, Texas. Also that HEINZ and square dancing. The moon is approaching its new AUVAMETKSOIETORREG. ALIFORNIA com. phase In 1951. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg day, James Callaghan became prime KEG O' There is no morning star. of were sentenced to minister of Britain. SHASTA o death for stealing atomic secrets for KETCHUP Outstanding agents The evening stars are Venus, Mars, SODA 0 Two field representatives of the Hartford-LaBonne Ru.ssia. A thought for the day: American Jupiter. Mercury and Saturn. general agency of National Life Insurance Company of riiose born on this date are under In 1964, illustrious American Gen. black leader Booker T. Washington Vermont have won membership in the 1978 President's the sign of Aries Douglas MacArthur died at the age of said, "No race shall prosper till it June Lee Birilsall Club as among the firm’s outstanding agents nationwide. American black educator Booker 84. learns that there is as much dignity The MEATing Place" They are Donald E. Anderson Sr. Chartered Life in tilling a field as in writing a Underwriter, of Manchester, and Charles M. Clifton of T Washington was born April 5,1856. In 1976, American billionaire BEEF BOTTOM ROUND BONELESS BEEF CHUCK SHOULDER BONELES' poem." BEEF CHUCK SHOULDER BONELESS Coventry.

official to speak ROUND ROAST POT ROAST Runs radio station U..&K0.1-8IZE"A" FRaSH Philip L. Burgess Jr. of Manchester has joined radio station WMLB as general manager. 20*' 12 oz. on mental retardation M$127 In making the announcement, Barry Chaiken, president pkg. A representative from the State of 1550 Radio Inc., said Burgess will be responsible for plans in the Tolland region. lb. I ^ lb. I Department of Mental Retardation The department coordinates with the entire operation of the West Hartford station. will be in Manchester Tuesday. April existing service agencies and is also Burgess has had 20 years experience in the radio field, 11, to meet with people who are con- charged with organizing new most of it with WINF in Manchester. For the past 15 cerned about programs for the han- resources adapted to those in P R O DUCE------months, Burgess has been in charge of fuel oil sales at 8EEFORREGUUR Moriarty Brothers in Manchester. dicapped and mentally retarded remedial education programs, INDIAN RIVER '40' SIZE WHITE He and his wife, the former Linda Toth of Bolton, have (ieorge (! Ducherme, superinten- Ducharine said. ShopRite a A/« dent of the Tolland Region of the two daughters, Amy and Penny. They live at 41 Ferndale Mary Cheney Library is one of the SEEDLESS Drive. State Department of Mental Retar- 15 libraries in the Tolland region BOLOGNA dation will visit the Mary Cheney which Ducliarme plans to visit. So GRAPEFRUIT 1 U nk99^ Library Irom 10 a.m. to noon and 7 to far, he has arranged visits at SERVICE DEU------B A K E R Y------9 p in libraries in Hebron and Stafford. STORE s u a o Hotel PR director sandw ich or regular Ducliarme said the purpose of this Ducharme said there is no obliga- TURKEY c A r Philip L. Burgess Jr. Judith Higgins Donohue, formerly a correspondent for and otluT similar meetings is to get tion of any kind on anyone who ShopRite o O A r The Manchester Evening Herald, has been named direc- an index of the real needs and wishes to taik with him. It is merely a BREAST V4.ib. tor of public relations for Charter House Motor Hotel in resources of the handicapped and means of becoming better informed WHITE BREAD Alexandria, Va., a Sonesta hotel. mentally retarded which will be a (icorge (j. D iicliiiriiie on existing needs and resources, he Donohue’s appointment was announced by the hotel’s basis for the department's future said f r o z e n f o o d s ------general manager. Mary Ellen St. John of Broad Brook, FRUIT FLAVORED A U VARtETIES EXCEPT HAM OR KEF Conn. UGHT'Nuuni N AA.. A former resident of Hartford, Manchester, and BANQUET A oO e Bolton, Mrs. Donohue has spent the past nine years as a UVELY YOGURT reporter and free-lance writer, contributing to several Social Security DINNERS..... newspapers, magazines, and trade journals in Connec- NON-FOODS------H EALTH a B E A UTY A ID S------ticut, Massachusetts and Virginia. Del Monte FRUITS Q. I'm going to retire later this '200 or less or, regardless of its value, A Monthly survivors benefits can REINFORa03PlY Earlier this year, Donohue received the 1977 Jour- year. What documents should 1 take TRIAL SIZE if it is used by the household for be paid to a deceased worker's un- nalism award for “On the Spot” news reporting from the •FRUIT COCKTAIL •PEAR S LIC ES16-flz '^ with me wlien I apply for my Social transportation to a job or to a place married children under 18 (or under NYLON Virginia Press Association. Security relirement benefits’’ COLGATE 4 0 . •PEACH HALVES " T J '* for regular treatment of a special 22 and full-time students), unmarried HOSE She is moderator of "Richmond Report," a weekly «PINEAPPLE slK oz A You sliould take your Social medical problem children 18 or older who were severe- TOOTHPASTE i S 1 4 television talk show produced by the League of Women Security card uir