LOW's Pocket Cable Code (ALPHABETICAL)

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LOW's Pocket Cable Code (ALPHABETICAL) * REVISED BDITIOM * BD^JH M. L05?i s fej* JS*-r/ i7 0!AKiMC CROSS nf 949 BROADWAY TRAFAU5AR SQUARE I -MEARSatAVEHOm.- iDHDOM-1 -New York- Din£IN H. L03la£, L0WS EXeriAN©E And Steamship flgeney, 949 Broadway, 57 Charing Cross, Madison Square, NEW YORK. Trafalgar Square, LONDON. Cable Address ; London Local and EDLOW, NEW YORK Continental Messages Address: EDLOW, LONDON. "AFTERNOON," LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1885. View from Lows Exchange in London. For the Convenience of American and Other Travellers. £ o EDWIN H. LOW, LOW'S EXCHANGE)" 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, LONDON, ENGLAND. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 per month; $2.50 three months. D EPA RTM ENTS: iPOStHl—For the care and forwarding of Letters, Telegrams, etc. When desired, Cables and Telegrams repeated by wire to any part. Special attention given to this. Prompt service guaranteed. iPaSSCttgCl— Full information furnished and Passages booked by any Line to all parts. Sailing and Passenger Lists on file ; also telegraphic advices of the arrival of Steamers. JBailfcillCJ—Mr. Low is prepared to offer exceptional banking facil- ities and rates to purchasers of Drafts or Credits on all the best houses of Europe and America. Drafts issued direct on Low's Exchange in London or New York. Foreign monies exchanged at lowest rates. STOUTS— Estimates for Tours of short or long duration furnished to all parts of the world, and tickets secured at lowest rates. StOraQC—Travellers' Baggage Stored at a small weekly rate, viz.: Large trunks, 6d.; medium size trunks, 4d.; small trunks and steamer chairs, 3d. IfOnVtirOtnCJ—Travellers' Luggage collected from any given ad- dress and forwarded to all parts at low rates. Goods shipped to the United States or Canada. ITHSUrailCC—Covers risk of Damage or Loss to Baggage, Mer- chandise, etc., by fire or sea. N. B.—Low's Exchange in London is established for the general con- venience of travellers, and anything which adds to their comfort will cheerfully be undertaken. Foreign monies exchanged. Guide Books, etc. sale. on American and other Directories and Newspapers on file.' ' BFOfcun's Hotel TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED THE =St. George's Hotel DOVER STREET and ALBEMARLE STREET, L O N D O N, Ia£. Elevators. Electric Light Throughout. Fixed Baths. ' Telegrams : — "Brownotel, London. TELEPHONE NO. 3696. J. J. FORD V SONS, Proprietors, Messages can be sent by Low's Pocket Cable Code, which is in use in the Hotel. LOW'S Pocket Cable Code (ALPHABETICAL) -SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR" AMERICAN TRAVELLERS. Comprising- over 10,000 Useful Commercial and Domestic Phrases and Sentences. PUBLISHED BY EDWIN H. LOW, 949 Broadway, 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, NEW YORK. LONDON. -ALSO SUCCESSOR TO THE" NATIONAL EXCHANGE and PASSENGER AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC RATES, DIFFERENCES IN TIMES IN THE EUROPEAN CENTRES, VALUE OF EUROPEAN CURREN- CIES, LIST OF EUROPEAN BANKERS ( WITH THEIR TELE- GRAPHIC ADDRESSES), HOTELS RECOMMENDED AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION TO TRAVELLERS. COPYRIGHTED 1894. [THIRD (Revised) EDITION.] BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT CALLAGHAN & CO, )r OPTICIANS < TO H. DR. H- 7//£ PRINCE OF WALES. Opera, Race and Field Glasses The Largest and Choicest Assortment. FROM J32 lOS. TO £20. 23a New Bond Street, . LONDON, W. THE 1,0 X DO I QF EDWIN H, LOW, LOW'S EXCHANGE, HAS REMOVED TO 3Ncrgp ci | Roffe^e trat/(lgar buildings, TBAEALGAR SQUARE, W. 0. THE revised edition of Low's Pocket Cable Code contains an Appendix of useful phrases which were wanting in the first and second editions, and which will be found of value. It also contains some slight changes in code words which it is not anticipated will interfere with the use of the former editions. The trans- lated meanings have not been altered, and an indi- vidual using one edition and not finding a word in a telegram received, can invariably use the word occupying the same alphabetical place. The possibilities of misconstruction necessitated the substitution of these few code words for those in former editions. LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, (ENGLAND-) The Old Route in the Old Country. The Tourist's Favorite. IRISH AND SCOTCH ROYAL MAIL ROUTE. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST. Liverpool (fflMfO, to London (S3, Under 4% hours; to GLASGOW. EDINBOKO, PERTH, ABERDEEN, MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM, LEAMINGTON, STRATFORD-ON-AVON, BRISTOL, OXFORD, (All RRIDtiE, etc., and vice versa. SPECIAL TRAINS Liverpool to London and vice versa, when requisite to make close connection with American Steamers. QUEENSTOWN TO LONDON, via Dublin and Holyhead, American Mail Route, under 16 hours. RAGGAGK CHECKED THROUGH from New York to London, Edinboro, Glas- gow, etc., via Liverpool and via Queenstown; also from the Landing Stage, Liverpool and Queenstown. FIRST-CLASS CARS on all trains ; SECOND-CLASS CARS on all trains except through trains with Scotland, and other minor connections; THIRD-CLASS CARS on all trains except Irish Mail Trains. CORRIDOR ( Vestibuled ) TRAINS. LONDON, LIVERPOOL, Manchestkr TO GLAS- GOW, Edinboro, and vice versa. First and Third-Class Dining Cars. Luncheon, Dinner and Tea, served on train. DRAWING-ROOM CARS.