47 TRACK MEN will compete in BROADCAST that the Bison rifle intra-mural meet on Dacotah team has won the field Saturday. See page 3. THE SPECTRUM championship.

VOLUME XLIII. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1928 NUMBER 46 Rifle Team Wins Corps Area Title Madelyn Parrott North Dakota State Will Graduate Bison Marksmen And John Bohlig Puncture Targets 160 At 34th Annual Commencement . F or Championship Are Outstanding President Coulter To Deliver Calholic Students Club Address; Class Play Cast Is Kappa Tau Delta Honors "Romeo and Juliet" Given Great Alf Skaret, Donald Best Curtis Ballard Is High Man On To Hold Meeting Tonight Chosen; Francis Blair Will Production By Edwin Booth State Squad; Ranks Among Give Baccalaureate Sermon. Dramatic Club Monseigneur Baker of Valley Kappa Tau Delta, honorary First In Area City will be the speaker at the architectural fraternity, announ- last regular meeting of the Approximately 160 students ces the initiation of Alf Skaret Madelyn Parrott as "Juliet," will reveive degrees this spring Shooting a high total of 7,620 Catholic Students' club which will and Donald Best, both of Fargo. _ out of a possible 8,000 points, and John Bohlig as "Romeo" be held in the Knights of Colum- from the North Dakota State The formal initiation was held played superb roles in Shakes- bus hall Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. college, it was announced Satur- Sunday morning at 7 o'clock aft- the Bison indoor rifle team won Plans for the party which will be day by college officials, when er which a breakfast was served first place among the teams of peare's famous love story pre- plans for the 34th annual com- sented Saturday and Monday held Friday evening will be com- at the Bluebird cafe. Mr. Skaret the Seventh Corps area entered pleted at the meeting and as this mencement were made public. is a membet-of Alpha Sigma Tau evenings in the Little Country in the senior division of the Na- is the last and therefore one of The commencement program will fraternity, and played a guard tional Intercollegiate galler y theatre by the Edwin Booth the most important meetings of position on the Bison football begin Friday, June 8, and continue matches, according to word re- Dramatic club. the year. Every member is re- through Monday, June 11. team last fall. Mr. Best is a quested to be present, according ceived __Saturday __b y __Captain Dr. John Lee Coulter, president of member of Delta Pi fraternity. The two leading characters who to the president, Frank Hannaher. Thomas S. Smith, commandant. were picked by representative college the college, will give the commence- men and women stood head and ment address._ Francis Blair, state May Festival Plans It is expected that the results of all shoulders above the others in an ex- 150 Couples Attend superintendent of public _ instruction entrants in the United States will be cellent portrayal of the Shakespeare- of the state of Illinois, former presi- Nearing Completion published within a short time, Cap- an drama. That the lovers justified Junior Prom Friday dent of the National Education asso- tain Smith said. The states of North the honor bestowed upon them by the ciation, and one of the most widely and South Dakota, , , student critics was clearly shown in known educators today, will give the Prizes Will Tempt High School , Missouri and Nebraska com- the outstanding manner in which the Perpetual Calendars Given As baccalaureate sermon. Other activi- Students In Contests To prise the Seventh Corps area. two enacted their difficult parts. Favors At Outstanding ties will include the class play, class Be Held Here To win from all colleges in the area Miss Parrott, a newcomer to the Social Event exercises, alumni banquet, ceremonial, is in itself- no small honor, the com- Little Country theatre stage, display- business meeting, president's recep- A May Festival of interest to every mandant da, -:lared. ."North Dakota tion, senior swing out and alumni ball, State will rank very close to the top ed an expression and a gracefulness Perpetual calendars in hammered high school student in North Dakota commencement concert and luncheon. of the national standings, since in the which would draw forth the envy of brass were presented as favors at and Western Minnesota is the idea past three years the team winning the professionals. She fitted the part the Junior Prom of the North Dakota Play To Be Presented around which plans are being laid for Seventh Corps area cup also won the exactly, and the scenes in which she State college held Friday night in the "The Imaginary Invalid," a comedy this year's festivities. Three days, national title," he stated. Minnesota took part were as outstanding indi- Crystal ballr000m and attended by 150 in three acts, by Moliere, will be pre- May 10, 11, and 12, have been set aside won the cup in 1925, and Missouri in vidually as the entire play itself. Her couples. sented as the senior class play at 8:15 for the gala occasion by the college 1926 and 1927. Had the Missourians lines were so well in hand that it was The. ballroom was entered under p.m. Friday, June 8, in the Little personnel who are to be hosts to the won again this year they would have not necessary for her to sacrifice ex- streamers while at one end of the Country theater. - visitors. retained permanent possession of the pression in an attempt to grasp them. hall an arrangement of gold colored The time of thd play is the 17th In the industrial contest group a trophy. Bohlig Excels Self letters formed the words "Junior century and the place is a room in a tentative program has been announc- Mr. Bohlig, truly the greatest por- Prom." The guests gathered at 8:30 Paris house. ed by Prof. E. H. Jones, state super- Ballard Is High trayer of love and romance in the his- visor of vocational 'agricultural edu- Students comprising the area cham- p.m. and informal reception was held Characters will be as follows: "Ar- tory of the Little Country theatre, cation, North Dakota State college. pionship team in order of individual preceding the grand march which gan," the imaginary invalid, Floyd completely excelled himself, and -took The program is as follows: Thurs- standing are: Curtis Ballard, Moor- formally opened the party at 9 p. m. McDunn; "Boline," his second wife, advantage of his stage experience to day, May 10: 7:30 a. m. to 4 p. m., head; Frank Dvorak, Center; Clarence Leading the march. were Foss Narum Geraldine Ewald; "Angelique," his give his part an excellent interpreta- stock judging contest; Friday, May 11 Reed, Fargo; Glenn Schoessow, Emb- Fargo, and his guest, Miss Hazelle daughter by his first wife, Mildred tion. The famous balcony scene and 7:30 a. m. to 1 p. m., polutry and den; Arthur Johnson, Hurdsfield; Ray- Heal, Liberty Sask. Others in the line Vold; "Louison," Angelique's younger the vault scene were outstanding ex- crops contest; 2:00 p. in., possible mond Hack, Fargo; Ronald