[Army Purchase Information Bulletin]

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[Army Purchase Information Bulletin] FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS Dallas, Texas, December 26, 1940 To the Bank Addressed: There is enclosed a copy of Army Purchase Information Bulletin, 1940, which contains a list of the supplies purchased by the Army and furnishes information regarding the procedure of the War Department in connection with purchases. As pointed out in the Bulletin, the War Department de­ centralizes its procurement activities, and the purchase of specialized prod­ ucts is assigned to depots or field purchasing offices listed in Section III. The Navy has a central purchasing bureau, and general purchases, except for local supplies, are handled by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. This information is furnished for your assistance in connection with inquiries received from any of your customers who may wish to bid on Government contracts. Yours very truly, R. R. GILBERT President This publication was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library ([email protected]) ARMY PURCHASE INFORMATION BULLETIN 1940 WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY (Second Edition - Revised November 1, L94-0) A M Y PURCHASE INFORMATION FOREWORD 1* This bulletin is published as a guide to manufacturers who are interested in placing their facili­ ties at the disposal of the government in connection with the current rearmament program. It is suggested that manu­ facturers who desire to participate in this program follow the routine outlined herein. Communications should be di­ rected to the proper purchasing office or procurement dis­ trict headquarters in the field. 2. So far as practicable, the Weir Department de­ centralizes its procurement activities. Accordingly, in the interest of keeping down overhead costs to American in­ dustry, correspondence with and visits to the offices of the War Department in Washington, D. C., should be minimized. 3. Each War Department procuring agency is in­ terested in specialized products which are assigned to the depots or field purchasing offices listed in Section III, "Purchasing Agencies". For convenient reference, the more important articles being purchased under the current pro­ gram are listed alphabetically in Section X, "General Index of Articles Purchased". The listings in this section refer the manufacturers to the proper field purchasing offices listed in Section III, "Purchasing Agencies". U* The maps inserted between Sections I and II show the locations of the field procurement district head­ quarters and the areas served by each. The addresses of the field planning offices located at these headquarters are given in Section I, "Procurement Planning". ARMY PURCHASE INFORMATION SECTION PAGES I Procurement Planning 1 - 3 Procurement District Maps: Air Corps Chemical Warfare Service Corps of Engineers Medical Department Ordnance Department Quartermaster Corps Signal Corps II Purchase Methods 4 — 5 III Purchasing Agencies & Items Purchased 6-17 IV Construction— Constructing Quartermasters 18-21 V Local Purchase— Principal Army Posts and Purchasing Agencies 22 - 26 VI Horses and Mules—Remount Areas 27 VII Corps of Engineers— Non Military Construc­ tion Projects 28 - 31 VIII Civilian Conservation Corps— Purchasing Agencies 32 - 34 IX Procurement Division, Treasury Department, Navy Department & Reconstruction Finance Corporation 35-37 X General Index of Articles Purchased 38-41 SECTION I PROCUREMENT PLANNING 1. The agencies listed in this section are engaged in planning for the procurement of supplies and equipment which "will be needed by the army during a war or other major National emergency. Military requirements are computed in advance. They are apportioned by the supply arms and services to procurement districts. The pro­ curement planning officers in these districts search the areas to which they are assigned for the productive capacity necessary to meet requirements. Individual plants are surveyed, production stud­ ies are made, and in agreement with the management, plants are al­ located for particular production during an emergency. 2. The management of plants having facilities which are considered suitable for the production of military equipment should communicate directly with the officer in charge of the Procurement District which is nearest the plant for detailed information regard­ ing this activity. PROCUREMENT PLANNING AGENCIES Air Corps Procurement Districts Eastern----------- Room 1216-A, Federal Office Bldg., 90 Church St., New York City Central----------- Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio W estern----------- 506 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. Chemical Warfare Procurement Districts Boston ----- - - -Room 2000, Post Office and Courthouse Bldg., Boston, Mass. Chicago--------- Room 1506, 20 North Wacker Drive Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. New Y o r k ---------Room 404, 45 Broadway, New York City Pittsburgh-------1044 New Federal Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. San Francisco --- Room 