—Special Compartments, Private Saloons and Family Cars for parties, equipped with all modern improvements, are provided for the use of first-class passengers without extra charge. SLEEPING CARS on night trains. DINING CARS run on all principal trains. OMNIBUSES for family parties at Liverpool, London, Birmingham and Man- chester. LUNCHEON BASKETS containing substantial refreshments, hot or cold, can be obtained at the principal stations. HOTELS under the management of the Company: North Western Hotel, Lime Street Station, Liverpool, the best and largest, patronized by Americans; Eiiston Hotel, London, noted for its cellar and French cuisine ; Queen's Hotel, Birmingham; Central Sluiion, Glasgow, etc. The Company's Agents, Mr. W. STIRLING, at Queenstown, and Mr. FRED. W. THOMPSON, at Liverpool, meet the American steamers on arrival and secure omnibuses, seats, saloon carriages, rooms at hotel, and give general information. THROUGH TICKETS to London. Glasgow, Paris, and principal stations in England, Scotland, Ireland, Walks, and Continent of Europe. Time Tables and full information as to travel and hotels can be obtained from the Com- pany's General Agent for North America, Mr C. A. BARATTONI. 852 Broadway, near Union Square, New York; Mr. D. BATTERSBY, 184 St. James St., Mon- treal, and Messrs. 11. GAZE & SONS, 113 Broadway, New York, and their offices in the principal cities of the United States and Canada. 6. P. NEELE, Supt. of the Line. E. MICHEL, Foreign Traffic Supt. London, Euaton station. FRED. HARRISON, General Manager. PRE FACE. THE value of a Cable Code to the traveling community is now so generally recognized that it is superfluous to enlarge upon its advantages. Indeed, no experienced traveler would consider his (or her) traveling equipments complete without a code of some description. The Cable Codes for the traveling public now in exist- ence are very limited in number, and, without in the least detracting from their value, may be said to fall short of the increasing requirements of the tourist. The practice, too, of the compilers of such publications of classifying the sentences under various Headings has been found irk- some, especially to the uninitiated, besides often entailing loss of valuable time. To provide, therefore, a Cable Code of a more compre- hensive and yet simple character for the traveler has been the aim of this publication. The construction of Low's Pocket Cable Code, by being arranged in alphabetical form, is so simple that any person, without the least knowledge of Telegraph Codes, can readily understand it, while the information in connection therewith—for instance, the International Telegraph Rates, —will be found absolutely indispensable in the use of this or any other publication of a similar kind. Hence Low's Tocket Cable Code should commend itself to everyone using Codes for sending messages by wire. GENERAL REMARKS. ¥ITH the aid of this Code, travelers are not only able to hold direct communication, by cable, with their relatives and friends abroad, notifying them, for instance, of their safe arrival, the state of their health, their pecu- niary and other pressing needs, etc., but can also arrange, by wire, while traveling in Europe, for their homeward passages by any Line, through Low's Exchange, London, as well as to clearly express their wishes regarding the disposition of their letters and telegrams which they may have directed to their care, at a considerable saving in the cost of transmission. One example will doubtless suffice. to make our meaning intelligible to the reader. Say a Mr. Robinson intends making a tour in Italy, and on arriving at Brussels desires to have his letters which he has had addressed to Low's Exchange, London, sent to the care of Messrs. Bigwood & Morgan, Bankers of that city. On turning to the words "Letters" in the Code, he will find that he is directed to refer to "Forward" re Letters. Then, on referring to the European Bankers — (who have been selected on account of their business relations being principally with American Travelers)—he will observe that the telegraphic address " of that firm is "Bigwood." Hence, he will wire, Low's Exchange, London, as follows: "Afternoon, London, Healthiest Bigwood, (Signed) Robinson," which reads: —"Forward all letters for me here, care of Bigwood & Morgan,"—thus saving at least eight words. The other distinct advantages which this Code offer are: Its general circulation among the principal European Bankers and Hotels, so that should the tourist, in the course of his travels, have mislaid his copy, as it may some- times happen, he (or she) will have little or no difficulty in securing another copy for reference. Secondly, in the pecuniary interest of those travelers using this Code, the principal London hotels and certain of the leading foreign hotels—as specified on pages 206-208—are prepared to receive and give best attention to telegrams that may be addressed to them in the language of this Code, regard- ing accommodation.
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