National Park Service U.S. Department of Interior Alaska Regional Office Alaska Park Science Anchorage, Alaska Volume 5, Issue 1 Table of Contents Bridging Science and Education for the Future ______ 4 Ecological Overview of Denali National Park and Preserve __________________ 6 K A PHYSICAL SCIENCE A S Air Quality Monitoring: L An Intercontinental Connection __________________14 Norton Sound A Ecological Goldmine: The Denali Landcover Map and Denali Soil Inventory Denali National with Ecological Site Classification________________ 18 Park and Preserve Soundscapes of Denali ________________________ 20 Earthquake and Seismic Monitoring ____________ 23 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Rutting Behavior of Moose ______________________ 26 Gulf of Alaska Tracking the Movement of Denali’s Wolves ______ 30 Interrelationships of Denali’s Bristol Bay Large Mammal Community ____________________ 36 Bear Management ____________________________ 41 Long-Term Golden Eagle Studies ________________ 42 Alaska Park Science Integrated Monitoring of Physical Environment, This project is made possible through funding from the Plant and Bird Communities in Denali ____________ 46 Editor: Monica Shah National Park Foundation. Additional funding is provided Project Lead: Robert Winfree, Regional Science Advisor, Hardy as Chickadees: by the National Park Service and other contributors. email:
[email protected] Denali’s Winter Citizen Scientists ________________ 49 Alaska Park Science Journal Board: Alaska Park Science is published