THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 275, No. 16, Issue of April 21, pp. 12261–12265, 2000 © 2000 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Facilitated Loading of RecA Protein Is Essential to Recombination by RecBCD *

(Received for publication, November 5, 1999)

Deana A. Arnold‡§ and Stephen C. Kowalczykowski‡¶ʈ From the ¶Sections of Microbiology and of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and ‡Genetics Graduate Group, University of California, Davis, California 95616

Although the RecB2109CD enzyme retains most of the Although the majority of homologous recombination in wild- biochemical functions associated with the wild-type type E. coli is initiated at ␹ by the combined actions of RecBCD RecBCD enzyme, it is completely defective for genetic enzyme and RecA protein (18, 19), there are recBCD mutants recombination. Here, we demonstrate that the mutant that promote wild-type levels of recombination, and yet are enzyme exhibits an aberrant double-stranded DNA exo- ␹-insensitive. For example, E. coli strains that lack a functional activity, intrinsically producing a 3؅-terminal RecD subunit are recombination-proficient, but recombination single-stranded DNA overhang that is an ideal substrate is completely independent of ␹ (20–22). Biochemical character- for RecA protein-promoted strand invasion. Thus, the ization of the RecBC(DϪ) enzyme revealed that it is nuclease- mutant enzyme constitutively processes double- deficient, but retains helicase activity, and can unwind dsDNA ␹ stranded DNA in the same manner as the -modified molecules to produce long tracts of ssDNA. Like the RecBCD wild-type RecBCD enzyme. However, we further show enzyme after ␹ recognition, RecBC enzyme also coordinates the that the RecB2109CD enzyme is unable to coordinate the loading of RecA protein onto the 3Ј-terminal ssDNA it pro- loading of RecA protein onto the single-stranded DNA duces, further defining the way in which this enzyme promotes produced, and we conclude that this inability results in ␹ the recombination-defective phenotype of the recB2109 -independent recombination (23). In contrast to the nuclease- allele. Our findings argue that the facilitated loading of deficient RecBC enzyme, an inability of the nuclease-proficient ␹ RecA protein by the ␹-activated RecBCD enzyme is es- mutants to respond properly to can also manifest itself in vivo sential for RecBCD-mediated homologous recombina- as a drastic reduction in homologous recombination, as well as tion in vivo. a heightened sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. Strains bearing the recB2109 mutation are phenotypically similar to a recB null strain; both display a severe reduction in conjugal The RecBCD enzyme is a multifunctional protein complex recombination, sensitivity to mitomycin C, and a lack of ␹-me- essential to the main pathway of homologous recombination in diated recombinational hotspot activity (24). Unlike a recB null (1, 2). The holoenzyme, composed of the RecB, strain, however, recB2109 cells do not facilitate plaque forma- Ϫ RecC, and RecD subunits, possesses DNA-dependent ATPase, tion by phage T4 gene 2 , demonstrating that the RecB2109CD helicase, and nuclease activities (3–8). Proper function of enzyme is functional in vivo and that it retains a significant RecBCD enzyme in the initiation of recombination is depend- amount of helicase or nuclease activity. Biochemical character- 2109 ent upon its response to a specific DNA sequence, the recom- ization of the RecB CD enzyme demonstrated that it pos- bination hotspot, ␹ (9, 10). Interaction with a ␹ site results in sesses all the biochemical activities of the wild-type enzyme as an attenuation of the 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity and an activa- follows: ATPase, helicase, and ds- and ssDNA nuclease (25). 2109 tion of the 5Ј to 3Ј nuclease activity (11, 12). This nuclease The only significant defect of the RecB CD enzyme observed modification allows the production of a long 3Ј-terminal in vitro was an absence of nuclease modification at ␹. This ssDNA1 tail, which is the preferred substrate for RecA protein- discovery offered a possible explanation for the failure to pro- promoted DNA strand exchange (13–15). Upon modification of mote ␹-stimulated recombination; this enzyme was unable to nuclease activity, RecBCD enzyme also promotes the loading of modify 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity and so proceeded through a RecA protein onto this ssDNA tail (16). The RecA protein- dsDNA molecule degrading the potentially recombinogenic 3Ј- ssDNA complex, or presynaptic filament, can then initiate terminal ssDNA. 