Friday.June 6, 1997 • Volume 3, Number 31 Page 1of8 A memorable week THE in Hoosier histo.ry .... ~ Gov.O'Bannon,Mayor Goldsmith come through INDIANAPOLIS - Hoosier historirans may look back on May HOWEY 27, 1997, as a decisive day in the state's history. If you include that entire final week, that short flicker of time will continually be recall- ed in countless future stories. · '3 POLITICAL May 27 was the day the Indiana General Assembly recon- . vened in special session. It was a day that might even have ·drawn the awe of the late-Bill Schreiber. The great Democratic strategist would have seen Gov.Frank O'Bannon and Mayor (see ·REPORT the HPR Interview, pages 4-5 and 8) working'hi:.tandein for deals that could keep the Indiana Pacers and the 1nw,~apolis Colts from 1 The Weekly Briefing On Indiana Politics moving elsewhere. " •· .... €-~ · There was Colts owner fun Irsay's full-page ·ad in the Indiana­ The Howey Political Report is published 40 times a year by polis Star/News that day that teemed with promising t~ about NewsLink, Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is work-ing out a deal.Irsay gave his word he was not bargkning with if,, an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political other NFL city wannabees. process in Indiana. It neither endorses candidates nor advocates positions of public policy. The remarkable week brought·about a raise by 18 percent in a huge DemocratJc gamble over ~orker.'.s...c.o.mpensation benefits.-·· Brian A. Howey Senate President Pro Tern Robert Garton broke for the deal, leaving editor and publisher an Sen.Joseph Harrison to complain about this manufacturing state's The Howey Political Report Office: 317-926-1433 still bottom of the barrel ranking in help for injured workers. 2625 N.Meridian St., Suite 1125 Fax: 317-254-2405 That next Saturday, the NCAA announced that it is settling in Indianapolis, IN 46208 [email protected] the White River State Park just off Downtown Indianapolis. Daytime number: 317-254-2400,Ext.273 A few days later, Lilly Endowment broke the news that it is NewsLink Home Page: pitching in $30 million for RCA Dome/Convention Center improve­ ments vital to keeping the Colts here. Subscription information: $250 annually for 40 What's it all mean? editions via fax or first class mail. Call 317-926-1433. Most critically, Indiana's stature in the eyes of the nation and © 1997, The Howey Political Report. All rights reserved. its people not only dodged a potentially huge hit, but actually grew. Photocopying, faxing or reprodudng in any form, in who/~ or in From a psychological standpoin~ as we head into the next century, part, is a violation offederal law and is ~prohibited without consent of the publisher. Indiana stands poised as a thriving manfacturing center with better protected workers and maintaining itself as a sports center. ccQUOTE"OF THE WEEK INSIDE F E A T U R E S

"He was the only one of everybody on this planet that • Play of the Week: The Gov and the mayor page2 could have done it. ...111 • Horse Race: Hasler out; Price in page3

- Sen. Larry Borst, to reporters, on Gov. Frank • HPR Interview: Gov. Frank O'Bannon pages4-5 • Columnists: Colwell, Schneider, Benner page6 O'Bannon drMng through the flve-blll package f r • Perhaps We Wander: Statehouse security page7 sports arenas and w rker's comp. Page 2 of 8 l~i~ l~ OOTRAGEOUS. 11fE~ HAVE i NER~;Jf'~n 1't·HR CHAR&E aMLEP. 8UW' rv,... ASiM~LfMONE~ TRAtJSAeTION/ • ~M w~mNa M~ ATM f CONGRESSMAN.1 flL TAKE 1tf iS To 11fE SUPREME COU(J.:rl

TICKER Burton staffer suggests that national security T A breech may be uncovered by House Oversight WASHINGTON - Twenty-seven U.S. far by Oversight staffers are Huang's resume, House Oversight Committee staffers are cur­ Trie's Little Rock, Ark., Chinese restaurant menu PLAY OF THE WEEK: Goy. Frank rently pouring over 300,000 White House docu­ and a White House beer blast invitation to O'Bannon and Mayor Stephen ments and planning to depose 100 people. Congressional staffers. Goldsmith for putting aside What will this committee chaired by U.S. Meanwhile, Burton appears to have trad­ their differences and putting Rep. find? "I think there was a dis­ ed places with Tennessee Sen. Fred ,Thompson, the heat on the legislature to tinct possibility that national security may have who is currently embroiled in a dispute with get the five-bill arena/comp been compromised:' said John Williams, press Democratic Sen.John Glenn over Senate com­ bill passed. It was an auda­ spokesman for the Indiana congressman. mittee activities.In the past two months,Burton dous, commanding move by "There are real questions right now about critics have pointed at Thompson's committee O'Bannon when the legislative whether national security favors were sold for as more prudent in its approach to