Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

A10 Transport Corridor Constraints Studies July 2012

A 17 Minster Precincts PE1 1XX T +44 (0) 1733 310 471 F +44 (0) 1733 553 661 W

LDA Design Consulting LLP Registered No: OC307725 17 Minster Precincts, Peterborough PE1 1XX

3321_constraints July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach


1.0 Introduction ...... 1 2.0 Appraisals ...... 2 2.1. Landscape and visual ...... 2 2.2. Heritage ...... 3 2.3. Ecology ...... 3 3.0 Conclusion ...... 4

Appendices...... 1 Appendix 1. Capita Symonds drawings identifying study zones ...... 1 Appendix 2. Drawing 3321_603_A Landscape Notes ...... 2 Appendix 3. Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options ...... 3 Appendix 4. Ecological Appraisal of the A10 Transport Corridor ...... 4 Appendix 5. Drawing 3321_604_A Summary of Principal Landscape, Heritage, and Ecology Constraints ...... 5

Version: 1.3 Version date: 18 September 2012 Comment Final This document has been prepared and checked in accordance with ISO 9001:2000.


July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

1.0 Introduction This report brings together work addressing the key potential landscape, heritage and ecology constraints that may influence the design of new transport routes between the proposed new settlement at Denny St Francis, Waterbeach and the A14 Cambridge Bypass. Two proposals are under consideration:  Realignment of the A10 between the proposed new settlement at Denny St Francis and the A14  Creation of a guided busway between the proposed new settlement at Denny St Francis and the A14 The study area comprises the zones shown on the following two plans provided by Capita Symonds (see Appendix 1):  Drawing number CS 00182/T/009 Waterbeach New Settlement Limit of Deviation A. (This relates to the A10 realignment.)  Figure 2 Proposed busway corridor The studies have been carried out at a high level using desk based research and brief site visits, viewing the land from publicly accessible locations. Further research and detailed survey will be needed as the project develops. The results of the three studies are presented in separate appendices: Appendix 2 - Landscape notes Appendix 3 - Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options Corridor Appendix 4 - Ecological Appraisal of the A10 Transport Corridor This report summarises the main potential constraints identified by each study in order to inform the selection of preferred routes. The perceived level of constraint is defined as follows: High – Avoid. Likely to be a significant constraint. Medium – Avoid if possible. Low – Potential constraint but likely to be resolvable. The main constraints from the three studies are summarised in sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 below, and on drawing 3321_604_A in Appendix 5.

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July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

2.0 Appraisals

2.1. Landscape and visual Landscape and visual assessments of three proposed A10 upgrade route options were undertaken by LDA Design in 2005, summarising landscape character, heritage, conservation and visual constraints. Landscape notes based on GIS data, Tree Preservation Order (TPO) information provided by South District Council (SCDC) and a site visit in 2012 are given on drawing number 3321_603_A in Appendix 2. The plan also identifies some potential constraints that do not strictly relate to landscape or visual issues, including land uses such as a cemetery, allotments and a golf course. The main constraint to development is the Green Belt which extends from Waterbeach to the A14. Section 9 of the National Policy Planning Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government's policy on Green Belts. This superseded Planning Policy Guidance 2: Green Belts (1995) (PPG2) but the fundamental aim and five purposes of Green Belts set out in PPG2 remain unchanged. The NPPF states that: ‘The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence.’ The road and guided busway have potential to affect the openness of the Green Belt. It is not possible for the routes to avoid the Green Belt and it is considered to be a Medium level constraint. Other constraints include:  Many dwellings, which are shown on drawing 3321_604_A which should be avoided if possible. They are identified as being a Medium level constraint if they are directly physically affected. Effects on residential amenity due to changes to views would be addressed in a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, although this is considered to be a Low level constraint.  Public running between Waterbeach and the A10. If directly affected, measures would be required to divert or maintain access along these paths. Effects on views from the paths would be addressed in a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. This is considered to be a Low level constraint.  The cemetery pr0vides a constraint to be avoided if possible (Medium level constraint). If it is to be directly affected research would be required to identify how to mitigate effects or move the cemetery.  The village of Landbeach is a discrete settlement set within arable farmland and effects on its setting should be considered as part of development proposals. This is considered to be a Low level of constraint.  SCDC has confirmed that there are two TPOs within the study area (C/11/17/58/1 at Manor House, Waterbeach Road and SC/3/76 at Cambridge Road, Waterbeach). Although these have been identified as Low level constraints they should be avoided if possible. Other landscape / visual constraints are considered to be Low level.

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July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

2.2. Heritage The heritage study undertaken by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd is provided in Appendix 3. The main potential constraints identified in the report and summarised on drawing 3321_604_A are:  Three Milestones on the A10 (Listed Grade II) - Level of Constraint: High  Landbeach Conservation Area, Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument - Level of Constraint: Medium to low (depending on route)  Waterbeach Conservation Area - Level of Constraint: Low  Car Dyke - Level of constraint: Low

2.3. Ecology The ecology study undertaken by LDA Design is provided in Appendix 4. The main potential constraint identified in the report and summarised on drawing 3321_604_A is:  Cambridge Road Willow Pollards County Wildlife Site - Level of Constraint: Medium The report identifies the potential for protected species within the study area including European Protected Species (EPS) and the need for further surveys. The presence and location of protected species would need to be identified by further survey. Protected species are considered to be Low level constraints because they can be readily be dealt with by design, subject to issues such as land availability if re-location or alternative habitat is required. EPS are also considered to be Low level constraints in this context as it is considered that solutions to address impacts are likely to be readily determined, but EPS will require a greater input into mitigation design than other protected species.

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3.0 Conclusion None of the landscape, heritage and ecology constraints identified are ‘show stoppers’ to realignment of the A10 and creation of a guided busway between the proposed new settlement at Denny St Francis and the A14. This work can be used to help identify preferred routes, taking into account the constraints identified. Further more detailed survey and analysis work will be needed as the design progresses, to help inform detailed design and mitigation proposals.

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Appendices Appendix 1. Capita Symonds drawings identifying study zones Drawing number CS 00182/T/009 Waterbeach New Settlement Limit of Deviation A Figure 2 Proposed busway corridor

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July 2012 Denny St Francis

Appendix 2. Drawing 3321_603_A Landscape Notes

3321_constraints 2 This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011.All rights reserved. Reference number number Reference 2011.All reserved. Copyright © Office rights Crown Stationery ofMajesty’s Her Controller of the on behalf Survey of Ordnance permission by material Survey Ordnance contain: may drawing This OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 right Maps © database Bing | and Photography copyright Crown Aerial © data Open OS X:\JOBS\3321_DennyX:\JOBS\3321_Denny St Francis\8gis\Projects\3321_603_Base.mxd St Francis\6docs\3321_603.indd OS Open data © Crown copyright anddatabase right 2011| Aerial Photography © BingMaps This drawing maycontain:Ordnance Survey material bypermissionofOrdnance Survey on behalfoftheController ofHerMajesty’s StationeryOffice ©CrownCopyright 2011.Allrights reserved. Referencenumber 0100031673. Tree PreservationOrder Reclaimed landfillsite between A10 andMilton Vegetation buffer Park andRide hedges andtrees Arable farmland,few Cemetery Allotments hedges andtrees Arable farmland,scattered hedges andtrees Arable farmland,few along Waterbeach Road Housing -almostcontinuous enclosed byvegetation mineral workings Area offloodedformer “16 exclusiveparkhouses” Bluebell Woods and trees Farmland, withhedges CAMBRIDGE enclosed byvegetation mineral workings Area offloodedformer LANDBEACH MILTON WATERBEACH 0100031673. 0100031673.

No rth Golf course Fruit farm-polytunnels along A10 development fields andsomecommercial Houses, gardens,small hedges andtrees Arable farmland,few Home underconstruction including Waterbeach Care enclosing development Area ofscrubandtrees Tree PreservationOrder Scrub andtrees hedgerows overlooking fieldsenclosedby Residential properties and A10 Waterbeach Public footpathlinkbetween 0 1km Sources: Area measurements for in for measurements Area Sources: All dimensions are to be checked on site. on be checked to are All dimensions © LDA Design Consulting LLP.LDA© Consulting Design BS to Assured Quality drawing. this from scaled to be are dimensions No NO. DWG. BY ISSUED notes Landscape Corridor Transport A10 TITLE DRAWING DENNYST FRANCIS TITLE PROJECT LEGEND DATE SCALE @A3 SCALE STATUS E.DESCRIPTION REV. A10 Transport CorridorLandscapenotes DRAWING TITLE DENNY ST FRANCIS PROJECT TITLE Area measurementsforindicative purposesonly. All dimensionsaretobechecked onsite. No dimensionsaretobescaledfrom thisdrawing. © LDADesignConsulting LLP.QualityAssuredtoBS EN ISO9001:2000 Rev.A REV. DWG. NO. DATE SCALE@A3 STATUS ISSUED BY A Tree Preservation Orders added added Orders Tree Preservation A Tree PreservationOrdersadded DESCRIPTION District Council, Sustrans, Natural England Natural Sustrans, District Council, Bing Maps, South Cambridge District Council, East Cambridge East Cambridge Council, District Cambridge South Bing Maps, Council, Sustrans, Natural England Bing Maps,SouthCambridge DistrictCouncil,EastCambridge District Additional land controlled by by RLW Estates controlled land Additional options infrastructure Transport infrastructure options area only) area options Transport infrastructure Tree Preservation Orders C/11/17/58/1 at C/11/17/58/1at Orders Tree Preservation Cambridge Green Belt Green Cambridge Park Country Open Land Access within A10 (Shown Public Route Cycle National transport potential A10 encompassing Area The Site Cambridge Road, Waterbeach Road, Cambridge at SC/3/76 and Road Waterbeach House, Manor 3321_603_A Jul 2012 1:24,000 Draft Peterborough 3321_603_Base May 2012 May Draft 1:24,000 Peterborough dicative purpose dicative DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED T: 01733310471 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED T: s 01733 310 471 310 01733 only.

EN ISO 9001 : 2000 ISO 9001 EN P.DATE APP. PB APP. B17/08/2012 PB PB PB VW VW PB PB 17.08.2012 DATE

July 2012 Denny St Francis

Appendix 3. Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options

3321_constraints 3 WDSF12

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options Corridor

for LDA Design

September 2012

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options Corridor

for LDA Design

September 2012

HA Job no.: WDSF12 NGR: 549865, 267263 Council: South Cambridgeshire

Author Dr Stephen Carter Graphics Caroline Norrman & Jennifer Richards

Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd © Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd 2012

North East

Headland Archaeology 13 Jane Edinburgh EH6 5HE 0131 467 7705 [email protected]

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd


1. intrODUCTION 1

2. methODS 1

3. the HERITAGE RESOURCE OF THE STUDY AREA 1 3.1 Designated Assets 1 3.1.1 Scheduled Monuments 1 3.1.2 Listed Buildings 1 3.1.3 Conservation Areas 2 3.2 Un-designated Assets 2 3.2.1 Chronological overview 2 3.2.2 The archaeological potential of the transport corridor 2 4. heritaGE CONSTRAINTS IN THE TRANSPORT CORRIDOR 2 4.1 Designated Assets 5 4.1.1 Milestones on the A10 (Listed Grade II) 5 4.1.2 Landbeach Conservation Area, Listed Buildings and Scheduled Monument 5 4.1.3 Waterbeach Conservation Area 5 4.2 Un-designated assets 5 4.2.1 Car Dyke 5 5. aPPENDIX 6

List of illustrations

Figure 1 3 The Cultural Heritage Resource © Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

Cultural Heritage Appraisal of the A10 Transport Options Corridor

1. INTRODUCTION No attempt is made here to provide an exhaustive account of all heritage assets as this is neither necessary nor desirable The purpose of this report is to provide an initial appraisal of at this stage. Instead, the text below describes the nature and the cultural heritage constraints that may influence the design general character of the local heritage resource with reference of new transport routes between Waterbeach and the A14 to selected assets and an emphasis on the more important, Cambridge Bypass. It is understood that two proposals are under designated assets. All assets that are individually referenced are consideration: plotted in Figure 1. Reference numbers for Cambridgeshire HER • Realignment of the A10 between Waterbeach and the records are prefixed ‘MCB’ for ‘monument’ records (i.e. actual A14 heritage assets) and ‘ECB’ for ‘event’ records (archaeological investigations). Figure 1 also shows the location and extent of • Creation of a guided busway between Waterbeach and archaeological cropmarks in this area. the A14 The land potentially required for these projects comprises a 1 corridor between Waterbeach and the A14, passing between 3.1 Designated Assets the villages of Landbeach on the west and Milton on the east, with the existing A10 forming the eastern side of the corridor for much of its length. 3.1.1 Scheduled Monuments There are six Scheduled Monuments within the study area, all located in the 1km buffer outside the transport corridor: 2. METHODS • 1006813 Car Dyke

The study area for the appraisal takes in the transport corridor • 1006870 Shrunken medieval village of Landbeach and a 1km buffer outside it to indentify any possible impacts on • 1006888 Waterbeach Abbey (site of) setting. All designated heritage assets have been included in the • 1006895 Horningsea Roman pottery kilns appraisal; this includes examples of Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments and Conservation Areas. There are no examples of • 1006930 Car Dyke World Heritage Sites, Registered Parks and Gardens or Battlefields • 1012770 Denny Abbey within the study area. Consideration has also given to non- designated heritage assets recorded within the study area. 3.1.2 Listed Buildings The appraisal was carried out as a desk-based exercise using data There are 71 Listed Buildings in the study area but only three from National Heritage List and Cambridgeshire HER. No site are within the transport corridor. These three late 18th century visits have been undertaken. milestones on the verge of the A10 (1127381, 1302189 and 1302199, all Grade II).