Millard, were Dr. John Lee Coulter, president sister, Margaret Revell; "Beralde," amples of Bohlig's art. social hour at "Lincoln Log Cabin" Breckenridge; Earl Schoessow, Emb- of the college, and Mrs. Coulter; Miss Argan's brother, Clarence Reed; Of the minor characters in the play, in Little Country Theatre to meet den; Thomas Palmerlee, Havana; Pearl Dinan, dean• of women; I. W. "Cleante," in love with Angelique, Floyd McDunn as the Friar Lawrence, Pres. John Lee Coulter, Dr. H. L. Morriss Barks, Egeland; Jerome Ol- Smith, dean of men, and Mrs. Smith; Walter Davidson; "Diafoirus," a doc- again proved his mastery of character Walster, dean of school of agriculture, son, Havana; Wayne Isenberger, La Cyril Peschel, class president, and tor, Byron Bernston; "Thomas Dia- parts, and a marvelous vocal expres- and other faculty members; 3:00 to Moure; and Clarence Vogel, Lark. Miss Ethel McEssy, and John Bohlig, foirus," his son, also a doctor, Lester sion had much to do with his strong 5:00 p. m., possible automobile trip; Curtis Ballard was awarded a med- Fargo, assistant prom manager, and Thompson; "Monsieur Purgon," a doc- interpretation. Jerry Martin, as Mer- al for being one of the ten best marks- Miss Dorothy Norby, Lake Park, tor, Craig Montgomery; "Monsieur 6:30 p. m., contestants supper and cutio, was unique in his part with a men of all teams entered in the corps Minn. Fleurant," an apothecary, Peter Ko- awarding of prizes. - biting humor which broke the mono- Prizes To Be Offered area match, his score being 764 out of Features Arranged vol; "Monsieur onnefol," a notary, tony of the tragedy. Martin's role Prizes are to be offerea to the win- a possible 800 in all positions. Honor guests included President Ralph Sinner; and "Toinette," a maid, could not have been enacted more ad- ning schools and to the individuals During the past year rifle marks- and Mrs. Coulter, Professor and Gladys Whitney. mirably. Emma Nelson, as Juliet's winning first place. Three silk trophy manship at the college has been in Mrs. P. F. Trowbridge, Professor and (Continued on page four) nurse, shows wonderful promise of ris- banners, 12 by 18 inches, will be charge of Lieutenant Frank S. Ross, Mrs. ,C. F. Monroe, Dean and Mrs. ing to greater heights in the theatre, awarded for permanent possession to a national marksman of prominence H. L. Walster, Dean and Mrs. L. L. and should deserve a more important the three schools winning the first, and a former member- of the United Carrick, Dean and Mrs. A. D. Weeks, vehicle in plays to come. Knute Henning Wins second and third places in the agri- States Infantry team. For the season Dean and Mrs. R. M. Dolve, Dean and Parsons Shims EXperience. cultural judging contests. ' In addition just ended matches were fired with Mrs. W. F. Sudro, Dean and Mrs.A. E. George Howell as Capulet enacted Poster Competition 24 silk banners of a smaller size will some eighty colleges and schools in Minard, Dean and Mrs. I. W. Smith, his part in an excellent fashion. Eve- be given to the teams ranking first in the United States and Hawaii, the Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Parrott and Mr. lyn Blakeslee was exceptional in her Drawings To Serve As Adver- the several classes of livestock, corn, Bison losing but eight of them. About and Mrs. H. W. McArdle and Deans portrayal of the stately Lady Capu- tisements of Annual Exhibit and grain judging. The grand prize, 85 students tried out for the team last Pearl Dinan and Alba Bales. let, and Mary Ellen Parker as the a silver-bronze loving cup, known as fall. Two special features, arranged by On Wednesday, May 9th. wife of Montague was very well done. the North Dakota Agricultural Coll- Miss Evelyn Blakeslee, chairman of Letters Awarded Montague, played by Clyde Barks; ege Trophy, goes to the team securing the feature committee, were a chorus Knute Henning, Fargo, senior in Based on aggregate score made dur- Prince of Verona, played by Graham highest score in the all stock judging and dance number, "The Rainbow Re- architecture, was announced winner in ing the year, ten minor sport letters Fuller; and Paris, played by Walter event. Individual prizes consisting of view" and a duet, "The Doll Dance." in the poster sketch competition held are awarded to those having the high- Davidson, all difficult parts were ad- medals are to be given to high scorers. Appearing in the review were Misses by the department preparatory to the est aggregates at the close of the mirably executed. The play was Another phase of the industrial Frances Flaten, Glade Cowels, Mar- exhibition at the May festival May 9. season. Winners of the letters are: strengthened by the acting of Larence contests will be the exhibits and judg- guerite South, Frances Young and H. 0. Zwerg, Sheboygan, Wis., a Curtis Ballard, Frank Dvorak, Alex Parsons, who took the - part of Tybalt, ing in the home economics divisiOn for Margaret Schranz. Miss Margaret freshman, took second place; Robert Watson, Glenn Schoessow, Ronald and later of an apothecary. Parsons girls. More complete plans for this Schranz and Clarence Lampson ap- Stinson, Fargo, third; Allan Meinecke, Millard, Jerome Olson, Arthur John- clearly showed evidence of his stage part of the May Festival will be an- peared in the other feature. Fargo, fourth; Phillip Keene, Fargo, son, Clarence Reed, Morriss Barks, experience. fifth and Herman Skaret, Fargo, nounced later. and Raymond Hack. Byron Bernstson, servant to Romeo; freshman, sixth. The preliminaries of the May Festi- A six-man team participated in the Carol Anderson, servant to Juliet's Plans Complete For Ten other posters were also given val high school track and field meet Hearst Trophy match, final results of nurse, and Victor Lindgren, servant a place and will be exhibited. They will be run off Friday, May 11, 1:30 which have not been received. Gold to Capulet were very good. Annual Artists. Ball were drawn by Alf Skaret, Fargo; p.m. The semi-finals and the finals medals awarded to men comprising As a whole the play showed evi- Neal Baldwin, Fargo; Tyler Helland, will be run off Saturday, May 12, the Hearst team were as follows: _ dente of excellent coaching and direct- The Artists' ball, annual spring Nome; John Wolfe, Moorhead; Mar- during the forenoon and afternoon, Jerome Olson, Morris Barks, A. Palm- ing. The difficult lines found in formal party of theArt club, will be lin Hutchinson, Tuttle; William Bow- respectively. There were 23 North erlee, Arthur Johnson, and Ronald Shakespearean drama were well in held in the art studio in Science hall ers] Fargo; Donald Best, Fargo; Ray- Dakota and western Minnesota high Millard. hand and did not seem to inconveni- from 8:30 to 12 p.m. Saturday. mond Wachter, Glen Ulin; Kenneth schools with 200 track and field ath- A total of 90,000 rounds of ammun- ence the cast in any way. The play All decorations, favors, and settings Sundberg, New Rockford and Heber letes represented in the meet last ition were fired by the male students was directed by Alfred G. Arvold, and of the dance will be the work of mem- Waldron, Fargo. year. Prizes are to be given this during the gallery season, and 15,000 coached by Donald Hay.