117, Federal Office Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Engineer Procurement Districts Birmingham-------212 Wilson Bldg., Mobile, Ala. Chicago --------- 1117 United States Post Office Bldg., Chicago, 111. - 1- Engineer Procurement Districts - contfd New Y o r k ---------39 'Whitehall St,, New York City Philadelphia----- 900 U. S. Customhouse, 2d and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh-------1012 New Federal Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. San Francisco --- Room 4-09, Customhouse, San Francisco, Calif. Medical Department Procurement Districts Chicago----------- Room 1203 and 1205 U. S. P. 0. Bldg., Canal and Van Buren Sts., Chicago, 111. New Y o r k -------- First Ave. and 58th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. St. L o u i s --------Second and Arsenal Sts., St. Louis, Mo. San Francisco -----San Francisco Gen. Depot, Ft. Mason, Calif. Ordnance Districts Birmingham ------- 1908 Comer Bldg., Birmingham, Ala. Bost o n ----------- Room 1501, 14.0 Federal St., Boston, Mass. Chicago--------- Room 222, 309 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Cincinnati------- 831 The Engineer Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland ------- 14-50 Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Detroit----------- 1832 National Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Hartford --------- 95 State Street, Springfield, Mass. New Yo r k --------- Room 1815, So Broadway, New York, N. Y. Philadelphia-----Room 1417, Mitten Bldg., Broad and Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh ------- 1032 New Federal Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rochester--------- 1132 Mercantile Bldg., Rochester, N. Y. St. L o u i s ---------Room 935, U.S. Courthouse and Customhouse, St. Louis, Mo. San Francisco -----Room 118, Federal Office Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Wilmington Ordnance Region - 14-66 Nemours Bldg., Wilmington, Del. Los Angeles Ordnance Region -4-09 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles, California Quartermaster Districts Atlanta---— - -1306 Twenty-two Marietta Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. B o s t o n ----------- Boston Army Base, Boston, Mass. Chicago ----- - - 1819 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, 111. Detroit----------- Quartermaster Motor Procurement Planning Office, Detroit, 611 Federal Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Jeffersonville --- 10th St. and Meigs Ave., Jeffersonville, Ind. - 2 - Quartermaster Districts - confd New Y o r k ---------First Ave. and 58th St,, Brooklyn, N, Y. Philadelphia-----21st and Johnston Sts., Philadelphia, Pa, St. L o u i s --------- 2d and Arsenal Sts., St. Louis, Mo, San Antonio - ----- San Antonio General Depot, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. San Francisco-----Ft. Mason, San Francisco, Calif. Remount Areas East Central------- Hq. 434 P. 0. Bldg., Lexington, Ky, Eastern-------------Hq., Front Royal, Va, North Central----- Hq., Room 502, Central P. 0. Bldg., 315 W. Per­ shing Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Northwestern--------Hq,, Fort Douglas, Utah South Central— --- Hq., 3301 El Campo St., Ft. Vforth, Tex. Southwestern------- Hq., Colorado Springs, Colo. Western-------------Hq., San Mateo, Calif. Signal Corps Procurement Districts Chicago------------ 1819 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, 111. New York---------- First Ave., and 58th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. San Francisco------Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Signal Corps Development Laboratories Signal Corps Laboratories---------- -- ---- Fort Monmouth, N. J. Aircraft Radio Laboratory------------------ Wright Field, Ohio Signal Corps Photographic Laboratory, Army War College, Washington, D.C. - 3- PIAXNINO BRANCH AUO. 10, 1934. - DRO. No.6 4 0 JULY 11, 1935. 0. A . S. V. PUNNING BRANCH AUO. 10, 1984. - DRO. N o. 6 3 6 PLANNING BRANCH. Data: No t . 2, 1939. Drg. No. 845 O.A.S.J. PUNNING BRANCH, DECEMBER, 1938 DRAWING No. 829a AUO. 10, 1934. - D rg. No. 6 4 f 0 * A« !• i* rLJUMXNQ HUNCH AUBUST 10p 1934. *0. 6 3 9 SCPT. IT, I934-. SECTION II PURCHASING IETHODS 1. After Advertising: All normal purchases of the War De­ partment are made after advertising for bids. Purchasing officers prepare circular proposals and invitations to bid. These papers list the items to be purchased, list the applicable specifications, state delivery points and dates, and fjrnish all the information necessary for a prospective bidder to calculate his costs and submit a bid. Bids are required to be submitted by a stated time in sealed and properly addressed envelopes. Bid bonds are frequently required -with the bids. At the stated time, the Purchasing Officer publicly opens the bids. As a result of this procedure, the purchase contract is awarded to the best advantage of the government. Circular proposals are given -wide distribution in order to secure the maximum competi­ tion. Newspaper advertising is frequently used. Several commercial
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