3. THE HERITAGE RESOURCE OF THE At the north end of the study area there are four Listed Buildings STUDY AREA associated with Denny Abbey, including the Grade I Listed abbey church and refectory. A complete list of known heritage assets in the study area (both designated and undesignated) is provided in an appendix to this report. All except four of the other Listed Buildings in the study area are These records from the National Heritage List and Cambridgeshire located in historic cores of the villages of Waterbeach, Landbeach,

© Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd HER are the evidence base for this section of the report. Horningsea and Milton. Each village contains a medieval parish church (Listed Grade I or Grade II*) and a variety of late medieval and later periods, the transport corridor has been chosen to run and post-medieval vernacular buildings (most Listed Grade II). between existing settlements so avoids the historic nucleated villages where most heritage assets of this date occur.

3.1.3 Conservation Areas More detailed knowledge of the distribution of prehistoric All four historic villages mentioned above for their Listed heritage assets is dependant largely on the location of land Buildings also contain a designated Conversation Area within the responsive to archaeological cropmarks and controlled study area. Waterbeach Conservation Area just extends into the archaeological investigations. This introduces considerable bias transport corridor at Chapel Street. in the apparent distribution of archaeological constraints.

There are two areas of complex later prehistoric and Roman 3.2 Un-designated Assets cropmarks within the transport corridor, at the north end west The Cambridgeshire HER holds 347 monument records for of Waterbeach and at Lime Farm, south-east of Landbeach (see undesignated heritage assets in the study area. These span all Figure 1 for extent of recorded cropmarks). This latter area has periods of human occupation from the Palaeolithic up to the also investigated during archaeological training excavations, recent past. confirming the date and nature of these cropmarks (HER Records ECB547, ECB1093 and ECB 2462). One other area within the transport corridor has also been the subject of extensive 3.2.1 Chronological overview archaeological investigations. This is at the south end and relates The earliest prehistoric occupation of the study area is represented to the Milton Landfill and adjoining Milton Park-and-Ride site. only by occasional stray finds of Palaeolithic flint axes (500,000 to Here, despite the absence of extensive cropmarks, excavation 10,000BC) and rare records of flint tools of Mesolithic date (10,000 revealed complex remains of Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman to 4,000BC). The succeeding Neolithic period (4,000 to 2500BC) is period settlements. better represented but still primarily by stone tools. Most records are for casual finds of the distinctive polished stone axe heads The results of the archaeological excavations, coupled with but isolated sub-surface features of probable Neolithic date have the extensive cropmark evidence suggests that there is high also been encountered in some archaeological investigations. potential for the entire transport corridor to contain a low density of early prehistoric features and a high density of later prehistoric The earliest reported archaeological structures are rare cropmark and Roman features. Currently recorded patterns of presence/ 2 barrows of Bronze Age date (2500 to 800BC). Sub-surface features absence for these features are not meaningful and reflect biases of probable Bronze Age date with pottery and flint artefacts have in visibility and recorder effort. also been recorded in some archaeological investigations. If attempts are made to avoid known cropmark complexes it The archaeological record expands considerably in the Iron is highly likely that other unrecorded concentrations will be Age (800BC to AD43) and succeeding Roman period (AD43 to encountered. It is therefore not appropriate to identify areas of AD409). Extensive archaeological cropmarks record an enclosed higher constraint based on partial records as they should not agricultural landscape of fields and settlements. Archaeological affect route selection. As a result, they do not feature in the list of excavations have demonstrated that this landscape may have its constraints given in the final section of this report. origins in the Middle Iron Age (400 BC). It continued to evolve into the Roman period when land divisions articulated with the road running north from Cambridge towards present-day Ely 4. HERITAGE CONSTRAINTS IN THE (now followed in part by the A10). One other key archaeological TRANSPORT CORRIDOR feature of the Roman period has already been mentioned as a Scheduled Monument: the Car Dyke canal. The purpose of this final section of the report is to identify those elements of the heritage resource, described above, that The medieval settlement pattern of nucleated villages probably constrain the selection of transport routes in the corridor. originated in the early medieval (Saxon) period and comprises Waterbeach, Landbeach, Horningsea and Milton, each with a Both national and local policy promotes the preservation of medieval church. Heritage assets post-dating AD1700 include heritage assets and their significance. That significance may lie most of the standing vernacular buildings in these villages. Most in the asset itself or in the setting of the asset and both may recently the WWII airfield RAF Waterbeach, now Waterbeach be affected in the present appraisal. The degree to which any Barracks, is recognised as a heritage asset. particular asset merits protection reflects an assessment of the balance between the importance of the asset and the level of harm to its significance on the one hand and the benefits of the 3.2.2 The archaeological potential of the transport development proposal on the other. corridor The chronological overview of the heritage resource for the It follows from this that the degree of constraint will range whole study area is considered to be relevant to the transport from situations where the harm will be unacceptable under all corridor for the prehistoric and Roman periods. For the medieval but the most exceptional circumstances to situations where, 269231

! ! ! ! !1127361 ! ! ! 1179549 ! E !

! ! ± E E 1331328 ! 1006813 ! E

Legend Key

!! !

! 1127360 ! ! !

! Extent of Study Area 268231

! ! 1012770 Area encompassing potential A10 ! E 1127381 ! transport infrastructure options

! ! E Grade I Listed Building ! ! E

! ! Grade II* Listed Building

! ! E Listed Buildings in Landbeach Grade II Listed Building 267231 1061325 ! ! 1119754 ! Cropmarks !

! Listed Buildings in Waterbeach

1127382 ! 1127362 Archaeological Event

! 1127383 ! 1127363

1127384 ! CropmarkArea E1302189 ! 1127364

1127385 ! ! 1127365 Conservation Area 1127386 1127366 ! ! 266231 1127387 1179559 Scheduled Monument ! 1127388 ! 1179567 E ! 1178950 ! E 1179612 1179005 EE 1179660 ! ! 1006870 E 1179631 1179026 E ! E E E 1267188 1179042 ! E EE E EE ECB2462 E ! 1301879 E E ! E

1179081 EE 1331327 1301960 ! 265231 1179122 1006870 EE E ! EEE 1127380 1331289 1302149 E E !

! E

1331298 1006888!

! 1331299 E ECB1093 ! !

1331300 ! E !

! 1127389 ! ! 1006930 1179106 ! ECB547 ! 264231

! 1127411 Metres


! 0 1,000 ! 1127368 ! E E ! Archaeological Recording ! 1127369

for Landfill and Park-and-Ride ! ! ! Scheme !

1006895 ! ! E Listed Buildings in Horningsea Scheduled Monument, Registered Park and 263231

! E ! 1127371 Garden and Listed Building information derived from E ! ! English Heritage data dated March 2012

EEEE E ! 1127377 © Crown Copyright (EH) ! E EEE

E EEE E ! 1178774

E ! ! Historic Environment Record data provided


! ! EE

1302033 ! 1178798 by Cambridgeshire HER © Cambridgeshire CC !

! 1127367 ! 1302271 E

! ! 1331290

! 1331291

! 262231

Listed Buildings in Milton 1331295 !

! 1127347 1127348 !

! 1127349 1127350


! 1127351 1127352

! 1127353 1127353


! 1127354 1179307 !

! 1302033 1331319 Waterbeach, Denny St Francis !






! 1331320 1331321 A10 transport infrastructure

! !



! !

! 1331322 1331323

! options !

! ! ! Figure 1: The Cultural Heritage Resource Reproduced using Ordnance Survey digital map data © Crown copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Licence number 0100031673

542175 543175 544175 545175 546175 547175 548175 549175 550175 551175 552175 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

although harm should be avoided if possible, the benefits of 4.1.3 Waterbeach Conservation Area the development proposal readily outweigh that harm. In the Transport routes approaching Waterbeach from the west may case of transport routes, where an unbroken corridor is required extend far enough to cross into the Conservation Area in the to link the two ends of the scheme, it is recognised that simple vicinity of Chapel Street. There is potential here for adverse avoidance will not be possible in all cases. impact on the character of the Conservation Area depending on the scale and nature of any construction works. The extent of any impact is likely to be very limited within the Conservation Area 4.1 Designated Assets and can be mitigated through careful design. The following designated heritage assets will constrain the selection of transport routes to some degree. Level of Constraint: Low

4.1.1 Milestones on the A10 (Listed Grade II) 4.2 Un-designated assets There are three 18th century milestones on the verge of the The following un-designated heritage asset will constrain the present A10. Any proposals to widen or re-align the selection of transport routes to some degree. should recognise the need to retain these milestones in situ. Listed Buildings receive a high level of policy protection and any proposal to remove or re-locate the milestones could 4.2.1 Car Dyke succeed but will require considerable justification. It may also Any transport routes that run east from the current A10 into be noted that setting is not a concern in this case as milestones Waterbeach will cross the line of the Car Dyke, a Roman canal. are roadside features so proximity to transport routes does not This is a monument of national importance and sections of it adversely affect their significance. to the south and north of this area are Scheduled Monuments (see above). The line of the canal to the west of Waterbeach has Level of Constraint: High been proved by excavation but it does not form a clear surface feature in this area. Given that a crossing cannot be avoided to reach Waterbeach, it is likely to be considered acceptable as 4.1.2 Landbeach Conservation Area, Listed long as consideration has been given to the minimising of harm. Buildings and Scheduled Monument The canal may survive as a 20-30m wide strip of soft sediment, The western edge of the transport corridor is located c.200- several metres deep, so a specific engineering solution may be 300 m east of the historic core of Landbeach which contains required. 5 numerous Listed Buildings and a Scheduled Monument within its Conservation Area. None of these assets can be physically Level of constraint: Low damaged as they lie outside the corridor but there is potential for adverse impacts on the setting of individual assets and the village as a whole. This could be caused by visual change or noise and will be closely related to the precise line taken by a new road. Ideally the route should run as far to the east as possible in this area.

