3ec 9/07


November 27,2009

Chair and Members Board of Control


We are pleased to provide a summary of the FCM National Board of Directors and Standing Committee meetings held in Ottawa, Ontario.

OVERVIEW The need to protect the long-term value of federal infrastructure investments was among the key messages that municipal leaders took to Parliament Hill when FCM's National Board of Directors met in Ottawa from Nov. 18 to 21, 2009. This year's annual Advocacy Days were carried out as the federal government enters an era of large fiscal deficits and the need to balance its budget. Board members met with 40 Parliamentarians, including 11 federal Cabinet ministers, in efforts to further strengthen municipal-federal government partnerships, discuss specific municipal priorities, and to position the municipal agenda in the year ahead.

Key ministers, including Minister of Finance , Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities John Baird, and Minister of the Environment met with FCM President Basil Stewart, Chief Executive Officer Brock Carlton and FCMs table officers at meetings throughout the week. Government officials reiterated that they do not intend to announce additional spending commitments for municipal priorities in the near term, but do support protecting the Gas Tax Fund, the GST rebate and current housing programs against post-recession spending cuts.

In addition, the following Cabinet ministers met with Board members:

Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development ; Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development ; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans ; Minister of Public Works and Government Services ; Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State (Agriculture and Agri-Food) Jean-Pierre Blackburn; . Minister of State (Status of Women) ; 0 Minister of State (Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of ) ; and Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario) .

Board members also met with opposition critics, House of Commons' committee chairs, and Parliamentary secretaries, discussing a range of municipal issues, and stressing that municipalities are uniquely positioned to help in the fight against climate change; that a rural champion should be appointed in the federal Cabinet; and that investments in affordable housing and homelessness programs must be maintained.

For the second year in a row, Minister Baird addressed the full Board at its Saturday meeting. He noted that with the Government of Canada facing a $58-billion deficit. fiscal discipline will be exercised in the coming year. However, he said the government also believes there is a need to protect gains such as the GST rebate and the gas tax transfer, as well as to ensure that all the money in the economic stimulus fund is spent.

At Saturday’s meeting, Board members also approved a change in dates for the September 2010 National Board of Directors meeting in Iqaluit, Nunavut. It was confirmed the meeting will take place Monday, Aug. 30 to Thursday, Sept. 2,2010.

In addition to Advocacy Days, FCM’s standing committees met to discuss a range of municipal issues including: the FCM climate change report that is scheduled to be released in the lead up to COP15; the soon-to-be released report on immigration; an update on FCM’s commitment to monitor the developments on the Buy American negotiations between Canada and the U.S.; and FCM’s strategy to address the flexibility required by municipalities to meet the infrastructure stimulus deadline. Detailed reports from each standing committee follow.


The Committee reported on their Advocacy Days meetings, emphasizing the outcome of those meetings in which pandemic planning was discussed. Committee members stressed the importance of efficient communication across orders of government during pandemic response and for the need to give prioritized vaccine access to essential front- line workers.

Staff then provided an update on FCM’s pandemic planning and progress made on RCMP and gang research. FCM staff will continue its discussions with Health Canada officials and ensure that FCM is directly involved in the evaluation of the Government of Canada’s pandemic planning and response. The FCM report on RCMP and gang is to be released in May 2010 and staff will continue to consult with police stakeholders prior to the release of this report.

Councillor Ron Hayter updated the committee on work being done by the Joint Committee on Community Corrections. The Committee asked staff to prepare a letter to Ms. Randy Goulden, thanking her for her contribution to the Standing committee on Community Safety and Crime Prevention and the Joint Committee on community Corrections. President Allan Earle put forward his name to replace Ms. Goulden on the Joint Committee on Community Corrections.


Committee Chair Kathy Jeffery welcomed new and returning committee members.

The committee approved the report of the September 2009 meeting, as well as the action items status report. Staff reiterated that correspondence between FCM and party leaders is an ongoing practice aimed at increasing communication and strengthening relationships between federal and municipal elected officials.

