William Shakespeare,James C. Bulman | 576 pages | 28 Jul 2016 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781904271376 | English | London, United Kingdom Henry IV, Part 2 | Folger Shakespeare Library

Henry IV, Part 2chronicle play in five acts by William Shakespearewritten in —98 and published in a corrupt text based in part on memorial reconstruction in a quarto edition in A better text, printed in the main from an authorial manuscript, appeared in the First Folio of and is generally the more reliable version. The swaggering has become even more corpulent and outrageous, sponging King Henry IV: Part 2 his hostess, , abusing the Lord Chief Justicepreening for the admiring Doll Tearsheet, and taking advantage of everyone, especially his ensign, Pistoland his old friends Justice Shallow and Justice Silence. News comes that Prince John has settled the war through a perfidious betrayal of promises made to the enemy leaders as a condition of their disbanding their forces. Henry talks, yet again, about a pilgrimage so that he can die in the Holy Land. The wily Henry advises Hal to avoid internal King Henry IV: Part 2 during his own reign by seeking foreign quarrels. Hal prepares to become king, setting aside his previous frivolous image and reassuring his brothers of his loyalty to them and his genuine grief at their mutual loss. Falstaff arrives with his entourage, expecting a lively and King Henry IV: Part 2 welcome from his old friend. Instead, Hal, now King , denounces Falstaff, orders him and his cronies to repent their profligate ways, and has the Lord Chief Justice take them to the Fleet prison until they have reformed. As King Henry IV: Part 2 are led away, Prince John prophesies war with France. Home Literature Plays. Print Cite. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. World authority on Shakespeare. Editor of The Complete See Article History. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Shakespeare kept the name Oldcastle for the first version of his play but later changed it to Falstaff. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Henry IV, Part 2 | Summary, Characters, & Facts | Britannica

There are no glorious champions; combat is replaced by deception, cunning, and treachery. Northumberland learns that his son Hotspur is dead, and…. Northumberland, who had pleaded illness as an excuse for not appearing at the battle King Henry IV: Part 2 Shrewsbury, learns that his son,…. Since Falstaff has come away from Shrewsbury with the reputation…. Sir John is arrested for the debt he owes Mistress Quickly. He persuades her to drop the charges and to…. Learning that Falstaff will be dining that night in Eastcheap, and Poins decide to disguise themselves as waiters…. The disguised Prince Hal…. On his journey through Gloucestershire, Falstaff selects recruits for the army and decides that, on his return, he will fleece…. The leaders of the rebellion reach Gaultree King Henry IV: Part 2, where they present their grievances to Westmoreland. After Prince John promises redress…. Falstaff meets a rebel knight, who surrenders to him. When Prince John reproaches Falstaff for his late arrival, Falstaff turns…. Just after receiving the good news about the defeat of all the rebel forces, Henry IV falls into a swoon…. Falstaff observes Shallow and his servants in order to be ready to entertain Prince Hal with amusing stories. Shakespeare is credited with writing about three dozen surviving plays, and Henry IV, Part 2 is uniq The play we call Henry IV, Part 2 was printed in two different versions in the first quarter of the The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, t Since the early e Braunmuller As inventor, or part-inventor, of the English history play, so In addition to the following books and articles, see www. You can get your own copy of this text to keep. Download it to get the same great text as on this site, or purchase a full copy to get the text, plus explanatory notes, illustrations, and more. Chalon, Alfred Edward. Download this text. Buy a copy with notes. Contents Characters in the Play. Act 1, scene 1 Northumberland, who had pleaded illness as an excuse for not appearing at the , learns that his son,…. Act 2, scene 1 Sir John is arrested for the debt he owes Mistress Quickly. Act 2, scene 2 Learning that Falstaff will King Henry IV: Part 2 dining that night in Eastcheap, Prince Hal and Poins decide to disguise themselves as waiters…. Act 3, scene 2 On his journey through Gloucestershire, Falstaff selects recruits for the army and decides that, on his return, he will King Henry IV: Part 2. Act 4, scene 1 The leaders of the King Henry IV: Part 2 reach Gaultree Forest, where they present their grievances to Westmoreland. Act 4, scene 2 Falstaff meets a rebel knight, who surrenders to him. Act 4, scene 3 Just after receiving the good news about the defeat of all the rebel forces, Henry IV falls into a swoon…. Act 5, scene 1 Falstaff observes Shallow and his servants in order to be ready to entertain Prince Hal with amusing stories. Act 5, scene 4 Doll Tearsheet is arrested. Epilogue The speaker apologizes for the play and promises another play with Falstaff in it. King Henry IV: Part 2 Notes The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Further Reading In addition to the following books and articles, see www. Get even more from the Folger You can get your own copy of this text to keep. Do you have questions or feedback King Henry IV: Part 2 the Folger Shakespeare team? Get in touch here! Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright. Summary of Henry IV Part 2 | Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