2109 strand invasion into a homologous duplex DNA molecule (17). However, here we show that the RecB CD enzyme dis- plays an asymmetry of dsDNA degradation that is uncharac- teristic of the wild-type enzyme but is, instead, characteristic of * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant the ␹-activated RecBCD enzyme. The mutant enzyme degrades GM-41347. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part dsDNA primarily in the 5Ј to 3Ј direction, producing processed by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby Ј 2109 marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 dsDNA with a 3 -terminal overhang. Although the RecB CD solely to indicate this fact. nuclease activity produces a substrate suitable for RecA pro- The sequence(s) reported in this paper has been submitted tein action, the RecB2109CD enzyme is unable to facilitate the TM to the GenBank /EBI Data Bank with accession number(s) AF179304. loading of RecA protein onto these ssDNA products. We con- § Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in genetics at the University of California, Davis clude that RecA protein loading is an essential function of the (36). RecBCD enzyme and that the generation of a recombinogenic ʈ To whom correspondence should be addressed: Section of Microbi- 3Ј-terminal ssDNA, although necessary, is not sufficient for ology, University of California, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616. Tel.: initiation of recombination by the RecBCD enzyme. 530-752-5938; Fax: 530-752-5939; E-mail: sckowalczykowski@ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1 The abbreviations used are: ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA; SSB, Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA- Chemicals and Buffers—All solutions were made using reagent binding protein; PCR, polymerase chain reaction. grade chemicals and Barnstead NANOpure water. Radiolabel was pur-

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FIG.1. RecB2109CD enzyme prefer- entially degrades linear dsDNA in -the 5؅ to 3؅ direction. A, the construc tion of the differentially labeled, tailed dsDNA substrates is shown. B, wild-type RecBCD (w) and mutant RecB2109CD (m) were allowed to act on tailed dsDNA substrates over a range of condi- tions as described under “Experimental Procedures” as follows: AseI-cut, 3Ј-end- labeled dsDNA in lanes 1–11; uncut, 3Ј- end-labeled dsDNA in lanes 12–14; AseI- cut, 5Ј-end-labeled dsDNA in lanes 15–25; uncut, 5Ј-end-labeled dsDNA in lanes 26–28.

chased from NEN Life Science Products. The 1-kilobase pair DNA The reactions were performed at 37 °C and initiated by addition of 0.46 ladder was purchased from Life Technologies, Inc. All other chemicals nM RecBCD or RecB2109CD enzyme (one enzyme per 2.5 accessible were purchased from vendors as listed and were used as described dsDNA ends). The 30-␮l reactions were stopped after 4 min with 10 ␮l previously (26). of 5ϫ stop mix and 14 ␮g of proteinase K, as described previously (26). Enzymes—Wild-type RecBCD, RecB2109CD, SSB, and RecA proteins The reactions were separated by native gel electrophoresis on 1% aga- were purified as described previously (25, 26). Restriction endonucle- rose in TAE buffer for 550 V-h. The gels were exposed to PhosphorIm- ases, Klenow fragment lacking , and T4 polynucleotide ki- ager screens that were later scanned by a Molecular Dynamics STORM nase were purchased from New England Biolabs. Shrimp alkaline phos- 840 PhosphorImager; the gel images were analyzed using ImageQuaNT phatase and exonuclease I were acquired from United States version 4.1a software. Biochemical Corp.. Exonuclease III and Taq DNA polymerase were Exonuclease I Protection Assays—These reactions were performed as obtained from Promega Corp. Proteinase K was purchased from Roche described previously in reaction buffer containing 8 mM magnesium Molecular Biochemicals. acetate and 5 mM ATP (16). 