The committee then reviewed discussions at Advocacy Day meetings. Committee members thanked staff for the quality of the meetings that were lined up during the week. Members also acknowledged the general spirit of cooperation that MPs showed toward municipal representatives and pointed to the ongoing relationship-building that FCM has pursued to date.

Staff provided an update on FCM’s commitment to monitor the developments on the Buy American negotiations between Canada and the U.S. and highlighted that more specific details will become available after the FCMlDFAlT Joint Working Group on International Trade meeting set for late November. Staff provided a short update on the research being conducted on federal regional economic development agencies throughout Canada. Finally, staff provided a short update and some initial highlights from the 2009 PlLT Survey. It was noted that further, and more in-depth, analysis will be presented to the committee at the March, 2010 meeting. The Committee chair thanked members for their attendance and wished them a happy holiday season.


Committee Chair Jeff McConnell welcomed new and returning committee members.

The committee approved the action items status report. Staff provided a summary of the proposed strategy for marketing the ROW Handbook to legal and engineering experts, elected officials, and strategic public groups. Staff updated the committee on Wheatland County’s Rights-of-way Federal Court of Appeal case and next steps for the committee. Staff then provided a brief update on the Core Public Infrastructure Survey currently in development by Infrastructure Canada. Finally, advocacy staff gave a short update to committee members on developments on the infrastructure stimulus deadline, and FCM’s strategy to address the flexibility required by municipalities across the country.

Two items for information from the floor arose during the meeting. First was a proposed infrastructure summit which committee members learned was in its formative phase. Second, the chair briefly mentioned a recent meeting on a Canadian Airline Bill of Rights initiative at parliamentary committee.

Chair McConnell thanked members for their attendance and wished them happy holidays.


The Rural Forum discussed Advocacy Days that took place on November 18-20. The recommendations from FCM’s rural advocacy report Wake-Up Call: The National Vision and Voice We need for Rural Canada was discussed with members of parliament, including the need for a rural champion in the federal cabinet. Forum members also discussed the allocation of the Building Canada Fund. Mayor Brad Whitcombe suggested that Forum members with Conservatives members of parliament be given a package on rural materials and to organize a meeting.

Staff provided an update on the FCM’s rural advocacy strategy, the recent Telecom Notice of Consultation submission to CRTC, and rural economic development. The Chair and Vice Chair offered to meet with the Manager of National Programs, Darrell Pack, from the Rural Secretariat to discuss strengthening the relationship between FCM and the federal government.

The Vice-Chair, President David Marit, expressed his concern that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and FCM working group had not met since November 2008. The Rural Forum shared President Marit‘s concern and asked that the Forum receive an update on the status of the progress at the March 2010 meeting.

Councillor David Alexander updated the committee on the meeting of the Small Communities Water Safety working group, including the work of Health Canada in the sharing of knowledge on small drinking water systems. It was suggested that the information from the working group be shared with the Northern and Remote Forum and Standing Committee on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development. The committee suggested that staff find out if technical experts from municipalities are needed for the working group.

The Vice Chair, President David Marit, was interested in collecting data on the allocation of funds from the Building Canada Fund program for roads and bridges. It was thought that the information would help provide the government with concrete statistics and support the development of a rural-specific program.

STANDING COMMITTEE ON INCREASING WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION IN MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT The Honourable Helena Guergis, Minister of State (Status of Women) was welcomed by the committee and discussed her department‘s initiatives aimed at ending violence against women. She challenged committee members to use their voices as elected officials to speak out against domestic violence and help women in crisis. She particularly outlined her ministry’s collaboration with the Native Women’s Association of Canada and its ‘Sisters In Spirit‘ initiative, which seeks to improve the human rights of Aboriginal women.

