canpiled by Leslie A. Smith PatriciaE. Stone



pages Newt:on McF'aul .t-1a.c'l.1avish .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ii General Description of the Newton MacTavish Papers ••••••••.••••••••••• iii l'k>tes on tile Finding A.i.d. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• iv

Series I : Artists' Papers ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

Glossary of Artists Represented in the MacTavish Collection •••••••••••• 27

Index t:o Series I : Artists' Papers ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31

Series II: Writers' Papers ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34 t\~ Lt Glossary of Artists Represented in the MacTavish Collection •••••••••••• 76

Index tx) Series II: Writers' Papers ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 86



Newton McFaul Ma.cTavish, a major supporter of and literature for over thirty years, was born in Staffa, , on the 17th of February 1875. He studied English Literature at McGill University, and later received an honorary M.A. (1924) and an honorary Litt. D. (1928) from Acadia University, , for 11distinction in literary and pictorial criticism". He began his literary life in 1898 as a journalist on the staff of the 'Ibronto Globe, holding the post of correspondent and business representative for the paper from 1903 to 1906. In 1906 he succeeded Jolm Cooper as editor of The Canadian Magazine, a position he retained nntil 1926 when he becarre a member of the Canadian Civil Service Comnission. This post he occupied until 1932. MacTavish was one of the founders of the Arts and Letters Club, an active member of the Canadian Authors' Association, and an elected lay rrerr.ber of the ·Canadian .Art Club. From 1922 to 1933 he served as a Trustee of the National Gallery of . As an editor .MacTavish gave early recognition, in The Canadian Magazine, to many noted canadian artists and writers, and actively prorcoted their work arrong his many contacts in business and govem­ ~t. He also contributed articles, essays, and short stories to publications in Canada, the United States, and England, strong nationalism being a frequent hallmark of his w:>rk. Three books written by him were published in his lifetime, Thrown In (1923), The Fine Arts in Canada (1925) , and Ars I.Dnga (1938) • A ~rk entitled Newton MacTavish's Canada was illustrated by his son-in-law, Richard Taylor, and appeared posthurrously (1963) • MacTavish died in 'lbronto on the 17th of August 1941.



The papers in this collection consist of letters written to Newton MacTavish, mainly by Canadian artists and writers active in the first decades of the twentieth century. Many discuss \'X:>rks to be published in The Canadian Magazine. Others have to do with Globe rei;x:>rts and business, personal and artistic experiences, and the purchases and i;x:>licies of the National Gallery. A few i terns are addressed to Mrs. MacTavish or the previous editor of The Canadian Magazine, John Cooper. The collection also includes a n~ of manuscripts and typescripts of poems, essays and reviews by a variety of autlDrs, some newspaper clippings, pamphlets, receipts, photo­ graphs, and a loose collection of autographs, possibly assembled to be used in rviacTavish' s ~rk Ars !Dnga.

The collection was acquired by the North York Public Library Canadiana Collection in 1975. Access to it is unrestricted. Transcripts have been made of all the items in the collection.

The rnaterial l1as been organized into t\\O series: SERIES I: ARTISTS' Pb.PERS, which includes material by, and occasionally aoout, artists and persons interested in Canadian art; and SERIES II: \'ffi.ITERS ' PAPERS, which includes i terns by and alx>ut novelists, poets, essayists, journalists, and individuals concerned with , history and politics. Each series is organized alphabetically by the auth:>r of the letter, manuscript, pamphlet, etc. The occasional i tern aoout an individual (such as a newspaper clipping), or letter by MacTavish in'response to a letter, is includ~ with the author's letters. for the convenience of the user. At the end of each series is a brief biographical glossary and an index of names in which all items by or about the individual or organization represented in the collection are indicated. 'lbpics such as Newton MacTavish and The Canadian Magazine, however, are so all-pervading that they have not been indexed fully. The researcher is advised to examine the entire collection for these. The collection also includes l::xx:,ks and pamphlets fran Mac'l'avish's library. Some of these have been inscribed by the authors, and ~ have letters tipped in. These have yet to be described and will appear as an appendix to the Finding Aid.



1. Items are divided into 0-K> series: SERIES I: ARI'ISfS' PAPERS, papers by and about artists, and SERIES II: WRITERS' PAPERS, papers by and arout w.dters. 2. Items are organized alphabetically by author.

3. All items are letters to Newton MacTavish by the individual under whose narce they have been collected except where otherwise indicated.

4. Actual number of pages used by the author of the i tern is indicated.

5. Each series is follo~ by (i) a glossary giving basic biographical infonna.tion about artists and writers represented in the collection (ii) an index to items written by, or containing pertinent infonnation about, the individual or organization listed.

6. The following abbreviations have been used: A= autograph s = signed T = typed init. = initialled Can. Mag. = The Canadian Magazine



Ahrens, Carl item no.

3 March 1923 lp (A) l Subject: appreciation of MacTavish's "effort in the recent battle"; preparing to leave ; desires to :rreet MacTavish and Hanm:>nd;

n.d. lp (AS) 2 Subject: Mr. Carter a business emissary for Ahrens; Carter will deliver a drawing;

Atkinson, William Fdwin

[13?] January 1910 2p (AS) 3 Subject: preparing for exhibit at Art Museum, ·Montreal; including Grex>te-Kerke Dort. ; MacTavish has fine block of it which Mr. Clemens \«>uld like to see; preparing for April Art Association Exhibit, funtreal;

3 July [1909 or 1915?] lp (AS) 4 Subject: National Gallery to purchase one of his "WOrks;

Beatty, Jolm William

5 DecembP.X 1911 to Mrs. MacTavish 2p (TS) 4.5, 4.6 Subject: by Morrice, owned by Mrs. MacTavish which Carnegie Institute wishes to use in an exhibition;

18 December 1936 lp (.AS) 5 Subject: painting;

Berthon, George Thecrlore

21 August 1863 copy of a receipt to Mr. F. Collins 6

Browne·,; J. Archibald

f16 June 1910] lp (AS) 7 Subject: Browne's enjoyrrent of Paris;with Dyonnet;

16 December 1937 ~ lp (AS) 8 Subject: autograph; Bert lAlbert Williamson?] an outstanding painter;

Cassidy, ~o_Eea [? J

n.d. lp (AS) 9 Subject: Indian portraits and handicrafts;


Chall~~_, Frederick S_Eroston item no.

31 March 1903 postcard (AS) 10 Subject: destruction and repainting of panel in Montreal; success of exhibition; forthcoming R.C.A. Exhibition;

l15 March 1905) postcard (AS) 11 Subject: touching up Old Montreal panels; opening of Art Association Exhibition;___ _

1 October 1905 2p (AS) 12 Subject: travel and sketching in province;

1 November 1912 2p (AS) 13, 13.5 Subject: Challener gone to Winnipeg; to paint portraits of local mayors; possibility of w::>rk with Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg; personal;

24 December 1912 3p (AS) 14 Subject: Cullen, Watson and Challener "bringing order out of chaos at new Art Gallery" ; several corcrnissions for :portraits;

23 August 1913 lp (AS) 15 Subject: MacTavish to sell some of Challener' s for him; wants one set of decorative panels kept together;

23 April (1928) lp (AS) 16 Subject: delay in payrrent for Mounted India11 Fighting; no recent sales; his present artistic pursuits; ·

24 April 1928 carbon~fran MacTavish to Challener 2p (T) 17, 18 Subject: delay in payment; rroving of Challener's panels in Russell Theatre, ; Challener • s present \rork;

Clemens, Lewis W•.

7 April 1908 2p (AS) 18.5 Subject: MacTavish elected lay nernber of ;

21 March 1910 receipt 18.6 Subject: J .w. Morrice' s ari.i11:ual fee for b.'1e Canadian Art Club, made out to MacTavish;

Colg~~~~l~i_am 24 July 1938 4p (AS) 19 subject: the possibility of MacTavish having offended sore


Colgate, William cont'd item no.

Canadian artists; maturity and hmrour of Canadian artists;

Courtice, Rody Kenny

17 April 1969 To Mrs. MacTavish lp (AS) 20 Subject: appreciation of a visit to Mrs. Mac'I'avish's home and of her collection of Canadian art; Cruikshank, William

n.d. clipping lp 21 Subject: a sketch of Cruikshank by himself;

Cullen, .Maurice Galbraith

17 January 1912 2p (AS) 22, 22.5 Subject: his life; describes photos of his paintings which MacTavish has, titling them;

Des Cl~.Y--=~~Berthe

Note: Some letters may be signed D. Des Clayes or Dor Des Clayes but appear to be in the same hand as those signed Berthe.

14 August (1916?] 2p (AS) 23 Subject: her work in print; her bill for some small sketches;

2 January 1917 2p (AS) 24 Subject: drawings being sent to MacTavish; the possibility of illustrating a story;

11 January 1917 2p (AS) 25 Subject: illustration of a story for MacTavish;

25 January [1917?] 2p (AS) 26 Subject: illustration of a story for MacTavish; Alice Des Clayes possibly will oontact MacTavish;

4 February 1917 3p (AS) 27 Subject: illustrations sent to MacTavish & his note; Alice to illustrate a story for ~lacTavish;

11 April [1917?] 8p (AS) 28, 29 Subject: payrrent for sketches for the C.P.R.; request for Macravish's opinion of her \\'Ork; illustrations for a


Des Clayes, Berthe cxmt'd item no. possible children's book; requests that .MacTavish assess and possibly publish the poetry of a blinded soldier, Jack Ross;

11 July [1917] 3p (AS) 30 Subject: receipt of Can. Mag. with article on ; personal;

13 November [1918?] 4p (AS) 31 Subject: cover sent by MacTavish; personal; Academy opening & prospect of meeting Mr. Russell;

7 O:;tober 1919 . 2p (AS) 32 Subject: Des Clayes unable to work on or return MS to Mac- Tavish in time; is to do.illustrations to MS; personal; 11 October [1919?] lp (AS) 33 Subject: Berthe I s inability to do illustrations for ~..acTavish while she is in England;

6 December 1919 8p (AS) 34, 35 Subject: conditions in England; John Russell; job prospects; Gertrude and Alice contributing to a "small shc,...r";

8 June [1920?J 2p (AS) 36 Subject: a painting for a friend of MacTavish; a return journey to England; Macl'avish's health; his proposed trip to Alaska; 27 June 1920 3p {AS) 37 Subject: MacTavish' s receipt of a picture; preparations for a trip to England; a proposed trip by MacTavish;

4 July 1920 4p (AS) 38 Subject: a picture's arrival and acceptance; MacTavish' s offer to help financially; MacTavish' s photograph ·cowboy Des Clayes' inminent departure for England; Des Clayes' failure to ~t MacTavish due to his illness;

10 July [1920?] 2p (AS) 39 Subject: receipt of MacTavish's cheque; departure for England; .MacTavish will not go to Alaska;

22 August 1923 2p (AS) 40 Subject: brought \tvUrk to Toronto's "Can. Nat. Ry. Exhib. 11 and hired as a scene painter; plans for a meeting with MacTavish;


Des Clayes, Berthe oont'd item no.

17 April [19--?] 2p (AS) 41 Subject: a painting MacTavish wished to purchase;

30 July [19--?] 3p (AS) 42 Subject: a visit to Lunenburg, N. S. ; the purchase of a Des Clayes picture by Ma.cTavish;

Des Clayes, Gertrude

26 January 1920 4p (AS) 43 Subject: acquisition of two issues of the can. Ma~; Berthe's return to Canada;

8 February 1920 3p {AS) 44 Subject: receipt of Can. Mag. ;

Drurrmond, George Alexander

22 April 1907 lp {AS) 44.2 Subject: his pictures;

Dyormet, Edrronc!

24 Auqust 1925 lp (TS) 44.5 Subject: Dyonnet left a list of R.C.A. Charter ID2IDbers with MacTavish and photos of his pictures;

13 July 1929 lp (AS) 45 Subject: forwarding of a letter oonfirming that MacTavish will contribute an article on Canadian Art to Enciclooedia Italiana;

22 May 1929 carbon, from Newton MacTavish to Dyonnet lp (T) 46 Subject: article to be supplied to Enciclopedia Italiana;

Forster, · John Wycliffe LcMes

26 September 1927 2p (TS) 47, 48 Subject: Forster -writes about himself as a portrait painter at MacTavish's request;

24 January 1928 2p (AS) 49 Subject: Forster agrees to MacTavish coming to see his work to aid .MacTavish in his prepa.ration of an article on For­ ster;


Forster, Jolm Wycliffe Lowes cont'd item no.

20 February 1928 2p (AS) 50 Subject: MacTavish ooming to see Forster's paintings;

13 August 1937 lp (AS) 51 Subject: Subjects whose port:raits Forster painted for Mac- Tavish' s book; ·

Grier, Sir Edmund Wyly

30 March 1910 2p (AS) 52, 52.5 Subject: an article on Grier to be written by Brown for the Can. Mag. ; MacTavish' s omission of Grier's narre in a lecture on Canadian artists;

2 April 1910 lp · (AS) 53 Subject: a lecture by MacTavish with which Grier disagreed;

Harrm::>nd, Melvin Orrrond

1 February 1932 printed leaflet 2p 54 Subject: Portraits of Canadian Artists fran Hanm:md' s collec- tion; indicates biographies and portraits are available from HarmlOnd;

Harrod, Stanley

16 July 1918 2p (AS) 55 Subject: enclosed rough sketch of bookplate for MacTavish; has begun to teach vocational training at university;

Heming, Arthur

25 January 1932 lp (AS) 56 Subject: investigation by Harry Southam of a question raised by Heming;

1 March 1932 carbon.. to R.B. Bennett Sp (TS) 57 - 64 Subject: mismanagement of National Gallery according to Heming; his recorrrnendations for irrproverrent;

5 March 1932 envelope (A) 65 Addressed to N. Macl'avish; probably used for above;

22 Aoril 1932 lp (AS) 66 Scl)ject: an enclosed editorial; [editorial not in collection]


Heming, Arthur cont'd i tern no.

n.d. newspaper clipping 67 Subject: Arthur Heming;

n.d. pamphlet The Canadian Art Event That Becaire International News 4 leaves - 68 Subject: Heming's successful exhibition in London, England;

Henderson, J~s

8 December 1937 lp (AS) 69 Subject: Henderson sends his signature as requested by Mac- Tavish;

Hennessey, Frank

28 June 1933 2p (AS) 70, 70.5 Subject: local trips; painting; his irother's illness; a proposed show at Eaton's Galleries;

23 I.,.ay 1940 lp (AS) 71 Subject: Hennessey's paintings; MacTavish' s lack of success with his book;

Jackson, Alexander Young

8 February 1961 to Mrs MacTavish 2p (AS) 72 Subject: Curtis Williamson's frustrated abilities; direction of art since MacTavish's death; Richard Taylor's work; Jackson ·still making a living painting; J.W. Morrice's work and its influence on Jackson;

8 February 1961 n,x, copies of the above 73, 73.5

Jeff~Charles William

22 December 1937 lp (AS) 74 Subject: appreciation of sympathy on his wife's death;

25 June 1942 to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 75 Subject: wash drawing Rebels of 1837 on the March; Richard Taylor and Jefferys' influence on him;

n.d. lp (AS) 76 Subject: Berthon;


Jeff~s, Charles William cont'd item no.

n.d. greeting card with reproduction of a painting by Jef­ ferys 77 Subject: New Year's greetings;

Jolmston, Franz

22 January 1932 to Eric Brown but sent to MacTavish [see item 80] 2p (AS) 78, 79 Subject: National Gallery has ignored Johnston's Vi.Ork though other galleries and the public support him;

25 January 1932 lp (AS) 80 Subject: re.letter written to Eric Br

Knowles, Far~ McGillivray

28 April 1920 invitation [ 2 copies] 2 leaves 81, 82 Subject: canpli.Irentary dinner to Mr and .Mrs Knowles; auto­ graphs; "To A Rose", poem by Katherine Hale;


24 September 1946 to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 83 Subject: received American Artist; Richard Taylor's work; art; the beginnin,g of the college year;

n.d. greeting card lp (S) 84 Subject: Season's greetings; week-end spent with the MacTa- vishes;

Lapine, Andre

(20?] December 1912 lp (AS) 85 Subject: sending MacTavish sane small studies; wishes to meet with MacTavish;

n.d. lp (AS) 86 Subject: bringing MacTavish picture of violin player; wishes to speak to MacTavish about O.S.A. Exhibition;

8 February 1938 lp (AS) 87 Subject: personal; his autograph;


Lovering, J. item no.

19 April 1910 2p (AS) 88 Subject: wants to do an exhibition of children's portraits; would like Maxine Macl'avish to sit for him;

4 June 1923 3p (AS) 89 11 Subject: article on llCanadian Art Movenent in Ontario ; annual exhibition in Sarnia;

MacDonald, JanEs Edward Hervey

11 September 1919 2p (AS) 9 0 Subject: wants Macl'avish to publish enclosed article written by Fairley; [ article not in collection l

~-~~vis_h, Newton McFaul

18 September 1940 receipt (TS) 91 Subject: payrrent for sketches by Cullen, Jackson, Russell, Suzor-Cote, Watson;

11 November 1920 2p (A) 92 Subject: recounting early days of art in Toronto; sending MacTavish a copy of his latest book; William Armstrong; Ontario Government Art School; J .c. Forbes;

11 November 1922 2p (AS) 92.5 Subject: new artists trying to displace him; his "backwood 11 stories ; wishes to see r~cTavish;

Morrice,------·-- Janes Wilson This sub-series includes letters from Morrice to MacTavish and one from Cornelia Sage, Director of the Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery to MacTavish re a Morrice.

