CPDD 77Th Annual Meeting • Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona
CPDD 77th Annual Meeting • Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona 1 2 EFFECT OF HEMISPHERIC DOMINANT VERSUS NON- SEX, DRUGS, AND VIOLENCE: AN ANALYSIS OF WOMEN IN DOMINANT INSULAR DAMAGE ON SMOKING BEHAVIORS. DRUG COURT. Amir Abdolahi1,2, Geoffrey Williams2, Curtis Benesch2, Henry Wang2, Eric Abenaa Acheampong2, Catherine W Striley3, David O Fakunle1, Linda Cottler3; Spitzer3, Bryan Scott3, Robert Block2, Edwin van Wijngaarden2; 1Philips 1Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Research, Briarcliff Manor, NY, 2University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, MD, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 3Epidemiology, University of 3Rochester General Health System, Rochester, NY Florida, Gainesville, FL Aims: Recent evidence suggests that damage to the insular cortex (IC), the cere- Aims: This analysis examines exposure to violence and substance use disorders bral cortex beneath the sylvian fissure, disrupts nicotine-induced cravings and is among women in drug court who are: current sex traders (CST), former sex associated with a greater likelihood of cessation relative to non-IC damage. The traders (FST), or women who have never traded sex. role hemispheric dominance may play in regulating these changes, however, has Methods: Data comes from 319 women recruited from a Municipal Drug Court not yet been explored. We hypothesized that current smokers with damage to System in the Midwest. Women were interviewed about sex trading, violence, their dominant IC would experience less withdrawal and cravings and be more and drug use. Women who traded sex in the past 4 months for drugs, alcohol, likely to quit than those with non-dominant IC damage. or other resources were classified as CST, while women who previously traded Methods: A total of 37 smokers with unilateral IC strokes (17 dominant and 20 sex but not in the past 4 months were classified as FST.
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