Friday.June 6, 1997 • Volume 3, Number 31 Page 1of8 A memorable week THE in Hoosier histo.ry .... ~ Gov.O'Bannon,Mayor Goldsmith come through INDIANAPOLIS - Hoosier historirans may look back on May HOWEY 27, 1997, as a decisive day in the state's history. If you include that entire final week, that short flicker of time will continually be recall- ed in countless future stories. · '3 POLITICAL May 27 was the day the Indiana General Assembly recon- . vened in special session. It was a day that might even have ·drawn the awe of the late-Bill Schreiber. The great Democratic strategist would have seen Gov.Frank O'Bannon and Mayor Stephen Goldsmith (see ·REPORT the HPR Interview, pages 4-5 and 8) working'hi:.tandein for deals that could keep the Indiana Pacers and the 1nw,~apolis Colts from 1 The Weekly Briefing On Indiana Politics moving elsewhere. " •· .... €-~ · There was Colts owner fun Irsay's full-page ·ad in the Indiana­ The Howey Political Report is published 40 times a year by polis Star/News that day that teemed with promising t~ about NewsLink, Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is work-ing out a deal.Irsay gave his word he was not bargkning with if,, an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political other NFL city wannabees. process in Indiana. It neither endorses candidates nor advocates positions of public policy. The remarkable week brought·about a raise by 18 percent in a huge DemocratJc gamble over ~orker.'.s...c.o.mpensation benefits.-·· Brian A. Howey Senate President Pro Tern Robert Garton broke for the deal, leaving editor and publisher an Sen.Joseph Harrison to complain about this manufacturing state's The Howey Political Report Office: 317-926-1433 still bottom of the barrel ranking in help for injured workers. 2625 N.Meridian St., Suite 1125 Fax: 317-254-2405 That next Saturday, the NCAA announced that it is settling in Indianapolis, IN 46208 [email protected] the White River State Park just off Downtown Indianapolis. Daytime number: 317-254-2400,Ext.273 A few days later, Lilly Endowment broke the news that it is NewsLink Home Page: http://www.inoffice.com/hpr pitching in $30 million for RCA Dome/Convention Center improve­ ments vital to keeping the Colts here. Subscription information: $250 annually for 40 What's it all mean? editions via fax or first class mail. Call 317-926-1433. Most critically, Indiana's stature in the eyes of the nation and © 1997, The Howey Political Report. All rights reserved. its people not only dodged a potentially huge hit, but actually grew. Photocopying, faxing or reprodudng in any form, in who/~ or in From a psychological standpoin~ as we head into the next century, part, is a violation offederal law and is ~prohibited without consent of the publisher. Indiana stands poised as a thriving manfacturing center with better protected workers and maintaining itself as a sports center. ccQUOTE"OF THE WEEK INSIDE F E A T U R E S "He was the only one of everybody on this planet that • Play of the Week: The Gov and the mayor page2 could have done it. ...111 • Horse Race: Hasler out; Price in page3 - Sen. Larry Borst, to reporters, on Gov. Frank • HPR Interview: Gov. Frank O'Bannon pages4-5 • Columnists: Colwell, Schneider, Benner page6 O'Bannon drMng through the flve-blll package f r • Perhaps We Wander: Statehouse security page7 sports arenas and w rker's comp. Page 2 of 8 l~i~ l~ OOTRAGEOUS. 11fE~ HAVE i NER~;Jf'~n 1't·HR CHAR&E aMLEP. 8UW' rv,... ASiM~LfMONE~ TRAtJSAeTION/ • ~M w~mNa M~ ATM f CONGRESSMAN.1 flL TAKE 1tf iS To 11fE SUPREME COU(J.:rl TICKER Burton staffer suggests that national security T A breech may be uncovered by House Oversight WASHINGTON - Twenty-seven U.S. far by Oversight staffers are Huang's resume, House Oversight Committee staffers are cur­ Trie's Little Rock, Ark., Chinese restaurant menu PLAY OF THE WEEK: Goy. Frank rently pouring over 300,000 White House docu­ and a White House beer blast invitation to O'Bannon and Mayor Stephen ments and planning to depose 100 people. Congressional staffers. Goldsmith for putting aside What will this committee chaired by U.S. Meanwhile, Burton appears to have trad­ their differences and putting Rep. Dan Burton find? "I think there was a dis­ ed places with Tennessee Sen. Fred ,Thompson, the heat on the legislature to tinct possibility that national security may have who is currently embroiled in a dispute with get the five-bill arena/comp been compromised:' said John Williams, press Democratic Sen.John Glenn over Senate com­ bill passed. It was an auda­ spokesman for the Indiana congressman. mittee activities.In the past two months,Burton dous, commanding move by "There are real questions right now about critics have pointed at Thompson's committee O'Bannon