643-2711 Aurlipfltrr Hpral^
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V. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 3. 1986 DADVERTISINGi 643-2711 MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD WEEKEND PLUS Agreement signecL Chairmen seek Fiedier fan has APARTMENTS STORE ANO K IT ‘N’ CARLYLE Larry W rUht FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE in Lanzano case a tax comproi iots' of memories 2 Bedroom Apartment - Manchester - Lawyers ( BipiNBSjS SiHVICE^giitCfOeY 4C6? IT^VS ftkMT ... page 3 ... page 8 ... magazine inside Fully oppllonced kitcheh. flee. Walk to G .A y i2 .' HEBE ^TH E tAk. Gorooe. 1 year lease plus' Frank Splleckl. 64372121 '6iUARmTeED AbAlff^ security deposit. No pets. m m / MnCBlANEOUS ' evep/Thinci But »575.649^5. Monchester>'^hlroprac- tors OftlcdT All reo^v to CMLOCARE EH PUIMMia SERVICE WT1EHS." Rockville • Excellent 00. Frank Splleckl. 643- N neighborhood. Remo 2121. will do bobvslttlflo In my Fofl^rtv Brothers — Bo-. deled 2 bedroom apart home, ooes 3 and up. Any thrdom remodeUng; In- Bookkeeping fuilchorge ment. S4$0 plus utilities. hours. Second and third NioNon water heotefe, ’ 14 Years experience for <r 644-1882 otter 6pm. shifts welcome. Coll 6 ^ Independent Constri fiirboge disoosolsi fwicet smoll business. Write C ft 4912. Non Co. General Cor . ^repairs. 6494539. Visa/M- N Bookkeepino, 47 Teresa I RESORT osterCard accepted. PROPERTY tors, custom home build Rd., AAonchester, CT. I HOMES ing and femodeling, CLEANING siding, excovatlon, etc. A; Henry Personollied aurlipfltrr Hpral^ FOR RENT Coventry Lake - Water Call 4564865 or 456-7215. Lawn Core-Complete SERVICES NNSCaUUIBHIS Manchester — A City ot Village Charm front cottages now avollo- SERVICES lawn core and londscap- 4 Bedroom Colonial. 2 full b|Jb. $150-5250 0 week. 742- Remodellng/Carpentry Ing. Free esNmotes, fully baths, 2 half baths. Fully Will do housecleaning Work. Additions, decks Insured, all work gudron- oppllonced kitchen,' oor- weekly or bl-weekly. Coll' and repolrs.lnsured. Call Odd lobs. Trucking. teed, senior cINzens dis Ojoe, pool, tennisxourt. J for free estimates. 683- Oovid Cormier, 6494236. Home repolrs. You name counts. 647-1349. year lease and security 2350. it, we do it. Free esti Friday, July 4,1986 25 Cents deposit. No pets. S7$0 per 1 MJSCEUANEOUS mates. Insured. 6434304. Masonry ft Repairs. 7-3 month. Available August StuccQ, Cement Slabs. I TOR RENT PAINTIN8/ Howkes Tree Service Stone drywalls. Carpen 1st. 649-0795. PAPERINB Bucket Truck ft Chipper. CARPENTRY/ try ANerotlons. Coll 643- (DltSBbyNEA.me. Garage Tofkj'ent. $35 o' I Stump Removal. Free Es- 9500 or 6494635. s,month. Coll 643-55^ or REMODEUNG Nome your own price — Nmotes. Special consider-, atlon for Elderly and Hon-' President’s touch I STORE ANO 647-1242. Fother and son. Fast, Word Processing done at OFFICE SPACE Farrand Remodeling — dependable service. tfleapped. 647-7553.' home. Letter quality prin IMISCELLAI lEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Manchester - Excellent Cabinets, roofing, gut Painting, Poperhonglng ter work picked up and AUTOMOTI l/E AUTOMOTIVE garage for storage of car, ters, room additions, -ft Removal. Call 646-5761. OellveriAg clean farm delivered. Temporary, Manchester - Downtown boat, trailer, $40. 649-4003. decks, all types of remo loom; 5 yards $75 plus tox. port Nme, permanent or retail or office space, 1750 Also sand, stone, and Truck Cap - 6’ x 8' x 4' deling and repairs. FR EE flll-in vacoHon slot. Coll For Sole - 19e2 pldsmoble square feet. 668-1447. estimates. Fully Insured. grovel. Call 6434504. , 7424727. Wood Cap. Fiberglass lights ‘IVliss Liberty’ Toronodo. Excellent Con Telephone 643-6017, offer window, fits full, size ELECTRICAL dition.Complete luxury pickup. $200. Negotiable. WANTED 6pm, 647-8509. Mrt's Light Trucking - cor. $10;000. 1984 Ford I Cellars, ofNcs, garages 647-1349. By Eileen Putnam [weekend pageantry, hailed the and America a happy birthday. I TO H ^ T F150 Explorer 4x4. Low The Associated Press (statue as “ a beacon of hope for all ■ The audience for the ceremonies Dumas Electric— Having cleaned. Junk hauled. mileage, excellent condi Wilson. Business Carpentry and remodel Electrical Problems? D ft D Landscaping. Voca Furniture ond oppltonces /mankind." includes millions of people in the ing services — Complefe tion. Must see. $10,000. Your assuconce of quick “ God Bless America,” said Pope and support services^ Need a large or o small tion cufflngs, hedge trlm- moved. Odd lobs. Very 1976 Chevy Blazer. Excel NEW YORK - A beam of light United States and 33 other coun nished offices, secrete home repairs and remo- Repair? We Specialize In miong, Prunings, flower honest, dependoble response when you adver shot across New York Harbor and John Paul II, in a videotaped tries; while 6 million to 13 million lent running condition. tise In Classified Is that service, reception, tele delltfg. (polity work. Ref Residential Work. Joseph ft shrub plonNngs. Free worker. 