1. SECURITY AND GEOPOLITICS CHINA – JAPAN INLANDS DISPUTES AS THE CHALLENGE IN EVOLVING SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Krzysztof załęsKi, zdzisław Śliwa ABSTRACT DOI: 10.26410/SF_2/19/3 The paper portrays the overall political–military situation in East Asia with the focus on security challenges involving major regional powers, namely China and Japan. It out- lines the regional implications of current maritime disputes as one of major security concerns in the East Asia. The main attention is given to territorial disagreements over Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands involving China and Japan as a dominant players in the region. Also smaller nations are mentioned as the disputes are strongly influencing their foreign policy and forcing development of defense capa- Krzysztof załęsKi
[email protected] bilities. Additionally, the US position toward regional mat- WSB University dąbrowa Górnicza1, ters is provided as the nation is playing a significant role Poland there as an ally or potential opponent. zdzisław Śliwa KEYWORDS
[email protected] East Asia, maritime disputes, China, Japan, Senkaku/Di- Baltic defence College, aoyu Islands. Estonia introduction The situation in Asia is still of interest of development, including military domain, the world based on economic develop- is causing some worries in Tokyo. At the ment of the continent, security concerns same time last changes in interpretation and the incoming decisions about future of Japanese law, close alliance relations of US presence after presidential elections with US and implementation of offensive in the Asia – Pacific region. The security weapon systems are observed carefully in domain of the continent is fragile and is it Beijing. What is important, history is playing worsened by bilateral and multilateral un- a significant role regarding relations be- solved territorial disputes.