
Scholarly Journal of Psychology L UPINE PUBLISHERS and Behavioral Sciences Open Access DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2018.01.000106 ISSN: 2641-1768 Opinion : From Sorrow to

Gabriel Miranda Nava* Chief of Neurology of the Hospital Center of the Presidential General Staff, Mexico Received: Published: September 10, 2018

*Corresponding September author: 04, Gabriel 2018; Miranda Nava, Chief of Neurology of the Hospital Center of the Presidential General Staff, Mexico

Opinion Beck Depression Inventory. Sometimes we have felt so sad and so disappointed for a few hours or days, a situation that leads us to sleep badly, have constant I. awakenings, decreased appetite, easy crying, tiredness, attention a. I do not feel sad

b. I feel sad. deficit, cranky, even wanting to you “swallow the earth” which is the mood swings we experience throughout the day or in a few a minor thought to “want to die”; These situations are normal in c. I feel sad continuously and I can not stop being. weeks, and that is recovering over time, thanks to the adjustment in your brain experienced by neurotransmitters, which we have d. I feel so sad or so miserable that I can not stand it. already mentioned are substances chemical in the brain that II. symptoms or sensations come to us from a series of external stimuli a. I do not feel especially discouraged about the future. allow to carry out the different phases of thought. This series of or characteristic experiences that all, absolutely all of us must cross b. I feel discouraged about the future. at some time in our life, as are the breaks, both the conjugal separation and the diverse breaks of the courtship, the loss of a c. I feel like I do not have to wait for anything. loved one, an economic bankruptcy, a robbery, a labor dismissal, d. I feel that the future is less and things will not improve. of situations are presented at the passage of a month, and that in short. The big problem lies in the times, that is, when this series III. they become incapacitated for their work, for their family, for life in general, this is when it happens to be a moment of at a. I do not feel unsuccessful. the moment of using the word high-sounding: depression. the high- b. I think I have failed more than most people. sounding word: depression. c. When I look back, I only see failure after failure. And it is that the depression does not respect age, sex, religion, d. I feel a totally unsuccessful person. presentations since in children we can observe it with attention social position or another variant of the human being; It has different IV. deficit, , socially unsocial personality or that avoids meetings, or puncher or letting it hit at school; in adolescents with a.b. ThingsI do not satisfy enjoy thingsme as muchas much as before.as before. sleep difficulties, whether with lack or excess, sadness, easy crying, that simulates Alzheimer’s disease. In Mexico of every 100 people, c. I no longer get an authentic satisfaction of things. loss of daily habits; or in elderly people with severe forgetfulness 12 suffer only depression or its variants, without counting other types of mental illness, and of these 12 one will try to commit suicide d.V. I am dissatisfied or bored with everything. in one way or another; These data do not mention the great loss of a. I do not feel especially guilty. working days and that apart is the first cause of consultation at the b. I feel guilty on many occasions. level of the specialty of Psychiatry and the first ten causes of general called Beck’s, to know if we have depression or not and make the c. I feel guilty most of the time. consultation. That is why we are going to apply the following test, decision to attend a medical consultation. d. I feel guilty constantly.

Citation: Gabriel M N. Depression: From Sorrow to Melancholia. Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci. 1(2)-2018.SJPBS.MS.ID.000106. DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2018.01.000106. 29 Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci Copyrights@ Gabriel Miranda Nava.

VI. d. I have lost all in others.

a. I do not think I’m being punished. XIII.

b. I feel like I’m going to be punished. a. I make decisions more or less as I have always done.

c. I hope to be punished. b. I avoid making decisions more than before.

d. I feel like I am being punished.

VII. c.d. MakingIt is already decisions impossible is much for more me to difficult make decisions. than before. a. I am not disappointed in myself. XIV.

b. I am disappointed in myself. a. I do not think I look worse than before.

c. I am ashamed of myself. b. I am afraid that now I look older or unattractive.

d. I detest myself c. I think there have been permanent changes in my appearance that make me look unattractive. VIII. d. I think I look horrible. a. I do not consider myself worse than anyone else. XV. b. I criticize myself for my weaknesses or for my mistakes. a. Work as before. c. I continually blame myself for my faults. b. It takes me an extra effort to start doing something. d. I blame myself for all the bad things that happen. c. I have to force myself a lot to do something. IX. d. I can not do anything at all. a. I do not have any thoughts of suicide. XVI. b. Sometimes I think about committing suicide, but I would not commit it. a. I sleep as well as ever.

c. I would like to commit suicide. b. I do not sleep as well as before.

d. I would kill myself if I had the chance.

X. c. I wake up an hour or two earlier than usual and find it difficultd. I wake to go up back several to sleep. hours earlier than usual and I can not go a. I do not cry more than I used to cry. back to sleep. b. Now I cry more than before. XVII. c. or I cry continuously. a. I do not feel more tired than usual. d. Before I was able to cry, but now I cannot, even if I want to. b. I get tired more easily than before. eleven. c. I get tired as soon as I do anything. XI. d. I am too tired to do anything. a. I’m not more irritated than usual in me. XVIII. b. I annoy or irritate more easily than before. a. My appetite has not diminished. c. I feel irritated continuously. b. I do not have as good an appetite as before. d. I am not absolutely irritated by the things that used to irritate me. c. Now I have much less appetite.

XII. d. I have completely lost my appetite.

a. I have not lost interest in others. XIX.

b. I am less interested in others than before. a. Lately I have lost little weight, or I have not lost anything.

c. I have lost most of my interest in others. b. I have lost more than 2 kilos and a half.

Citation: Gabriel M N. Depression: From Sorrow to Melancholia. Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci. 1(2)-2018.SJPBS.MS.ID.000106. DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2018.01.000106. 30 Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci Copyrights@ Gabriel Miranda Nava.

c. I have lost more than 4 kilos. c. I am much less interested in sex.

d. I have lost more than 7 kilos. d. I have totally lost my interest in sex.

e. I am on a diet to lose weight YES / NO. Guide for the Interpretation of the Beck Depression Inventory: XX. Score Depression level* a. I am not worried about my health more than usual.

b. I am worried about physical problems such as , discomfort, upset stomach or constipation. a.b. 1-10:11-16: These Mild disturbancehighs and lows of mood. are considered normal. c. 17-20: Intermittent depression states.

c. I am worried about my physical problems and find it d. 21-30: Moderate depression. difficultd. I am to thinkso worried about anythingabout my else. physical problems that I am e. 31-40: Severe depression. unable to think of anything. f. +40: Extreme depression. XXI. *A persistent score of 17 or more indicates that you may need a. I have not observed any recent changes in my interest. help professional. b. I am less interested in sex than before.

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Citation: Gabriel M N. Depression: From Sorrow to Melancholia. Sch J Psychol & Behav Sci. 1(2)-2018.SJPBS.MS.ID.000106. DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2018.01.000106. 31