Learning Objective, Success Criteria…

LO: To understand how to make a face.

Success Criteria I can create a realistic mosaic portrait of using coloured paper tiles or coloured pencils and explain why Justinian I was to important during the .

I can make a mosaic portrait of Justinian I using coloured pencils describe what he built during his reign. Key vocabulary

I can make a mosaic portrait of Justinian I. , mosaic, ornate, Justinian I, Don’t forget at the end of the lesson to self assess (SA) on your sticker how successful you have been with your learning using Starter

Tell a family member or friend what you can remember about Hagia Sofia?

Don’t forget that was famous for its .

Guess who…

Below is a mosaic we looked at during the first lesson who do you think is the person holding the model of Hagia Sofia?

Tell a family member or friend what you think the persons name is. Ravenna

Ravenna is a town in northern and, after the split of Roman empire into the Western and Eastern Roman Empire in 395 AD was the of the Western Roman Empire from 402-476 AD. Justinian I

Justinian I was emperor over the Eastern Roman empire from 527 to 565 AD. During his reign, he sought to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the lost Western half of the Roman Empire.

Justinian I Justinian I

His reign marked a blossoming of Byzantine culture and included building Hagia Sofia. Justinian I

He reconquered Ravenna, which was the capital of the Western Empire in 540 AD which then became the seat of the Byzantine government in Italy.

Justinian I of San Vitale

Church of San Vitale, also called Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy that was built in the 6th century and is considered a masterpiece of . It is especially noted for the colourful mosaics of Christian iconography that decorate the interior walls and ceilings. Definitions…

Use a dictionary or the internet to find the meaning of architecture and iconography and write the definition in your book. Basilica of San Vitale

Below is a photo of one of the famous mosaics from a ceiling in the Basilica of San Vitale. The mosaic shows leaves, fruit, flowers, birds, animals and with the Lamb of God (symbolising Christ) in the middle.

Tell a family member or friend one word that describes your thought of this incredibly decorated ceiling. Basilica of San Vitale

One word you could have used to describe the ceiling was ornate which means richly and elaborately decorated. This was the style of at the time. Your task…

Justinian I has requested your artistic services in creating a new mosaic of him for his birthday celebration. He has requested that you try to use colours similar to ones in other mosaics and pictures of him. He wishes you the best of luck and is looking forward to see what masterpiece you will produce.

Your task…

I can draw an A4 size the face of Justinian I making sure I draw a simple line drawing template of his face – there should be a line to show the shapes of the face, ears, hair, nose, eyes, neck and eyebrows.

I should then lightly mark in pencil what colour each area will be. Each area should be one colour except the skin which should contain three different skin tones.

I will then use different coloured squared paper and start sticking on the squares of paper, taking care to think carefully about where their face will be darker or lighter and showing this with the different skin tones colours. The squares must be stuck close together but not overlapping.

If you don’t have coloured paper to make mosaic tiles you could use different coloured pencils to give the same effect. Your task…

I can draw a face of Justinian I making sure I draw a simple line drawing template of his face – there should be a line to show the shapes of the face, ears, hair, nose, eyes, neck and eyebrows.

I will then use different coloured squared paper tiles I have cut out and start sticking on the squares over the drawing of Justinian I face.

The squares must be stuck close together but not overlapping.

If you don’t have coloured paper to make mosaic tiles you could use different coloured pencils to give the same effect. Your task…

I can draw a face of Justinian I making sure I draw a simple line drawing template of his face.

I will then use different coloured squared paper tiles I have cut out and start sticking on the squares over the drawing of Justinian I face.

If you don’t have coloured paper to make mosaic tiles you could use different coloured pencils to give the same effect. Plenary

Show your master piece to family member or friend and ask the them to rate your mosaic portrait of Justinian I out of 10 and advice of how you could make it even better. Helpful examples