—R. G. H. bers of the club. Only members of The posters will be placed in pro- year to the winnnig schools and in- rounds by the girls of the college. the club who are students in the art minent places- in Fargo shortly and dividuals, according to the plans. Riflery is classed as a major sport in Pep Club Keys department of the college and their will serve as an advertisement of the the girls physical education depart- guests will attend the party. annual exhibition, open to the pub- Student Commission Meets ment, 35 women participating this All members of the Pep club desir- Guests of honor will be: President lic, at the college at 8 p.m. Wednes- year. ing official keys should report to Foss and Mrs. John Lee Coulter, Dean and day, May 9. The student commission will hold a The standings of the finalists in Narum, president, at once. Mr. Narum Mrs. W. F. Sudro, Dean Alba Bales, The wining poster was carried out meeting in the Green Room of the the corps area matches are: North must guarantee an order of 25 keys Dean Pearl Dinan, Professor and Mrs. in a colonial effect and was a pen Little Country theatre this evening at Dakota State, 7620; Kansas Aggies, before the keys can be made, and is W. T. Rolfe, Miss Dorothy Cole and and ink drawing. The second place 7:30 sharp, it was announced by Foss 7592; Missouri, 7587; Kansas, 7510; desirous of obtaining orders from all Misses Dorothy Hatch and Nancy winner was a comedy sketch, also in Narum, president, today. Members Iowa, 7501; and Arkansas, 7459. members at once. Elliott, faculty members of the club. pen and ink. are urged to be prompt. Scores are out of a possible 8,000.

The Style Store--- Style Compare That Value Built. 73 Broadway We have a complete line of furnishinzs 1


tinue them altogether. The one held Theta Chi Chapter THE SPECTRUM last Thursday failed to pay for itself ust eon-I/nen/ and if no improvement is shown this Holds Gala Formal jWISE and OTHERWISE Thursday drastic measures will have Official publication of the students of the North Dakota Agricultural College. to be taken. The students should ap- Balloons and paper streamers in Published every Tuesday and Friday during the college year. preciate the cadet officers' attempts THE PURPLE AND GRAY, of St. red and white, the fraternity colors, Address all communications to the Editor-in-Chief. to provide them with excellent enter- Thomas college, St. Paul, reprimands were used to adorn the armory Sat- Subscription rates are $2.00 per year. The Spectrum very severely for ad- tainment at low price and a record attendance at these functions is about urday when the active and alumni Advertising rates and information sent on request. dressing our copies to the Blue and the finest way to do that. The cadet members of the Phi chapter of the Entered as second class matter at State College Station under the act of Gray. We are grateful for their call- ing the error to our attention, but hops are the greatest informal social Theta Chi fraternity and their guests March 3, 1879. would, at the same time, like to point "breaks" of a monotonous spring numbering 60 couples, gathered there out that they are addressing their term. for the annual cotillion. MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION paper to us as "The Spectrum, North The outstanding feature of the Dakota School of Agriculture," where- THE BIGGEST crowd ever to at- decoiation was the fraternity emblem, EDITORIAL STAFF as their publication would be much tend a Junior Prom at North Dakota worked out with the balloons and more palatable were it addressed• to State turned out Fsiday evening at placed in the center of the ballroom Richard G. Hackenberg Editor-in-Chief the "North Dakota State College." the Crystal ballroom in spite of a ceiling, and upon which the colored blinding snowstorm and slush-covered spotlights played during the "moon- John Diemert Associate Editor streets. Over 150 couples were pres- light" numbers. The balloons formed Henry Presler College Editor MEMBERS OF the Pep Club should see Foss Narum, president of the or- ent and the ball was acclaimed one of the false ceiling while a canopy ar- William Haslam Campus Editor • ganization, at once. Foss has a re- the most successful in many years. rangement of streamers decorated the Henry .Desk Editor plica of the new Pep Club key, as walls and entrance to the ballroom. Oliver Radde Sports Editor outstanding a piece of jewelry as has WITH THE annual Gay Cat Day The favor booths and orchestra pla- Jessie McLachlin. .Society Editor been the official insignia of any or- not more than three or four weeks forms were decorated in the red and Ruby Oscarson Women's Editor ganization here in years. Narum must off, judging from last year's date, we white and the same color idea was Everett Wallum___ carried out in the favors. _Columnist have at least 25 orders for his keys still have heard of no action being BUSINESS STAFF before they can be made. They are taken in preparation for the event. If The outstanding dance of the even- being offered at a reasonable price the new commission intends to stage ing was the one in which the women Lester E. Thompson______Business Manager and it is hoped that every member of a successful day we would advise were favored by the men and were Harold Business Manager the club will be able to purchase the them to get busy at once. There are presented with the red felt bridge Marion G. Folsom.. Advertising Manager emblem. hundreds of things to be planned and table covers, which bore the Greek Frank Hannaher______Want Ad Manager the sooner they start the more suc- letters of the fraternity in white. REPORTORIAL STAFF THE INTRA-MURAL track meet cessful the finish. Alumni members of the Fargo Charles Arneson, Geraldine Ewald, Hulda Finstad, Arlene Burt, E. G. Fergu- on Dacotah field Saturday will be a chapter in attendance were Russell hotly-contested affair with the Alpha son, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Alan Dotson, Taylor Hayes Dr. Carrick and Kenneth Keating Andrews, Carrington, N. D.; Obert Kappa Phi fraternity defending their returned Monday morning from St.. Skrie, Glyndon, Minn.; Robert Mc- title as campus champions. Last year Arthur, Hancock, Minn.; Gerald An- HITTING THE MARK over 80 men entered the meet and Louis wheer they attended a Chemis- drws, Des Moines, Iowa; Boyd Car- every sorority girl was rooting for try meeting. man, Williston; and Roy Simpson, their fraternity to win the meet that Grand Forks. Representatives from they might take home the trophy of- Fred Moore of Wahpeton, Dr. An- other chapters and the school repre- North Dakota State's minor sports are carrying on where the fered to the greek sisterhood who drews of