King Henry IV is dying; Falstaff is Falstaff-ing; Prince John is unethical; and Hal becomes King. Meanwhile, Hal's friend Falstaff causes trouble, recruits, and speaks ill of Hal. Henry dies, and Hal becomes King Henry V. He banishes Falstaff from court, ready to wage war on France. The Earl of Northumberland mistakenly hears that his son, Hotspur, is actually the victor. The rebel lords meet together in council and resolve to oppose the King's forces led by Prince John, the King's second son and Hal's brother. But the word of Hotspur's death finally reaches his father. Hotspur's mother and widow persuade him not to oppose Prince John's army. Sir has returned to London with praises after taking credit for killing Hotspur. The Lord Chief Justice criticises him for his past crimes. But the Chief justices ultimately wishes Falstaff well because he has just been called on to join a campaign for Prince John. Yet before he can go, Falstaff is arrested for his debts to the Boar's Head Tavern. A fight between Falstaff and the officers ensues. The Lord Chief Justice, who returns to the tavern after hearing about the fuss, examines the fight. Falstaff persuades the owner of the tavern, Mistress Quickly, to make peace and lend him more money. Later at the tavern, Falstaff, Nym, and Bardolph, along King Henry IV: Part 2 Falstaff's lady friend, Doll Tearsheet, are joined by two strangers. The strangers turn out to be Prince Hal and his friend Poins in disguise. Falstaff enjoys his evening with his friends and Doll Tearsheet. But the swaggering Pistol comes to warn Falstaff he should have departed for the wars by now. When Falstaff rejects his assignment and ends up speaking badly of Hal, Hal and Poins reveal themselves and an argument ensues. Another messenger comes to fetch Falstaff for the war. As Falstaff makes his journey, he passes through Gloucestershire. He finds his old friends Justice Shallow and Master Silence who reminisce about their youthful days. Falstaff takes the weakest of Shallow's pressed-men to serve as soldiers allowing others to buy themselves out. And he enjoys Shallow's hospitality before setting off to join the army. As the rebels gather to fight, Prince John agrees to look into their demands and offers a toast to future peace. The rebel armies disperse before Prince John orders King Henry IV: Part 2 arrests of the rebel leaders for treason. Arriving late to the battle, Falstaff takes the last prisoner as the Prince orders his forces back to London, where the King is very ill. The King is in the middle of giving advice to Hal's younger brothers when news of the peace arrives. He is close to death. As he sleeps, Hal arrives from the city. He finds his father apparently dead and, mourning his position as heir, he takes the crown from the bedside into the next room. The King awakes and believes that Hal's only aim was to become King. He gets upset, but the father and son soon make up before the King is moved into a King Henry IV: Part 2 room to prepare to die. They travel night and day to reach London in time for the coronation, expecting to be given high King Henry IV: Part 2 at court. Falstaff is amazed King Henry IV: Part 2 deeply hurt, however, when Henry denies knowing him and banishes him from coming King Henry IV: Part 2 ten miles of his court. Henry calls a Parliament, and Falstaff is left wondering if his beloved Hal will change his mind later. More detail: 2. King Henry IV: Part 2 IV As the rebels gather to fight, Prince John agrees to look into their demands and offers a toast to future peace. Help keep Shakespeare's story alive. Read more play summaries. Learn about William Shakespeare.