International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2001), 51, 319–325 Printed in Great Britain

Saccharopolyspora flava sp. nov. and Saccharopolyspora thermophila sp. nov., novel actinomycetes from soil

Zhitang Lu,1† Zhiheng Liu,1 Liming Wang,1 Yamei Zhang,1 Weihong Qi1 and Michael Goodfellow2

Author for correspondence: Zhiheng Liu. Tel: j86 10 6255 3628. Fax: j86 10 6256 0912. e-mail: zhliu!

1 Institute of Microbiology, The generic position of two aerobic, Gram-positive, non-acid–alcohol-fast Chinese Academy of actinomycetes was established following the isolation of their PCR-amplified Sciences, Beijing 100080, People’s Republic of China 16S rRNA genes and alignment of the resultant sequences with the corresponding sequences from representatives of the families 2 Department of Agricultural and Actinosynnemataceae and . The assignment of the Environmental Science, organisms to the genus Saccharopolyspora was strongly supported by University of Newcastle, chemotaxonomic and morphological data. The strains were distinguished both Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK from one another and from representatives of validly described Saccharopolyspora species on the basis of a number of phenotypic properties. It is proposed that the organisms, strains 07T (l AS4.1520T l IFO 16345T l JCM 10665T) and 216T (l AS4.1511T l IFO 16346T l JCM 10664T), be classified in the genus Saccharopolyspora as Saccharopolyspora flava sp. nov. and Saccharopolyspora thermophila sp. nov., respectively.

Keywords: Saccharopolyspora flava sp. nov., Saccharopolyspora thermophila sp. nov., polyphasic

INTRODUCTION these taxa were excluded from the family by Warwick et al. (1994), who considered that they might form a The application of the polyphasic taxonomic approach ‘sister’ group to the Pseudonocardiaceae clade. This to actinomycete systematics led to the circumscription now seems to be the case, as Labeda & Kroppenstedt of the family Pseudonocardiaceae Embley et al. 1988 (2000) have proposed that members of the genera for mycolateless actinomycetes characterized by the Actinokineospora, Actinosynnema, Lentzea and presence of meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-A#pm), Saccharothrix be classified in a new taxon, i.e. the arabinose and galactose in their peptidoglycan (wall family Actinosynnemataceae. Members of both clades chemotype IV sensu Lechevalier & Lechevalier, 1970). can be distinguished from one another using chemical Members of this family are currently assigned to the and morphological markers (Kim & Goodfellow, genera Actinobispora, Amycolatopsis, Kibdelo- 1999; Labeda & Kroppenstedt, 2000). sporangium, Prauserella, Pseudonocardia (including Amycolata), Saccharomonospora, Saccharopolyspora The genus Saccharopolyspora contains eight validly and Thermocrispum (Kim & Goodfellow, 1999; Xu et described species: Saccharopolyspora erythraea al., 1999; Labeda & Kroppenstedt, 2000). Labeda 1987; Saccharopolyspora gregorii Goodfellow et al. 1989; Saccharopolyspora hordei Goodfellow et al. The family Pseudonocardiaceae recognized by 1989; Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula (Krasilhnikov Stackebrandt et al. (1997) also included the genera and Agre 1964) Korn-Wendisch et al. 1989; Actinosynnema, Saccharothrix and Streptoalloteichus; Saccharopolyspora spinosa Mertz and Yao 1990; Sac- charopolyspora spinosporotrichia Zhou et al. 1998; ...... Saccharopolyspora taberi (Labeda 1987) Korn- † Present address: Department of Biology, HeBei University, Baoding 071002, People’s Republic of China. Wendisch et al. 1989; and Saccharopolyspora hirsuta The GenBank accession numbers for the 16S rDNA sequences of strains 07T Lacey and Goodfellow 1975, the type species. Repre- (l AS4.1520T) and 216T (l AS4.1511T) are AF154128 and AF127526, sentatives of these species form a distinct phyletic line respectively. within the evolutionary radiation encompassed by the