Level of Constraint: Medium to low (depending on route) © Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd 5. APPENDIX List entry Name Grade 1127377 THE OLD RECTORY II This appendix contains lists of all heritage assets within the study area recorded in the National Heritage List (Designated Assets) 1127381 MILESTONE HALF MILE NORTH OF GOOSE HALL AT II and Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (Undesignated NGR 485 679 Assets). All records of archaeological investigations held in the 1127382 TITHE BARN THE EAST OF NUMBER 14 (THE OLD II HER (‘event’ records) are also listed below. RECTORY) 1127383 OLD BEACH FARMHOUSE II NB: There are also four examples of Conservation Areas within the study area but these have not been listed separately below. 1127384 SKATCHBOW COTTAGE II 1127385 PARISH CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS I Scheduled Monuments 1127386 34, HIGH STREET II List entry Name 1127387 21, HIGH STREET II 1006870 Shrunken medieval village of Landbeach 1127388 THE PLAGUE HOUSE II 1006930 Car Dyke 1127389 THE LIMES II 1006895 Horningsea kilns, site of 1127411 EYE HALL II 1006888 Waterbeach Abbey (site of) 1178774 MANOR FARMHOUSE II 1006813 Length of Car Dyke between Green End and Top Moor 1178798 BARN TO WEST OF ST JOHNS FARM II 1012770 Denny Abbey 1178950 THE OLD RECTORY II*

Listed Buildings 1179005 MANOR FARMHOUSE II

List entry Name Grade 1179026 81 AND 83, GREEN END II





1127351 MILTON HOUSE II* 1179559 5, GREEN SIDE II

1127352 32, FEN ROAD II 1179567 DENNY HOUSE II





1127371 THE FOLLY II 1331295 CHURCH OF ST PETER I 1127376 CROWN AND PUNCH BOWL II Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

List entry Name Grade Monu id Name

1331298 MILTON COTTAGE/OAK COTTAGE/PLOUGH II MCB10613 Semi-rectangular enclosures, Landbeach COTTAGE MCB10617 Linear features, Cottenham 1331299 JASMINE COTTAGE II MCB10618 Roman remains, Landbeach 1331300 BARN TO WEST OF OLD BEACH FARMHOUSE II MCB10619 Trackways, Landbeach 1331319 2, CHURCH LANE II MCB10620 Trackways, Landbeach 1331320 LODGE TO MILTON HALL II MCB10621 Roman settlement site, Landbeach 1331321 JOLLY BREWERS PUBLIC HOUSE II MCB10622 Enclosures and trackways, Landbeach 1331322 STRANGEWAYS II MCB10624 Cropmarks, Waterbeach 1331323 WHITE HORSE PUBLIC HOUSE II MCB10626 Possible watercourses, Denny Abbey 1331327 31, BURGESS ROAD II MCB10628 Landbeach shrunken Medieval village 1331328 DENNY ABBEY REFECTORY I MCB10629 Landbeach shrunken medieval village additional area 1302189 MILESTONE HALF MILE SOUTH OF GREEN END II JUNCTION AND GOOSE HALL AT NGR 484 664 MCB10630 Trackways, Landbeach

1127380 MILESTONE SOUTH OF JUNCTION WITH II MCB10631 Tracks and enclosure, Landbeach WATERBEACH ROAD AT NGR 487 649 MCB10647 Roman site, Penfold Farm

MCB10687 Subrectangular enclosures, Landbeach

Undesignated heritage assets MCB10814 Saxon site, Waterbeach

Monu id Name MCB10815 Roman pottery, Waterbeach

MCB10070 Iron Age settlement, Cottenham MCB10816 Medieval pottery, Waterbeach

MCB10071 Roman settlement site, Cottenham MCB10841 Saxon settlement, Waterbeach MCB10073 D-shaped enclosure, Landbeach MCB11345 Cropmark site, E of Arbury Camp 7 MCB10074 Rectilinear enclosures, Landbeach MCB11483 Medieval midden, Waterbeach

MCB10153 Cropmark complex, Milton MCB11484 Roman settlement, Waterbeach

MCB10161 Arbury Camp Iron Age ringwork MCB11528 C2nd disc brooch, Waterbeach

MCB10162 Roman finds, Arbury Camp MCB11671 Car Dyke (Roman canal), Landbeach

MCB10163 Ridge and furrow, Arbury Camp MCB11952 Roman road and associated features, Gypsy Ditches, Arbury MCB10164 Post medieval fields, Arbury Camp MCB11987 Railway cutting and undated ditches, Milton MCB10304 Roman settlement site, Landbeach MCB12116 Prehistoric lithics, Butt Lane, Milton MCB10305 Roman settlement site, Landbeach MCB12117 Prehistoric pottery, Butt Lane, Milton MCB10306 Possible Iron Age pottery, Landbeach MCB12118 Roman pottery, Butt Lane, Milton MCB10307 Roman settlement site, Landbeach MCB12119 Medieval pottery, Butt Lane, Milton MCB10308 Roman settlement remains, Landbeach MCB12120 Post-medieval finds, Butt Lane, Milton MCB10309 Roman settlement site, Landbeach MCB12121 Milton Waste Disposal Site MCB10550 Roman bronze jug handle, Milton MCB12269 Worts Farm Barn, Landbeach MCB10551 Bronze artefacts, Milton MCB12300 Copper alloy ring and stud, Milton MCB10552 Roman bronze coins, Milton MCB12768 Saxon and undated finds, Horningsea MCB10553 Metal disc, Milton MCB12769 Roman coins, Horningsea MCB10607 Possible enclosure system, Landbeach MCB12905 Horningsea ware, Cambridge MCB10608 Roman cropmark complex, Landbeach MCB13008 Iron Age coin, Horningsea MCB10609 Romano-British settlement, Car Dyke Farm MCB13009 Roman brooch, Horningsea

© Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd MCB10612 Trackway, Landbeach Monu id Name Monu id Name

MCB13010 Saxon metalwork, Horningsea MCB15697 Roman cremation, Kings Hedges Farm, Impington

MCB13028 Enclosure, Landbeach MCB15698 Neolithic and Bronze Age remains (Area D), Milton Landfill Site MCB13067 Ditch, Landbeach MCB15700 Romano-British remains, Milton Landfill Site MCB13068 Parallel ditches, Car Dyke MCB15701 Roman remains (MILEW III and IV), Milton Landfill Site MCB13069 Enclosure, Landbeach MCB15707 Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman remains (Area A), Milton MCB13125 Settlement cropmarks, Landbeach Landfill Site

MCB13190 Tile finds, A45 Girton to Stow cum Quy fieldwalking survey, MCB15708 Iron Age remains (Area C), Milton Landfill Site Field 22 MCB15709 Iron Age remains (Area D), Milton Landfill Site MCB13191 Post medieval finds, A45 Girton to Stow cum Quy fieldwalking survey, Field 23 MCB15711 Iron Age pit cluster (Area B), Milton Landfill Site

MCB13330 Roman finds, Waterbeach MCB15712 Iron Age remains (MILEW III and IV), Milton Landfill Site

MCB13595 Horningsea pottery, Car Dyke, Waterbeach MCB15737 Roman road and later features, Green End, Landbeach

MCB13596 Roman remains, Waterbeach MCB15748 Undated features, Allotment Gardens Triangle, King’s Hedges Road, Arbury MCB13597 Iron Age or Saxon pottery, Waterbeach MCB15752 Undated ditch, Waterbeach MCB13598 Iron Age/Saxon pottery, Waterbeach MCB15753 Denny Abbey MCB13599 Roman settlement, cemetery and pottery production site, Waterbeach MCB15764 Residual Roman remains, Guided busway route, Balancing Pond 6, Impington MCB13604 Roman pottery, Waterbeach MCB15765 Undated linear features, Guided busway route, Arbury Park MCB13607 Roman settlement site, Landbeach MCB15907 Prehistoric to postmedieval remains, Nuffield Road MCB13608 Roman settlement, Landbeach MCB15916 Post-medieval boundary ditch, St John’s Innovation Park, MCB13613 Iron Age settlement, Cottenham Cambridge

8 MCB13614 Roman settlement site, Cottenham MCB15918 Ridge and Furrow and post-medieval features, Cowley Park

MCB13714 Iron Age remains, Milton Landfill Site MCB15936 Roman ditches, Apollo Way, Cambridge

MCB13799 Unknown observations, Denny Abbey MCB15996 Roman settlement, Waterbeach

MCB13958 Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery finds, Denny Abbey MCB16002 Prehistoric remains, Cambridge Rowing Lake site

MCB14247 Park and gardens of Eye Hall Farm, Horningsea MCB16003 Medieval trackway, Cambridge Rowing Lake site

MCB14254 Impington Hall park and garden, Impington MCB16004 Fen edge boundary ditches, Cambridge Rowing Lake site

MCB14261 Moat opposite “Accasias”, Landbeach MCB16009 Romano-British features, Cambridge Rowing Lake site

MCB14299 Hall, Milton MCB1625 Worts Farm moated site, Landbeach

MCB14353 “The Rookery”, Denny End MCB16262 Coin finds, Mere Way

Mcb14513 Wooden structure and kilns, Car Dyke/River Cam junction MCB16263 Roman and mediaeval finds, Milton

MCB14602 Saxon features, Denny End MCB16281 Possible midden, The Farmland Museum, Denny Abbey, Waterbeach MCB14682 Bronze Age features, Milton recreation ground MCB16399 Pillbox, Cambridge Science Park MCB14982 Landbeach Baptist Church MCB16401 Destroyed pillbox, N of Milton MCB14983 Milton Baptist Church MCB16402 Pillbox, River Cam, Waterbeach MCB1505 Moated site, Landbeach MCB16403 Pillbox, Waterbeach station yard MCB15076 Spigot mortar base, Waterbeach MCB16404 Pillbox, Waterbeach sailing club MCB15155 RAF Waterbeach MCB16405 Pillbox, Waterbeach rail crossing MCB15214 Pillbox, River Cam, Milton MCB16668 Multiperiod artefacts, 16 High Street, Milton MCB15275 Saxo-Norman features, Landbeach MCB16776 Route of Car Dyke canal, Waterbeach MCB15603 Post-Medieval features, Unex Lands, Arbury Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

Monu id Name Monu id Name

MCB16781 Roman remains, Landbeach MCB2711 Elongated polished axe, Waterbeach

MCB16782 Roman remains, Landbeach MCB2905 Roman coin, Waterbeach

MCB16782 Roman remains, Landbeach MCB429 Saint Peter’s Church, Horningsea

MCB16897 Prehistoric and Roman features, Kings Hedges School MCB430 Saxon minster, Saint Peter’s Church, Horningsea

MCB17094 Roman pottery scatter, Milton MCB450 Neolithic axeheads, Waterbeach

MCB17201 Waterbeach Baptist Chapel, Chapel Street MCB6337 King’s Hedges Estate

MCB17241 ? Roman gullies, Bannold Road, Waterbeach MCB6342 Roman ring find, Milton Road

MCB17340 Barn, Station Road, Waterbeach MCB6344 Unspecified stone objects, 377 Milton Road

MCB17348 Prehistoric, Medieval and Post-Medieval features, High MCB6349 Palaeolithic handaxes and flakes, Milton Road pits Street, Waterbeach MCB6354 Site of cross, Cambridge MCB17417 Fieldwalking finds, S of Eye Hall Farm, Horningsea MCB6355 Remains of medieval cross, Milton MCB17518 Ridge and furrow, S of Butt Lane, Milton MCB6356 Medieval market cross, Landbeach MCB17525 Prehistoric and Roman features, Cambridge Science Park MCB6357 C16th purse mount, Landbeach MCB17526 Ridge and furrow, Cambridge Science Park MCB6358 Roman brooch, Landbeach MCB17527 WWII vehicle depot, Trinity Farm, Milton MCB6359 Neolithic axe, Landbeach MCB17609 Roman finds concentration, Butt Lane, Milton MCB6360 Roman brooch, Beach Road, Landbeach MCB17819 Roman settlement, Long Meadow, Milton MCB6361 Roman hand mill, Cottenham MCB17882 Iron Age and Roman remains, Milton Hall MCB6412 Roman pottery, Cottenham MCB17965 Prehistoric finds scatters, Ely Road, Milton MCB6415 Cropmarks and Roman pottery, Cottenham MCB18151 Medieval and Post medieval remains off Ely Road, Milton MCB6424 Mesolithic flint blade, Milton MCB18209 Iron Age - Romano-British settlement, Milton Park and Ride 9 MCB6425 Roman pottery, Milton MCB18210 Medieval windmill, Milton Park and Ride MCB6426 Medieval pottery, Milton MCB18330 Milestone, A10, Landbeach MCB6427 Post-medieval pottery, Milton MCB18331 Milestone, A10, Landbeach MCB6439 Roman settlement, Milton MCB18343 Milestone, unclassified road, Milton MCB6470 Roman pottery and ditches, Milton MCB18419 Prehistoric features, Waste Management Park, Waterbeach MCB6471 Waterbeach Abbey MCB18420 Post-medieval features, Waste Management Park, Waterbeach MCB6472 Roman pottery finds, Waterbeach Abbey

MCB19162 Possible Roman kiln flue or gully MCB6474 Roman brooch, Milton

MCB19188 Palaeolithic handaxe MCB6475 Medieval bronze buckles, Milton

MCB19267 Dornier crash site at Milton Road Allotment Gardens MCB6476 Saxon settlement remains, The Lodge, Waterbeach

MCB19281 Well south of Soldiers’ Hill, Waterbeach MCB6477 Roman pottery finds, Waterbeach Lodge