17 March 1909 envelope, no accanpanying letter (A) 93 Postmarked Concameau, Finistere;

24 March [1909? 1 3p (AS) 94 Subject: article on Morrice by I.Duis Vauxcelles written for the Can • .Mag. and payrrent for the article, death of Charles Condoi"and, ~rk of poet M~oll;


lvbrrice, Jarres Wilson cont. item no.

24 August [1909?] lp (AS) 95 Subject: paynent for Vauxcelles and the appearance of his article in Can. Mag. ; work for Autornne Salon;

7 November 1909 2p (AS) 96 Subject: MacTavish' s article about Canadian artists flatters M'.Jrrice; feels Canadian papers treat Canadian art as of no importance; an exhibition; personal;

3 December 1909 lp (AS) 97 Subject: C.lrristmas number of the Can. Mag.; his studio in Concarneau; pictures sent to the Club;

February [1910?] 2p (AS) 98 Subject: in Brittany; Paris flood; Vauxcelles pleased with appearance of his article on Morrice in Can. Mag. ; Club exhibition a success;

3 November 1910 lp (AS) 99 Subject:-~ Francis·. Grattan a· reputable dealer?

23 December 1910 3p (AS) 100 Subject: Francis Grattan; colour in painting; Maurice CU.Hen; Vauxcelles lecturing on ;

23 December 1910 accompanying envelope to above 101

12 October 1911 2P (AS) 102 Subject: Cornelia Sage arranging an exhibition at Buffalo Art Gallery; other exhibitions to which he will contribute;

31 October 1911 Cornelia Sage to MacTavish re Morrice painting lp (TS) 103 Subject: MacTavish will loan his Morrice painting for Exhibition at Buffalo; appreciation;

[4 February 1915] lp (AS) 104 Subject: ~sonal; Notma.n will Pl;?t99"r';3-ph 1;-u~e for article m Can~ Mag.; "Uncle John" Ogilvie inquiring about MacTavish;

5 February 1915 accompanying envelope to above 105


l-Drrice, Janes Wilson cont. item no.

[23 February 1915] lp (AS) 106 Subject: receipt of requested story; article in Studio to be delayed; portrait of "Uncle John" photographed; Gregg ( Fogarty ? ] ;

24 February 1915 accompanying envelope to alx>ve (A) 107

26 May 1915 2p (AS) 108 Subject: Morrice adding to his Yellow Book collection; travel; sending photo of "Uncle John11 by NobTian;

25 August [1915~ lp (AS) 109 Subject: Mr. Borkmeyer, an art critic; MacTavish's new publication; will send him rrore photos of his w0rk; Yellow Book arrived; travel;

13 September [ 1915?] 2p (AS) 110 Subject: Morrice sending Mac.ravish photographs of pictures; article on fvbrrice in Fine Arts Journal; Notrnan photo of "Uncle John11 received?; travel;

n.d. accompanying envelope to above(?] (A) 111

22 SepterPber [1915?] lp (AS) 112 Subject: receipt of Can. Mag. with Ogilvy's portrait; quality of photograph; Yellow Book arrived; parcel for a friend of MacTavish;

23 0ecerrrer 1915 2p {AS) 113 Subject: apologizes for saying reproduction of photo was inferior; Crowly l? 1, a i;oet now in Canada; n.d. newspaper clipping 114 Subject: exhibition of Morrice's work; t-brris, F.drnund r."'.ontague

24 [July,?] 1908 2p (AS) 115 Subject: was with Cree and Saulteux Indians painting; Archie Brame in Muskoka; wants MacTavish to send him ~tudio with the portraits;

n.d. 2p {AS) 116 Subject: settling of finances;


lt>rris, Montague oont. item no. n. d. receipt 116.5 Subject: bust of Mr. Cruikshank;

n.d. lp (AS) 117 Subject: invitation to a'' snoker'i Muntz, Laura

15 September 1909 3p (AS) 118 Subject: travel; studio rerrodelling; contacting Mrs. Mackenzie re photos; new ~rk;

20 July 1911 3p (AS) 119 Subject: applauds MacTavish •s article; wants changes in it; her nephew has a copy of Daffcx:lil;

28 July 1911 2p (AS) 120 Subject: the making of reproductions of Guardian Angel without Muntz's consent;

3 August 1911 2p (AS) 121 Subject: a print of Daffodil; MacTavish is doing an article on Muntz's wDrk; Muntz would like to sketch his daughter;

National Gallery of Canada 14 December 1925 entry fonn 2 leaves 122 Subject: letter from Eric BrCMn re an exhibition to · be held January 1926 from which purchase for the Gallery collection will be made; seoond leaf is a blank entry fonn; [1927?] portion of a printed financial statement lp 122.5

Ontario Society of Artists

14 August 1925 lp (A) 123 Subject: list of Charter Members of O. s .A.;

Panabaker, Frank

1 January 1938 lp (A) 123.5 Subject: Panabaker's failure to becone a rrember of O.S.A.;


Patterson, Frederick William item no.

3 October 1940 lp (T) 124 Subject: he has received Parson's painting; general agreenent as to its worth;

Pepper, Kathleen Daly

1968 greeting card to Mrs. MacTavish (AS) 125

Reid, Gec.?_r'9'e ·· Agne,,

6 May 1925 lp (TS) 126 Subject: the publishing of Canadian artists' works without permission;

22 June 1928 list lp (A) 127 Subject: list of cuts loaned to MacTavish by the Art Gallery of Toronto and not returned;

28 June 1928 carl:x:m, from Macravish to G.A. Reid 2p ('I1) 128, 129 Subject: the cuts lent to MacTavish by the College and not returned·; Reid's retirerrent £ran the Ontario College of Art; the return of photographs belonging to Reid;

4 July 1928 lp (AS) 130 Subject: identification of photographs of paintings; missing cuts; Reid's retirement;

24 July 1928 lp (AS) 131 Subject: photographs of Reid's painting borrONed by MacTavish and not returned;

14 June 1928 newspaper clipping 132 Subject: tribute to Reid upon his retirerrent; appoint.Irent of J .E.H. MacDonald as acting principal;

Russell, George Home

28 November 1924 2p (A) 133, 134 Subject: Annual dinner of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts at which Knowles' speech caused problems and BrQ\am took offense; MacTavish delivered an effective address;


Russell, _George Horne cont. item no.

23 August 1926 2p (AS) 135 Subject: Dyonnet agrees that Russell's portrait of him may appear· in Can. Mag. ; Russell appreciates the publicity and will be glad to supply other works when requested; Russell, Gyrth

13 April 1914 4p (AS) 136 Subject: MacTavish's purchase of etchings by Russell which Russell considers inadequate; the difficulties of painting and etching while earning little; Russell will send MacTavish a drawing;

20 April 1914 postcard (AS) 137 Subject: Russell is pleased with his work for MacTavish; he will visit the Salon and then be humbled;

31 May 1914 4p (AS) 138 Subject:, sinking of the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence; Russell appreciates MacTavish's encouragement; etchi.rigs sent to MacTavish; his correspondence with Mac'ravish;

17 July 1922 2p (AS) 139 Subject: encloses a letter to the R.C.A.; the National Gallery has purchased a picture of his which Russell would like reproduced; he will send rrore etchings; present work;

7 Nove-nber 1929 lp (TS) 140 Subject: Russell's wife is caning to Toronto with his recent work; requests MacTavfah to help her with publicity; pictures successful in England;

Russell, John Wentworth This sub-series consists of letters ·to MacTavish from John Russell between ca. 1909 and 1929 [items 141-195]; letters fran IvlacTavish to Russell and correspondence between MacTavish and~ potential financial backers about financing an exhibition ca. 1929 [items 196- 206;:letters to MacTavish from Russell's father, Jarres, about his son t items 207-210] ; letters to MacTavish from Horatio Moss about the ~urchase of Russell pictures [items 211-216); and a p-3IDphlet and ~ newpaper clippings about Russell (items 217-218.5).


Russell, John cont. item no.

[post 1909 ?] 3p (AS) 141 Subject: trip by boat from Montreal down the St. Lawrence River en route to the sea;

16 February 1910 fragment 2p {A) 142, 143 Subject: appreciation of photographs taken by MacTavish; the portrait of Goldwin Smith painted by Russell;

6 May 1910 2p {AS) 144 Subject: Russell's appreciation of MacTavish as a friend;

13 June 1910 4p (AS) 145, 146 Subject: his "W:>rk; will return to Canada with about 60 canvases; in disfavour in Toronto but will look for a gallery; Goldwin Smith's death; his views on "the 11 great Anerican question ; Archibald Browne sailed for Europe; Browne suffers from "too much Toronton; MacTavish's coming trip to London; recent paintings;

18 July 1910 2p (AS) 147 Subject: MacTavish's arrival in London; planning to rreet M.acTavish; Russell showed his work to Atkinson; he anticipates a portrait assignrrent;

12 January 1911 2p {AS) 148 Subject: an exhibition of Russell's wurk being set up in New York; outlook for an exhibition in Toronto;

16 March [ 1911) 6p (AS) 149, 150 Subject: New York exhibition is a success; praise from the American press; problems with Custans; MacTavish's article appreciated;

24 March ( 1911] 8p (AS) 151, 152 Subject: appreciation of MacTavish's article; his New York show; projected Canadian show; success of various pictures in the New York show; returning to Toronto soon; problems with Customs; other exhibitions in New York;

13 September 1911 2p (AS) 153 Subject: appreciation for .MacTavish's help; pictures arrived safely; a splendid holiday; his w-ork; a war scare; friends' visits; ·

14 September 1911 accanpanying envelope to above (A) 154


Russell, John cont. item no.

( September 1911?] 2p (AS) 155 Subject: visit to Rome; sailing on October 14;

8 August 1912 postcard (AS) 156 Subject: accorrplishing much ~rk near Dieppe; returning to Canada before Christmas;

15 October 1912 4p (AS) 157 Subject:. painting in Dieppe and Paris; return to Anerica; possible show in London in 1913; failure of a Canadian show; changes in Art from sentinaltalism to reality;

(pre September 20 1913? J lp (AS) 158 Subject: Russell is with Laurier and will make sketches;

20 September 1913 Sp (AS) 159, 160, Subject: life in a village in Brittany where Russell is 161 painting well; pictures which had been sent to the Toronto Exhibition; Laurier' s portrait;

26 February 1914 2p (AS) 162 Subject: Russell's w:>rk in Paris; his brief return to canada;

l May 1914 4p (AS) 163 Subject: Russell's return to France; his dislike of Toronto;

30 July 1915 2p (AS) 164 Subject: Russell in Quebec; Russell's cover designs;

18 May 1916 postcard {AS) 165 Subject: painting in England;

5 December 1917 2p (AS) 166, 167 Subject: Russell in Toronto; missed MacTavish;

29 January [1918?] lp (AS) 168 Subject: Russell's arrival in Toronto;

12 January 1920 2p (AS) 169 Subject: Paris, after the war, and his 'WOrk; Christmas and New Year celebrations; work for a show; problem.s with a cheque;

fspring 1924?) fragment 3p (A) 170 Subject: Russell in England; Empire ShCM at Wembley Park;


item no. 18 August 1924 3p (AS) 171 - 173 Subject: problems with debts; his show a success but paintings are not· selling and expenses are very high; Wembley show a failure; news from Canada;

( 7 October 1924?] 2p (AS) 174, 175 Subject: serious problems with debts; asks MacTavish for help in selling pictures.and approaching men in Canada for help; 1 · failure of Wembley show which was "colonial art ';

[ 7 October 1924?] acoompanying envelope to above (A} 176

[1924~ note on reverse side of a leaflet about Russell's art (AS} 177A Subject: cheque needed inrredi.ately; canaclian art show at Wem­ bley a failure; n.d. leaflet 177B 11 Subject: .M.r Russell's Art Ii by Newton MacTavish; !!Extract from 'Le Temps 1 Paris Salon, 1923 11 by Thiebault Sisson;

14 May 1926 telegram 178 Subject: Russell needs rroney urgently;

20 July 1926 6p (AS) 179 - 181 Subject: political situation in Paris; delayed in return to Canada; preparing a show for C.N.E.; success at Paris shows; pressed for money; wants MacTavish to help in finding him portraits to do; Macravish's appointrrent in Ottawa; Russell's defense of l-1acTavish;

[ pre 20 March 1928? J 3p (AS) 182 Subject: en route to Africa with friends; Russell asks Mac- Tavish for rroney as he is earning nothing; his work;

20 March 1928 6p (AS) 183, 184 Subject: rough crossing to North Africa;

22 March 1928 accompanying envelope to above (A) 185

24 March 1928 postcard (AS) 186 Subject: Algiers;

9 April 192[8?: postcard (AS) 187 Subject: Marrakech;


Russell, John cont. item no.

14 September 1928 postcard (AS) 188 Subject: SWitzerland;

10 January 1929 postcard (AS} 189 Subject: Christmas and the New Year in SWi tzerland;

( Spring 1929?] 3p (AS} 190 Subject: projected sho.v with Edouard Sandoz at a Paris Gal­ lery; Russell's first one man shCM-in Paris; the great ex­ pense of the show; a request that MacTavish locate inter­ ested rren to help ·with costs in return for paintings;

22 July 1929 6p (AS} 191, 192 Subject: the area and life around Morgat; his painting and his subjects; a visit from Mrs.Drurmond; request that Mac­ Tavish pursue the task of finding him financial support; Mackenzie King has offered help; Sandoz will join him soon;

n.d. 3p (AS} 193 Subject: exploration of Montreal before sailing; Montreal pre­ ferred to Toronto;

n.d. sketch on a scrap of paper 194 Subject: drawing of MacTavish by Russell;

MacTavish, Newton to Jo~ Rus?el~

16 May 1929 carbon 2p (T) 196, 197 Subject: tension between MacTavish and rrembers of the Board of the National Gallery; b'1e new Chainnan, Harry Southam, a promising leader; .MacTavish' s attempt to bring a picture of Russell's to the attention of the Board with little suc­ cess;

12 June 1929 carbon lp (T) 198 Subject: MacTavish will attempt to_carry out Russell's order though it is difficult to do;

26 June 1929 carbon lp ('r) 199 Subject: irnped.urents to the project; MacTavish will try to see some rren personally; Senator Arthur Hardy has promised financial support; further information needed from Russell;

5 July 1929 carton 2p (T) 200, 201 Subject: Russell's signature on undertakings for financial support for Russell's exhibition;


Russell, John cont.

Ma.cTavish, Newton to John Russell cont~ item no.

9 November 1929 Carbon 2p err) 202 I 2( Subject: Russell's behaviour and restrictions, and slump in market,pose serious problems in getting financial assistance for a show; Ma.cTavish will continue to search for support;

Hardy, Arthur to ~~avish

24 June 1929 lp (TS) 204 Subject: Hardy is willing to assist in financing Russell's show;

Russell, Thomas A.-·------to MacTavish 7 October 1929 lp (TS) 205 Subject: T.A. Russell has already helped Jack Russell finance his show in Paris; he will help in sorre small way in Canada if necessary;

.MacTavish, Newton to T.A. Russell

15 October 1929 lp (T) 206 Subject: MacTavish did not intend financial assistance from '11 ~A. Russell but wanted names of individuals who might pos- sibly help;

Russell, James to MacTavish

27 April {post 1910 J lp (AS) 207 Subject: portrait of Goldwin Smith coming to Toronto; an an­ nouncement should appear in Toronto papers;

6 March [ 1914?J lp (AS) 208 Subject: Jack Russell returning to Toronto; Laurier portrait to be presented on his return; armouncerrent of his return should appear in Toronto papers;

19 April I 19--?] 2p (AS) 209 Subject: Jack preparing for his Toronto exhibition; por­ trait of MacTavish painted by Jack; ways of arousing the public and press to see the exhibition; several suggestions given in pencil on verso;

22 June [19--?J lp (AS) 210 Subject: an article which Mr Russell would like to have ap- pear in Toronto publications;


------Russell, John cont. item no. M:>ss, Horatio B. to MacTavish

16 Februacy 19 34 2p (AS) 211, 212 Subject: Russell pictures which fuss wishes to purchase;

7 March 1934 lp (AS) 213 Subject: Russell pictures owned by l'1acTavish;

17 March 1934 lp (AS) 214 Subject: Moss would like to purchase two Russell drawings;

14 April 1934 telegram 215 Subject: purchase of Russell pictures;

25 May 1934 on verso of a merrorandum from Kennedy and Company, New ~York, to H.B. Moss lp (AS) 216 Sub~ect: pa~t; Russell pictures forrrerly owned by Pullt l Pellatt? J;


[1911? J parrphlet 4 leaves 217 Subject: paintings by John Russell at the Iouis Ralston gal­ leries;

26 November 1932 newspaper clipping 218 Subject: Russell's plans to establish an art gallery devoted to Canadian ~rk and an art school;

u;ost 5 November 1959] newspaper clipping 218.5 · Subject: death of John Russell;

She~erd, Dr. Francis John

4 February 1925 lp (AS) 219 Subject: delegation of selection of drawings by Brown is not according to National Gallery policy;

SmitJ::i_, William St. Thoroas

This sub-series consists of letters to MacTavish fran Smith,and also letters about Smith from his wife and his daughter to Mrs MacTavish.

