January – June 2014 Number 55 ISSN 1026 2881 Journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups January – June 2014 No. 55 1 Chair reports / Rapports des Présidents 1 African Elephant Specialist Group report / Rapport du Groupe des Spécialistes des Eléphants d’Afrique S P E C I E S Holly T Dublin S U R V I V A L C O M M I S S I O N 6 African Rhino Specialist Group report / Rapport du Groupe des Spécialistes des Rhinocéros Editors d’Afrique Dali Mwagore and Helen van Houten Mike Knight Section Editors Deborah Gibson—African elephants 20 Asian Rhino Specialist Group report / Rapport Kees Rookmaaker—African and Asian rhinos du Groupe des Spécialistes des Rhinocéros d’Asie Editorial Board Bibhab K Talukdar Julian Blanc Holly T Dublin 23 Research Richard Emslie Mike Knight 23 The African elephant and food security in Africa: Esmond Martin experiences from Baringo District, Kenya Benson Okita-Ouma Robert Olivier Dorothy A Amwata and Kevin Z Mganga Diane Skinner 30 Luanda—the largest illegal ivory market in Bibhab K Talukdar southern Africa Lucy Vigne Esmond Martin and Lucy Vigne Design and layout Dali Mwagore 38 Evaluation of a low-tech method, pepper– grease, for combatting elephant crop-raiding Illustrations activities in Kakum Conservation Area, Ghana Nelson Otemba Edward D Wiafe and Moses K Sam Address all correspondence, including enquiries 43 Management about subscription, to 43 The last chance for the Sumatran rhinoceros? The Editor, Pachyderm PO Box 68200 – 00200 Francesco Nardelli Nairobi, Kenya tel: +254 20 249 3561/65 email:
[email protected] website: http://www.iucn.org/african_elephant http://pachydermjournal.org Cover: Angolan authorities rarely inspect the displays of ivory in Mercado do Artesanato in Luanda, Reproduction of this publication for educational resulting in the largest quantity of illegal ivory on or other non-commercial purposes is authorized sale in southern Africa.