the cam­ process deteriorated.But it campaign contributions:• paign fund-raising scandal. might not have happened had For a White House with controversies Roll Call suggested in its May 26 edition Mayor Goldsmith not joined such as Paula Jones and Whitewater swirling that "the pressure is getting to ... Burton:' As the full-court press. It was one around, perhaps the most sensational and dam­ Roll Call reported, ''.After the House failed to of the most compelling politi­ aging problem for President Clinton could come pass a motion to adjourn at around 7:30 p.m. cal dramas HPR has ever seen in the John Huang/Charlie Trie political fund­ Thursday, a frustrated Burton stormed off the and one that Statehouse raising efforts and the parade of contributors floor and into the Speaker's lobby, threw his junkies will be talking about who were entertained and slept at 1600 Penn­ hands up in the air, and declared, 'We're never for years. sylvania Ave.Burton has hinted in past inter­ going to get out of here. We're going to die in ••• views that national security may have been · this place."' compromised. Roll Call noted that the House finally U.S. Rep.Steve Buyer and Williams said the final White House adjourned at 12:07 p.m. Friday. three colleagues introduced documents will be turned over by June 13, with the Agriculture Transportation the exception of"privileged"documents that Relief Act. Buyer describes it as will be released on a weekly basis thereafter. Continued on page 3 Among the documents uncovered thus Page 3 of B Friday.June 6, 1997

Price enters Senate race; HQ RSE R A C E TICKER Hasler out in 8th CD T A P E TRENDLINE: Two 1998 races that we thought a month ago would have been deci­ sively defined - the Democratic 8th CD race and the Republican U.S. Senate - now stand mud­ a major legislative Initiative. dled. State Rep. Brian Hasler withdrew from the 8th CD race, and Hamilton County attorney The Issue arose In 1996 when John R. Price jumped into the Senate race. the U.S. Department of Transport~tion proposed a rule that would supersede each • 1998 Republican Senate: Price••• faces huge odds in getting competitive in the and every state exemption Senate derby. His biggest claim to fame was taking on WFBQ's Bob & Tom Show over what he granted to·the agriculture called indecent broadcasting content Price promises that his formal announcement "will be a industry of transporting farm high-tech, precedent-setting event which will be made available to all Hoosiers?' products. Indiana has granted Washington political analyst Stuart Rothenberg is calling Indianapolis attorney Peter exemptions to retailers and Rusthoven the front-runner. If it becomes a Rusthoven-Price race, Horse Race would have to farmers for transporting crops. agree. In fact, Price's entry into the race would be good for Rusthoven because it would keep Indiana's lackadaisical news media engaged in the race through the primary and probably U.S.Sen.Dan Coats Is sponsor­ wouldn't put much of a damper on his PAC money. ing legislation that would Still in the wings is Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke, who has spent time in prompt television networks Washington and is still contemplating a run. But that more time passes, the harder that will and stations to rate programs get.Allen County GOP Chairman Steve Shine is frosty toward a Helmke run. Rusthoven is for profanity. pulling out key 4th CD endorsements, including Helmke Republican nemesises Rep.Bob Alderman and Sen.David well as 1996 LG nominee George Witwer. Former Gov. Otis "Doc" Bowen A three-way race would make things more complicated for the Rusthoven game plan. had a cancerous kidney In fact, Price's presence could give Helmke an opening to get competitive, if he can raise removed.He was released money.As stated before, Horse Race would love to see a poll. But IU's Brian Vargus is not so from the hospital on June 5. inclined. 8th CD Democrats: Hasler's withdrawal was both a surprise and a jolt The south­ U.S.Rep.Mark Souder has western wing of the party had coalesced around him. Labor was gearing up to pour in joined U.S.Sen.Rfchard Lugar resources. U.S. Rep. John Hostettler still seems vulnerable with a 3,500 vote win in 1996. But in an effort to expand estate Hasler insisted he likes his work in the Indiana General Assembly. tax exemptions for farmers More troubling for Democrats is that the scandal storm clouds gathering around the and small businesses."lt's time Clinton White House are sending a foreboding signal that '98 might not be the best year to we dedared 'No taxation with­ run, particularly in Indiana. out respiration,msouder If not Hasler, then who? dedared."The death tax Is The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sought out State Rep. Dave often the last straw for Crooks, a