Carrington, and Gerald An- sented were Roy Maschke, University major sports fell down in the school year of 1927-28. Last fall sponsors the winning male organiza- of Minnesota; Prof. John Doerr, Uni- drews of Des Moines were visitors at during a disastrous football season, Coach Leonard Saalwaechter's tion. This year should bring out more versity of Wisconsin; Jack Pentz, candidates and more rooters. the Theta Chi house over the week- Ohio State; Kenneth Kuhn, Univer- cross country representatives threw a flaming torch into the dark- end. sity of Michigan; Lothian Bergess, ened athletic area and won the conference championship. THE 1929 BISON is all ready for Wooster Polytechnical school, and the printer and the entire editorial S.C. April 24, 1928. William McRoberts, Dartmouth col- During a mediocre basketball season, Lieutenant Frank S. part of the book is already being set Deer Torg: lege. Ross drilled his Bison rifle team, coached them to an amazing into type. The annual should make Phillip Keene was chairman of the its appearance on the campus about The Yuneer prom hes kum and wint record of seventy-two wins in eighty starts, sent them into sharp- an it wass a gran an gloorius spek- general arrangements committee and May 15 or 20. was assisted by Vernon Peterson, shooting supremacy over the University of North Dakota, and tacul doun in the Krystal Ballrum wit awll us notaables theer, no dowbt music, Harold Phillips, publicity, and CADET HOP Thursday afternoon! Lothian Bergess, favors. ended the season in a blaze of glory by winning the Seventh Corps Unless the students turn out and you red awl our names thet were Area championship ! It was the one redeeming feature of the show more interest in these hops the printed in Fargo paper. Foss Narum management will be forced to discon- and his lady frien made a gude lukin Bison winter indoor athletic program. cuple leadin the gran march. While Lieutenant Ross, prominent nationally as an outstand- Four uv our students wer yust elect- MOTHERS ing shot and a member of the U. S. Infantry rifle team, drilled his I'M THE GUY ed to the Blue Key Frat an the ones thet were coosed-wer yust aboot the men in the stuffy armory range, and gave them his knowledge of I'm the guy who abuses the bestever. Yu see they ar awl wery DAY the game, he was shooting at a much higher mark than the little privileges of the college library. outstanding in their different line, or --white targets at the opposite end of the room. And as the Bison I keep books out unitl the librar- else I mean there lines are different. Too uv them ar Seenyeers and thee MAY 13 -5-band carried on to victory over the outstanding teams of the na- ians use up a good sum of money - ton, teams who have established riflery as a major pastime, teams invested in postal cards and others ar Yunneers. stamps, and perhaps a month's - who have ranges perfected along scientific lines, he came closer to Flaten tuk me out an showed me valuable time in an effort to re- howw to play Cow pastoor pool C ANDY he bulls eye of that mark until it was finally achieved, the corps gain the book. Perhaps if they (meenin golf) out at the Muuny Linx Whitman's and Garrott's in araa title! charged a good stiff fine for keep- an Im a bug alredy. He introduucexl One, Two and Three Pound ing a book over the allotted time me to Ralf Kingsrud, hees the new What is more, the Bison have an excellent chance of winning or failing to renew it, I'd be more Pro out theer en Ralf sed if Elmer Boxes the national championship, since for the past three years the win- prompt in returning it. But they wood dress me up in a nicker suite, Place your orders early for ners of the Seventh Corps Area match have also won the national don't so I take advantage of the soxs, sweeter an everyting, thet hed mailing. title. To the members of the rifle team and to Lieutenant Ross, situation and ignore all notices. do the reest, so who kan teI I mite By doing this I'm robbing some yet be a Bobby Yones. The Spectrum, on behalf of the students, wishes to extend its con- one else of the use of the book gratulations, and appreciation for bringing another championship Mus herry to Class. Spose this Greeting Cards and perhaps throwing an instruc- weether hes held bac seedin. Werry 5c up to MOO to North Dakota State. tor's program off schedule. But I Iittle don heer in the Walley. should worry. I'm having a lot of yures fun being able to use the book Broadway Pharmacy VACATION CUM LAUDE when I please, even if it does Olaf. inconvenience many others. PHONE 40 WE DELIVER Patronize Our Advertisers "Arrdy — Erickson, 19 "Jimmy" Cook. '23 The New York Evening Post presents an interesting sidelight on ;the value of a college education: "Whenever a college man applies to me for a job I never in- quire about his scholastic standing," recently remarked a business man, himself a university graduate. "What I want to know is Courses Influence Students how he spent his summer vacations—three months per annum, and before he gets his degree that amounts to a whole year, the To Choose This College moat valuable, I think, of his entire collegiate course. Never again The types of courses offered at the North Dakota Agricultural college will he have a similar opportunity. If he has wasted it, I know furnished the major inducement for 32 per cent of the present freshmen something about him; if not he has a record worth showing. to choose this college in preference to others. "Here's the record of one boy I've just employed," this man This college offers a bachelor of science degree in Science and Liter- continued. "At the end of his freshman year he went to a citizens ature, Agriculture, Architectural Engineering, Architecture, Biology, military training camp; after sophomore year he worked for six Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Education, Electrical Engineering, Home weeks with Dr. Grenfell's mission in Labrador; at the close of his Economics, Mechanical Engineering, and Pharmacy. junior year he had six weeks with the Banks fishing fleet; and Special advantages are offered in paint chemistry, physics, botany, after graduation he spent July and August with a forestry outfit. mathematics, public speaking and dramatics, economics (agricultural and All cif it was open-air work, putting him in good physical condition general), and social and political sciences. and in touch with all sorts and conditions of men. He used only All the work that is taken at the North Dakota Agricultural college twenty-six of the forty-eight weeks at his disposal, but I don't is fully credited by the North Central Association of colleges and secondary schools, and also the Regents of New York. care what he did with the others. Those twenty-six weeks were what I call 'vacation cum laude'. They gave him an unusual equip- ment for success and I only wish I could find more young men who NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE possessed it."

