YOUFRA & World Youth Day
YOUFRA & World Youth Day SPECIAL REPORT written by Kathy Taormina, SFO, photographed by Kathy and Youfra, and designed by Bob & Mary Stronach, SFO. ‘We arrived to singing and dancing, and the welcoming arms of Fr. Ivan Matic, OFM, International Spiritual Assistant for Youth.’ By KATHY TAORMINA, SFO National Youth/Young Adult Chair The theme for this 20th World Youth Spiritual Assistant assigned to youth. Day was from Mathew, “We have There were 170 participants from come to worship Him,” thus the set- 21 countries. Those countries were: ting of Cologne, Germany, where it Mexico, Canada, Slovenia, Madagas- is believed that the relics of the Three car, Poland, Great Britain, Puerto Rico, Wise Men reside. Brazil, USA, Chile, Spain, South Afri- We were welcomed at the Cologne ca, Portugal, Italy, Philippines, Kenya, airport by Fr. Georg Scholles, OFM, Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Sri Lanka Germany’s National Spiritual Assis- and Ecuador. tant, and a band of SFOs and Youfra. We found a classroom and Fr. Ivan Matic, OFM We were then loaded onto a bus for the unpacked for our next four days’ stay. with showers so cold that I could see two-hour drive to Vossenack, the site We shared our classroom with the my breath while showering! I felt of the Youfra gathering. We rode with delegates from Canada, Puerto Rico Francis and Clare smiling down on us! Franciscan Youth from Brazil, Mexico, and Great Britain. We, as Franciscan The opening Mass was a “pilgrim- Great Britain, and Poland. The weather Youth, were asked to carry the Fran- age liturgy” which took us around turned rainy, but it didn’t dampen ciscan charism into this event, so in the grounds.
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