CHRISTIAN MANHOOD. Knowledge Surpasses That of Socrates As Many
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"PREACH TIIE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE." MARK, XVI., 15 VOL. LXIV PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, ]UNF NO 25 .N , Sw* .S wisdom of God and the power of God, whose A t ^iPEL CAR. is to be the a ir and pulpit of salvation to CHRISTIAN MANHOOD. knowledge surpasses that of Socrates as many. May Cod i blessing attend it upon much as the splendor of the sun excels the its way. May it realize the mission upon light of the flickering lamp. (^¡MIGibbons to Graduates The Question, A Novel and Unique Undertaking Railway which we send it forth. May it ever be the Ii Plato glorified in claiming Greece as harbinger of grac< to those to whom it shall Wkatilthe Greatest Need of Our Times the place of his birth, how much more Car, that to Needy Parts is to Bring Glad come and may it finally auger propitiously should you rejoice in being born and nur- for the new manner of missionary effort far the Betterment of Society? tured in a country so free and enlightened Tidings Is to Show Forth Good. which to-day it doth usher in." as the United States of America! Here, The car left the LaSallt street station at Hia Eminence Cardinal Gibbons attended thank God, tnere is liberty without license, His Grace the Most Rev. Archbishop t>: 30 o clock Sunday and authority without despotism. Here, the evening for Wichita, the annual commencement exercise this James Edward Quigley, dedicated the chapel Kas, where it will b)ee at the service of Bish- government holds over you the aegis of its month in ttte Jesuit's college of lloly Cross, car of the Catholic Church Extension So- op Hennessy until next December. During Worcester, Mass. His address to the grad- protection without interfering with the God- ciety of the United States Sunday afternoon, this time the is nop or a missionary priest uates was on the subject of Christian Man- given and inalienable rights of private con- June 16, at the ltock Island depot, Chicago. will tour the bran h lines of the rkilroads hood. He »aid in part : science. His Grace was assisted by Rt. Rev. Bishop running through Kan? as, stopping at towns "The uuestion may be askeu: \\ hat is tne "No citizen of the United States should Mu]doon, I), l)., V. G., Rev. Francis E. Kelly, where there arc no Catholic churches to greatest need of our times ior the better- be a drone in the social hive. No man should president of the society, and several priests administer tl sacraments and bring the ment of society? Is it churches? Temples of be an indifferent spectator of the social, from Chicago and neighboring parishes. consolation of religion to the isolated me m- worship are indeed very necessary at all economic and political problems which are The services were very impressive, consist- hers of the faith. times. They bear evidence of the laiih and presented lor his consideration. And if ing of the blessing of the interior and exter- devotion of the people. But they are t " every citizen should take an interest in pub- ior of the car, the altar and the various ar- the most essential thing for our day. lic affairs, surely those like you, who enjoy ticles to be used in the sacred liturgy. Filipinos not Appreciated. "It is not so sure that all Americans un- the advantages of a liberal education, should Addresses were delivered by Rev. Francis "Is it hospitals and sanitariums that the derstand, says Archbishop Ireland, "the in a special manner have a deep concern for Kelly, Rev. Gilbert Jennings, of Cleveland, times specially call for? Hospitals, indeed, Philippin« people as they really are. Some ire the landmarks of Christian civilization, their country's moral and material welfare. ()., Rev. Dr. Melody, of the Catholic Univer- of us, uneon ciously, wear a tinge of and contribute immensely to the alleviation Exercise the right of suffrage by giving your sity, of Washington, and Hon. W. P. Breen, that influence only to candidates of clean hands Anglo-Saxon pride which exhibits tf human misery. But they do not consti- treasurer of the society, whose eloquent races as necessarily and always s other tote the greatest need of the day, for they and unsullied reputation. words are omitted for lack of space. inferior to ourselves, which leads us in relieve only a small fraction of the members "But you will best serve your country by An assemblage of laity numbering more ments to substitute the hurried judg- of the commonwealth. the integrity ot vcur private lives. Political than 500, among them Ambrose Petry, of eral rule