Congressional Record—House H11319
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October 14, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11319 area had literally been leveled and The quakes have devastated the region, de- COMMEMORATING THE CANON- ships from port were swept inland by stroying over 83,700 houses, 200 public build- IZATION OF FATHER DAMIEN DE the water’s force. Of course, the human ings, 285 schools, and have also caused ex- VEUSTER TO SAINTHOOD tragedy was incalculable. Children be- tensive damage to an additional 100,000 Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, came orphans instantly. Mothers, fa- buildings including hotels, mosques, shops, I move to suspend the rules and agree thers and families were devastated. and hospitals, and approximately twenty miles to the resolution (H. Res. 786) com- The recovery efforts in which the of roads. Lying near the intersection of shifting memorating the canonization of Father United States played a major role were tectonic plates, Indonesia is prone to earth- Damien de Veuster, SS.CC. to saint- extraordinary. What I was most im- quakes and volcanic eruptions. Such devasta- hood, as amended. pressed with, however, was the remark- tion is yet another tragedy to strike the region, able resiliency and spirit of the people which is still recovering from the 2004 earth- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- of Banda Aceh. It is that same resil- quake born from this very same fault line that tion. iency that I am sure will rise again out resulted in the Indian Ocean tsunami and the The text of the resolution is as fol- of the tragedies of the earthquakes and loss of over 230,000 lives. lows: aftershocks of September 2009. As a result, I am very pleased to join my H. RES. 786 My thoughts are with those who were colleagues today in passing House Resolution Whereas Father Damien de Veuster, SS.CC. lost, their loved ones, and the tens of 810 expressing our condolences to the Indo- was born Joseph de Veuster in Tremelo, Bel- thousands of survivors who are strug- nesian people for the devastating earthquake gium, on January 3, 1840, and in 1859, at age gling in the aftermath. I stand with and loss of life in their Sumatra region. 19, he entered the Congregation of the Sacred President Obama in his offer of assist- I would also like to commend the courage Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Louvain and se- ance that will help alleviate the suf- and perseverance of the Indonesian govern- lected Damien as his religious name; fering and provide relief in this region. ment and people as they work tirelessly with Whereas in 1863, Father Damien received Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, permission to replace his ill brother, and humanitarian organizations in distributing aid sailed to the Hawaiian Islands to perform we continue to reserve. and mobilizing relief efforts. All the while, missionary work; Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, strong aftershocks continue to rock the region Whereas Father Damien arrived in Hono- I yield myself such time as I may con- and create hazardous conditions for both resi- lulu, Hawaii on March 19, 1864, was ordained sume. dents and rescue workers. to the priesthood at the Cathedral of Our Mr. Speaker, I will say that Indo- There is still much to be done, yet the Indo- Lady of Peace on May 21, 1864, and began his nesia has come a long way in estab- nesian government and countless other hu- pastoral ministry on the island of Hawaii; lishing its democracy, being the largest manitarian and private groups continue to pro- Whereas the Hawaiian Government de- democratic country. It happens to be a vide emergency assistance to those in need. ported individuals infected with leprosy, now Muslim country with a population of also known as Hansen’s disease, to a penin- The U.S. also shows our support as we re- sula on the island of Molokai, to prevent fur- some 225 million people. affirm our commitment by releasing millions in ther spread of the disease, and Bishop Louis I want to also commend President aid and contributing to the widespread inter- Maigret, SS.CC. sought the help of Father SBY for all that he is trying to do in national response. We continue to regard In- Damien and other priests to provide spiritual helping the good people of West Papua. donesia as an important ally, recognizing its assistance for the sufferers of Hansen’s dis- There have been some difficulties along recent democratic transition and trans- ease; the way, but I suspect that every effort formation into the world’s third largest democ- Whereas several priests volunteered to is being made to address the needs of racy. In addition, hosting the world’s largest work on Molokai for a few months, but Fa- the people of West Papua. Certainly I ther Damien requested to remain perma- Muslim majority, the people of Indonesia dem- nently with the individuals suffering from congratulate them on the