25 years expe-. transformed the Statue of Liberty statement shown at St. Patrick’s were expected in the area fpr erences, licensed and In Good solid truck. Rlggisd our readers are ready to phone answering, word Reliable working couple Dumas. Fully Licensed. estimates. Call 659-2^ rience In moving. 646-9669 for plowing.. $5,000. 1982 'into a beacon of red, white and blue Cathedral. He said the towering festivities like' street fairs, the sured. Call 646-8165. after 5:30pm. buy when they turn to the processing and copier fa with 2 quiet teenaged boys Free Estimates. 64ft52S3. anytime. Ford E250 Von. Good Thursday night, as millions of, monument still served as a wel world's biggest fireworks display, cilities. Level H Watkins seeks large two or three little ods. 643-2711. condition with rocks. people and an armada of sail coming symbol for “the tired.' biggest marching band, open-air Center, 935 Main St., Man bedroom apartment or $5,000. 1972 A d (ffv .l^ S .- chester. 647-0073. duplex, preferably In sea power hailed her first ceritury. poor, uprooted people of the concerts and superstar-studded 1978 Audi Fox, ^978 Flat President Reagan ^^pressed a world." extravaganzas in New Jersey and Manchester or Vernon. 128, All best offer. Good button that sent a laser through the New York. Manchester Downtown Can move In Im m e terms on all vehicles. No Thousands of new citizens in 47 Offices. 500 to lOOO.sqqore diately! 643-2711 ext. 34, TO CLEAN artificial flow night and triggered a 1.4 million- money down to qualified Ruffled Yoke cities were being sworn in over the Jubilant bells rang for 2‘/4 \ feet. Heotj—olrT^ lofrttor, ask for Gory. ■ ers, place them heads MISCELLANEOUS CARS buVer. Private seller. Call watt light show illuminating the parking. 649-5334. down In a paper bag, add Merchandise weekend, including some 300 minutes at .the ca'thedral to com FOR SALE FOR SALE 643-1021. statue aniyma.rking the rebirth of Thursday night by Chief Justice memorate the.statue’s century-old Wonting to rent 3 to 4 salt and shake well. To the monument after a $66 niiUion For Sole or Leose - 1,270 Cleon out storage areas In Warren Burger on Ellis Island, vigil at the harbor’s "golden \ bedroom duplex or house facelift. square feet of 1st floor In Vernon or Manchester. your home or garoge, Hedstrom 3-ln-one carrlo- where 12 million immigrants were door.” where generations of immi "Miss Liberty is still giving life office space In Watkins Con move In Im m e place an ad Jn classified ge/car bed/stroller. Ex 1973 F>ontlac Station processed in the statue’s shadow grants entered the country to begin Center. Worren E How diately. Coll Joyce 647- FURNITURE cellent condition. $45. 646- Wagon - New tires, good Lovely Lace to the dream that brought her to us, telling our readers who' 5645 after 5:00.o over the years. new lives. land, Inc. 643-1108 0916. you have for sale. condition. $600. 646-4177. the dream of a new world where old antagonism could be set aside and The unveiling of the Statue of Thousands of ships jammed the Queen size mattress. Toyota Celica, 1981 - GT, people of. every nation could live Good condition. Foam Liberty and relighting of her torch, harbor, from the graceful tall Hatchback, louvers, rims, together as one." Reagan said. after a restoration project aided by vessels that have sailed the seven rubber. $50. Call 649-7951.0 excellent condition. $4995. King - Sized bed. Firm * corporations .and schoolchildren seas to the grand gray dread 649-2831. The laser beam bathed the base mattress. Two twin box Picture wlndow- m alike, opened four days of pomp, noughts that fought in this cen of the statue in a bright, red light, springs. Frame.. Excellent thernriopane. 6 8 "x 4 8 ". c«emony and a kaleidoscope of tury's wars to the elegant Queen condition. Will be sold 1976 Chevrolet. Excellent then changed to a red-amber shade Still on house. $75 or best condltliD^^ Low mileage,- ^tertainm ent in honor of the Elizabeth H and sleek yachts and with 2 complete sets of as it moved to the pedestal. offer. Call 643-1680.O automatlc^'-tronsmlsslon, statue and Indeperjd^nce^D^y. pleasure craft that darted through sheets, 1 bedspread. All Seconds later, a steel-blue wash 'H tor $220, or best offer. power^brokei, power the waters between New York and Typewriter-portable. steering, olr conditioning, revealed the full 151-foot statue ' The Reagans Arrived on wih^ds- New Jersey. Blimps and helicop Mark Twain Said, 643-8082, evenings 8< wee Adler with case $50 or best before 15 6,000-watt tower lamps kends. Keep trying!. $1,375,-Coll 649-9758. wept Governors Island, and were ters floated overhead. offer. 649-6962.0 splashed the monument in brilliant greeted by a pniformed Jijmpr 1972 Volkswagen Super white light.