native of Sullivan County, a former resident of Lawrence County (where he owns a Americans trying to maintain radio station) and a current resident of Davies County. That's the middle section of the district a family farm or other small where Hostettler has done well and the DCCC believed that Crooks could cut into Republican business." margins there. But Crooks will not run. He told HPR, "It's too much to be putting on my wife and Rep.Souder has urged children at this time. Legislature has been enough stress on my family at this point. But I won't President ainton to reconsider rule out a future bid:' Massachusetts Gov. William Another name is freshman State Rep. Russ Stilwell, who could garner big labor sup­ Weld as his choice for ambas­ port, has grown children and comes from the Democratic stronghold of Warrick County.But sador to Mexico.Both Souder he was trying to talk Crooks into running. and Weld are Republicans. The most likely nominee will be Jonathon Weinzapfel, who ran the close race in 1996. "Given Mexico's difficulty in And Weinzapfel will have plenty of time to decide whether to make the second plunge. controlling narcotics trafflck- continued on page 5 Page4 of 8 Friday, June 6, 1997 Gov. O'Bannon states everybody wins as events come together in May INDIANAPOLIS - It was an incredible we got a budget, all other things were secondary. ending to the l lOth session of the Indiana There wasn't much objection.I was looking at GeneralAssembly.And,as Gov.Frank O'Bannon the people involved, people who had certain explained to HPR in his office, the ultimate interests in the budget, and to see how I could compromise on the arenas, inheritance taxes bring that together. I waited for the legislative and worker's comp all came about by accident. leaders to come together for an agreement. That HPR HPR: When we look back on the end of was not happening at all. I set June 2 so they INTERVIEW May 1997, it will be viewed as one of the most would have at least 30 days. After seeing that decisive periods in modern Indiana government and talking with the leaders, my experience as a history. How did the five-bill package come legislator and knowing when people will and about? won't talk, I decided to call them back to get O'Bannon: It all started probably on them together so they could at least start nego­ " As soon as it April 28 when Democrats finally put a budget tiating so we could get a budget passed. together that the conferees had worked on. Worker's comp and the inheritance tax were dis­ happened, I told Watching it go into that final night on April 29 cussed a lot and we were asked, could they be my staff who was when it was a good budget and in good shape, it added to the budget, along with the Pacer bill in here with me got hung up 50/50 in the House. and the convention center would be a part of it at the time, 'You HPR: And your reaction was? too .At the time I talked to Paul Mannweiler at O'Bannon: My reaction at that time was 5:30 that evening the budget did pass, I had told know, Paul's surprise. I thought we had put together a good him I had been informed by House Democrats going to have to deal in almost all respects, and then to find out that worker's comp and the inheritance tax was walk.' He had to that politics was really put over the people off the table. I had told all the people interested, take his caucus because it was so much anger at that time. They 'Don't put them on the budget.' I told Paul that. didn't know if they came here to cut taxes or So then they went through the process and then out because that came here to cut spending, or they came here the Democrats came up with the amendments was a real stun- and were ignored or they came here to set the after the budget passed.Listening in this room, ner.... " Democrats up so they could beat them in '98, we were very surprised by that. Bob Kovatch which the Democrats had done two years was up there and couldn't get a copy of any - Gov. O'Bannon before. It becomes more of a game - I'm getting amendment. you on the vote so I can get you on the election HPR: Kovatch didn't know? next year. Some of the people who voted against O'Bannon: (Chuckling) That's right.And the budget on the Republican side were threat­ you know Robert,he's going to find out what's, ened with primary opposition; politically break­ going on.As soon as it happened, I told my staff ing their legs. who was in. here with me at the time, "You HPR: Did you get angry? know, Paul's going to have to walk?'He had to O'Bannon: I think I was angry after that take his caucus out because that was a real happened. It took awhile to sort out the person­ stunner. From that point forward, there was no alities as to why that happened. Then the next speaking among leadership.No one would initi­ step I took was to veto