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AND Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 180 5, and Twenty-Ninth oi American Independence. > CONTAINING

Civily Ecdefiajlica!, Judicial, and Military Lifts in

MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary, agricultural^ and charitable Purpofes.

A Liji of PosT-TowNS in Majachvfetts, with tk Names of the Post-Masters. AT.,SO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, % its With feveral Departments and Eftablifiiraents ;

The Executive Government in each State ;

Cenfus of the Towns inMaflfachufetts ; Public Duties, Sec USEFUL TABLES, And a Variety of other intereiling Articles.

BOSTON : Pubiifhed by JOHN WEST, and MANNING & LORING. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book-'Stores, Comhill. . ' ,

KCLIPSES FvOR i8o5. 'rTF,RE will be fix EclipCes rhk year; four of tliem'v/ii-i jj -0- bi- oi -he; Sun, and tv/o M'lil be of the Moon, as follows. I. The fi.ft will be a total and viilble colipfe of the JMoon, January the 15th, and by calculation as follows, vi^. H. M.

• '"P-cginnifig of th« Etlipfc BcginTiing of total aatknefs Appa'rent tin»G Aiiddie - ;. - . - q'LI . End of total darkhfefs ' V End of Eclipfe

Duration of total'cr^rk-ne«rs , Whole duration - -V, 20'^ Bitnts eclipfed, 52', in the r rtntn^ji-W G\ Hiadov.'. IL_ The fecond will he df ine STih,';Tan^?,ry*3erfi, lit' 29m. m the evening, invifihle.in the \or:hem i^iTTirnhcit-A

: IIL l'heth;ii:^il^atro'?)s-^f%)?&^Ju^26lb(^ ** .29zqm. in the eveniViV4nvirihr5L. \ IV. Tiie { burtii \\Mirlx!N^tte.'Mo6ir, -.Hly lAh;, 4hy^ l5Tn. in. the ev erring ij^ia^oi-^fjqM-entlyi-^icqii invijil^e to "us. \ V. TheffftI? t^> \ur-j:^j|U^th,^ 1^. ^7np^ in the morninj:^, iiXifible. v * VL Theviixth and lail wiU.be orShe Sun, Decern d^ Soth, 7h. 25m. i^ tHe caning- • -inviriy.(i>o.va4] tl* Y'liabi\y able parts of the o^lobe, but central at the {»uth po]e,*!ir ^ loTig'tude 111° 24' weft-^f*^oftorvand iatitudi^S^llfoath. > «^ '. -s lat. S. • • J) 47I . .. <<*<4« <-4-< "^4* ->*> Cen A

/4^ ^v /-^ ec^-^y

5 .

JANUARY, i8p^, begins on Tuefday.

Firft Quarter 8th day, ch. 27m. cvcrrr. ^' Full Moon 15th day, sl:j#45m. monrirg. Laft Quarter 22d day, loh. im. morning. New Moon 30th day, 2h. i^m. evenins^.

Obicr\Hi if J jay^, tides. Low C-P. Bofi. & De^;h. 7 3^5 .5 1^,11 4^ Moderate wtaiJ^^^m ^^^SL 31 ^|\6 i6iEv.36 ^^ 1 3j:3 s foil. 8h. ^om. Clouds 31 7 20. 22 4|G Sir I. Newton, b. 1643, denote 30 8 26 2 7 ^ 2 more J'nozv. 29 5 .9 Sc ,^ Epiphany. 29 5 o 3' 3 34 P. Leiiox. ^-^%^f M 285 4 19 ^3 lAician. •K ::i"oir; 914 win(h (md c .A4 ' ^- Day break ^. 4,5m'. 'verf ft' ^•53 11:6 2620 ^.3 22 ,2:7 aoudyr\ Perig^e^l ^5'-r45' 3o ^ f ift Sund. pail Epiph. Very. high 24 5 44 to 'J 4 2 C.P.North.War. &Len. "tides 23 J 6 4?i 11 Now D eclipf. inviiible 23 t #'i{t ,164 comes on 22 « 42 1 Dr. Fr.inklin born, 1706. 21 ^ 18(6 MiddUng tides. ajlorm 20 r 9 6 offnew or rain, 19 10 12 20 18 16' 2d Sund. paft Epiphany. 11 3 21 Agnes. Louis XVI. beh, morn. 1793. 4 - Vincent. ;^ . More 4 4 moderaie. 15 Low tides for the fcafon. 14 b I '5 Converfion St. PauL Falling 13 .' 3 weather. 12 }) Apogee 5 4 o 3d Sund. paft Epiphany. 11 o 5 4S the Great died, 10 Peter 1725. 5 5 0^1 9 S3 Cold 9 5 D 20 10 22 with feme. Oeclipfed. 5 ])(ets'ii 1 -6 Yard \. fcis 2h. Join. J'v.ow. 7 6 Sii 56 New Hanipilnrc, gr.ait of, by the PJymcuth company 1621 ; and firft began to be fettled 1623. It Mas put under the jurifdiclion oi Mailachufetts 1650, r.nd feparated fror that government 1679. In -1692, the inhabitants ^gai ^-^etiiioned to be united M'ilh M.-iHachuicits, and were ior : ^ ^^ FEBRUARY, 1805, beg^ti^n F^^

Firfl: Quarter 6thfd^Y,^i^h.^^rn. evenii^. Fuji Moon 13th 'dd^y^ 3h, 58111. evening/ t

Lad Quarter 21ft day, *6n. 3^tfi>rtnormn^. j

M"|%vn Qba-rvcibie Days, :r. (jjhTUyjca (gc V.:>| T.es. 7*s fet 2h. om. Driving -7 5 6 7.-J4i®-4i Purif^". Mary, or Candlqira*. 4 5 8 2! 4th ifRid. pa{l">Epiph^\ ZiJzrhl^. ^ 3 5 ?C ' 2 11 Fine/i/n, " ^ J 2 I,

^'^ ''^% AgatlTa!^^ ,^M^ ffr)' . o Alliance with France, 1V78.-'* 7 JPeiJ^^. 6 57f§ 9 ic Septuagefima Sunday. 11 Treaty with G. Britain, 1796. t2 Plea/ant 13 Yard L. fou. 7h. 20m. /

Vale NT i n e-Day. February. Changcz to

;i 's fet ih. oin. Jlormy.

17 Sexagefima Sund.

20 Good wtatkcr ^ \ < 2f Very low tides. agahi, Washington bom, 1732. PUafant [ D A^K^gee. Quinqna. Sund. St. Matth. Clouds dmcte a change. Afli-Wednefdiy, or Lent. 28

VENUS will be Morning S/ar, till- ih 2^/1 day of May ;' ' t/isncc Evening Star to the end of the year. , j

" iliort time under their jmifdiftion . A provJujcial Congr^fj' took up the Civil government anuar/ j) ^776, : Oclober3i, 1783, they eftablifl their preTent conftitution Mafifachufetts" grant of, by ihe P;iyh>dutJ^ coihpan>*t^

Sir Henry Rofwell and others 1627 ; a royal charter grant- ed 1628. Emigration to this country was prohibited by ,

* 7/^f to ^^ A:,^

6- n 1 . U^ Cif a. y t


1% cV~H^c^^A^ V .

MARCtis 1805, begins oft Friday.

New Moon'^ift day, ^h. 45111. itiorning. Firft Quarter Sth day, ^h. 52m. morning.

Full Moon 15th ^ay, 5^.' 511^. morning. Laft Quarter 23d day, 3h. 24m. morning, New Moon 30th d'ay, 6h. 9m. evening. ^

M \V Oblervabie Days, &c. jr. s i

1 2 3 ^

APRIL, ib05, begins oii\^londa^.

Firft-Quarter 6th day, iih. 47m. morpi^igL Full Moon 13th day, yh. om. evening.^- ^ \ Lad Quarter 21ft day, ich; 18m. evening^. New Mcon 29th day, 3h. 47m. morniifg. ^

liil Ohlcrvable Davs, t^c. r.0s. Gov, and b^n. choien, Maliachu. 8 46 E~2^ 7*s fet loh. Cc('d, St. Ambrofc. zc':tA^ ;

Jailing ^.-;'^ 3 39 7 rpoTj::. Not very high tides, weatkcr.

Hi^h winds. , ^ 36-7 1 fe ^7'-^«35\ C.P. T.enox. Becomes pleafant 2 S.J. C.Concord. CP. Plym 3¥ Gen. Self. York.r and ^ 3'HJ agreeaUe tveatker. 4 6 Good-Friday. Cliangtabk. 4 3^' !0 C|. • rife

Eafter-Day. Some . 7 52 morn, C.P.Taunton, rain* [-xYork 856 o 4 S.J.C. Worcefter.. C.P. Boftoi: 9 57 C F-A Low tides. .. Cool 10 rp. I'ard L iet5 ph. 3m. D Apogee. 11 40 2 52 Battle at Lexington, 1775. -non). zoinds. '- o 23 ui ] tftSund.p'^rt Eaft. LowS. Skoicers. i\3c S.J.C. Northarnpt. and Ipfwich. Gen. Eleftion Rhode-Kland. 2 2£

St. Mark. 2 , _ Beautiful Middling tides,

•wfather. •3 -^ 2d Sund. paft Eailer. Heavy 4 29 fiowrr with thunder. Ifefer> 1^ 27y 0=3 S.J.C. Lenox. C.P. Dedham •9 '2LEv.'jr^ fequence of a proclamation iilurd by General Q,ag^, th^ rcprefenratives met at Salem, and refolyed tbemfeSpes into a provincial Congrei?, October 5, 1774. A convention met for fettling a conllitution, September 1, 1779, 2nd ton- tinued by adjouri;rrient until March 2, 178c, when The.y 2?^ /r^/^ iG.y t'i^ O^^H.-^ 'h 7 JiA/4^^ 'i ¥ -^y"^'a^yky^ 7 r- ^i^1/ f^-'

'c~. r' -y^



^^'' %, .//t"

/ Tvt «. ^<< MAT, iSq5, begins on Wednefd?.;

Firft Quar^r 5th day, 7h. 2m. ^vfi^ing. FuinSloon 13 th (fay, ph. 41m. njorning.

Laft Quarter 24 ft day, ih. 53ml evening.

New Moon dScJi da]^, i ih. 3301. morning.

UMerv^c Jjj 'r- •::

S:. Philip 33^ :5t. jair.cs. Ic 14 1 31

Unfctdiid .. I)Peric;ee. II It ~8 N'ight's lengt^icli. ^^ zqeau'icr. morn. 5 Middling ud<|^^ 'v • , o ic 3d Sund. pslT^^.rter. Becomes i =c 1 2c C.P.Caffen-; ir«^^>. 1 51 Y^dL^^s8h.'4Sv{' 16^ 7 Go Gsp. Eleftica Hastkird. « Ccsd plantvig 3 « 1 8 10 ! 11? weather, «l 3 I Li F 4|h S.^pai^ Eaft. Ceii. Louifiana o 8 10 51 C.P. Wifcairet. if your ground\ 11 4c 8l 8 -4 a |>4^.C..York. be dry. \^ 48 mom jLcw tides. * Grows cco'er. 8; 9 ?^9 c 3; 17*3 lile 4h. 28ni. D Apoge 8 lO £s 1 2o 1-6 Prince's of Wales boru, 1768. 2 10 1817 i S^rcvers. 44 8 ii 33 ;5th Sund. pail Eaftsr. vj 8 mom. 3 4 n jC.P. Northampton. fine 12 8; o 1 4 3^ 3 C.P. Augu'.ta and Edgarton. 41 8 26 5 15 + again. ^ 48 5 Afcenfion Day. Hoh^ fhurfd; 40 o Q 3 qo 8 Ha^jn winds. S3 Yard L fets jh. 8m. 08 8 6 1" Su;id. afcer Afcer.fion D 9 1"

tr Very /.bu; Ci;A7« ..^ ic 10 28 S.J.C. Portland. high en 36 8 :)fet!> •1 li Gen.Elea.Borr. tides. DPer. Conveii. Cong. Tvlimilcrs Boiloo 34 N o Oi I -- 31 aft orVI. 34^1 dC 2

i;^:eed on a conft2tutiO!i,_.which was afrcrwards r^.uhed h) .he General C-ourt, in June folloving. An iniurrcftio; headed by Shays, Partons, S:c. broke 4>ut in this State i; 1786, but WTis luppreiTed without rni!v'b*difik-iiit^-^ Th:

\ t JUNE, 184,5, ts^iiis on Saturday.

Firfi. Quarter i^th day, ^H. 26m. morning.

Kill IV'Ioon 1 2th day, ch. 56m. moiAng. IL2II Qi^ter ^oth day,wilv 49m. morning. New Moon 26th day, 6n. 2ym. evening. Miv.( Or DJFs. fjk, \|r. Q f Agreeable b 11 3 IWhlt-Sunday. zoeatt^r. 811 ^6 4 15 C.P. Concord. -An. Eke. Boil. 8 morn. 5 3 [Geo. III. King of Eng. b. 1-738. 8 o 18 5 4^ 4 Gen. Elea. N. H. "at ConCord, o More rain. 1 4J7 IL'V i 'Gov. SuMXER died, 1799. 1 2£8 c \ 87 ^Not ven- high 9F jTrinitv Sund. tides. 2 2^9 34N: 1012 C.P.Worceile*- Ckdn, iij3 S.J.C. Auguila. St. Barnabas,

.^ 8 riff i V * ]) Apogee. mom • 1.31.5 Si^m of 8| 8 58; o 1 14;6 7*s rife 2h. 3cm. rain. Bj 9 qo| 51 1317 Frejh 81 10 'Vi 1 39 " n rK. i6iF ift Sund. paft Trin. breezes. 16 2 -J i7jO Bafile Bunker Hill, 1775. 1048, 3 iH C.P. Portland. Growing 11 13 3"5i v\ tides. 11 ^^914 Low weather. ^ 32I 4^33 20 Thunder. 11 5Dj 21 Longed day and ftiorteft night. morn.l ^\^ 22 Grows o«-4[ 653 2d Sund. paft Trin. ccoler. 57 7 47 St. John Baptlft bom. 1 3« 84. S.J ;C. WiicalTet. C.P. Salem. 2 25! 9 4^ 0cc!ip. ]) Perigee. Dfetsjio 54 Uncomnf.ou high tides for 8 28 ii 59 More the leafon. 27 6 9 lojEv.jc;

St. Peter. S^g^is of ram. 28 8 9 45 1 57 Qd Sand, paft Trin. 28 8'io 14I 2 40

ringleaders were coiivided, but at"tcrv;ai

^^'^"•"'^ fP /;^'^'''*^,y /I. i


. r J /a/1 7^ h.

, 1 f: 'JULY, 1805, begins on Monday. evening. Firft Quarter 3d day, ih. 47m. Full Moon nth day, 4^.. i8m. evening. morning. Laft Quarter 19th day, loh. 42m. New Moon 26th day, ih. 37m. morning.

VA| Ublcrvable Da>^, ti^c. Vilitatipn V. Mary. \ 2 C.P.Bofton.- Good

nides. . weather. 3 Middling decl. I776. 4 IXDEPEKDENCE Night's length gh. Becomes Vi dull. F 4th Sund. paft Trinity. 2 Good again cc 9 3 S.J.C. Caft. for Hanc. & W. 10 Columb. b. in Gen. 1447. I)Ap. 11 for fame. D eclipfed invif, le Cow tides. - days, 13 14 pfeH'STtni^^'TFlhifj'i. French [Revolution 1783 ' ;^ Fine hay 17 -VUiance v/ith France dilTolved. 18 7*s rife oh. lorn.

'-9 weather. 2C Mar^ret. Grows 21 6fh bund, paft Trinity. Magdalene. cooler. Some rain. Dog days begin. 3) Perigee, 5 jot. James. Good " ISf. Anne. ©eclipfed invif. jHigh tides. weather F 7th Sund. paft Trinitv. again. 2! • Dull, 3 jYard L. rifes 3h.. with •' 4 I rain^ refumed 1680. Through the whole of th State manife'ft'jd the moft patriotic fpirit. Since the peace they hay;? umformly evincedan exceffive jealoufy for their eights, and therefore, when it was propofed to inveil Con- grefs, \^h power to levy an impoft of five per cent, on im- AUGUST, 1805, begins o^n ThurCda^ ;^ .

Firfl Qu^arter 2d day, 2h. 55111. morning. • Full Moon icth day, 7h. 7m. morning. Laft Quarter 17th day, ^liu 39m. evening. New Moon 24th day, pt 52m. morning.. Firft Quarter 31ft day, 7h. 15m. evening.

Os.|r.®s.|i'!Va n^;n5^ 51 bjio j8 4 8 Good weather r.1 8 10 50! 5 IC Low titles.^ for iiegetation. 11 27, 6 "t

8ih Sund. paft I'rinity. morn. I 6 57 - - R . Thick air, and o 9\ 7 47 j*s rife loh. 50m. 2) Apog." 8 L 26 fultry. 57 54I 9 Day brealvoh. 2m, 59 2 5311 o 15'' Tides incrcafe. Thunder, o 3 5711. o St. Lawrence. zoitk • ri^ii'^ 9th Sund. pad Trin. JJiowers. i C.P.Caft. Pi:,ofWalesb.i762. 3 7 7 4cV * a7 C.P. Piymouth. '']L>dtghtful 8 2 1 11 weather. ^ 8 £6 1 55 AiTump.' "Bonaparte bom 1709. 8 54 2 '41 Battle Benn, 177/.' • Cool §7 9 30 3 3Q 2~ breezes. •• 10 , 13I. 4 '5 loth Sund. i')a{tTiln. 3) Perigee 1 8i 15 'ISow look * J.C.Boft.&Nann. CP.Mach.

4. Gen. Sefr.Waterbo. [&Augufta. i^Pretiy high tides. /or ajiorm. Clear air, iit. Bartholomew. andfultry.

nth Sund. paft Triniiy. , , 26 C.P. Northamp. Topfh. gc^Len:

C.P. Waterborough . Du U Commence. Camb. and Dartm.

29 7*s rife ph. 30m. . and.hazy Low tides. Cool' 3157 7iirhfs. 28 7'io'ii^' 4 5' ports, by its pertinacious reliilance, was the principa^^cai ':S of defeatir^g the meafure. It aUo remained long §M

^gainil the adoption of the Federal conftituiiou. Its obft( Ijl^-^..^ /t^U<»

SEPTEMBER, 1805, begins .on Sunday.

UIJ Moon 3tha day, 8h. 53m. evening. . Laft. Quarter 15th dayi 1 1^^ 50m. evening. New "Moon 2 2d day', 8h. 501. evening. Firft Quarter 30th day, 2h. i8m. evening.

OhlcrvMhle Days. &c. |i-.0 JJ.jr.® s.tt.^e; i2t!i ^uud. palt 'irin. Giles. iF 29, 11 o ,5 47 22 C.P. Worcefter, Shzvers. 31 11 52 6 37

Dog-days end. _ Apogee. morn. 3,3 J) 32 Commence. Willkmft. &Provi. 4;4 33 ••9. 49 8 15 5'5 Cong, firfr met at PMlad. 1774. 2 55 'P .4 Ln'irchus. razn. 3^ 358 10 31 paftTrin. 13th Sand. Nat.V.M. 39 '@. rifi.- 9,2 C.P. Concord & Taunt. Cool 40 7 6 14 nrorn S.J.C. Lenox. C.S. Concord. 6 40 o Haven. n|4 Commence. N. winds. 43 7 7 7 46 breaks 4b. Some rain. Day 4.57 7 41 1 35 Grows 46 7 8 21 2 2^ Holy Crofs. 487 9 is 3 23 ^:^ I4ih Sand, paft Trln. cookri 49 7 10 13 4 22 162 High winds. oo 7 JTi 22 5 S-l.C. Nonhamp. C.P. Barnft. .52 7 morn. 6 24 •q iB,4 Commencement N. Jerfey. -53 7 36 7 23 Middling tides. ^Sultry. ,5.3 7 I 52 8 19 Yard L. riies llh. gom. v 507 3 7 91 ~ '*' St. Matthew. Kow 10 9A t>/ V ^22 3 F 1 jth Sund. pafl Trin. co/nes 59 7 }) fets 10 51 en a o 6 23 ]} 393 S.J.C. Worceft. C.P. Nevvhury- 2 f 6 33 Ev.2 :ftonn. [port & Dedham. 3f 1 1 26 St. Cyprian. 4 7 36 2 6 Pleafant daxs. 6 8*15 2 56 '.8 Low tides. buUcool # 9 3 47 16th Sund. 29 F paft T. Michaelmas. 9' 52 4 38 502 St. Jerome. nights. 10 49 5 2 lacy, however, \va.> ai lait o\ ercome, and ou May 29, 1790, ' t became a member of the ^ Federal union. . Co^mecricut, the firft grant of, made by the Prefident and Council of Plymouth to the Earl of Warwick 1630- The^ firft charter was granted by Charles H. 1662. Tlie conPtifntion of rhis State is founded on their charter, "?ind as OCTOBER, 1805, begins on Tuefday.

Full Moon 8th day, ph. 28m. morning. Laft Quarter 15th" day,,6h. i8m. morning, New Moon 22d day, 8h. 57m. morning. Firft Quarter 30th day, loh. 38m. morning.

OhfenMblr D^vs, &r. jr. s.|r. ©s.lF.i^ca

1.3 S.j.C. Dedh. C.F. Boit. &Nan-6 12 611 48 Rain. {mokti. D ApDg. 6 13 6 morn. Gov. A D A M s died> y€t. 82 jl Day breaks 4h. 34m. Good zoeather

17th Sund. part Trin. for ' this feafon. S.J.C. Taunton. St. Dennis. Gen. Ele£l. Verm Cooler. Pretty high tides.

Thick ^ "v. 18th Sund. paft Trm.

air. ]) Perigee. SJ.C.Plym. C.P. NewGlouc. Queen of France behead. 1793. Ethelredr'^Bufgoyne tak. 1777^ St. Luke. Dull Cornwallis tak. 1781. weather. igth Sund. paft Trinity.