MCB19359 Archaeological Remains at Arbury “In-Track” Guided MCB6478 Roman findspot, Landbeach Busway Site MCB6479 Roman pottery, Milton MCB19361 Archaeological remains at “Arbury Park” Guided Busway site MCB6480 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB19373 Post- medieval post holes and ditches, Kings Hedges Road MCB6490 Roman settlement, Landbeach MCB19471 Gardens of The Lodge, Horningsea MCB6506 Roman ditch system, Cottenham MCB19545 Medieval and 19th century walls and rubble, Denny Abbey MCB6515 Roman ditch, Landbeach MCB19562 Features at 12 Pieces Lane, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire MCB6517 Benson’s Mill, Waterbeach MCB19563 Features at Milton Landfill Site MCB6518 Section through Akeman Street Roman road, Landbeach MCB2601 Quern find, Denny Abbey

© Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd MCB6519 Polished Neolithic axe, Landbeach Monu id Name Monu id Name

MCB6520 Roman ditch containing pottery, Landbeach MCB6599 Arbury Road (site VIII) (Prehistoric earthworks, well)

MCB6521 Roman pottery, Waterbeach MCB6600 Arbury Road (site VIII) (Medieval earthworks)

MCB6522 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6601 Arbury Road (site VII) (Ro earthworks, well)

MCB6523 Saxon weapons, Waterbeach MCB6602 Arbury Road (site VII) (Prehistoric earthworks, well)

MCB6524 Roman road, Cambridge MCB6603 Arbury Road (site VI) (Ro enclosure & earthworks)

MCB6526 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6604 Arbury Road (site V) (Ro well)

MCB6527 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6605 Arbury Road (site IV) (Ro earthworks, well)

MCB6528 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6606 Arbury Road (site IV) (Prehistoric earthwork)

MCB6529 Saxon brooch, Landbeach MCB6607 Roman gully and pits, Arbury Road site III

MCB6530 Fossilized bison horn and Palaeolithic axe, Waterbeach MCB6608 Roman villa, Arbury Road site II

MCB6531 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6610 Iron Age and Saxon remains, King’s Hedges School

MCB6532 Cropmarks, Cottenham MCB6612 Arbury Road (Ro earthworks, well, architecture, finds)

MCB6533 Roman pottery, Cottenham MCB6613 Iron Age coin, Arbury Road

MCB6534 Roman roadway and ditches, Cottenham Green End, MCB6614 Bronze Age finds, Horningsea Landbeach MCB6615 Saxon shield, Horningsea MCB6538 Roman ditch, Landbeach MCB6616 Roman settlement, Manor Farm, Arbury Road, Cambridge MCB6539 Ditches and Roman pottery, Cottenham MCB6626 Cropmark complex around Neptune Close MCB6540 Top Moor MCB6627 Roman building materials, Cambridge MCB6541 Roman ditch system, Landbeach MCB6628 Roman pottery, Cambridge MCB6542 Roman pottery and quern, Cottenham MCB6629 Roman field system, Arbury 10 MCB6572 Earthworks around Denny Abbey MCB6630 Ridge and furrow, Arbury MCB6573 Denny Abbey refectory MCB6631 Roman pottery scatter on edge of Car Dyke MCB6575 Roman enclosure and finds, Cottenham MCB6642 All Saints’ Church, Landbeach MCB6576 Roman pottery, Landbeach MCB6650 Bronze Age hoard, Brown’s Gravel Pit MCB6583 Flint implement, Horningsea MCB6651 Iron Age pits, Brown’s Gravel Pit MCB6584 Car Dyke Roman canal MCB6652 Roman pottery from the River Cam above Clayhithe, MCB6584 Car Dyke Roman canal Waterbeach

MCB6585 Belgic pottery from Car Dyke MCB6653 Dug-out canoe, Waterbeach

MCB6587 Wharves, St. John’s Lane and Dock Lane, Horningsea MCB6662 All Saints’ Church, Milton

MCB6588 Wharf, Horningsea MCB6680 Probable Palaeolithic axe, Waterbeach

MCB6589 Roman pottery, Waterbeach MCB6692 The Rectory, Landbeach

MCB6590 Roman pottery, Waterbeach MCB6693 The Rectory, Landbeach

MCB6591 Roman buildings, Manor Farm, Arbury Road MCB6698 The Crown and Punch Bowl, Horningsea

MCB6592 Roman pottery, Cambridge MCB6699 King’s Acre, Horningsea

MCB6593 Arbury Road (Site X) (Ro well, earthworks, inhumation) MCB6700 Manor House, Horningsea

MCB6594 Arbury Road (Site X) (Prehistoric structure, earthwork, oven, MCB6701 Old Rectory, Horningsea well) MCB6702 Roman coin find, Old Rectory MCB6595 Arbury Road (Site X) (Medieval earthwork) MCB6735 Roman earthwork, Soldiers Hill, Waterbeach MCB6596 Arbury Road (Site IX) (Ro earthwork, road, well) MCB6738 Roman remains, Cottenham MCB6597 Arbury Road (Site IX) (prehistoric earthwork) MCB6748 Bronze Age beaker fragments, Milton MCB6598 Arbury Road (site VIII) (Ro earthworks, well) Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

Monu id Name Monu id Name

MCB6749 Roman emperor figurine, Milton MCB9970 Cropmark complex, Lime Farm, Landbeach

MCB6750 Roman pottery, Denny Abbey MCB9971 Trackway and other cropmarks, Landbeach

MCB6752 Roman pottery, Milton MCB9972 Roman site, Penfold Farm

MCB6753 Roman pottery and beads, Milton MCB9973 Cropmark ditches, Lime Farm

MCB6754 Iron Age pottery, Milton MCB9974 Possible rectilinear feature, Milton

MCB6755 Roman pottery, Milton MCB9975 Dubious linear features, Milton

MCB6759 Roman coin, Green End Road, Cambridge MCB9976 Cropmarks near Landbeach

MCB6764 Roman pottery kilns, Horningsea MCB9978 Rectangular enclosure, Eye Hall Farm, Horningsea

MCB6766 Roman urns, Horningsea MCB9979 ? Cropmark enclosure, Milton

MCB6767 Roman pottery kiln, Horningsea MCB9981 Cropmark enclosures, Milton

MCB6768 Roman kiln dump, Horningsea MCB9984 Parallel ditches, Waterbeach

MCB6769 Roman cemetery, Horningsea MCB9985 Ring ditch cropmark, Milton

MCB6770 Roman pottery and Post-Medieval features, Eye Hall, MCB9987 Romano-British settlement, Waterbeach Horningsea MCB9988 Ring ditch cropmark, Benet Farm MCB6771 Roman pottery, Horningsea MCB9989 Post-Medieval and undated features, St. John’s Innovation MCB6772 Deserted settlement and building remains, Eye Hall Park, Cowley

MCB6773 Medieval settlement S of Eye Hall, Horningsea MCB9992 Trackway and enclosure cropmarks, Landbeach

MCB6774 Earthworks W of Eye Hall (post medieval)

MCB6775 Medieval moat, Eye Hall Farm, Horningsea Event Records

MCB6776 Eye Hall Farm Evu id Name Organisation

MCB6783 Saint John the Evangelist’s Church, Waterbeach ECB1000 Further evaluation at Arbury Cambridge Archaeological 11 MCB6840 Possible earthwork, Milton Camp, 2002 Unit

MCB6848 Ridge and furrow, N and NW of Horningsea village ECB1091 Evaluation on Histon Road Cambridgeshire County Allotments, 1994 Council Archaeological Field MCB6912 Roman remains, Milton Gravel Pits Unit

MCB6913 Roman pottery finds, Milton Gravel Pits ECB1092 Salvage excavation at Milton Cambridgeshire County Landfill Site, 1994 Council Archaeological Field MCB6914 Mammoth remains, Milton Gravel Pits Unit

MCB6915 Roman ditch, Milton ECB1093 Training excavation at Cambridgeshire County Landbeach, 1999 Council Archaeological Field MCB6916 Roman pottery kilns, Milton Gravel Pits, Milton Fen End Unit

MCB6988 Roman pottery kiln, Horningsea ECB1095 Evaluation at Cambridge Cambridge Archaeological Regional College, 2003 Unit MCB7015 Cropmarks of Akeman Street Roman Road and associated linear features, Landbeach ECB118 Evaluation at Nuffield Road Museum of London allotments, Chesterton, 1999 Archaeology Service MCB7138 Moated site at ‘The Hall’, Milton ECB1255 A45 Girton to Stow cum Quy Cambridgeshire County MCB7165 Roman pottery and coin, Landbeach fieldwalking programme, 1993 Council Archaeological Field Unit MCB7496 Roman pottery and cropmarks, Cottenham ECB1332 Excavation at Apollo Way, Hertfordshire Archaeological MCB7497 Roman remains, Cottenham Cambridge, 2001-2 Trust MCB7693 Saxon weapons and human skull, Horningsea ECB1379 Assessment at Kings Hedges Cambridgeshire County MCB7711 Roman pottery finds, Eye Hall Farm South Farm, Impington, 1990 Council Archaeological Field Unit MCB7713 Mesolithic axe, field next to Waterbeach Station ECB1380 Fieldwalking survey, Milton Cambridgeshire County MCB7737 Roman pottery from dredging of the Cam Waste Disposal Site, 1990 Council Archaeological Field Unit MCB9211 Section through Akeman Street Roman road, Milton

© Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd MCB9439 Roman kiln, Horningsea Evu id Name Organisation Evu id Name Organisation

ECB1381 Watching brief at Coles Lane Cambridge Archaeological ECB1820 Excavations of the eastern Cambridge Archaeological Recreation Ground, Milton, Unit entrance at Arbury Camp, Unit 1991 Cambridge, 2003-4

ECB1382 Training excavation at Milton Cambridgeshire County ECB1906 Watching brief at Whitmore Cambridgeshire County Landfill Site (Area A), 1997 Council Archaeological Field Way, Waterbeach, 2005 Council Archaeological Field Unit Unit

ECB1383 Training excavation at Milton Cambridgeshire County ECB1910 Evaluation at Arbury Camp, Cambridge Archaeological Landfill Site (Area C), 1998 Council Archaeological Field 1995 Unit Unit ECB2063 Evaluation at Kings Hedges Cambridgeshire County ECB1385 Evaluation at Milton Landfill Cambridgeshire County School, Cambridge, 2005 Council Archaeological Field Site, 1995 Council Archaeological Field Unit Unit ECB2064 Watching brief along the Cambridge Archaeological ECB1386 Rescue excavation, Milton Cambridgeshire County Histon - Waterbeach electricity Unit Landfill Site, 1995 Council Archaeological Field cable, 2003 Unit ECB2066 Watching brief at the Cambridgeshire County ECB1388 Evaluation at Milton Landfill Cambridgeshire County Parkersteel Site, Denny Council Archaeological Field Site, 1995 Council Archaeological Field Industrial Centre, 2001 Unit Unit ECB2122 Evaluation and watching Cambridgeshire County ECB1418 Evaluation at New Farm, Cambridgeshire County brief at All Saints’ Church, Council Archaeological Field Landbeach, 2003 Council Archaeological Field Landbeach Unit Unit ECB214 Watching brief at St. Peter’s Hertfordshire Archaeological ECB1439 Evaluation at King’s Hedges Cambridge Archaeological Church, Horningsea, 1999 Trust Road, Arbury, 2004 Unit ECB2210 Evaluation to the rear of 30 Cambridgeshire County ECB1449 Recording at Trinity Hall Field, Cambridge Archaeological High Street, Waterbeach, 2006 Council Archaeological Field Arbury, 1991 Unit Unit

ECB1456 Guided busway evaluations, Cambridge Archaeological ECB222 Evaluation at Car Dyke Farm, Cambridgeshire County 2003-4 Unit Landbeach, 1997 Council Archaeological Field Unit 12 ECB1456 Guided busway evaluations, Cambridge Archaeological 2003-4 Unit ECB2250 Geophysical survey at Milton, Geophysical Surveys of 1994 Bradford ECB1467 Stage 1 evaluation, Cambridge Oxford Archaeology Rowing Lake, 2003 ECB2309 Test pit survey, Cambridge Cambridgeshire County Guided Busway, 2006 Council Archaeological Field ECB1491 Section though Car Dyke, Cambridgeshire County Unit Waterbeach, 1993 Council Archaeological Field Unit ECB2325 Evaluation of land N of Albion Archaeology Bannold Lodge, Waterbeach, ECB1499 Watching brief, Milton - Histon Cambridgeshire County 2004 pipeline, 1991 Council Archaeological Field Unit ECB2396 Excavation and evaluation at Cambridge Archaeological IWM Park, Waterbeach, 2002 Unit ECB156 Evaluation at Cambridge Wessex Archaeology Business Park Blocks B, E & F, ECB2399 Evaluation at the Car Park Cambridge Archaeological 1999 Zone, Arbury Camp, 2005 Unit