4 December 1907 lp (AS) 220 Subject: receipt of MacTavish' s cheque;


Smith, William St. Thomas cont. item no.

10 January 1908 lp (AS) 221 Subject: a list of pictures;

10 February 1908 2p (AS) 222 Subject: sending Sunset on Kettle Creek to MacTavish; ar- ticle in a magazine has brought many oorrplirrents;

15 December 1911 from Julia Smith to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 223 Subject: selling Smith's pictures; personal;

(194 7?] from Ada Bawsey [ ? J to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS} 224 Subject: the death of Smith; Stevenson, o .J.

28 Decenber 1925 2p (AS) 224.5 Subject: Ontario Agricultural College's purchase of Torn Thanson' s Tne Drive; unveiling cererrony and biographical sketch;

SUz~:-Cote,.,. r.'l..arc-Aurele' d e Foy

7 December 1919 Sp (AS) 225, 226 Subject: hurricane in lt)ntreal; the possibility of MacTavish using "-Urk by Claire Fauteux in 9m. · ~~_;

30 April 1925 4o (AS) 227 Subject: MacTavish may l:,tSe illustrations done for C.N.R. bro­ chure if he can get permission from ottawa; spring ex­ hibition and Suzor-COte's success; h\U of his works to be considered for purchase by the National Gallery; disapproval of new ruling re purchasing of pictures and the tendency of the Trustees to cut artists' prices;

14 May 1925 4p (AS) 228 Subject: he is waiting for his \\'Orks to be decided UfX)n by the National Gallery; asks MacTavish to be the artists' champion; the treatrrent received by artists in canada; the 11 Gallery's "bargaining for pictures ;

11 May 1932 2p (AS) 229 subject: Suzor-Co~ ·has written .MacTavish several times and has received no reply; a magazine with a reprcxluction of · one of his pictures and an article by MacTavish;

18 May 1932 envelope, f.X)Ssibly accompanying alx>ve (A) 230


Suzor-COt~, Marc-Aurele de Foy cont. item no.

1 June 1932 postcard (AS) 231 Subject: appreciation for a letter from Mac.ravish;

Van Horne, Sir William Cornelius

1 January 1907 lp (AS) 231.5 Subject: Van Home· will select sorre photos of pictures for Mac.ravish;

Watson, Honer

5 May 1908 4p (AS) 232 Subject: the rejection of The Flood Gate by the National Gallery; the history of the painting;

5 June 1908 Jp (AS) 233 Subject: problems in having The Flcxxl Gate accepted by the National Gallery;

21 July ( ca. 1908?] 4p (AS) 234 Subject: a projected visit from Mac.ravish and Hamrond; Cone­ stoga countryside; present and projected paintings of set­ tlers' lives;

30 October [ca. 1908?] 3p (AS) 235 - 237 Subject: photos have been received; Harnrond may use a photo; painti.11g problems and subjects, especially settlers and nature·; Morris is painting his Indian work;

28 December [ca. 1908?J 2p (AS) 238 Subject: New Year's Day meeting; photos of Gallery;

16 March [1912?] 4p (AS) 239 Subject: galleries in which Watson paintings have hung; the "cause of good art" in Canada;

30 April [between 1915.and 1918?J 4p (AS) 240 Subject: photo of The Flood Gate to be sent to MacTavish; his new work; nature and art; present directions of art;

18 November [1924?] 2p (AS) 241 Subject: The Flood Gate has been sent to the R.C.A. show; Watson is hoping it will be better received;

30 January [1925?] . 4p (AS) 242 Subject: Vincent Massey as a Trustee of the National Gallery; condition of The Flood Gate; Watson's experiences in re­ pairing·paintings; different·approaches to painting by dif­ 11 1 ferent artists, no one way is right' ;


Watson, Harrer cont. item no.

20 March (1925?l 2p (AS) 243, 24 Subject: his health; the price for The F_lood Gate_; sittings for Curtis Williamson;

30 May (1925?] 4p (AS) 245 Subject: wishes to be better represented in the National Gallery; selling pictures in the United States; present costs of pictures; The Flood Gate and varying opinions about its worth; ·

5 August [1925?] 3p (AS) 246 Subject: the National Gallery Trustees will rreet; Watson would like a decision about Tne Flood Gate; the suggestion that the picture would have to be sold through the Acaderey · is incorrect;

2 May (post 1925] 2p (AS) 247 SubJect: personal;

27 i\pril (between 1926 and 1932?J 3p (AS) 248 Subject: personal; a cousin's application for work in the Civil Service;

28 February (ca. 1927?J . 3p (AS) 249 Subject: National Gallery Trustees purchasing a Watson winter picture; painting natural effects; a Canadian ~eature in painting;

8 December [19--?] 2p (AS) 250 Subject: photos at the Academy which MacTavish would like to use;

n.d. note, on verso of advertising matter from Can. Mag. ---lp-- (AS) 251 Subject: Watson wishes to have a talk with Macravish;

rca. 1937] printed leaflet 2 leaves 252 L subject: annmmcerrent ·of coming publication of biography of Watson by Muriel Miller;

Watson, Ph~

[post 1935?] 2p (AS) 253 Subject: article in Saturday Night by Macl'avish; invitation to come to see "sone of Horrer's thingsll;


Wheatcroft~ item no.

2 July 1929 caroon, possibly by MacJ.1avish lp (T) 254 Subject: character reference; White, w.

4 September 1926 postcard (AS) 255 Subject: artist, Forshaw Day, taught at Royal Military College;

This sub-series includes letters to-MacTavish byWilliar.'11Son and a correspondence·between·Samuel King and·MacTavish about William­ son.

20 April 1908 receipt {AS) 256 Subject: receipt for MacTavish' s nanbership in Canadian Art Club;

4 November 1908 lp (TS) 257 Subject.:· invitation to a ''snoker' at the Canadian Art Club;

10 ~ngust 1939 lp (AS) 258 Subject: Williamson wishes to sell an old guitar as he is short of rroney;

5 December 1940 lp (AS) 259 Subject-: Williamson wishes to do a portrait as suggested to him by Jones, as he is in financial difficulties;

n.d. lp (AS) 260 Subject: a photo; appreciates MacTavish's interest in athe noverrent '' ;

4 June 1929 Samuel King to MacTavish re Williamson lp (TS) 261 Subject: the excellence of the portrait of Sir William Mulocl<: done by Williamson; the possibility of giving Williamson gocxl publicity through The Globe;

5 June 192.9 carbon, MacTavish to Samuel King lp err) 262 Subject: MacTavish will oontact Hannond and Charlesworth about publicity for Williamson;


Miscellaneous item no.

1 June 1938 newspaper clippings 264 Subject: collectors buying Canadian art; nuning rren are especially interested; reference to Mac.ravish as a collector; show of work by Ada Bruce and Winifred Redman; lecture given by Mac.ravish;

23 March ( pre 1908?] parrphlet A Gathering .of the Arts 265 Subject: a social gathering of m2n involved in the arts where it was decided that some organization into a club would be desireable (The Arts and Letters Club?J ; includes :p:,oJnS, music, work by J. MacDonald and C. W. Jeffreys and a Corrroittee of the Arts is given;

n.d. rough draft 2p (A) 266 Subject: alphabetical list of artists;

n.d. postcard with a flower study by Martha !iunger Black 267 Queries

[post 1924?J fragment, author tmk.nown lp (A) 267.5 Subject: an attack on the policies of the National Gallery as to how paintings are chosen for the Gallery; the Gallery has waived these policies to hang works by 1fiomson and Morrice;



Ahrens, Carl, b. Wingfield, Canada West, 1863; d. Toronto, 1936. Painter of nature. Annstrong, William, b. Dublin, Ireland, 1822; d. Toronto, 1914. Carre to Canada, 1851; one of first artists in Toronto; painter of landscapes, Indians and pioneer life. Atkinson, William :Edwin, b. 'Ibronto, 1862; d. Toronto, 1926. Painter specializing in landscape; A.R.C.A. 1902.

Beatty, John William, b. Toronto, 1869; d. Toronto 1941. Landscape painter; A.R.C.A. 1903; R.C.A. 1913. Berthon, George Thek>dore, b. Vienna, Austria, 1806; d. Toronto, 1892. Portrait painter; came to Canada 1841; member O.S.A.

Black, Martha Munger, b. Chicago, Ill., 1866; d. Whitehorse, Territory 1957. Artist, author, rx:>litican. Brown, Eric, b. Nottingham England, 1877; d. Ottawa, 1939. Studied art in England; came to Canada, 1909; curator, National Gallery, 1910; director, National Gallery·; 1913-1939.

Browne, J. Archibald, b. Liverpcx>l, England, 1864; d. Cornwall, Ont., 1948. Landscape painter; founding member, Canadian Art Cltlh; A. R. C .A. 1898; R.C.A. 1919.

Challener, Frederick Sproston, b. Whetstone, England, 1869; d. Toronto, 1959. Painter; came to Canada, 1870; Member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1891; R.C.A. 1899.

Courtice, Rody Kenny, b. Renfrew, Ont. 1895. Landscape and abstract painter; nanber O.S.A; A.R.C.A.

Cruikshank, William, b. Broughty Ferry, Scotland, 1848; d. Kansas City Missouri, 1922. Painter of portraits, figures, Canadiru~ scenes; R.C.A. 1894; instructor, O.C.A.

CUllen, Maurice Galbraith, b. St. John's, Newfoundland, 1866; d. Chambly Canton, Quebec, 1934. Landscape painter; A.R.C.A. 1895; R.C.A. 1907.

Des Clayes, Alice, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1890; Painter, illustrator; A.R.C.A. 1920.


Des Clayes, Berthe, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1877; Painter, illustrator; came to Canada 1912. Des Clayes, Gertrude, b. Sootland, 1879; d. Iondon, England, 1949. Portrait and figure painter; came to Canada, 1912; A.R.C.A. 1914. Dyonnet, Edroond, b. France, 1859; d. Montreal, 1954. Eortrait painter, teacher; cruoo to Canada 1874; A.R.C.A. 1892; R.C.A. 1901; secretary R.C.A. 1910-1948. Forbes, Jolm Colin, b. Toronto, 1846; d. Toronto, 1925. Painter of portraits; R.C.A. 1882. Forbes, Kenneth Keith, b. Toronto, 1892. Portrait painter; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1927; R.C.A. 1936. Forster, Jolm Wycliffe I.Dwes, b. Norval, Canada West, 1850; d. Toronto, 1938. Portrait painter; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. Fosbery, Ernest G., b. Ottawa, 1874; d. Cc:Mansville, Que., 1960. Portrait painter; A.R.C.A. 1912; R.C.A. 1929; president R.C.A. 1943-1944. Grier, Sir F.dmund Wyly, b. Melbourne, Australia, 1862; d. Toronto, 1957. Pm.:trait painter; caire to Canada 1876; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1893; R.C.A. 1894; president R.C.A. 1929-1939; Heming, Arthur, b. Paris, Ont. 1870; d. Hamilton, Ont., 1940. Artist and author; A.R .. C.A. 1934. Henderson, Janes, b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1871; d .. Regina, Sask., 1951. Painter; cane to Canada, 1910; specialized in western landscapes and Indian subjects. Hennessey, Frank, b. Ottawa, 1893; d. Ottawa, 1941. Painter; member o.s.A.; A.R.C.A. 1934; ~.C.A. 1941. Jackson, Alexander Young, b. lt>ntreal, 1882; d. Kleinburg, Ont., 1974. Painter; member of ; A.R.C.A. 1914; R.C.A. 1919. Jefferys, Charles William, b. Rochester, England, 1869; d. Toronto, 1951. Artist; came to Canada, 1879; member O.S.A.; first president Canadian Society of Graphic Arts, 1903; A.R.C.A. 1912; R.C.A. 1925. Johnston, Franz H. b. Toronto, 1888; d .. 'Ib.conto, 1949. Painter; member Group of Seven 1920-1922; A.R.C.A. 1919; O.C.A.


Knowles,.Mrs. Elizabeth Ma;illivray ne'e Beach, b. ottawa, 1866; d. Lancaster, NEM Hampshire, 1928. Studied art tmder McGillivray Knowles and married him in 1890; specialized in nature studies; A.R.C.A. 1908.

Knowles, Farquhar McGillivray Strachan Stewru:t, b. Syracuse, New York, 1860; d. Toronto, 1932. Landscape painter; came to Canada in infancy, A.R.C.A. 1889; R.C.A. 1899.

Lapine, Andri b. Shujen, Riga,· Russia, 1866; d. Minden, Ont., 1952. Water-colorist; cane to Canada 1907; A.R.C.A. 1919. Lawson, Ernest, b. Halifax, 1873; d. Miami Beach, Florida, 1939. Landscape artist; exhibited Canadian Art Club; lived mainly in the U.S.A.

MacDonald, Janes F.dward Hervey, b. Durham England, 1874; d. Toronto, 1932. Painter and poet; cane to Canada 1887; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1912; R.C.A. 1929; principal O.C.A. 1929-1932; an original member Group of Seven.

McKenzie, R. Tait, b. Alnonte, Ont. 1867; d. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1938. Physican and sculptor; R.C.A. 1928. Martin, Thanas Mower, b. London, England, 1838; d. Toronto, 1934. Landscape painter; carre to Canada 1862; member O.S.A • .; lt>rrice, James Wilson, b. Montreal, 1864; d. Tunis, Tunisia, 1924. Inpressionist painter; spent rrost of his life in France • .r.t>rris, Edmund Montague, b. Perth, Ont., 1871; d. Portneuf, Que., 1913. Painter, noted for Indian portraits; A.R.C.A. 1897; Fol.lllding member of Canadian Art Club. Muntz, Laura, b. Radford, England, 1860; d. Toronto, 1930. Painter; carre to Canada 1869; A.R.C.A. 1895; noted for portraits of children. Panabaker, Frank Shirley, b. Hespeler, Ont. 1904. Landscape painter; A.R.C.A. 1942; Trustee National Gallery 1959-1966. Parsons, William, b. Toronto, 1909. Landscape painter.


Pepper, Kathleen Daly, b. Napanee, Ont. 1898. Artist and author; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1937; R.C.A. 1961.

Reid, George Agnew, b. Wingham, C.W. 1860; a. Toronto, 1947. Painter; member O.S.A.; A.R.C.A. 1885; R.C.A. 1890; president R.C.A. 1906-1909; principal, O.C.A. 1912-1926.

Robinson, Albert Henry, b. Hamilton, Ont., 1881; d. Montreal, 1956. Landscape painter; A.R.C.A. 1911; R.C.A. 1914. Russell, George Home, b. Scotland 1861; d. St.Stephen N.B., 1933. Landscape and portrait painter; cane to Canada 1890; A.R.C.A. 1909; R.C.A. 1918; president R.C.A. 1922-26.

Russell, Gyrth, b. Dartnouth, N.S., 1892. Painter and etcher; spent much of life in Wales.

Russell, John Wen~rth, b. Binbrook, Ont., 1879; d. Toronto, 1959. Figure and portrait painter. Smith, William St. Thomas, b. Belfast, Ireland, 1862; d. St. Thomas, Ont. 1947. Landscape and marine painter; ~ to Canada 1869; A.R.C.A. 1902; ne:nber O. s .A.

Suzor-COtEf, Marc-Aur'ele de Foy, b. Arthabaska, Que., 1869; d. Daytona Beach, Florida, 1937. Painter and sculptor; A.R.C.A. 1912; R.C.A. 1914.

Taylor, Richard, b. Fort William, Ont., 1902; d. New Betting, Conn., 1970. Cartoonist, illustrator and author; son-in-law of Newton MacTavish. Thanson, Tonas John, b. Clarenont, Ont., 1877; d. Algonquin Park, 1917. Painter; strongly influenced Group of Seven.

·.Walker, Horatio, b. Listowel, C.W., 1858; .d •. Ile d'Orleans, Que., 1938. Painter; R.C.A. 1918; LL.D 1915, (Toronto}; Hon. doctorate Laval, 1934.

Watson, Homer Rainsford, b. Doon, C. W • , 1855; d. Doon, 19 36. Landscape painter; R.C.A. 1882; 1918-1922, president R.C.A.

Williamson, Albert Curtis, b. Brampton, Ont., 1867; Toronto, 1944. Portrait painter, A.R.C.A. 1894; R.C.A. 1907; founding nanber of Canadian Art Club.