the Marion County legis­ ate it. They didn't trust the other one. That's lation. It had nothing to do with Mayor Gold­ when I decided I'll bring 'em back and say, smith at all. In fact, I called him and told him I "Here's a package." I decided what the package was doing it, but that I would fight for it because was on Race Day, that Sunday. it was good for Marion County if I could get a HPR: So, unbeknown to you, House budget. Democrats basically came up with the counter­ HPR: What was the reaction to that in weight to the arena bills? the GOP caucus. O'Bannon: That's right. I had the whole O'Bannon: Most people agreed that until focus on the budget. We got the budget. They Page 5 of 8 Friday, June 6, 1997 had been talking about worke'rs comp and the governor, I would need to move these bills and inheritance tax. But they just weren't going to he would help in any way he could with Marion pass the Senate. We just knew that wouldn't County legislators. There's an animosity outside happen.It surprised me they brought it up later of Marion County that Indianapolis gets too TICKER that evening. That caused so much anger and many things. T A P E mistrust. HPR: Did Goldsmith indicate that this HPR: I thought calling them into session would be a tough nut to crack? ing across Its borders, we without a deal was a big gambit. Did you see it O'Bannon: (laughs) That's right.I didn't strongly believe that sending that way going in? know what his relationship was through the an ambassador who apparent­ O'Bannon: What it was like was when I political process with his legislators, or with ly disgrees with the United held the machine open for two days when there other legislators around the state. But he States government on this was only two weeks to go before we shut down pledged to move forward and help as much as important Issue and endorses government in 1993. The reason you do it is he could. He spent time being visible.And I the use of an illegal drug ... you've got to shock the·people back into negoti­ can't give enough credit to Joe Loftus, who used undermines American efforts." ating; shock the people into getting the work to work with Goldsmith, and Pat Kiely, who done. They had stopped talking and it looked knew all the issues. I also typed up a statement Gov.Frank O'Bannon had kind like they were going to stall the thing out and on my computer at home to give to each legisla­ words for his top sidekick, Lt. shut down the government. tor coming back, so I set up the bills, set up the Gov., for his work­ HPR: People didn't expect that out of process and then I decided, something has got ing during the legislative spe­ you, up until this point. to hold this together. That's when I said they all dal session. "He was a big part O'Bannon: Well, you know my style of had to go or none of them would, or I would in moving this all along that leadership and my legislative experience is to veto. The glue that held everything together was last day," O'Bannon said in his know the people and know the policies involved the publicly announced plan, the promise I Thursday HPR lnterview."He and to try to put those together to make some made about the trust factor. played a big part. Itold him, sense. Then as I worked at it over the weekend, I HPR: Did you and the mayor get togeth­ 'Either this will work and it decided what the five bills would be and they er and coordinate strategy? will be good for Indiana or it were the Pacers bill, innkeepers bill, worker's O'Bannon: No. It wasn't that. It was just a will fail and we11 have several comp bill and inheritance tax bill and unem­ concern for the bills and I had said we need to more days to look at the spe­ ployment insurance bill. It gave a $50 million have as many people talking to legislators as we dal session. We did what we break to businesses. I added that to the package can. When it finally got out, everything was in thought was right." in case they wanted to throw something off. pretty good shape except worker's comp. I set HPR: I'm utterly intrigued by how you my levels as best I could and tried to get sup­ Hoosier labor leaders gathered and Mayor Goldsmith worked the ol' fullcourt port and then the pressure came, really, from in O'Bannon's office on press. How did that come about, particularly the business sector, with Mayor Goldsmith talk­ Thursday to watch him sign after his PEP Boys salvo he fired at you? ing with the Republican Senate and Joe the worker's compensation O'Bannon: My relationship with him has Harrison in particular, and the IMA and the law. O'Bannon told the story of always been businesslike. I haven't felt any ani­ Chamber to support this. The mayor was work­ Dan Ocatko of Huntington mosity. It didn't influence me that he had been ing on it; John Mutz was working on it; Randall who, with