ECB162 Evaluation at St. John’s Thames Valley Archaeological ECB2449 Evaluation at the Former Black Archaeological Solutions Innovation Park, Cowley,1999 Services Bear Press Site, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, 2006 ECB164 Evaluation at Neptune Close, Hertfordshire Archaeological Cambridge, 2000 Trust ECB2453 Fieldwalking on land S of Butt Cambridgeshire County Lane, Milton, 2006 Council Archaeological Field ECB1644 AP assessment, Cambridge Air Photo Services Unit Rowing Lake, 1994 (Cambridge) ECB2462 AP assessment, Limes Farm, Air Photo Services ECB1699 Excavations in The Nuns’ Landbeach, 1999 (Cambridge) Refectory, Denny Abbey, 1984-85 ECB2466 Fieldwalking and geophysical Terry Dymott survey, SW of Eye Hall Farm, ECB1761 Earthwork survey, Manorial London University Extra-Mural Horningsea, 2006 Earthworks, Landbeach Department ECB2512 Excavation at King’s Hedges Cambridge Archaeological ECB1811 Monitoring at The Farmland Cambridgeshire County Triangle, Cambridge, 2007 Unit Museum, Denny Abbey, Council Archaeological Field Waterbeach, 2004 Unit Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach WDSF12 Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd

Evu id Name Organisation Evu id Name Organisation

ECB2527 Evaluation at NAPP Cambridge Archaeological ECB3347 Evaluation and excavation at Archaeological Solutions Cambridge Science Park Phase Unit 12 Pieces Lane, Waterbeach, 1, 2007 2010

ECB2570 Gradiometer survey to S of Cranfield Forensic Institute ECB336 Investigations at Saint John’s Butt Lane, Milton, 2006 Church, Waterbeach, 2000 Archaeology

ECB2637 Excavation at Milton Landfill Oxford Archaeology East ECB339 Evaluation at Denny Industrial Cambridgeshire County Site, 2007-2009 Centre, Waterbeach, 2000 Council Archaeological Field Unit ECB2640 Excavation at Ely Road, Waste Cambridge Archaeological Management, Waterbeach, Unit ECB340 Watching brief at 64 Cambridgeshire County 2007 Cambridge Road, Waterbeach, Council Archaeological Field 1998 Unit ECB2654 Evaluation at 12A Cameron Archaeological Solutions Close, Cambridge, 2007 ECB3423 Excavation at Milton Landfill Cambridge Archaeological site, 2010 Unit ECB2674 Excavations at the Car Dyke, Cambridgeshire County 1997 Council Archaeological Field ECB3447 Evaluation at Smartlife Centre, Oxford Archaeology East Unit King’s Hedges, 2010

ECB2707 Geophysical surveys, Fen Archaeology Research Group ECB3461 Evaluation at Enterprise Albion Archaeology Road, Milton, 2006-7 Nurseries, Landbeach, 2010

ECB2744 AP assessment, King’s Hedges Air Photo Services ECB349 Excavations at Waterbeach School, 1994 (Cambridge) Abbey, 1963

ECB277 Evaluation at All Saints’ Church, Hertfordshire Archaeological ECB352 Evaluation at Apollo Way, Hertfordshire Archaeological Milton, 1999 Trust Cambridge, 2001 Trust

ECB278 Training excavation, Milton Cambridgeshire County ECB353 Evaluation at Gypsy Ditches Cambridge Archaeological Landfill Site, 1996 Council Archaeological Field Fields and Unex sites, 1991 Unit Unit ECB359 Excavation at Arbury Camp, ECB2888 Fieldwalking and metal Derek Booth / Cambridgeshire 1970 detector survey, N of Fen Archaeology Road, Milton, 2006-7 ECB360 Evaluation at Arbury Camp, Cambridge Archaeological 1990 Unit 13 ECB2948 AP assessment, land at Ely Air Photo Services Road, Milton, 2008 (Cambridge) ECB361 Earthwork survey at Arbury Royal Commission on the Camp, 1995 Historical Monuments of ECB2950 Geophysical survey of land at Archaeological Services England Ely Road, Milton, 2008 Durham University ECB3622 Test pit evaluation, Farmland Oxford Archaeology East ECB2951 Evaluation at Goose Hall Farm, Cambridge Archaeological Museum, 2011 Waterbeach, 1993 Unit ECB402 Evaluation at Denny End, Cambridge Archaeological ECB2961 Monitoring along the 33kV Cambridge Archaeological Waterbeach, 1995 Unit expansion cable, 2004-8 Unit ECB404 Recording brief at Denny Cambridgeshire County ECB2963 Geophysical survey at The Archaeology Rheesearch Abbey, Farmland Museum, Council Archaeological Field Lodge, Horningsea, 2007 Group 1996 Unit

ECB2981 Evaluation of Land E of Milton Oxford Archaeology East ECB441 Fieldwalking and evaluation, William Frend Hall, 2008 Penfold Farm, Milton, 1992-3

ECB3030 Excavations at Manor Farm, ECB448 Evaluation at Denny, Tempus Reparatum Arbury Road, 1965-6 Waterbeach, 1990

ECB3062 Further excavations at Ely Cambridge Archaeological ECB477 Excavations at Denny Abbey, Road, Waterbeach, 2008 Unit 1968-1975

ECB3118 Test pits along bridleway, near Oxford Archaeology East ECB525 Evaluation along the Cambridge Archaeological Milton, 2008 Anglian Water Cottenham Unit to Landbeach Sewage Main, ECB3122 Evaluation at Milton Road Park Oxford Archaeology East 1999 and Ride, 2007 ECB533 Evaluation of the Cambridge Cambridgeshire County ECB3123 Excavation at Milton Road Park Oxford Archaeology East Rowing Lake site, 1995 Council Archaeological Field and Ride, 2007 Unit

ECB3226 Test pits at Long Meadow and Active8 Archaeology ECB537 Evaluation at the Cambridge Cambridge Archaeological Hill Close, Milton, 2008 Centre for Recycling, 2000 Unit

ECB538 Evaluation at Milton Cambridge Archaeological

© Headland Archaeology (UK)© Headland Archaeology 2012 Ltd Recreation Ground, 1998 Unit Evu id Name Organisation

ECB547 MAFF County Farms Estate Cambridgeshire County Agricultural Impact Study, Council Archaeological Field 2001 Unit

ECB556 Excavations at Manor Farm, Arbury Road, 1951-1952

ECB557 Excavations at Manor Farm, Arbury Road, 1965-1967

ECB577 Excavation S of Eye Hall, Cambridge Antiquarian Chatteris, 1901 Society

ECB659 Excavation at Horningsea kilns, Cambridge Antiquarian Eye Hall, 1911 Society

ECB709 Excavations to S of Eye Hall, Cambridge University 1977 Archaeological Field Club

ECB710 Excavation at Eye Hall, 1911 Cambridge Antiquarian Society

ECB722 Watching brief at All Saints’ Hertfordshire Archaeological Church, Milton, 2001 Trust

ECB786 Excavations at Arbury Camp, Cambridge Antiquarian 1902-1904 Society

ECB825 Excavations at Waterbeach Cambridge Antiquarian Lodge, 1926-1927 Society

ECB934 Evaluation at New Cross Farm, Cambridgeshire County Landbeach, 2002 Council Archaeological Field Unit

ECB94 Recording brief at Hill Farm, Cambridgeshire County Waterbeach 1997 Council Archaeological Field 14 Unit ECB95 Recording brief at Denny Cambridgeshire County Abbey, 1997/8 Council Archaeological Field Unit

ECB983 Assessment at Kings Hedges Tempus Reparatum School, 1994-5

ECB984 Sample excavation at Kings Tempus Reparatum Hedges School, 1994-5

Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd © Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd 2012

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Headland Archaeology Headland Archaeology Headland Archaeology Headland Archaeology 13 Jane Street 10 Payne Street Technology Centre, Stanbridge Road Unit 1, Premier Business Park, Faraday Road Edinburgh EH6 5HE Glasgow G4 0LF Leighton Buzzard LU7 4QH Hereford HR4 9NZ 0131 467 7705 0141 354 8100 01525 850878 01432 364 901 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

July 2012 Denny St Francis

Appendix 4. Ecological Appraisal of the A10 Transport Corridor

3321_constraints 4

Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

Ecological Appraisal of the A10 Transport Corridor July 2012

A 17 Minster Precincts Peterborough PE1 1XX United Kingdom T +44 (0) 1733 310 471 F +44 (0) 1733 553 661 W

LDA Design Consulting LLP Registered No: OC307725 17 Minster Precincts, Peterborough PE1 1XX

3321_A10_Ecology July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach


1.0 Introduction ...... 4 1.1. Site Description ...... 4 1.2. Description of Project ...... 4 1.3. Aims of Study ...... 4 2.0 Methodology ...... 5 2.1. Desk Study ...... 5 2.2. Field Survey ...... 5 3.0 Results and Interpretation ...... 6 3.1. Statutory and Non-statutory Sites – Desk Study Results ...... 6 3.2. Habitats within the Site – Field Survey Results ...... 6 3.3. Protected and Notable Species ...... 7 3.4. Limitations to Study ...... 9 4.0 Potential Ecological Constraints and Recommendations for Further Survey ...... 10 4.1. Statutory and Non-Statutory Sites ...... 10 4.2. Habitats ...... 10 4.3. Protected and Notable Species ...... 10 5.0 Summary ...... 15

Appendices...... 1 Appendix 1. Non-statutory sites located within three kilometres of the study site 1 Appendix 2. Target Notes ...... 4 Appendix 3. Legislation relating to European Protected Species ...... 6 Appendix 4. Data trawl ...... 7

Version: 1.2 Version date: 18 September 2012 Comment Final This document has been prepared and checked in accordance with ISO 9001:2000.


July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

Drawings 3321_600 A10 Transport Corridor Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: North 3321_601 A10 Transport Corridor Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: Central 3321_602 A10 Transport Corridor Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: South Photograph Panels 3321_PANEL_A Photographs 1 - 4 3321_PANEL_B Photographs 5 - 7


July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

1.0 Introduction

1.1. Site Description The site lies in the countryside to the north of Cambridge and encompasses land bordering a 13km stretch of the A10 from its junction with the A14 (TL469620) to the close to the Cambridge Research Park (TL485679). A further strip of land is located to the north of the A14 running from the Blackwell Caravan Site (TL456620) to the junction with the A10. The site runs to the west of the villages of Milton and Waterbeach.

1.2. Description of Project The realignment of the A10 and creation of a guided busway is proposed to support development of the proposed new settlement at Denny St Francis, Waterbeach. The precise location of the works has not yet been finalised.

1.3. Aims of Study This study aims to give an overview of the habitats present within the site and to outline any likely ecological constraints of the proposed works. This report will also make recommendations for the need for further survey work to fully determine the likely impacts of the works.

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July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

2.0 Methodology

2.1. Desk Study The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre (CPERC) was contacted to provide records of protected species and statutory and non-statutory designated sites within 3 km of the site. These records will provide an ecological framework on which to base our assessments. Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (MAGIC)1 and Natural England’s Nature on the Map2 websites were searched for information on protected habitats within the field site. Further information on the site was gathered using aerial photography freely available on the internet.

2.2. Field Survey Due to access limitations, the site was investigated through an ecologist observing and recording the habitats visible from public access rights of way.

1 2

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July 2012 Denny St Francis New Settlement, Waterbeach

3.0 Results and Interpretation

3.1. Statutory and Non-statutory Sites – Desk Study Results

3.1.1. Statutory Sites The Cam Washes Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) lies approximately 4km to the northeast of the study site. The SSSI is comprised of 166Ha of mixed habitat grasslands which are subject to seasonal flooding. The SSSI is important for breeding waders including snipe Gallinago galiinago, redshank Tringa tetanus, gadwall Anas strepera, teal A. crecca, and shoveler A. clypeata.

3.1.2. Non-Statutory Sites There are six County Wildlife Sites and four City Wildlife Sites within three kilometres of the study site and details of all sites are provided in Appendix 1. Of particular note to this study is the Cambridge Road Willow Pollards County Wildlife Site as it is located within the site boundary, close to the junction of Cambridge Road with the A10 (at approximately TL489651). This site is comprised of a small group of pollarded willows Salix spp. within a semi-natural setting. Two City Wildlife Sites border the study site at its southern edge, the Milton Road Hedgerows and the King’s Hedges Hedgerow. These sites are both designated due to the quality of the hedgerows present.

