Teach for Australia Pathway: Evaluation Report Phase 2 of 3 Submitted to DEEWR – Pathways into Teaching Section, Quality Teaching Branch Paul Weldon Phillip McKenzie Elizabeth Kleinhenz Kate Reid Australian Council for Educational Research Private Bag 55 Camberwell Vic 3124 Ph 03 9277 5555 Direct 03 9277 5535 Em
[email protected] ACN: 004 398 145; ABN: 19 004 398 145 APRIL 2012 Acknowledgements This evaluation was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). ACER gratefully acknowledges the assistance and support of DEEWR in conducting the evaluation, in particular the contributions of Cary Duffy, Sally Oatey, Fran Grimwood and Ruth Terracini. The assistance of staff from Teach For Australia, the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the ACT Department of Education and Training, and the Victorian Institute of Teaching was greatly appreciated, particularly for the ongoing provision of program documentation and the willingness of all involved to talk about their perceptions and experiences. Particular appreciation is due to the Associates, their in-school Mentors and school principals from all participating schools, who made time to talk to us frankly about their experiences. We are also grateful for the participation of other school staff members and students of the schools we visited, and especially the in-school coordinators, who took the time to organise the schedule of interviews and focus groups and who helped to make our time in schools enjoyable and productive. Thanks are also due to our ACER colleagues who spent time in the field and made an important contribution to this report: Sarah Buckley, Gerry White and Jenny Wilkinson, and to our former colleagues for their leadership and groundwork in the first year: Stephen Dinham and Catherine Scott.