All mnnbers refer to i tern numbers

Ahrens, Carl, 1,2 Canadian Art Club, 18.6, 116, Annual Exhibition and Sale of 117, 136, 138 [?] , 239 [?J , 257; Canadian Pictures, Sarnia, exhibitions, 96-100, 102, 152; Ont., 89 MacTavish a lay member, 18.5, Annstrong, William, 92 256 Art Association of Montreal Canadian Magazine, advertising, 3, 11, 59, 227[?] 251B. See also entry in Series . See II ---- Art Gallery of Toronto­ Canadian National Exhibition, Art Gallery of Toronto, 16, 40[?], 123, 161, 179 20, 127, 132, 225 Canadian National Railways, 40[?], Art Union, 92 227 Arts and Letters Club, 90 , 28, 35. 265 [?] • See also Series See also Series II, 536, 545 II, 318, 547 Cassidy, Appolonea [?J H. , 9 Atkinson, Edwin, 3, Challener, Frederick Sproston, 4, 147 10-18 CharleSvwDrth, Hector, 262 Bawsey [?] , Ada, 224 Clemens, Lewis W., 3 (?1 18.5, Beatty, Jolm William, 4.5, 18.6 4.6 I 5, 89 Colgate, William G. , 19 Bennett, Richard Bedford, Courtice, Rody Kenny, 20 letter to, 57-64. See Cruikshank, William, 21, 116.5 also Series II, 291~07 Cullen, Maurice Galbraith, 14, Berthon, Goerge Theodore, 22, 22.5, 100 6,76 Black, Martha Munger, 267 Des Clayes, Alice, 26, 27, 30, British E:npire Exhibition, 32, 35 57, 58, 133, 170, 173, Des Clayes, Berthe, 23-43 175, 177 Des Clayes, Gertrude, 32, 35, Brown, Eric, 52, 66, 122, 43, 44 133, 134; and Group of Drumrond, Sir George Alexander, Seven, 59, 60; letter to 44.2 Brown, 78-80; paintings Dyonnet, E.drrond, 7, 44.5, 45, purchased, 16, 17, 58, 139, 46, 135 219, 242-244, 246 Browne, J. Archibald, 8, 99, Forbes, John Colin, 92 102 [?], 115, 237 [? ]; in Forbes, Kenneth Keith, 61 Europe, 7, 146 Forster, John Wycliffe Low"es, 47-51 E'osbery, Emest G. 59


Grier, Sir F.dmund Wyly, 52, 52.5, Lawson, Ernest, 87, 264 53, 60 lovering, J., 88 Group of Seven, 58-62, 78, 89 MaC'Callum, James, 89 Hale, Katherine, 81, 82, See MacDonald, James Edward Hervey, also Series II, 838-842 - 90, 132 Hamrond, Melvin Orrcond, 212, McKenzie, R. Tait, 16 216, 234, 235, 262; as a MacTavish Newton McFaul, lay collector, 54; included in nanber of Canadian Art Cltlb, 18. 5, greetings, 1, 146, 153, 161, 18.6; letters from, 17, 18, 46, 162. See also entry in 91, 128, 129, 196-203, 206, 262; Series II publications: Ars Longa, 49-51, Hardy, Senator Arthur, 199, 202, n[i'; The Finel\rt:Slll Canada, 204, 206 109C?J, 113 [?J, 128 (?J, 130[?~, Harrod, Stanley, 55 255. See also entry in Series II Hebert, Adrien [?J , 60 Martin, Thomas t-bwer , 9 2 , 9 2. 5 Heming, Arthur, 56-68 Massey, Vincent, 66, 173, 242 Henderson, James, 69 Miller, Muriel, 252 Hennessey, Frank, 70, 70.5, Montreal Museum of Fine A.t..-ts, 229 71 Morrice, James Wilson, 18.6, 157, 204 [?] , 268; exhibition of work, Ja~-:>0n, Alexander Young, 72, 3, 4.5, 4.6; influence on A.Y. 73, 73.5, 89 Jackson, 72; letters from,93-114; Jefferys, Charles William, portrait of John Ogilvy, 104, 106, 74-Tl, 89 108, 112, 113 Johnston, Franz, 60, 78-80 Morris, E.dmund .t-bntague, 96, 159, 23T; included in greetings, 95, King, Samuel, 161, 208, 261, 99, 100, 102; letters from 115-117 262 Moss, Horatio B., 211-216 King, William Lyon Mackenzie, ~luntz, Laura, 118-121 and National Gallery, 57-59; support for Jack Russell, National Gallery of Canada, 17, 134, 191, 202, 203 242, 248, 255; exhibitions,57-64, Knowles, Mrs. Elizabeth Annie 122; policies questioned, 56, McGillivray, 81, 82 57-64, 78, 79, 268; purchases, 4, Knowles, Farquhar McGillivray 139, 227, 228, 232, 233, 245, Strachan Stewart, 60, 81-83, 246, 249 133. See also Series II, 846 rNotman, W. & Son, 44.2, 104, 108, 112 Knowles, Lila, 83, 84 / Ontario Agricultural College, 224.5 85, 86 rapine, Andre, Ontario College of Art, 16, 20, 128-130 Iaurier, Sir Wilfrid, 158, 161, 132 , 202. See also Series II, Ontario Governrrent Art School, 92 415, 515-517, 618 Ontario Society of Artists, 59, 86, 92, 123, 123.5


Panabaker, Frank Shirley, 60, Smith, William St. Thomas, 220-224 123.5 Southam, Harry Stevenson, 56, 196 Parsons, William[?], 124 Stevenson, O.J., 224.5 Patterson, Frederic William, SUzor-COte', Marc-Aurele de Foy, 124 225-231 Pellat, Sir Henry r-lill, 160, 212, 216 Taylor, Richard, 72, 75, 83 Pepper, Kathleen Daly, 125 Thcmson, Tom, 89, 224.5, 268 Reid, George Agnew, 16, 59, Van Home, Sir William Cornelius, 126-132 231.5 Robinson, Albert Henry, 60 Vauxcelles, I.ouis, 94-96, 98, Russell, George Home, 133-135 100 Russell, Gyrth, 136-140, 264 Russell, Dr. Janes, 207-210 Walker, Sir Byron &:1mund, 78, 145, Russell, John Wen~rth, 31, 35, 152, 173, 245 139, 264; letters about, Walker, Horatio, . 52. 5, 239 196-218; letters from, 141-194 Watson, Harer Ransford, 14, 159, Russell, Thomas A., 148[?] , 202, 253, 264; letters from 232-252; 205, 206 The Flood Gate, 232; 233, 240-246 Royal Canadian Acadeif¥ of Arts, Watson,Phoebe, 253 44.5; 45, 46, 139, 246, 250; ~ley Exhibition, 57, 58, 133, and the National Gallery, 170, 173, 175, 177 57-64; controversy in, 92, Wheatcroft, F., 254 133, 134; exhibitions, 10, White, w., 255 102, 241 Williamson, Albert Curtis, 8, 72, 96, 115, 244, 264; letters from, Sage, Cornelia, 102, 103 256-262 Sandoz, Edouard, 183, 190, 191, 201 Shepherd, Dr. Francis John, 17, 196, 219, 227, 228 Snith, Goldwin, 145; portrait by John Russell, 142, 143, 207. See also entry in Series II



Acland, Frederick Albert item no.

12 January 1906 2p (AS) 268 Subject: introducing his son Peregrine Acland to magazine publishing; Peregrine's literary aspirations;

Arnnur, F.dward Dougl~

27 April 1918 2p (AS) 269 Subject: George Ham pamphlet;

11 February 1919 lp (AS) 270 Subject: suh)tltting verses for publication; liLullaby";

n. d. manuscript lp (A ·L'lit.) 271 •tLullaby", a poem by E. Douglas Amour;

Armstrong, Isabel C.

8 May 1931 lp (TS) 272 Subject; grateful for Mac.ravi?h'-s help in Short Story- Contest;

Atkin, Grace Murray

14 October 1917 4p (AS) 273 Subject: personal; holidays; publication of verses; her business; searching for a publisher;

2 April [post 1917] tip (AS) 274 Subject: publishing finn; wants Ma.cTavish to use his influ- ence with a publisher; personal;

6 April [post 1917] 4p (AS) 275 Subject: wants MacTavish to use his influence with publishers; business; B .F. Trotter's poetry;

1 May 1918 4p (AS) 276 Subject: George Ham pamphlet; publishing in Canada; a MS .. ;

25 September 1918 4p (AS) 277 Subject: 11itchell Kermerley to publish a volur:e of her verse; American public's attitude to poetry; publication of a novel;

30 September 1918 4p (AS) 278 Subject: personal; business; writing;

9 September 1919 4p (AS) 279 Subject: publishing; holidays;


Atkin, Grace Murray oont. item no.

27 February 1920 3p (AS) 280 Subject: submitting a poem; personal;

29 May 1920 4p (AS) 281 Subject: thanking .MacTavish for sending her Th.rm~_J:._1! essays to read; publishing; holidays}

25 October 1920 Sp (AS) 282, 283 Subject: Newton M3.cTavish' s MS. ; Barr, Robert

24 December 1909 4p (TS) 285 - 288 Subject: possibility of a ·war; politics; history; power; a story by Barr; John Scoble; writing; MacTavish's photographs;

Beatty, F.dward Wentworth

24 Novew.ber 1920 lp (.TS) 289 Subject: George Ham pamphlet;

Beauchesne_,_ Arthur

9 December 1930 2p (AS) 290 Subject: personal;

Bennett, Richard BedfC?._rd

12 November 1931 lp {TS) 291 Subject: personal;

Best, T.H.

13 July 1910 lp (TS) 292 Subject: Arnold Haultain and Goldwin Smith's biography; per- sonal;

Bigg~~ Geor_ge C.

31 March [19--z) lp (AS) 293 Subject: newspaper business;

Black, Florence Deaoon

12 July 1926 lp (AS) 294 Subject: personal; MacTavish' s new appointrr.ent;


Black, Florence Deacon cont. item no.

12 July 1926 to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 294 Subject: personal;

Blake} William H~

13 June [19--'i] 2p (AS) 295, 296 Subject: personal; publication of articles;

Blewett, Jean McKishnie

29 September 1912 postcard (AS) 297 Subject: personal;

n.d. lp (AS) 298 Subject: submitting -a poem; personal;

n.d. lp (AS) 299 Subject: sul::mi. tting work;

n .. d. manuscript lp (AS) 300 J'April l,j, a poem by Jean Blewett;

P.oggs, -Ele~"l.nor

21 March 1926 2p (AS) 301 Subject: -~own In; sul:m~tting a poem;

Borden, Robert laird

9 December 1915 lp (TS) 301.5 Subject: B.F. Trotter's poetry;

Bourinot, Arthur ·Stanley

10 Decerrber 1915 lp (AS) 302 Subject: publishing;

28 April 1919 lp (AS) 303 Subject: corrections to a poem;

2 February 1921 2p (AS) 304 subject: publishing of a new volurre of -his verse; acknow- ledgerrent to Can ~CJ_._;

[pre February 1916] manuscript lp (AS) 305 "Auturm Silence", a poem by Arthur S. Bourinot;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 306 "Lilacs", a poem·by Arthur S. Bourinot;


Bourinot, Isabelle item no.

26 August [19--?J 2p (AS) 307 Subject: sending a poem to MacTavish;

BcMer, Marion

26 November [19--?] 4p (AS) 308 Subject: wants MacTavish to buy Canadian rights to a series of her stories; B

~d, J~hn

23 June 1909 2p (TS) 309, 310 Subject: personal; MacTavish's holidays; 75th Anniversary of St Jean Baptiste Association; English-French relations; "O Canada'; translation; changes made by .MacTavish;

23 August 1909 7p (AS) 311, 312 Subject: personal; Routhier' s approval of Boyd's translation of 11 0 Canadan;

12 September [192-?] 3p (.TS) 313 - 315 Subject: submit.ting material; personal;

Brook, Arthur H.

24 December 1925 lp (AS) 316 Subject: personal; FinE:._ ~ "!_Canada;


18 July 1913 lp (AS) 317 Subject: Duncan Campbell Scott I s letter of introduction; de- sires to see Macl'avish;

24 July 1913 lp (AS) 318 Subject: personal; Art~ & Lett~s Club; Georgian P~~; MacTavish' s article in ~~estminster _13:_e_yiew;

30 Seotember 1925 to Janes Hughes 2p (AS) 319, 320 Subject: personal;

28 October 1925 4p (AS) 321 Subject: an address by Brown appearing in ~_:_ ~ti


BrCMn., J. Walter i tern no.

29 January 1931 lp (TS) 322 Subject: MacTavish's caning to speak at National Arts Club; National Arts Club;

Burpee, I:awrence Johnston

15 December 1924 lp ('I1S) 323 Subject: submitting \>X>rk;


11 July 1910 2p (TS) 324,325 Subject: personal;

Call, _Frank Oliver

26 February [19-?l 3p (AS) 326 Subject: a possible special Quebec number of Can. Mag. ; sug- gested articles;

27 NOVE..,>TUO& 1909 lp (AS) 327 Subject: sending .MacTavish her b:Jok for review; personal;

~be~:L, William Wilfred

30 August 1907 3p (AS) 328 Subject: subrnitting first article to Can. Mag. ; Shakespearean drama; ~~--

1 April 1913 4p (AS) 329 Subject: suonitting poems; writing;

22 January 1914 3p (AS) 330 Subject: a::>rrections for his MS. ; personal; I n.d. fragrrent of manuscript lp (AS) 331 Subject: possibly an article on villages vs. cities;

n.d. manuscript 2p 332, 333 11 LcM-Lying Fields", a poem by Wilfred Carrpbell;

Canadian------Authors' -·Socie_.!X [ Canadian Authors' Association?:

n-.dMembe!'s list, Ottawa Branch; 2p (T) 334, 335


Carman, Albert Richardson item no.

5 December 1906 lp (TS) 336 Subject: Quebec µ>li tics; Cannan to write an article on Bourassa;

Carman, Bliss

22 May 1913 3p (AS) 337 Subject: sending MacTavish a new volume of his poems; per- sonal;

9 September 1913 2p (AS) 338 Subject: sending back corrected proof of poem "Ships"; pub- lishing;

11 October 1921 to Mrs MacTavish 4p (AS) 339 Subject:- personal; business;

n.d. autographs 2p 340 Subject: signatures at a tea given in honour of Bliss Carman;

n. d. 2 newspaper clippings 341 Subject: 11 Poets of England"; "Bliss Cannan Crowned Canada's P..:.ajor Poet";

Caulfield, James

9 September 1903 3p (AS) 342 Subject: personal;

Church, Elizabeth

5 February 1924 lp (TS) 343 Subject: sulrnitting a short story; Thrown In;

Clarke, George Herbert

2 November 1911 2p {AS) 344 Subject: requesting· MacTavish write an article on Canadian Poetry for Methcxlist Review;

4 October 1923 lp (TS) 345 Subject: a poem by Clarke; writers he visited while abroad;


Clarke,------George Herbert oont. i tern no. 17 February 1926 lp (TS) 346 Subject: personal; Hardy and Conrad; Clarke's poem :"Richard Abbey and·John Keats";

1 April 1927 lp (TS} 347 Subject: Clarke' s µ:>emS; work; personal; enclosed progra:rrrne, [see item 348] ;

18 March 1927 programre lp {P) 348 Subject: a recital by Clark's cousin Frances Mann; enclosed with item 347;

28 November [1928?] fragrrent lp (AS) 349 Subject: MacTavish' s M.A. from Acadia University;

8 October 1931 lp {AS) 350 Subject: personal;

7 February 1932 2p {AS) 351 Subject: work at university; his broadcast on .Masefield; per- sonal;

27 August 1933 lp (AS) 352 Subject: personal;

December 1923 greeting card {S) 353 Subject: Chrisbnas card containing Clarke•s poem "Sa'1ta· ~.aria 11 del . Fiore ;

December 1938 greeting card 354 Subject: Christmas card containing Clarke's poem ';Rose-Sequence'';

December 1940 greeting card (S?} 355 Subject: Christrnas·0 card containing Clarke's poem ,:Northern Night";

December 1942 greeting card (S?) 356 11 Subject: Christrras card containing Clarke's poem :'M::xmrise ;

Decernber 1929 leaflet 357 Subject: untitled poem possibly by George Herbert Clarke;

11 October 1931 manuscript lp {AS) 358 Untitled poem by George Herbert Clarke;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 359 11 "Fog-Hom , a poem by Clarke;


Clarke, George Herbert cont. item no.

n.d. typescript lp (T) 360 11 1 Fog-Hom ":, a poem by George Herbert Clarke;

n.d. typescript lp (T) 361, 36 "Garden Sanctuary", a poem by Clarke;

n.d. typescript 6p (T) 363 - 3 "Richard Abbey and John Keats", a poem by Clarke;

n.d. typescript lp {T) 368.5 11 11 Vagrant , a poem by Clarke;

n .d. parrphlet 4 leaves 368.6 "Hynm to the Spirit Eternal", a :[X>eIU by Clarke; inscribed to MacTavish; Coats, Robert Hamilton

n.d. fragment lp (AS) 369 Subject: personal;

Cody, H:~ra.~Alfred

8 June 1912 lp (AS) 370 Subject: suhnitting a poem; subject of a lX)effi;

Colgate, William

28 May 1915 lp (TS) 371 Subject: George Ham parrphlet;

Colquhoun, Arthur Hugh Urquhart

2 May 1913 lp (AS) 372 Subject: Can. Mag.;

31 December 1913 lp (AS) 373 Subject: writing;

21 November 1922 lp (TS) 374 Subject: fonration of a committee to give literary advice; Can. Mag.;

Connable, Ralph

1 April 1925 lp (TS) 375 Subject: Macl1avish requests interview;


Cray, .Marjorie item no.

20 October 1920 2p (AS) 376 Subject: rreeting MacTavish when he oomes to speak at Univer- sity of Toronto;

Crilson, Anne Elizabeth

21 August 1923 lp (AS) 377 Subject: personal; wants rroney from Mac.ravish;

Cumberland, Frederic Barlow

11 February [1912?] 4p (AS) 378 Subject: reasons for peace between U.S. and Britain for past 100 years;

3 January 1913 2p (TS) 379, 380 Subject: criticism of Can. Mag. of January 1913; publication must further Canadian unity and patriotism especially through articles on Canadian history, irrrrediate as well as past;

Cutter, __ C-iE:?r:<.le B.