3.1.3. Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitats The Nature on the Map2 website records an area of Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland of approximately 8.5Ha within the site centred around TL487652. At the time of the survey some of the woodland had been recently cleared (Photograph 1). The area classified as deciduous woodland overlaps with a larger area which has been classified as Coastal, Floodplain Grazing Marsh2. According to the parameters provided by Nature on the Map2, approximately 19.5Ha of this priority habitat are located within the study site around a centrepoint of TL485653. An area which has been identified as Traditional Orchard lies within the boundaries of the site at TL4706292. According to Nature on the Map2 the orchard is approximately 0.4Ha in size; however, it may be that this area has been mis-identified or the habitat has been removed, as this area was found to contain only tall ruderal vegetation during the site visit (Target note 1) (Photograph 2).

3.2. Habitats within the Site – Field Survey Results Phase 1 habitat survey maps are provided in Drawings 3321_600 to 3321_602 and accompanying target notes are found in Appendix 2.

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Broadly speaking the landscape is rural in nature with arable fields intersected with farm buildings (Photograph 3), hedgerows (Photograph 4), wet ditches (Photograph 5) and small patches of woodland (Photograph 6).

3.2.1. Buildings Various isolated residential and commercial buildings are located throughout the site (see Target notes 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15 and 16) and Phase 1 habitat survey map; however, where the site overlaps with the west side of Waterbeach, there is an area of dense housing (Target note 4) and an industrial estate (Drawings 3321_600 to 3321_602).

3.2.2. Waterbodies In addition to the wet ditches previously mentioned, there are several significant waterbodies within the study site. There are two balancing ponds associated with the Milton Park and Ride (Photograph 7). There is a raised reservoir close to Rectory Farm (Target note 2). There are several lakes surrounded by woodland on the west side of the A10, between Landbeach and Waterbeach. The site boundary also bisects several lakes surrounded by trees and grassland within the Cambridge Research Park.

3.2.3. The A14 and the large roundabout serving the A14, A1309 and A10 form the southern boundary of the site. The A10 runs north from this roundabout, passing to the west of Milton, Waterbeach and a disused airfield. The site encompasses land along both sides of the A10 from the roundabout to the south end of the Cambridge Research Park. As the proposed works include the realignment of the A10, the habitats present on each side of this road were noted in detail. The western verge of the A10 is mostly comprised of scattered scrub along arable field margins with some trees and some residential gardens. There is a bramble-covered wet ditch running along the western verge in the southern section of the site. The eastern verge has a greater diversity of habitats including broadleaved woodland, mature scrub, grassland and tall ruderal vegetation, hedgerows, bramble-covered ditches, and residential gardens.

3.3. Protected and Notable Species

3.3.1. Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus The CPERC holds records of great crested newts approximately 90m to the west of the site, within Overbrook Farm. There are habitat corridors suitable for use by newts which link the farm to the study site including hedgerows and a wet ditch. In general the site contains habitat suitable for great crested newts in both their aquatic (breeding) and terrestrial life stages. Although further survey work will be required to assess the suitability of the waterbodies within the site for breeding newts, newts may be found within the standing water (lakes and ponds) and wet ditches present on site. There may also be further small waterbodies within the study site, such as ornamental ponds within residential properties, which may also support great crested newts which were not discovered during this survey. Great crested newts in their terrestrial phase could forage and shelter in the scrub, grasslands, gardens and hedgerows present within the site.

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3.3.2. Reptiles The site contains habitat suitable for protected reptiles. The waterbodies and associated grasslands, trees and scrub may be used by foraging and sheltering grass snakes Natrix natrix. The field margins, grassland, scrub, tall ruderal vegetation, and hedgerows may be used by slow worm Anguis fragilis and common lizards Zootoca vivipara. The CPERC holds records of common lizards in the disused airstrip bordering the site, but no records of grass snakes or slow worms within areas adjacent to the site.

3.3.3. Bats Much of the site could be used by foraging bats; however, the features considered likely to be the most significant for foraging bats are the large waterbodies, the wet ditches, the patches of woodland, and the hedgerows. Bats may be roosting within the buildings on site or within trees. The CPERC database reveals the presence of a diversity of bat species within the vicinity of the site including: Natterer’s Myotis nattereri, brown long-eared bats Plecotus auritus, soprano pipistrelles Pipistrellus pygmaeus, common pipistrelles P. pipistrellus, Daubenton’s Myotis daubentonii, noctules Nyctalus noctula, and serotine Eptesicus serotinus.

3.3.4. Badgers Most of the site is considered suitable for use by badgers Meles meles. The CPERC only provides badger records which have been degraded to a 10km accuracy, but badgers have been observed within the 10km grid square which encompasses the study site.

3.3.5. Water Voles and Otters The waterbodies within the site are suitable for use by otters Lutra lutra and water voles Arvicola amphibius. The CPERC holds records of water voles within the site. They have been found within a wet ditch to the east of the A10 and within a wet ditch between Waterbeach and Landbeach. The desk study revealed no records of otters within the site, but an otter spraint was found on the Cam River near the Cam Dyke, approximately 900m from the closest waterbody within the site (a wet ditch).

3.3.6. Birds The CPERC holds hundreds of records of birds observed within the site and its vicinity. Of particular note, due to the rarity of the bird species, the repetition of the sightings, and the likelihood of discovering the species within the site, are the following:  There are records of nesting barn owls Tyto alba in the vicinity of the site in Landbeach, Waterbeach and in the Cambridge Research Park.  Large flocks (hundreds of birds) of overwintering golden plovers Pluvialis apricaria have been observed within the lakes on the site to the west of Waterbeach and within the Cambridge Research Park.

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 Lapwing Vanellus vanellus are known to be resident within the site. Hundreds of birds have been observed throughout the year within the waterbodies and fields within the site. Breeding pairs have been observed in the lakes in the Cambridge Research Park. It is likely that the arable fields and lakes will provide over-wintering opportunities in the colder months, and breeding opportunities in the warmer months, to significant numbers of a variety of bird species, including rare waders. The fields, scrub, hedgerows and woodlands may provide nesting opportunities for birds in the spring and summer months.

3.3.7. Invertebrates The wet ditches may support significant numbers of aquatic invertebrates. No records of rare aquatic invertebrates within the site or vicinity are held by CPERC, however, these species are likely to be under-recorded.

3.3.8. Flora Rare plants may be found within the arable farmland or within the wet ditches. The CPERC hold records of a rare aquatic plant within a wet ditch approximately 800m to the west of the study site.

3.4. Limitations to Study Only land visible from public access roads was examined during the site visit. The remaining land has been assessed using aerial photography only. However, it is considered that enough of the land was examined to make robust judgements regarding the habitats present on site and the potential ecological constraints of the development.

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4.0 Potential Ecological Constraints and Recommendations for Further Survey

4.1. Statutory and Non-Statutory Sites Although the site is known to include habitats which are important for breeding waders, which is the reason for the designation of the Cam Washes SSSI, it is thought that the Cam Washes is a sufficient distance (4km) from the site that the proposed works will not have an impact on the quality of the SSSI. Cambridge Road Willow Pollards County Wildlife Site (CWS) is located within the site boundary therefore there is a possibility that the proposed works will have a detrimental impact on this site. Cambridgeshire’s CWS’s are designated due to their conservation interest by the Wildlife Sites Partnership and are managed by the Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust. Although CWS’s enjoy no statutory protection, the National Planning Policy Framework encourages the minimisation of impacts to biodiversity and to promote the preservation of local ecological networks (see Appendix 3). If possible, impacts to this site should be avoided during the proposed works. If the avoidance of impacts is not possible, then consultation with the Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust should be undertaken to agree on a strategy of mitigation and/or compensation. The Milton Road Hedgerows and King’s Hedges Hedgerow City Wildlife Sites both sit on the southern border of the study site. It is considered unlikely that the proposed works will impact these sites as the hedgerows for which they are designated will not impacted. No other statutory or non-statutory sites are considered likely to be impacted by the proposed works.

4.2. Habitats According to Natural England’s Nature on the Map website2 there are pockets of several Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Priority Habitats within the study site; however, our field survey found that the area designated as Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland had been cleared, and the area designated as Traditional Orchard contained only tall ruderal vegetation. Further survey targeted to the areas designated as BAP Priority Habitats should be undertaken to evaluate if BAP Priority Habitats are present within the site.

4.3. Protected and Notable Species

4.3.1. Great Crested Newt It is considered likely that great crested newts will be present within the site as 1) great crested newts have been found in the vicinity of the site, and in areas with possible corridors for dispersal to the site, and 2) the site contains habitat considered to be suitable for great crested newts including standing water, hedgerows, scrub, grasslands and gardens. Great crested newts are designated as a European Protected Species and protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, and under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) 1981 (as amended) (see Appendix 3). These pieces of legislation protect both the newts and their habitats from harm.

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To avoid committing an offence under UK legislation against great crested newts or their habitat during the proposed works, it is recommended that further surveys are undertaken to assess the distribution of newts across the site. An initial survey will identify all waterbodies suitable for breeding great crested newts within the vicinity of the proposed works. Further surveys should then be undertaken in the spring (March to June) which will target breeding newts found within these waterbodies3.

4.3.2. Reptiles It is considered likely that reptiles will be found within the study site as reptiles are known to be found within the vicinity of the site, and the site contains habitat suitable for reptiles. All species of British reptile are protected by the WCA 1981 (as amended). The common species (including grass snake, slow worm and common lizard) are only protected against intentional killing and injuring. If habitat suitable for use by reptiles, such as grassland, tall ruderal vegetation, hedgerows, scrub, trees, field margins, and standing water, is to be removed during the proposed works then there is a possibility that an offence could be committed under the WCA in that reptiles could be harmed. If any of the habitats considered to be suitable for use by reptiles is to be removed during the proposed works, it is recommended that this habitat is targeted for reptile surveys. These surveys would ideally be undertaken in the spring (April to early June) or autumn (September)4

4.3.3. Bats It is considered likely that bats will be using the site to roost and forage as bats have been found within the site and its vicinity and the site contains habitat which could provide resources to a significant number of bats. Bat roosts may be present within the buildings and mature trees on the site. The majority of the habitats present on site could potentially be used by foraging and commuting bats, but more significant resources are likely to be the large waterbodies, the woodland, the wet ditches, and the hedgerows. All British bats are designated as European Protected Species and protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, and under the WCA1981 (as amended) (see Appendix 3). Bats and their roosts are protected from harm through these pieces of legislation. Although foraging sites and/or commuting routes are not directly protected, the legislation does protect against disturbance which would impair the bats’ ability to “rear or nurture their young” or “to hibernate or migrate” (see Appendix 3) which may occur if the proposed works create a barrier between a significant roosting site and its surrounding resources. To avoid committing an offence against bats under UK legislation during the proposed works, it is therefore important to gain an understanding of 1) the likelihood of bat roosts being present within the proximity of the proposed works and 2) the movement and use of the site by bats.

3 English Nature (2001) Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines. English Nature, Peterborough. 4 Froglife (1999) Reptile Survey. Froglife Advice Sheet 10. Froglife, Halesworth.

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Survey effort and timing will depend upon the quality of the habitats which may be impacted by the proposed works5 but are likely to include:  walked transect surveys along habitats considered likely to be used by bats for foraging and/or commuting. Static bat detectors will also be deployed along the transect routes and will be in place over the duration of the season. The frequency and timing of surveys will be determined by the quality of the habitat to be impacted but the surveys should occur at regular intervals during the bats’ active season from March to October5.  surveys for bat roosts in any buildings that are likely to be impacted by the proposed works. These surveys will include interior and exterior examinations of the buildings to assess their bat roost potential followed by dusk and dawn roost surveys if deemed necessary. The initial building surveys can occur at any time of the year. The timing and the frequency of the dusk and dawn roost surveys will be determined by the nature and quality of the potential roosting location but surveys should occur at regular intervals between May and September5.  surveys for bat roosts in any mature trees that are likely to be impacted by the proposed works. The survey will initially assess the potential of the tree(s) for bat roosts. This survey can occur at any time of the year but should ideally occur during the winter or early spring when foliage is minimal5. Further surveys may be required if trees with significant potential are discovered.

4.3.4. Badgers It is considered that most of the site could be used by badgers and that badgers are likely to be found within the site as they are relatively common and are known to occur within the vicinity of the site. Badgers and their setts are protected from harm by the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. To avoid an offence to badgers under the Act, all areas to be directly impacted by the works should be surveyed for use by badgers. The survey can be undertaken at any time of the year.

