13 bus time schedule & line map

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The 13 bus line (Chelmsford - Wickford) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chelmsford City Centre: 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM (2) Wickford: 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM (3) Wickford: 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 13 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 13 bus arriving.

Direction: Chelmsford City Centre 13 bus Time Schedule 42 stops Chelmsford City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM Tesco Store, Wickford Salcott Crescent, Southend-on-Sea Tuesday 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM

Harris Close, Wickford Wednesday 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM

Twinstead, Wickford Thursday 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM Friday 10:18 AM - 6:08 PM Broad Oaks, Wickford Saturday 10:05 AM - 6:16 PM Drive, Wickford Nayland Close, Wickford

The Swans, Wickford 13 bus Info Jersey Gardens, Wickford Direction: Chelmsford City Centre 5 Station Avenue, Wickford Stops: 42 Trip Duration: 55 min Railway Station, Wickford Line Summary: Tesco Store, Wickford, Harris Close, Station Approach, Wickford Wickford, Twinstead, Wickford, Broad Oaks, Wickford, Pebmarsh Drive, Wickford, The Swans, Station Avenue, Wickford Wickford, Jersey Gardens, Wickford, Railway Station, Pullman Court, Wickford Wickford, Station Avenue, Wickford, Guernsey Gardens Lr, Wickford, Guernsey Gardens Up, Guernsey Gardens Lr, Wickford Wickford, Arundel Road, Wickford, Brock Hill, Wickford, Wantz Corner, , Downham Road, Guernsey Gardens Up, Wickford Brock Hill, The Greenway, Brock Hill, Brock Hill Farm, Brock Hill, Galleons, Brock Hill, Sudbury Road, Brock Arundel Road, Wickford Hill, The Old Windmill, South Hanningeld, Chalk Street, South Hanningeld, Rettendon Common, Rettendon, Church, West Hanningeld, St Peter's Brock Hill, Wickford School, West Hanningeld, West Hanningeld Road, West Hanningeld, Bakers Lane, West Hanningeld, Wantz Corner, Runwell Common, Galleywood, The Eagle, Galleywood, The Running Mare, Chelmsford, Russell Downham Road, Brock Hill Gardens, Chelmsford, Fowlers Court, Tile Kiln, Linnet Drive, Tile Kiln, Hylands Parade, Chelmsford, St The Greenway, Brock Hill John's Hospital, Chelmsford, Wood Street Tesco, Brock Hill Drive, Runwell Chelmsford, Wood Street, Chelmsford, South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford, Queen Street, Chelmsford, C & E Brock Hill Farm, Brock Hill Hospital, Chelmsford, Retail Market, Chelmsford City Galleons, Brock Hill Centre, Railway Station, Chelmsford City Centre, Bus Station, Chelmsford City Centre Sudbury Road, Brock Hill

The Old Windmill, South Hanningeld

Chalk Street, South Hanningeld

Rettendon Common, Rettendon

Church, West Hanningeld

St Peter's School, West Hanningeld

West Hanningeld Road, West Hanningeld

Bakers Lane, West Hanningeld

Galleywood Common, Galleywood Stock Road, Galleywood Civil Parish

The Eagle, Galleywood The Street, Chelmsford

The Running Mare, Chelmsford

Russell Gardens, Chelmsford

Fowlers Court, Tile Kiln

Linnet Drive, Tile Kiln

Hylands Parade, Chelmsford

St John's Hospital, Chelmsford

Wood Street Tesco, Chelmsford

Wood Street, Chelmsford Laurel Grove, Chelmsford

South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford

Queen Street, Chelmsford

C & E Hospital, Chelmsford 103 New London Road, Chelmsford

Retail Market, Chelmsford City Centre Market Road, Chelmsford

Railway Station, Chelmsford City Centre Station Approach, Chelmsford

Bus Station, Chelmsford City Centre Duke Street, Chelmsford Direction: Wickford 13 bus Time Schedule 46 stops Wickford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM Bus Station, Chelmsford City Centre Duke Street, Chelmsford Tuesday 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM

Railway Station, Chelmsford City Centre Wednesday 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM Station Approach, Chelmsford Thursday 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM Cathedral, Chelmsford City Centre Friday 9:55 AM - 2:02 PM 5-6 Duke Street, Chelmsford Saturday 9:54 AM - 2:05 PM H & M, Chelmsford City Centre New London Road, Chelmsford