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THE SPECTRUM THREE GRAND RECREATION PARLORS Billiards - Bowling - Snooker LUNCH IN REAR STEVE GORMAN, Manager 620 First Avenue North PIPES - CIGARETTES - CIGARS 41111101•11111=■ro.

Auilitions of 47 Trackmen To Compete In Meet Saturday

6ony Mott of 1919 to 1925, when he was athletic Williams, a big boy who showed up q3g evert Wallum Organizations Will Trophy Will Be Awarded director at the college. well on the freshman team last fall Winners Of Relay Race Up until last Saturday Coach Bor- has not been able to report for prac- Vie For Supremacy •: leske was giving his squad some of tice yet. King showed much promise A trophy will be awarded to the very first A, B, C's of football, as a center. Jess Sleight, Mike Sulli- a Interfraterrtity track meet Satur- day. If these Greeks can run as fast Meets Scheduled With James- the team winning the 880-yard that of dodging, sprinting, passing, van, and Johnny Blair look good at as they can give away fraternity pins town, Valley City, and Univer- relay in the intra-mural meet kicking, starting, and handling the tackles. Walter Shamp, Leonard Fri- there should be some records broken. Saturday independent of the team ball. Saturday he divided the squad berg, and Gilly Johnson, graduates * 4, sity of North Dakota. trophy which will be awarded to started a little specialty work for a from the freshman squad are three A pie eating contest would be more the team winning the meet, short time. This week he intends to busby boys who are candidates for apropriate for some of the entrants. Forty-seven track candidates, many Coach Leonard Saalwaechter an- continue the special work even to a the tackle post. Gilly Johnson also * * * of whom give promise of developing nounced today. The relay will be greater degree and believes that much looks like a probable end or back- into formidable performers, are com- More girls would take up track, held independent of the ,rest of may be accomplished in this manner. fieldman. Lawrence DeSautel, tackle but the sudden change to heavy clothes peting for positions on the North Da- the meet this year, he stated. He The ends and backs will work togeth- and guard last fall may be shifted to would probably be a shock to their kota State college track squad under also said that the sorority girls er in a band, and the linemen from guard. the direction of Coach Leonard T. Coach Borleske has two sets of ends system. would draw for the fraternities tackle to tackle will see action in an- * * * Saalwaechter. they will back in the meet, and other section. in Captain George Hays and Ed Bab- They call them cindermen, because Inclement weather the past week the athletic department will The candidates for line looked good cock, Ranes, Clark and Brady. Bor- they are always in the public eye. handicapped the outdoor training con- award a trophy to the sorority in practice last Saturday and loom up leske has a wealth of quarterbacks in ▪ * siderably but Saalwaechter expects to who sponsors the winning frater- big but are lacking in speed. Coach Cy Peschel, Pete Gergen, Ray Bassett, Johnny Smith, and Elmer Pariseau. Women are better on the discuss have his entire squad hitting a hard nity. At present the Delta Phi Borleske has given extra attention to Some of these may be shifted to half than on the discus. pace throughout the next week. Betas hold the cup having spon- this necessary factor to any winning * * * Six meets are on the Bison pro- sored the winning Alpha Kappa football club and has been drilling the along with Vern Nickerson, George Hermes, Polly Guertin, and Joe We hand out the apple cores this gram this spring, the first of which Phi team last year. giant linemen in proper starting, and Blakeslee. Leo May and Ben Gorder week to the fellow who said the High- is booked for next Saturday, the an- blocking in order to give more impe- promise to capably fill the fullback land Fling was a dive off a cliff. nual intramural meet for the campus Clark, Mohall, distance; Richard Ask- tus to their drive. * * championship. erman, Montpelier, distance; Alfred There is excellent spirit among the position. Big Ben could be easily shifted to a tackle post in case that And the unassuming person who The outstanding performers in this Schultz, Martin, distance; Roy Jordre, ranks of spring gridders and they position is weak. suggested that a relay is a consistent tourney will be asked to join the Oberson, middle distance; Leonard have already shown much fight. The varsity squad, and Saalwaechter be- Wollan, Colfax, distance; Mahlin Hut- hen wasn't so smart either. spirit of the spring squad together • * lieves that he will have a squad of chison, Tuttle, sprints. with the manner in which they have There must have been a lot of good more than 50 to select from in pre- William McRoberts, Wayne, Neb., acquired the knack of the fundamen- RENT-A-CAR paring for the triangle meet at Val- hurdles; Kenneth Sundberg, New high jumpers before prohibition. Some tals has prompted many fans to look You Drive It ley City on May 4. Rockford, middle distance; Clarence for a creditable showing with the hard of those fellows sure could clear the Reasonable Rates. Jamestown college and the Valley Lochren, Harvey, distance; Chester schedule which is in order next fall. bar. Phone 929 * * * City State Teachers will compete in Rhines, Regan, distance; John Klein, At the centers post Cod Ordahl, the triangle affair with the Bison, Richardton, distance; Leo May, Aber- FARGO MOTOR SALES We'll have to arrest those mile run- Cliff Bollman, and Alf Skaret have while on May 9 the Valley City deen, S. D., weights; Mike Haverlock, 1 Block South N. P. Depot