Pleafant. *^. ^ S.J .0. Barnft. & Dukes Co."^jwT difc. Columbus ^'^^riJllV^ " 1^ '1? 7*s fou. 3h. 4fn.' rdtn,^ '*^44' Dedip. $5h.ever ^^ Low tides. ^ Good<\ ^

20th Sund. paft TKJni,ty. ., > .4 St. Simon and St. Jude. jiApog.

C.P. l'i{])ury. ifeal^ , . again. Yard L rifes gh.

he people have been conteniftd\\^thvthat form of govenJ- ment, they have not framed a new conftiuition, fince the declaration of Independence. * \ ^ New York, ftate of, was firft fctded by the Dutcl5j>i6i4 who furrendered to tlie Englifh, under "Colonel N^phols,

>^^^:- *5*-?^ -y i—^-i:^^-*-"

iff .'W^-jj^ /

•'' ^^' 1-3. /9 NOVEMBER, 1805, begins on Friday.

Full Moon 6th day, pn. i im. evening. Laft Quarter i3tK day, 2h. 2m. evening. New Moop 2 lit day, oh. 52m. morning. Firft Quarter 29th day, 6h. 17m. morning.

:vIl^v| Obtervable JJays, Is'c I'-O^iJlA^:^^ 6 1 6 All Saints Soim rain 6 55 48 7 151 tins time. ,6 56 6 1 51 !o 6 2 2 1 ft Sixnd . pad Trin. CloJidy 57 54 C.P. Northjmpton. and dull. 6..58^6 4- 1 9 3c 10 2c SJX. Cambridge. o o .9 Day breaks .5h 24m- ©rife 11 15 Middling tides. Q^uite 2^ 5 12 riorn. cool, with 3 5 6 8 1 T^irft fettkrs dlfc. C. Ccd, 1620. 7 IJ 1 16 22d Sund. paft Trin. fumefnow. 8 26 2 2o \\ 21 St. Martin. D ?erij;ee. 9 4- 3 YardLTifesi^t7b. C.P.Cailine, 85 10 5. 4 19 More pltafant 7 9 5 morn 5 13 forfovie davs. 7 10 5 ' 6 Machutus. Bcccmes 7 11 5 1 18 6 5^ O or code". 7 J2 5 7 3 8 2, 23d Sund. pad Trinity. 7 13 ,5 3 31 Great Earthquake, N.E. 17,")5* 7 14 5 4 39 ^.J.C. Salem". C.F.Plym. Agree- 7 16 5 5 43 9 5^ able weather for 7 17 5 !o 45 1"^ letf. the ftajan. 7 ,5 D 11 35 Cecilia pat. mufic. Sarac_ 7 18.5 5 4'^ Ev.26 St. Cleiueni;. rain if notfnOTV. 7 19 5 6 3.^ 1 16 z\Cn. Sund. pad Trinity. 7 20 5 2 5 8 t Cafh. pat. Ropeniak. 3 Apog. 7 21 .5 Siiius rifes gh. 2 in:. 7 22 r, 9 3 3i Cool but 7 23 o 4 21 Low tides. plcnfant. 7 24 5 11 32 5 3 - 29-6 ClctuL denf 2A .T morn. .5 4,5 30 7 St. Andrew. a p.ji o 34 6 28

1664, to wlioni -it was conlirmcd by the peace )f Breda 1667. The firll udombly ot' repreienrauves oi [people was held 1683. On Aprti 20, 1777, Ne Yorl [eilabilfhed an independent tonOiuiiion.

1805.] B ^-4'

Full Moon 6th day, 8h. 23m. morning. Lad Quarter 12th day, iih. 52m. evening.. New Moon 20th day, 7h. 24m. evening. Firil Quarter 28th day, iih. 34m. eyemngl-

ObLci vable Days, &c. r/0-::l F.Se-^

Aqv.ent Sunday. 1 '^'? T . ^ ^ 7 ^6 5 C.P. \Vorcefter. Rain crfncfw. "26 ^ 2 42^- 8 fcmth ich. 461T1. 8 J^e 7 27 If 3 51 < Blta.k ZLiind and 7 28 c 948 very » 7 28 \ .510 ^ 6^6 ^Icholas., . cold. 7 29 ,r 0riieii 5Q * Very hig!t tides. » ^^4 ftorm. 7 30-?^ 5 57moK:- 2d Svind. in Advent, j) Perigee. 1,5' o > 5° ,51 7 o- C.P. Tauntonj 8 ^2; 2 .g 10; S-.J.C.-tkfred. qp.^lugufia. 2 56 3 5^ ^9.47i 7^ ii "^l 3 49 Middling tides. mcderate. 7 32 mohi.j 4 Si; Lucy".' * Clc7ids dtncte 7 3^ 10, .5 26 \ I N' VA s H G T o N d. 1 799, J^j. 68. 7 32^ 1 161 6 19 3d Suud. in Advent. fnon;. 2 6 «; 7 33 y 92J C.P. Cambridge. H'^^i winds 7 33^5 S.J.C. Portl^iiid. and Jliarp 7 33 .5 •4 .^ 8 3! air. -' 184 7 ^^3 .5, ,5>Q5^ 9 >9;^^'^ " 33 5 \F>->igt JI^V"""' • TM 33 -5 D fctsn - '" St."Rii9Tp^«;., , «^horteil day. 33 5 n 49 4fh Sun'i. ifnAdvent. DA^wf 33 5 F.V.37 * 3:2 , ^%'7f«^r\|i theieaCon. 33 5 7 10^ 1 2? 8 ic 2 24:3 33 5\ 6 3:4 C H R I STM as-Day. rvcameier 33 5 9 it4 2 .6j3 St. Stephen. for the 33 5 10 11 3 276 SNJohn. Low tides. Jeafon 33 5 11 1? 4 ,8- Innoci^nt*. Grcrcs _ 33 .5 mom. 4 ift Sund. pad diriH.T.as. 32 o 15 32-51 10 SJ-CWilcatTet. C.P. I:)h •ich. 3^-5 2t:{.7 1;

Vermont, State of, declared independent by its coriv.en-

tion at XVindfor, December 2.3, 1777; admitted . into ih

^ t . federal union, March 4, 1791. « ' 7.../'//

-s^---^^ ^\ , r L' Oil. f..


( 15 )

LIST of STAGES that run from BOSTON, arid the Places from '•juhich they Jlart* [Alphabetically anarged.] LBANY Mall Stage, throu;;h Worcefler, fets ofF front A^' Mrs. King's Inn, Market-Square, every Monday, M'eduefday and Friday, at 5 o'clock, A. M. and arrives at Albany everv Monday, Wednefday and Fridav, at 4 P. M. AMHER:ST and WINDSOR (N. H.) Mail Stage, flarts from French's Inn, in Back-Streer, every Monday ^TA Friday, and arrives at Amherft ihe fame days at 6

o'clock, P. M- ; leaves Aniherft eveiy Tuefday and Satur- ciay, at 5 o'clock, A. M. and arrives ac Wnjdfor, (Vt.) at € Q-clock in the fame evening,. Rtturtiing, flarts from Pettas' Co&e-Hcufe, Windfor, (Vt.) every "M<:^nddy and Friday, at 5 o'clock, A. M. arrives at Amherft at 6 o'clock, faiEc evenings ; leaves Amhenl on Tuefdays and Saturdays, at 6 o'clock, A. M. and arrives at Bollon at 6 o'clock the ianie evening. BOSTON and AMHERST Stage, without the Mail, Hans from Benjamin French'^, Back-Street, on every Wed- neftL-y morning at 6 o'clock, and arrives at Amherft the {ame hour in the evening Returning, leaves Amherft on Thurfday morning at 6 o'clock, and arrives in Bofton at the fame hour in the evening. A'. B. The lineJ'rcmBcJlcn to Wind/or, ccnne6is zcith a line frcnn IVindJor to EL'RLINGTON, (Vt.) making a complete line from Ecftcn to Burlington. This line leaves Windfor on Wed- nefdays, at 4 o'clock in the morning, and arrives at Mont-

priicr the next day before noon ; ieaves Montpelicr at 12 o'clock, fame day, and arrives at Burlington on Friday, at 9 in the morning ; leaves Burlington on the fame day at 3 o'clock, P. Tvl. and arrives again at Montpelicr on Sat- urday afternoon ; ftarts from Montpelier on Monday at 6 o'clock, A. M. and arrives at Windfor on Tuefday by 3 o'clock, P. M. BOSTON and .HARTFORD l/\iddle /?o<2^, new line of St^iges, ftarts every Monday, Wednefday and Friday momirg at 5 o'clock, and arrives at FJartforc the next day, at 11 A- M. Books kept at Bradley's, Erattle-Square, Williams'i, Marlboro' Street, Kendall's, State Street, aud palmers. Center Street. CAMBRIDGE Stage fets off from the01dTo^^n-Houfe,

twice every day (SuLdays excepted j at 12 o'clock, neon, Lift of Stages.

arrives in Bodorl at lo o'clock in tiie momiicj, and at 3 in the atternoon. Canton St.ige fets off from Mrs. King'.> Inn every Tncfday, 1 h uf'^ay and Saturday, at 3 o'clock in the ..ftei- noon, and arriv^^s in Boflon the fame days at 9 in the morning. CHELMSFORD ?nd BILLERICA St?ge Rarts from French's Inn, in Back-Srreet, Bollon, on Tuelday, 1 hurf- day and Sainrday mornings, at 10 o'clock, and arrivTs at Mr, Jacob Howard's Inn, at the head of Middlcfex Canal, at 5 in the evening. Rdur/ripg, leave? Hov/ard's Inn, oa Monday, Wednefday and Friday mornings at 10 o'clock, and arrives at French's Inn, in Bofton, at 5 in the afternoon. CONCORD Stage ftarts from Williams's lim, Marl- boro'-Street. DEDHAM Stage fets off from Mrs. King's Inn e^-ery day in the week, (Sundays excepted) at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and arrives in Boilon the fame days, at 10 in the morning. DORCHESTER and MILTON- Stage fets off every ouare., (former'y Forbei's; every Monday, M^ednefda-y and Friday, ai j o'clock in the morning, and arrives at Hartford by 9 c*ciock ihc next mornings after each of the days abovs Ipe- Lift of Stages. 17

ciSt^d. Rdurnivgy leaves KartFnrd on Mondays, Wcd- nefdays and Fridays, and arrives in Boficn on Tuelday, Thur{day and S^Tiurday mornings, at 7 o'clock. HAVERHILL and PORtSMOUlH Siage. See Portfinouth Wail Stage, LEOMINSTER Mail Stage flarts from Williams's Indiiin-Queen Inn, No. 37, Malboro'-Street, every Wed- nefday and Saturday, at 5 o'clock in the morning, and ar-

rives at Leominlkr the fame days : leaves Leominfler every Monday and Thurfday, at 5 o'clock in the morning, and ainves in Bofton the fame days. MARBLEHEAD Stage ftarts from Mrs. King's Inn, every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) at 4 o'clock in ^t afternoon, and arrives in Bollon every day, at 1 1, A. M. MEDFORD Stage arrives in Ecftor,, al: Patterfon's Inn, every day (Sundays excepted) at 9 o'clock in the morning, and "leaves faid place at the hour of 12, the fame days. NEWBURYPORT Stage darts eveiy day, (Sundays excepted) from Mrs. King's Inn, at 6 o'clock in the morn- ing, and arrives at New buryport at 1 in the tfrernoon : fets olf from Newburyport, and arrives in Boilon the fame days and hours as above. ^NEW-YORK Mail Stage ftarts from Mrs. King's Inn, 3»Iarket-Square, every day, at 5 o'clock, A. M. and palles through Sudbury, Shrewl'bury, Worcefter, and Brookfield,

and arrives at Wilbraham the fame d;iys, at u, P.M. j Harts from thence on Wednefday, Friday and Sunday, at 1, A. M. and pafi'es through Springfield, SufField, Hanford and New-Haven, and arrives at New-York iht- fucceedn;g days, at 11,.A. M.—Leaves New-York every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) at 10, A. M. and arrives at New-Haven

the fucceeding days, at 5, A. M. : leaves New-Haven for Bofton eveiy Tuefday, Thurfday and Saturday, at half paft 5, A. M. and paftes through Hartford, ouiheid, Springfield and Wilbraham, and arrives at Brookneld, at half paft; 12

o'clock, the fame night : leaves Brookfield, pafies through V/orceffer, Shrewfbury and Sudbury, and ariivcs in Boilon every Monday, Wednefday and Friday, at 3, P. M. PLYMOLTH Mail Stage (through Hhgham and Han-

ovcrj fe;s off from Mrs. King's Inn, every 'i uclday and Fri- fiiiy, at 5 o'clock in the morning, and arrives ihcre at 5 la

the evening of ihe fame days : leaves Piyraouih every Mon- day and 1 huifd'cjy, at 5 o'clock in the inornirg, ai.u arrives ill. Eofion ai 7 in the evening of ihe faniC da)*. iSo^ 1 B 2 8

1 Lift of Stages.

PORTSMOUTK Mall Stage through Excier, Haver- hill, Andover, Wiimin^iion, Woburu ;ind Medford, flartj from Palmer's Tavern (formerly Evans's) Ann-^Strert, every-

day at 5, A. M. ; proceeds on to Haverhill, there dines and exchanges palTengers with the Portlmourh Staj^e, and each returns back again, and arrives at their refpc6livc Stage Offices, at 6, P. M. the fame day. PORTSMOUTH Mall Sta^^e from Bofton, through Salem, Ncwburyport, Portfmouth and Portland, toWjs- c ASSET, ftarts from Bodon twery day, (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'clock, P. M. and arrives at Newbuiyport the fame

evenings, and at Portland the next days, at ii, A. M. : ftarts

from Portland every morning, at half part j i o'clock, and arrives at Newbury pDri the fame evenings, and at Boftoo the next days, at 7 o'clock, P. M. N. B. A Stage kam Portland every Tucfday^ Thurfday * and Sat.riT'day, and arrives at IVifcatjet the fame cvmings leaves JVifcajjet every Monday, Wednefday and Friday, and arrives at Portland the fame evenings.

^ PROVIDENCE and BOSTON New line of Stages, ftart every d?.y in the week, at 8 o'clock, A. M. and arrive

at Providerce fame day, at ,5, P. M. Books kept at Brad- ley's, Brattle-ii^quare, Williams's, Marlboro'-Street, Ken- dall's, State-Street, and Piilmer's, Ann-Street. PROVIDENCE Stage lets oft" from Mrs. King's Inn, every other day, at 8 o'clock in the morning, and arrives at

Providence the fame day, at p in the afternoon : fets off from Providence, and arrives in Bofton, the fame days ^;nd hours. N. B. Avcther Prcr-idcnce Sta^e farts from Bradley's bin, (fromcrly Fortes's) every other da\\ at Z in the mornings

. and arrives at Providence the fame day, at 5 d" clock in the aftcrnccn; fets off from Prcvidencey and arrives in Bofon ike fame da\s and hours. The PROVIDENCE MAIL Stage ftarts from Mrs. King's Inn, every other day at 5 o'clock, and arrives at Providerxe at 12 o'clock, A. M. V>yiNCY Stage fets off from Mrs. King's Inn, every Tuefday, Thurfday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock in the after- roon, and arrives in Bofton the fame d'^ys, at 10 in the r.iorning. ^RANDOLPH Stage fe»s oft from Mrs. King's Inn evcr\- Tucfd.iy and S;!turday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. and arrives at:

il-mdolph the faiue days : fets oft' from thar place, and

auives ill Bofton the iame days, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Lift of Stages. -19

ROXBURY and BROOKLINE Stage fets off and ar- fives at the fame place and hours as the Cambrid^^e Stage. SALEM Stage fets off iVom Mrs. King's Inn, every day jn the week, (Sunday excepted} at 3 o* elect in the after- noon, and arrives in Bofton everyday, at 11. A. M. SALEM Stage fets off from Mrs. King's Inn, everj' day, (Siinda^s excepted) at 3 o*ciockin the afternoon, and arrives in Bofton ever}' day, at 10 in the mcrning. SHARON Stage ftarts from Mrs. King's Inn, Market- Square, every l^iefday and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, A, M. and arrives at Sharon, at 7 o'clock : leaves Sharon at 5 o'clock in the morning, and arrives in Bofton, at 9. SIOUGHTON -Stage fets off from Mrs. King's In::, every Tuefday, Thurfday, and Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. and arrives at Stoughton at 7 o'clock lame evening : leaves Stoughton at in the arrives in at ,5 njorning, and Bofton 9 o'clock in the morning. TAUNTON Stage ftarts from Mrs. King*s Inn, ev- er}' Tuefday, Thurfday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock in the morning, and arrives in Taunton at 4 in the evening. Returning, leaves Taunton on Monday, Wednefday and Triday ar 9, A. M. and arrives at Bofton at 4, P. M. TAUNTON and NEW-BEDFORD Mail Stage fets off from Mrs. King's Inn, every Tuefday, Thurfday arrd Saturday, at 4 o'clock in the morning, and arrives at Taun- ton at 12, and at New-Eedford at 6 o'clock the fame even- ing. Rdurnivg, leaves New-Eedford every Monday, \Vedneld

DIP.ECTIONS FOR MARINERS. MR.W'illiam Lord, oi Stoving ion- Pcivt* has ere£ted an iron fp.ear, about 13 feet long, viih a white vane en the

TO}^., opon the rock of Latimer, in riJhcr\%-Ifcnd-Scnjvd. '] he deepefr channel is to the northward of the rock. This gentlcm.an has }t in contemplation, if fuitable encourage- ment fhould be given by gentkmen from the eaftward ?x-A Vvtft.vard (v/ho are owners of navigation, and are cortlianily 20 Rates of Letter Poflage.

ptifling the Sound) to ere ft a fpcar upon v.-hat is called The Tail of Watc/i-Hill-ReeJ—-dT\oiher u} on KatVTiwcht-RorA, upon the fame Reef—one upon Ellis -Reef, which lies off Ram-IJland, and is alnioft in the middle of the Sound. Thele rocks are feldom, any of them, out of water, and much in the way of Coaflers up and down the Sound, who are unacquainted. * Sioiiingtcn is a pqfl-town and port, in Ncw-Lovdon Conne^licut, milts E. by S. oj New-London County J State of 14 Cky.

RATES OF LETTER POSTAGE. "C^ VERY letter compofed of a fingle fheet of paper con- X~J veyed not exceeding 40 miles, 8 cents.—Over 40 miles, and not exceeding go m-.les, 10 cents. —Over 90 miles, and not exceeding 150 miles, 125 cents.—Over 150 miles, and not exceeding 300 miles, 17 cents.—Over 300 miles, and not exceeding 500 miles, 20 cents.—Over 500 miles, 9.^c{s. Every letter compofed of two pieces of paper, double thofe rates.—Eveiy letter compofed of three pieces of paper, triple thofe rates.—Every letter compofed of four pieces of paper, weighing 1 oz. quadruple thole rates, and at the rate of four fingle letters for each ounce any letter or packet may weigh.—Every fhip letter originally received at an office for delivery, 6 cents. Magazines and Pamphlets per fheet, not over 50 miles, 1 cent. —Over 50 miles, and noi exceeding ico miles, ig cent. —Over 100 miles 2 cents. The Poll-Office does not infure money, or any other thing conveyed by poll. The General Poft-OfRce is ^ept at the leat of Government,

MEDICAL LECTURES. CainhriJge Univerfity. —Medical Lechires commence on the firft: Wednefdny in October, annually. —Anatomy and Surgery—by Dr. Warren.—Theory and Praftice of Phyfic f—by Dr. JVaterhoiife.—Cherniiiry and Materia Medica-'— by Dr. Dexter. Hanover Univerpty.—Medical Leftures commence on the firft Wednefday in Oftober, annually. —-Anatomy and Surgery—Theory and Praftice of PhyliC—Chcmiflry and Materia Mcdica—by I>7. Smiilu WiMMBM ' U THE

^afifacJjttfettg megiilcir.

Governors, ^r, Jince the Jirjl fetthment of Plymouth and Maffachuletts. Governors of Plymouth Colcny, from 1620 to 1692, elefted by the People for 71 years.

John Carver, Edward Winflow, I JofiahWmflow, | William Bradford, Thomas Prince, Thomas Hinkley. { [ Maffachufetts Governors from 1628^10 1692, elefted by the People. (T&e Figures ^^zy tke number of years each governed.) Governors. Deputy Governors, 1 Matthew Cradock* 1 Thomas Goffe* 13 16 Thomas Dudley 3 Thomas Dudley 1 Roger Ludlow 1 John Haynes 12 Richard Bellingham 1 Sir Henr)' Vane 3 John Winthrop 20 Richard Eellingham 4 John Endicot 16 John Endicot 6 Francis \^''illoughby 6 John Leverett 2 John Leverett J J iiin.on Bradftreet 6 Samuel Symonds

'^^hofen in England. 1 1 Sir Edmund Androfs, appointed by K. James, 3 years. Governors after Plymouth and Maijaihiiftits were united, appointed by the Kings of England. Gcverncrs. Lieutenant Governors^ 1692 Sir William Phips 1692 William Stouj^'htcn 16^9 Rich'd iTa/-/Beiiamont [to 1703 270? Jofeph Dudlcy 1702 Thomas P

22 Civil Government in MafTachufetts. Goz'ernors. LicuUnant Gcvtrrnors. 1780 , to 1785 J7R0 Thomas Culhing ^7^3 James Bowtloiu, 2 years 1788 '^7''^? John Hancock, 10 1793 i J 789 Sanmel Adams, 101794 2794 ^anmcl Adams, 3 years 1794 Moles Gill, to i8co 1 797 •IncreafeSumncrjto 1799 1801 Samuel Phillips l8co Caleb Stronjr 1802 Edward H. Robbins

Civil Government in , JFor the Political Year, commencing May^ 1804, and eiid- inf; Mavy 180,5. His Excellency CALEB STRONG, Efq. ll.d. Governor and Commander in ChitJ'. His Honor LDWARD H. ROBBINS, Efq. COUNCIL.Licutcnant-Govcnwr.

