Security and Sustainability Issues

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Security and Sustainability Issues (print) ISSN 2029-7017 CONTENTS Vol. 6 No 4 2017 June (online) ISSN 2029-7025 Viera Pechancová. RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR: CZECH REGIONAL CASE STUDY 537 Edvīns Šincāns, Jānis Ivančiks. EVALUATIONS OF ENERGY SECURITY MEASURES: EXPERIENCE OF DIFFERENT University of Salford The General Jonas Žemaitis Ministry of National Defence COUNTRIES IN THE FIGHT UNLAWFUL USE OF ELECTRICITY AND COMPARISON A Greater Manchester University Military Academy of Lithuania Republic of Lithuania WITH LATVIA 547 Anton Korauš, Ján Dobrovič, Rastislav Rajnoha, Ivan Brezina. THE SAFETY RISKS RELATED TO BANK CARDS AND CYBER ATTACKS 563 Journal of Angie Fernández, Santiago Calero, Humberto Parra, Raúl Fernández. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE PRODUCTIVE MATRIX FOR ECUADOR SUSTAINABILITY 575 SECURITY AND Vladimir Menshikov, Olga Lavrinenko, Ludmila Sinica, Anastasiia Simakhova. NETWORK CAPITAL PHENOMENON AND ITS POSIBILITIES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 585 SUSTAINABILITY Vladas Tumalavičius, Valeriy Nikolayevskyy, Aivars Endziņš. ISSUES OF THE STATE AND SOCIETY SECURITY (Part II): MANAGEMENT OF CONTROL OVER INDIVIDUAL CRIMINAL PROCESSES 605 ISSUES Murman Kvaratskhelia. WORLD CHALLENGES AND ECONOMICS OF GEORGIA 619 International Entrepreneurial Perspectives Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Thi Anh Nhu Nguyen, Jaroslav Belás, Jozef Habánik, Jaroslav Schönfeld. and Innovative Outcomes PRECONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL SAFETY DURING LIFECYCLE: THE FINANCIAL LITERACY AND RETIREMENT PLANNING IN VIETNAM 627 Beata Gavurova, Zuzana Virglerova, Frantisek Janke. TRUST AND A SUSTAINABILITY OF THE MACROECONOMIC GROWTH INSIGHTS FROM DYNAMIC PERSPECTIVE 637 Rita Bendaravičienė. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ORGANIZATION: INTEGRATIVE CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR EMPLOYER BRANDING 649 Nikolajs Jefimovs. TOWARDS CONFLICTS’ SETTLEMENT: DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEANING OF MEDIATION IN THE LEGAL DOCTRINE 665 Vytautas Jokubauskas. THREATS AND CHALLENGES TO THE SECURITY AND STABILITY OF THE STATE OF LITHUANIA: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 673 Yuriy Bilan, Halyna Mishchuk, Roman Pylypchuk. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT VIA SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 691 Sulphey, M. M. TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT THROUGH ENHANCING SAFETY OF NATURE 703 NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence Rimma Azamatova, Zalina Shadova, Bela Shorova. ECONOMIC SECURITY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 711 Sanavar Tuglukovna Azimova, Maigul Zhalelovna Kizatova, Saule Ospandiyarovna Akhmetova, Luidmila Vladimirovna Donchenko, Anna Mikhailovna Admayeva. TOWARDS FOOD SECURITY THROUGH APPLICATION OF NOVEL SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS 719 Eva Cihelková, Hung Phuoc Nguyen, Mária Wožniaková, Radka Straková. THE EU-CHINA COMPREHENSIVE STATEGIC PARTNERSHIP IN CONTEXT OF EU GENERAL CONCEPT OF THE „STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP“ 729 Evgeny Lisin, Vladimir Kindra, Zuzana Horvathova. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL HEAT SUPPLY SYSTEMS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION ENERGY MARKETS ASSOCIATION 745 Ján Dobrovič, Miroslav Gombár, Eva Benková. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AIMED AT COMBATING TAX EVASION IN SLOVAKIA 761 2017, 6(4) Instructions for Authors Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting area of 150×255 mm each. The length of the article your manuscript to this journal are provided below. should not be less then 8 pages and cannot exceed 25 The instructions below are specifically directed at the pages. authors who wish to submit a manuscript to the Jour- The title of the article should be printed in 11 pt bold nal of Security and Sustainability Issues. type and should be centered. There should be a single The Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues line space between the title and the author’s name. considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that The name and surname of the authors should be print- they have been submitted only to it; that they neither ed in small letters of 11 pt bold type and should be have been published yet, nor they are under consider- centred. Below the author’s surname, the name of the ation for publication or in press elsewhere. It should institution (represented by the author or co-authors) be clearly indicated if a submission was previously must be printed in 10 pt italic; its address and the au- declined by another journal. Authors who fail to ad- thor’s e-mail written and centred. here to this condition will be charged with all costs Abstract and Keywords should be printed single Foreword to a new issue of Journal of Security and which the Journal of Security and Sustainability Is- spaced, in 9 pt typeface, in one column and after the Sustainability Issues sues incurs and their paper will not be published. institution address and space of three lines below the Contributions to the Journal of Security and Sustain- institution address should be left. Words Abstract ability Issues must report original research and will and Keywords must be printed in bold. The size of Dear readers, be subject to peer-review. the abstract cannot be less than 600 typographic signs. There should be a space of one line between Today I am introducing to your attention a new issue already of established international scientific General Information the abstract and keywords. 