01453 # 2001 IUMS 319 Z. Lu and others family Pseudonocardiaceae and can be distinguished fresh cultures and examined for growth after 10 d at either using a combination of biochemical, morphological 28 mCor50mC. The antibiotic-sensitivity tests were carried and physiological properties (Zhou et al., 1998). out by placing impregnated filter-paper discs (Goodfellow & Genus-specific primers are available for the PCR Orchard, 1974) over Sauton’s agar and incubating the identification of Pseudonocardia and Saccharopoly- samples for 7–10 d at the incubation temperatures cited above. The two organisms were also examined for their spora strains (Moro! n et al., 1999). T ability to grow at either 20, 25, 37 and 45 mC (strain 07 )or T Two actinomycetes isolated from soil samples collected at 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 mC (strain 216 ). in China were provisionally assigned to the genus Chemotaxonomy. Established procedures were used to Saccharopolyspora, using chemical and morphologi- determine the diagnostic isomers of A#pm, the predominant cal properties. In the present investigation, these whole-organism sugars and the major polar lipids organisms, namely strains 07T and 216T, were (Lechevalier & Lechevalier, 1980; Hasegawa et al., 1983). examined for a range of genotypic and phenotypic Isoprenoid quinones were extracted and purified according properties and found to form distinct new centres of to Collins (1985) and were analysed by HPLC (Wu et al., taxonomic variation within the genus Saccharo- 1989), with Streptomyces griseus as the control. The acid polyspora; the names Saccharopolyspora flava and methanolysis procedure was used to screen for mycolic acids (Minnikin et al., 1980). The DNA base ratios of the two Saccharopolyspora thermophila are proposed for these strains were determined using the thermal denaturation strains, respectively. method of Marmur & Doty (1962), with Escherichia coli AS1.365 as the control. METHODS 16S rDNA sequencing. Genomic DNA was isolated from the T strains by following the procedure described by Kim et al. Organisms and cultural conditions. Strain 07 was isolated (1995). PCR amplification of the 16S rDNA preparations on an oatmeal agar plate (Shirling & Gottlieb, 1966) seeded was carried out as described previously (Kim et al., 1996). with a soil suspension; the latter was prepared from a garden The resultant PCR products were purified by using the soil collected from Xishan Mountain, Beijing, and incubated T Wizard PCR purification system (Promega) according to the at 28 mC for 5 d. Similarly, strain 216 was isolated on procedure provided by the manufacturer. The purified selective medium 2 (Lu et al., 2000) inoculated with a soil products were directly sequenced using a Taq DyeDeoxy suspension prepared from a grassland soil sample taken Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems) and from Nanning, Guangxi Province, Southern China, and the universal primers 27f (5h-GAGAGTTTGATCCTGGC- incubated at 45 mC for 7 d; the selective medium consisted of TCAG-3h), 704f (5h-GTACGGTGAARTGCGCAGA-3h) Stevenson’s basal medium (Stevenson, 1967) supplemented " 765r (5h-CTGTTCGCTCCCCACGCTTTC-3h) and 1495r µ − with melezitose (1%, w\v) and neomycin (4 gml ). The (5h-CTACGGCTACCTTGTTACGA-3h). Sequence gel strains were maintained on glucose yeast-extract agar electrophoresis was carried out and nucleotide sequences (GYEA) (Gordon & Mihm, 1962) at room temperature and automatically obtained by using an Applied Biosystems as glycerol suspensions (20%, v\v) at k20 mC. Biomass for DNA sequencer (model 373A) and software provided by the the chemotaxonomic and molecular systematic studies was manufacturer. prepared by growing the strains in shake flasks of modified Sauton’s broth (Mordarska et al., 1972) at either 28 mC Analysis of sequence data. The 16S rDNA sequences of the (strain 07T)or50mC (strain 216T) for 5 d. At maximum strains were aligned manually using the   program growth, the broth cultures were checked for purity, killed (version 1.64b, Thompson et al., 1997) against correspond- with formaldehyde (1%, v\v), washed three times with ing nucleotide sequences of representatives of the families distilled water and freeze-dried. Actinosynnemataceae (Labeda & Kroppenstedt, 2000) and Pseudonocardiaceae (Kim & Goodfellow, 1999) retrieved Cultural and morphological properties. The undisturbed from the DDBJ (Thompson et al., 1997) and GenBank arrangement of hyphae, notably aerial hyphae and spore- (Benson et al., 1997) databases. Evolutionary trees were chain morphology, was observed on modified Sauton’s agar inferred by using the neighbour-joining (Saitou & Nei, 1987) (Mordarska et al., 1972) and ISP medium 2 (Shirling & and least-squares (Fitch & Margoliash, 1967) treeing Gottlieb, 1966) after 7 d, using the coverslip technique of algorithms from the  package (Felsenstein, 1993). Kawato & Shinobu (1959). Growth on the coverslips was Evolutionary distance matrices were generated as described fixed and examined according to the procedure described by by Kimura (1980). Tree topologies were evaluated by Zhou et al. (1998). Additional morphological properties bootstrap analysis based on 1000 resamplings of the were observed by examining gold-coated, dehydrated neighbour-joining dataset using the  and  specimens of the organisms, using a Hitachi S-570 scanning options from the  suite of programs (Felsenstein, electron microscope. 1993). Biochemical and physiological properties. The strains were examined for a range of phenotypic properties following incubation for 14 d at either 28 mC (strain 07T)or50mC RESULTS AND DISCUSSION T (strain 216 ), in most cases according to procedures de- Almost complete 16S rDNA sequences were generated scribed in previous studies on saccharopolysporae (Lacey & for strains 07T (1443 nucleotides) and 216T (1441 Goodfellow, 1975; Zhou et al., 1998). To determine lyso- zyme sensitivity, a 0n05% (w\v) solution of lysozyme was nucleotides). Comparison of these nucleotide sterilized by membrane filtration and added to sterilized sequences with those of representatives of the families Sauton’s broth (McCarthy & Cross, 1984) to give a final Actinosynnemataceae, Pseudonocardiaceae and related concentration of 0n0025% (w\v). Test tubes of the basal taxa (Labeda & Kroppenstedt, 2000) clearly showed medium with and without lysozyme were inoculated with that the organisms belong to the genus Saccharo-