Hon . Nathan Cufhing, -fi^ilcm Townc,-hArteinas Ward, - tl[-ohn Hailmgs, --Narhl.Marfh,-|-, - -Oliver Wcndcllpy-^tcp. Bullock,-4-S. Dexter, jr. Efq. SENATE. —Hon. DAVID COBB,^Erq. Prefident. Sujfolk. HonT^ofeph ll^ll,AVilliam Brawn, John Phillips C^^f- ^*v>W,j and^Joliah Qu'S^y, Elquires. . £j/ej^ Hon*". Enoch Titcomb, £lias H. Derby^ohn Heard, vVilliam PrefccHt, John Phillips, jr. Efquires. s^^^Middlfftx. HonT^onathan Maynard,"^^aron Hill, vVilliam Hildreth and^A'^illiam Hull, Efquires. VcrA. Hon. John Woodman^J-ofcph Bartlett, Efquires.

HampJJiir,;. . HonV^ohn H[ooker^£zra Starkweather, anchHugh McLellan, Efquires. v^ FlyrjTjuth. HonTj^aacThompQ^andBezaHaywardjEfqrs. Brijlcl. Hon. Jofiah Dean and^athi.Moiton, jun.Efqrs.. Barnjtabk. Plon>Richard Scars, Efquire. Dukes Co. and A'c/'/ZwcAtV^SHon. Ifaac Coffin, Efquire. Worcejler. HonNDaniel Bigelow^Thoraas Hale, and ^^, Efquires. « Cujribsrland. LloiiSWoodbury Storer ano^ohn Cufh- ing, Eliquircs. Line. Nunc, and IVoJIi. Hon. Mark L. Hill, Efquire. Berkjhire. Hon>John Bacon an^T&srnabas Bidwcli, Efqrs, Norfolk. Hon'T^hn Ellis ancT^hn Ho\v£, Efquires. Kaincbtck'Xirio'[\. , Eftjuire. Rev. William Emerion, Chaplain, W^endcll Davis, Efq. Ckrk, —— MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 2^

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .—«on. HARRISON G. OTIS, Speaker, Nicholas Tillingkaft, Efq. Clerk. Rev. Dr. John T. Kirkland, Chaplain. f^ Ths Counties are arranged according to the time of their incorporation. Principal Towns arc in small CAPITALS.

1643. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Date of Milf! from Incorporation, ^ Bojlon* 1630) Sept. 7?— Boston, Harrifto G. OWs, -~^Vi!!iam Smitb,-^Gra[iban iiunnewell, AbiH-SmKhr^'illiam Spooncr, ""-William Sullivan and-John Welles. 1738, Jan. 10. Chelfta, 2 1643. ESSEX COUNTY. 29, June 24.- Salem, , 33 —^^m. Cleve]and,-John Southwick I^^ 34, Aug. 5.-— s V:' I c H , Nathaniel Wade, 29 —Joni'.than Cogfv/ell, jun.-Jxjfeph Swazey 25, May 6.-~^evjbury^ Jofiah Little 40 37, Nov. ,~^ynn, jofeph Full r, 3d. 8 39, May I'i^w-Cloucejler, John Rov.-e 34 39, Sept. At—RozL^i'y^ Moody Sp^fford 26 40, Ocl. 7. —Soofltury, Jonathan Webiler 46 43, May 10. IV/rthatn, e5 45, May 14. March?f^rr, 30 45, - -Haverhill, David Ho v.-e 312 46, May 6— Andover, Thomas Kit-ridge 22 49, May 2.. Marble'heodr-^^^hTiVi B. Martin, 15 —John PrinceHElifna Siory, —John Scimanr^benezsr .Graves CO, Ocl. 18. Tot'sfieldy 39 - 68, April "j.'^Ain^fnnry, Benjamin Lnrvey 45 6j, Oct. 14»~-j6c7'cr/Vy-Jofeph Vv'^cod, 1.3 — Ifraci Thorndikc-r-Ahner Chapman 7.5, —Bradford, PeierRuiTel 02 8,5. A'-g. -.ir-E-yford, Thomas Pcrlcy 30 172^, Dec. 8. Mrfkurn, 31 2^, jur;e 2o, Middleton, 2S 57, June t6.-"Danz'ers, Gidc'^n roller, 17 — Samuel PagCT^'athan Read ——— ij^ MafTachufetts Reprefentatives.

Defe of Miles from Incorporation. Bojlon. 1764, Jan. 28, Ne v/nu RY po RTjT^onathnn Marlh 40 —j'-remiah Nelfon.-Nicholas Johnfon, —Thomas Cartcry-¥homas M. Ciark, ^a'ark Fitz 82, July 3. UnnjitU, (Diana; 93, June 21. HaimUcv^ s6 1643. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. 29, June 24. C H A R I E s r o w n,-Thomas Harris, —Matthew Biid;;er David Goodwin go, Sept. 7. —WatertozLnu Jonas White 7 30, Sep;. 28. Medford, Nathaniel Hall ^ 4 8." S3, Sqit. Cambridge, Jednthun WilHngton, $| •—Daniel M;\ron5-A'Villiam Whittcmore Sept. 2. Go N' CORD, Joreph Chandler 18 .3,5, — 39, Sept. 4. Siidlmry, Jofeph Goodenow 25 42, May 18. Wobnrn, Loammi Baldwin 10 44, May 29. Readings Daniel Graves 14 49, May 2. Maidai, Jonathan Oaks 4 55, May 29 G/icImsfoidy William Adams eo 53, May °C).'—Bfilen'ra, Oliver Crofby 20 55), May 29* G'otcn, Timothy Bigeiow 3,^ 60, May 31 Marlhenni^h, John Lorlng 28 73, 06t. 1,5. Dunjlahlr.y ^ 74, May 2j.—-^herburncy 2« 83, May 16. Stoio^ £5 91, Dec. 15. Nezutov, Timothy Jackfon g T700, June ^,5« F^aw.ingham, Jonathan Maynard 24 1, Feb. ii6 Dracnt, Ifrael Hiidreth go 19. Tan. 1. —Wefiov, Jchn Slack 15 12, March 'i.^rr-l.exingion^ Ilaac Haftings 10 15, Dec. 3. Littleton, 28

1,^, Dec. 13. Mopkintcn, Walter M'Farland 3a $4, Dec. 3. -—Mo'lijlon, James Mellen 57 25, Dec. 17. Sitonefiam. 10 29, Sept. 23. Wrftford, Jonathan Carver 28 29, Scjdt. 23. Bedford, 11^ 30, Sept. 25.^ Wilmington, Timothy Walker 16 32, June 29. TownPurid, 4,5 34,"T)ec. 23,-—?7'i'/i//'«rv, William Symonds 24-

3.5> Ji-^^y 3- Ailon, Jonas Brooks 34 37, Jan, 4. ^—JValf/.'am, Jonathan CooliJge zi .53i J^' 5' Shirley, ii —— MafTachufetts Reprefentatives. 25

Date of Milesfrom Incorporation. Boflon. 1753, April. - •Pepperetl, Jofeph Heald 40 54, April i^r—Lincoln, i5 67, March ^-.—AJhby, John Locke 50 80, April iQ7~~FMjl-Siidbiiry, Jacob Reeves 19 80, April 28. Carlifte, (Dillria) 2o 81, Feb. 19. Natick, iB

83, Feb. 25. Boxborougk, (Diftrift) 3° • 22. 89, June . T^ngfhorough (Diilri6l) 31 99, Feb. 28. Burlington, 10 1653.' YORK COUNTY. 53, May 18 York, Alexander M'Intire 75 53, May 18. ^-Kittery, Mark Adams ^ 67 53, Aug. ^Of—Wells, John Storer 88 1713, June 9. -—Berwick, Richard F. Cutts 86

18, Nov. 17. Biddeford ^ 105 19, June 5. • 'Arundel, Thomas Perkins, 3d. 96 62, June 9. —Fepperelboro\ William Moody -—Jofeph Morrili 109 67, June 15.^ iebanon, Thomas M. Wentworth 100 68, Feb. 27. Sanford, 98 72, July i4f Buxton, Samuel Merrill, jun, 118 77, Jan. 11. Fryburgh, 120 78, March 11. Lyman, 88 85, March 5. Skapleigk, 108 85, March 9. Parfonsfield, 1:8 87, IVfarch 0. Waterboroughy 1 10 ^, March 6. Limerick, ii4 92, Feb. 9. Limington, 110 94, Feb. 4. Alfred, (Diftria) 88 94, Feb. 26. Newfieldj 308 94, Feb. 27. Cornijli, n8 f^^, June 10. Bethel, 97, March 2. Waterfordy 110 98, Feb. 2j.^^Phillipfburg, John SiniA 124 1800, Nov, 15. Lovell, 2, Feb. 20. Brownjieldy 3, J une 20. Albany, 4, June 23. Gilead, 93 4, June 23, EaJl-AndoveTy 1662. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. or 35 45 • Marefcr-S p r i n g f i e l D^ 97 .] C ———

26 MaiTachufetts Reprefentatlves.

Date of Milesfront Incorporation. Bofton. 2654, 061. i8r-NORTHAMPTON7ArahelPomeroy, 100 —-^ofes Wright 61, May 22. Hadley, Samuel Porter 69, May ig.'-We/i field, John Ingerfoll 70, May It. 'Hatfield, John Haftings 82, May Z^f^Deerfield, Elihu Hoyt 1713, Feb. 22^~ Norikfield, Meda Alexander 18, Nov. 12. SuTiderlandi Samuel Church 31, July i^..^Brim/ieldf Stephen Pvnchon 41, April i:rr-~Blandford, Eli P. Amman 42, Jan. 15. Pelham, Ifaac Abercrombie 52, Jan. 30. Palmer, Aaron Merrick Jan. 5. -^^^uthamptoHy Lemuel Pomeroy 53, ^ 53, April l^ir^South-Hadky, Ruggles Woodbridge 53, June 9. —Greenfield, Gilbert Stacy 53,, June 15 Nezu-Salem, Varney Pearce 53, Dec. 22. Montague, 54, Jan. 25. —Gra«t;z//f,-4irael Parfons^John Phelps I20 54, April 9.07-^reenzuick, Robert Field j^ Sg, Feb. 13.— Amherjl, Zebina Montague §1 60, April i^T-Monfon, Abner Brovm 6i, June 30. Belchertown, Eleazer Clark 61, June go.—-Colraine, 61, June 30. Shutejbury, 61, Nov. 25 Ware^ William Bowdoin 62, March 6. Barnardjlown, 61, June 11. Chcjlerfield, Alanfon Anderfon 62, Sept. 18.- South-Brimjield, Jofiah Gardner 63, Feb. ij.—Warwick, Oliver Chapin 63, June 15. V/ilbrakam, 64, June 21,^ AJIifield, Bj, June 21.' Qliarlemont, Jofliua Hawks 65, 061. ^i.—Chefier, Ozias French 67, June xSr—Conway, Reuben Bardwell 68, June 11. —Mranby, David Smith 68, June 9,1 .-—Skelburne, John Long 68, June ^o.- Wort/ling ton, Jonathan Woodbridge 70, Nov. 7. Soiithwick, 71, April 24. M^hately, 71, April 2^z~4i^illiam(burgk, William Bodmaa 73, June ^Q.-'-Norwickt Stephen Tracy 74, Feb. 28. Ludlow^ ——

MafTachufetts ReprefentativeA 27

Date of Miles from Incorporation. Bojlon* 3774, Feb. 23,- WeJl'SpringJield, Jona. Smith, jun. loo — Jeremiah Stebbins 74, March 5. Leverett, 95 yg, Sept. zg^—^'eJl-Hampton^ Sylvefter Judd 109 79, April i/^^Suckland, Samuel Taylor ' 120 79, June z^^T-^ii^mington^ Ebenezer Snell 120 80, Nov. 28, Montgonieryy loo 81, May 8. Wendell, 80 81, jVfay 14. Gojhen, iia 83, March 12. Middlefeld, - 125 83, Oa. 13. -long-Meadow J Hezekiah Hale 97 83, Oa. 15. Orange, (Diftrift) ^ 75 84, March 12, Leyde?i, (Di{lri6l} loo 85, Feb. 9. Rowe, 130 8^, Ifcb. 14. Heath, 325 85, March 16. Plainfield, (Diftria) 123 85, June 17. Eajl-Hampton, {D\i\n^) 105 92, Feb. 7, -—Uawley, 120 92, Feb. 25. ^«/f/, 108 93, Sept. 28. Gill, go 4685, PLYMOUTH COUNTY. 20, Dec. 11, -Plymouth, Nathaniel Goodwin 4a 35, Sept. 2. —Hingham, Nathan Rice 19 36, oa. 5. '-—Scituate, Elijah Turner 27 37, June 7, —Duxboroughj Seth Sprague 38 40, March 2, —Marjlijield, Elilha Phillips 36 44, May 29. Hull, 56, June 3. —Bridgewater, Daniel Snow 30 60, June. "^ Middleborougk, John Tinkham 40 86, June 4, r- Rochejier, Nathan Willis 53 1707, June 4. Plympton, 45 ii^Mzxchzit—Pembrokey Kilbom Whitpiai^ 31 12, June loi— Abington, 22 26, June 16. --King[ion, Seth Drew 58 ^-jy June 14. -'--Hanover^ Albert Smith 25 34, July 4. Halifax, 35 39, July 10. Wareham, 6q 90, June 9. Carver, 50 1685. —BRISTOL COUNTY. 39, Sept. 3, —Taunton, Jones Godfrey 35 45j June 4. Rehebotk, Fr«derick Drowa 4^ —————

28 MaiTachufetts Reprefentatives.

Date of Miles frm Jncorpcration. Eojlon. 3664, June 8. • Dartmouth, Holder'SIocum 67,0a. 30. Swanzcy, Chriftopher Mafon S3> Juiy. —frcdcwn, William Rounreville 94, Oa. ig.—Attleborough, Ebenezer Tyler 1711, June 12*—Norton, 3 2, May Zor-'Dightm, John Hathaway 2^, Dec. 21 Eajlon, Abiel Mitchell ^^, April 2 Raynham, Ifrael Wafiibum 35, April 18. Berkky, ApollosTobey 70, April 26. Mansfield, 87, Feb. 23. New-Bedford, SethSpooner 87, July 2- IVeJlport, William Almy 90, Feb. 0.0^ Somerfet, John Bowers 1803, Feb. 26.-^ Troy, Abraham Bowen 1685. BARNSTABLE COUNTY. 39, Sept. 3.— Barnstable, Jonas Whitman 67 39, Sept. 3. — Sandwich, John Freeman 59 39, Sept. 3. Yarmouth, lio 40, June 2 -Eajiham, Samuel Freeman 100 «6, June 4 Falmouth, David Nye 77 94, Sept. i^.—Harwich, Ebenezer Broadbrooks, 88 —John Dillingham J7O0, July 16. Truro, 112 32, June 11 Chatham, 95 27, June 14. Provincetown,(a) 126 63, June 14. Marjhpee, 63, June i5. — l^/elljleet, Lemuel Newcomb 105 93, June 19. Dennis, 3 10 97, March ^t—Orleans, Richard Sparrow 100 l8c3, Feb. 19.—TBrfaV?'?^ I^aac Clark 88 1695. DUXES COUNTY. 71, July 8. En GAR TON, 94 71, July 8. —7>/3«rv, William Worth 97 I7i4,0£t. 30. Chilmark, 99 1695. NANTUCKET COUNTY. 87, June 27. —Na n t u c ke t, Micajah CoiEn. 3731. WORCESTER COUNTY. 1653, May 18. '—Lq^icafler, Jonathan Wilder 3^ 67, May 15. '-Meridon, Jofeph Adams 37

(a) This was the firjl port entered by the Englijh^ when

!:hty came tojittle in New-England, in 1620. ————

Maflachufetts Reprefentatlves, ?9

X)ate of Miles from Incorporation. Bojlon. J684, Oa. 15. —-Worcester, Samuel Flagg 45 —--Edward Bangs Oxford, 54 j/ia, _ 13, Feb. 15, , Leicefcr, Nathaniel Paine Denny 54. 13, Feb. 23. ^Jiutland, Jonas Howe 50 15, June 21. • Sutton, Stephen Munro 46 17, Nov. 18. —Weflborough, Nathan Fifher 34 18, Nov. 12.- -Brookfeld, Jabez Udham 64 27, June 27. Uxbridge, htzdi\tt\T?S.t 4t 27, July 6. Soutkborcvgh, S

40, Jan. 9. , Uolden, Elnathan Davis 51 40, June 23, . ieominjler, 46 41, Jan. 10. Wejlern, Danforth Keyes 73

46, . Douglas, Aaron Marfli 47 ^i,]zn.2,i.'—i

^atelt^ MUes frvm

i~ . Samuel JooM 3^

>...... - - . %. Ifraei Allen 4b S4, March 16. B^r^rnl (Diftri«) ^^^, June £7. Ga^d^tsTf ^3 85. March 1. K-'^ryr, Lcng'.cv Taiaes ^ 4.5 S/kOa. eo. G---, * 66 l&Dt, Feb. 18. /)-rr::, 75 i-fo. CUXIBERLAND COVXTi'. 1558, Oa. !Q. ^-^v " Larabe- 113 171;^, Oft. 31. ^ R; Mitchell 143 18. Nov. 12. ^ ^^^ 150 ?. Jan. 25.^-t 351 ^S.Jan. Cj - i:^^ . . 165 62, Jure 12. ^}i z^oAsm, I.54 64, Oci. j'o. ^r>asr. Lothrop Le-wis ico r^Nov.i. r:;^-£:^^.^^i*, 126 -4. March 8. —^Va -CAac^irr, Jc^cpii E. Foxciaft 146 ' ^ -e 10. G-a . 143 v. 5c. Sf^r::", 1^3 --> - . 4. —Po^-i AND, Jofejrk Ti:coinb 143 - "^^ -" >yTmTie^~~M2rth«w Cobb,

- I? ^ - xucker >-, ju:v-. r_ :'. 1-2 Q. i CO. 1.4. 140 145 167 173

»95 J 52 152

1?; ————

Mafiadrafetts Reprdhitatfvcs- 32

^ff ^ MImo frtm iW. EJiJm. i-r: LINCOLN COiniTi. i-'io. jur.e 1-. Gfzrgftxsm, Mark L. HiJ, i-c —Wili-aTE Les 19.- ^.V. Tobh Farlcv 53, Jure — lOi 59, Oct. 20. -^F>/ti-c«. Frl«g Talmiz i5-r 60, Feb. 1^. —W:-CA55ET, MofcsCarleaa, joe. i-3 62, Sepc. 18, £riir:\.iTs, 3-, 64, Jan- 31. —Trf 'i t'^ Be-iismin J. Fjrrer i=S 61, Nov. 3. —B lariiM'Ccbb i?o 65, JuTff 18. —£'. :anibQ fci« 73, J^inc 29. ITw.. -., .- , c^ 74, Mirch 5- Ed.i:-'.-, 1*5 Tfs Nov. 7. R'/'" -- -=3 77. March so- .ih.'^.si:^^-'., Joihaa Aiaaa S1.5 01, Feb. 17. .Sc:'':,'V\'l'.-.TxrT. Kisg 265 86, Oci. "c. i>fj?, SCO

88, Mardi £ 1 . £--^ L-x, iSo 88, Nov. £io. X:^'Utcr^i£k, 3 02 89. Jan. 28. Cujl^s:, " £^ 91, Feb. 17 Camdrx, Jchn Harkn^ft 2-3 9^^, June £.3, D^fden^ i?c 94. June 25. AiTi-i\fi.'rr»T^, 1^1 Sj, Feb. i8v iez^'ifi^L Din Read 95, Feb. 18. litrhjitLl, ft2o 99, June £2. 1 1^0^, 1803, Feb. 7 &- GrJ-^f, Jofen M'Keliar 4. Jaue £3. /A^'-f, 4, Joae £3. J^ultr^c.