26 .May 1917 lp (TS) 381 Subject: a possible honorary degree for MacTavish;

De La Roche, Mazo

7 May 1927 prograrrrne 382 Subject: dinner in honour of Mazo de la Roche;

Denison, George Taylor

9 February 1912 2p (AS) 383 Subject: events conducive to 100 years of peace between U.S. and British F.npire;

25 June 1913 lp (AS) 384 Subject: publishing Charles Mair's article;

1 September 1921 lp (AS) 385 Subject: personal;

Dollard, Jall'es Bernard

n.d. lp (AS) 386 Subject: sul::mitting a poem;


!)ollard, Janes Bernard cont. item no.

n.d. lp (AS) 387 Subject: submitting a poem;

Drunnond, William~~

29 December 1896 to T .H. Best 3p (AS) 388 Subject: submitting a poem; increasing Can. Mag. circulation by neans of Drurmond' s poem;

5 October 1901 to John Cooper 2p (AS) 389 Subject: personal; sent ''.Iohnnie Courteau"; Can. M~~ circu- lation in Vancouver;

Dunbar I Robert C.

30 September 1903 lp (TS) 390 Subject: personal;

Duncan, J .C.M.

6 .May 1912 2p (AS) 391 Subject: gratitude for MacTavish' s criticismi acceptance of }"102:::S by Can. Mag. i

?aton, Arthur Wentw:>rth Hamilton

20 August 1907 4p (AS) 392 Subject: thanks for printing article on him; wants copies;

10 September 1907 lp (AS) 393 Subject: thanks for ropies;

19 October 1907 2p (AS) 394 Subject: wants plate of his portrait from article;

10 November [1907] lp (AS) 395 Subject: received plate;

24 January 1908 4p (AS) 3% Subject: sending MacTavish a volurre of poems; address for buyers; death of his brother Frank Eaton; wants a biography of him in Can. Ma

8 February 1908 fragrrent 9p (ASJ 397 - 399 SUbject: sending MacTavish an article about his brobher; a


Eaton, Arthur Wen~rth Hamilton cont. item no.

friend is sending an article on Constantinople;

31 January 1910 lp (AS) 400 Subject: thanks;

Eaton, Mrs Charlotte[? J n.d. fragnent 4p (A) 401 - 404 Subject: personal; writing;

Eayrs, Hugh Smithurst

6 December 1920 lp (TS) 405 Subject: appreciation of "Thrown In" articles in Can. Mag.;

9 October 1923 lp (TS) 406 Subject: Thrown In oontract; pricing;

16 November 1923 lp (TS) 407 Subject: sending him a oopy of A Canadian Publishing House;

11 May 1925 lp (TS) 408 Subject: publication of The Fine Arts in Canada;

22 September 1932 lp (AS) 409 Subject: asking MacTavish to undertake a biography of Sir George Foster;

n.d. lp (Aihit.) 410 Subject: :roc>ney;

Fdgar, Oscar Pelham

18 December 1913 410.5 Receipt fran the English Association for fees paid by Madl'avish for 1913 - 1914; signed Oscar Pelham F.dgar;

Edwards, Burgoyne

25 June 1907 2p (AS) 411 Subject: personal; business;

Ewan, John Alexander

27 May 1910 lp (AS) 412 Subject: personal;


Falconer, Sir Robert Alexander item no.

4 October 1916 lp (TS) 413 Subject: sending an address to Macl'avish;

Fisher, Archibald M.

31 October 1941 to Mrs Macl'avish lp (TS) 414 Subject: personal;

Fisher, Sydney Arthur

20 September 1917 lp (TS) 415 Subject: oonscription; governrcent;

Flagg, Elith

20 January 1908 lp (AS) 416 Subject: sending an essay; Mrs Flagg has been writing under her husband's nane;

Flavelle: Sir Joseph Wesley

12 1933 2p (TS) 417, 418 Subject: business;

Fox, Marion W.

28 August [post 1935] 2p (AS) 419 Subject: articles;

Fraser, William Alexander

[ ca. 1903?] to John Cooper Sp (AS) 420, 421 Subject: sending a story; price; writing;

11 October 1907 2p (AS) 422 Subject: _response to rejection of stories due to Can. Mag. 's inability to pay him the price he wishes;

Frechette, Iouis Honore'

30 November 1907 postcard (AS) 423 Subject: thanks for Can. Mag. ;

24 January 1908 postcard (AS) 424 Subject: thanks for Can. Mag. ;


Fr~chette, Louis Honore cont. item no.

5 February 1908 postcard (AS) 425 Subject: thanks· for Can. Hag. ;

29 April 1908 postcard (AS) 426 Subject: thanks for Can. Mag. ;

French, Anne Warner

27 February 1911 2p (AS) 427 Subject: writing; sutmitting a story;

7 May 1911 2p (AS) 428 Subject: thanks; sul::mi tting a story; publishing problems;

11 May 1911 2p (AS) 429 Subject: thanks; would MacTavish consider other stories from her?;

Ghent, Percy

30 January 19:26 2p (AS) 430 Subject: thanks; sending MacTavish one of his bcx.)ks; art;

Gill.bard, Marjorie L.

8 April 1935 lp (AS) 431 Subject: thanking MacTavish for helping judge I.O.D.E. short story contest;

Glasgow, Robert

23 January 1915 lp (TS) 432 Subject: Chronicles of Canada review in Can. Ma.g. ; publishing of the ~rks.

5 June 1916 lp (TS) 433 Stabject: MacTavish' s MS. ;

April 1922 newspaper clipping 434 Subject: death of Robert Glasgow; Glasgow's career;

Glynn, Billee

14 December [19--?] 2p (AS) 435 Subject: stock market;


Gordon, Alfred i tern no.

Cpost 19111 2p (AS) 436, 437 Subject: corrections in poem; sul:mitting further p::,ems; send- ing MacTavish a volume of his poetry; preference for being published in Canadian magazines;

Gouin, Sir Jean Larner

18 December 1905 lp (TS) 438 Subject: oversight in not inviting MacTavish to a banquet;

Graham, Hannah Isabel

4 March 190:l 3p (AS) 439 Subject: a !X)effi; corrections; Isabel E. Mackay; J.A. Cooper; payment;

29 July 1907 lp (AS) 440 Subject: personal; submitting a poem;

4 December [1919?] lp (AS) 441 Subject: a verse re a title for her book;

17 ..July 1940 3p (AS) 442 - 445 Subject: writing; Ars l.Dnga; a portrait;

n.d. manuscript lp (T) 446 '"A Queer Kaleidoscope'',. a poem by H. Isabel Graha.-rn;

n .d. manuscript lp (T) 447 nThe Set of the Wings" , a poem by Graham;

Graham, Jean

3 November 1909 lp (AS) 448 Subject: change in managerrent of Harre Journal; Graham's Can. Mag. proof-reading; articles by MacTavish; personal; ·

4 October 1911 2p (AS) 449 Subject: work; personal; "FiYe O'Clock";

Grant, William Lawson

26 March 1910 3p (AS) 450 Subject: article on Goldwin Smi. th enclosed [ article not present in collection J ;


Grant, William Lawson cont. i tern no.

9 February 1912 2p (TS) 451, 452 Subject: reasons for peace between Britain and U.S.; articles;

Greenwood, Hamar

25 December 1905 to John Cooper 2p (AS) 453 Subject: English elections; personal;

Gundy, S.B.

2 January 1907 lp (TS) 454 Subject: -congratulations on "new" Can. Mag.;

Guthrie, Norman Gregor

n.d. [post 1924?] lp (T) 455 List of poems to be read by Guthrie;

Harn, George H~

6 Jtme 1915 2p (AS) 456 Subject: George Ham parrphlet; reactions to it;

Tuesday [?. 19-?] lp (AS) 457 Subject: personal;

Hamilton, Mary

7 October 1917 3p (AS) 458 Subject: thanks; request;

Hanm:>nd, Melvin Orrrond

1 August 1910 Sp (AS) 459 - 461 Subject: newspaper, turnover of staff; personal; arrest of Dr Crippen; Jean Graham to stay at Hane Journal; Harmond' s prize photo;

Hathaway, Rufus H.

10 August 1915 3p (AS) 462 Subject: George Ham pamphlet;

8 March 1919 2p (AS) 463 Subject: thanks; Binyon;


Hathaway, Rufus H. oont. item no. 20 November 1931 lp (TS) 464 Subject: Echoes fran Vagabondia; editions of the 'M)rk;

Haultain, Thecxbre Arnold

17 November 1912 2p (AS) 465 Subject: sul:mitting an article on Oxford;

24 November 1913 postcard (AS) 466 Subject: biographical sketch of Goldwin Smith;

30 July 1914 3p (AS) 467, 468 Subject: publishing of one of his books; acknowledgerrent to Can. Mag. ; Goldwin Smith biography;

Thursday[? 19~?] lp (AS) 469 SUbject: ~_rsonal;

n.d. lp (AS) 470 Subject: an article;

~~l\E~~~ 26 February 1929 lp (TS) 471 Subject: personal; Herridge, William Thomas

13 March 1925 3p (AS) 472 Subject: an article offered; Hutchinson, W.o.

29 September 1906 lp (AS) 473 Subject: personal;

Jaffrax:, W.P.

9 November 1925 lp (AS) 474 Subject: offer to do articles; qualifications;

Jrures, C.G .. [?]

3 May 1913 lp (AS) 475 Subject: thanks for Carman appreciation;


Johnson, Emily Pauline item no.

n .d. fragneit of a manuscript ? lp (TS) 476 Johnson, Evelyn

12 Augsut 1913 4p {AS) 477 - 480 Subject: posthunous poems by Pauline Johnson; copyright; a merro~ial to Pauline Jolmson;

20 October 1913 2p (AS) 481, 482 Subject: enclosed posthurrous poem by Pauline Johnson; personal; the poem itself [poem not in collection];

21 November 1913 2p (AS) 483, 484 Subject: personal; publishing of her sister's poem; Pauline Jolmson merrorial; wants MacTavish to bring the fX.)ein out in can. Mag.; Brant County Historical Society I

Kennedy, W.T.M.

n.d& lp (AS) 485 Subject: proof for revision;

F,erniqha.,, P»0bert Kirkland (The Khan)

n.d. fragrrent lp (AS) 486 Subject: work; noney;

n.d. manuscript 4p (AS) 487 - 490 .!'When the Cedar of Lebanon Falls", a poem by "The Khan";

King, William Lyon .Mackenzie

22 September 1920 to Mrs MacTavish 4p {AS) 491 Subject: personal; King's invalid brother;

Kipling I Rudyard

[ 21?) March [ 19--?] lp (AS) 492 Subject: too busy to contribute to Can. Mag. ;

Knowles, Robert &lward

11 March 1908 2p (AS) 493 Subject: Can. Ma2. i.rrproverrents; interested in contributing;


Knowles, Robert Edward oont. item no.

19 June 1908 2p (AS) 494 Subject: an article; overdone _subjects in Canadian periodicals; nore hurrour needed in Canadian magazines;

15 October 1908 lp (AS) 495 Subject: return of MS.; unacceptable price;

17 October 1908 2p (AS) 496 Subject: article probably will be placed elsewhere; personal-, interview would be beneficial;

27. October 1908 lp (AS) 497 Subject: new novel; enclosed story [story not in collection];

2 November l908 2p (AS) 498 Subject: agrees to write nonthly for Can. Mag.; prices;

28 November 1908 lp (AS) 499 Subject: sending a photograph of himself; article;

30 December 1908 2p (AS) 500 Subject: Lincoln article; excellence of Can. Mag. ;

15 March 1909 lp (AS) 501 Subject: pranise of a story;

3 April 1909 lp (AS) 502 Subject: personal;

20 February 1911 lp (AS) 503 Subject: submitting an article;

14 February 1912 lp (AS) 504 Subject: suhiri.tting sareone else's article for him;

Lamprran, Archibald

n.d. manuscript 2p (AS) 505, 506 "New Year's Eve", a poem by Lampman;

n. d. manuscript 8p (AS) 507 - 514 "The Settler's Tale", a poem by Lampman;

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

11 March 1911 lp (TS) 515 Subject: receipt of letter re literature from MacTavish;


Laurier, Sir Wilfrid cont. item no.

22 December 1913 lp (TS) 516 Subject: address given by Laurier;

7 December 1918 lp (TS) 517 Subject: repla~t for Laurier; Leacock, Stephen Butler

17 November 1906 postcard (AS) 518 Subject: his article "Canada and the Monroe Doctrine"; editor­ author relationship and friendship;

6 December 1906 postcard (AS) 519 Subject: article "Canada and the Monroe Doctrine" to be mailed;

4 January 1918 lp (AS) 520 11 Subject: \-Ork by "a young girl in England ;

8 January [19--?] lp (AS) 521 Subject: his ~rk; Lee, Sidney_ 16 October 1912 lp (AS) 522 Subject: Goldwin Smith's portraits for picti.0~7 of National Biography; Lemieux, Rodolphe

8 February 1908 lp (TS) 523 Subject: an article on Japan for Can. Mag. ;

Le Moine, .:Tarces MacPherson

28 September 1907 lp (AS) 524 Subject: a "sporting sketch";

9 January 1908 lp (AS) 525 Subject: Can. Mag. subscriptions in Quebec;

Leveridge, Lilian

8 OGtober 1919 lp (AS) 526 Subject: poem submitted;


Logan, Jolm Daniel item no.

23 February 1914 2p (TS) 527, 528 Subject: personal; newspaper work; articles for Can. Mag. ;

10 Jtme 1915 4p (AS) 529 Subject: George Ham pamphlet; personal; l.Dngley, Jaines Wilberforce

26 February 1917 2p (AS) 530 Subject: article for Can. Mag. ;

5 July 1919 2p (AS) 531 Subject: reminiscences, Jolm Willison's and his CMn;

Iovekin, L.A.M.

6 [? 1925?] lp (AS) 532 Subject: a manuscript left with :tvt..acTavish;

IJ:Jw, May Austin

n.d. lp {AS) 533 Subject: a poem submitted;

Lyon, J .s.

[ ca. 3 November 1904J 4p (AS) 534 Subject: his trip;

3 November 1904 acoompanying envelope to above 534.5

Lyon, Thomas Stewart

3 September 1903 fragroont lp . (T) 535 Subject: telephone in rooms of Montreal correspondent rejected;

21 December 1904 lp (TS) 536 Subject: increase in telegraph rates and Lyon's solution to problem;

1 November 1905 2p (TS) 537, 538 Subject: Lyon's approach to article's on cri.Ire in Th~_Globe; Goldwin Smith story;

9 February 1912 2p (TS) 539, 540 Subject: reasons for peace between Britain and U.S. for past 100 years;


~ Thomas Stewart cont. item no.

10 June 1915 lp (TS) 541 Subject: George Ham article in Can. Mag. ;

13 July [19--?] 3p (AS) 542 - 544 Subject: Globe interdepartrcental business;

[between 1903 and 1906] lp (TS) 545 Subject: railway develop:rent;

McArthur, Daniel

20 August 1953 to Mrs MacTavish 2p (AS) 546 Subject: his new appoinurent; personal;

McArthur, Peter

7 June 1913 4p (AS) 547 Subject: Bliss Carman letters, .MSS., proofs; Hathaway's col- lection of Carman; his own collection of letters from Cana- dian writers;

20 June 1918 lp (TS) 548 Subject: lost copy of ~- Mag.;

McArthur?, R.B.

5 November 1924 lp (AS) 549 Subject: MacTavish to write a story for a :rroving picture;

Macbeth, Ma

23 January 1908 2p (AS) 550 Subject: several of her stories;

7 Marcil 1932 2p (AS) 551 Subject: personal; [Canadian Authors' ? J Association business;

19 Marcil [19--?] postcard (AS) 552 Subject: a trip to Spain;

n.d. card. (AS) 553 Subject: appreciation for flowers;

n.d. lp (A init.) 554 Subject: personal;


McCready, J .E.B. item no.

12 July 1907 lp (AS) 555 Subject: a reporter for The Globe and his experiences with political news in,the 1880 1 s; MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts

10 March 1921 2p (AS) 556, 557 Subject: essays submitted;

n.d. fragment of a roem lp (AS) 558 Macdonald, Janes Alexander

23 September 1903 lp (TS) 559 Subject: Grand Trunk Pacific Railway develop-rent and The Globe;

24 October 1906 lp (AS) 560 Subject: MacTavish leavingThe Globe; ~..cFarlane, Arthur Emerson

22 April [19--?] 2p (AS) 561 Subjt.X-'t: personal;

McGillicuddX, OWen Ernest

18 November 1907 lp (AS) 562 Subject: poems submitted;

Mackax:, ·Isabel Ecclestone

8 October 1907 4p (AS) 563 Subject: personal; verse sul:tnitted; Joseeh Varce;

24 Jtme 1909 postcard (A init.) 564 Subject: book review; sul:Jnission of article;

29 December 1910 to Mrs MacTavish 4p (AS) 565 Subject: personal; Bliss Cannan;

4 Marcil 1913 to Mrs MacTavish 4p (AS) 566 Subject: her book; personal;

4 January 1922 card to Mrs .MacTavish 2p (AS) 567 Subject: personal;


Mackay, Isabel Ecolestone cont. item no.