40 ␮M of plasmid DNA was DNA Substrates—Plasmid DNA substrates were purified, linearized, treated with 0.92 nM functional RecBCD or RecB2109CD enzyme in the and radioactively end-labeled as described previously (26). All concen- presence of 4 ␮M SSB and 20 ␮M RecA proteins for 3 min prior to trations of DNA are given in nucleotides, unless otherwise indicated. addition of 11 units of exonuclease I. The tailed plasmid was created as The strain containing the recB2109 gene that was sequenced, V1000 described for the dsDNA exonuclease asymmetry assays; the plasmid (27), is the same as that used to purify the RecB2109CD enzyme (25). The containing the ␹ site was linearized with AvaI restriction recB2109 gene was sequenced from both a plasmid template purified and 5Ј-end-labeled as previously reported (26). using a Qiagen midi-prep (Qiagen) and a PCR-amplified 3649-base pair Sequencing of the recB2109 Gene—The recB2109 gene was sequenced fragment containing the recB2109 gene. The PCR product was sepa- from both a plasmid encoding recB2109 as well as a pool of PCR rated from the primers and nonspecific PCR products by electrophoresis fragments (equivalent of 12 individual PCR reactions) amplified from through a 1% SeaPlaque gel (FMC BioProducts) and further purified this plasmid. Primer walking was performed on both strands of these using a Wizard PCR Prep kit (Promega Corp.). The primers for both dsDNA substrates, and all samples were submitted for sequencing to PCR-amplifying and -sequencing the recB2109 gene were purchased the Division of Biological Science Automated DNA Sequencing Facility from Operon Technologies, Inc. at the University of California, Davis. Asymmetry of dsDNA Exonuclease—The substrates for these reac- RESULTS tions were constructed as follows (Fig. 1A). The pBR322 plasmid devoid of ␹ was linearized with HindIII restriction endonuclease and subse- RecB2109CD Enzyme Degrades the 5Ј-Terminal Strand More quently subjected to degradation by exonuclease III to yield a dsDNA Extensively Than the 3Ј-Terminal Strand—The dsDNA exonu- Ј Ј molecule bearing 5 -terminal overhangs (12). The DNA was either 3 -or clease activity of the wild-type RecBCD enzyme is asymmetric; Ј ␣ 32 ␥ 32 5 -end-labeled with [ - P]dATP or [ - P]ATP, respectively, as de- the 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity is more vigorous than the 5Ј to 3Ј scribed previously (26). The tailed, labeled DNA was then treated with AseI restriction endonuclease to produce an unlabeled, nearly blunt nuclease activity, which results in a more extensive degrada- (two nucleotide overhang) dsDNA end appropriate for RecBCD or tion of the 3Ј-terminal strand at the entry site of the enzyme RecB2109CD enzyme loading. Thus, both substrates contain radiolabel (11). To determine if the RecB2109CD enzyme retained the only at the end distal from the point of entry of the RecBCD or same asymmetry of dsDNA exonuclease as that displayed by 2109 RecB CD enzyme (Fig. 1A). A portion of each labeling reaction was the wild-type enzyme, we constructed a linear, asymmetric not cleaved with AseI as a control to ensure that the tailed ends would dsDNA substrate that allowed us to independently monitor the block degradation of the substrate by either the wild-type or mutant enzyme. The reaction buffer contained 25 mM Tris acetate (pH 7.5), 1 degradation of each strand (Fig. 1A). First, linearized plasmid ϳ mM ATP, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 10 ␮M nucleotides of tailed, labeled DNA, DNA was digested with exonuclease III to produce long ( 300 2 ␮M SSB protein, and magnesium acetate ranging from 0.25 to 10 mM. nucleotides), 5Ј-terminal ssDNA tails that block entry of RecA Loading Is Essential 12263

FIG.2.RecB2109CD enzyme is unable to facilitate the loading of RecA protein. Exonuclease I protection assays were carried out as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The fragments produced for the tailed, ␹0 DNA and the ␹ϩ DNA are identified to the left and right, respectively. The lanes denoted by a Ϫ (6, 13) represent the starting dsDNA substrate and contain one-half the reaction volume as do the other lanes. The lanes denoted by a 0 represent the products of the reaction immediately prior to addition of exonuclease I. The RecB2109CD enzyme coupled reaction is shown in lanes 1–5; the uncoupled reaction is shown in lanes 7–9; and the control reaction lacking exonuclease I is shown in lanes 10–12. The wild-type coupled reaction utilizing a ␹ϩ dsDNA substrate is shown in lanes 13–18.