6-10 keywords should be Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues. This journal tackles wide range of processes and problems, provided and selected according to Thesaurus, e.g. All papers are to be written in English. The Journal which we encounter in our current lives. It could be claimed that the journal serves as contemporary of Security and Sustainability Issues is an internation- chronicle of our turbulent reality. ally refereed journal designed to further the frontiers Introduction, main text and conclusions should be Here new urgent issues are being raised, which contribute to contemplating of security and sustainability of knowledge in security and sustainability. Each ar- printed in 11 pt type single interval in one column at phenomena, which transform and obtain new content, which is gradually enriched by increasing number ticle is reviewed by at least two experts, appointed by the distance of 1 line from keywords. of facets. the Editorial Board, who will examine the manuscript Figures or tables should be mentioned in the text and through a double-blind refereeing process in terms of Scientists, practitioners, students, society, both, civil and military, are important protagonists of building the place should be indicated in the separate line. The its relevance, academic rigor and high level applica- our secure and sustainable future. Let all of us support on-going discussion, share and come to the best numbers of figures and tables and inscriptions below solutions for safe, secure and sustainable future. Since good understanding and correct evaluation of tions. An electronic copy prepared in MS Word and are written in 9 pt regular typeface. Figures and tables multi-faceted reality is primary precondition of international understanding, which ultimately leads to printed in Times New Roman typeface should be sub- are separated from the text by one-line space. relevant policy implications for common secure and sustainable wellbeing. mitted to the Editorial Board following the require- ments presented below. The titles of chapters and sub-chapters are printed in small letters, 11 pt bold-regular type and aligned With best regards Structure of the Article left. The introduction, titles of chapters and conclu- An article should include the following parts: title, sions are numbered. The titles of chapters and sub- authors’ names, name and address of their work chapters should be separated from the text by one- place, summary, keywords, introduction (the object line space. and goal of the research, the methods applied, the re- Professor VLADO DIMOVSKI The name of the author of the source, the year of pub- view of literature and its analysis, etc.), the main text, Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts lication and pages should be presented in the text in conclusions or recommendations, references, short Former Minister for Labor, brackets. The list of references is given after the con- biographical note about the contributors at the end of Family and Social Affairs of Slovenia clusions. The word References is spelled in small let- the article (name, surname, academic title and scien- ters,11 pt bold-regular type, left ranged and the list of tific degree, duties, research interests). references in 9 pt. The references are to be presented in the alphabetical order, in the original language; Format of the Article translation into English is given in square brackets. The text of the article should be printed with single References according to the Harvard citation style, intervals on 210x297 mm format pages with the print e.g. ISSN 2029-7017 print ISSN 2029-7025 online University of Salford The General A Greater Manchester Jonas Žemaitis Ministry University Military Academy of National Defence of Lithuania Republic of Lithuania NATO Energy Vilnius Gediminas Security Technical University Centre of Excellence Volume 6 Number 4 June 2017 JOURNAL OF SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES International Entrepreneurial Perspectives and Innovative Outcomes 2017 6(4) Editors-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Manuela Tvaronavičienė Prof. Jay Mitra Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valdas Rakutis The Journal
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