Victorian Treasurer bets $80 billion on property turnaround

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas in his stripped-back office. Eamon Gallagher  by

 Patrick Durkin

 Ben Potter The Victorian Treasurer is counting on a short, shallow housing downturn and a swift return to strong house price growth to support his big spending agenda over the next four years if re-elected on Saturday.

Tim Pallas' plans include an $80 billion pipeline of transport, school and hospital projects, large increases in payroll for public health, education and emergency services, and starting work on a $50 billion-plus, 30-year-long outer project.

The Treasurer – who has been accused of "hiding" during the campaign – told The Australian Financial Review he is relying on the downturn in the housing market to last just 12 months rather than the prolonged slide now predicted by an increasing number of economists and property market forecasters. Twelve-month only property pause

Tim Pallas has lost more than 30 kilograms on a Chinese herbal tea diet. Eamon Gallagher

A prolonged slide in the housing market would hit 's revenues harder than the $2.4 billion forecast by Treasury in the pre-election budget updateand potentially push the budget into deficit sometime during the next parliament. Advertisement "Treasury is predicting, and expectation is, we will see a moderation in both the volume and the price growth in the property market over the next 12 months but their expectation is that it will come back after that," Mr Pallas said.

"I can understand exactly why they would be saying that because the fundamentals of the economy are strong, the demand for property remains strong so you can't really see the forces of supply and demand being that easy to deny.

"We are seeing it as a moderation quite frankly, but the advice from Treasury is we expect these numbers to come back within about 12 months," he said in his Spring Street office, which has been stripped bare for the election caretaker period. No low-hanging revenue fruit

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been using the economy and infrastructure to blunt the Liberals' attacks.Valeriu Campan

Despite the prediction, the Treasurer – who has lost more than 30 kilograms on the same radical Chinese herbal medicine diet used by Malcolm Turnbull and Eddie McGuire – repeatedly refused to bite on whether federal Labor's planned crackdown on negative gearing should be delayed to avoid exacerbating any slowdown.

"We can manage it and we're supportive of it because quite frankly what federal Labor are proposing sits entirely comfortably with what we have been saying, which is prioritise getting people into homes rather than facilitate greater investment properties."

The Treasurer represents the safe Labor seat of Werribee in Melbourne's working class western suburbs. He admits there is no more low-hanging revenue fruit like the $2.86 billion received for the sale of the Land Titles and Registry Office, $2 billion from the sale of Victoria's share of Snowy Hydro and $9.7 billion for the 50-year lease of the Port of Melbourne.

"There comes a point where the assets are too essential to the community's wellbeing," he said.

Melbourne's $50 billion suburban rail loop plan has been called "fanciful". Fairfax Media But he insists they have maintained manageable debt levels – 5 per cent of gross state product – despite debt expected to hit 6 per cent and reach $31.8 billion by 2022. Big spender

Mr Pallas said their expenditure growth over the last four budgets had been 3.9 per cent while revenue growth had been 4 per cent, "so it's tight but we are not spending more than we earn".

The Andrews government has begun or promised $78 billion in major projects in the May budget, including the $15.8 billion , $6.8 billion and $11 billion Melbourne Metro rail tunnel.

Backing the suburban rail loop plan: Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, Transport Minister and Federal MP Anthony Albanese on the rooftop of the Chen Hotel in Box Hill, Melbourne. AAP

Since the May budget, Labor have promised another $50 billion-plus for the suburban rail loop over 30 years, a $13 billion Airport Rail Link, plus $6.6 billion for 25 more level crossing removals and sky rail, blowing the 's total major - infrastructure commitments of around $56 billion away. Mr Pallas argues that Labor will maintain a $12 billion-a-year spend on infrastructure, which is "pretty uncontroversial". He claimed the Coalition "loved" cutting budgets on schools, hospitals and emergency services in "a policy of austerity".

Public sector employee expenses have also increased to 7.2 per cent growth this financial year but Mr Pallas argued that was a product of the Victorian economy growing by $50 billion over the past four years.

"As our economy and population grows it's incumbent upon government to make sure that our services grow," he said.

"I don't think anyone would suggest for one moment that I do anything other than love roads," Tim Pallas says.North East Link Authority

"We have still maintained manageable levels of debt, global levels we inherited from the previous government and we've more than doubled the infrastructure investment," Mr Pallas said. 'I love roads'

The economy has been a trump card for Premier Daniel Andrews – Victoria was confirmed as the fastest growing state on Friday – and the $80 billion infrastructure spend has been used by Mr Andrews to blunt the opposition's attacks on population and terrorism.

On Sunday, the Coalition stepped-up its attack over the red shirts police probe, a 12- week military-style bootcamp for teenage criminals and whether Victorian police were told the Bourke Street killer was on bail.

The Treasurer insisted their spending does extend to roads despite criticism the government "hates roads" – a perception fuelled by the cancellation of the East West Link at a cost of $1 billion.

The opposition has sought to exploit this by promising to spend $1 billion on regional roads. But Mr Pallas pointed to the government's $943 million spend on regional roads, $100 million to upgrade country roads, $3 billion on suburban arterial roads, $2.2 billion on outer suburban roads in addition to the major West Gate Tunnel and North East Link projects that the opposition also supports. "I don't think anyone would suggest for one moment that I do anything other than love roads," Mr Pallas said. "In growing communities, particularly on the urban fringe and rural and regional Victoria, they are the lifeblood of those economies." No coalition with Greens

Mr Pallas defended criticism the long-term plans for the $50 billion suburban rail loop were "fanciful" given only $300 million has been committed by each of the Andrews government and federal Labor, were it to win government next year.

"If you say you are going to get started and start delivering in the next term of government that is something you can be held very substantially to account for," Mr Pallas said.

The Treasurer, who strips his office bare because "government is a gift and you have to win it", called for a clear vote on Saturday amid fears that Labor could be forced into a minority government with the Greens.

"We won't go into any coalition with the Greens," he said. "Victorians want a strong, stable majority government."