13 Decenber [ ca. 1922?] to Mrs Mac'l'avish 4p (AS) 568 Subject: personal; one-act play to be produced in Hart House; new novel in progress;

16 December ( ca. 1922?] 4p (AS) 569 Subject: personal; her one-act play to be produced; Thrown In; John Murray Gibbon's new book; ·

22 March 1925 to Mrs Mac'l'avish 4p (AS) 570 Subject: personal; new novel;

1910 greeting card (S) 571 Subject: printed poem by Mackay;

n.d. broadside 572 Subject: printed, "Rhyne for Christma.s" by Mackay, a poem;

n.d. clipping 573 Subject: published poem "I love My IDve"' by Mackay; author's corments added;

[ c.a. 17 March 19--?J invitation fran Mr and Mrs MacTavish to Mr and Mrs Harmond 574 Subject: to neet Isabel Mackay;

24 September 1932 newspaper clipping 575 Subject: "Pen Sketch" of Isabel Mackay;

Mackeracher ,·,. William Mackay

5 May 1910 2p (AS) 576 Subject: his poems and a review in Can. Mag. ;

Mackinnon, E'wyn Bruce

n.d. 2p (AS) 577, 578 Subject: his poetry;·

MacMechan, Archibald McKellar

23 November 1906 3p (AS) 579 Subject: query re policies of Can. Mag. now that MacTavish has becane editor; research and writing;

16 January 1915 2p (AS) 580 Subject: permission to reprint;


Mac.Meehan, Archibald McKellar cont. item no.

22 December 1913 postcard (S) 581 Subject: printed poem by MacMechan for Christmas;

21 December 1914 postcard 582 Subject: printed poem by MacMechan for Chrisbnas;

23 December 1915 postcard 583 Subject: printed poem by MacMechan for Christmas; McNider, Hanford

26 November 1930 lp (TS) 584 Subject: Fine Arts in Canada;

MacPhail, Agnes Campbell

n.d. [ 1921?] lp (AS) 585 Subject: election to House of Comrons;

Macphail, Andrew

23 October 1907 lp (TS) 586 Subject:: offers to pass on MSS. unsuitable for the Universit~.y i1a.gazine to MacTavish;

McPhee, Colin

n.d. 2p (AS) 587 Subject: his poetry;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 588 "Orage", a poem by McPhee;

McRaye, Walter Jackson

4 [July?l 1913 2p (AS) 589 Subject: objects to reference to Pauline Johnson's ''"unfor- 11 tunate love affair"; her poem, "To C.W. ;

19 July [19131 2p (AS) 590 Subject: Pauline Johnson's engagenent and her poem "Heidel- burg'';

4 January 1936 2p (AS) 591 Subject: personal; Harrer Watson; MacTavish should write a biography;


MacTavish .[McFaul?], Uncle E. item no.

12 May 1923 from "Uncle E. Mer. [or McF J " to Newton MacTavish 3p (AS) 592 - 594 Subject: Can. Ma9_:_; personal;

MacTavish, Newton McFaul [ I Cf l S ?J -fh-6-. panphlet, George Harn, A Sketch , by Newton MacTavish 8 leaves 595 McWilliams, Margaret May Stovel

10 November 1921 to Mrs MacTavish lp (AS) 597 Subject: Bliss Carman will speak in Toronto;

Mair, Charles

19 July 1913 lp (AS) 598 Subject: Pauline Johnson's engagement; Mair's "Appreciation" of Johnson;

Mathe52n, Walter

21 ?-'larch [19--?] 2p (AS) 599 Subject: Thrown In;

Meldrum, Jaines Tytler

15 January 1917 to Mrs MacTavish 2p (AS) 600 Subject: personal; Francis Grierson, "essayist, musician and prophet", is to visit North Anerica;

Middleton, Jesse Edgar

n.d. fragment 3p (AS) 601 Subject: his writing;

~ntgorrery, Lucy .Maud (Mrs Lucy Maud MacDonald)_

24 January 1899 [to John Cooper) 3p (AS) 602 - 604 Subject: brief biography; a story submitted;

26 September 1917 lp (AS) 605 Subject: no MS. available;

n.d. lp (AS) 606 Subject: title of a story;


Mcx:::>re~ Mabel item no. 6 August [19--?] 2p (AS) 607 Subject: book sent by MacTavish; personal;

Moore, William Henry

n.d. 2p (AS) 608 Subject: personal;

:r.brse, William Inglis

6 December 1906 to John Cooper lp (TS) 609 Subject: MSS. suanitted and available for submission;

Moyer, W.A.E.

( September 1903l 2p (AS) 610, 611 Subject: .MacTavish' s engagercent;

Muddimm, Bernard

22 May 1913 6p (AS) 612, 613 Subject: several of his articles; Duncan campbell Scott, Gil- bert Parker;

12 July 1920 lp {AS) 614 Subject: his The Men of the Nineties; a story;

Munro, Kathryn (Mrs Kathryn Tupper)

16 September 1935 to Mrs Mac.ravish 2p {AS) 615, 616 Subject: her "°rk;

Murdock, W.G. Blaikie

18 Februa;y 1912 ~p {AS) 617 Subject: his "°rk;

Murphy, Charles

26 December 1925 2p {AS) 618 Subject: The Fine Arts in Canada; John Russell's portrait of Lauder; trurPhY, Emily Cowan Ferguson

12 December 1912 4p (AS) 619 Subject: her article; personal;


Murphy, Emily Cowan Ferguson cont. item no.

December 1912 lp (AS) 620 Subject: Christmas greetings;

O'Donoghue, John G.

10 September 1903 lp (TS) 621 Subject: personal;

QI Hagan, Thomas

2 July 1908 lp (AS) 622 Subject: inprovena1t in Can. Mag.;

13 October 1914 lp (AS) 623 Subject: wishes a review of his volurre of poems in Can. Mag. ;

10 July 1919 2p (AS) 624 Subject: wants MS. returned; Sir John Willison and corrments on minority schools in Quebec; Canadian unity;

Packard, 1',~ank Lucius

1 June 1914 2p (AS) 625, 626 Subject: personal; favourable review of Packard in Can. Mag. :

Page, Frank E.

28 Septenber 1938 2p (AS) 627, 628 Subject: wishes to quote £ran a book by MacTavish in his work on Harer Watson; writing on m:xlernism; quoting practices;

11 October 1939 lp (TS) 629 Subject: quoting from MacTavish' s work; Honer Watson;

Parker, Sir. Gilbert 27 January 1908 ·ip {TS) 630, 631 Subject: Parker's anger at editorial handling of one of his stories;

9 March 1908 lp (TS) 632 Subject: sending MS. ;

Patterson, Fr~erick William

7 April 1928 lp (TS) 633 subject: MacTavish offered honorary D.Litt~ by Acadia Univer- sity;


Patterson, Minnie Ray Johnson item no.

6 June 1928 2p (AS) 634 Subject: personal;

Peaoocke, Leslie T.

20 July 1911 lp (AS) 635 Subject: corrected proof; submitted a story;

Phelps, Arthur Leonard

19 October 1914 2p (TS) 636, 637 Subject: sul:mitting \-Ork; personal; writing a playlet;

10 March 1916 lp (AS) 638 Subject: sul:mitting a playlet to MacTavish for reading; 31 October 1918 3p (AS) 639 Subject: poetic criticism; personal;

[ca. 19181] 2p (TS) 640 Subject: l::x:x:>k r~viewing; personal;

20 becF-.J"rrer 1921 lp (AS) 641 Subject: Christmas greetings;

[ca. 1923?] fragment lp (AS) 642 Subject: Canadian magazines; Thrown In; sul:mittL-rig sane work; personal;

Christmas 1925 lp (AS) 643 Subject: Christmas greetings;

2 February 1927 lp (AS) 644 Subject: Can. Mag. ; MacTavish' s writing;

20 February 1928 2p (AS) 645, 646 Subject: MacTavish' s life as a Carmissioner; help for Fre­ derick Philip Grove; Grove's work;

n.d. 2p (AS) 647 Subject: sumrl. tting work; Bookman article;

n .d. card with printed list of topics upon which Phelps can speak; (A init.) 648 Subject: verso: coming to 'Ibronto to speak;


Phelps, Arthur Leonard cont. item no.

[pre June 1921] manuscript lp (AS) 649 "Tired", a poem by Phelps;

[ca. l December 1914] manuscript lp (AS) 650 11 Rheims" , a lX)ein by Phelps;

n .d. typescript lp (TS) 651 "Autumn Sunset", a poem by Phelps;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 652 "My Dreams of You", a poem by Phelps;

n.d. typescript lp (TS) 653 ~APrairie Child", a poem by Phelps;

n.d. typescript lp (TS) 654 "Word~rth", a poem by Phelps;

n.d. manuscript fragment lp (AS) 655 A :p::,em by Phelps;

n.d. typescript fragment 2p (TS) 666, 667 A pc,.e1n by Phelps;

Pickthall, Marjorie IJ:Jwry Christie

22 May 1907 lp (AS) 668 Subject: acceptance of a story; unsatisfactory rate of pay;

11 July 1907 . lp (AS) 669 Subject: business; ( Co..v-J~· N-f-L)

26 November 1907 lp (AS) 670 Subject: business; (le.~~)

30 September 1908 . ) lp (AS) 671 Subject: sub:nitting ~rk; ( w~ ~ V\~

lp (AS) 24 October 1908 (' t\A, • , _1 uO-Jl..o·· ) 672 Subject: sub:nitting ~rk; rt"""'"' 0 u..t. n ,

7 November 1908 . . ) lp (AS) 673 Subject: business; ( su~~~ ~

5 February 1910 lp (AS) 674 Subject: submitting a story, "The Twa Macs";


Pickthall, Marjorie kMry Christie cont.· item no.

20 May 1910 lp (AS) 675 Subject: sending a review;

27 June 1910 lp (AS) 676 Subject: sending a review;

5 January 1911 lp (AS) 677 Subject: requests a copy of Can. Mag.;

8 January 1912 . ) lp (AS) 678 Subject: business; ( ~ ~ p~~

5 October 1912 lp (AS) 679 Subject: sul:xnitting a story, "La Blanchisseuse Doree";

30 January 1914 lp (AS) 680 Subject: publication of poem "February"; price of sane;

8 December 1920 • .. ) lp (TS) 681 Subject: thanks; business; CCJ J ~ ~ ~

4 May 1921 lp (TS) 682 Subject: business; ( r~\MA.,V.i)

[pre January 19111 manuscript 9p (A) 683 - 691 "The Twa Macs", a short story by Pickthall;

pre February 1914 manuscript lp (AS) 692 "February", a poem by Pickthall;

n .d. manuscript 2p (A) 693, 694 Pickthall's review of Richard Dehan's The Dop Doctor;

n.d. manuscript lp (A init.) 695 Pickthall's review of Storer Clouston's The Prodigal Father;

Poetry Group l Canadian Authors' Association, Ottawa Branch? J 12 January 1929 schedule lp (T) 696 Subject: schedule of rreeting for 12 January 1929;

12 January 1929 notes lp (T) 697 Notes for chainnan (i.e. MacTavish);

12 January 1929 copy of schedule lp {TA) 698A Schedule of ireeting for 12 January 1929 and additional notes :to Madravish;


Poetry Group cont. item no. 12 January 1929 notes lp (A) 698B Additional notes to MacTavish; Pope, Joseph

24 April 1920 lp (TS) 699 Subject: cannot write reminiscences at present; Pratt, Edwin John

15 December 1930 2p (AS) 700 Subject: MacTavish' s MS. ; personal;

[late 1930, early 1931?] lp (AS) 701 Subject: autographs; personal;

3 June 1931 lp (AS) 702 Subject: personal; Authors' Week;

16 Monday [1931?] lp (AS) 703 Subject: personal;

[ December 1932?] to Mrs MacTavish lp (AS) 704 Subject: personal; Many Mcx:x1s; poems;

28 February 1932 prograrmre 705 Programre and menu for a dinner for E.J. Pratt;

n. d. clipping '106 PhotCXJraph of E.J. Pratt from a periodical;

Preston, William Thomas Rochester

23 November 1928 lp (AS) 707 Subject: :Bennett's inrnigration policies;

Randall, M.B.

6 May 1912 lp (AS) 708 Subject: appreciation of criticism of his poetry by MacTavish;

Reade, John

6 November 1906 2p (AS) 709 Subject: personal;


Reade, Jolm cont. item no.

16 November 1912 4p (AS) 710 Subject: personal; John Boyd; articles by MacTavish; A Cana- dian in Europe by Sir Jolm Willison;

Redford, Elsie

March 1907 4p (AS) 711 Subject: MacTavish' s article on Redford! s father, Robert Meighen; submitting an article on Principal Grant;

Reichel, Harry R.

8 January 1923 to Mrs MacTavish lp (TAS) 712 Subject: personal; .MacTavish to publish Reichel' s address on patriotism; Reid, T.A.

10 March 1916 2p (AS) 713 Subject: personal;

Riddell, William Renwick

n.d. lp (AS) 714 Subject: inquiry;

n.d. manuscript lOp (AS) 715 - 724 Riddell's article "The Portraits of Osgoode Hall";

Ridley, Hilda M.

6 January 1926 2p (TS) 725, 726 Subject: Writers' Craft Club;

Roberts, Charles George Douglas

26 June 1935 lp (AS) 727 Subject: personal;

Roberts, Douglas

21 August 1907 lp (AS) 728 Subject: submitting a poem;


Roberts, Lloyd item no.

20 August 1907 lp (AS) 729 Subject: submitting a poem; business;

5 June 1915 lp (AS) 730 Subject: suani.tting a short story;

5 October [19--?] lp (AS) 731 Subject: submitting a short story;

14 October [ 19--?] lp (AS) 732 Subject: publishing and pricing a short story;

Roberts, Theodore Goodridge

15 January 1910 lp (AS) 733 Subject: Can. Mag.; personal; MacTavish' s photos;

5 December 1910 lp (AS) 734 Subject: stories; publishing; personal;

13 January 1912 lp (AS) 735 Subject: thanks; will review a book;

5 Janua.--y 1920 2p (AS) 736 Subject: suani.tting two stories;

17 December 1914 manuscript lp (AS) 737 "Ye Who Strike 'lhe Defenceless", a poem·by ;

January 1915 manuscript 2p (AS) 738, 739 'Verses" .by Roberts (two parts) i

[ post 1913, pre 1919 J manuscript lp (AS) 740 "Private North", a poem from Roberts' "Thumb...:.Nail Sketches";

( post 1913, pre 1919] manuscript 2p (AS) 741, 742 Poems by Roberts called ''Verses", part one being "The Stirrup Cup" and part three, "Dawn" ;

Rogers, Norman McLeod

13 November 1925 lp (AS) 743 SUbj ect: personal; can. Mag. ;

28 October 1935 lp (TS) 744 Subject: personal; Rogers' appoinbrent;


Ross, Victor Harold item no.

27 May 1918 lp (TS) 745 Subject: personal;

Rrmchey, Geraldine

7 October 1925 lp (TS) 746 Subject: suanitting an article; articles on other topics in- cluding noving pictures;

Sandwell, Bernard Keeble

8 October 1918 lp (TS) 747 Subject: personal; will do an article on John Murray Gibbon;

Sapir, Edward

30 October 1919 2p (AS) 748, 749 Subject: poems of Mr Browne; prize poems; Dunca.., Campbell Scott;

Scott,. Duncan ~bell

1.0 D2ce1nber 1906 lp (TS) 750 ~.,__._;)ject: personal; paynent for articles;

2 April 1907 lp (TS) 751 Subj ~ct: personal; travel sketches;

6 April 1907 lp (TS) 752 Subject: paymmt for articles;

15 July 1913 lp (TS) 753 Subject: introductory letter for Rupert Brooke;

19 October 1913 4p (AS) 754 Subject: sending a note to go with poems; wants complete proof; news of Brooke sailing for South Seas;

4 November 1913 lp (TS) 755 Subject: requests magazine;

22 February 1914 2p (AS} 756 Subject: a photograph;

15 April 1916 3p (AS) 757 Subject: sending a copy of In The Village of Viger; publishing; a photograph; personal;


Scott, Duncan Campbell oont. item no.

1 October 1921 lp (TS) 758 Subject: sending a poem; personal;

8 October 1921 lp (TS) 759 Subject: publishing a book; return poem if it is not used;

17 October 1921 lp (TS) 760 Subject: sending CX)rrected proof;

31 January 1922 lp (TS) 761 Subject: Logan's "opinion" as expressed in his letter; personal;

n.d. lp (AS) 762 Subject: sending material;

n.d. lp (AS) 763 Subject: returning a play;

[ca. 24 December 1914] greeting card 764 Chd.stmas card including a poem by Scott;

24 D2.cembP-1.~ 1914 accompanying envelope to above 765

9 January 1899 [ to John Cooper? l lp (AS) 766 Subject: wishes MS. of poem returned;

14 March 1908 lp (AS) 767 Subject: sending poem; personal;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 768 .,To A Greek Statue", a poem by Scott;

Scott, H.S.

3 September 1904 2p (AS) 769 Subject: offer of a position for Scott in Customs Deparbnent; leaving The Globe; personal;

------Serier [?], Herb 2 March 1903 lp (AS) 770 Subject: Mac'I'avish' s transfer to Montreal; personal;


Sheard, Vima item no.