320 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 Two novel Saccharopolyspora spp. from soil

...... Fig. 1. Neighbour-joining tree (Saitou & Nei, 1987) based on almost complete 16S rDNA sequences, showing relationships between Saccharopolyspora strains 07T and 216T and representatives of the families Actino- synnemataceae and Pseudonocardiaceae and related taxa. Asterisks indicate branches that were also recovered using the Fitch– Margoliash treeing algorithm. The numbers at the nodes indicate the levels of bootstrap support, based on a neighbour-joining analysis of 1000 resampled datasets; only values greater than 50% are given. Bar, 0n02 substitutions per nucleotide position.

T polyspora (Lacey & Goodfellow, 1975) (Fig. 1). The and 216 were found to have GjC-rich DNA (73n1 T chemical properties of strain 07 are also consistent and 67n0 mol%, respectively). with its assignment to this taxon. The organism The phenotypic properties of the strains are contains meso-A pm as the wall diamino acid, ar- # also typical of saccharopolysporae. The organisms abinose and galactose as the major wall sugars, a are aerobic, non-motile, Gram-positive, non-acid– phospholipid pattern containing phosphatidylcholine alcohol-fast actinomycetes which form extensively and tetrahydrogenated menaquinones with nine iso- branched substrate mycelia. The latter fragment into prene units as the predominant isoprenoid quinone, rod-shaped elements which carry aerial hyphae that but lacks mycolic acids. This chemical profile distin- differentiate into short chains of smooth-surfaced guishes strain 07T from members of wall-chemotype- spores (Fig. 2). Strain 07T bears aerial hyphae which IV taxa, apart from those classified in the genus differentiate into chains of three to five spores (Fig. 2, Saccharopolyspora (Zhou et al., 1998; Kim & right); the aerial hyphae of strain 216T differentiate Goodfellow, 1999). Strain 216T also showed a range of into chains of four to six spores separated by ‘empty’ chemical markers typical of saccharopolysporae, hyphae (Fig. 2, left). though it was unusual in having hexa- and deca- hydrogenated menaquinones with nine isoprene units The close relationship found between Saccharo- as the predominant menaquinones. This apparently polyspora strain 07T and the type strain of S. spinosa is anomalous result may reflect the time at which the supported both by treeing algorithms and by a high culture was sampled, as there is evidence that the bootstrap value (Fig. 1). The two strains share a 16S menaquinone composition of Amycolatopsis and rDNA nucleotide similarity value of 96n2%, which Streptomyces strains can be age-dependent (Saddler et corresponds to 53 nucleotide differences. In contrast, al., 1986; Yassin et al., 1991). In addition, strains 07T Saccharopolyspora strain 216T is not particularly