a record of your Q. I've only been working since I Voters, which focuses on the political activities of the h'PEACH SLICES ♦ PINEAPPLE (.uMoz ly disabled before 22 and who con- ICE CREAM* IN SYRUP Social Security number); pnxif of graduated from school last year. 1 Virginia State Legislature. IN JUICE tinue to be disabled, widow or ShopRite •PEAR HALVES 16-OZ « PINEAPPLE CHUNKED )5'/4 oz your age, sueii as a birth or bap- know Social Security provides a widower at age 60 or at age 50 if dis- Donohue and her husband. Ralph, a marketing tismal certilu ate made at or shortly monthly pension and Medicare for abled, and dependent parents 62 or manager for Compugraphic Corporation of Wilmington, after birth; and your W-2 form for when 1 retire, but docs it provide any older. Benefits also can be paid to a Mass., live in Reston, Va., a suburb of Washington, D.C. the previous year or, if you're self- protection while I'm working? widow or widowers, regardless of FLAVOR KING ICE CREAM with their three children, Julie, 10; Mary Jane, 9; and employed, a copy of your last federal A. Yes. Social Security provides age, if she or he is caring for the Judith II. Donohue William, 8. income tax return. You also will need disability and survivors insurance worker’s child under 18 (or disabled) your marriage certificate if your protection to workers and their who is getting a benefit, and to cer- Ann Page VEGETABLES spouse is applying for benefits on families throughout their working tain divorced women. Plumbing convention scheduled your record, and your children’s years. If you become severely dis- 214 SPENCER SINEET CUT Q. 1 retired last year, but then went S87 EAST MDDLE TURNPKE The 85th annual convention of the All Connecticut and Rhode Island plum- birth certificates if you're applying abled. you and your dependents may back to work for several months. Is it -GREEN BEANS 10 . (j/ ^ W H O L E B E E T S for them. Connecticut Plumbing-Heating-Cooling bing contractors and their wives are in- be eligible for monthly disability true that my benefit might be in- MUKIESTER IMNCIESTER SIICEU Q. I get a small widow s benefit Contractors Association will be held April vited to attend. - CARROTS a hi ^SLICED BEETS ' 3 benefits. Disabled people under 65 creased because of the earnings I had Open Mni-Fri. 7 L R - 7, 8 and 9 at the Ramada Inn in Mystic. The following area contractors are of- umcious from Social Security. The only asset 1 who are entitled to disability benefits in these months? Open 8:30 U L - lO-JO rjL -CREAM CORN lb / 0/ have is my car. Would it count The National Association of Plumbing ficers of the Connecticut Plumbing- ^VEGETABLES for two consecutive years or more A. If you return to work after you (raSUNMYSOAMtoOPII Contractors of Rhode Island will also hold Heating-Cooling Contractors: V m ■ :■ against me if 1 apply for SSI GREEN PEAS oi also are eligible for Medicare. If you start getting retirement checks, your their annual convention at the same place Leo Bond of Blast Hartford, vice presi- ^ G R E E N B E A N S ' payments? should die, monthly survivor checks Sat 7 LM. ■ 10:30 P A was mmm mt ht t m added earnings may result in a and time. dent; Ray Stolzenbach & Sons of tFFtcilVE /tmg, 2-t. 1978 A. Not all resources (assets) are may be payable to your family. higher benefit when you again stop SMPlIESTNBUnBIINE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES TO 3 PACKAGES ON ANY ITEM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED counted in determining a person's A heating seminar will be one of the Wethersfield, treasurer and secretary; . it ems FOB SA U NOT AVAILABLE TO WHOLESALERS OR RETAIL DEALERS ______NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR fYPOGRAPHICAl ERRORS y Q. I've heard that workers have working. Social Security will features of the convention, and will in- James Foley of Hartford, financial elibility for Supplemental Security survivors insurance under Social automatically refigure your benefit Income (SSI) payments. A car is not ~ho ^ lp » M OT«»uWoenl«uppl|fo(silwtt»m«(or4o(ourcu. clude steam heating systems, the design, secretary, and Morris Siegel of Hartford, Security, but 1 don’t know much after the additional earnings are notBd. Not responabb for typogn^Ncil« counted if it has a retail value of Jl,- installation and maintenance. director. about this protection. Who can get credited to your record. Each state’s Women's Auxiliary will Jack Montesi of Blast Hartford is presi- 1180 TOLLAND TNPKE. CALDOR PLAZA MANCHESTER survivor benefits? also hold their annual convention. dent of the Hartford Association of PHCC. PAGE EIGHT-C - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manch«5ter. COnn., Wed., April 5, 1978 New books at library ) W ish fo r vacation life Mary Cheney Lortz — Lovers living, Chinery — Enjoying nature Place, personality, and the lovers dead with your family Irish writer N«w books at McCulthan — Halfhyde to Dahlinger — 'The secret life Pollman — IDS hotnes: one- true fo r Bolto n couple Manchester’s Mary the narrows of Henry Ford story designs over 2,000 sq. ft.