exception to the gen- •Again, what is the greatest need of the life is the reilex of domestic life. The in- New York, the donor of the chapel car to than the virtuto «remembe r the defects rather country and of the Church? Is it majestic dividual is the source of the family and the the Church Extension Society, gathered the misfortunes of condi- md colossal state houses for our legislative family is the source of society. For the around the back platform of the car to listen tions rather than the innate possibilities of | bodies? Is it stately palaces for our Bish- stream does not rise above its source. What to the addresses also. Each pictured graph- growth and improvement. The Filipinos I ops and clergy? The convention that met would it avail you to be regarded in the pub- ically the work of the chapel car in isolated are a Christian people, by no means ill-in- ia Philadelphia in 1787 to frame the most lic walks of life as a freeborn citizen, if in settlements and commended the generosity structed in their religion by no means nooeatous constitution ever formed for tin; the sanctuary of your homes you were the of Mr. Petry, whose gift of $15,000 made the taithiess to its commands. Their family life drfi guidance of men—that convention as- slaves of intemperance and of an ungov- project possible. is exemplary; they are kind and generous aaabled in a hall not conspicuous for its ernable temper? "The ceremony in which we are partici- hearted; they are mild-mannered and cour- majestic proportions. "Let the words of the Psalmist be your in- pating to-day, my dear friends," said Dr. teous. They are proud and self-respecting: % ft schools and colleges that are most spiring watchword: 'If I forget thee, O Je- Melody, of the Catholic University, "marks unwilling to submit to disrespect white •gW? Christian schools are indeed imlis- rusalem, let my right hand be forgotten. a new era of missionary effort—not indeed most responsive to fair and generous treat- ment. pcOMfcfe for the moral and mental develop- Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my a new era in the nature of this effort, but in Nor are all Filipinos illiterate r-rf void of mwtofi tfr.e rising generations But what mouth if I do not remember thee, if I make the matter of its method. Ever since the culture. The charter of the univer- sity of use of this spacious hall, and not Jerusalem the beginning of my joy.'" call of the twelve apostles the Chistian mis- Manila antedates the charter of our mc fl^Mpplng classrooms, and an able corps sionary has been at work. His office ob- re fanioi s American centers of ed- ucation «f MM and pious professors, if there viously was the necessary complement of and it- alumnmnil througthroi h centuries ratio gnpils to frequent the college? This In France. the ministry of his Lord and Master. The have filled, as they fill to-day, with distinc- «tifabthe casket; you are the gems that The determination of the government to truth and religion of Jesus Christ, it is tion. the learned professions. ' at at in it You are the jewels that are prevent the least relaxation of the harshest needless here to observe, was for all time "The Filipinos gained much from their ¡¡•fig to adorn and delight the brow of provisions of the separation law was proved and all men. His Church was to accredit own kind nature; they gained much from the Christian religion, and much, too, from ; Mr Columbia, the mother of us all. You the other day at Tourcoing. • itself to the world by its inherent power to tttaaot created for the sake of the churcli- The performance of religious rites in the appeal to all men. to satisfy fully their every olden Spanish masters. We must know the * art schools; but the churches and public highways is forbidden expressly. This true spiritual aspiration and need. And so Filipinos, treat them with respect and t fctate were erected for your benefit. They clause has been construed to cover even the the high commission was given to 'Go into brotherly love—recognizing the good they I,in ft« means, you are the end, and the end administration of the sacrament in case of the world and preach to every creature,' have, adding thereto, in the profuse measure feif lobler than the means, fatal accidents. not to the privileged few, not as before to the good that we ourselves have. The flag f I "What the times call lor is men, sturdy It caused the arrest at Brest of the priests the members of a chosen race but to every must bring to them new treasures, while §§M*, endowed with the courage of their con- who followed the bodies of the sailors of the son of man, in all parts and 'for all time.