1761. B" - V --:re coL-y^" 35. Jane 22.' -hnW. H 145 39 Jane £2. — .Aia\\- - :,l 59, JuT>e 15. 2^z.-M^-.xnM^k, Ben]. V;*ac^kr 144 60. Feb. 13. £.-rnsfc.Te£, 145 '". 6i, Afiii 21. —ft:.:i^t&!.i, TL:.- '-- i*o —Ti:: 6!, Taap c».- GTi:/-?.irn^r- ., ^-: ..^„. ^ 150 ' 62, March6.—^Jt^:,tf:u, Joim l^cJ;et 195 ^2, March 6.''Tr;.-TT-:j'"£eler 144 65, June JU?.' /f'-.-.-'-r.-T, XNILIiam Voting 150

6^ Ju-e £0. i^^iir, : ^o .• <^^ J UEC 2 1 fLiciisc\d, Jechxr-.sb ?r. f * ———

32 Maffachufetts Reprefentativcs.

Date of Miles frcm Incorporation. Bojlon, 1767, Feb. 26. Len OX, Thomas Bro\v'n 145 71, July 2, "^fVindfor, Amos Holbrook 136 71, July 4. —^artridgefieidi CymsStovfeW 128 73, iFeb. 16. Aljordy 73, Feb. 24. London^ 74, Feb. z^.—WeJi-Stockb ridge, Abraham Tobey- 76, July 2. Hancocky ijjy Xpril 12. IVaJhingtoHy 77, Oft. 21,.—Zff, Jofeph Whiton 78, Oft. 15, Adams, Abraham Howland 79, June 21. Moiint-Wajliington, (Diftrift) 84, March 20. Dalton, Bethlehem^ 89, June 2 J. 93, March n^r-QhtJkiriy Jonathan RIchardfon 97, Feb. 20. Savo)\ 07, June 19, Southfield, (Diftrift) 98, March 2. Clark/burg, 1801, Feb. 26. New-AJhJord, (Diftrift) 4, June 21. Hinjdak. J789. HANCOCK COUNTY. 73, June 22. Belfafi^ Jonathan Wilfon 87, Feb. 23. Pxnohjcot, Jeremiah Wardwell 88, March <2.u-0rringtm^ Timothy Freeman 89, Jan. 12. Sedgzvicky 89, Jan. 28. Iflcjborough^ ^89, Jan. 30. Deer-Iflc, 89, Jan. 30. Blnc-HilU %, Feb. 16. Trenion, 89, Feb. i.6. Sul/ivan, 89, Feb. 16. Goldfborcmgky 89, Feb. 17. Mcunt-Difert^ 89, June 25. Vinalhaxjcn, 89, June 25. Frankjorty 9*1, Feb. 25. Bangor^ 92, June 27. -Buckjlowny Jonathan Buck 94, K'b. 24. Projpici, O4, Feb. 24.. Haindcn, Martin Kinlley g(\ Feb. 10. Ca5ti:se, 96, Feb. 13. Nortkporty 96, Feb. 23. i"^i;7, j3oo, Feb. 21. Oj/a>id, P, Feb. ?6. tilJzL'onk, Maifachufetts Rcprefentatives. 33

T)ateor\ — —. 34 Reprefentatives, Secretary, ^c. Date of Milei Jrm Incorporation. Bojlon 1788, June 18. Fairfield, 225 88, June 18. Norridgrwocky 239 ^\, March 1: Readfieid, 190 92, Jan, 2Q. "onmouth, Simon Dearborn, jun. i8c 52, Jan. 30. Sydney, 20C 92, June 27. -Mcunt-Vernon, Paul Blake 20c - 94, Feb. 1 . Farmingt.cn, ]E.bea. Npiton 54, June 20. Ntzo-Sharont 190 95^ Feb. 28. Clinton, 222 95, Feb. 28. StarkSy £30 Feb. 28. Fayette, 200 Feb. 3. Belgrade, 96, Feb. 8. Harkniy 213 97, Feb. 20. u GUST A, Benjamin Whitwell 19a 9«, Feb. 12. Wayne, 98, Feb. 24. Cornvilki 98, March 1 An/on, 1800, Feb. 16. Leeds, 1, Jan. 31. Strong, 2, Feb. 2o« CheJlerviUiy 2, Feb. eo. Vienna^ 2, Feb. 22, Avon, 2, Feb. 22. New-Vineyard, 2, June £3^ Waterville, Elnathan Sherwli^ 3, Feb. 1 J, ^-Gardiner, Samuel ElweU 3, June 15.^ Harmony^ S, June 20. Temple, 3, June 20, Indujlry^ 3, June 23. Wilton, 4, March 7. Athens, 4, March 7. Madifon, 4, March 7. Rome, 4, March 9, Fairfax, 4, June 22. Emden, * 4, June 22. Mercer, 4, June 22. Unity,, Secretary of State-—]ohn Avery, of Boflon, lj Clerk, Edward M'Lane. Mejevger to the Hovfe. 'sd Clerk, Edward Cazneau. Jacob Kuhn. 3^ Clerk, Samuel Cazneau. MeJJenger to the Governor and Council, Wm. Gale* • Treafurer and Receiver General, Jona. Jackfon, of Boflon. Link, l/i Joleph Laughton. | 2d Clerk, James Fofter. d;:^ Offices are kept in the New State-Hcife, Bcficn. Committees. ^^ STANDING COMMITTEES FOR THE CURRENT POLITICAL YEAR. Committee on Accounts. f)f the SenatCj Ifaac Thompfon, and Thomas Hale. Of the Houfey Bezaleel Tatt, Stephen Munroe, and Jofeph Titcombj " who are the Commltfee for the prefent year to examine ill accounts that may be exhibited for the fupport of fucb indigent perfons as are by law the proper charge of this Commonwealth, and all other accounts which may be ex- libited for fervices performed, cafh advanced, or any prop- erty fupplied for the ufe of this Commonwealth, purfuant :o any law, refolve, or order of the General Court, and to make out a roll, arranged under general heads, fignifying :he names of the refpeftive perfons or towns, whofe accounts [hall be properly vouched, together with the amount of the fums which may be found due on fuch accounts, and lay the fame before this Court for their confideration and allow- ance." Committee on applicationsfor new Trials, Of the Senate^ John Hooker, and William Prefcott. Of the Houfe, William Sullivan, Eli P. Afhman, and La- ban Wheaton. Committee on applications for incorporation of 'fowns and Di/lrids. Of the Senate, Beza Hayward, and Elijah Brigham. ^^/^(?//(7Z(/f, Kilbom Whitman, Archelaus Lewis, and Edward Bangs. Committee on applications for incorporation of Turn* pikes. Bridges and Canals, Of the Senate, John Bacon, and Hugh M' Lei Ian. Of the Houfc, TLoammi Baldwin, Zebina Montague, and William Almy. Committee on applications for incorporation of Par* i/hesy tS'c, Of the Senate, Daniel Bigelow, and John Phillips, jun. Of the Houfe, , Zebina Montague, and Eb- enezer Fiflier.

Committee on applications for regulation of Fi/Jjeriei. Of the Senate, AzvQnlhW, and William Brown. Of iht I{oufe, Dan'l. Snow, Seth Drew, and Matth, Cobli* 3« Notaries Public.

Committee on the Commonwealth''s Lands and Proper' ty in the Dijirid, of , Of the Senate, John Hooker, and Mark L. Hill. Of the Houfe, Lothrop Lewis, William Ely, and Nathan- iel Fairbanks.

State Agents for Sale of Eaftem Lands ^ John Read, and Peleg Coffin.

Notaries Public in MafTachufetts. (a) Suffolk.

Samuel Cooper Bojlon I William Stevenfon Boftcn Gardner ditto John Gardner ditto Samuel I Effex. _

Tofeph Wood Beverly \ Mich. Hodge Newburyfjort Gloucejier Enoch Titcomb ditto Leonard White Haverhill Ichabod Tucker Saltrn Daniel Rogers Ipfwkh Ezekiel Savage ditto Jame« Gardner Lynn John Prince, jun. ditto Nathan Bowen Marblehead Samuel Nye, Salijbury Ifaac Mansfield ditto Middlefex. '"" Abraham Biglow CzTO/^rz' " Oliver Prefcott, jun. Groton Phillips Payfon Charlejlown Nathaniel Bemis Watertcwn Jonathan Fay Concord York.

Jeremiah Hill Biddeford I Jofeph Bragdon York Clark Wells Jonas \ Hampjhire.

Jonathan Leavitt Greenfield I Jona.Dwight, jr. Springfield Elijah H. Mills Northampton JuflinEly, jr.Vf^.o/m^/f/i \ Plymouth. Judah Alden Duxboro' Wm. Goodwin Plymouth Samuel Norton Hingham Hayward Peirce Sd.iuate Ephralm Spooner Plymouth Benj. Fearing Wareham Brifiol. Ephraim Trip Dartmouth Rho. H.Williams NBedfcrd Tno. B. Richmond Dightcn John W. Smith Tazmton Wm. Tobey New-Bedford Abner Erownell Wefifort

/aJ Public Notaries are appointed for the purpofe of makirig protefls, giving certificates under the feal of office, and entering and regiflering protefls and other notarial wri- tings ; alfo for altering the fame. Notaries Pablic.—Infpedlors of Beef. 37

Earnfl able. David Scudder Barnjiabk Solomon Cook Provincetozon

Jofeph Doane Chatham . Samuel Waterman Wdljlcit James Hinkley Falmouth Diikes-Covrty. Tames Atheam Ti/bury William Mayhew Edgarton Benjamin Allen ditto Nantucket.—Ifaac Coffin.


Cheney Reed Brookfield \ Mofes Smith Sterling Jofeph Adams Mendon Theoph. Wheeler Worcejler Jofeph Trumbull Peter/Jiam \ Cumberland. John Perry Brunfunck Ebenezer Mayo Portland Andrew Dunning Harp/well A. R. Mitchell N.Yarmoutk Jofeph C. Boyd Portland Lincoln, William Webb Bath David Faks Thoma^flozDn Jonathan Sawyer, Boothbay Jacob Ludwig Waldobord' JDaniel Waters Newcajilc Joleph Chriftopher JVifcaJfet Berk/hire, John C. Williams Pittsfidd\ Stockbridge Eph. A. Judfon Sandisjield \ Hancock. James Nefmith Bdfajl F. L. B. Goodwin Frankfort Th. S. Sparhawk Buckftozon Paul D. Sargent Sidlivan Jofhua Woodman Cajline Donald Rofs *Unicn River Jofeph Tyler Deer-IJle Wajkington. William Allan Eajlport William \ Campbell Steuhm otephen Jones Machias \ Norfolk, Roxbury Humphreys, \ J. jr. Weymuth Kmnebeck—1^2x\i2in\t\?t\\ty HallowelL

Appointments under State Authonty. By

38 Infpe

Eanliol. Nafon Samuel Tabor Newbedjord Robert Poiif.r Bfvi-rh John Ofgnod Newlmry Edwarf] XA'ilfon Blddjorcl Caleb Kimball ditto John Parker Billtriea John Tracy Netvburyport James Barry BoJIcn Nicholas Brown dit Thoni;^.^ Emmons diito J abez V biting Ncrthfeld Richard Walker Eradjo'd Jc hn Thomas N. Yarmouth Tohn Perr}-,jun. Brvvjzvick C'.ipt. Purr Orrington William Mafon Cam6>idgc Shirk} Erving Portland Simon Stevens ditto George Zeigler Roxbvry James Smiih Ckarlcfiown Geo. L. Farrington ditto Ifaac Smith diiro .^amuei Blaney ditto P-enjamin Mirick ditto Jonathan Ropes Salem Daniel Goldihwait Danvers jfjfhua Phippen ditto Abijah Parker Dtdkarn Janes Lock Salijiury Ira Richards ditto Se h C'lark ditto John Jones Falmouth Nathaniel Ring ditto Benjamin Stacey Gloucefi r Caleb Ray Scituate Royal Lincoln Gorharn Ezra Chale Soni rfct Jofeph Smith Hallozvell Jeduth, Sanderfon Springf. Nathan Ayer haverhill Ifaac Chi'ds Waliham Benjamir. Averil Ipfwkh Samuel Holt Wattrtcwn Timotlw Keezer Kmmbnvk Peter Wheeler ditto John Downing Lsnn Abner Crafts ditto Samuel Jones Lexington John Wadfworth Wintkrop & Menotcni) [Under a Law paffed March 4, 1800.]

Inff). ofPrt 8c Pearl AJli-s, Dr. David! ownfend, ofBoflon. [Office keptoppofite S. Burning Place, Pleafant ilreet. Deputies. Benjamin Fofter' Bath AndrcAv Blanchard Med/ord John Auftln Charlejlcwn Jonathan Call htuburyport Phineas Carleton Haverhill Shirley Erving Portland Under a Lav; pafied June 17, 1791.]

InfpeBor of Nails y Gen. John Window, of Bofton. [Office in Atkinfon ftreet, formerly Green's lane.] John W. Smifh, at Taunton, his Deputy. [Under a Law paffed Feb. 28, 1800.] hflcElor of Tebacco, Butter and Lard, Deacon Francis Wright, of Bofton.

[Office is kept in High-fireet, near Ruffell's wharf.] DePiitiiS. Charlejlowi Tracey Neivburyport Nathan Adams \ John Medical Societies^ 39

Salem Jofeph Smith Hallowell i Joftiua Phippen Warner Mtdjord Roundy Marhkh-ad Jonathan \ Jona. [Under Laws paffed Mar. 4, June 17, 1800, & Mar. 3, 1801.J Keeper of the Standards of Weights and Mea/vres, and (ex ©fficio) as Treafurer, Jonathan J ackfon, of Eofton.. Richard Aufiin, his Depu'v, ar Bofton.

Majfachufetts Medical Society at Bofton. Incorporated November 1, 1781. OJicers eleEled on the ijl Wednefday in Jum annually, Preftdent, John Warren Vice-Prefidcnty Jolhua Fifher Treafurer, Thomas Kaft Correfponding Secretary^ Recording Secretary^ 1 horn as Danfortfj Librarian and Cabinet-Keeper^ John Fleet, Counjel'ors, Suffolk— Ih^c Rand, John Jeffries, Charles Jarvis, Lesi- "uel Hayward, Thomas Kaft, John Warren, William Euftis, Thomas Welch, Aaron Dexter, Wm. '•'pooner, John Fleet^ Thomas Danfcrth, Cavid Townferd, liaac Rand, 3d» £/fx— Edward A. Ho'yoke, Micaj ih "^awyer, Joffitia Fifher, ThomcS Kittendge, Benjamin L. Oliver. Middlefex—Jofiah Partletc, John Brook^j Ifaac Hurrf, Oliver Prefcott, jun. William Garrmage- Hampjhirc—Eben. Hunt, Hem y ^Vei is, Charcey Brewer. Maine—Daniel Coney, Nathaniel Coffin, Shirley Eivjng, Ammi R. Mitchell. jBn7?o/—V^illiam Baylies. Plymouth—James Thatcher, Gad Hitchcock, Barnjlable—Samuel Savage. Worcejler—Ifrael Atherton, Oliver T\{k, D. Frink, fen^ Berkjliirt—Eraftus Sargent, Timothy Childs. Noyjclk.—Cotton Tufts, Amos Holbrook, John BarJett, Cenfors—Lemuel Hayward, Thomas Welch, Aaron Dexter, Jofiah Bartlett,

Branch of Maffachuf. Medical Society at Worcejer* Inlhtuted in the year 1804. Pref.dent, Ifrael Atherton. Vice-Prefident, Jonathan Ofgood. Treafurer, John Green. Correfponding Secretary^ Oliver FiS'.C. Recording Sicreiary, John Gieen. »

40 Medical Societies.

Bojlon Medical Difpenfary.

Inftituted 06lober, 1796. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1801. OJicers eleBcd on 2d Thurfday in Ociober annually Prejidenty TiyafureVy V/illiam Smith, Efq. Secretary^ John Andrews, Efq. Confuhing Pkyficians,}7imt%lAoYi^ m.d. Ifaac Rand, m.d,

("John Fleer, Southern Diftn£^. ~ Yifiting Pyftcians, S James Jackfon, Middle Diftricl. ( Samuel Hunt, Northern Diftri6t. C Stephen Thayer, Southern DiflriO:. Apothecaries, < Thomas Bartlett, Middle DIftrift. i Robert Fennelly, Northern Diftrift. Managers, Samuel Stillman, D. d. Samuel Weft, d. d. Stephen Gorham, Efq. John Andrews, Efq. William Tu-? dor, Efq. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Jonathan Amory, Efq. Mr. Thomas Brewer, Mr. Benjamin BufTey, Henry Hill, Efq. Mr. Samuel Salifbury, and Mr. AdaniBabcock. The Managers meet quarterly on the 2d Friday in each month, at the Sign of Good Samaritan, No. 13, Cornhil]. N- B. The Southern Diftricl; compreiiends ail the fourh. part of the town from the fouth fide of Winter and Summer i^reets.—The Middle Diftrift from thence to the Mill- Bridge, including Weft Bofton.—The Northern Diflxift, all the north part of the town from the Mill-Bridge. The above Inftitution, though yet in its infancy, has af- forded the means of relief to many neceffitous perfons, among others, whofe feelings would have been hurt by an

application for affiftance from the Alms-Houfe ; as they are, by this charity, attended, free of any expenfe, by an able Phyfician, either at their own boufes. or at ihe Dilpen- iary, as the cafe may require, and furniflied w^ith whatever medicine they may need, and M'ith wine, if neceflfary.

PUddJefex Medical Affociation at Camlrid^ff

Officers elected on lajl Wtdncfday in Ociobcr annually* Prefdent, Hon. Oliver Prefcott. Vice-Prefidenti Benjamin Waterhoijfe. Trcafurer^ Secretary, Dr. Jofeph Hunt. '

Charitable Societies- 41

Kennehech Medical AiTociation.

Inftitat td 1797. Office's cleElcd^ P^eftdent, Hon. Daniel Coney. Vicc-Prejidentj Dr. John Hubbard. Treafurer, Yix. Thomas Odiorne. Secretary^ Dr. Mofes Appleron^ Librarian^ Dr. Samuel Colman,

Brtjhl Medical Aflbciatioii,

Officers eleBedy Preftdenty . Vke-Prefident, Fofter Swift. Treafurer, Dr. George "Ware.

Secretary y Dr. Samuel Perry, jurj,

Majfachufetis Charitable Society^

Founded \\\ Bofton September 6th, 176*.

Incorporated March 15, 1780.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers., \Ji Monday in SepL Prefidenty Hon. . Vice-Prefidmt, Jonathan L. Auftin, Efq.

Treafurery Capt. James Prince. Secretary, Dr. Nathaniel Ncyes.

Trttjlees, Benjamin Auftlii, jr. Stephen . Bruce, Samuel Hewes, Andrew Oliver, Amafa Stetfon, Thomas W. Sum- ner, Benjamin White.

hyh Charitable Society at Bojion*

Inftituted March 17, 1737. Yearly Meeting for the choice of Officers^ i-jih of March, Prefidevt, Simon Elliot, Efq. Vicc-Pre[i dent, John Magner. Treafurer, Andrew Dunlap, jr. Keeper of the Silver Key, James Smith. Affiifiants, Patrick Caffin and Robert Cunningham. Recording Secretary, John Beane. Correfponding Secretary, Shubael Bell. Governmmt, Thomas O. Selfridge, Patrick Callin, and Richard Clabby. 1805.] Ds ——

42 Charitable Societies.

Bfjflon Epifcopal Charitable Society. Inltituted 1724. Incorporated February 12, 1784. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers^ on Eajler Tuefday^ Prefident, Rev. Dr. Yzrktr.~Vice-PreJident,Wm. Tudor. Trcafnrcr, Berjair-in Green. Secretary^ Jofeph Fofler. Trvjiees, Richard Greene, George Deblois, Jofeph Head^ Thomas Brewer, Samuel Dunn, Thomas Kaft.

Scots Charitable Society at Bojicn. Inftltuted 1684. Incorporated March 16, 1786. Yearly Meeting choic, Tuefday in for qf Oncers, \J>- May, Prrf:dcnt,AndTQ\'f?^\\.chlC.^--Vicc-Pref^denf,^A/'m.C]o^KQ.on. Trcafurcr, Wm. M'Kean. Secretary, Thoixias Semple. 4fi/1ants, John FuUeiion, John M^i^arlane, William Lamb, and John Berinoch.

MaJTachufetts Congregational Charitable Society^ For the RelicJ of dcftitutc Widozvs and Children of dcceafed Mirtijlers. Incorporated March 24, 1780. Yearly Meeting for choice, of Officers^ on the Monday precid-r -» ing the lafi Wcdnefday in May. Pr/'fid'mt, Vice-Prefid'snt, Hon. James Sullivan, ll. d. Trenfurer, John I,cirhrop, d, d. pro tern, Stcr^iary, John La throw, u. D. CoiinciL Hon. Jamei; SuiTivan, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Hon. George Oibot. Samuel Parkman, Eiq. Rev. Thoma? Barnard, d. D. Rev. John Eliot, D. D.

Majfachufetts Charitable Fire Society. Incorporated June 25, 1794. Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, on tJic Friday next after the lajl Wedwfday in May. Semi-annual Meeting, od Wednrfday in November. Prc'itdent, Arnold Welles, Efq. Vice- Prcfdent, William 1 udor, Efq. Correfponding Secretary, Rev. William Emerfon. Recording Sx.reiary, William Alline, Efq. Treafunr, Ehcnczer Gay, Efq. Trvftees^ Samuel Stillman, d. n. John Eliot, d. d. Mr, Tames White, Mr. Sfaubael Beil, Dr. Joflma Thomas, ?vTr Thomas K. Jones, Kon. Jofi^Ii Quincy, Mr. Jofeph - (^4':lr)-.jdcr. • • • .

Societies. Charitable .^1

Roxlury Charitable Society. Inftituted January, 1794. Incorporated February 26, 1799» Yearly Meeting for choke of facers, ^d Monday in Sept* Preftdent, Mr. Willbm Lambert. Firj} Vice-Prefident, Hon. John Read. Second Vice-Prefdentf Capt. Jofeph Williams. Treafurer^ Jofeph Ruggles, Efq. Secretary, Nathaniel Ruggles, £.fq. Standing Committee, Deacon Jofhua Felton, Mr. George Zeigler, Rev. Eliphalet Porter, Mr. Thomas T. Robinfon, Mr. John Williams. fruftees ofJohn BoYLSTON'sCharltableDonationSi For the Benefit and Support of a^ed poor Perfons^ and of Orphans and Deferted Children The Sele£lmen of the Town of Bofton.

Incorporated Feb. 3, 1803.

Truftees of the Franklin Donation. TheSeleamenofBofton. Rev. James Freeman. Rev. William Emerfon.,

J5o/lon Franklin AiTociation.

Inftituted Sept. 14, 1801.

Yearly Meeting for the choice of Officers, 1 jtk of January, Quarterly Meetings, 9.d Mondays in April, July and Odober^ Prefidenty William Burdick. Vice-Prefident, J&rnua Belcher. Trcafurer, Eleazer G. Houfe. Recording Secretary, Jofliua Simonds. Correfpondifig Secretary, Edward Reuou^- Trufees, Calvin Day, JohaC. Giay.

Bojlon Female Afylum.