two arm prostheses, my opponent in the election. You get past that Tobias was working on it. They worked to say came to lobby the legislature very quickly and need to, or you can't govern. that a 9-percent increase in premiums on work­ and asked to see the governor Even the veto of the innkeepers tax was not er's compensation, but they would still be pay­ last winter. "I came to see Gov. _aimed at the mayor or Larry Borst and I called ing 9 percent less they were three years ago and O'Bannon and ask him how I them. that had to be a fair deal. That finally carried was to pay for them, "he said HPR: What kind of dialogue did the two the day with strong leadership from Bob Garton of his worn out prostheses of you have going into May 27? Did you get on in the last three or four hours. that cost thousands of dollars. the phone and say, "We're gonna need help:' HPR: What prompted you to go before "He said he had no answer.A O'Bannon: That's right. I said we're going the House Republican caucus? And what was couple of months later, he got to need help to suspend the rules from the the reaction? I've got to hear about this! back to me with an answer." House Republicans who had voted in a bloc for O'Bannon: It was a great experience. The The worker's comp bill guaran- political purposes and I was certainly going to night before I typed a note and printed it out at need that help. He also talked to me and said as the house to each of the caucus leaders suggest- continued on page 6 continued on page 8 \ :- \

Friday, June 6, 1997 Page 6 of 8 TICKER COLUMNIST_S_o_N _1 _N0_1 ~AN_A T A p E Brian Howey, HPR - When the dust settled, Bill Benner, Indianapolis Star/News - There O'Bannon got an 18 percent worker's compensa­ comes a time when you have to take a man at tion increase spread over three years as well as his word. This past week, Jim Irsay went to tees lifetime replac(lments for hiking one-time awards for permanent injury, extraordinary lengths to give us his. So it's prostheses. and an increase in the maximum weekly unem­ either part of one of the most elaborate ruses in ployment insurance benefits from $217 to $252. sports history. Or he really, really, really means Chuck Deppart of the Indiana Both these issues will play well with traditional it. The Colts president and owner took out a Afl-CIO tells HPR he and other Democratic constituencies, many who felt they full-page advertisement in The Indianapolis labor leaders pressed House were abandoned or had to "carry the water"for Star/News, then appeared on local radio to Democrats for the worker's the cautious Gov. during the previous emphasize his determination to maintain his comp bill."We were coming eight years. Republicans got an elimination of National Football League franchise here. He out of this session with noth­ the state inheritance tax on estates valued at spoke directly to fans.And, in the instance of ing," Deppart said."We were less than $100,000 passed along to family mem­ Sports Daily on WNDE-AM,he spoke directly to losing our momentum from bers, as well as help for the Pacers and Colts. me. Irsay insisted he has not talked with any the building trades rally of Most significantly, O'Bannon has built the foun­ other city about moving the Colts, nor have any 1995."He and labor leaders dation for the rest of his governorship as a risk­ of his representatives. He said anyone under his such as Ben Ramsey, Cordelia taker who chooses his battles wisely and, when jurisdiction caught doing so will be fired on the Lewis,Jerry Payne and Bill it counts, fights them well. It's a picture reminis­ spot. Our fellow Hoosier has given us his word. Livvix were on hand for the cent of another kindly governor - Doc Bowen - And we should take it, even if we can't ultimate­ bill signing and gave who had the ability to cut deals with savage wit ly hold him to it. O'Bannon an emotional and an audacious clarity of will. Old-timers will • applause afterward. tell you that those who got in Doc's way could Jack Colwell, South Bend Tribune - Senate be cut so concisely that they wouldn't even feel Fiance Chairman Larry Bors~ paid a high com­ Jim McKinney of the Shelby­ the wound until long after the battlefield smoke pliment to the Democratic governor for pushing ville News notes that U.S. Rep. had disappeared over the horizon. The perils for through the package."He (O'Bannon) was the David Mcintosh's upcoming O'Bannon center around the fact that the only one of everybody on this planet that could jobs fair is the first"any politi­ Republicans will soon feel their pain. have done it~ Borst said.Maybe so. With the cal writer in the district can legislators all so mad at each other, they seemed recall to be organized and Mary Beth Schneider, Indianapolis Star - incapable of putting together a package. State hosted