when the legislative whether national security favors were sold for as more prudent in its approach to the cam­ process deteriorated.But it campaign contributions:• paign fund-raising scandal. might not have happened had For a White House with controversies Roll Call suggested in its May 26 edition Mayor Goldsmith not joined such as Paula Jones and Whitewater swirling that "the pressure is getting to ... Burton:' As the full-court press. It was one around, perhaps the most sensational and dam­ Roll Call reported, ''.After the House failed to of the most compelling politi­ aging problem for President Clinton could come pass a motion to adjourn at around 7:30 p.m. cal dramas HPR has ever seen in the John Huang/Charlie Trie political fund­ Thursday, a frustrated Burton stormed off the and one that Statehouse raising efforts and the parade of contributors floor and into the Speaker's lobby, threw his junkies will be talking about who were entertained and slept at 1600 Penn­ hands up in the air, and declared, 'We're never for years. sylvania Ave.Burton has hinted in past inter­ going to get out of here. We're going to die in ••• views that national security may have been · this place."' compromised. Roll Call noted that the House finally U.S. Rep.Steve Buyer and Williams said the final White House adjourned at 12:07 p.m. Friday. three colleagues introduced documents will be turned over by June 13, with the Agriculture Transportation the exception of"privileged"documents that Relief Act. Buyer describes it as will be released on a weekly basis thereafter. Continued on page 3 Among the documents uncovered thus Page 3 of B Friday.June 6, 1997 Price enters Senate race; HQ RSE R A C E TICKER Hasler out in 8th CD T A P E TRENDLINE: Two 1998 races that we thought a month ago would have been deci­ sively defined - the Democratic 8th CD race and the Republican U.S. Senate - now stand mud­ a major legislative Initiative. dled. State Rep. Brian Hasler withdrew from the 8th CD race, and Hamilton County attorney The Issue arose In 1996 when John R. Price jumped into the Senate race. the U.S. Department of Transport~tion proposed a rule that would supersede each • 1998 Republican Senate: Price••• faces huge odds in getting competitive in the and every state exemption Senate derby. His biggest claim to fame was taking on WFBQ's Bob & Tom Show over what he granted to·the agriculture called indecent broadcasting content Price promises that his formal announcement "will be a industry of transporting farm high-tech, precedent-setting event which will be made available to all Hoosiers?' products. Indiana has granted Washington political analyst Stuart Rothenberg is calling Indianapolis attorney Peter exemptions to retailers and Rusthoven the front-runner. If it becomes a Rusthoven-Price race, Horse Race would have to farmers for transporting crops. agree. In fact, Price's entry into the race would be good for Rusthoven because it would keep Indiana's lackadaisical news media engaged in the race through the primary and probably U.S.Sen.Dan Coats Is sponsor­ wouldn't put much of a damper on his PAC money. ing legislation that would Still in the wings is Fort Wayne Mayor Paul Helmke, who has spent time in prompt television networks Washington and is still contemplating a run. But that more time passes, the harder that will and stations to rate programs get.Allen County GOP Chairman Steve Shine is frosty toward a Helmke run. Rusthoven is for profanity. pulling out key 4th CD endorsements, including Helmke Republican nemesises Rep.Bob Alderman and Sen.David Long.as well as 1996 LG nominee George Witwer. Former Gov. Otis "Doc" Bowen A three-way race would make things more complicated for the Rusthoven game plan. had a cancerous kidney In fact, Price's presence could give Helmke an opening to get competitive, if he can raise removed.He was released money.As stated before, Horse Race would love to see a poll. But IU's Brian Vargus is not so from the hospital on June 5. inclined. 8th CD Democrats: Hasler's withdrawal was both a surprise and a jolt The south­ U.S.Rep.Mark Souder has western wing of the party had coalesced around him. Labor was gearing up to pour in joined U.S.Sen.Rfchard Lugar resources. U.S. Rep. John Hostettler still seems vulnerable with a 3,500 vote win in 1996. But in an effort to expand estate Hasler insisted he likes his work in the Indiana General Assembly. tax exemptions for farmers More troubling for Democrats is that the scandal storm clouds gathering around the and small businesses."lt's time Clinton White House are sending a foreboding signal that '98 might not be the best year to we dedared 'No taxation with­ run, particularly in Indiana.
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