InflltutedSept. 25, 1800. Incorporated Feb. 26, iSo^v Oficers chcfen on the lajl Tuefday in Sept, annually^ Firji DireBrefs, Mrs. Hannah Stillman. Second Direflrefs, Mrs. Mary Htibbdfd. Treafurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins. ^ecrttaryj Jvliii Eliza Frothini^ham, 4f Charitable Societies. Managers, Mrs. Catharine Codman, Mrs. Elizabeth Dorr, Mrs. Mary Gray, Mrs. Elizabeth Goodwin, Mrs. Ann Green, Mrs. Mary Grew, Mrs. — M'Lean, Mrs. Abigail May, Mrs. Sarah Parkman, Mrs.][iannah Smith, Mrs. Eliza- beth Thurflon, Mrs. Margaret Whitwell. Mifs Rebecca Rockwell, Governefs. g::!* TJie Afyluvi is kept next door to Trinity Church, in Suvimerjlrcct.

Salem Female Charitable Society. Incorporated, June 23, 1804.

Yearly choice of Officers, \Ji Wednejday in May. Firjl Dircclrefs, Lucretia Ofgood. Second Dived refs, Elizabeth White. Treafurery Abigail Mafon Dabncy. Secretary, Elizabeth Gardner. Managers, Eunice Richardfon, Lydia Nichols, Margaret Murphy, Abigail Lawrence, Catherine G. Prefcott, Lucia Gardner, Lois Pulling, ^arah Dunlap.

Portland Benevolent Society, (a)

Incorporated Feb. 15, 1803.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, Prefident, Samuel Dean, d.d. Fice-Prc/ident, Rev. Elijah Kellog. Secretary, William Symmes, Efq. Trcaftu'cr, Samuel Freeman, Efq. Managers, The Prefident, Vice-Prefident, Secretary, Matthew Cobb, Jofcph H. Ingraham, Samuel Freeman, Jofiiua Rogers, Lemuel Weeks, Stephen Longfellow.

(aj The defign of this Society is to relieve and affifl thofe objr&s of compaffion, whofe circumflances may require relief iv a mann r difertnt from that which is by law providedfor

the fupport and employment of the poor ; comprehending tkev'in, the widow and the fatherlefs, the dejlitute and help- lefs f ranger, and all, who by ficknefs, infirmity, or fnisfor- tune, may be reduced to indigence.

Summary of the Method of Treatment to be ujed with Pcrfons apparently dcadfroin Drowning, &c. CONVEY the perfon to the neareil convenient houfe, with hi-s head raifed : Strip and dry him as quick as '

Humane Societies. 45

jf poflTible ; clean the mouth and noOrils from froth and mud. J—If a child, let him he placed between two perfons, naked, in a hot bed.-r-If an adult, lay him on a hot blanket or bed, and, in cold weather, near a fire —In warm weather, the air Ihould be freely admitted into the room. The body is next~ to be gently rubbed with warm woollen cloths, I'prinkled xvith Jpirits, if at hand, otherwife dry. A heated warming- pan may be row lightly moved over the back, properly

covered with a blanket ; and the body, if of a child, is to be

gently Oiopk every few minutes : Whiljl tbefe means are ufing, one or two affiftants are to be employed in blowing up tobacco-fmoke into the fundament, with the inftrument Drovided for the purpofe, or a tobacco-pipe, if that cannot te had—the bowl filled with tobacco and properly lighted, being covered with a hankerchlef, or piece of linen, fo as to defend the mouth of the aififtant in. blowing : Bathe the breaft with hot rum, and perlifl in the ufe of thefe means for feveral hours. If no figns of life fliould then appear, let the body be kept warm ieveral hours longer, with hot bricks, or veflels of hot water, applied to the palms of the hands, and foles of the fiset, for a longer or fhorter time, as the circumftances of the cafe mzy be._ The too cuftomary method of rolling on a barrel, fuf? pending by the feet, and every other violent mode of agita- tion, particularly in removing the body from the water, (hould be moft carefully avoided. The above mentioned method of treatment is to be made ufe of with vigour for feveral hours, although no favourable

circumftances (hould arife ; for it is a vulgar and dangerous opinion, to fuppofe perfons are irrecoverable, becaufe life does not foon make its appearance ; and upon this opinion, an immenfc number of the feemingly dead have been com- mitted to the grave, who might have been rejiorcd to life by Tefolution and perfcverance in the above plan of treatment.

Majfachufetts Humane Society, at Bojion* Incorporated February 23, 1791. Pfleers ckofen at the femi-anmial Meeting, ^dTutfday ofBep^ Prefident, John Warren, m.d. Firjl Vice- P reftden t. Second Vice-Prefident, John Lathrop, D.D# Treafarer, Edward Gray, Efq.

Cornfponding Secretary, Aaron Dexter. _ B-fcording Secretary, John A\'ery, Efij. 4^ Humane Societies.

TruJleeXj Samuel Paiker, d.d. Nathaniel Balch, Efq. Jeremiah Allen, Efq. Wilham Spooner, Elq. Samuel Park- man, Efq. James Scott, Efq.

Merrimack Humane Society at Neivhurypori.

Infliiuted ir. i8o2. Incorporated March 7, 1804.

Cfiixn annually cUEltd on the \Jl Tuefday in September,

Prejidcnt, Mica j ah Sawyer, m.d. Vicc-PrrJidcTit, Dudley A. Tyng, Efq. Treafiirer, Mr. Ebenezcr Stocker.

Correfpondivg Secretary ^ Nathl. Bradftreet, M.3.

Recording Secretary ^ Mr. William Woart. Trujieex, Rev, Thomas Caiy, Nathaniel Saltonftall, m.d. Samuel Nye, a.m. William Coombs, Efq. Rev. Ifaac Smith, Nicholas Johnfon, Efq. Rev. Daniel Dana, Rev, Samuel Spring, Rev. John Andrews, Rev. James Morfe.

Society for propagating the Gofpel among the Indians, and others, in North-America,

Incorporated November 19, 1787. Yearly choke of OJicerSy day after General EleSiion, Prefident, Hon. James Sullivan. Vice-Prefident, Hon. Oliver Wendell. Treafurery Ebenezer Storer, Efq. Vice-Treafurer, John El ior, d.d. Stcraary, Jedidiah Morfe, d.d.

Affijiant Secretary y Rev. Abiel Holmes. SelcB Committee, JohnLathrop, d.d. JofephEckley, D.d. William Phillips, Efq. Mr. Samuel Salisbury, Jedidiah Morfe, D.D.

Majfachufetts Mifiionary Society, (a)

Inflituted at Bofton, May 28, 1799. Ycarl\ choice of OJicers, lajl Tuefday in May, Prejident, Nathanael Emmons, d.d. of Franklin. Secretary^ Rev. Samuel Auftin of Worcefier. Treafurer^ Deacon of Boflcn.

(a) This Society is in a flourifhing flatt. In the courfe of laft year ahout ftvcnty new members have been added', making in the whole about three hundred. .

Mifiionary Societies. 47

Trttjiees, David Sanford o^ Medway, Daniel Hopkins of 5

Powers, for the Diftritl of Maine ; and the P^ev. David Smith, for the Weftern Frontier.

Rev. Paul Litchfield of CarHfle is chofen the firft, and Rev. Jofeph Barker of Midd'eboro' the feeond Preacher for next anniverfary

Majfachiifetts Baptift Mifiionary Society. Iriftituu:d May 26, 1802. Yearly choice of Officers, la/l IVedncfday in May. Chairfnan, Samuel Stillman, d.d. Secretary, Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Treafurer, Deacon Daniel Wild. Triifcees, Samuel Stillman, d,d. Hezekiah Smith, D.D, rhomas Baldwin, d.d. Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Revi Stephen 3-ano, Rev, William WiHiams, Rev. Joel Brig^^s, Rev. Valentine W. Rathbun, Stephen Dana, Efq. Mr. Oliver Hoiden, Deacon Richard Smith, Deacon John Wait.

Berk/hire and Columbia Mifiionary Society.

Yearly choice of Officers, Prrfident, Rev. Ephraim Judfon. Vice-Pref.dent, Hon. Timothy Edwarr^s, Efa. Treafurer, Hon. William Walker, Efq. Secretary, Rev. Alvan Hyde. Clerk, Rev. Oliver Ayer. Tmjlces, Rev. JelTe Townfend, Rev. Aaron Bafcomb, lev. Dr. Stephen Weft, Rev. Ephraim Tudfon, Rev. Alvan Hyde, Rev. David Perry, Hon. W;lliam Walker, ion. Timothy EdwarHs, Deacon Stephen Nafh, Deacon ' ohn Hall, and Hon. Barnabas Bidwel 1. 48 Miffionary Societies, &€.

Hampjhire Miffionary Society at Narthamptm* Pnjident, His Excellency Caleb Strong. Vu.e.-Prtjidatt^ Rev. Samuel Hopkins. Tre.afiircr, Rugglcs Woodbridgc, Efq. Cor rejponding Secretary^ Rev. Enoch Hale. Recording Secretary, Rev. . Tnijlccs, Hon. John Haftings, Jofeph. Lathrop, D.n, Hon. EbcnezerHuiu, Jofeph Lyman, d.d. Juftin Ely, Efq. Rev. Solomon Williams, William Billings, Efq. David

Pearfon, j::>.d. Charles Phelps, Efq. Rev. Richard S. Storrs.

Baptifl Education Fund.

Incorporated Feb. 26, 1794.

Yearly chcice of Ojjicers, Tuefd. after the \fl Wedncfd. in Sept, CkairmaTiy Samuel Stlllman, d.d. Treafurer, Thomas Baldwin, d.d.

Secretary y Mr. James HarJ-ifon. Trnjlees, Hezeklah Smith, d.d. Rev. William Williams, Kev. Stephen Gano, Rev. Jofeph Grafton, Rev. George Robinfon, Stephen Dana, Efq. Rev. Joel Briggs, Deacon Daniel Wild, Mr. Ebenezer L. Boyd. This Society meets in Bofton, annually, the laft Wednef. day in May, and at fuch other times and places as the So- ciety may judge proper.

The WARREN ASSOCIATION will meet at War- Ten, (R.I.) the Tuefday after the firft Wednefday in Septem- ber, at 2 o'clock, P.M. Rev. Dr. Stillman is appointed to preach the introduftory fermon ; in cafe of failure, Rev. Mr. Williams of Beverly.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Incorporated May 4, 1780.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, /^tk Tuefday in Mny. Prefdmt, , ll.d. Vice-Prefdcnt, Recording Secretary, Hon. John Davis. Correfponding Secretary, Hon. John Q. Adams. Treafurer, Rev. James Freeman.

Vice-Treafurer, Dr. Wi 1 Ham Spooner. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper, John Lathrop, d.»- Hlftorical Society, 8cc* 49

Counfdlorsy Hon. Robert T. Paine, Hon. Francis D;ina, Benjamin Lincoln, Efq. John Lathrop, D.D.^John War- ren, M.D. Hon. Cotton Tufts, Caleb Gannett, Efq. Loammi Baldwin, Efq. and , ll.d.

MaJJachufetts Hillorical Society. luftituted at Bofton, January, 1791. Incorporated Feb. 19, 1794. YeaHy Meeting for choice of OJficcrs^ lajl Tuefday in ApriL Prefident^ Hon. James Sullivan. Trcafurer, Hon. Jofrah Ouincy. Correfponding Secretary, John Eliot, D.d. Recording Secretary, Rev. James Freeman. Librarian, John T. Ki^rkland, d.d. Cabinet-Keeper, Mr. Samuel Turell.

_ Standing Committee, Hon. James Winthrop, Hon. Wil- liam Tudor, Dr. Redford Webfter, Hon. JohA Davis, and Rev. William Emerfon. Committeefor Publications, Rev. Al>iel Holmes, Thomas L. Winthrop, Efq. Hon. John Q. Adams, and Rev.Thad- deus M. Harris.

Bojlori Library.

Incorporated June 17, 1794.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, \Jl Monday in March, Librarian, Dr. Cyrus Perkins. Treafurcr, Mr. Kendcrfon Inches. Secretary, Mr. Kaihan Webb. Trvjlees, Jofeph Eckley, d.d. John Eliot, d.d. Mr. Samuel Hall, John T. Kirkland, d.d. Wm. Spooner, m.d. CoLWrn-Scollay, Dr.Redford Webfter, John Phillips, Efq, and Hon. John Davis.

Social Law Library, Firf annual Meeting held at Concert Hall, in Boflort^ June 13, 1804. Prcf.dent, Hon. Theophilus Parfons. Treafurer, Ebenezer Gay, Efq. Clerk, Peter Thacher, Efq.

Trvfices, Hon. Chriftopher Gore, Rufus G. Aixjory, and Jofeph Hall, Efquires.

2 805- J ^ £ so Mechanic Aflbciation, &:c.

Mafachufetis Mechanic A^fTociatlon at Bojlon.

Inftituted March 15, 1795. Yearly Meeting for choke of Officers^ ^d Thurfday in Sept, Prefidenty Jon'cuhan Hunnevvcl], Efq. Vice-Pnf?dent, Maj. Benjamin Ruflel. Treafurer, Beac. Francis Wright. Secretary^ Mr. Samuel Gilbert. TruJleeSy Daniel Tattle, SamuelTodd, Charles Glemenr, David Cobb, Lemuel Gardner, Jofiah Snclling, Sumuel Perkins, William Alexander, James Dawfou.

Bojlon Aquedu(5l Corporation.

Incorporated February 27, 1795. Yearly Meeting for choice of OfJiccrSy Prcfidcnt, Hon. James Sul]i\-an. Vice- P refi dent, Hon. John Davis. Treafurcr and Secretary^ Andrew Cunningham. Direciors, Hon. James Sullivan, Dr. Aaron Dfxtcr, Hon. John Davis, Mr. Jofrah Kmpp, Mr.. William Harr- matt, RufTeil Sturgis, Efq. Mr. Gideon Snow, Mr. Amo- Bond, Mr. Triftrara Barnard.

Columluin Society.

Inftituted 1792:.

Yearly Meeting for the choice cf Officers, on \fl Tuc.fday :-. O^obery at the Academy in South Parifi^ Bridgew^ter.

Semi-annual Meeting is on the \Jl Tucfday in. ApriL

Prefi dent. Rev. John Read. Vice-Prefidenty Rev. Zedckiah Sanger. Tr^afurer, Sylvanus Lazel, Efq. Recording Secretary, William Baylies, \.-\u Correfponding Secretary, Benjamin \^^itman, Euj. Ccunfellors, Rev. Zcdekiah Sanger, Hon. Ber.a Hay'A':^Tc\ Mr. Benjamin Beale, Jonathan Shaw, Efq. Dc6L PhUip Bryant, Hon. Daniel Howard.

0:^" The objeft of the above Society is For the promo- tion ot agrieuhural and literary purfuirs. 1

Agricultural Societies. 5

Majfachufetts Agricultural Society.

Incorporated March 7, 1792.

Yearly Metting-for choice ofOfficers^ idWednefday in June, Prefidmt, ?Iis Excellency Caleb Strong, ll.D. i-irji Fice- Prefi dent, Hon. Jofeph Rufiell. Second Vice-Prefidfdt, Aaron Dexter, m.d. Trmfurer, Thomas L. Winthrop, Efq. Recording Secretary, John Avery, Efq. Correfponding Secretary, Rev. John T. Kirkland, D.D. Truflees, Hon. George Cabot, Theodore Lyman, John Warren, m. d. Hon. Chriuophcr Gore, S. Warren Pome- roy, Efq.

Kennehech Agricultural Society at Augufla*

Inftituted 1800. Incorporated Feb. 17, 180I.

Yearly Meeting for choice of OfficerSf Prefident, William Howard, Efq. Firji Vire-Prefidmt, Jofeph North, Efq. Second Vice-Prefdent, Nathaniel Dummer, Efq. Treafurer, Daniel Cone}'^, Efq. Recording Secretary, Henry Sewall, Efq.

r n J- c * • S John Merrick and Lorrtjponding^ bccretartes, -57 -n 2 i?n„/.<,. •^t i James bridge, Etquires. Trujices, Charles Vaughan, Efq. Arthur Lithgow, Efq. Robert Page, Efq. Rev. Daniel Stone, Chandler Robbins,Efq. John Davis, Efq. Rev. Eliphalet Gillet.

IVeflern Society of Middle/ex Hufbandmen.

Incorporated Feb. 28, 1803.

Yearly Meeting for choice of Officers, is held en the if Tucf- day in September, at JVefford, Littleton and Groton^ in, rotation, at 10 o'clock, A.M. PreFdent, Hon. Ebenezer Bridge. Firft Virc-Preficient, Zaccheus Wright, Efq. • Second Vice-Prtfident, Rev. John Bullard. Recording Secretary, Mr. David Lau-rence. Correfponding Secretary, Rev. Edmund Fofter. freafurer, Capt. Francis Kidder. fWho are Trullees ex officio.)

Truflces, Oliver Prefcutt, E{c][. Hon. Timothy Bigelow, Mr. Ebenezer Bancroft. . ; 52 Mafonic Societies.

American Company of Bookfellers.

Prefident, Mathew Carey of Philadelphia. Vice-Preftdent^ Ifaac Collins of New-York. Board cf DireHors, Ebenezer T. Andrews, John Weft of

Bofton ; James Swords, George F. Hopkins of New-York Jacob Johnfoa of Philadelphia; SamuefButler of Baltimore, Treafurer, Samuel Whiting of Albany. Recording Secretary, Thomas S. Ardea of New-York. Correfponding Secretary, Samuel Stanfbury of cb,

Tke AJociation of Book/dUrs in the town of Bojon meet regularly once in three 'months.

GRAND LODGE OF MASSACHUSETTS. THE firft Mafons' Lodge in America was held inBcfton, July 30th, 5733, by virtue of a commiffion from the Right Honourable and Right Worftipfiil Anthony Lor^ Vif- count Montague, Grand Mafter of England.—The Maf- ^achufetts Grand Lodge (alfo hoi den at Bofton) was firft eftabliflied on December 27th, 5769, and defcended- from the Grand Mafter of Scotland.—On the 19th of June, 5792, a Grand Mafonic union was formed by the two Grand Lodges ; antl all dj{lin£lions between ancient and jnodern Mafons abolifhed. ^^ The Quarterly Communications are held at Concert- Hall, in Bofton, on the evenings of the 2d Mondays in March, June, September and December. Yearly choice cj O^.cers is in the Kontk of December GRAND OFFICERS. Moil Worfhpf. Ifaiah Thomas, Efq. Grand Majler. Rt. Worfhpf. Simon Elliot, Efq. Deputy Gr. Majltr. Rt. Worfhpf. Timothy Eigelow, Efq. Senior Gr. Warden. Rt. Worfhpf. John Soiey, Junior Gr. Warden. Rt^ Worfhpf. Allen Crocker, Grand Treafurer. Worlhipful John ProHor, 'Recording Gr. Sec'ry. Re. Wo,mpf. Thaddeus^iHarrU, \ S7^J-lg;^^> Rt. Worfhpf. Shubael Bell, Senior Gr. Deacon. Rt. Worflipf. Henry Fowle, Junior Gr. Deacon. Rt. Wovfnpf. Benjamin Ruffell, Grand Marjhall. Brother Edward Goodwin, Grand Sword Bearer. Mafonic Societies. 53

\Vorfhipful Francis Oliver ) T. ^^^^^^ Stewards. Vvorftiipfui John W. Gurley S Brother lofeph W. Revere, ) Gir,-^r,^and Purfuzvants.D.,^n.-,\,^y,*r Brot!ierJohnxMay,jun. J Brother Grand Tiler.

is lift the the ^ The followirrg a of Lodges under jurifdic- tion of the Grand Lodge of ivIaHachufetts. The Lodges are divided into twelve diftrifts ; and a Diftrift Deputy Grand Mafttr appointed to each diftrift by the prefent Grand Mafter, viz.

Firft Diftria. Rt. Worflipf. John Boyle, Efq. Diftria-Deputy Gr. Maft. {a) St. John's Bofton (k) Meridian WatertowJt Rifing States Dorchrjler^ lb] ditto {{} Union ^ (c) MalTachufetts ditto {k) Conftellation Dedham [dj Columbian ditto (I) Rural Randolpk | it) Mount Lebanon ditto (w) Hiram Lexington (/) King Solom. Charkjlozun \n) Rifing Star Stougkton (^) V/afliington ^oxi^ary •((?} Mount Moriah Reading

{a) Time of meeting is on the evening of the ift Tuef- day in each month, excepting June, July and Auguft, at Vila's, near Concert Hall. {b) Meets at Concert Hall, on the evening of the laft Monday in each month.

[c] Meets at Concert Hall on the evening of the 3dTuef- day in each month. —Date of Charter, May 12, 5770. [d] Meets at Mafons' Hall, in Market-Square, on the evening of the ift Thurfday in each month.

[e] Meets at Mafons' Hall, in Market-Square, on the •venlng of the ift Tuefday in each month. (/) Meets at Warren Hall, in Charlefiown, on the even- ing of the 2d Tuefday in each month.

(g) Meets at Harriman's Hall, in Roxbury, on the even- ing of the Wednefday hefoie each full moon. Date of Charter, March 17, 5796.—3 miles from Bofton. {k) Time of meeting, on the Monday evening preceding the full moon.—6 miles from Bofton. 1805.] E2 54 Mafonic Societies.