20 March 1907 4p (AS) 771 Subject: thanks; work; offers poems; publishing;

18 November 1921 4p (AS) 772 Subject: thanks for permission to use novelette; early writing; story; patriotism;

15 April [ 19--?] 4p (AS) 773 Subject: MacTavish's approval of story; injury to MacTavish's ann; writers to meet in Ottawa;

Monday [? 19--? J to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 774 Subject: personal;

Shortt, Mam

31 January 1907 lp (TS) 775 Subject: to address teachers' association; personal;

12 AprLl 1907 lp (TS) 776 Subject: personal; declines to write an article;

30 7-·.~·,~:L! 1907 lp (TS) 777 Subjec..."t: will write an article for .MacTavish;

8 July 1907 lp (TS) 778 Subject: submitting an article;

Smith, Edgar M.

12 February 1908 lp (TS) 779 Subject: business proposition;

Smith, Goldwin

15 October 1902 [ to John Cooper?] 2p (S) 780 Subject: Charles II of England's anny;

11 April [ 1907] 3p (S) 781 Subject: difficulties of literary persons and enterprises in Canada; Mac.ravish' s new editorship of Can. Mag. ;

April 1907 manuscript lp '(init.) 782 Postscript to an article on Toronto by Goldwin Smith;


. Smith, Goldwin cxmt. item no.

[pre August 1907] manuscript fra~t 24p 783 - 806 "Party Governrrent", an article by Goldwin Smith;

[ pre April 1908] manuscript fraqment lp 807 "Refonn in the Senate", an article h'.t- Smith;

[pre January 1909] manuscript fragrrent 2p 808, 809 11 "Tne Crisis in India , an article by Goldwin Smith;

[ pre March 1909] manuscript fragnent 12p 810 - 821 "Labour and Socialism" , an article by Goldwin Smith;

n.d. card (S) 822 Subject: Christmas greetings;

13 August 1923 signatures lp 823 Subject: collected at 100th anniversary of Smith's birth;

[post June 1910] newspaper article 824 11 11 T.hs Religious Outlook , an address by Goldwin Smith;

~ith_,__ J . __ Irarry

4 October 1904 lp (AS) 824.5 Subject: arrival of MacTavish's son;

Smith, William Wye

n.d. manuscript 2p (AS) 825, 826 11 "Ferniedale , a poem by William Wye Smith;

n.d. manuscript 2p (AS) 827, 828 "Ring in the Day", a poem by Smith;

Sreyth, John Paterson

n.d. lp (AS) 829 Subject: asked to write three religious articles but declines; Stewact, M. Grant

n.d. 4p (AS} 831 Subject: returning to Canada; personal;


Stringer, Arthur item no.

17 July 1911 lp (AS) 832 Subject: sending a copy of Irish Poems;

23 July [1921?] lp (AS) 833 Subject: submitting four poems, including "Glastonbury Abbey"; photographs;

Sullivan, Alan

18 December 1913 2p (AS) 834 Subject: payment for his w::>rk;

Surmers, [Gr. ? Brodli~

20 November [19--? J 3p (AS) 835 Subject: an article; pictures;

Titherington, Richard Handfield

13 May 1910 lp (TS) 836 Subject: article on Goldwin Smith; photographs;

Wallace., William Stewart

15 February 1912 2p (AS) 837 Subject: reasons for peace between U.S. and Britain for past 100 years;

Warnock f Amelia Beer ( ko.. t.Lf; 1-.e. H«l It)

27 March [19--?1 lp (AS) 838 Subject: submitting verses;

31 March [ 19--?] 3p (AS) 839 Subject: personal;

24 April [19--?] 6p (AS) 840, 841 Subject: appreciation of her poetry from Mac.ravish and out­ side Canada; McGillivray Knowles' art;

19 October [19--?] 2p (AS) 842 Subject: personal;

4 December 1913 2p (AS) 843 Subject: anission in preface of her book;


W:?ir, Robert Stanley item no.

9 January 1915 lp (AS) 844 Subject: changes in poem;

[ pre February 1915] manuscript 2p - (AS) 845, 84 "The Champ de Mars", a poem by R. Stanley Weir; Wesbninster.'Review

5 May 1913 lp (AS) 847 Subject: MacTavish' s submitted .MS.;

Weth~ralc:!_, Agnes Ethelwyn

13 February [19--?] 2p (AS) 848 Subject: a review; submitting a story;

30 October [19--?] lp (AS) 849 Subject: re-titling and sul:mitting a story;

'I\lesc1ay afternoon [ 19--?] to Mrs MacTavish 3p (AS) 850 Subject: personal; Agnes "Nancy" Delarroure and Dr Marty's ~_:;2atlVE:_ Young Canada;

White, Samuel Alexander

[ pre May 1908 J manuscript lp (AS) 851 "April"·, a poem by_ S.A. White;

[ pre June 1908 J manuscript lp (AS) 852 11r-1ay", a poem by s.A. White;

n.d. manuscript lp (AS) 853 "By The Skald's Grave", a µ:>em by S.A. White;

Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, _first Earl of

20 January 1928 [?] lp (AS) 854 Subject: personal; wishes to learn about Canadian Art; Willisou,------Sir John Stephen 9 February 1912 lp (TS) 855 Subject: reasons for peace between the U.S. and Britain;


Willison, Sir Jolm Stephen cont. item no.

21 April 1918 2p (AS) 856 Subject: George Harn pamphlet;

Wilson, Dave

13 December 1911 lp (AS) 857 Subject: offering to do articles;

Wood, Samuel Thomas

29 December 1911 lp (AS) 858 Subject: personal;

n.d. lp (AS) 859 Subject: submitting an article;

Wrong, George MacKinnon

12 October 1897 to John Cooper lp (AS) 860 S,.f.:)ject: wants a review;

n.d. lp (AS) 861 ~3r:bj ::-..c !.: : printing a series;

10 .March 1909 3p (AS) 862 Subject: Eric Yeanan; poems;

29 April 1909 2p (AS) 863 Subject: Eric Yearan; thanks; sending daughter's poems for criticism; a poem by Eric Yeanan;


ca. October 1906 "cheque" from Globe Staff to Mr and Mrs Newton MacTavish-- 864 Subject: best wishes on leaving The Globe;

10 November 1906 nenu and prograrme 865 Subject: a compli rrentary dinner to New-1..0n MacTavish from "his Montreal newspaper friends";

n.d. 866 - 866.2 Photocopy of a list of articles with dates of publication in Can• Mag• I articles fX)SSiblY by MacTaViSh;


Miscellaneous cont. item no.

n .d. newspaper clippings 867 Subject: three photos of Maxine MadI'avish;


[no surnarre, signed BobJ 16 July 1927 2p (TS) 868 Subject: personal; revolution in Vienna; King's reinstaterrent as P .M. ; "Higgins" tragedy;


n.d. 869 Wilfred Campbell

n.d. 870 Bliss Cannan and Charles G.D. Roberts

n.d. from George Herbert Clarke papers 871 Breslin Tower, University of the South

nod .. 872 W.i11iam Henry Drurrm::md

n.d. 873, 874 Isabel F.cclestone Mackay

n.d. 875 - Unidentified photograph found in Artists' Papers;


loose collection 876



Acland, Frederick Albert, b. Bridgewater, England, 1861; Journalist, civil servant; came to Canada 1883; on staff of Globe.

Acland, Peregrine Palmer, b. Canada(?), 1892; d. 1963 Poet, author, anny officer[?).

Amour, Edward Douglas, b. Port Hope, C.fV., 1851; d. Toronto, 1922. Lawyer, author; founder and editor Canadian Law Times. Annstrong, Isabel C. Journalist, author.

Atkin, Grace Murray, b. 1891. Poet.

Barr, Robert, b. Glasgow, Scotland, 1850; d. England[?], 1912 Author, journalist.

Beaucher..:;ne, J\.r:thur, b. Carleton, Que., 1876; d. Ottawa, 1959. Civil servant, author, lawyer.

Bla.1.ce, William Hume, b. Toronto, 1861; d. Victoria B.C., 1924. Lawyer, author.

Blewett, Jean McKislmie, b. Scotia, C~W., 1862; d. C'natham, Ont., 1934. Journalist, author, poet.

Boggs, Eleanor. Poet. Bourinot, Arthur Stanley, b. Ottawa, 1893; d. Ottawa, 1969. Poet, author; fellow Royal Society of Literature, 1950; lawyer, editor. Bower, Marion. English author[?].

Boyd, JoTu."1, b. Montreal, 1864; d. Lake Ouimet, Que., 1933. Journalist, author, poet. t Brooke, Rupert Chawner, b. Rugby, England 1887; d. Skyros, Greece, 1915. poet, author.

Burpee, La"W"rence Johnston, b. Halifax, N.S., 1873; d. Oxford, England, 1946. Civil servant, author, librarian, bibliographer.


Cameron, Agnes Deans, b. Victoria, B.C., 1863; d. Victoria, B.C., 1912. F.clucationist, author.

Campbell, William Wilfred, h. Berlin (Kitchener), Ont., 1861; d. nr. Ottawa, 1918. Poet, Anglican minister.

Carman, Albert Richardson, b. Belleville, Canada West, 1865; d. 1'-bntreal 1939. Journalist, novelist, editor.

Carman, Bliss, b. Fredericton, N.B., 1861; d. New Canaan, Conn., 1929. Journalist, editor, poet.

Clurch, Elizabeth.. Author.

Clarke, George Herbert, b. Gravesend, England, 1873; d. 1953. Poet, professor of English, Queen's University.

Coats, Robert Hamilton, b. Clinton, Ont., 1874; d. ottawa, 1960. Author, statistician, journalist.


Colgate, William, b. 1882. Biographer, art historian.

Colqu,."'loun, Arthur Hugh Urquhart, b. Montreal, 1861; d. Toronto, 1936. Journalist, author, civil servant.

Cooper, John Alexander, b. Clinton, Ont., 1868; d. Toronto, 1956. Author, editor of Canadian Magazine 1895-1906, pioneer in Canadian film industry.

Cumberland, Frederic Barlow, b. Portsrrouth, England, 1846; d. Port Hope, Ont., 1913. Author, traffic manager of Lake Superior steamships.

Delarroure, Agnes (pseud. Nancy Durham) • Writer.

De la Roche, Mazo, b. Toronto, 1879; d. Toronto, 1961. Novelist, playwright.

Denison, George Taylor, b. Toronto 1839; d. Toronto, 1925. Soldier, author, lawyer; charter member Royal Society of Canada.


D::>llard, James Bernard, b. Kilkenny Co., Ireland, 1872; d. Toronto, 1946. Priest, poet.

Drurmnnd; William Henry, b. Currawn House, Ireland, 1854; d. Cobalt, Ont. 1907. Dialect poet, physician. Duncan, J.C.M. Poet.

F.aton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton, b. Kentville, N.S., 1849; D. Boston, Mass., 1937. Clergyman, author, teacher, editor. Eaton, Mrs. Charlotte. Author. Eayrs, Hugh Smithurst, b. Leeds, England, 1894; d. Toronto, 1940. Author, editor, publisher; came to Canada 1912; president Maa"illlan Co. , 19 21. Edgar, Oscar Pelham, b. Toronto, 1871; d. Canton, Ont., 1948. Educationist, author. FJ:lwards, Burgoyne. Journalist.

Elson, John.Melbourne, b. London, Ont., 1880; d. 'Ibronto 1966. Author, journalist, newspaper proprietor; CMner-edi tor St. Catharine's Journal.

E.wan, Jolm Alexander, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, 1854; d. 'Toronto, 1910. Journalist; associate editor Toronto Globe.

Falconer, Sir Robert Alexander, b., P.E.I., 1867; d. Toronto, 1943. Author, Presbyterian minister, professor; president , 1907-193?_.

Flagg, Etlith. Author. (pseud. Rev. E.L. Flagg)

Foster, Sir George Eulas, b. Carleton Co., N.B., 1847; d. Ottawa, 1931. Author, statesman, professor of classics.

Fox, Marion. Author. Fraser, William Alexander, b. River John, N.S., 1859; d. Toronto, 1933. Author, journalist.


Fre"chette, Louis Honore: b. :r..e'vis, Que., 1839; d. Montreal, 1908. Poet, law~, journalist, politician; editor Montreal La Patrie 1884-85.

French, Anne Warner, b. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1869; d. England, 1913. American novelist.

Ghent, Percy, b. England 1888; d. Winnipeg, Man. 1952. Radiologist, author, journalist. Gibl:::x:m, Jolm Murray, b. Ceylon, 1875; d. Montreal, 1952. Author, journalist, publicity agent; a founder and first president of Canadian Authors~ Association.

Glynn, Billee. Author.

Gordon, Alfred, b. 1888. Poet.

Graham, Ha11ll.ah Isabel. Poet.

Graha"'nr Jean.9 Journalist.

Grant, Will:ir..:,m Lawson, b. Halifax N.S., 1872; d. Toronto, 1935. Aut.)·~or, historian, teacher.

Grove, Frederick Philip, b. Radonmo, Poland(?], 1879; d. Simcoe, Ont., 1948. Author, teacher, translator, editor; cane to Canada ca. 1909. Guthrie, Norman Gregor, b. , Ont. 1877; d. Ottawa, 1929. Poet, lawyer.

Hale, Katherine. See Arrelia Warnock. Ham, George, Henry, b. Trenton, Ont., 1847; d. Montreal, 1926. Author, journalist; C.P.R. advertising manager, 1891.

Hamilton, Mary. Author[? J. Harmond, Melvin Orrrond, b. Clarkson, Ont., 1876; d. Toronto, 1934. Journalist, author; on staff of Globe 1895-1934.

Hathaway, Rufus H., b. Toronto, 1868; d. Toronto, 1933. Essayist, bibliophile, superintendent of ~cial news, C.N.R. J~~\~ Haultain, Theodore Arnold, b. Cannanore, India, 1857; d. England, 1941. Author; private secretary, literary executor and biographer of Goldwin Smith.


Haydon, Andrew, b. Pakenham, Ont., 1867; d. Ottawa, 1932. Politician, author, lawyer; app::>inted senator, 1924.

Herridge, William Thanas, b. Reading, England, 1857; d. Ottawa, 1929. Author, clergyrran.

Jaffray, W.P. Journalist; editor of Galt Daily and Weekly Reporter.

Johnson, Emily Pauline, b. "Chiefswood", Six Nation Indian Reserve, Ont. 1862; d. Vancouver, B.C., 1913. Poet.

Kennedy, W. T .M. Author.

Kernighan, Robert }(i.rkland, (The Khan), b. nr. Hamilton, Ont., 1857; d. Rockton, Ont. I 1926 • Poet, journalist, editor. Winnipeg Sun.

King, William Lyon Mackenzie, b. Berlin (Kitchener), Ont., 1874; d. Ottawa, 1950 • .-'.Civil servant, politician, author; prirre minister, 1921-1930, 1935-1948.

Kiplin9, Joseph Rudyard, b. Bombay, India, 1865; d. London, England, 1936. lish poet, author.

Knowles, Robert E:lward, b. Grey Co. Ont., 1868; d. Galt, Ont. 1946. Novelist, Presbyterian minister, journalist.

Larrpnan, Archibald~ b. Morpeth, C.W., 1861; d. Ottawa, 1899. Poet, civil servant.

Leacock, Stephen Butler, b. swanrrore, England, 1869; d. Toronto, 1944. Author, teacher.

Lee, Sir Sidney, b. l.Dndon, England, 1859; d. London, England, 1926. English author, scholar, editor Dictionary of National Biography. re 1-bine, Sir Janes MacPherson, b. , 1825; d. Quebec City, 1912. Author, lawyer.

Leveridge, Lilian. Author, poet.

Logan, John Daniel, b. Antigonish, N.S., 1869; d. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1929. Author,scholar, journalist.

Longley, Jrures Wilberforce, b. Paradise, N.S., 1849; d. Halifax, N.S., 1922. Judge, historian, politician, journalist, editor.

Lovekin, L .A.M. Author.


ICM, May Austin, b. 1863. Poet, author.

Lyon, Thanas Stewart, b. Port Glasgow, Scotland, 1866; d. Toronto[?], 1947. Journalist with Globe.

McArthur, Peter, b. Middlesex Co., C.W., 1866; d. London, Ont., 1924. Author, journalist with Globe.

MacBeth, Madge Hamilton Lyons, b. Philadelphia, Penn., 1878; d. Ottawa, 1965. Novelist.

Md:ready, J. E .B. Journalist.

MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts (Jane Elizabeth Gostwycke Roberts MacDonald), b. Westcock, N.S., 1864; d. 1922. Author, poet.

Macdonald, Janes Alexander, b. East Williams, C.VV,, 1862; d. Toronto, 1923. Journalist, Presbyterian minister, editor of ~lobe.

McFarlane, Arthur Emerson, b. Islington, Ont., 1876; d. New York, N.Y., 1945. Novelist.

McGHlir::·1-0.dd.v, Owen Ernest, b. GoderiCLt-i, Ont., 1888; d. 'roronto, 1954. :}~;:-u.:nalist, poet, on staff of Globe and Mail.

MacKay, Isabel F.cclestone, b. ·woodstock, Ont., 1875; d. Vancouver, B.C., 1928. Author, poet.

Mackeracher, William Mackay, b. ,Chateauguay, Que., 1871; d . .tvbntreal, 1913. Journalist, i;oet, minister of the Presbyterian Church.

MacKinnon, E'wyn Bruce. Poet.

MacMechan, Archibald McKellar, b. Berlin (Kitchener), c.w., 1862; d. Halifax, N.S., 1933. Scholar, author.