by a congressman."lt Leadership is a quality so rare anymore that Rep. Pat Bauer, who often has engaged in tough will take place at the National when you see it, it can take your breath away. We negotiations with Borst over a state budget, was Guard Armory in Muncie on saw it last week in Gov. Frank O'Bannon. He cre­ as pleased as Borst with the outcome of the ses­ July 14.As McKinney wrote, ated a package of five bills - help for the arena, sion. "This budget is one of the best ever '1he district is unusual in that the convention center and injured workers, passed;' said Bauer. the northern end -Muncie, along with unemployment compensation and Portland, New Castle specifi­ inheritance tax relief. He did what the legisla­ dally - is losing jobs but the Stuart Rothenberg, CNN All Politics - ture wouldn't by writing compromise language southern end -Shelbyville, (Evan) Bayh begins with strong statewide iden­ on worker's compensation.And he gave them an Greensburg and Columbus - tification, a good image and good poll numbers. ultimatum: Pass it all or lose it all. "The gover­ has an abundance of jobs and The Republicans face a competitive primary nor literally took a bucket of lemons and tur,ned needs workers.Mike Dellinger and can't guarantee that their nominee will have it into lemonade for everybodf,' (House Speaker of the Shelby County Chamber the money or message needed to beat the for­ John) Gregg said. The Statehouse and the state of Commerce said his organi­ mer governor.And that's why Democrats believe are hungering for leadership, and O'Bannon zation will set up at the that they have a good chance of picking up this filled the void. Now that we have seen it, we Muncie fair in an effort to seat next year. want more. attact workers."lt shows that continued on page 7 Page 7 of 8 Friday.June 6, 1997

PERHAPS ... WE WANDER By Brian Howey TICKER A bomb in Oklahoma City; one day witness the "destruction of an T A P E American city" at the hands of terrorists. a trial in Denver; and a In that context, the Indiana Statehouse worry here in Indianapolis s~ems to stand proud behind the striking he has a great concern about the work force within his dis· INDIANAPOLIS -A friend of mine who statute of Gov. Oliver P. Morton, and very vul­ trict," Dellinger said of Mcin­ hadn't been at the Indiana Statehouse since he nerable. tosh. was in junior high school spent a recent day Consider other government buildings. wandering around one of the most extraordi­ The federal building in downtown Indianapolis Gary Hofmeister's 10th CD nary buildings we have. is void of parking at its curbs.Security is con­ spicuous and tight. Some Indiana city halls and Republican campaign released He commented on the beautiful parts of a TeleResearch Poll stonework, the huge columns and pillars, the court buildings have metal detectors at their that showed the Indianapolis ornate light fixtures and deep, dark woodwork. entrances. Others have police officers and secu­ jeweler with a"familiarity rat­ Later that night, we stood on the south lawn, rity personnel posted near entryways.At the ing of 68 percent. "Hofmeister staring up at the gilded eagle, wings spread at Statehouse, Capitol Police have a desk at the is a familiar voice and face for the top of the building with the dome glowing north entrance and conduct regular walking his T\t, radio and billboard as backlight,ju,st above the statutes of pioneers, patrols. Often visitors and employees see Cap­ advertising. "It is very clear that Native Americans, settlers and farmers. itol Police cars parked between the two govern­ he has the initial numbers to be The other thing mentioned was the ease ment center buildings and the Statehouse. very competitive in the of access to the building. Virtually any Hoosier But that's about it Anyone with a Republican primary," said Jeff can walk right into the building and go about grudge or a radical point of view could accom­ Lewis ofTeleResearch. anywhere. My friend found himself standing in plish the most horrific of deeds. It is in the an empty Supreme Court room while a dark back of minds of most who regularly work the Rock 'n roll star John Fogerty, thought crossed his mind.Anyone could have Statehouse. who recorded one of the best placed a small package right underneath the Thus, there's a dilemma. Should securi­ political songs, "Fortunate Chief Justice's desk that commands the court ty be beefed up to help prevent a nightmare One,"with Credence Oear­ People walk into the Statehouse with all that might not ever occur? Or do we treat the water Revival is planning to sorts of packages, briefcases, phone pouches Statehouse as Indiana's citadel of freedom; a move his family to the South and shopping bags. building of total access? Bend/Elkhart area. He and his So perhaps there were