RecBCD and RecB2109CD enzymes at both ends. Next, the buffer. The magnesium acetate concentration in these experi- substrate was either 3Ј-or5Ј-end-radiolabeled and subse- ments ranged from 0.25 to 10 mM, whereas the ATP concentra- quently digested with AseI restriction endonuclease to provide tion remained at 1 mM (Fig. 1B). an unlabeled, blunt dsDNA where the RecBCD or RecB2109CD As expected, when the 5Ј-end-labeled substrate is processed enzyme can enter. Thus, the resultant asymmetric DNA sub- by wild-type RecBCD enzyme, there is sufficient degradation strates have both a blunt end that does not contain a radioac- (3Ј to 5Ј) of the top strand to limit detection of a full-length tive label and a tailed end that carries a radioactive label on ssDNA over this range of magnesium acetate concentrations either the 5Ј or 3Ј terminus (Fig. 1A). For simplicity, the strand (Fig. 1B, lanes 15–19). However, when the 3Ј-end-labeled sub- corresponding to the 5Ј-terminal overhang is defined as the strate is processed under low magnesium ion conditions, full- “top strand,” and its complement is defined as the “bottom length ssDNA is produced due to the low frequency of nucleo- strand.” This construct allowed determination of the asymme- lytic cleavage (5Ј to 3Ј) on the bottom strand (Fig. 1B, lane 1). try of dsDNA exonuclease activity by revealing whether the As the magnesium acetate concentration increases, less full- 5Ј-end-labeled top strand or the 3Ј-end-labeled bottom strand length bottom strand ssDNA is produced due to the increased was preferentially degraded by the enzyme. Neither enzyme is frequency of endonucleolytic cleavage (Fig. 1B, lanes 2–5). able to act on an exonuclease III-tailed, dsDNA substrate that The RecB2109CD enzyme displays a different behavior. When was not digested with AseI restriction endonuclease, demon- the mutant enzyme processes the 5Ј-end-labeled substrate, strating that the 5Ј-terminal tails block entry of both the wild- full-length top strand ssDNA is produced under all conditions type and mutant enzymes (Fig. 1B, lanes 12–14, and 26–28). A tested (Fig. 1B, lanes 21–25), demonstrating a markedly re- smaller dsDNA fragment is also produced by the AseI digest, duced 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity. In contrast, when the 3Ј-end- which is referred to as the “AseI fragment” in Fig. 1. This labeled DNA is tested (Fig. 1B, lanes 7–11), essentially no molecule is also tailed and labeled in the same orientation as full-length ssDNA is produced, indicating the presence of a the large fragment, but its degradation was not followed vigorous 5Ј to 3Ј nuclease activity. The disparate amounts of quantitatively. full-length ssDNA products in lanes 21–25 versus lanes 7–11 The nuclease activities of RecBCD enzyme are sensitive to clearly demonstrate that the 5Ј to 3Ј nuclease activity is signif- the concentration of free magnesium ions in solution, and this icantly more active than the 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity. These sensitivity is reflected in the frequency of endonucleolytic results show that RecB2109CD enzyme behaves in a manner cleavage on each DNA strand during unwinding. If the mag- opposite that of the wild-type enzyme, by preferentially degrad- nesium ion concentration is very low, the frequency of nucleo- ing the bottom strand during unwinding. Due to the low pro- lytic cleavages on both strands is infrequent; if the magnesium cessivity of the RecB2109CD enzyme under these conditions ion concentration is very high, degradation of both strands is (28), partial duplexes are observed as a smear visible on the gel quite extensive. As a result, the ability to detect an asymmetry between the full-length dsDNA substrate and the full-length of dsDNA degradation is affected by the magnesium ion con- ssDNA product. These partial duplexes are not detectable in centration. Therefore, reactions were carried out over a range reactions performed at higher concentrations of ATP, which of magnesium ion concentrations, which was achieved by vary- allows the RecB2109CD enzyme to display a higher processivity ing the ratio of magnesium acetate to ATP in the reaction (Fig. 2). 12264 RecA Loading Is Essential

FIG.3.Model for recombination de- ficiency of RecB2109CD enzyme. The RecBCD, RecBC, and RecB2109CD en- zymes all function to generate a 3Ј-termi- nal ssDNA tail, but only the recombina- tion-proficient enzymes, RecBCD and RecBC, coordinate the loading of RecA protein (see text for details).