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 321 Z. Lu and others

...... Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs showing (left) vesicular chains of smooth- surfaced spores of a 7-d-old culture of strain 216T grown on ISP medium 2 at 45 mC and (right) short chains of smooth-surfaced spores of a 7-d-old culture of strain 07T grown on oatmeal agar at 28 mC. Bars, 3 µm. closely related to any of the type strains of Saccharo- Sauton’s agars. The aerial mycelium carries abundant T polyspora species, or to Saccharopolyspora strain 07 . chains of 3–5 smooth-surfaced spores (0n4i0n5– Its closest relationship is with the type strain of S. 0n6 µm). Diffusible pigments are not produced. spinosporotrichia. The 16S rDNA similarity between Adenine, cellulose, hypoxanthine, starch, xanthine and these two strains is 93n0%, a value that is equivalent to xylan are degraded, but casein, chitin, elastin, guanine 94 nucleotide differences. The two most closely related and tyrosine are not degraded. Aesculin and urea are type strains of Saccharopolyspora species, namely, hydrolysed and nitrate is reduced. Uses adonitol, those of S. erythraea and S. spinosporotrichia, share a cellobiose, erythritol, fructose, galactose, glucose, 16S rDNA similarity of 97n5%, a value that corre- glycerol, inositol, lactose, maltose, mannitol, methyl α- sponds to 31 nucleotide differences. It is evident, -glucoside, raffinose, salicin, sorbitol, sucrose, tre- therefore, that Saccharopolyspora strains 07T and 216T halose, xylose, acetate, adipate, benzoate, butyrate, represent two new centres of taxonomic variation citrate, fumarate, H-malate, propionate, pyruvate and within the genus Saccharopolyspora. The two succinate as sole carbon sources for energy and growth organisms can also be distinguished from one another, but does not use -arabinose, melezitose, sebacic acid and from the type strains of the validly described or tartrate. Weak growth occurs in the presence of 7% species of Saccharopolyspora, by using a combination (w\v) NaCl. Growth is inhibited by lyzozyme, genta- " of phenotypic properties (Table 1). micin sulphate (discs soaked in 100 µg antibiotic ml− ), " streptomycin sulphate (100 µgml− ) and rifampicin " The chemotaxonomic, molecular systematic and (50 µgml− ). The temperature growth range is between phenotypic data show that strains 07T and 216T should 28 and 37 mC. The GjC content of the DNA is each be given species status within the genus 67 mol%. Isolated from garden soil collected from Saccharopolyspora . It is proposed, therefore, that Xishan Mountain, Beijing, China. The type strain is T Saccharopolyspora flava strain 07 be classified as sp. strain 07T [ AS4.1520T (Chinese Culture Collection T Saccharopolyspora thermophila l nov. and strain 216 as of Microorganisms) IFO 16345T JCM 10665T]. sp. nov. l l It is also evident from the 16S rDNA tree that the genera Actinobispora Jiang et al. 1991 and Pseudo- Description of Saccharopolyspora thermophila Lu et nocardia Henssen 1957 emend. Reichert et al. 1998 are al. closely related. Comparative taxonomic studies on Saccharopolyspora thermophila ( Gr. representative strains are needed to determine the n. therme heat; Gr. adj. philus loving; M.L. adj detailed relationships that exist between members of thermophila heat-loving organism). these genera. Aerobic, Gram-positive, non-acid–alcohol-fast, non- motile actinomycete which forms an extensively Description of Saccharopolyspora flava Lu et al. branched colourless to buff substrate mycelium which fragments into rod-shaped elements after 4–5 d at Saccharopolyspora flava (flahva. L. adj. flaveus yellow, referring to the colour of the substrate mycelium). 45 mC. Good growth occurs on ISP medium 2 and modified Sauton’s and oatmeal agars. An abundant Aerobic, Gram-positive, non-acid–alcohol-fast, non- aerial mycelium carries long hooked to flexuous chains motile actinomycete which forms an extensively of 4–6 smooth-surfaced, vesicular spores (0n7– branched, yellow substrate mycelium which fragments 1n1i0n85–1n5 µm). Diffusible pigments are not pro- into rod-shaped elements after 3–4 d at 28 mC. Aerial duced. Adenine, guanine, starch, tyrosine and xylan hyphae are produced upon prolonged cultivation on are degraded, but casein, cellulose, chitin, elastin, oatmeal agar. The organism also grows well on hypoxanthine and xanthine are not degraded. Aesculin glucose-asparagine, ISP medium 2 and modified and urea are hydrolysed but nitrate is not reduced.

