
What is the difference between a and a ?

All metals, except 2 are found in form at room temperature.

2 Metals

They usually have a shiny surface that reflects light. ● This physical property is know as luster.

3 Metals

Metals are malleable, which means they can be hammered and pressed into thin sheets known as foils.

4 Metals

Metals are ductile, which means they can be drawn (pulled, shaped, molded or bent) into wire.

5 Metals

Most metals are hard.

6 Metals

All metals are good conductors of heat AND electricity.

7 Metals

Metals are usually heavy, dense and sink in .

9 Can be found in 3 different states of matter at room temperature: 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas

Nonmetals 10 Some may reflect light, but generally do not have luster.

Nonmetals 11 Nonmetals are less malleable and MORE brittle (break easily).

Nonmetals 12 Nonmetals are not ductile.

Nonmetals 13 Most nonmetals do NOT conduct heat or electricity very well. Wood, rubber and glass are used as insulators.

Nonmetals 14 Many nonmetals are typically lighter, have a low and float in water.

Nonmetals 15

Semiconductors that conduct heat and electricity better than nonmetals, but not as well as metals.

16 Presentation design

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