Second DIftrijJt. Rt. Worlhpf. Jonathan Gage, Efq. iiift. Dcp. Gr. Maft. Eflex Salem St. Peter's Netoburyport Philantliropic MarbUkead St. John's ditto Tyrian Glcnictfifr St. Mark's ditto Unity Ipfivich Merrimack Havcrkili Third DIftria. Rt. Wcrfhpf. John D. Dunbar, Elq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. Old Colony Hanover Corner-ftone Duxborovgh Forefathers' Rock Plymouth Sumner Dennis Marine (BarniL Co.) Falmouth King Hiram Truro Fraternal Bamjiabk Adams Wdljleet Fourth Diariifl. Rt. Worftpf. Seth Paddleford, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. King David Fellowfhip Briftol Mafonic Societies. 55

Meridian Sun Brookjield ! Harris Atkol

Olive Branch Oxford \ Charity Mendcn Seventli Diftn<5l. Rt. Worfhpf. Solomon Vofe, Efq. Dift. Dep. Gr. MaC Jerufaiem South-HadUs' Federal Blandjord 'Harmony Northjield Pacific Sunder/and- Republican Greenfield Eighth Bldrla. Rt. Worfhpf. Caleb Hyde, Efq. Dif}. Dep. Gr. Mart. Evening Star Lenox Sincerity Partridgcfield Friendlhip Wilh'am/iowr? Cincinnatus Nfzv Marlboro* Franklin Cliefkirt Wjfdom Wejl-Stockbridge Ninth Diftrict. Rt. Worfiipf.Woodbury Storer, Efq, Diil. Dep. Gr Maft. Portland Portland United Tof.JJiam Saco Pepperflborough Cumberland New-Gloucejier Kenr.ebeck Hallotvrll Pythagorean Fryburgk Lincoln Wifcajfet Tenth Diftric^

R.t. Worlhpf. David Howe, Elq. DiO. Dep. Gr. Mafter. CamdrM Rifing ^miry j Virtue Hamdm Cajlmt Hancock \ Eleventli Diftria. Rt. Worihpf. John Cooper, Elq. Dili. Dep. Gr. Maft.

Warren Machias I Eaftern Eajiport Coluinhian Tufcaa \ Twelfth Dlftria.

Rt. Worfnpf. , Dif>. Dep. Gr. Mad. King Solomon's in Perfection ""Holmrs-Hole. Waihiiigton Remembered N'tu-Bcdjcrd v^niC.i T ? - Nantucket Ann. lie an Union Marietta ^State of Ohio) Stabrock (Demarara, IV. I.)

^f. A'Tih-e.zu's Lodge meets at the Green Dragon, in Bof-

ton, on the evening of 2dl^hurfday in each month ; «nd the RnyjI. /irck^ at the fame place, on the Wedneluay eve- ning preceding the ulliug of the moon. J

$6 Ualted States' Bank. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. At a meeting of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, for the State o( Majjac/mfeits, held at Mafons'-Hall, Bo/ion, Tuefday the i8th Sept. A. L. .5804, the following Officers were chofen": M. E. Timothy Bigelow, Grand High Prieji. E. Benjamin Ruffell, Deputy Grand High Pritjl, E. Oilman White, Grand King. £. Abraham Perkins, Grand Scribe. Andrew Sigourney, Grand Treafurer. Edward Horlman, Grand Secretary. Rev. Ezra Ripley, Grand Chaplain. Henry Purkitt, Grand MarfaalL Amos Tappan, "^ John B. Hammatt, \ r j r^ Grand Siewaras. William Learned, > Andrew Frothingham, ) Jeremiah Folfom, Grand Inftd? Centinel. William Tarbox, Grand Outftde Centinel.

Purfuant to the Conllitution, the Grand Chapter of this State was organized on the 12th of June, 5798. Its meet- ings are holden, aUernattly at Bofton and Newburyport, on 3d Tuefday of September yearly. The Chapters under its jurifdiftion are, St. Andrew's Chapter. This Chapter meets regularly in the tov/n of Bodon, at the Green Dragon, on the evening of the Wedncfday pre- ceding the full moon. King Cyrus's Chapter.

. This Chapter meets in the town of Newburyport. St. John's C after. This Chapter meets in the town of Groton.

The African Lodge in Bofton meets regiilarly in Kilby- ftreet, on the evening of the ift Tuefday ni each month.

Bank of the United States at Philadelphia.

Thomas Prefident. Cafhier. Willing, | George Szmpfon, This Bank was incorporated by an Aft of Congrefs Feb.

25, 1791 ; and to continue until the 4th of March, 1811. It is under the direftion of a Prcfidcnt and twenty-four Direftors, chofen yearly on the lit Monday in Januarj'-. There are feven Branches of this Eunk eftabhfhed, viz. Bofton, New-York, Baltimore, Charlc[lon (S. C»} NcrfolL Wafnington, arid Savannah (Georgia. United States' Bank. 57

Branch of the U. S. Bank at Boflon.

George Cabot^ Prefident. ) Pder Roe Dalton, Cafhier. Dtredors, Jofeph Coolidg^Samuel P. Gardoer, Gard- -itr Greene, jofeph Hurd, j^i .Toy,:^iiacHarrifon G. Otis, John Parker, Samuel Parkman, Thomas H. Perkins, Thos. Perkins, David Sears, and Timothy Williams. FJrJ Tener—Chn{\ophGT Minot. Second TeUer—Samuel Pavfon. lirfi Book-Keeper—Jchn \V. Blanchard. ' Seci)nd Book-Keeper—-Tximcr Phillips. Dijcouni C/er,4—John H. Bowes. Intcrcji Clerk —Samuel Brewer. A/Jipant Clerks—John Call and Benjamin Shav* Mcffenger—Gillam Bafs. Porters—^William Hunt and John Holbrook. f^ Days of Difcount are Mondays and Thurfdays, Branch of the U. S. Bank at New-York. ^ Cornelius Ray, Prefident. Jonathan Burrat, Calhier. \ Branch of the U. S. Bank at Baltimore. Swan, Prtfidt-.nt. David Harris, Calhier. John | Branch of the U. S. Bank at Charleflon. Adam Gikhrijl, Prefident. Jonah Smith, Cafhier. j Branch of the U. States Bank at Norfolk. Robert Taylor, Prefident. j Robert Oliphant, Cafhier. Branch of the U. States Bank at Waftiington. Jos. Carkton, Prefident. James Davidfon, jr. Calhier. ( Branch of the U. States Bank at Savannah.

Jofeph HaberJJianiy Prefidt. j Thomas Mendtnhall, Cafliier.

MafTachufetts Bank at Boflon. Capital 400,000 Dollars.

Incorporated Feb, 7, 1784 ; and to continue as long as there are proprietors in this Bank. Officers elefted on lu Wednefday in January annMally. Wiliiam Pkiliips, Prefident. j James Tkwing, Cafhier. DireFiors, Ruius G. Amory, Jofeph Coolidge, Thomas Dawes, Aaron Dexter, Benjamin Green, William Parfons» John Phillips, and Samuel Salifhury. 1

5 Banks m MafTachufetts,

Firjl Teller—Nathaniel Fofter. Second Teller—Thomas Chafe. Fzrjl Book-Keeper—Nathaniel H. Furnef'.. Second Book-Keeper—N. F. Th-^yer. Difcount Clerk—Miles Greecv/ood. Mcjjenger—]zrsy'^% Hill.

. i^ Day of Difcount is Monday.

Union Bank at Bcfton. Capital 1200,000 Dollai-s.

Incorporated June 25, 1792 ; and ro continue until the ift Monday in October, 1802. Charter renewed to the J ft Monday in Ortober, 1812.

Officers elefted on ift Monday in Septenaber annually. Oliver Prefident. George Burroughs^ Cafnier. Wendell, | Directors, Peleg Coffin, Samuel Brown, Benjamin BufTey, Samuel Cobb, Stephen Codman, Thomas Davis, Jofeph Head,Benjam.in Joy, Jofiah Quincy, John Welles, Thomas h. Winthrop. Fir Teller Brown. ft —John Seco7id Teller—Samuel Parker. Firft Bock-Keeper— Nathaniel Emmons. Second Bcok-Kceper—Jonathan Jackfon. Difcount Clerks—Wm. Furnefs and Henry Stcvenfon. A/Jifiant—John P. Pnyfon. Mfjfenger—Edward W. Newell. Porter—Andrew Kettell. gij' Day of Difcount is Tuefday.

Bofton Bank. Capital 1800,000 Dollars.

Incorporated March 4, 1803 ; and to continue from the jft day of June, 1803, to the ifi Monday in 061. 1812.

Oificers elected on ift. Monday in June annually.

Jonathan Jackfon^ Prefident. j Jofepk Chapman, Cafnier. DireHu?s—Thomas C Amory, Adam Babcock, Peter C.

Brooks, Ifaac P. Davis, Stephen Higginfon, jun. Nathanif I C. Lee, James Lloyd, jun. W'illiam Pickman, Williani Pratt, , jun. William Sullivan. /Vry? Teller— George Deblois. Second Teller—Robert Laffi, jun. .

Banks m MalTachufetts, 59

Tirjl Book-Keeper—^J\\\\2.xa Cochrai?. Saccnd Book-Keep er-^Jamcs ElliTon. Difcount Cieri—MmhQw S. Parker. A'Tiftant Clerk—Ociavias Plumnier. Mtfjingt'i —Timothy Green, jun. Porter—John Johnfnn. (J:^Days of Difcount, Mondays, Wedncfdaysand Fridays, SolicitorJor Loans of this Bank within andfor Suffolk County. Wiiiiam Sullivan, of Bofton. Deputy Solicitor, within andfor V/orceJlcr County. 'Hon. Nathaniel Paine, Efq. ofWorcefter. Deputy Solicitor, within andfor Hamffliiri County. Jcfeph Lyman, Efq. of Northampton.

Boflon Exchange Office, or AfTociatlcn Fund.

Incorporated Tune 23, 1804; and to continue from the id Monday in Aug. 1804, to the ift Monday in Aug. 1812.

Officers eleEled on the \ft Monday in Augiifl annually

Samuel Clap, Prefident. | Gccrge Odiorne, Treafurer. Z)zVc(5/^rj—William Coolidge, David W. Child, David 3. Eaton, Jofeph Nye, Nathaniel Parker, William Ritchie, Samusl Spear, Samuel Sumner, Eliphalet Williams. Firjl T'ller—William Flanagan. Second Teller—Jofiah Vinton, jr. Difcount Clerk—William Coffin, jr. Book-Keeper—John Pickens, jr. Mejfenger—William Abrams. j::^" Hours of bufmefs, from 9 to 3 o'clock.

Nantucket Bank. Incorporated February 27, 1795; and to continue, from ihe ift day of May, 1795, to May 1, 1805. Officers elefted on the ift Monday of January annually.

Jofeph Chafe, TiQ^dsnt. \ George Folgcr, jr. Czihier.

Nantucket Pacific Bank.

Incorporated March 3, 1804 ; and to continue from the ft Monday of July, 1804, to the ift Monday inOa. 1812, Officers elefted on the ift Monday in July annually. Triflram, Huffey, Prefident. j Nathan Comfock, Calhier. 6o Banks in Mafliichufetts. Merrimack Bank at Newburyport.

Incorporated June 23, 179,5; and to continue from th" ift day of July, 1795, to July 1, 1805. Officers elefted on ift Monday in January annually.

IVilliavi Prefident. Cutldr, Caflner. Bartlett, | Jofepk Newburyport Bank.

Incorporated March 8, 1803 ; and to continue from th ift day of June, 1803, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers elected on ift Monday in Otlober annually.

Dudley A, Tyng, Prefident. \ William W. Prout, Cafliier.

Portland Bank.

Incorporated June 15, 1799; and to continue from th jfl; day of July, \'}^^t to July 1, 1819. Officers elected on ift Monday of January annually. Hugh. W-Ldlan, Prefident. Swijt, Cafhier. { Jojebh

Maine Bank at Portland. Incorporated June 23,1802; and to continue from t} ift day of April, i8c2, to the ift Monday in Oft. 181c.

Officers elefted on ift Monday in June annually.

Samuel Freeman^ Prefident. | D. Hale^ Cafnier.

EiTex Bank at Salem.

Incorporated June 18, 1799; ^"^ ^^ continue from tf ift day of July, 1799, to July 1, 1819. Officers elefted on ift Monday in June annually. Gray, Caftiier. WiUiam Gray, jr. Prefident. | William S. Salem Bank.

continue from tl; Incorporated March 8, 1803 ; and to lil Monday of June 1803, to ift Monday in Oft. 1812. Officers elefted on ift Monday in June anniially. Benj. Pickman, jr. rididi€.ni. Jona. Hodges, Caftiier. \

Gloucefter (Cape-Ann) Bank.

Incorporated January 27, 1800; and to continue froi t'he ift day of February- i8co, to February- 1, i8ic. Officers elefted on 3d Thurfday in April annually. Smcs, Prefident. Allen, Caffiler. John f Jofe^'h Banks in MafTachufetts. 6i

Beverly Bank.

Incorporated June 23, 1802 ; and to continue from the ift day of 0£lober, 1802, to Oftober l, 1812.

Officers elected on ift Monday in Oftober annually. IfraelThorndikej Prefident. Jofiah Gould, Cafhier. (

(^rf" Days to apply for Loans and Dlfcounts, arc Mondays and Thurfdays.

Lincoln and Kennebeck Bank at Wifcaflet.

Incorporated June 23, 1802; and to continue from the ift Monday of06>. 1802, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812. Officers elefted on ift Monday in September annually.

William King, Prefident. ( Henry Roby, Cafhier.

Northampton Bank.

Incorporated March 1, 1803 5 ^-^ tocontinue from the ift Monday of Oft. 1803, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1810. Officers elefted on ift Wednefday in Oftober annually.

Samuel Hcnjhaxvy Prefident. .| Levi Lyman, Cafhier.

Bedford Bank at New-Bedford.

Incorpcrcted March 7, 1803 ; and to continue from the ift Monday of June, 1803, to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers elefted on ift Monday in Oftober annually. Thomas Hazard^ jr. Prefident. John Pickens, Cafhier. |

Saco Bank at Peppcrelborough.

Incorporated March 8, 1803; and to continue to the ift Monday in Oftober, 1812.

Officers elefted on ift Monday in Oftober annually. Thomas Cutis, Prefident. | Samuel Peirfon, Cafhier.

Plymouth Bank.

Incorporated June 23, 1803 ; and to continue from the lil day of January, 1804, to July 1, 1812. Officers elefted on ill Monday in January annually. VvUliam. Srver, Prefident. | William Goodwin, Cafhier. 11:05.] F Oz Infu ranee Companies.

Hallowell and Augufta Bank at Hallowell.

Incorporated March 6, 1804 ; and to continue from Oc tober 1, 1804, ^o October 1, 1812. Officers eletled on the id Monday In Januar}^ annually. James Bridge, Prefident. Calhier. | , Worcefter Bank.

Inc:>rpr>rated March 7, 1804; and to comlnne from the li Monday pf Oft. 1804,'to the ift Monday in Oft. 1812.

Officers eleftedon iPi Wednefday in Oftobcr annuaIK\

j-i". Daniel Waldo, Prefident. | LeviTkaxtsr^ Cafiiier. Marblehead Bank.

Incorporated Ma ch 7, 1804; and to continue from th leth of Oftober, 1804, to Oftober 12, 1812. Officers elefted on ift Monday of January annually.

Barker, Prefident. Jckn Pedrick^ 30', Cafhier. Jofeph |

Ma[[achufetts Fire and Marine Infurance Compan; at Bojhn. [Capital 600,000 dollars.] Incorporated (originally June 25, 1795) Feb. 13, 175c and to continue until June 25, 1815.

Officers dcHed en the lajl Wednefday in Aug,\ atmually. Prefident. William vScollay, Secretary Arnold Welles, | Diredors—John Andrews, William H. Boardman, Gf maliel Bradford, Benjamin Bulfey, Samuel Cobb, Stephc Codman, Jona. Chapman, Stephen Gorham, Jofeph Hai Jofeph Head, Thomas K. Jones, Benjamin Joy, Jom Mafon, Samuel Parkraan, Daniel Sargent, Vyilliam Smith

Majfachtjetts Mutual Fire Infurance Company

at Bcjton. [ Capital 240,000 dollars.]

Incorporated March 1, 1798,

Gificcrs ek'Sicd en the \fi Tucfday in June anniiaHy*

KT Tin -o '-J . S Andrew Cnnninpham, Wenry 11.11, Freudent. J Secre.ary & Treafurer. D/r i^.-^n—Triflram Barnard, William Brov-n, Jofep Coolidge, jr. Thom-sDennic, Samuel Dunii, Sinion Ellio Edward Gray, Benjamin Greene, Jonathan Hunnewfi' John i.Dv-elf, John May, Ebcnczer Oliver, Samuel Sne iing, Liiflu ri'cknor, John Wmllov.-. Infurance Companies. 63

Bojlon Marine Infurance Company. [Capital 500,000 dollars.] Incorporated Feb. 13, 1799; and to continue from the^ !5th of June, 1795, to June 25, 1815. ^*i^^C<^ / OJlcc'S elected o?i the \jt Monday in January annually.

XbQaras-^5vk7 r.- ciiden t. Joieph May, Secietc'ry. | DireBcrs—Ihomas C. Amorj^ Adam Babcock, Jonathan Davis, Jofcph Lee, jun. James Lloyd, jun. Janats Perkins, William Parfons, Lbenezer Preble, John Prince, jun. Dan- el Sargen;, jun. Timothy W'ilHaras.

Sujvlk Infurance Company at Bojlon, [Capital 225,000 doiidrs.J

'ncorporated February 12, 1803 ; and to continue 20 years. GJicers elected an the id Monday in January annually. Epes Sargen^ Prefident. B. Bowen, Secretary. j John Directors—George Cabot, iGac P. Davis, Samuel P. jardner, Nathaniel C. Lee, John Parker, 1 hos. H. Perkins.

Sfetv-England Marine Infurance Comply at Bcjlon, [Capital 300,000 doiiais.j ncorporated March 5, 1803; and to continue 20 years. OJice^ ^kcl^donijl Monday in January annualh. fel^^ffiftr^t^fident. James H)l!, 'Secretary. | Directors—Gardner Greene, Ozias Goodwin, Ber^jamin Corner, John Holland, jr. William Mackay, Wm. Phiii'ps, ohn Phillips, John Welles, Thomas L. Winthrop, Frau- Is Bradbury, Samuel Swett.

North American Infurance Company at Bojlon,

Incorporated Feb. 21, 1804; and to contume 20 ye-irs. Officers elecled &n 2d Monday in January annhally. ' Prefident. Secreiary. |

Union Infurance Company at Bojlon, [Capital 300,000 dollars.] Incorporated March 28, 1804; and to continue £0 years. Officers eleMed on 2d Monday in January annually.

David Greene, Prefident. | Benjamin Jarvis, Secretary. Dire6lors—Matthew Bridge, *^amuel Dexter, CroweU latch, Jona. Harris, Caleb Coring, James Prince. 64 Infurancc Companies.

Private Infurance Offices in State Street, Bofton»

Jofeph Taylor. | Abraham Touro. j Nathaniel P. Ruffcil.

Neivburyport Marine Infurance Company.

Licorp. until June 18, 1799 i to continue June 18, 1819.

Officers eleBed on the \Jl Monday in Jan. annuaUy.

Ebenezer Stocker, Prefident. j William Woart, Secretary.

Merrimack Marine and Fire Infurance Company at Ncwburyport,

Incorp. Feb. 15, 1803 ; to continue until Feb. 15, 1823.

Officers ekBedon the ijl Tucfday in Jan.'annually.

John Pearfon, Prefident. j Samuel Cutler, Secretary.

Maine Fire and Marine Infurance Co. at Portland,^

Incorp. Feb. 7, 1800; to continue until Feb. 7, 182c.

Officers detled on \Jl Tuefda^ in Jan. annually, Woodbury Storer, Prefid. P. Thurfton, Secretary. | John

Cumberland Marine and Fire Infurance Company at Portland. Incorp. June 22, 1803; to continue until June 22, 1823. OJicers eleBed on the iji Monday in Augiifi annually, Secretary. , Prefident. j ,

Portland Marine and Fire Infurance Company. Incorp. June 22, 1803; to continue until June 22, i823»

CJicers eleBed on the \Jl Tuefday in Aug. annually. Prefident. Secretarj'. , j ,

Salem Marine Infurance Company.

Incorp. June 9, 1800; to continue until June 9, 1820.

Officers eleBed on the \[i Monday in July annually. Secretarj-. Jacob Afhton, Prefident. | Samuel C. Ward,

* This is the only Infurance 0£ice in Partland that is no: doing bujlnefs. Infurance Companies. 6^

Efex Fire & Marine Infurance Company at Salem.

Incorp. March/, 1803 ; to continue until March 7, 1823.

Officers ele^led on the ijl Monday in July annually. King, Prdident. John S. Abbot, Secretar)-. James (

Union Marine Infurance Company at Sakm,

Incorporated Feb. 29, 1804; ^^ continue 20 years.

Officers deEled on the id Monday in April annually.

Mofcs ToT.'nfend, Prefident. I Jofhua Dodge, Secretary.

Lincoln and Kennebech Marine Infurance Company at Wifcajjd.

Incorporated Feb. 12, 1803 ; to continue until Feb. 12, 1823.

Officers eletled on the \Jl Tuejday in March annually, , Prefident. John Merrill, Secretarj^. |

Marhkhead Infurance Company.

Incorporated March 8, 1803. Charvter extends for a term not exceeding 20 yeays.

Officers ele£led on the ijl Monday in January annually,

» Robert Hooper, Prefident. John Bond, Secretary. |

Gloucejler Marine Infurance Company. Incorporated June 22, 1803. Charter extends for a term not exceeding 20 years.

Officers eleScd on the \Jl Monday in May annually.

William Pearce, Prefident. | William Saville, Secretary.

Nantucket Marine Infurance Company.

Incorporated March 3, 1804 ; to continue 20 years. Officers defied on id Monday in Jan. annually.

, Prelident. , Secretary. j

Nantucht Union Marine Infurance. Company. Incorporated June 21, 1804. Charter extends for eo years.

Offiictrs eUBedon id Monday in Jan. annually. William Coffin, Prefident. John Cartwright, Secretary. ( 1805.] F 2 66 Marine Societies.

Plymouth Marine Infurance Company. >

Incorp. March 9, 1804; to continue not exceeding 20 years^ Oncers dciled on the iji Monday in May anmially. Prefident. , j , Secretary.

