Supersymmetry in Hadron Spectroscopy and Solitons in 2 Dimensional Fermionic Media Sadataka Furui (Formerly) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University;
[email protected] (Dated: November 9, 2020) An overview of hadron spectroscopy obtained from an extension of superconformal field theory of de Alfaro, Fubini and Furlan, which originates from the supergauge transformation of Wess and Zumino and influenced on the string theory are preseted. The standard model of hadron dynamics is based on gauge theory. In the 4 dimensional (4D) QCD Lagrangian, the Faddeev-Popov ghost that appears to compensate unphysical degrees of freedom in internal fermion propagators can be regarded as the partner of a fermion. Donaldson formulated a 5D gauge theory. Fubini and Rabinovici formulated superconformal quantum mechanics in de Sitter space, and Brodsky and de T´eramond formulated relativistic light front holographic QCD (LFHQCD) in Kaluza-Klein type 5D anti de Sitter (AdS) space, using Dirac’s light cone gauge, and succeeded in obtaining spectroscopy of baryons (fermions) and corresponding mesons (bosons), except the pion which is an axial scalar meson that remains massless. In the LFHQCD, the time parameter τ = t z/c, (z C) appears by the choice of the light-cone gauge, or the front form of Dirac’s formulation.± The theory∈ is an extension of AdS/CFT correspo- dence of Maldacena in which incorporation of Einstein’s gravity theory in Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory was tried in the framework of the string theory. Taking mathematical frameworks of treating the supersymmetry by Brodsky, Witten, Connes and their collaborators as central thema, we summarize other supersymmetric approaches like string theory in particle physics and astrophysics.