322 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 Two novel Saccharopolyspora spp. from soil

Table 1 Comparison of properties of strains 07T and 216T with those of the type strains of validly described Saccharopolyspora species ...... Data for organisms other than the tested strains are taken from Korn-Wendisch et al. (1989) and Zhou et al. (1998). Abbreviations: Bf, buff; Br, brown; C, colourless; G, grey; O, orange; P, pink; R, red; W, white; Y, yellow; j, positive; k, negative; \, not applicable (aerial mycelium was not observed); , not determined. Results were positive for degradation of aesculin and utilization of -fructose, glycerol, -mannitol and -mannose.

Characteristic 07T 216T S. erythraea S. gregorii S. hirsuta S. horderi S. rectivirgula S. spinosa S. spinospirotrichia S. taberi DSM 40517T DSM 44324T DSM 43463T DSM 44065 DSM 43747T DSM 44228T DSM 44350T DSM 43856T

Spore arrangement Straight Hooks or Open spirals Hooks or Straight to Hooks and Straight Hooks and Spirals \ flexuous flexuous loose spirals open loops hyphae hyphae spirals Spore Smooth Smooth Spiny Smooth Hairy Smooth Smooth Spiny Spiny \ ornamentation or irregularly rough Substrate Fragments Fragments Branched Fragments Fragments Fragments Branched Fragments Fragments Fragments mycelium in lipid media Colour of W W P–BrG–W W–Y W W–Y W–light P W–P W–G \ aerial mycelium Colour of Y C–Bf OY–RBr C–Bf C–Bf C–Bf Y–O G–OY–Br Br–R C–Y substrate mycelium Colour of None None Y–POBr None R–O–Y None None C–Br Br O–R soluble pigment Spores on kkkkkkjkkk substrate mycelium Degradation of: Adenine jjjkjjkkkj Casein kkkjjjkkjj Chitin kkjkkjkkkj Elastin kkjjjjkkjj Starch jjjjjjjkjj Tyrosine kjjjjjjjkj Xanthine jkjjjjjjjj Reduction jkjkkkjjkj of nitrate NaCl tolerance 77! 513! 7 ! 13 ! 10 ! 11 2–3 7 (w\v) Temperature 28–37 45–55 20–42 10–35 25–50 20–60 37–63 15–37 28–37 20–45 range (mC) Utilization of carbohydrates as sole carbon source -Arabinose kkjjkjkjkk -Galactose jjjjjjjkjj -Lactose jjkkjjjkkj -Maltose jjjjjjjkjj -Raffinose jjjjjjjkjj -Rhamnose jjjjjjjkjj Sucrose jjjjjjjkjj -Xylose jkjjjjjkjj

Uses adonitol, cellobiose, erythritol, fructose, galac- grassland soil collected from Nanning, Guangxi Prov- T tose, glucose, glycerol, inositol, lactose, maltose, man- ince, China. The type strain is strain 216 [l nitol, melezitose, methyl α--glucoside, raffinose, AS4.1511T (China Culture Collection of Micro- T T rhamnose, salicin, sorbitol, sucrose, trehalose, acetate, organisms) l IFO 16346 l JCM 10664 ]. adipate, benzoate, butyrate, citrate, fumarate, H- malate, propionate, pyruvate, sebacic acid and suc- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS cinate as sole carbon sources for energy and growth but does not use -arabinose or tartrate. Growth This work was supported through The Royal Society\ occurs in the presence of 7% (w\v) NaCl but is Chinese Academy of Sciences Exchange Scheme and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. inhibited by lysozyme, gentamicin sulphate, strep- 39570002). The authors are also indebted to Professor R. M. tomycin sulphate and rifampicin. The temperature Kroppenstedt (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen growth range is 45–55 mC. The predominant mena- und Zellkulturen GmbH) and Dr T. Kudo (Japan Collection quinones are MK-9(H') and MK-9(H)). The GjC of Microorganisms) for providing some of the type strains of content of the DNA is 73n1 mol%. Isolated from Saccharopolyspora.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51 323 Z. Lu and others

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