ners for walking on a campus path. been performing very nicely. King * * * Teachers will invade Fargo for a dual Zenith, distance; Russell Weiser, Haz- elton, distance; Ole Sand, Biri, Nor- We hope everyone will have to go meet. On May 18 the North Dakota uni- way, distance; Maurice Brown, Fargo, -to the track meet, so some of our versity freshmen will meet the Bison sprints; Enoch Sorenson, LeRoy, dis- bookworms can find out that a pole frosh in Fargo while on the following tance and Wesley Hanelt, Fargo, dis- vault isn't a foreign bank. * * * day the two varsity clubs will clash tance. Jf at Grand Forks. The outstanding per- "Well, I guess I'm roped in," sighed formers in these meets will then be the cow as the lariat whistled thru you wish to take a friend to dinner, bring her to the entered in the North Central confer- the air. Bison Cleats Tear new tea room in Ceres Hall. We serve a table d'hote * * ence championship meet at Sioux City meal evening, except Sunday, from 5:30 to 6:30. on'May 25 and 26. Throwing the shot is practical for Up Practice Field The following, including freshmen, Sunday dinner served from 12:30 to 1:30. -the fellow who intends to get married. have reported to date: He'll be able to dispose of his wife's Borleske Well Pleased With His Cy Peschel, Wahpeton, sprints; You wish a special luncheon for a party, we will biscuits. Band of Football Candidates; 31f * * * Jake Wahl, Denhoff, weights; William Special Drills Planned. gladly serve it for you. Frey, Leonard, distance; Joe Blakeslee, The fellow who spears food in a The cleats of the North Dakota Fargo, pole vault; John Molitor, Brins- boarding house should be barred from State college football candidates will You wish to entertain at bridge, you may use our made, middle distance; Horace Mc- javelin throw as a professional. more than tear up the turf on the up- tea room for your party and we will serve the lunch. Grath, Fargo, weights; Herman Zeiss- • * * per Thirteenth street field this week ler, Golden Valley, jumps; David Ait- The only way we could get some under the special drills which Coach Your sorority or frat wishes to lunch together, set kin, Fairdale, sprints; Maurice Wash- of these fraternity athletes to move Stanley Borleske has on his spring the day: we will do the rest. Our tea room will burn, Rugby, distance; Vernon Smith, would be to enter them in a checker football program.. accomodate twenty-five at one time. Twin Valley, Minn., distance; Clifford match or a bee judging contest. Weather during the past week has * Bollman, Fargo, hurdles. * not been very conducive to carrying —AND— George Hays, Elkton, S. D., pole The pole vaulter, who jumps with out the spring football program in vault and jumps; Kenyon Kilbourne. the use of a stick, had nothing on us full, but Stan is satisfied with the DON'T FORGET—the cafeteria serves breakfast, Fargo, distance; Walter Nelson, Bucy- when we went swimming without our progress shown in the early • sessions. lunch and supper every day except Sunday. Good rus, distance; Robert Aldrich, Hankin- mother's permission. He recently announced that the squad meals at a nominal cost. Get a meal coupon book, * son, middle distance; Harold Chlou- * was as a whole fully as good as the $4.50 for $5.00 worth of food. Ralph Hollancls could take a stroll pek, Dilworth, Minn., distance; Owen Bertelson, Fargo; middle distance;Dell troupes he tutored during the years and do the high hurdles. * * * Wade, Fargo, distance; Harold Dick- They ought to hold a swimming inson, Dilworth, Minn., high jump and broad jump; Clarence Vogel, Lark, race for the benefit of the campus distance; John Holman, Deering, mid- petters. Some of them have a nice dle distance; Earl Fenton, Wright, stroke. * * * Minn., distance. And a boat race for the paddling Robert Olson, Fargo, jumps; Robert RENT A sophomores. Adam, Fargo, distance; Caroll Ander- * * * son, Warwick, distance; Neal Baldwin, TYPEWRITER I And the hundred yard dash for the Fargo, middle distance; Clarence man who stutters. Shepherd, Fargo, javelin; Laverne * * McDonald, Fargo; distance; Lloyd If these organization athletes really $3.00 for 1 month $8.00 for 3 months want to shine in track, they had bet- ter wear silk uniforms. $10.00 for 4 months PLAY CAST HONORED AT SHAKESPEAREAN DINNER We Have All Makes To Choose From Complimentary to the cast of "Romeo and Juliet," presented at the Little Country Theatre Saturday even- DON'T try to go through College without a typewriter. ing and repeated Monday evening, Themes, notes and theses should always be typed. the Edwin Booth Dramatic club enter- tained at a Shakespearean banquet in the Log Cabin, Saturday. The ap- EVERY student these days must have a typewriter pointments and menu were in keeping (or borrow one). You'll get along better this term if you with Shakespeare's time. Covers were buy your typewriter now and get accustomed to using it laid for 35. Miss Alta Berg had charge before heavy work sets in. Get the other fellow's prices , of the arrangements. We Carry a Full Line and then compare with ours. ILLINOIS CATHOLIC STUDENTS TO WALTHAM DANCE FRIDAY EVENING HAMILTON L. C. Smith and Corona Typewriters ELGIN Mesrs. and Mmes. T. F. Powers and New Location, No. 5 Eighth Street South (2 doors North of Dakota Business College) John Flannaher and Miss Frances SPECIALS TO A. C. STUDENTS L. G. BUCHHOLZ, Distributor Phone 5234 Lamb will be patrons and patronesses Fargo, North Dakota at an 'informal dancing party at the L. LEVIN Knights of Columbus hall on Friday. Jeweler SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY The party is sponsored by the mem- 605 First Ave. North bers of the Catholic Students club.