Job Centre, Chelmsford City Centre New London Road, Chelmsford 13 bus Info Direction: Wickford Rc Church, Chelmsford Stops: 46 Trip Duration: 26 min Queen Street, Chelmsford Line Summary: Bus Station, Chelmsford City Centre, Railway Station, Chelmsford City Centre, Cathedral, South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford Chelmsford City Centre, H & M, Chelmsford City Centre, Job Centre, Chelmsford City Centre, Rc Street, Chelmsford Church, Chelmsford, Queen Street, Chelmsford, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford South Lodge Hotel, Chelmsford, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Wood Street Tesco, Chelmsford, Bruce Wood Street Tesco, Chelmsford Grove, Chelmsford, St John's Hospital, Chelmsford, Hylands Parade, Chelmsford, Linnet Drive, Tile Kiln, Bruce Grove, Chelmsford Fowlers Court, Tile Kiln, Russell Gardens, Chelmsford, Grace Bartlett Gardens , Chelmsford The Running Mare, Chelmsford, The Eagle, Galleywood, Galleywood Common, Galleywood, St John's Hospital, Chelmsford Bakers Lane, West Hanningeld, West Hanningeld Whitley Link, Chelmsford Road, West Hanningeld, St Peter's School, West Hanningeld, Church, West Hanningeld, Rettendon Hylands Parade, Chelmsford Common, Rettendon, Chalk Street, South Hanningeld, The Old Windmill, South Hanningeld, Linnet Drive, Tile Kiln Sudbury Road, Brock Hill, Galleons, Brock Hill, Brock Galleywood Road, Chelmsford Hill Farm, Brock Hill, The Greenway, Brock Hill, Downham Road, Brock Hill, Guernsey Gardens Up, Fowlers Court, Tile Kiln Wickford, Guernsey Gardens Lr, Wickford, Station Avenue, Wickford, Railway Station, Wickford, Jersey Russell Gardens, Chelmsford Gardens, Wickford, The Swans, Wickford, Tiptree Grove, Wickford, Fambridge Drive, Wickford, St Omar The Running Mare, Chelmsford Close, Wickford, Sutherland Place, Wickford, The Derby Digger, Wickford, Melville Drive, Wickford, Carlyle Gardens, Wickford, Wick Drive, Wickford, The Eagle, Galleywood Tesco Store, Wickford The Street, Chelmsford

Galleywood Common, Galleywood Stock Road, Galleywood Civil Parish

Bakers Lane, West Hanningeld Bakers Lane, Galleywood Civil Parish

West Hanningeld Road, West Hanningeld St Peter's School, West Hanningeld Middle Mead Close, West Hanningeld Civil Parish

Church, West Hanningeld

Rettendon Common, Rettendon

Chalk Street, South Hanningeld

The Old Windmill, South Hanningeld

Sudbury Road, Brock Hill

Galleons, Brock Hill

Brock Hill Farm, Brock Hill

The Greenway, Brock Hill Brock Hill Drive, Runwell Civil Parish

Downham Road, Brock Hill

Guernsey Gardens Up, Wickford

Guernsey Gardens Lr, Wickford

Station Avenue, Wickford Station Avenue, Wickford

Railway Station, Wickford Station Approach, Wickford

Jersey Gardens, Wickford

The Swans, Wickford The Broadway, Wickford

Tiptree Grove, Wickford

Fambridge Drive, Wickford

St Omar Close, Wickford

Sutherland Place, Wickford

The Derby Digger, Wickford Radwinter Avenue, Wickford

Melville Drive, Wickford

Carlyle Gardens, Wickford

Wick Drive, Wickford Munro Court, Wickford

Tesco Store, Wickford Salcott Crescent, Southend-on-Sea Direction: Wickford 13 bus Time Schedule 8 stops Wickford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM Tesco Store, Wickford Salcott Crescent, Southend-on-Sea Tuesday 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM

Harris Close, Wickford Wednesday 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM

Twinstead, Wickford Thursday 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM Friday 10:51 AM - 2:52 PM Broad Oaks, Wickford Saturday 1:01 PM - 3:01 PM Pebmarsh Drive, Wickford Nayland Close, Wickford

The Swans, Wickford 13 bus Info Jersey Gardens, Wickford Direction: Wickford 5 Station Avenue, Wickford Stops: 8 Trip Duration: 8 min Railway Station, Wickford Line Summary: Tesco Store, Wickford, Harris Close, Station Approach, Wickford Wickford, Twinstead, Wickford, Broad Oaks, Wickford, Pebmarsh Drive, Wickford, The Swans, Wickford, Jersey Gardens, Wickford, Railway Station, Wickford 13 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved