FINAL REPORT The Integra Foundation - "Coping with Corruption ToolKit" Promoting Islands of Integrity: Measuring and encouraging the ability of Slovak SME's to resist corruption and do ethical business Bratislava, August 3 1, 2000 Award number: 193-A-00-99-00104-00 (previous award number: 193-0020-G-00-9104-00) Prepared by: Monika Benfoddova Allan Bussard The Integra Foundation MiSikova 28/B 81 1 06 Bratislava SLOVAKIA phone: +421 (07) 52444246-7 fax: +42 1 (07) 52494 184 e-mail:
[email protected] web: Project Activities from October 1,1999 to May 31,2000 1. Key parameters determination Based on consultation with specialist In discussion with the local branch of Transparency International (TI) In discussion with David Murray of Transparency International UK. In discussion with representatives of the Association of MicroFinance Institutions of Slovakia. (AMIS) and on the basis of specialized studies related to the theme of corruption we determinated 24 key parameters which were tracked in the course of the project. These were anticipated to revolve around the common issues of bribery, kickbacks, extortion, nepotism, influence peddling, collusion, etc. 2. Client Survey creation On the basis of the parameters determined above we compiled a questionaire. The survey contains 43 questions which can be divided into the following parts: personal attitude to corruption practices 0 practice / reality that entrepreneurs meet potential solutions to these problems This survey was created in order to determine the primary environmental issues - legislative, judicial, economic, social - that impact ethical business behavior in Slovakia and find out some possible methods which Slovak SME's can use to avoid corruption practices.