Kennehunk Marine Infurance Company at IVells, lucorp. March 9, 1804 ; to continue not exceeding 20 years.

Officers tUEied on \Jl Monday in Jan. annually. Prefident. Secretary- , | ,

Hampjhlre Fire Infurance Company at Northamplon*

Incorp. March 9, 1804; to continue 20 years.

Officers elcEledon \Jl Wtdncjday in Closer annually.

Prefident. , Secretary. , j

Boflon Marine Society. Inflitutcd 1742. Incorporated in 1754. Officers ekcled on the ift Tuefday in Nov. annuallvc

Mc/hr, Nathaniel Goodwin, i Treajurer^ Win. Snalch.

Dr/'-Ma/Ztr, Ozias Goodwin. | Secretary^ Wm. Furnefs. Coi'imitke of Relief— C^-pt. Ozhs Goodwin, Capt. Jona. Chapman, Capr. John Holland, Capt. Jofeph Ripley, Capt. Benjamin Smitli. Salem Marine Society.

Inftitutcd March 25, 1766. Incorporated in 1771. Officers elefted on Gardner. MaJIer, Benjamin Weft. | Trcafurcr, Jona.

Dcp.MaJier^ Peter Lander. | Ckrk, Benjamin Pickman. ^ . -India Society. Salem Eaft Marine ,

Inftitutcd in Nov. 1799. Incorporated March 3, i8ci.

OJicers elected on \Jt Wcdnefday in January annually. Prrfide7it^ Benjam.in Hodges. Sfcretaryy William Ward. Tnajurer^ Jacob Crownmfhlcld. Committee of Obfervation, J onathan Lambert, Benjamin Cari^nter, and John Ofgood. This Society confifts of {n^\\ as have aftually navigated the feas near or beyond the Cope of Gocd-Hope or round Marine Societies, Sec, . 6'j

Cape-Horn, as mafters or commanders of vefTels, and fuch as have been faflors or fupercargoes of veffels employed in the Eaft-Indra trade. It was inftituted for the purpofe of Collecling together fuch obfervations, difcoverics, books, jiapers, charts and valuable publications, in every language, as might tend to facilitate the navigation of the lialtern and Southern Oceans. Every member returning from fea, is hound to prefent to the Society an abftraft of the journal of his voyage, and to communicate, in writing, his obfervations of the bearings and diftances of all capes and headlands; the latitude and longitude of iflands, rocks and ilioals ; unufual occurrences ; ftorms and accjdents ; with all other obfervations which he may judge ullful to be re- corded. The Mufeum of the Society already exhibits a handfome colIe6lion of curiofities.

Neivhury-Port Marine Society.

Inftituted Nov. 13, 1772, Incorporated Ocl. 11, 1777. OJicas elccied on lajl Thurfday in November.

Majier^ William Coombs. I Treafurcr, William Rudell.

Deputy-Mafteri j Secretary^ Michael Hodge.

Portland Marine Society.

Incorporated Feb. 26, 179G. OJicers dcHed on ^d Tticfday in November annually,

Prefidenty Jofeph Titcomb. I Treafurer^ Stephen Waite,

V.Prefident, Robert Ilfley. j Secretary, Stephen Waite.

Marbkhead Marine Society.

Incorporated Feb. 11, 1799. 'Prefident, | Secretary, Ifaac Mansfic Trec/urert Eben, G. Evans. 6S Towns and Post-Mafters.

A TABLE shewing all the Tov/ns in the State of Massachusetts, and the County they belong to, M'ith Post-Masters' Names. Places where Post- Oifices are kept, have this mark f . Unincor- porateel Places are marked thus*.

Abingtou, Plym. co. Bo.xford, Essex co. Acton, Midd. co. Boylston, Wore co. Adams, Bcrksh. co. Bradford, Essex co. Addison, Wash. co. Biaiutree, Norf. co. Albany, York co. Brewster,! Barnst. co. AUord, Berkfh. co. Bddi^etowa,! Cumb. co. Joseph Sear*. Alfrc4,i(dis'.r.) York co. Joseph Emerson. Bridgewater.t I'lym. co. Asa Mitchell. Amesbury, Essex co. Brimfield, Hampsh. co. Amherst, Hampsh. co. Br!3t.)),t Line. co. M How. Andover,t Ksstx CO. Isaac Abbott. Brookfield,! Wore. co. Scth Field. Alison, Kennbk. co. Brookline, Norf. co. ArundeU, York co. Brownfieldjt York. cc. Joseph Howard. Ashburnham, Wurc. CO. Brunswick,! Cumb. co. Henry Quinby. Ashby, Midd. co. Buckfieldjf Cumb. co. AshP.cld, Hampsh. co. Buckland, Hampsh co. Athens, («) Kettnbk. co. Buckitown,! Hanc. to. John BensoB. Athol,t Wore. CO. tJolomon Strong. Burlington, Midd. co. AtLlcboioughjt Bristol co. Burnt Coat Island,* Hacc. co. Augusta, Kennbk. cu. James Burton. Butterneld,* a settlement in Cumb. co. Avon, Kennbk. ca. B:ixton,! York co. Thomas Merrill. Saldwjn, Cumb. co. Cambridge,! Midd. co. Ebea'r. Sttdman- Bar.gc.r,t Hanc. co. Bulklcy Emerson. Camden,! Line. co. Benjamin Cushing. Barustabie,t Barust. co. Richard Bourne Cunaan,! Kennbk. co. £U Weston. Barre,f Wore. to. Luther Perry. Canton,! Notf. co. Bathjt Line. co. Duramer Sewall. Cap€-Elizabeth, Cumb. co. Becket, Burksh. co. Carlisle, (flistr.j Midd co. Bedford, Midd. co. Cai-ver, Plym. to. Beklier-ioiiiMjt Hamp. Jos.Bredgman, jr< Castine,! Hanc. co. George Tylor. Belfast,! H-int. co. James Nasmith. ChandlersviUe*,! Wash. co.Wm.Tupper. "Btl(»rade, Kennbk co. Charlemont, Hampsh. to. BfUingham, Norf. co. Charlestown, Midd co. Berkley, Bristol co. Charletos, Wore. co. Berlin, (distr.) Wore. co. Chatham,! Barnsi. co. E. Crowell. Bernardstttwn, Uampsh. co. Chelmsford,! Midd. CO. Jonathan Barron. .Berwick,! York co. William Morris. Chelsea, Suff to. Bethel, York co. Cheshire, Berksh. co. Bethlehem, Bcrksh. co. Chester, Uanipsh. co. Beverl,,t Es-stx co. Asa Leech. Chesterfield, Hampsh. co. Biddeford,York co. Chesterville,! Ktnnk. DummerScwalljjr. Billerica,t Midd. co. Isaac BowerJ. Chilmarfc, Dukes co. Blandtqrdjt Hampsh. ci\ Clarksburg, Berksh. to. Bluehill.f Haiic. co. Andrew Witham. Clinton, Keunbk. to. B'llton, W^orc. co. Cohaf.tt,! Norf. co. Boothbay, Line. co. Colraine, Hampsh. co.

Boston ,t Suff. CO. Jouathac Hastings. Columbia,! Wash. co. Joseph Patten. Bowdcin, Line. CO. Concord,! Midd. co. Wjliiam Parkmaa. Bowdoinham, Line. co. Conway, Hampsh. to. loxbbfoush, (distr.) Midd. co. Cornish, York co.

(a) Before innrftr&iid was ammtrdy ca'.Ui Kir.:7rtAnirM»» Towns and Post-Masters. 69

:oniville, Kennbk. co. Freeportjt Cgmb. co. Kalhai» Wejsoa. :uniiningtun, ilar.n>sh. CO. Freetown, Bristol co. rushing, Line. co. Freiiciui.-»n'b-Eay*, (e) Jalton, Btrksh. to. Krybui-Kiijt York co. Moses Ames. Jana, Wore. co. Gardiner,; Kennbk. co. K. Gannett. >aBvers, EiH:x co. Gardner, Wore. co. Jartincuth, Biistoi co. G«;o!getov»'u,T Line. co. Mark L. Hill» JediiaiiijT Xorl. co. Jcreh. ShuttUworth. Gerry, Wore. co.

)eeraciJ,j :iam;)£li. co. Gilead (f'l York co. >eerisle, Mane. co. Gili, Uainpsh. co. )ennis,t Bainit. co. N. Stonfi. Gloacester,! Essex co. Henry P.helps. iennysvillp*, f Wash. co. Goldsboroughjt Hanc. co. . )iehlon,t Bristol CO. Gorhani.t Cuuib. co. Saiuutl Pieutiss. >ixiield, iJunib. co. Goshan {g) Hampsii. co. )orciiCitcr, Norf. co. Grafton, Wore. Co. Jougias, Wore co. Granby, Uampsb. co. Jouty'sFalii*,! York CO. Joseph Sprague. GrauviUe, Hampsh. co.~ )over, (distr.) Nori. co. Gravjt Cunib. CO. Joseph M'l.ellen, jr. 'racuCjj- Midii. co. Wiiliaiu Kildrsth. Great-Bariugton, t Bcitsh. co. Jrcsdeu,: Line. CO. Edmund ^rkigt-'j jr. Greene,! Kennbk. co. Luther Robbins.

)udley. Wore. CO. Grecnteld, f Kaiiip. co. Tiio. EickjiAU. )uuscal)le, Aiidd. CO. Greenwich, Hampsh. co.

)i;rliam, Cumb. co. Crocon, t Midd. co. Win. M. Richardson. )uxborough,t i'lym. 00. TiKicra* Winsor. Hadley,t Hair.psh. co. 11. White, jr. -ast-Aadovcr, York co. liaiifax, riym. co. iaitliam,t Barnst. co. [rick. Hallowell.t Kenn. co. Josjma Wingate. :astliampton, (Jiitr.] Hamp. co. W. My- Hamden,! Hanc. co. M. KiUiiey. ;astpoit,t Wash, co Oliver SiitaU. Hamilton,! Essex co. ;3stou,t Bristol co. Kancuck, Berksh. co. -ast-Sudbury, Midd. CO. Hano\er,i i'lym. co. Robert Eells. Iden.llanc. co. Hards icii. Wore. co. ;dgaitun,t Uukes co. Beriah Norton. Uarlem, Kennbk. co. :dgcomb, Lii'.c. CO. liarnioay, Ktcabk. co. ilgremont, Berks h. co. Harpsweil, Cumb. co. 'Uswortii, Kane. Co. Iiarringtou,Wash. co.

Cmden 1.^) Kennbk. co. Hartford, Cumb. co. "airJax (:) Kennbk. co. Harvard, Wore. co. airiieid, Ktnnbk. co. Harwich,! Barnst. co. E. Broadbroofcs.

'aUi.outh.t Barnst. co. T. Vzlx^r. . Ilaltifcld, Hauipsh. co. raluiouth (d) Cuiftb. CO. HaverhiU,t Essex co. Moset Wingate. '^aU-P.ivci-. Ste Troy. Haw ley, Hampsb. co. "arniington,! Kenubk. co. Muses Starling. Heath, Hampsh. co. rayttte,t Kennbk. co. Solomon Bates. Hebron, Cumb. co. Fitchburgb,! Wore. co. Hingham, t I'lyro.co. Thomas Thaster. oxborough, Norf. co. Hinsdale [h] Berksb. co. ?rainiDgham, Midd. co. Hiram*, t York. co. Timothy Culler.

i"raukfort,t Hanc. co. Archibald Jones. \ Holden, Wore. co. Trdniclin, Nori. co. Holliston.Midd. co.

(J)) Formerly Xoiunshlp No. J. in the 2d range of Tewtisbipi on W. tide Kenlk. Ki-j, (c) Be/ore incorporated iva; called Freetown Plantation.

(d; The Post-OJtct ii noiv kci't at Saccacrappe.

(t) Lies on toe sea-coait of Lincoln county, and is formed by Mount-Desir: Island en lie -u.Wwaidy and the peninsula of Goldsborough Toix'nihip on the trass-ward. Round, Ueicnt-Desert Island it has an inland circular communlcaiian with Elue-liii: Bay.

(f) Formerly -u:ts kno-wn by the name of PeabodyU Patent Plantation:.

(e) nis is the original name : no-w called Goshen.

Holmes-Hole*, \ Dukes co. R. Spalding- Mcdway,t Norf. co. William Felt. Ilopfc (/) Line. CO. Mendon,t Wore co. Richard Ccorg*. HopkintoM, Midd. CO. Mercer {in) Kenubk. co. Jliibbaidstou, Wore. co. Methuen, Essex co. Hull, Hlym. CO. Middleboro',t I'lym. co. Jamas Wasbbunu Industry, Kcniibk. Co. Middiefield, Hampsh. co. Ipswich, t Ksscx CO. Joseph Lord. Middleton, Essex co. IslesborougU, Uanc. co. RliUord, Wore. CO. Isle-Shoais*, York CO. Milton.t Norf. co. Samuel K. Glover. Jay, Cunib. co. Minotjt Cumb. co. Duff. • Kmnelfunk, (*) f York co. Jossph Starer. Monmouth,! Kcnjibk. co. John Chandler.

Kingston, t Plym. co. SlIIi Drew. Monsoii, Hampsh. co. Kitlery, York co. Montague, Uanipsh. co. Lauc;i«i;cr,t Wore. co. Timothy Whiting. Montgomery, Hampsh. co. l-:ini'sboroiiKh,t Berksh. co. M. Wells. Mount-Desert, Hanc. co. Lebinon,! York co. Isa;it Uasey. Mi>uut-Vernon, Kenn. co. Ssmuel KinR. J-et, Berkbh. co. Mouiit-WL'shingtoa, (distr.) Berksh. co. Let'ds, Kcnn'ok. co. Nantucket, Nant. co. Leicester,! Wore. co. Ebenozer Adams. Narragu3Bus*,tWash.co.Thos. Archibald. Leno.v,t Berksh. co. Daniel Williams, jr. Natick, Midd. co. J,eoniinstt>r,f Wore. co. John Garduer. Ncedham, Norf. co. Levcrett, Uampjh co. New-Ashford, (distr.) Berksh. co.

J^ewist m^t Line. co. J. Read. New-Bedford, f Bristol co. WiUiam Tobey. Lewisl'.)wn,t Cumb. co. New-Braintree, Wore. CO. Lexington, Midd. co. ' Newbury, Essex co. Leydcn, (dist; J Hampsh. co. Newburyportjt Kss. co. Joseph Emersoa. Limerick, t York co. Abij;ih Fitch. New-Casco, Cumb. co. LimiuGtoMjt York CO. Juci-b Qaiocy. New-Castle,t Line. co. Joseph Farley. Lincoln, Midd. co. Kcwfield, York co. LincolnviUe,t liunc. Co. George Ulra^r. New-Gloucester, t Cumb. Nath. C. AUeSi Lisbon, Line. CO. New-Marlboro', Berksh. co.

Litchfield, Line. co. Kew-Milford,t Line. co. J. Stebbins, jr. Littleton, t Midd. Co. New-Salem,t Ilamp co. Edward Uphanw Livernuire, Cumb. co. New-Sharon,t Kenubk. co. P. Baker. Lonp'neadow, Hampsh. CO. Newton, Midd. co. Loudon, Berksh. co. New-Vineyard, Kcnnhk. co. Los-ell, York co. Nobleborough, Line. co. Ludlgw, Hainysh. co. Norridgewock,t Kennbk. co. John Ware. Luiienbur;*, Wore. co. NorthaiBpton.t Ilamp. Simeon Butler. Lyman, Yorkco. Northborough, v,'orc. CO. Lvnn,t Eist^x a). Samuel MulUken. Northbridge, Wore CO. Lyniifield, (distr.) Essex co Northtield.t Hampsh. CO. Solomon Vose, Machias.t Wash. co. Ralph Hart Bowles. Northport, Ilanc. co. [water.

Madison (/) Koiiubli. co. Noithrnrmouth -fCumb. co. David Drink- Ma;den,Muld. co. Norton, Bristol CO. Manchester, t Esse.i co. D. Bingham Norway,! Cumb. co. Williantt Reed, Mansfield, Bristol co. Norwich, Hampsh. co. MarbloheaJ,t Ksse.x co. W. Abraham. Oakham, Wore. co. Marlboro'jt Midd. CO. Joseph Brigham, jr. Orange, (distr.) Hampsh. co. Marshfield,t Plym. co. Joseph Hunt. Orland, Hanc co. Murshpec, Barnst. co. Orleans,! Barnst. co. Simeon Kinsmwj. Marlha's-Vineyard*, Dukes CO. Orvingtoa,! Hanc. co. John Bicwer. Mtdti«d, Norf. co. Otisfield, Cumb. co. Medford,} Midd. co. Samuel Bad. Oxford, Wore. CO.

(j) Formerly califd Barretstoivn Plantation. (k) Properly » part of the town of Wells.

(1) Formerly Barnard s Townshir No. I. and Mile-and-an.Half-Str^'f'

(m) B<-fore incorperaied wus called Plantation 0/ Industry. Tov/ns and Post-Masters. 71

Palermo, (n) tin;, co. Savoy, Berksh. co. P'.'.aer, Hampslii co. Scarborough,} Curr.b. co. fi.ris,t Cumb. CO. Caleb Prentiss scituate,t Flyin. co. A. Clap. Par'joniheWjt york co. Nicliolas Emery. Sedgwitk, llanc. co. PartridgtfitW, BetlCbJi. co. Shapieighjt Y. co. Josir.h P. WoidVjrf.

Pafsamaqur-ddy*, t io) Sharon, Norf. co. ¥atuclui,\ (p, Midd. CO. Asaliel Stearns. Sheffield,! Berksh. co. Paxtirn, Wore. co. Sbelburne, Hampsh. co. Pejep'-cot, Cuinu. co. Sherburne, Midd. co. Pt-lSarn, Hampsh. co. Shirley, Midd. to. Pembroke, Piym. co. Shrewsbury, Wore. co. PPBobscot, Hanc. co. Shuttsbury, Hampsh. co. Pep^crell, Midd. co. Somerset,! Bristol co. Pei

Ray ;i ham, Bristol co. 3tow, Midd. CO. Rtad field,! Kennbk. co. Samuel Cunur. Strong, Kennbk. co. R.ir.ding, Midd co. vSturbridge, Wore. co. Rehobotfljt Bristol co. Sudbuiy, Midd. co. Richmond, Bcrksh. co. ouUJvan,! Hanc. co. Paul D. Sargent. Rot!iester,t Piym. Co. E. Ruggles. Sumner Cumb. co. Rome ig) Kfc*,t Cumb.co. Knoch Freeman Tewksbury, Midd. co. Salem, E;$ex co. Johti Dabni;.-. Thomastown,! Line. co. David Falesjjr. SHliibury,t Esstx co. Joseph Wadleigh. Tisbury, Di'kes co. S2r.d:s£elJ, Ecrli^li. co. Topsiield, Essex co. Sandwich. T barnst. co. Wm. Fesscnden. T'-psham, Lirjc co. Sanford,! Yori: co. Thomas Kceltr. Townshend, Midd. co.

(n) Formerly Plantation of Gnat-'Pmc' Seltlcmcnt.

(oj A Bay and River, near ivhich it the dividing Sine betivem the Briti:h Province and :!u Vnlud Llatts.

(p) A small ViUay abr.ct 4 miUs V. E- cf Providence. Tlie River Patuc^e! bai a hr-auilful fall of iva'er, /iirtctly over ivhiib a ^ri/ige has been built on the line itthiih di-vidt^s the Common-.vecW.' cf Mp.ssacbustiii from tic Siate of PJ.i)dc-I:!and. A Pcsi- i>£ice i: tifit at saiU Jiridf;e, distant about

'<.<:.) ILrcl'ifire km-jjn ly ibe name of Wat-Pond. Plantatipn, and the gore atljtining. Towns and Post-Masters.

Trenton, t Hanc. co. Theodore Jones. Westborough, Wore. co. '

Troy I r, f, Bristol co. Western, Wore. co. Truro, Karnst. co. WesLfield,r Hajupsh. C3. Tirner.t Cutnb. co. Ichabod Bonney. Westford,t Midd. CO. John Abtnt. Ty.i^sboroiish (ilistr.) Midd. co. Westhampton, Hanipsh. co. Tyringham, Borksh. co. Weston, Midd. co. 's Union, Line. co. Westport, Bristol co. Ur.ity is) Kennbk. co. Westmin«ter,t %Vorc. co. Daniel Bartlei Upton, 'Wore. co. West-Springfield, tHatnp. co. Stebbii Uxtiridge,t \Vor>- co. . W^est-Stockbridge, Berk.oh. co. Vi.^irUboro't K^nobfc. CO. Thos.Odiorne. Weymouth, Norf. co. John Coak- Vit-nna, Kennbk. co. Whately, Hampsh. co. Vinilhaven, Hnnc. en. Wjlbraham, Hampsh. co. XValdoborouKti,! Liuc. co. John Head. Williams"ourgh, Hampsh. co. ^v,..!^ole, Nojf. Lo. WilliamstoVn,! Berk. co. Ezekiel Baco Wa'tham, Midd. co. wilming:tcn, Midd. co. "Ward, Wore. en. Wilton, Kennbk. co. V.'are, Hampih. -o. Winchendon, Wore. co. \V->r.;-.nata,t PVyia. co. B. FearVn^^ Windham,! Climb, co. Warren,! Line. co. Hufus Crane. Windsor, Berksh. co. V-'arwick, HamiJfh. co. Winslow,! Kenn. co. Nath. B. Dingier. Washington, Kerksh. co. AVinthrop,! Kennbk. co. Silas Lambert. W;iterborough,t Y.jrk co. Andrew Burley, Wiscasset,! Line to. Ebenezer Whitti* Waterford,! York co. Eli Long'icy. Woburn,! Midd. CO. Ichabod Parker. Watertown,f MJ;!d. co. Edward Lowd. Woohyich, Line. Co. V/nterviile,t Kennk. co. Asa Reddington, Worcc.'itcr,! Wore. co. James Wilson. Wayne, Kunnbk. co. Worthington,! Hampsh. co. A. Bigelow Welitieet,! Barnst. co. Lewis Hamlin. Wrtntham,! Norf. co. David Fisher. Vrell3,t York co. Samuel Bartlett. Yarmouth,! Barnst. co. T. Thacher. Wendell, Hampsh. co. York,! York co. Daniel Sew-all. %Ven:iam, Essex cc.