Chair Pam McConnell advised the committee that she attended Advocacy Day meetings on Wednesday on Parliament Hill with Vice-chair Lynda Rydholm and Ottawa Councillor Marianne Wilkinson. They met with Liberal MP (Winnipeg South Centre) and NDP MP Irene Mathyssen (London - Fanshawe) who expressed their support for the committee’s work to recruit and support women who want to run for municipal government.

Chair McConnell congratulated committee members who were recently re-elected in their municipal elections: Mayor Pauline Quinlan (Bromont), Councillors Bev Dubois and Tiffany Paulsen (Saskatoon), and Mayor Elisapee Sheutiapik (Iqaluit). Vice-chair Quinlan noted that for the first time ever, her Bromont council is comprised of a majority of women.

Onno Kremers, FCM’s Director of National Programs, updated the committee on its funding proposal to Status of Women Canada for a grant to implement the Regional Champions Campaign nation-wide and ultimately get more women elected to municipal government, He noted that Status of Women has received a higher than average number of proposals, and have asked FCM to reduce its funding request.

Representatives from Equal Voice, the non-partisan organization which works to get more women elected to all orders of government, updated the committee on its Experiences program. FCM is partnering with Equal Voice on the program which seeks to educate young girls and women about political life.

Tim Kehoe, Director of FCM International, and Carol Kardish, regional director for Africa and Eastern Europe, updated the committee on the consultation process for FCMs Municipal Partnership Program renewal, which includes a gender equality component for current and future programs. The committee’s task force is providing input to the renewal document.

Finally, the committee voted to open the Ann MacLean Award for Outstanding Service by a Woman in Municipal Politics to retired women in all regions of the country. Members also approved scholarship criteria for the inaugural FCM scholarships to be awarded to Canadian secondary school/CEGEP students and international university students living in FCM International’s partner countries.


Councillor Basile Angelopoulos welcomed the committee and introduced the new vice chair, Mayor Elisapee Sheutiapik, President, Nunavut Association of Municipalities.

The committee began with members providing feedback on the meeting from Advocacy Days. Members reported that the meetings went well. Many members heard that the government is committed to maintaining the Gas Tax Fund, the GST rebate and housing commitments, but that new funding was unlikely and the March 2011 deadline firm. Some MPs mentioned that additional funding may be provided for green initiatives or through cap and trade mechanisms.

Members felt that the meetings were much improved from previous years but that there is still work to be done. Some questioned why more ministers did not attend FCM committees. It was noted that we still need to meet with a wider range of MPs, since any one could become a minister. In addition, periodic meetings by chairs with key MPs and ministers and reports back to committees would be helpful to strengthening our relationship with the government. A suggestion was made that staff look into the Hill committee meeting facilities that could accommodate the flexibility needed for ministerial meetings with the entire committee. Staff presented the Mitigation Report that will provide the platform for FCM's climate change launch in the lead up to COP15. The Pay-for-Performance Research Report initially presented as a concept and endorsed by the committee last September, is still being developed to support our position. Staff will be initiating further researching in the coming year to ensure a well formed ask around climate change. These initiatives are the start and foundation of FCM's climate change advocacy this coming year through COP15 and into COP 16 in Mexico next December.

Devin Causley from GMF presented FCM's Partners for Climate Protection Program to the Committee, outlining the program, the tools and the information available to municipalities to measure an emissions baseline, develop community plans, initiate projects and monitor emission reductions. Canada is only the 2"d country to try and measure the municipal contribution to greenhouse reductions and the PCP has been valuable in ensuring municipal participationon climate change.


After welcoming committee members and FCM International staff present at the meeting, the Chair, Councillor Marvin Hunt, called for a motion to receive the report from the September 2009 SClR meeting.