Cheney Library: McFadden — The serial Douglas — Extra-sensory Pollman — 250 homes: one- By DONNA HOLLAND Judy said, “I like the people. ’They powers mittee and ambulance study com- Kirliun Marlowe—The Valkyrie en- story designs under 2,000 sq. ve straightforward and unpreten- Ewing — The well-tempered Herald Correspondent mittee. She is also a charter member counter ft. tious and friendly.” Adams — Listening to Billie Moorcock — The eternal lyre Frequently women will tell their of the former Bolton Junior Woman’s Adams — 'pie plague dogs Polwhere — TBe frolicks, or She said she likes the idea of run- Club. champion Finney - Once a marine - the lawyer cheated (1671) husbands, “I wish we could do this” Ajar — Momo Newell—The trouble of it is always a marine Robey — Lawns or “I wish we had that.” And often ning a country store and being in con- The Miners have four children, Allen — Short life Nicole — Tallant for dis- Fishman — Urban utopias in Sharif — The eternal male it’s just that — wishful thinking. tact with people. Steven is employed by Barrett Plum- Banis — This splendid earth aster the twentieth century Silverstein — Consider the Not so ill the case of Roy and Judy Judy said, “Vermont is a Very bing Supply Co. in Manchester, Bates — Feast of July Patten — Cheyenne captives Fix-it-yourself manual alternative Miner of Bolton. A ten-year "wish we progressive state as far as conserva- Christopher is a sophomore in high Beaty — Excellency Peterson — River of light Fowlie — Journal of rehear- Skilton — The English novel could” of Judy’s (and Roy’s, too, if tion and the environment go and I am Bercovitch — Hasen school, Douglas is in Grade 8 and. Pierce — Praetorius point sals Steinhoff — Small business the truth be known) has come true. an environmentalist.” Gregg is in Grade 1. BowdenThe French Frankel — Be alive as long Queneau — The Sunday of management The Miners have vacationed at She said Vermont still has time to The Miners invite their friends, lady's lover life as you live Bowdler — Nurse Sandra's The third century Lake Willoughby in Vermont for the protect its environment by passing neighbors and acquaintances to stop Roach — Encounters with Gladstone — Test your own hoice Time-Life — The classic new laws, which it is doing. and visit them at their new store, or the invisible world mental health boat past 10 years. And they love it there. Brett — Star trap Roy was employed as a steam write, the address is The Millbrook Ruttle — The private war of Glendinning — Elizabeth Time-Life — The ranchers Each year when the vacation ended 0 Caine — Heathcliff fitter for the past 22 years, his last Dr. Yamada Bowen Traister — Do-it- and it was time to pack up and come Store, Willoughby Lane, RFD 2. Carter — Valley of the kings employer being the Wetherell Corp. Sanders — Search for Goodbye to the flush toilet yourselfer’s guide to modern home, Judy would say, "I wish we Orleans, Vt. 05860. Cartland — Love, lords, and of West Hartford. He also owned The enchantment Hailey — I married a best energy-efficient heating and could stay.” It really isn’t all that unsual for lady-birds seller Hobby Comer in Ray’s Tackle Shop Scott — To catch a spy cooling systems Last summer Roy took her literal- Bolton people to pack up and leave an Chute — Katie Sears — Tiger by the tail Hay — The practical gar- Van I,eunen — A handbook in Manchester for four years. Clark — Black gambit ly. The Millbrook Store on Route 5A established life for a new adventure. Sharp — Summer visits dening encyclopedia for scholars in Westmore (across from Lake Roy has been a member of the In 1975 Milton and Betty Jensen left Clark — Dulcie Bligh Sheed — Transatlantic blues Higson — Building and Wademan — Risk-free Willoughby) was put up for sale. Northern Connecticut Radio Control Bolton to become the owners of Clarke — This downhill path Winslow — Gallows child remodeling for energy savings Coltrane — Talon advertising Club for eight years and a model Boulder Lodge (k)ttage in Alton, N.H. Wohl — The Nirvana con- Hill — Milton and the So Roy and Judy began the long and Uozois — Strangers Waissenberger — Vienna plane enthusiast since fourth grade. Milton quit a 12-year job as methods tracts English Revolution Secession sometimes tedious task of finding a Eberhart — Nine o'clo

