Lime Rock Gazette

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Lime Rock Gazette ~ <5^ --------PUBLISHER-------- -----— SU BSC RI PT IO N------- JOHN PORTER, ONE DOLLAR FIFTY CTS. u n s & w M W O T I® I l f S I A f T O c » » M f l M l WSW8, V O L U M E V . ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1850. NUMBER XL1V. From the Flag of our Uulon. ‘Fairly trapped, liy Jupiter!’ exclaimed liornc by tvotnnn, is from tho French, nnd sig­ Icy of about filly miles by eight ill width.— ing every uininen’.— llie waves dashed over us Brenthless «ith anxiety tn hear all, yet A KISS ON DEMAND. Scatterly in nn ecstitcy of delight. nifies ‘white’ or ‘fair.’ Mary Howitt makes From the entire north these two valleys are furiously—the sun went dow n behind a black not unmindful of his probably wciiricd con­ ‘Stop—stop!’ cried the unhappy gardener, tho Orange-flower its florid type. studded with settlers, numbering from fifteen cloud, noil the waters grew dark. dition, Mary hurried her husband into the lit­ A Sketch- recoiling from the withered face, henriled lip tn twenty thousand. The Lieutenant Engi­ File pour fellow , H n viln n il, bailc me good tle siiting-riintn,where the ten-thing were laid, “ Ah, Cousin Bla n c h e , le t’s see and sharp nose of the ancient spinister; ‘I re­ neer, M r. Gunnison, estimates these valleys— bye, anil told ine what to do in ease I survived, mid began tn pour out the refreshing bevernge »T THE OLD ’OK.’ What’s the flower resembling thee! lie then lipgged me to couie to him, and we with a trembling hand, tvhilo Eurnest told thu linquish my cluim—I will write n receipt in W ith those dove-like eyes of thine, having explored them—ns capable o f support­ story of his day's nlisence. fu ll.’ And thy fair hair's silken twine, ing a population of from one anil u half to two would “ die in each other’s arms.” I tried to ' It was a very peculiar sound, something •No, s ir,’ sniil Scatterly; ‘you pressed mo millions. feed him with hope, nnd tn encourage him to ‘ I found,’ he sniil, 'I wns sent for to old I like the popping of -a champagne cask, some- With thy low, bronil forehead, wliito for payment this moment— and you shall take As marble, ami as purely bright; On tho south of this valley Ito tho Utah struggle with death n while longer—but lie Governor Houston’s—the richest nnd most in­ M i-ig like the report of n pocket pistol, hut your pay, or I discharge you from my em­ With thy mouth so calm nnd sweet, valley and lake, about fifty miles from this ci­ despaired. Tho black night enmo at Inst, mid fluential niati, j on know in the country— and exactly like nothing hut itself. It was a kiss. ploy.’ ' And thy dainty hands anil feet ; ty. The uimie nf their city is Provo, outlie the sen gulls Harked around us in grant nuni- when I got there I lenrneil to toy surpriae thht A kiss im plies tw o parties— unless it he one 'Inrn ready!’ said the spinister meekly. What's the flower most like fo thee ? south side o f the Provo river. T h e lake is tiers- Soon after dark, Hnvilnnil' began to the Governor had been[thrown from his enr- ■ of thoHc-symlHiheal kisses, produced by one Tom shuddered—crnwled up to the old Indy Blossom of the Orange-tree I pore water—eight miles by four—abounding ilronp his bend anil cry to me for help. T lie j ringe, nnd tvns thought to lie dying. A ll the . pair of lips, and wafted through the air in to­ —shut his eyes—made up a horrible face, and with fish. About one hundred miles south nf salt wnter chunked him , nnd lie soon liecnmn plqsicians o f the town had been sent for,one, ken of affection or ntltniration. But this par- Lucv, in its French from L u c ie, signifies kissed her, w hile M r. mid M rs. S. stood liy ‘lucid,’ arid comes from the Latin. this they hnve established n settlement o f nli’t delirious, anil struggled lo get lonso from after another, but none could aid him. In ' tioularkiss was genuine. Thu parties in thu convulsed with laughter. one hundred mid filly families. Tho valley is where he was tied. (Jit I lean never forget despair, his w ife, w ith out orders, hail sent for case were Mrs. Thebe Mayflower, the tiewly- Five minutes afterwards, Tom entered the <• L ucy is a golden girl,” called San Pete. Here there nrc ninny ruins those wild screams, anil mail ravings, which me. I saw It's only chance for life depended tnarried wife of honest Tom .Mayflower, gar­ gardener’s lodge, pale, weak mid trembling, says Byron Proctor, mid many w ill echo the covered with hieroglyphics, one place, in par­ mingled with the. howling uf the wind mid on a new mid difficult operation, which none dener to Mr. Augustus Scatterly, and that mid sank into a chair. line. Lucy is a favorite mime' w ith nlmost ticular, is culled by the inilinns “ God’s Tem­ ocean, anil made every thing so terrible. uf the oilier physicinns ever saw performed. young gentleman himself. Augustus was a G ive me a glass o f water, Pliehel’ he gasp­ every one. Wordsworth has made it one of ple.” Here, nlso, many remains of ancient A fte r nlioiit fifteen minutes passed in this L u ckily, I hud assisted at one when n student, guuil-hunried, rattlebrained spendthrift, who ed. (lie pottery,'both glazed mid nnglnzed, are found tvny, n tremendous wave covered us both, but I stated wliut 1 thought couli^ bo done. Tho had employed the two or three years which •Dear, what has happened?’ nsitgil the little “ Names wedded unto song.” in great abundance; nnd here, nlso, is a moun­ him longer than usual—directly nfterOmne his old Governor is n man of iron nerves nnn had elapsed since his majority in 'making w oiuhii . And lovely Indeed is the maiden, hearing tain of pure rock salt, and abuudunco of bi- ilenth-rattles, and then all was over. Still the quick resolution; so, when he heard the others ducks and drakes’ of the pretty little fortune 'H appened! why that cussed Miss V e ijtice that sweet nnmc, whom Nature proposes to tumous coni. winds nnd the waves kept drivin g me furiously say they could do nothing fo r him, ho deter­ lull him by |yis defunct sire. There was noth­ is paying Mr. Scatterly’# debts.’ mould, at will, to her own tastes:— During five months of the year there enn he onw ard. T h e moon cmne out mid east a faint mined to commit himself to my charge. I ing very had about him, excepting his prodi­ •W e ll? ’ no communication w ith the north, east or west, light over that desolate scene, anil then w as succeeded beyond tnythopes; even the other gal habits, a,id by iliese lie was liiinsell* the ‘W ell, I presented the. promisory note—lie “ She will lie sportive ns the fawn, the mountains being rendered impassable by darkened by tho clouds. The shore stil loom­ physicians acknowledged my skill; nnd thtro severest sufferer. T o m , Ins gardener, had That wild with glee across the lawn, handed it lu her—and—and—O, murder! I’vs the snow. This city ia situated about forty ed up, but seemed no nearer; yet there litiger- is now nothing but cure required to make my been m arried hut a lew weeks, and ‘Gus, win, Or up the mountain springs ; bee'n kissin o t iie u l d w o m a n !' mid a h a lf degrees north latitude, mid one eil u faint hope in my heart which nothing patient ns well as ever. On parting he put a hud failed to he at the wedding, nod missed And hers shall he the breathing halm, 1’hehe tliew her arms around Iiis neck, mid hundred nnd eleven degrees longitude west of could quench. T hu s passed that terrible roll o f notes in my linntls.’ the opportunity of 'saluting tile bride,* took it And hers the silence nnd the calm pressed her lips to Ins, and Thomas M a yflo w ­ Greenwich. night. How I lived through it, is the greatest I Mary was in ti.nrs long before her husband into his I,cud that it was hull, proper and po­ Of mute insensate things. er then and there solemnly promised that lie The prmluctivenea o f the soil ia astonishing. wonder. Maliy a time I looked nt die still i bail finished his narrative; but her heart went lite (lint he should du so on the first occasion would never mure havu anything to do with The stars of midnight shall be dear We are here in tile midst of their harvest, mid form of poor Huvilmid, and envied hint his up in thankfulness to Gnil for having thus in­ o,f his meeting her subsequently to that inter­ K issino on D e m a n d ! To her : and she shall lean her car quiet sleep. i terpoHcd just at the crisis when hope seemed esting ceremony.- Mrs. Mavlluwer, the other never have we seen such wheat.
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    PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.__ CENTS. FEBRUARY THREE ESTABLISHEtTjUNE 23, 1862-YOL. 30. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, 4, 1892._{gggfPRICE sured. Farweil & Co.’s loss is $70,000; silver in domestic circulation over there THIS MORNING’S NEWS. SPECIAX NOTICES. insured for Burns’s loss is $20,- THE FLYING NORWEGIAN. than was needed. RANSOM WAS READY. $50,000. A THREE CORNERED FIGHT. insurance The cause of the Mr. Leech thought the free coinage of 000; $15,000. X. lire is unknown. Farweil & Co. did Page 3ilver would either send gold abroad or about the Atlantic. more business than all the other firms in Abandoned ship drifting to a One reason, he said, for premium. the 225 Riot prisoners at Boston. wanting our was town, employing hands, making among Garments Cleansed rther countries gold made m the about 35 cases a day. Burns & Co. Herself Salt against John Hoey. -OB- that the countries Latin Union Father Went to a A Big Vessel Navigating a Mills Trio a Ward ten cases about fifty ■Washington news. Friends of liad to excess due creditor na- Waterbary’s daily, employing Springer, pay any hands. The fire is a blow to busi- Banquet of the New York Board of Trade. tion in great AbOwi the Atlantic. gold. __ Place With ness here. Wholesale discharge of Adams Express mes- DYED and Bourke Cockran. Lonely It, -AND- and Divorce Laws. sengers. Immigration POLICE BROKE HEADS for Gould. A orank in wait Jay Washington, February 3.—In the FOR from the com- Page 2. PRESSED READY WEAR, Senate today Mr.
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