V. MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, July 3. 1986 DADVERTISINGi 643-2711 MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD WEEKEND PLUS Agreement signecL Chairmen seek Fiedier fan has APARTMENTS STORE ANO K IT ‘N’ CARLYLE Larry W rUht FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE in Lanzano case a tax comproi iots' of memories 2 Bedroom Apartment - Manchester - Lawyers ( BipiNBSjS SiHVICE^giitCfOeY 4C6? IT^VS ftkMT ... page 3 ... page 8 ... magazine inside Fully oppllonced kitcheh. flee. Walk to G .A y i2 .' HEBE ^TH E tAk. Gorooe. 1 year lease plus' Frank Splleckl. 64372121 '6iUARmTeED AbAlff^ security deposit. No pets. m m / MnCBlANEOUS ' evep/Thinci But »575.649^5. Monchester>'^hlroprac- tors OftlcdT All reo^v to CMLOCARE EH PUIMMia SERVICE WT1EHS." Rockville • Excellent 00. Frank Splleckl. 643- N neighborhood. Remo­ 2121. will do bobvslttlflo In my Fofl^rtv Brothers — Bo-. deled 2 bedroom apart­ home, ooes 3 and up. Any thrdom remodeUng; In- Bookkeeping fuilchorge ment. S4$0 plus utilities. hours. Second and third NioNon water heotefe, ’ 14 Years experience for <r 644-1882 otter 6pm. shifts welcome. Coll 6 ^ Independent Constri fiirboge disoosolsi fwicet smoll business. Write C ft 4912. Non Co. General Cor . ^repairs. 6494539. Visa/M- N Bookkeepino, 47 Teresa I RESORT osterCard accepted. PROPERTY tors, custom home build­ Rd., AAonchester, CT. I HOMES ing and femodeling, CLEANING siding, excovatlon, etc. A; Henry Personollied aurlipfltrr Hpral^ FOR RENT Coventry Lake - Water­ Call 4564865 or 456-7215. Lawn Core-Complete SERVICES NNSCaUUIBHIS Manchester — A City ot Village Charm front cottages now avollo- SERVICES lawn core and londscap- 4 Bedroom Colonial. 2 full b|Jb. $150-5250 0 week. 742- Remodellng/Carpentry Ing. Free esNmotes, fully baths, 2 half baths. Fully Will do housecleaning Work. Additions, decks Insured, all work gudron- oppllonced kitchen,' oor- weekly or bl-weekly. Coll' and repolrs.lnsured. Call Odd lobs. Trucking. teed, senior cINzens dis­ Ojoe, pool, tennisxourt. J for free estimates. 683- Oovid Cormier, 6494236. Home repolrs. You name counts. 647-1349. year lease and security 2350. it, we do it. Free esti­ Friday, July 4,1986 25 Cents deposit. No pets. S7$0 per 1 MJSCEUANEOUS mates. Insured. 6434304. Masonry ft Repairs. 7-3 month. Available August StuccQ, Cement Slabs. I TOR RENT PAINTIN8/ Howkes Tree Service Stone drywalls. Carpen­ 1st. 649-0795. PAPERINB Bucket Truck ft Chipper. CARPENTRY/ try ANerotlons. Coll 643- (DltSBbyNEA.me. Garage Tofkj'ent. $35 o' I Stump Removal. Free Es- 9500 or 6494635. s,month. Coll 643-55^ or REMODEUNG Nome your own price — Nmotes. Special consider-, atlon for Elderly and Hon-' President’s touch I STORE ANO 647-1242. Fother and son. Fast, Word Processing done at OFFICE SPACE Farrand Remodeling — dependable service. tfleapped. 647-7553.' home. Letter quality prin­ IMISCELLAI lEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Manchester - Excellent Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Painting, Poperhonglng ter work picked up and AUTOMOTI l/E AUTOMOTIVE garage for storage of car, ters, room additions, -ft Removal. Call 646-5761. OellveriAg clean farm delivered. Temporary, Manchester - Downtown boat, trailer, $40. 649-4003. decks, all types of remo­ loom; 5 yards $75 plus tox. port Nme, permanent or retail or office space, 1750 Also sand, stone, and Truck Cap - 6’ x 8' x 4' deling and repairs. FR EE flll-in vacoHon slot. Coll For Sole - 19e2 pldsmoble square feet. 668-1447. estimates. Fully Insured. grovel. Call 6434504. , 7424727. Wood Cap. Fiberglass lights ‘IVliss Liberty’ Toronodo. Excellent Con­ Telephone 643-6017, offer window, fits full, size ELECTRICAL dition.Complete luxury pickup. $200. Negotiable. WANTED 6pm, 647-8509. Mrt's Light Trucking - cor. $10;000. 1984 Ford I Cellars, ofNcs, garages 647-1349. By Eileen Putnam [weekend pageantry, hailed the and America a happy birthday. I TO H ^ T F150 Explorer 4x4. Low The Associated Press (statue as “ a beacon of hope for all ■ The audience for the ceremonies Dumas Electric— Having cleaned. Junk hauled. mileage, excellent condi­ Wilson. Business Carpentry and remodel­ Electrical Problems? D ft D Landscaping. Voca­ Furniture ond oppltonces /mankind." includes millions of people in the ing services — Complefe tion. Must see. $10,000. Your assuconce of quick “ God Bless America,” said Pope and support services^ Need a large or o small tion cufflngs, hedge trlm- moved. Odd lobs. Very 1976 Chevy Blazer. Excel­ NEW YORK - A beam of light United States and 33 other coun­ nished offices, secrete home repairs and remo- Repair? We Specialize In miong, Prunings, flower honest, dependoble response when you adver­ shot across New York Harbor and John Paul II, in a videotaped tries; while 6 million to 13 million lent running condition. tise In Classified Is that service, reception, tele­ delltfg. (polity work. Ref­ Residential Work. Joseph ft shrub plonNngs. Free worker. 