Judge honest he^s ill COFFEE

ih’ 2 . 6 9 lb. ’2.69 HARTFORD (UPI) — Court of Common "good working life left ” and asked the ,.*1.99 Pleas Judge C. Perrie Phillips has come lawmakers to "make it possible for me to Golf league planned PINEHURST. . .re cognize d throughout Manchester as the Best to be known as a man of honesty and in- continue." All Manchester area women are invited to join a Pla ce to B uy M E A T... tegrity. Within the hour, the Judiciary Com- Women’s Golf League, which is being formed at Twin On Monday, he lived up to his reputation mittee, on a 6-1 vote, approved his judicial Hills Golf Course, Route 31, Coventry, by telling a legislative committee he has nomination, elevating him from the Court An organizational meeting is scheduled for Saturday at ITS A IWOD TIME TO HLl YOUR FREEZER.. cancer. of Common Pleas to the Superior Court, 9 a.m. at the golf course. The league will play each Satur- Members of the Judiciary Committee effective July 1. day at that hour. We have two freezer specials for you ... Come in or call Frank Toros or Ed Fon sat silent, as Phillips, 54, of Hamden The Senate and House aro expected to Those wishing more information about the league may tana. revealed his ailment. He said he has some endorse Phillips' promotion. call Sharon Lorraine, 871-1020 after 4 p.m. 'Vifhole U.S.D.A. Choic e Whol«12tolSlb. ----—... ••• ...... 20 to 22 lb. B O N E LE S S TOP SIRLOINS Duplicate bridge BOnOM ROUNDS ,.*1.55 which Include Eye Round and Rump ••••• Oven Roaata cut to order...

freezer wrapped .*1.49 — Upen pairs club cham- Gcnlcr llridgt- Club pionship game— Nor th-South: March 31 at the Masonic Ann DeMartin and Flo Barre, Your best buy...B0NELESS U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ROASTS Temple — Swi.ss teams game: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Prentiss, first; Frankie Brown and Pen-

Ann DeMartin and Marlon ny Skenderian, second; Janet Dumbenaad fypms U.S.0JI. CHOICE