Tim Kehoe provided a brief summary of the Director's Report and updated committee members on FCM International's business development efforts. Updates of note included the approval of two new projects - the Ukraine Municipal Local Economic Development Project and an association strengthening project with the Federation of Sri Lankan Local Government Authorities - the initiation of the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation project in East Africa, and the completion of a draft proposal for the 2010 renewal of the Municipal Partnership Program. At the request of Councillor Len Bracko, clarification was given by Tim Kehoe on the status of the Afghanistan scoping mission. FCM's intentions have not waivered from the original mandate; however, the government of Canada will be setting its development strategy for post-201 1 in the next six months. The FCM scoping mission will provide analysis and recommendations to ClDA on how strengthening local government can contribute to the Government of Canada's strategy for the reconstruction of Afghanistan in coming years.

Committee members discussed details of a sustained advocacy campaign with ClDA on securing a more strategic long-term relationship with ClDA as well as the approval of several bilateral projects currently in the pipeline. Key advocacy messages were approved by the committee for delivery in future meetings with Government and Opposition members.

The committee approved requests for FCM to join with other Commonwealth members in international advocacy initiatives in support of local government in two countries where local government is currently under threat, Pakistan and Zimbabwe. Finally, the committee was asked to assist in advocating for two political announcements from the Government of Canada at the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Trinidad, one to formally recognize local government as a key partner in the Commonwealth on sustainable development, and the second to officially express the Government's support for developing a program on sustainable economic growth in the Caribbean through strengthening local governance.

Reports were received from committee members who have represented FCM in recent months at a number of international network meetings - namely, the World Council meeting of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) where FCM continued to contribute to discussions on such issues as international development, the impact of the global crisis on local government, and climate change; and the annual assembly of the Association lntemationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF) where FCM met with partners to discuss cooperation on new municipal development initiatives in francophone countries. Members also received a report on the impact of the global economic crisis on local government worldwide as well as our participation in drafting a policy paper arguing for investing in local government to mitigate the impact of the crisis.

Committee members received the report on a proposed memorandum of understanding with the China Association of Mayors that would set out the broad parameters of a future relationship, including assisting Canadian municipalities in managing the requests for study visits from Chinese municipalities as well as opening the door to new business opportunities for FCM. Finally, a reference group was formed to lead on developing a comprehensive international engagement strategy that will enable members to benefit from FCM’s involvement in international networks for advocacy, knowledge sharing and social, cultural and economic exchange.


The Chair, President Van Tighem opened the meeting and welcomed members to the breakfast meeting of the Northern and Remote Forum. Staff provided an update on the status northern report, Front Lines of Canadian Sovereignty: Northern Communities and Canada’s Challenge in the North: There are still opportunities for the forum to provide feedback and a final version of the report will be provided at the March Board Meeting.

The advocacy plan for the Northern Report was presented, and the committee agreed that its release should coincide with the Prime Minister’s annual summer visit to the North, in the months leading up to FCM’s September 2010 Board Meeting in Iqaluit.

Members discussed their presentations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development and the plans for the meeting with Minister Strahl. Meeting adjourned early for the Advocacy Day meeting with the Minister.


The chair welcomed the committee to Ottawa and led a round of introductions, followed by a discussion of Advocacy Days meetings. In particular, committee members reported on the outcome of housing-related meetings, including a meeting with the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.

The committee reiterated the importance of engaging with CCMARD, including possible opportunities to partner with other FCM departments. Staff then provided a brief update on the committee’s priorities, including a soon-to-be released report on immigration, and discussions with senior gpvernment officials on municipal-aboriginal relations. The committee then discussed an upcoming federal/provincial/territorial housing ministers meeting, and approved a strategy to both engage the government, and to challenge FCM members to protect their respective commitments to housing. A discussion followed on the challenges of providing housing to persons released from correctional facilities, in particular those with mental illness.

Staff provided an update on the Affordability and Choice Today (ACT) program, including the release of a guide entitled Housing in My Backyard; A Municipal Guide for Responding to NIMBY.

Respectfully submitted by

Bernie MacDonald Harold Usher Councillor, Ward 3 Councillor, Ward 9