25 years expe-. transformed the Statue of Liberty statement shown at St. Patrick’s were expected in the area fpr erences, licensed and In­ Good solid truck. Rlggisd our readers are ready to phone answering, word Reliable working couple Dumas. Fully Licensed. estimates. Call 659-2^ rience In moving. 646-9669 for plowing.. $5,000. 1982 'into a beacon of red, white and blue Cathedral. He said the towering festivities like' street fairs, the sured. Call 646-8165. after 5:30pm. buy when they turn to the processing and copier fa­ with 2 quiet teenaged boys Free Estimates. 64ft52S3. anytime. Ford E250 Von. Good Thursday night, as millions of, monument still served as a wel­ world's biggest fireworks display, cilities. Level H Watkins seeks large two or three little ods. 643-2711. condition with rocks. people and an armada of sail coming symbol for “the tired.' biggest marching band, open-air Center, 935 Main St., Man­ bedroom apartment or $5,000. 1972 A d (ffv .l^ S .- chester. 647-0073. duplex, preferably In sea power hailed her first ceritury. poor, uprooted people of the concerts and superstar-studded 1978 Audi Fox, ^978 Flat President Reagan ^^pressed a world." extravaganzas in New Jersey and Manchester or Vernon. 128, All best offer. Good button that sent a laser through the New York. Manchester Downtown Can move In Im m e­ terms on all vehicles. No Thousands of new citizens in 47 Offices. 500 to lOOO.sqqore diately! 643-2711 ext. 34, TO CLEAN artificial flow­ night and triggered a 1.4 million- money down to qualified Ruffled Yoke cities were being sworn in over the Jubilant bells rang for 2‘/4 \ feet. Heotj—olrT^ lofrttor, ask for Gory. ■ ers, place them heads MISCELLANEOUS CARS buVer. Private seller. Call watt light show illuminating the parking. 649-5334. down In a paper bag, add Merchandise weekend, including some 300 minutes at .the ca'thedral to com­ FOR SALE FOR SALE 643-1021. statue aniyma.rking the rebirth of Thursday night by Chief Justice memorate the.statue’s century-old Wonting to rent 3 to 4 salt and shake well. To the monument after a $66 niiUion For Sole or Leose - 1,270 Cleon out storage areas In Warren Burger on Ellis Island, vigil at the harbor’s "golden \ bedroom duplex or house facelift. square feet of 1st floor In Vernon or Manchester. your home or garoge, Hedstrom 3-ln-one carrlo- where 12 million immigrants were door.” where generations of immi­ "Miss Liberty is still giving life office space In Watkins Con move In Im m e­ place an ad Jn classified ge/car bed/stroller. Ex­ 1973 F>ontlac Station processed in the statue’s shadow grants entered the country to begin Center. Worren E How­ diately. Coll Joyce 647- FURNITURE cellent condition. $45. 646- Wagon - New tires, good Lovely Lace to the dream that brought her to us, telling our readers who' 5645 after 5:00.o over the years. new lives. land, Inc. 643-1108 0916. you have for sale. condition. $600. 646-4177. the dream of a new world where old antagonism could be set aside and The unveiling of the Statue of Thousands of ships jammed the Queen size mattress. Toyota Celica, 1981 - GT, people of. every nation could live Good condition. Foam Liberty and relighting of her torch, harbor, from the graceful tall Hatchback, louvers, rims, together as one." Reagan said. after a restoration project aided by vessels that have sailed the seven rubber. $50. Call 649-7951.0 excellent condition. $4995. King - Sized bed. Firm * corporations .and schoolchildren seas to the grand gray dread­ 649-2831. The laser beam bathed the base mattress. Two twin box Picture wlndow- m alike, opened four days of pomp, noughts that fought in this cen­ of the statue in a bright, red light, springs. Frame.. Excellent thernriopane. 6 8 "x 4 8 ". c«emony and a kaleidoscope of tury's wars to the elegant Queen condition. Will be sold 1976 Chevrolet. Excellent then changed to a red-amber shade Still on house. $75 or best condltliD^^ Low mileage,- ^tertainm ent in honor of the Elizabeth H and sleek yachts and with 2 complete sets of as it moved to the pedestal. offer. Call 643-1680.O automatlc^'-tronsmlsslon, statue and Indeperjd^nce^D^y. pleasure craft that darted through sheets, 1 bedspread. All Seconds later, a steel-blue wash 'H tor $220, or best offer. power^brokei, power the waters between New York and Typewriter-portable. steering, olr conditioning, revealed the full 151-foot statue ' The Reagans Arrived on wih^ds- New Jersey. Blimps and helicop­ Mark Twain Said, 643-8082, evenings 8< wee­ Adler with case $50 or best before 15 6,000-watt tower lamps kends. Keep trying!. $1,375,-Coll 649-9758. wept Governors Island, and were ters floated overhead. offer. 649-6962.0 splashed the monument in brilliant greeted by a pniformed Jijmpr 1972 Volkswagen Super white light.
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