recent na- onstrate that Islam and democracy are not Hansen’s disease, and was among the first to tional elections that were done in such mutually exclusive and can successfully work leave for the island of Molokai on May 10, a way that it was again demonstrated in tandem. Thus, we look forward to fostering 1873; that democracy can happen in a Mus- future cooperation between the United States Whereas for 16 years, Father Damien lim country like Indonesia. and Indonesia in the areas of trade, national served as a voice of hope and a source of con- So I want us to realize that only 5 security, and cultural awareness and apprecia- solation and encouragement for the individ- years ago we had a tsunami that also tion. uals afflicted with Hansen’s disease; Whereas working together, Father Damien impacted Indonesia, that some 220,000 The Indonesian people have seen tremen- people died as a result of that terrible and the people isolated on the Kalaupapa pe- dous change in the last decade, and they ninsula accomplished remarkable achieve- disaster, and for which I am very grate- once again continue to persevere through ments, including building houses and hos- ful that our country responded in such tragedy. It is my hope that our nations will only pitals, taking care of the patients’ spiritual a way that I think the people of Indo- continue to grow in our commitment to one and physical needs, building 6 chapels, con- nesia deeply appreciated our assist- another and to freedom, justice, and democ- structing a home for boys and a home for ance. racy. girls, and burying the hundreds who died So we are at this again. Another dis- I would like to thank Congressman BERMAN during his years on the island of Molokai; Whereas Father Damien died on April 15, aster struck Indonesia, and I thank the and Ranking Member ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN for administration for all the efforts that 1889, after contracting Hansen’s disease, and helping to move this important resolution to his remains were transferred to Belgium in are being made to give assistance to the floor. 1936, where he was interred in the crypt of the good people of Indonesia. And, again I extend my heartfelt condo- the church of the Congregation of the Sacred Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I lences to the Indonesian people and the family Hearts at Louvain; have the honor and privilege of co-chairing the and friends of those who are suffering greatly Whereas in 1938, the process for beatifi- Congressional Indonesia Caucus with my as a result of this disaster. cation for Father Damien was introduced at good friend, Congressman WEXLER. Accord- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Malines, Belgium; ingly, I want to take this moment to express we yield back the balance of our time. Whereas in April 1965, the Legislature of my heartfelt condolences to the citizens of In- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, the State of Hawaii selected Father Damien as the first of its two selections for the Na- donesia, the President, and the Indonesian I yield back the balance of my time. tional Statuary Hall Collection in the U.S. government in the aftermath of the devastating The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Capitol; earthquakes that struck the West Sumatra re- question is on the motion offered by Whereas, on April 15, 1969, a statue of Fa- gion this past month. the gentleman from American Samoa ther Damien and a statue of King Kameha- On September 30, 2009, a 7.6 magnitude (Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA) that the House meha I, gifts from the State of Hawaii, were earthquake that originated northwest of the suspend the rules and agree to the reso- unveiled at the Capitol Rotunda; city of Padang (population: 900,000) led to the lution, H. Res. 810. Whereas, on July 7, 1977, Pope Paul VI de- loss of 800 lives. Countless more remain The question was taken; and (two- clared Father Damien ‘‘venerable’’, the first thirds being in the affirmative) the of 3 steps that lead to sainthood; missing and are presumed dead while thou- Whereas, on June 4, 1995, Pope John Paul II sands have been displaced from their homes rules were suspended and the resolu- declared Father Damien ‘‘Blessed Damien’’, that were either destroyed or remain unsafe tion was agreed to. and his feast is on May 10, the day Father as ongoing tremors continue to bring uncer- A motion to reconsider was laid on Damien first entered the island of Molokai; tainty to the area. the table. and VerDate Nov 24 2008 00:31 Oct 15, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14OC7.035 H14OCPT1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with HOUSE H11320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 14, 2009 Whereas Father Damien will be canonized until he died on April 15, 1889, after We all fervently wish that this past a saint on October 11, 2009, by Pope Benedict contracting the disease himself.