The RecB2109CD enzyme possesses a significantly more ac- ␹-containing dsDNA were performed and, as expected, both tive 5Ј to 3Ј than 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity; thus, processing of full-length ssDNA and upstream ␹-specific fragment are a linear, duplex DNA molecule will produce a 3Ј-ssDNA tailed quickly degraded upon addition of exonuclease I, whereas the duplex, which is the appropriate substrate for RecA protein- downstream ␹-specific fragment is not (Fig. 2, lanes 13–18). It mediated homologous pairing (29, 30). However, the genetic was previously shown that RecB2109CD enzyme does not stim- data clearly demonstrate that the recB2109 strain is severely ulate RecA protein-mediated joint molecule formation in the deficient for homologous recombination (24). Taken together, presence of ␹ (28). To verify that the RecB2109CD enzyme does these data suggest that merely producing a 3Ј-terminal ssDNA not load RecA protein at ␹, the exonuclease I-protection assays tail is not sufficient to promote recombination in vivo. A second were performed with the same ␹-containing dsDNA as was function of the ␹-modified RecBCD enzyme is to facilitate the used with the RecBCD enzyme; no protection was observed.2 loading of RecA strand exchange protein onto the 3Ј-terminal These results show that the RecB2109CD enzyme is incapable of ␹-containing ssDNA (16). Since the RecB2109CD enzyme can facilitating the loading of RecA protein onto the 3Ј-terminal produce a 3Ј-terminal ssDNA tail, the ability of this enzyme to ssDNA produced during processing of a duplex DNA substrate. load RecA protein onto this ssDNA was tested. We propose that the inability of the RecB2109CD enzyme to RecB2109CD Enzyme Does Not Load RecA Protein onto facilitate loading of RecA protein is responsible for the ssDNA—The loading of RecA protein onto ssDNA by RecBCD recB2109 recombination defect observed in vivo. enzyme was demonstrated previously by exploiting the ability Molecular Nature of the recB2109 Mutation—The recB2109 of RecA protein to protect ssDNA from degradation by exonu- gene was sequenced, and a single missense mutation was clease I (16). When the RecBCD enzyme processes ␹-containing found. The base pair at position 2420 was changed from C/G to dsDNA, three ssDNA products are produced as follows: full- T/A, resulting in a threonine to isoleucine change at amino acid length ssDNA, downstream ␹-specific fragments, and upstream position 807, 121 amino acids upstream of the “hinge region” ␹-specific fragments, all of which are susceptible to degradation separating the N-terminal region from the C-terminal region of by exonuclease I. SSB protein, which binds specifically to the RecB subunit (35). The nucleotide sequence for the ssDNA, cannot protect ssDNA from exonuclease I. On the con- recB2109 gene has been deposited in the GenBankTM data base trary, if RecA protein is present during processing of the duplex with the accession number AF179304. DNA substrate, the downstream ␹-specific fragment is specifi- DISCUSSION cally bound by RecA protein and protected from degradation. However, this coordinated loading of RecA protein is dependent The ability of RecBCD enzyme to initiate recombination is ␹ on neither 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity nor ␹ recognition. The attributed to two consequences of its interaction with the nuclease-deficient, recombination-proficient RecBC enzyme recombination hot spot, nuclease modification and facilitated ␹ (31–34) constitutively loads RecA protein on to the 3Ј-terminal RecA protein loading (Fig. 3). Prior to recognition, the ssDNA (top strand) produced during unwinding, irrespective of RecBCD enzyme preferentially degrades a dsDNA substrate in Ј Ј ␹ the presence or absence of ␹ (23). Since RecB2109CD enzyme the 3 to 5 direction. Interaction with serves to attenuate this Ј Ј Ј processes duplex DNA to yield a 3Ј-terminal ssDNA tail, it was 3 to 5 nuclease activity, such that a 3 -terminal ssDNA tail is of interest to test whether it could also facilitate RecA protein produced onto which the RecBCD enzyme facilitates the load- loading like the RecBC and RecBCD enzymes. ing of RecA protein (11–14, 16). Although the modification of Ј Tailed dsDNA substrates that were radioactively labeled at RecBCD nuclease activity is necessary to preserve a 3 -termi- only the 5Ј terminus of the top strand were used to test the nal ssDNA for RecA protein-promoted strand invasion, it was ability of RecB2109CD enzyme to