4.3.5. Water Voles and Otters Water voles have previously been discovered within wet ditches in the study site. It is likely that water voles will be present within several waterbodies within the site as the wet ditches are mostly interlinked and also provide habitat corridors to the larger waterbodies. Evidence of the presence of otters has been discovered in the Cam River in an area approximately 900m from the nearest waterbody present on the site. It is considered unlikely that otters would leave the river and traverse this distance to forage or shelter within the site; however, the study site does contain habitat which has the potential to be suitable for otters, therefore the presence of otters within the site cannot be ruled out. As with bats and great crested newts, otters are designated as European Protected Species and protected under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, and under the WCA1981 (as amended) (see Appendix 3). Otters and sheltering places (holts) are protected from harm through these pieces of legislation.

5 Hundt L (2012) Bat Surveys: Good Practice Guidelines. Bat Conservation Trust, London.

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Water voles are protected under the WCA 1981 (as amended) which protects the sheltering places of water voles, and prohibits the disturbance of water voles within their sheltering places. If the proposed works were to impact a wet ditch or the bank of a pond or lake then an offence may be committed under UK legislation in that the sheltering places of otters and water voles may be harmed, or a water vole or otter may be disturbed. All waterbodies, including all wet ditches, to be impacted by the proposed works should therefore be targeted for further survey work to investigate the presence of water voles and otters. This survey can occur at any time of the year but is ideally undertaken in the spring6.

4.3.6. Birds The site is considered likely to be a significant resource for a wide diversity of bird species with some rare species being abundant within the site. In particular, large flocks of golden plover and lapwing have been observed within the site, and lapwing are known to breed within the site. Also noted within the vicinity of the site are barn owls. All nesting birds are protected under the WCA 1981 (as amended) which makes it an offence to intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird or take, damage or destroy its nest whilst in use or being built, or take or destroy its eggs. Barn owls enjoy further protection under the WCA 1981 (as amended) in that they are protected against disturbance when nesting, and species such as golden plover and lapwing are considered notable species which need to be considered during the planning application process. To gain an understanding of the significance of the site to overwintering and breeding birds it is recommended that a series of surveys are undertaken to investigate the use of the habitats within the site by birds. Three of the surveys should take place within the spring and summer (March to June) and will investigate the use of the site by breeding birds. A more extensive set of surveys are recommended to be undertaken during the colder months to investigate the use of the site by overwintering birds. These surveys should occur monthly from September to March and will target habitats such as the large waterbodies and arable fields which are likely to be used by overwintering populations of golden plovers and lapwings. surveys should be undertaken if any buildings considered to be suitable for breeding barn owls are to be impacted by the proposed works. These surveys could occur at any time of the year and could be combined with the bat roosts in building surveys described above.

4.3.7. Invertebrates The wet ditches present on site could contain a significant assemblage of aquatic invertebrates. Many invertebrates are listed as Priority Species within the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 states that their presence should be a consideration during the planning process. It is therefore

6 Strachan R. (2011) Water Vole Handbook. Wildlife Conservation Research Unit.

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recommended that all wet ditches to be impacted by the proposed works should be surveyed for aquatic invertebrates. This survey should occur during the summer months.

4.3.8. Flora The site contains habitats, such as the arable farmland and wet ditches, which may support rare flora protected against destruction by the WCA 1981 (as amended). There are many hedgerows within the site and these may be of a quality to be protected against damage by the Hedgerows Regulations 1997. Furthermore, as described in Sections 3.1.3 and 4.2, habitats within the site have been designated as Priority Habitats within the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and, if present, their presence should be a consideration when judging a planning application according to the NERC Act 2006. It is therefore recommended that Phase 2 botanical surveys are undertaken in all areas to be impacted by the proposed works if 1) arable farmland or wet ditches will be impacted, 2) if hedgerows will be impacted, and 3) if the areas designated as UK BAP Priority Habitats will be impacted.

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5.0 Summary The table below (Table 1) summarises the recommendations for further survey work. Table 1. Recommendations for further survey work

Species/Group Survey Required? Timing Great crested newt Standing water Yes March to June survey Reptiles Presence/absence If habitat suitable for April to June or reptiles will be impacted September Bats Transect surveys Yes March to October Bat roosts in If buildings are to be Any time of the year buildings surveys – impacted internal and external Bat roost in If buildings are found to May to September buildings surveys – have roost potential dusk and dawn surveys Bat roosts in trees If mature trees are to be November to March survey impacted Badgers Presence/absence Yes Any time of the year Water voles and Presence/absence If any waterbodies are to Any time of the year otters be impacted Birds Breeding bird survey Yes March to June Overwintering bird Yes September to March survey Barn owl survey If buildings with barn owl Any time of the year nesting potential are to be impacted Invertebrates If wet ditches will be April to September impacted Phase 2 botanical If arable farmland, wet April to September ditches, hedgerows or BAP Priority Habitats will be impacted

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Appendices Appendix 1. Non-statutory sites located within three kilometres of the study site

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Site Name Grid Ref Area Reasons for selection Distance and orientation from site (County (Ha) Wildlife Site = CWS, CTWS = City Wildlife Site) Cambridge Road Within site boundaries Willow Pollards Consists of more than 5 mature pollard willows in association CWS TL489651 0.1 with semi-natural habitat. Clayhithe 0.9km SE Pollard Willows CWS TL501646 0.22 Supports more than 20 mature pollard willows. Low Fen Drove Supports more than 0.05ha of the NVC upright brome 2.7km E Way Grasslands grassland community (CG3), and frequent numbers of at least 6 and Hedges CWS TL5061 4.67 calcareous grassland indicators. Is a major river (together with adjacent semi-natural habitat) Runs E of the site, approximately 0.3km at closest point that has not been grossly modified by canalisation and/or poor water quality. Additionally it has areas with concentrations of River Cam CWS TL45 0 mature pollard willows. Beach Ditch & Supports more than five submerged, floating and emergent Runs W of the site, approximately 0.6km at closest Engine Drain species per 20m stretch; and more than 10 species per 20m if point CWS TL4668 4.41 wetbank flora is included. Landbeach Pits 0.8km NW Willow Wood CWS TL479682 6.24 Has an invertebrate index of greater than 500. Lies within the flood plain of the River Cam. Central drain 2.2km SE qualifies as species rich linear water body and also for NVC S6 Ditton Meadows Greater Pond-sedge swamp. Coldham's Brook qualifies as CTWS TL476600 15.96 unmodified chalk stream.

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Site Name Grid Ref Area Reasons for selection Distance and orientation from site (County (Ha) Wildlife Site = CWS, CTWS = City Wildlife Site) Barnwell Hedgerow at least 100m in length and 2m in width at widest 2.2km SE Junction Disused point with 4 or more woody species. Also satisfies criteria for Railway CTWS TL473598 0.58 calcareous and neutral grassland. Milton Road Borders site on southeast corner Hedgerows Site qualifies for its potential value as it just misses criteria for CTWS TL472617 0.25 hedgerows and is likely to meet them in the future. Supports hedgerow at least 100m in length and 2m in width at Borders site on southwest corner King's Hedges its widest point with four or more woody species, and with as Hedgerow CTWS TL454617 0.08 least part of the hedge allowed to flower and fruit.

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Appendix 2. Target Notes 1) Semi-improved grassland with stands of bramble scrub and tall ruderal (nettle). Pile of debris/wood. Reptile potential. Rabbit grazed, short sward. 2) Rectory Farm – farm shop, café and animal petting area (pigs and sheep). Buildings with corrugated aggregate and metal walls and roofing material. Some walls breeze block and . No buildings of note with good bat potential. 3) Ditch along Waterbeach Road – wide and open with steep grassy banks. Water vole potential. 4) Residential area – new builds, likely cavity walls, concrete roof tiles (curved). Allotment area with reptile potential. Horse grazed paddock north of allotments with good reptile potential (slow worm) -bramble scrub and grassland mosaic, diversity in sward height. 5) Private track, leading to properties, unkempt grassland either side of track with scattered scrub and trees encroaching on grassland. Good reptile potential and breeding bird habitat. 6) Area of unmanaged grassland with tall ruderal (nettle and docks) and scrub (bramble) along Cambridge Road – which is disused. Good reptile potential. 7) Old property with bat potential. Long ridge with ventilation tiles and some parts of building in need of repair, therefore potential access points for bats. 8) Education ITC centre, old building along tree lined lane. Bat potential due to located and slipped/loose ridge tiles. 9) Area not accessible to survey. 10) Residential property along Waterbeach Road, mixed construction and materials. Some bungalows. Most with well-maintained front gardens with ornamental shrubs, some mature trees. Roofing materials mostly concrete tiles. Manor House further west towards Landbeach has bat roost potential. A row of poplars form the boundary between the two fields of improved grassland to the west of the house. 11) Area of unmanaged grassland with scattered scrub and trees and tall ruderal. Reptile potential. 12) Area partially cleared for car parking – shale with ephemeral vegetation. Area beyond car park is tall grassland with scattered scrub, similar to target note 11. Reptile potential. 13) Enterprise Nurseries. Area boarded with Herras fencing. Buildings and glass houses in derelict state but standing. Sense of abandonment. Area of Christmas

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trees along A10. Spoil heaps of rubble sand and stone, some of which have become vegetated. 14) Area of former arable, now semi-improved unmanaged grassland. Birch saplings and scattered scrub (dogrose), appears unmanaged for several years. Species noted include cow parsley, dandelions, hogweed, mallow. Nettles and cleavers encroaching from hedge-line. 15) Golf course. Improved grassland/amenity grassland with rows of trees. Mounds of earth and vegetated bunds with reptile potential. Species noted along road verge in this region include sterile brome, ribwort plantain hogweed, dandelion, hop trefoil, common field speedwell, common vetch, spotted meddick, daisy, red dead nettle. These species are typical along A10 road verge. 16) Emmaus Cambridge Community – charity selling second hand furniture, bric-a- brac, etc. Several large buildings of mixed construction. Many with corrugated metal roofs (new), unsuitable for roosting bats. Tree lined track leading to warehouses, gravel car park, nursery area (allotments) and an area of semi- improved grassland with bordering scrub and trees, reptile potential. 17) Road verge of A10. Soundproof fencing, steep grassy banks dominated by goosefoots; clover, ribwort plantain, bramble, Poa species also noted.

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Appendix 3. Legislation relating to European Protected Species The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 consolidates the various amendments that have been made to the Regulations. The original (1994) Regulations transposed the EC Habitats Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) into national law.

“European protected species” (EPS) are those which are present on Schedule 2 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. They are subject to the provisions of Regulation 41 of those Regulations. All EPS are also protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Taken together, these pieces of legislation make it an offence to:

a) Intentionally or deliberately capture, injure or kill any wild animal included amongst these species b) Possess or control any live or dead specimens or any part of, or anything derived from a these species c) deliberately disturb wild animals of any such species d) deliberately take or destroy the eggs of such an animal, or e) intentionally, deliberately or recklessly damage or destroy a breeding site or resting place of such an animal, or obstruct access to such a place For the purposes of paragraph (c), disturbance of animals includes in particular any disturbance which is likely:

a) to impair their ability • to survive, to breed or reproduce, or to rear or nurture their young, or • in the case of animals of a hibernating or migratory species, to hibernate or migrate; or b) to affect significantly the local distribution or abundance of the species to which they belong.

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Appendix 4. Data trawl

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Standard Data Search Report Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Environmental Records Centre

Site Reference: Waterbeach (2) and Milton (1) BSG Ecology Date: 14/05/2012

Designated sites found within 2km radius of site boundary

Ramsars None Found

SPAs None Found

SACs None Found

SSSIs site Site Name Grid Ref Area (Ha) Reasons for selection A series of low lying pastures which are subject to seasonal flooding. An important site for numbers and diversity of wintering and breeding wildfowl and waders. Associated areas of scrub 2 Cam Washes TL538728 166.52 and scattered trees enhance the value of the area for other birds

NNRs None Found

County Wildlife Sites site Site Name Grid Ref Area (Ha) Reasons for selection Cambridge Road 1 Willow Pollards TL489651 0.1 Consists of more than 5 mature pollard willows in association with semi-natural habitat. Clayhithe Pollard 1 Willows TL501646 0.22 Supports more than 20 mature pollard willows. Low Fen Drove Way Grasslands Supports more than 0.05ha of the NVC upright brome grassland community (CG3), and frequent 1 and Hedges TL5061 4.67 numbers of at least 6 calcareous grassland indicators. Is a major river (together with adjacent semi-natural habitat) that has not been grossly modified by canalisation and/or poor water quality. Additionally it has areas with concentrations of mature 1 River Cam TL45 0 pollard willows. Cambridge Road 2 Willow Pollards TL489651 0.1 Consists of more than 5 mature pollard willows in association with semi-natural habitat. Beach Ditch & Supports more than five submerged, floating and emergent species per 20m stretch; and more 2 Engine Drain TL4668 4.41 than 10 species per 20m if wetbank flora is included. Landbeach Pits 2 Willow Wood TL479682 6.24 Has an invertebrate index of greater than 500. Report generated on 13/07/12 Page 1 of 2 Is a major river (together with adjacent semi-natural habitat) that has not been grossly modified by canalisation and/or poor water quality. Additionally it has areas with concentrations of mature 2 River Cam TL45 0 pollard willows.