Keep Your Notes In A Leather Cover A. C. Book Store



will march from the Main building to son; May Kelly, Fargo; John Klies, veering—Jack Allen, Sherwood; Hen- pharmacy—Ole Benson, Kindred; Wil- the armory. The college concert or- Wales; Mary Elizabeth Kiinsmann, ry Askegaard, Moorhead; Elvin Pot- liam Berg, Bisbee; Morris Brownstein, chestra will play the processional Fargo; John Lesselyong, Medina, Wis. ter, Fargo; mechanical engineering— Minot; Albert Doerr, Ashley; Oscar KNEWSY NOSEY march. Mildred McComb, Barnesville, Minn.; Albert Bjorge, Lakota; Everard Coch- Enger, Davenport; Edwin Fraase, There will be a number of musical LaVerne A. Meehan, Moorhead; Helen ran, Drayton; Merle Cuthbertson, Embden; Norman Hertel, Russell; AMPUS OLUMN selections on the program, Dr. Coul- Munkeby, Englevale; George Naw- Wheatland; Alexander Dickie, Handl- Lawrence Hokanson, Wheaton; Ruby ter's address, presentation of gradu- gard, Mandan; Lauretta M. Nilles, ton; Cyrus Garfield Gorder, Grafton; Johnson, Kensal; Jay Katz, Valley ates by deans of the various schools Casselton; Adelaide Phillips, Fargo; Albert Gudmestad, Valley City; Bert City; Walter Renwick, aBthgate; and presentation of diplomas by Dr. Parke C. Pratt, Gardner; John W. Johnson, Chicago; Clarence Neibauer, Richard Riggs, Jamestown; Harry Alpha Zeta announces the formal Coulter. Riddle, Moorhead; Virginia Sands, Crary; Roy Peterson, Leal; Vernon Schiefer, Kenmare; Glen Shelver, pledging of Loyal Gast, Beltrami, and The commencement luncheon, which Fargo; Edith Smith, LaMoure; Irene Peterson, Fargo; Francis Simonitsch, Sheldon; Edna Steeves, Carnduff, Russel Weiser and Wayne Weiser of will end activities, will be given in Stende, Ulen, Minn.; Clifford Svens- Fargo; Melvin Ulteig, Fargo. Sask.; Vance Van Sant Vaupel, Valley Hazelton, last Saturday afternoon. Ceres hall at 12 m. by, Fergus Falls, Minn.; Edith Thor- Science and Literature City; Raymond Vollrath, Neche; Vic- sell, Fargo; Gladys Elizabeth Whit- tor Wahl, Fosston, Minn., and Harry Candidates for degrees are: School of science and literature: ney, Fargo; Karel Wouters, Fargo; Zimmerman, Fargo. Glenn Smith, Graham Fuller, Leon- Master of science: Walter E. Bots- Irene Brown, Glyndon; Philip Dickey, Virginia Wright, Fargo. ard Rygg, Victor Wahl and Byron ford, Sykeston, agricultural econo- Fargo; Anna Ewald, Fargo; Huldah Olson drove to Barnesville Sunday to mics: Snorri Maurice Thorfinnson, Home Economics Finstad, Bottineau; Ethel Hector, Far- conduct services in the Congregation- Mountain, agricultural education; School of home economics: Alice go; Ella Kapaun, Buffalo; Lillian Op- TAYLOR-MADE al chudch. The theme of the services William M. Jackson of Ellendale,'Sig- Benedict, Sabin; Elizabeth Cleveland, fer, Fargo; Ruby Oscarson, Fargo; was "A Students Conception of Reli- fus Sigfusson of Brandon, Man., agro- Fargo; Fay Gordon, Pleasant Lake; Thelma Pederson, Argusville; Evelyn CLOTHES gion." They were dinner guests at nomy; Jorgen M. Birkeland, Warwick, Jennie Grant, Glyndon; Frances Land. Probstfield, Fargo; Oliver Radde, ARE CUSTOM TAILORED, BUT the Curtis Sommer home. bacteriology; Thomas Canniff, Fargo, bloom, Fargo; Elva Lynn, Hope; Eve • White Rock; Margaret Revell, Fargo; JUDGING FROM THE PRICE chemistry; Alice McConnell Bender. lyn Morrow, Fargo; Madelyn Parrott, Christine Rud, Portland; Gerald Irv- YOU WOULDN'T THINK SO. George Berry of Devils Lake was a Charlotte Blake and Donald Hay, all Fargo; Margaret Wylder, Cathay. ing Rust, Marion; Almarine Schulz visitor at the Kappa Phi house last Fargo; Mary Warner, Springfield, S. $25 to $60 of Fargo, community activities, school Mechanic Arts weekend. of science and literature. D. DROP IN SOME TIME AND LET School of mechanic arts: Architec- School of pharmacy; Gus Samuel- US SHOW YOU. Agriculture ture—Knute Henning, Fargo; Marlin Donald Peet of Hope was a week- son, Gardar; Ralph Sinner, Fargo. Bachelor of Science: school of agri- Hutchinson, Tuttle; Phillip Keene, end visitor at the Theta Chi house. Professional Degrees culture; Ruben Anderson, Dalton Fargo; Allan Meinecke, Fargo; civil Williams Tog gery Minn.; Victor Bakken, Sharon; Clyde engineering—Edgar Barron, Lakota; Professional degrees: Graduate in 4191/2 N. P. Avenue Kappa Tau Delta initiation services Barks, Egeland; Byron Berntson, Curtis Berg, Perth; Herman Herland, were held Sunday morning for Alf Parshall; Merril Burke, Leal; Walter Fargo; Eddy Lund, Hillsboro; Wilfred Skaret and Don Best. After the ser- Clasen, River Minn.; Walter David- Mergenthal, Hillsboro; Alexander Mc- vices the members had breakfast at SELECT YOUR EASTER son, Valley City; Gustav Geissler, Donell, Minot; Carl Olson, Sanborn; the Bluebird cafe. Ashley; Lizandro Guerra , Peru; Clarence Reed, Fargo; electrical engi- HOSIERY HERE George B. Hildre, Petersburg; Peter HUNGRY? Doris Wilner visited her sister at J. Holand, Grand Forks; Ernest Hun- A large assortment of sea- Wahpeton over the weekend. ter, Esmond; Howard Lewis, Binford; SPRING son's newest shades assure We Serve the Best Leroy Lillie, Maxbass; John Mach, LINE HAS ARRIVED satisfaction. Delta Phi Beta held formal initia- Grafton; Graig Montgomery, Harvey; New Weaves—New Styles Lunches in Town tion services last evening for Betty Allen T. Mortenson, Mandan; Lynn TOPCOATS Farnham. Boyd Ray, Petersburg; Lawrence A. Richman's $22.50 Alma Shoppe Reiten, Petersburg; Clair Southam, Sample Room at 2201/2 Broadway Dean Minard was the speaker at Mohall; Warren Tewksberry, Ford- HOSIERY A. F. INkttum Phone .3859-J Next To Chocolate Shop Dacotah Drug Co. the last meeting of the "Y" Supper ville; Hjalti Brynjalfur Thorfinnson, 204 Bdwy., Fargo Phone 809 "Students Are Always Welcome" Club held on Thursday. His