Macphail, Sir Andrew, b. Orwell, P.E.I., 1864; d. Montreal, 1938. Physican, author, editor, professor of medicine, McGill University.

McPhee, Colin, b. Morrt~l}~ue., 1901 j d. Los Anqeles, c~1,f'., 1%4. Composer,

MacTavish, Newton, McFaul, b. Staffa, Ont. , 1875; d. Toronto, 1941. Journalist, critic, author, editor, civil servant.


McWilliams, Margaret May Stovel, b. Toronto, 1875; d. Winnipeg, 1952. Author, journalist.

Mair, Charles, b. Lanark, c.w., 1838; d. Ottawa, 1917. Journalist, poet, civil servant.

Meldrum, Jaxres Tytler. Scottish writer[?].

Middleton, Jesse F.dgar, b. Pilkington, Ont., 1872; d. Toronto, 1960. Journalist, author .

.lt>ntgomery, Lucy Maud {Mrs. MacDonald), b. Clifton, Ont., 1874; d. Toronto, 1942. Novelist, teacher.

Moore, William Henry, b. Stouffville, Ont., 1872; d. nr. Dunbarton, Ont., 1960. Politician, author, lawyer.

Morin, Victor, b. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 1865; d. M:>ntreal, 1960. Author, notary.

1.vbrse, William Inglis, b. Paradise, N.S., 1874; d. Cambridge, Mass., 1952. H.L:,torian, bibliographer, poet, Episcopalian minister.

Moyer, W.A.E. Journalist with Globe.

Muddiman, Bernard. Author.

Munro, Kathryn {Mrse Tupper). Poet, author.

Murdock, W.G. Blaikie. Scottish writer.

Murphy, Cowan Ferguson, b. Cookstown, Ont., 1868; d. F.drronton Alta, 1933. Author, judge.

O'Hagan, Thomas, b. nr. 'lbronto, 1855; d. Toronto, 1939. Poet. teacher, editor, author.

Packard, Frank Lucius, b. Montreal, 1877; d. Lachine, Que., 1942. Novelist, engineer.

Page, Frank E. Author, banker.

Parker, sir Horatio Gilbert, b. Canrlen East, Canada West, 1862; d. London, England, 1932. Author, clergyman, journalist, politician.


Peaoocke, Leslie T. Author.

Phelps, Arthur Leonard, b. 1887; d. 1970. Poet, Methodist minister.

Pickthall, Marjorie I.f::Jwry Christie, b. Gunnersbury, England, 1883; Vancouver, B.C., 1922. Author, poet.

Pratt, Filwin John, b. Western Bay, Nfld., 1882; Toronto, 1964. Poet, Methodist preacher, teacher.

Randall, M.B. Poet.

Reade, Jolm, b. Ballyshannon, Ireland, 1837; d. Montreal, 1919. Journalist, poet, clergyman, editor.

Redford, Elsie. Author.

Riddell, William Renwick, b. Hamilton, C.W., 1852; d. Toronto, 1945. Author, jurist, historian.

Ridley, Hilda. M. Author[?].

P.c,}:,et:U·,,\' CJ':q,::les George Douglas (Sir), b. Douglas, N.B .. , 1860; d. 1"'oronto, 1943. Poet, novelist, professor of English literature.

Robe.,..-ts, Douglas. Poet.

Roberts, Lloyd, b. 1884; d. 1966. Poet.

Roberts, T'neodore Goodridge, b. Fredericton, N.B., 1877; d. Digby, N.S. 1953.

0 ( Poet, novelist, journalist. [ll ... de.. Gooclr,dj e. robu I p«,,

Ross, Victor Harold, b. Walkerton, Ont. 1878; d. Toronto, 1934. Author, journalist, businessman; financial editor Globe.

Routhier, Sir AdolJ?he Basile, b. St. Placide, Que., 1839; st. rre'nee-les-bains, Que., 1920. Jurist, author, poet.

Runchey, Geraldine. American author.

Sandwell, Bernard Keble, b. Ipswicl1 Eng., 1876; · d-~ Toronto, 1954. Journalist, author, editor of Saturday Night 1932-1951, teacher.


Sapir, F.dward, b. Lauenburg, Germany, 1884; d. New Haven,Conn. 1939. Anthropologist, linguist, author.

Soott, Duncan Campbell, b. Ottawa, 1862; d. ottawa, 1947. Poet, civil servant.

Soott, Frederick George, b. Montreal, 1861; d. Quebec City, 1944. Poet, Anglican clergyman.

Soott, H.S. Journalist with Globe.

·Sheard-, Virna, b. Cobourg, Ont.; d. Toronto, 1943. Novelist, poet.

Shortt, Adam, b. Kil~rth, c.w., 1859; d. Ottawa, 1931. Author, econanist, historian, civil servant. Smith, Goldwin, b. Reading, England, 1823; d. Toronto, 1910. Author, journalist; emigrated to Canada 1871.

Smith, J ~ Harry. Journalist.

Smi.tl1, William Wye, b. Jedburgh, Scotland, 1827; d. Burford, Ont., 1917. Poet, clergyman, teacher, businessman, journalist; came to Ca.::~~K3.3. 1830.

Snyth, John Paterson, b. Ireland, 1852; d. Montreal, 1932. Author, Anglican minister; Emigrated to Canada 1907.

Stringer, Arthur.,· b. Chatham, Ont., 1874; d. Mountain Lakes, N.J., 1950. Poet, novelist, journalist.

Sullivan, Alan, b. r.t:>ntreal, 1868; d. Tilford, England, 1947. Novelist.

Titherington, Richard-Handfield, b. Chester, England, 1861; d. 1935. Author, editor ~se_y~; emigrated to U.S. 1884. Trotter, Bernard Freeman, b. Toronto, 1890; d. France, 1917. Poet.

Wallace, William Stewart, b. Georgeto.m, Ont. 1884; d. Toronto, 1970. Historian, librarian, author.

Warnock, Airelia Beer, (pseud. Katherine Hale), b. 1878; d. 1956. Poet, author.


Weaver, Emily Poynton, b. nr. Manchester, England, 1865; d. Toronto, 1943. Novelist, historian; carre to Canada 1880.

Weir, Robert Stanley, b. Hamilton, c.w., 1856; d. Lake Memphramagog, Que., 1926. Jurist, author, poet.

Wetherald, Agnes Ethelwyn, b. ~' c.w., 1857; d. Fenwick, Ont. 1940. Poet, journalist on staff of ~lobe. 3 White, Samuel Alexander, b. 1885; d. ,1956. Poet. <. Willison, Sir John Stephen, b. Hills Green, C.W., 1856; d. Toronto, 1927. Journalist, author, editor.

Wilson, Dave (pseud. Willie Green) • Arcerican author.

Wood, Samuel Thorras, b. Wollaston twshp., C.W., 1860; ·d. Toronto, 1917. Journalist, on staff of Globe.

Wrong, George MacKinnon, b. Elgin Co., c.w., 1860; d. Toronto, 1948. Author, historian, Anglican minister.

Yeana.n, Eric Mc..Kay, b. Newcastle, N.B., 1885; d. 1909. Poet, journalist.




All numbers refer to item numbers

Acland, Frederick Albert, 268 canadian Authors' Association, Acland, Peregrine Palmer, 268 323, 343, 575; Ottawa Branch, Arnnur, ill.ward Douglas, 269-271 272, 334, 335, 551 Armstrong, Isabel C., 272 Canadian Authors' Society [_ canadian Arts and Letters Club, 318, 547. Authors' Association?], 334, 335 See also Series I, 90, 265[?] Canadian Bookman, 591, 647 Atkin, Grace Murray, 273-283 Canadian Pacific Railway, 536, 545. See also Series I, 28, 35 Barr, Robert, 285-288 Carman, Albert Richardson, 336 Beatty, Sir F.dward Wentworth, 289 Carman, Bliss, 464, 475, 547, Beauchesne, Arthur, 290 556, 565, 597; letters fran, Bennett, Richard Bedford, 291, 337-341 707. See also Series I, 57-64 Caulfield, James, 342 Best, T" H .. , 292, 388 Century Film Corp::>ration,. 549,


Crilson, Anne Elizabeth, 377 Gilliard, Marjorie, 431 Cumberland, Frederic Barlow, Glasgow, Robert, 432-434 378-380 The Globe, 293, 438, 459-461, Cutter, George B. , 381 539-545, 555, 559; editorial p::>licy, 537, 538; filing rei;orts, Delarcoure, Agnes, 850 535, 536. See also entry under De la Roche, Mazo, 382 MacTavish, Newton Denison, George Taylor, Glynn, Billee, 435 383-385 Cordon, Alfred, 436, 437 Ix,llard, Jam2s Bernard, 386, Gouin, Sir Jean~, 438 387 Graham, Hannah Isabel, 439-447 Drurnrrond, William Henry, 388, Graham, Jean, 448, 449, 459 389 Grant, William Iawson, 450-452 Dunbar, Robert C. , 390 Green~, Hamar, 453 Duncan, J.C.M., 391 Grierson, Francis, 600 Durham, Nancy, 850 Grove, Frederick Philip, 645, 646 Gundy, S.B., 454, 494 F.aton, Arthur Wenb,orth, Guthrie, Nonnan Gregor, 455, 697 392-400 Eaton, Charlotte, 401-404 Hale, Katherine. See Warnock, Amelia F..aton,. F'r.:~1k N., 396-398 Ham, George Henry, 456, 457; article Ea.yrs , Bugh Bffti thurst, 34 7 , on Ham by Mac'.ravish, 269,276, 289, 351, 405-410, 700 371, 456, 462, 529, 541, 856

1:U.Ja.r I O~:;c.:1r Pelham, 410. 5 Hamilton, Mary, 458 Edwards, Burgoyne, 411 Hanmond, Melvin Onrond, 459-461, Elson, John Mellx:mrne, 5 7 5 574, 575. See also entry in Series I Ewan, John Alexander, 412 Hart House Theatre, 568, 569[?] Hathaway, Rufus H., 462-464, 547 Falconer, Sir Robert, 413 Haultain, Theodore Arnold, 292, 465-470 Fisher, Archibald M. , 414 Haydon, Andrew, 471 Fisher, Sydney Arthur, 415 Herridge, William Thorras, 472 Flagg, F.dith, 416 Hughes, Janes Laughlin, 319, 320 Flavelle, Sir Joseph Wesley, Hutchinson, w.o., 473 417, .418 Foster, Sir George Eulas, Imperial Order Daughters of the Eitpire, 409 431, 479, 484 Fox, Marion W., 419 Fraser, William Alexander, Jaffray, W.P., 474 420-422 Jarres, C.G.[?], 475 Frechette, Iouis Honore, Johnson, Emily Pauline, 476-484, 575, 423-426 589, 590, 598 French, Anne warner, 427-429 Johnson, Evelyn, 477-484

G().' JJ'W' ~ ~ ( WM...1/'1,,1; WOA~odt Ghent,1 Percy, 430 Kennedy, W.T.M., 485 Gibl:x:m, John Murray, 569, 747 Kermerley, Mitchell, 277, 612, 832


Kernighan, Robert Kirkland, Mackeracher, William Mackay, 576 486-490 MacKinnon, :E.wyn Bruce, 577, 578 Khan, The, 486:490 MacMechan, Archibald McKellar, King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 579-583 . 491, 645, 700. See also McNider, Hanford, 584 entry in Series I Macphail, Agnes Campbell, 585 Kipling, Joseph Rudyard, 492 Macphail, Sir Andrew, 586 Knowles, Farquhar McGillivray, McPhee, Colin, 587,588 841. See also Series I, 60, .McRaye, Walter Jackson, 482, 81-83 589-591, 598 Knowles, Robert &!ward, MacTavish, Newton McFaul, aplX)inted 493-504 to Civil Service, 294; editing Can. Mag., 324, 345, 391, 439, 518, Iarnpman, Archibald, 505-514 541, 622, 630, 631, 708; honorary La.urier, Sir Wilfrid, 415, degrees, 349, 381, 633; judge of 515-517, 618 literary contests, 272, 431; leaving Leacock, Stephen Butler, 518-521 Globe; 560, 864[?], 865; marriage Lee, Sir Sidney, 522 and family, 342, 610, 611, 824.5; as a Iemieux, Rodolphe, 523 writer, 343, 344, 432, 433, 644; for Le ~bine, Sir James .MacPherson, film, 549; for Globe, 293, 535-538, 524, 525 542-545, 559, 770; of biography, 409, I.eve.ridge, Lilian, 526 591; publications: Ars Longa, 442; lDga11" John DD:;:1.iel, 527-529, The Fine Arts in Ccmada, 316, 346, 761, 862 408, 430, 584, 618, 854; George Ham,

Iong·lf·::! 1 J:.:.rr:e:s Wilberforce, A Sketch, see Ham, G...~rge; Thrown In, ~:_:::o I 531 281, 301, 343, 405, 406, 569, 599, Lovekin, L.A.M., 532 642. See also entry in Series I I.ow, f.'B.y Austin, 533 McWilliams, Margaret May Stovel, 597 Lyon, J.S., 534, 534.5 Mair, Charles, 384, 589, 590, 598 Lyon, Thomas Stewart, 535-545 Marty, Aletta Elise, 850 Matheson, Walter, 599 McArthur, Daniel, 546 Meighen, Robert, 711 t.tArthur, Peter,· 547, 548 Meldrum, JaIT'eS Tytler, 600 r.t.Arthur, R.B. , 549 Middleton, Jesse Fdgar, 601 Macbeth, Madge, 550-554 Montgorrery, Lucy Maud, 602-606 McCready, J.E.B., 555 M:)ore, Mabel, 607 MacDonald, Elizabeth Roberts, Moore, William Henry, 608 556-558 .tvnrin, Victor, 313 Macdonald, James Alexander, r1:>rse, William Inglis, 609 559, 560 Moyer, W.A.E., 610, 611 MacDonald, Jane Elizabeth Muddiman, Bernard, 612-614 Gostwycke (Roberts), 556-558 Munro, Kathryn, 615, 616 MacDonald, Mrs. Lucy Maud, Murdock, W.G. Blaikie, 617 602-606 Murphy, Charles, 618 M:Farlane, Arthur Emerson, 561 Murphy~ Emily Cowan Ferguson, 619, 620 McGillicuddy, OWen Ernest, 562 MacKay, Isabel F.cclestone, 318, O'Donoghue, John G., 621 439, 563-575, 774 O'Hagan, Thomas, 622-624


Packard, Frank Lucius, 625, 626 Scott, Frederick George, 766-768 Page, Frank E., 627-629 Scott, H.S., 769 Parker, Sir Gilbert, 612, Serier[?J, Herb, 770 630-632 Sheard, Virna, 771-774 Patterson, Frederic William, 633 Shortt, .Mam, 775-778 Patterson, Minnie Ray Johnson, Smith, &igar M. , 779 634 Snith, Goldwin, 538, 822-24; Peacocke, Ieslie T. , 635 biography of, 292, 450, 466, 468, Phelps, Arthur Leonard, 636-667 522; letters from, 780, 781; ~lSS. Pickthall, Marjorie Iowry (fragzrents), 782-821. See also Christie, 575, 668-695 entry in Series I Poetry Group [ Canadian Authors' Snith, J. Harry, 824.5 Association, Ottawa Branch?], Smith, William Wye, 825-828 696-698 Snyth, John Paterson, 829 Pope, Sir Joseph, 699 Stewart, M. Grant, 831 Pratt, &lwin John, 351, 700-706 Stringer, Arthur, 832, 833 Preston, William Thoma.s, 707 Sullivan, Alan, 834 St.mners, [Gr? Brodlique?], 835 Randall, M.B., 708 Reade, John, 709, 710 Taschereau, wuis Alexandre, 313, 314 Redford: Elsie, 711 Titherington, Richard Handf ield, 836 Reichel, Sir Harry R. , 712 Trotter, Bernard Freeman, 275. 301.5 Heid, T.A., 713 Tupper, Mrs. Kathryn Munro, 615, 616 Riddell, ~}.:L.1.liarn Renwick, 445, Wallace, William ·Stewart, 837 Ridley, Hilda M., 725, 726 Warnock, Amelia BeP_r, 838-842 Roberts, Charles George Douglas, Watson, Hailler Ransford, 591, 627-629, 727, 733 647. See also entry in Series I Roberts, Douglas, 728 Weaver, Emily Poynton, 843 Roberts, George E:lward Theodore ~ir, Robert Stanley, 844-846 Goodridge, 733-742 \'Jestminster Review, 318, 847 Roberts, J. Elizabeth Gostwycke, Wetherald, Agnes Ethelwyn, 841, 848, 556-558 849 Roberts, Lloyd, 729-732 White, G.C. Mary, 850 Rogers, Norman McI.eod, 743, 744 White, Samuel Alexander, 851-853 Ross, Victor Harold, 745 Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, Fouthier, Sir Adolphe Basile, 1st. Earl of, 854 312 Willison, Sir John Stephen, 531, 710, Runchey, Geraldine, 746 747, 855, 856 Russell, John WA___ntworth, 618 Wilson, Dave, 857 See also entry in Series I W:xxl, Samuel Thomas, 858, 859 Writers' Craft Club, 725, 726 Sandwell, Bernard Keble, 747 Wrong, George MacKinnon, 860, 861 Sapir, Edward, 748, 749 Scoble, Jolm, 287 Yeoman, Elizabeth, 862, ·863 Scott, Duncan Campbell, 612, Yeonan, Eric McKay, 862, 863 637, 749-765