City Wildlife Sites site Site Name Grid Ref Area (Ha) Reasons for selection Lies within the flood plain of the River Cam. Central drain qualifies as species rich linear water body and also for NVC S6 Greater Pond-sedge swamp. Coldham's Brook qualifies as 1 Ditton Meadows TL476600 15.96 unmodified chalk stream. Barnwell Junction Hedgerow at least 100m in length and 2m in width at widest point with 4 or more woody species. 1 Disused Railway TL473598 0.58 Also satisfies criteria for calcareous and neutral grassland. Milton Road Site qualifies for its potential value as it just misses criteria for hedgerows and is likely to meet 1 Hedgerows TL472617 0.25 them in the future. King's Hedges Supports hedgerow at least 100m in length and 2m in width at its widest point with four or more 1 Hedgerow TL454617 0.08 woody species, and with as least part of the hedge allowed to flower and fruit.

LNRs None Found

Protected Road Verges None Found

Regionally Important Geological Sites None Found

n RSC/RL PS PB Earth mound Track Fence Site boundary note refere Target number Wet ditch Wet Dry ditch Ephemeral vegetatio EN ISO 9001 : 2000 1 T: 01865 887050 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED Oxford Month 2012 NTS Final Arable Improved grassland ruderal vegetation Tall Amenity grassland Broadleaved woodland Plantation broadleaved woodland Dense scrub Scattered scrub Tree with bat potential Tree Species-poor hedge Species-poor hedge with trees Water body Water

+ + Ordnance Survey I

A + + + ISSUED BY DATE SCALE@A3 STATUS DWG. NO. 3321_600 PROJECT TITLE © LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS DENNY ST FRANCIS ST DENNY DRAWING TITLE DRAWING Corridor A10 Transport Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: North No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. All dimensions are to be checked on site. Area measurements for indicative purposes only. Sources: LEGEND AA I I A A SI SI I I A A SI SI + I I + + + I I MOD N/A

+ + + I I + + A + (Fallow) I I + + + Army Cadet Cadet Army N/A Force + A A + I I

+ A

+ (Barley) I I + + + N/A + + + A (Barley) A

+ 16 A 9 + ++ + + ++ SI A (Recently sown) (Recently Nurseries area

+ + + + 0 500 m

This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. [2012] All rights reserved. Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011. on behalf of the Controller Her Majesty’s material by permission of Ordnance Survey This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey Aerial Photography © Bing Maps OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 | L:\Contracts\Live Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 Waterbeach Denny St Francis A10 realignment and supplementary report, compensation land survey and additional meetings\Technical Documents\Maps & Plans\03 Illustration\02 InDesign\2400.07_G_A10Phase1_North Illustration\02 Plans\03 & Documents\Maps meetings\Technical additional and survey land compensation report, supplementary and realignment A10 Francis St Denny Waterbeach Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 L:\Contracts\Live + + + + LEGEND A + 0 500 m (Barley) + A + A Arable Wet ditch + + A ++ + I Dry ditch (Fallow) + Improved grassland N/A A A Tall ruderal vegetation Ephemeral vegetatio + + + A + Amenity grassland Earth mound

I I A Broadleaved woodland Track A Land cleared Under (Allotments) 4 N/A construction Plantation broadleaved + Fence + + woodland + + 5 7 I I I Dense scrub Site boundary (Cattle) I I (Grazed) + + + Target note referen 10 + + + + Scattered scrub 1 + 6 + number 3 + A (Fallow) A A Tree

Tree with bat potential A + (Barley) 11 + + Species-poor hedge A (Barley) A A Species-poor hedge with trees

A (Barley) Water body + + + 12 SI+ + + + + ++ +

A A I (Oilseed rape) (Barley) A I


PROJECT TITLE Construction DENNY ST FRANCIS A Site 13 (Barley)


L:\Contracts\Live Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 Waterbeach Denny St Francis A10 realignment and supplementary report, compensation land survey and additional meetings\Technical Documents\Maps & Plans\03 Illustration\02 InDesign\2400.07_G_A10Phase1_C & Plans\03 Illustration\02 Documents\Maps supplementary report, compensationA10 realignment and survey and additional meetings\Technical land Denny St Francis Waterbeach Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 L:\Contracts\Live A 14 A10 Transport Corridor (Oilseed rape) I Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: I Central

+ + ISSUED BY Oxford T: 01865 887050 Area of polytunnels + DATE Month 2012 DRAWN RSC/RL + SCALE@A3 CHECKED A + NTS PS A (Barley) + STATUS APPROVED (Barley) + N/A Final PB + A + (Oilseed rape) I DWG. NO. 3321_601 (Golf course) 15 I Raised No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. Reservoir All dimensions are to be checked on site.


+ +

A + Area measurements for indicative purposes only. + +

A +


(Bare earth) +

2 +

+ © LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000 + I + A + + (Sheep grazed) (Allotments) Sources: Ordnance Survey A I I (Horse (Barley) (Sheep grazed) I A grazed) This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. [2012] OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 | Aerial Photography © Bing Maps LEGEND

+ A Arable Wet ditch

A I Improved grassland Dry ditch A (Barley) (Barley)

A Tall ruderal vegetation Ephemeral vegetatio (Oilseed rape)

Raised Amenity grassland Earth mound


+ +

A + + +

A +

+ Broadleaved woodland Track

(Bare earth) +

2 +

+ + I + + (A + (Sheep grazed) Plantation broadleaved A I Fence I (Horse woodland (Barley) (Sheep grazed) I A grazed) Dense scrub Site boundary A (Barley) + + + + + Target note referen Scattered scrub 1 number

+ + + + Tree N + + + N A + (Recently sown + meadow) Tree with bat potential

Species-poor hedge N 1

N Species-poor hedge with trees

A + (Fallow) + Water body + +

A (Fallow)


+ + + I + + + (Horse grazed) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I + (Horse grazed) + + A (Recently sown) + PROJECT TITLE + + + DENNY ST FRANCIS ++ I (Rabbit grazed) + + + + + + I DRAWING TITLE

L:\Contracts\Live Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 Waterbeach Denny St Francis A10 realignment and supplementary report, compensation land survey and additional meetings\Technical Documents\Maps & Plans\03 Illustration\02 InDesign\2400.07_G_A10Phase1_S & Plans\03 Illustration\02 Documents\Maps supplementary report, compensationA10 realignment and survey and additional meetings\Technical land Denny St Francis Waterbeach Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 L:\Contracts\Live A10 Transport Corridor ++++ ++ + ++ + + Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan: South


DWG. NO. 3321_602

No dimensions are to be scaled from this drawing. All dimensions are to be checked on site. Area measurements for indicative purposes only. © LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000 0 500 m Sources: Ordnance Survey

This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. [2012] OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 | Aerial Photography © Bing Maps Photograph 1: Recently cleared woodland Photograph 2: Tall ruderal vegetation L:\Contracts\Live Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 Waterbeach Denny St Francis A10 realignment and supplementary report, compensation land survey and additional meetings\Technical Documents\Maps & Plans\03 Illustration\02 InDesign\2400.07_G_A10_photo1-4.indd & Plans\03 Illustration\02 Documents\Maps supplementary report, compensationA10 realignment and survey and additional meetings\Technical land Denny St Francis Waterbeach Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 L:\Contracts\Live

Photograph 3: Arable fi elds with farm buildings Photograph 4: Hedgerow


© LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000 Photograph 5: Wet ditch Photograph 6: Small patches of woodland L:\Contracts\Live Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 Waterbeach Denny St Francis A10 realignment and supplementary report, compensation land survey and additional meetings\Technical Documents\Maps & Plans\03 Illustration\02 InDesign\2400.07_G_A10_photo5-7.indd & Plans\03 Illustration\02 Documents\Maps supplementary report, compensationA10 realignment and survey and additional meetings\Technical land Denny St Francis Waterbeach Contracts\2301-2400\2400.07 L:\Contracts\Live

Photograph 7: Balancing pond


© LDA Design Consulting LLP. Quality Assured to BS EN ISO 9001 : 2000

July 2012 Denny St Francis

Appendix 5. Drawing 3321_604_A Summary of Principal Landscape, Heritage, and Ecology Constraints

3321_constraints 5 This drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey material by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011.All rights reserved. Reference number number Reference 2011.All reserved. Copyright © Office rights Crown Stationery ofMajesty’s Her Controller of the on behalf Survey of Ordnance permission by material Survey Ordnance contain: may drawing This OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 right Maps © database Bing | and Photography copyright Crown Aerial © data Open OS X:\JOBS\3321_DennyX:\JOBS\3321_Denny St Francis\8gis\Projects\3321_604_Base.mxd St Francis\6docs\3321_604.indd OS Open data © Crown copyright anddatabase right 2011| Aerial Photography © BingMaps This drawing maycontain:Ordnance Survey material bypermissionofOrdnance Survey on behalfoftheController ofHerMajesty’s StationeryOffice ©CrownCopyright 2011.Allrights reserved. Referencenumber 0100031673. Cemetry Setting ofLandbeachvillage Landscape Monument Listed BuildingsandScheduled Area Conservation Landbeach Heritage Listed Grade(II) Milestones onthe A10 Heritage within studyareaonly Dwellings shown 0100031673. 0100031673.

No rth Allotments Golf course Pollards CountyWildlifeSite Cambridge RoadWillow Ecology Tree PreservationOrders Landscape Public footpath Landscape /Visual Area Conservation Waterbeach Heritage Carr Dyke Heritage 0 1km Sources: Level of Constraint of Level Sources: All dimensions are to be checked on si on be checked to are All dimensions Ecology Constraints Ecology Area measurements for indicative purposes only. purposes indicative for measurements Area © LDA Design Consulting LLP.LDA© Consulting Design BS to Assured Quality drawing. this from scaled to be are dimensions No NO. DWG. BY ISSUED and Heritage Landscape, Principal of Summary TITLE DRAWING DENNYST FRANCIS TITLE PROJECT LEGEND DATE SCALE @A3 SCALE STATUS E.DESCRIPTION REV. Ecology Constraints Summary ofPrincipalLandscape,Heritageand DRAWING TITLE DENNY ST FRANCIS PROJECT TITLE Area measurementsforindicative purposesonly. All dimensionsaretobechecked onsite. No dimensionsaretobescaledfrom thisdrawing. © LDADesignConsulting LLP.QualityAssuredtoBS EN ISO9001:2000 Rev.A REV. DWG. NO. DATE SCALE@A3 STATUS ISSUED BY A Tree Preservation Orders added added Orders Tree Preservation A Tree PreservationOrdersadded DESCRIPTION District Council, English Heritage, Headland Archaeology Heritage, English District Council, Ordnance Survey, South Cambridge District Council, East Cambridge Survey,Cambridge Ordnance Council, East District South Cambridge District Council,English Heritage,Headland Archaeology Ordnance Survey, South CambridgeDistrictCouncil,East Additional land controlled by by RLW Estates controlled land Additional options infrastructure Low: Potential constraint but likely to be resolvable be to likely but constraint Potential Low: Medium: Medium: possible if Avoid constraint significant a be to High: Likely Avoid. Belt Green Cambridge transport potential A10 encompassing Area The Site 3321_604_A Jul 2012 1:24,000 Draft Peterborough 3321_604_Base Jul 2012 Jul Draft 1:24,000 Peterborough t e. DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED T: 01733310471 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED T: 01733 310 471 310 01733

EN ISO 9001 : 2000 ISO 9001 EN P.DATE APP. PB APP. B17/08/2012 PB PB PB VW VW PB PB 17.08.2012 DATE