talk was Mountain; Russell Widdifield, Leal. on "Freedom and its Responsibilities." Following his talk was an open forum Chemistry UNDERWOOD Walter Groves, Lakota; Chris Haas, on his topic. Lidgerwood; Leo Handeiman, Forbes; TYPEWRITERS Vaughn William Kelly, Fargo; Peter There will be a League of Women's HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD P. Koval, Staples, Minn.; Ronald E. SPECIAL RENTAL RATES Voters meeting Thursday in The Lit- Millard, Breckenridge, Minn.; Floyd With the most chic and exclusive shops in America, reveals the smart- tle Country Theater at 4 o'clock. TO STUDENTS McDunn, Barnesville, Minn.; Clare est fashions, the finest fabrics, and styles which are a year ahead of Nelson, Alkabo; urnie - Rutz, Fargo; NEW AND USED all other styles in America. There will be a Y. W. C. A. Cabi- Frank Sitko, Fingal; John Spielman, TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE net meeting this afternoon at 4 The Hollywood Shopping Service executes any shopping commis- Larimore; Forrest Stephens, Bozeman, sion from one fine linen handkerchief to a Rolls-Royce (with as many o'clock. Mont.; Lester Thompson, Dilworth, doo-dads as Tom Mix has on his big white Rolls), complete even to a Underwood Typewriter Co. horn with chimes or a bugle call. Anything you see on the screen that Minn.; Arndt Thorson, McVille; a star is wearing, that we can buy and ship to you. N. D. State To George Walker, Moorhead; John 8 Roberts Street, Fargo The Hollywood Shopping Service does all this for you quite free Wandmaker, Fargo. Phone 543 of extra charge, asking only that you state your size, correct measure- Graduate 160 ments, color preferences, or other particulars, when you enclose your (Continued from page one) Education Postal Money Order for the articles desired. Correspondence is soli- School of education: Aage Ander- cited and satisfaction is guaranteed. Please check over the following The senior class program will be son, Woodburn, Ore.; Lawrence Biggs, list and let us know your wishes by an early mail. given at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 9, Hankinson; Lorinda Bechtel, Fargo; We Buy You What Vhe Stars Buy (Reg.) in the Little Country theater, and the Gladys Bockwaidti LaMoure; Carrie May Busby, Linton; Ralph Dutee, Sandals ESTHER RALSTON'S etched glass breakfast set $ 15.00 program will be as follows: music, CLARA BOW'S red-heeled slippers $ 15.00 Ruby Millard; class history, Robina Fargo; Myron Eagle, Fargo; Ruth RICHARD ARLEN'S blue shirts with 4-inch pointed collars $ 5.00 Wylder; presentation of hatchet, Ro- Erickson, Fargo; George Fisher, Wah- of PHYLLIS HAVER'S dress of hand-painted chiffon $ 35.00 nald Millard; acceptance by junior peton; Fredrikke Fjeldge, Fargo; REGINALD DENNY'S English kit-bag of walrus $ 45.00 Ruby Jean Flaa, Fargo; Minnie Mae POLA NEGRI'S opera bag of brocade and seed pearls $ 0 class, Cyril Peschel; class poem, Wal- 1928 ANNA Q. NILSSON'S luncheon set of peasant wear $ 20.00 ter Davidson; class prophecy, Ralph Gierne, Moorhead; Elfie Hans, Daven- CECIL B. DE MILLE'S large size cigarettes, per 100 $ 8.00 Hollancls; music, Ruby Oscarson. port; Josephine Hermanson, Fargo; TOM MOORE'S "Shamrock" linen handkerchiefs, per dozen $ 15.00 Class officers are Ronald Millard, Virna Johnson, Fargo; John Johnson, MAE MURRAY'S dancing frock of white point d'esprit, beaded tulle and apple blossoms $ 300.00 president; Jack Allen, vicepresident; Douglas; Ingibjorg Jonasson, Hall- Margaret Revell, secretary, and Peter Your Correspondence is solicited; send for our catalog. We make no Koval, treasurer. charge for this wonderful service, and guarantee satisfaction. The class colors are old gold and royal purple. The class motto is "On- Eagle Shoe Shining Parlor HOLLYWOOD SHOPPING SERVICE ward and Upward," and the class Make Your Shoes Look Like New Post Office Box 1044, Hollywood, Calif. flower is the yellow rose. RE-TAN THEM Commercial Planned Hats Cleaned and Re-blocked "WE BUY YOU WHAT THE STARS BUY" The alumni ceremonial will take Phone 817-J place in the Little Country theater at Style Without 5:30 p.m., Saturday. Following the alumni banquet will be given in Ceres Extravagance hall at 6 p.m. AFTER THE DANCE OR THE The president's reception will be THEATRE, visit held in the college armory from 8 85 p.m., to 10 p.m., immediately preced- $298 to $5 ing the senior swing out and alumni Golden Maid ball. E-M-B-L-E-M-S At midnight Saturday the pipe of TI".,the5khome peace ceremony, in charge of Ronald Shoppe --Style Shoe Stores -.-- Millard, will take place. 31177,SFACTION GUARANTEED The baccalaureate program will 68 BROADWAY 103 BROADWAY THE FARGO JEWELRY MANUFACTURING CO. take place in the college armory at `Where the College Crowd Gathers' 3:30 p.m. There will be several musi- "Where Style and Quality Meet" 2 1-2 Broadway Fargo, N. D. cal numbers besides the address by Dr. Blair. Commencement exercises proper will take place at 10:30 am., Monday, BUY A June 11, almuni, graduates, faculty EYES EXAMINED for members, deans, directors, board of Carefully, and with the most MEAL COUPON BOOK administration and the college presi- complete modern equipment. Laundry dent joining in the procession, which —OUR SPECIALTY— Satisfaction $5.50 for $5.00 FRAPPE AND WAFERS COMFORTABLE VISION E. A. Anderson Optical Co. Phone 5440 teebys REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST VIKING CAFE 108 Broadway A BISON BOOSTER Nexto Garrick Phone 680 Fargo Laundry Company "We Make the Good Kind"

Why are Learbury Clothes like a Sheba in a bathing suit? Because they've We Ask You--- got the "lines- that attract the eyes of young men. Lines outstanding from any other line of clothing. Come in and see for yourself. $35 and $37,50