facilitate the loading of RecA previously unclear whether directed RecA protein loading by protein (Fig. 2). When the ssDNA products of RecB2109CD RecBCD enzyme is also an essential function of RecBCD en- enzyme are treated with exonuclease I, the top strand ssDNA zyme in vivo. Here we establish that a recombination-defective fragments are fully degraded, regardless of the presence (Fig. mutant RecBCD enzyme, which appropriately processes DNA, Ј 2, lanes 1–5) or absence (Fig. 2, lanes 7–9) of RecA protein fails to load RecA protein onto this 3 -terminal ssDNA strand. during processing of the DNA substrate. As a control, coupled Thus, we conclude that RecA protein loading is essential for the reactions (i.e. RecA protein present during RecBCD processing of the duplex DNA substrate) using wild-type enzyme with 2 D. A. Arnold and S. C. Kowalczykowski, unpublished observations. RecA Loading Is Essential 12265 initiation of recombination by RecBCD enzyme. is produced by unwinding of any duplex DNA substrate. The recB2109 cells are severely defective in homologous recom- altered asymmetry of nuclease activity of the RecB2109CD en- bination. Prior analysis of the RecB2109CD enzyme revealed zyme also allows preservation of the 3Ј-terminal ssDNA, since that this mutant does not attenuate 3Ј to 5Ј nuclease activity at this enzyme preferentially degrades the 5Ј-terminal strand ␹, and it was proposed this defect was responsible for its failure rather than the 3Ј-terminal strand. However, only the recom- to promote recombination in vivo (25, 28). Despite the sensibil- bination-proficient enzymes, RecBCD and RecBC, facilitate the ity of this conclusion, the work presented here demonstrates loading of RecA protein, allowing preferential invasion of the that the recombination defect of the RecB2109CD enzyme is not 3Ј-terminal ssDNA tail into a homologous supercoiled DNA so simple. Even though the RecB2109CD enzyme fails to recog- molecule. RecB2109CD enzyme does not perform this function nize ␹, it displays an unexpected pattern of nuclease behavior and does not stimulate the incorporation of the 3Ј-terminal that essentially mimics that of the ␹-activated RecBCD en- ssDNA tail into RecA protein-mediated joint molecules (28). zyme. This behavior results in the ␹-independent generation of The fact that RecB2109CD enzyme produces a 3Ј-terminal a3Ј-ssDNA overhang. Thus, if the processing of dsDNA to ssDNA tail, but does not promote recombination, supports the produce a 3Ј-terminal ssDNA species were sufficient to promote conclusion that nuclease modification is necessary, but not recombination, then the RecB2109CD enzyme should be recom- sufficient, for initiation of recombination by RecBCD enzyme. bination-proficient. However, we demonstrate that the The fact that the RecB2109CD enzyme does not mediate the RecB2109CD enzyme is also unable to facilitate the loading of loading of RecA protein strongly suggests that this is a function RecA protein onto these 3Ј-terminal tails, perhaps as a conse- that is essential for the initiation of homologous recombination quence of its inability to recognize ␹. This finding suggests that by the wild-type RecBCD enzyme. the RecBCD recombination pathway is absolutely dependent on the ability of RecBCD enzyme to coordinate the loading of Acknowledgments—We thank our colleagues in the Kowalczykowski laboratory, Richard Ando, Daniel Anderson, Piero Bianco, Carole RecA protein onto ssDNA. The corollary to this hypothesis is Bornarth, Frederic Chedin, Frank Harmon, Julie Kleiman, Jim New, that enzymes that load RecA onto a 3Ј-terminal ssDNA, regard- Erica Seitz, and Susan Shetterley, for careful reading of this less of the presence of ␹, would be recombination-proficient. In manuscript. fact, the RecBC enzyme (lacking the RecD subunit) is a nucle- ase-free helicase that constitutively loads RecA onto the 3Ј- REFERENCES terminal ssDNA produced by unwinding (23), and strains ex- 1. Kowalczykowski, S. C., Dixon, D. A., Eggleston, A. K., Lauder, S. D., and Ϫ Rehrauer, W. M. (1994) Microbiol. Rev. 58, 401–465 pressing functional RecBC enzyme (recD ) are recombination- 2. Myers, R. S., and Stahl, F. W. (1994) Annu. Rev. Genet. 28, 49–70 proficient (22, 31, 32). Based on these findings and our current 3. Amundsen, S. K., Taylor, A. F., Chaudhury, A. M., and Smith, G. R. (1986) data, we propose that the inability to coordinate the loading of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. 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