Tender boneless Oven Roasts Haines, first; Wilmer Curtiss Boyd and Marge Prentiss, . A M I 1 6 -9 BOnOM ROUND third. and Clem Hitchcock, f’aul East-West: Barbara Davis RUMP $ i 7 0 ROAST Barton and Jim Baker, se- cond. and Bette Martin, first; Geri .Hkt* \ of the Month OVEN ROAST ib. .b M.69 Barton and Judy Pyka, se- MunclicHler cond; Mary Warren and Betty Bridge Cliili l-auni, thii^ EYE ROUND $ 1 Q O CENTER CUT

March 31 at 146 Hartford Over all winners were BOnOM ROUND Road — North-South: Marilyn " BUTTER OVEN ROAST...... ,b. ■■051 DeMartin and Barre. Jackson and Ken Kozak, first; ROAST Nile Time Ruth Tupper and Beulah TOP SIRLOIN s 1 Q O lb *1.79 Gro.ss, second; Norma Fagan Novice Group and Al LaPlant, third. March 31 at 146 Hartford CRUNCH OVEN ROAST...... ,b ■ > 0 9 BONELESS East-West: Tim and Linda Road — North-South: Elaine LAMB Knight, first; Frank Bloomer Yatrousiss and Ron Luiacono, silVERTIP s i O Q and Bill Gottermuth, second; first; Carole and Dick Vizard, ICE CREAM SHOULDER OVEN ROAST...... ,b 1 l O O Dennis Robinson and Bob second; Inara l,arson and Sue Fenton, third. lb *2.39 Stratton, third, March 30 at 385 N, Main St. East-West: Barbara MOTTS North-South: Phyllis Pier- Phillips and Barbara Farrell, $ first; Peter and Judy APPLESAUCE Whet me k es a chick en special? son an Bette Martin, first; Schwartz, second; Russ and Good Breedjng, feed and environment. That’s Frankie Brown and Jane la)we, second; Peg Dunfield Barbara Smyth, third 250X. 4 9 ^ what our Pinehurst Chickens and parts get. HALF and Ann DeMartin, third. P&W .Airerafl NEwiiuGHINMM Both Breasts and Legs are carefully selected East-West; Mollie Timreck Bridge Gliih for size and quality. GALLON and Faye Lawrence, first; March 23 at 200 Clement KLEENEX SPeCIAL Buy Pinehurst Terry Daigle and Marge Road, East Hartford — North-

Warner, second; Beverly South: Roth and Hurmanor, CHICKEN LEGS Saunders and Mary Willhide, ...... 59<...... first; Margaret Bogue and third. Ann Ingram, second. NINE LIVES 8WOZ. No game is scheduled for iw i69 lb. East-West: K. Kozak and L, Thursday White, first; C. Powell and S. CAT FOOD For an extra treat buy P in^urst Breasts or

March 27 at 385 N. Main St. Graboff. third Legs. 4sM.OO

Sale co nUn uM on C O TT Q IN G E R A L E and C LU B 2 qta. 79$ WE’LL FlX-rr cumbBpiBnd farms We now h a v . Colt 64-oz. R O O T B E E R , O R A N G E and A L E at 7 9«

for the large 'A Gallon aize. . OR SHOW WU HOW! Bring your repair problems to us! Froth from our own bokory Boll, Ba k e o r Mash the Best Pinehurst Potatoes

M U l O K • L s M n m c M m * U f ip lin o n Sad^action MAINE IDAHO • V U n d o M * p c M t rlo Q b Broccoli guaranteed • d o o n * mrgn Gre en Be ans • p u n ^ i • lo y s or POTATOES BAKERS

‘ a n d m u c h m o r«* A i k u i a b o u l nocharge Be e ts...Spln ach o t f f f f i h e k ) n v c v h o m r* BREAD 10159’ St89’

caani* C^IINYIUS JUMBO 20 oz. LOAF C a n U r PINEHURST GROCERY INC. R o u l i 8 3 n M 1 0 A c a i l* R h U u r w n 6 4 & 6 7 0 7 S02 MAIN