similar thoughts It's a mental dilemma for anyone who wife,Julie Kramer, a South of those who walked into the Statehouse on works or visits the building and appreciates the Bend native, were married In June 3, and saw the dark headline on the front notion that any man, woman and child can Elkhart in 1991. page of the Indianapolis Star. GUILTY! breeze into the building and find themselves a It was, of course, coverage of the few yards from the governor just by walking · St.Joseph County Prosecutor Timothy McVeigh trial in Denver, where he was past his office. Mike Barnes announced plans found guilty on 11 counts in connection with Kim Greco, secretary for U.S. Magistrate to charge people arrested for the April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City federal Theresa Springmann at the Hammond federal DUI while transporting their building bombing. courthouse, told the Munster Times that all children could face child That day is etched in most Americans' employees at that building were aware of the neglect charges."lf we're going minds. For many in Indiana's political estab­ McVeigh verdict the other day. She praised U.S. to be pro-active with regard to lishment, that tragedy was even more striking. marshals and court security officers "for keep­ children, then It should lndude It came just as Sen. Richard Lugar was about to ing everyone safety-conscious." any situation In which children kick off his presidential campaign at City That may be the key at the Statehouse. are endangered," Barnes said. Market. Many of us present that day literally Perhaps the emphasis should be that all who ran from that rally to catch a glimpse on TV of love the building keep an eye open for the While 1996 vice presidential what had happened in the southwest. Later, strange and unexplained, and more direct nominee Jack Kemp addressed Lugar himself predicted that Americans would phone lines to Capitol Police. continued on page B ' .. '•

Page 8 of 8 Friday, June 6, 1997 HPR Interview, from pages "Well, how can we trust people on the other side?" I said, "I'll tell ya, you can trust me TICKER ing that I would be available to talk to their cau­ because I'll veto it. That's the thing that can hold cus to explain the bill, talk about the process this together:' And I said it publicly. Later on, T A P E and to give my word that nothing would become the Indianapolis Star said, "We don't know if law in this session unless all five passed. I sent it he's bluffing'' and that really upset me, because 1,200 Hoosier Republicans last to all of them early Tuesday morning. Paul then I would have been lying. I meant every weekend, former Vice Presi­ Mannweiler called me and asked if I would word I said otherwise I wouldn't have said it in dent Dan Quayle was doing come to their caucus. I didn't want to go into the first place.It wasn't dictatorial because I told the same in Dallas, Texas, their caucus room so I invited them up to my the leaders that they could change the package home turf for another poten­ office. He said, "It's a lot easier if you came up anyway they wanted. I'm not a legislator so I tial presidential contender, here because everyone is seated:' So I went up to can't legislate and I'm not a dictator. Gov.George W.Bush,Jr. the old Senate Finance Room where I used to sit HPR: How do you believe history will Sources tell HPR the nearly in that chairman's chair where I hadn't been view this period? 500 Republicans gathered back since and I just went through the process.I O'Bannon: As I've said all along, you've there g~ve the former Indiana told them, "We need to put behind us every­ got to put families first. We certainly saw that senator three standing ova­ thing that's happened before:' I said I knew with people needing to replace their prosthetic tions, including when he everyone was angry, upset and mistrustful, but devices. We can see that with the family farmer, entered the dinner and as he here was what I proposed to get everyone out in who will be passing the homestead to his sons. was leaving. one day. I said "Everyone's a winner who comes Unemployed will receive higher benefits. out of this:'We could have higher worker's comp Businesses will save $54 million.And there will Columbia City jeweler Mary benefits and still pay less than we were three be new arena and hotel construction. By the Blandford has announced she years ago. time you put all of that together, I can't see any will run against State Rep. Dan HPR: When you left that room, did you losers in it. There might be some hurt feelings. Stephan in the '98 GOP prima­ know you had a deal? Overall, I think families won. ry. O'Bannon: No. I heard somebody say,

Tl-IE r..: .• ~ HOWEY' POLITICAL REPORT The Weekly Briefing On Indiana Politics 2625 N. Meridian St. Suite 1125 Indianapolis, IN 46208