'r) Late'y -j/as Fall-River.

i's) Before incorporated icas called {y nnme of •T'luentr-Pive-Mile-Pond VlanliitU


^: Supreme Judicial Courts, and Common Pleas. 73 WORCESTER, Worufier 3d Tuefday m April, and 4th Tuefday in Sept. CUMBERLAND. Portland 4th Tuefday In May, and 3d Tuefday in Dec. LINCOLN. Wifcajfet 4th Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the ill Tuefd. next after 4th Tuefd of Dec. BERKSHIRE. Lenox I ft Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in April, and on p.d Tuefday in September. HANCOCK AND WASHINGTON. dine 6th Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May. NORFOLK, Dedkdm ift Tuefday in Maxch, and ift Tuefday in Ofl. KENNEBECK.. Augujla 2d Tuefday next after 4th Tuefday in May, and on the 4th Tuefday in December.

Calendar c/Comm. Pkas and Seffions, Majfachufetts. SUFFOLK.

Bojion 1 ft Tuefday of January ; Qd Tuefday of April ; ift Tuefday of July, and ift Tuefday of Oaober, ESSEX. Ipfwkh Laft Tuefd. of March, and laft Tuefday of Dec. Salem Laft TuefdL^y of June. Nezuburypt. Laft Tuefday of September. MIDDLESEX. Concord On the Monday next preceding the 3d Tuefday of March ; on the Monday next preceding the ift Tuefday of June, and on the Monday next preceding the 2d Tuefday of September. Cambridge On Monday next preceding the sdTuef. of Dec Court of General Seflions, 3d Tuefday of Feb. YORK. York 3d Tuefday in April. Waterbord' 4th Tuefday in Auguft. General Seflions at York is on Wednefday pre- ceding the 3d Tuefday of April, at Waterboro' Wednefday preceding 4th Tuefday of Auguft. HAMPSHIRE, Northambt. d Monday of January, and 3d Monday in May; 4th Monday m Auguft, and ^ft Monday m November. [Two terms only of General Sef. lions of the Peace for this county, at Northamp- 1805.] G ; y4 Common Pleas in Ma/Tachufetts,

ton, Qn 2(\ Monday of January, and 4th Men dayofAugud. PLYMOUTH. Plymouth 2d Tuerday of April, id Tuefday of Auguft and 3d Tuefday ot November. BRISTOL. Taunton On Monday next preceding the 3d Tuefday o

April ; on ihe Monday next preceding the 2( Tuefday of September; and on the Ivlondaj next preceding the 2d Tuefday of December. P.ARN STABLE. BarnftabU Laft Tuefday in March, and 3d Tuefday of Sept DUKES COUxNTTY. Edgctrton 3d Tuefday of May. Tifiury Laft Tuefday in October. NANTUCKET. Nantucket Tuefday next preceding the laft Tuefday March and on the ift Tuefday In Oclober." ; WORCESTER. W&rcejler On the Monday next preceding the ^th Tuefda;

of March ; Monday next precedmg the 2(

Tuefday of June ; Monday next preceding th ift TueicJHv of September, and on Monday nex (preceding the ift Tuef lav in December, CUMBERLAND. N.GlouceJi. 3d Tuefday of Oclober. Portland qdTuefday of February, and pdTuefday of June LINCOLN. fVifcafjet 2d Monday of May. IVarren 2d Monday iin January-. Top/Jiam Ath Monday of Auguft. BERKSHIRE.

Lenox I ft Monday of January ; 2d Monday of Januarj and April 4th Monday of Auguft. ^ ; HANCOCK.

Cajline ift Tuefday in May ; 2d Monday in Auguft, and 2d Tuefday in November. WASHINGTON. Machias 3d Tuefday of Auguft. NORFOLK.

Drdham ift Tuefday in January- ; laft Tuefday of April laft Tuefday of September. KENNEBECK.

A^igiijla 3d Tuefday of May ; 3d Tuefday of Auguft, and ad Tuefday ia December. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSErrS.


Francis Dana, ll. d. of Cambridge, Chief J-uJlkc. Sinicon Strong, Amhcrft. , ll. d. Stockbridgc. Samuel SeAvall, Marblehead. , Biddeford. 4ttorne\-General, James Sullivan, ll. d. of Bofton. Solkitor-Gcneral, Daniel Davis, of Bofton. Reporter of DecifionSy Ephraim Wiiiiaras, of Deerfield. Circuit Clerks of the Supreme Judicial Court. ' Bojlon. Edwarci P. Hayman, John Tucker, \ Berwick, Recording Clerk of Supreme judicial Court. Charles Culhing, of Bofton. Crier of all the Courts held in Snjfolk County* Oliver Hartfliorne, of Bodon.

yvSTICES throughout the Commonjvealts. Amherjl Ebenezer Bridge Chelmrfcrd Elifha Mny Attkboro' Samuel Holt

William Heath Roxbury Henry Knox TAomaJfnzvr John Read ditto Nathaniel We41s Wells , jun. ditto Elijah Brigham Wejibord'

Nathan Cufhlng So'tuate i Samuel Fowler Wrjlfield Daniel Whitney Sherburne John Blifs Wilbrahavi Alexander Campbell Steuben York Theo. Sedgwick Stockbridge


yujltces of the Common Pleas^

Shearlafhub Bourne, of Bofton, Chief Jujlke. Jofeph Gardner, Wm. Donnifon, Samuel Cooper, ofBofiom Special Jujlice, William Sherburne, of Bofton. Clerk of the Common Pleas-y-Omxlts Cufhing, of Bofton"* Clerk of the Court of General Sejions, Edward Jackfon, do.

Judge of Probate. I Regifter of Probate. jr. of Boft. Perkins Nichols, of Bofton. Thomas Dawes, j ft:^ Probate Courts in this County are held every Mon- day in the year, except the ift Monday in each month, at the lower floor of the Court-Houfe, in Court-Street, Bofton. County Treafurer. Regi/ler of Deeds. j of Bofton. Alline, Bofton. , | Wm. of

Jujlices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Jofeph Gardner Bojlon Edward Gray Jofeph Greenleaf ditto John Avery ditto Charles Cufhing ditto William Donnifon ditto Shearjafliub Bourne ditto Samuel Cooper ditto Peleg Coffin ditto William Sherburne ditto

Thomas Edwards Bo/lon John Tucker ditto John Phillips ditto Rufus G. Amory ditto Hairifon G. Otis ditto Jullices and Attornies, Suffolk,' 77

John Andn-ws 78 Juftlces, &c.

Charles CuOiing, jr. Bofton Thomas O. Selfridge Bofloit Peter Thacher ditto Andrev/ Dexter, jr. dittQ Charles P. Sumner ditto Benjamin Whitman ditto /ittornies at the Common Pleas, William Stackpole, jr. Boflon Benjamin Wells Bofton Richard Sullivan ditto Adam Winthrop ditto

James Allen, jr. ditto Ifrael Munroe . ditto Samuel D. Parker ditto John Knapp ditto Lu«:her Richardfon ditto Thomas Skinner ditto William H. Sumner ditto Holder Slocum ditto Edmund Dwight, jr. ditto William S. Shaw ditto W'arren Dutton ditto George Sullivan ditto Benjamin M. Watfon ditto Thomas Welch, jr. ditto Samuel M. Crocker ditto Henry Cabot ditto ditto Coroners. John W. Folfom Bofton Robert Gardner Bojion I William Porter ditto Benjamin Horaans ditto I

Sheriff, Jeremiah Allen, of Bojlon.

Deputy Sheriffs,

Oliver Hartfliom, Deputy Sheriff and Gaoler, Boji Shubael Bell Bojlon \ Bradifh Billings Bojlon

ESSEX COUNTY. 'Jujllces of the Common Pleas, , of Dan vers, Chief-Jujlice. , of Danvers, Ebenezer Marcli', of Newbury, and John Treadv/ell, of Salem.

Special Jujlices, Danvers I Samuel Nye Salijbury Jonathan Cogfwell Ipjwich |

Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Seffons, ^c. Ichabod Tucker, of Salem.

Judge of Probate. I R^.gijier of Probate. Samuel Holten, of Danvers. | Daniel Noyes, oflpfwich. 0:1= Probate Courts are held at the Probate-Office in Ipf- vich, on the (irft Monday in every month in the vear, and the Tuefday and Wednefday following, except' the firfl Juftices, See. EJfex. 79

Monday in April, when the Court will not begin until Tuefday morning—At the liiid Office, on the laft 1 uef- day in March, and the Wednefday and 1 hurfday following; and on the laft Tuefday in December, and the Wednefday and Thurfday following—At the Sun Tavern in Salem, an- nually, on the fecond Monday in January, and the Tuefday and Wednefday following; on the third Monday in April, and the Tuefday and Wednefday following; on the laft Monday in June, and the Tuefday and Wednefday follov- jng ; and on the fecond Monday in Otlober, and the Tuef- day and Wednefday following—At the Court Houfe in Newburyport, annually, on the fecond Monday in April,

?nd the Tuefday and Wednefday following ; oh the Thurf- day and Friday following the fiift Monday in July ; on the laft Tuefday in September, and the Wednefday and Thurf-

day following ; and on the Thurfday and Friday following the lirft Monday in December.

Regifier of Deeds. Couviy Treafurer. John Pickering, of Salem. Stephen Choate, of Ipfwich. yujlices of the Peace and of the Riorum*

Nathaniel Lovejoy Andovcr 1 Enoch Titcomb Ncwburypt. Jofhua Holt ditto Edw.St.LoeLivermore ditto Nathan Dane Beverly Salem Jofiah Batchelder ditto Ifaac Ofgood ditto Timotby Pickering Danvcrs John Treadwell ditto Daniel Noyes Ipfu)icli John Pickering ditto William Tuck Mavchejlcr William Piefcott ditto Nathan Bowen Marbkhead Ichabod Tucker ditto Ebenezer March Newbvry Richard Manning ditto Nicolas Pike Newburyport Benjamin Pickman, jr. ditto Dudley A. Tyng ditto Samuel Nye tialijirury

Appointed to qualify Civil Oncers. Samuel Holten, Stephen Choate, Ebenezer March John Treadwell, Nathan Dane, and Daniel Noyes.

jfuflices of the Peace. Chrifto. Sargent Amejlniry Samuel Farrnr Avdovtr Daniel Cirrier, jr. ditto Elifha Whitney Beverly Samuel Abbot Andcver Mofcs Brown ditto John L. Abbot ditto Jofeph Wood ditto John Phillips ditto James Burnham ditto Thomas Kiueridge ditto John Robinfou Bcy^crd So Juftices and Attornles, EJex,

I'homas Perly, jr. Boxford John Ofgood Ncwhur Nath'l Thurlton Bradford Jofiah Little diti Peter RufTell ditto Enoch Sawyer, jr. ditt( Daniel Thurfton ditto Edward Little Newburypor Amos Putnam Danvers Joleph Dana ditt'

Eleazer Putnam ditto Stephen Crofs • ditt^ Gideon Poller ditto Jonathan Marfh ditt' John Rowc Ghucejlcr Thomas Mighill Rotvh Henr>- Phelps ditto Parker Cleveland dii John Manning, jr. ditto Moody Spafford diti Jofhua Giddiiigs Hamilton Benjamin Proftor ditti James Duncan, jr. Haverhill John Norris Salt-i. Francis Carr ditto Samuel Putnam dia Ifrael Bartlett ditto Benjamin Pickman ditw Peter Ofj^ood ditto William Gray, jun. dit(> Jonathan Cogfwell Ipfwich Ebenezer Beckford ditK A fa Andre wi ditto Ezekiel Savage dittc John Heard ditto Joleph Sprague dittc Daniel Rogers ditto William Pickman dit:c John Choate ditto Edward A. Holyoke dittc Amos Choate ditto William Wctmore dittc James Gardner Lynn Jacob Broven Salijlnir-y Prcderick Breed ditto Benjamin Evans dittc Ahncr Cheevcr ditto Edmund Noyes dittc Daniel Needham *Lynnjidd Nehem, Cleveland Topsfdo Jofliua Prentifs MarbLlicad Nathaniel Hammond ditto Stephen Barker Md/mcn Tyler Porter IVenham Peter Marfton ditto Samuel Blanchard ditto bilas Little Ntwbury

uittornles at the Supreme yudicial Court, Nathan Dane Beverly Edward Little Newburyport John Rowe Gloucejler William Prefcott 8alcm Afa Andrews Ipfwich Samuel Putnam ditto Dudley A. Tyng Newburypt. William W'etmcre, jr. ditto Edw. St. L. Livcrmore ditto

Attornles at the Common Pkas^ Samuel Farrar Andover Daniel A AVhite Newburypt. Haverhill Michael Hodge, jr. ditto Jabei Kimball dicto Jofeph wSiorer Salem jraac Mansfield Marblchead John Prince, jr. ditto Raiph H. French ditto Samuel Swctt ditto Jo:e^)h Dan:;_ N,:wbur\pcrt Coroners, &c. 8i

Coroners, [chabod B. Sargent Amefbury David Choate Ifowick Putnam Ingalls Andovt-r Ephraim Breed lynn John Low Beverly Ezekiel Chcever aitto Lemuel Woods Boxfcrd Amos Rhodes ditto ifonathan Kimball Bradford John Upton *Iynnfield lEIiphalet Rollins ditto ifaac Mansfield Marblehead ifr. Hutchinfon, jr. Danvers John Sargent, jr. Methucn iVVilliam Pearfon Gloucefier Stephen 11 (ley Newbury jlohn Rogers ditto Daniel Horton Newburyport ivVilliam Dana Gloucejier Jofeph Pike Rowley hamuel White, jr. Haverhill Jofhua Pickard " ditto jinoch Bradley ditto Jonathan Lambert Salem

! ames Smiley ditto William Lang- ditto >amuel Walker ditto John Punchard ditto l!tephen Choate, jr. Ipfwich Jonathan Smith Salijbury i^phraim Kendall, jr. ditto Jofeph Fairfield Wenhani 5/ienJ.—Bailey Bar tlett, of Haverhill.

Deputy Sheriffs, eduthun Abbot Andover Daniel Dutch Ipfwich knjamin Stacey Glcucejier Philip Bagleyt Nezoburyport )avid Bradley Haverhill John Hutfon Salem + And Crier of the Courts.

MIDDLESEX COUNTY. yujllces of the Common Pleas, ames Winthrop, of Cambridge, William Hull, of Newton, and Ephraim Wood of Concord.

Special jfttjlices,

^biel Hayward Concord Phillips Payfon Charkfcwn j Baldwin IVoburn ofeph B. Varnum Dracut \ Loammi

Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and SeJJions. Abraham Biglow, of Cambridge.

Judge of Probate. I Regijler of Probate. .bner Prefcott, Groton. James Winthrop, Cambridge. |

C:t* Probate Courts are held at Cambridge, on the ift Tuef- ays of January, March, May, July and September, and oii ic 4th Tuefday of 06lober, annually. At Concord, the ift 82 Juftices, Sec. Middlefex.

Tuefday of February, June, Auguft, O£lobcr and Decent ber, and on the 2d 1 ueldoy in April, annually. At Fiam- inghayn, the 3d 'i'ueiday in January, and the 2d Tuefday in June, annually. At h'cbiirn, on tlie 3dl'uc!day in Septem- ber, and the 4th I'uefday in April, annually. At GrotoUy on the 3d'rueiday of April, and ihc ydTuefuay in October, annually.

Rcgijier of Deeds. I County Trcafurcr. Burtlett, Cambridge Ebenezer Samuel j Bridge, C/jt/w/i/or^

'Jujl'ices of the Peace and of the ^orum, Francis Faulkner A6lon James Brazer Groton Ifaac Stearns Billcrka John Stone Hollijion ^Vm. Winthrop Cainbridge Duncan Ingraham Medjord James Winthrop ditto Samuel Swan ditto Abraham Biglow ditto William Hull Newtm Stephen Dana ditto Nathan Fuller ditto Jonathan Heald Carlifle Jofeph Cordis Rcadivg Phillips Payfon Charlejioum James Brincroft ditto Aaron Putnam ditto John Pitts "^Tyngfhorovgk FLphraim Wood Concord Amos Bond IVatertozvn Abiel Heywood ditto William Hunt ditto Jofeph B. Varnum Dracut Zaccheus Wright Wcjljord Parker Varnum ditto Loammi Baldwin Woburn Jona. Maynard Framingham

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers, Oliver Prefcott, Ebentver Bridge, , Jame$ Winthrop, William Hull, Ephraim Wood, Timothy Big* elow, Jofiah Bartlett, and Abraham Biglow.

yiijlices of the Peace. Jonas Brooks Acion Aaron Hill Cambridge Winthrop Faulkner ditto Samuel Bartlett ditto John Pxobbins ditto Caleb Gannet ditto Jonathan Locke Afiby Samuel Locke ditto Allen Flagg ditio Francis Dana, jr. ditto John Locke ditto Afa Pariin *Carlife y\bijah W^yman ditto Jofeph Heald ditto John Reed Bedford jjei'ij. Hurd, jr. CkarUfown Wm. Thompfon BiUerica Zabdiel B. Adams ditto Jonathan Bowers ditto Oli\er Barron Chehmford James Abbot ditto Samuel Pitts ditto ijilas Taylor *Boxborougk William Adams ditto Juflices of the Peace, Middle/ex, 83

Jonathan Fay Concord Eben. Woodward Newton William Parkman ditto Timothy Jackfon ditto William Hildreth Dracut Joieph Heald Pepperell Joel Parkhiirfl Dwiftable John "^A''alton ditto ]\Iicah Eldridge ditto Bcn)amin Upton Readhig Nath'l Reeves Eafl-Sudbury Jofeph Weare Sherburne Eli Billiard Franwigham Jofhua Longley Shirley Oliver Prefcott, jr. Groton Thomas Whitney ditto ditto Jofeph Brj^ant Stonchani James Prefcotr, jr. ditto Ephraim Ruffell Stctv Samnei La\vrence ditto William Rice Sudbury Thomas Gardner ditto Jonathan Bro\vn Tcwkjbury Eph. Littlefield HoUijlon William Brown ditto James Mellen ditto Daniel Adams, jr^ TownJIiend Matthew Metcalf Hopkiriton Eben. Bancroft *TyngP>oro* Jeremy Srimfon ditto Theodore Lyman Waltham Ifaac Bowman Lexington Jonathan Coolidge ditto John Bridge ditto Ahner Sanderfon ditto Nathan Chandler ditto John Sanderfon ditto John Mi! liken ditto N. R. Whitney Watertozvn li'aac Haftings ditto Marfiiall Spring ditto Samuel Hoar Lincoln Thomas Clarke ditto Jofeph Adams ditto Jofeph Brigham, jr. Wejlford Eleazer Brooks, jr. ditto Benjamin Ofgood ditto Samplbn Tattle Littleton John Abbot ditto David Lawrence flitto Enoch Grcenleaf Wejlon Jonathan A. Newell ditto Ebenezer Hobbs ditto Benjamin Blaney Maiden Amos Bancroft ditto Ezra Sargent ditto John Slack ditto Bernard Greene ditto Timo. Walker Wilmijigton Peter Wood Marlborough William Blanchard ditto Joleph Brigham, jr. ditto Benjamin Walker ditto Benjamin Hall Med/ord John Walker Woburn Nathaniel Hall ditto Jeremiah Clap ditto Stephen Hall, jr. ditto Samuel Thompfon ditto V/illiam Boden Natick Jofeph Lawrence ditto Hezekiah Broad ditto Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court. John Locke 4A'b' Jonathan Fay Concord Jofeph Locke Billerica John L. Tuttle ditto Ebenezer Bradifli Cambridge Thomas Heald ditto Arcemas Ward Chariejiozun Eli Bullard Framingham Zabdicl B. Adams ditto Samuel Dana Groton Afahcl Stearns Chelmsford Timothy Bigelow ditto 84 Attornies, Coroners, &c. Mlddkfex,

James Prefcott Groton William Hunt Watertozi \ % Jofeph Brigham Marlboro' Ifaac Fifk IVeJc Othniel Tyler Sudbury

Attornies at the Common Pleas.

Samuel P. P. Fay Cambridge Rufus Hofmer Stoi AAmnH.FmmmCkar/rflown Walter Haftings Townjhcn

Luther Lawrence Groton John Abbot, jr. Weftfor Daniel Warren Hopkinton Abner Bartlett Wobur


Alexand. T. Willard AJhby J of. Valentine, jr. Hopkinto Eph. Kidder, jr. BilUrka Jona. Whetcomb Littleto Benjamin Bowers ditto Silas Gates Marlhon Samuel Sparhawk Cambridge Nathan Waite Medfor Abel Blood *Carlifle Jofeph Jackfon, jr. Newto Frederick Blood ditto John Sheple Pepper£. O. Richardfon Chelmsford James Bullard Sherburn Ebenezer Parker ditto Calvin Longley SkirU^ Reuben Bryant Concord Thomas Clark Tewkjbur Ifrael Hildreth Dracut Stephen Bruce Townjlien Leoriard Parkhurft Dunjiahle Shobal C. Allen ditt Collins Damon Eaft -Sudbury Ezra Blodget *Tyngfhon John Fifk Framingham Jona. Keyes Wejljor. Aaron Bullard ditto [ohn Leighton ditt< James Lewis, jr. Groton Nathan Fifk Wep William F. Brazer ditto Joel Jenkins Wilmingta, John Stone, jr. Hollifton Noah Richardfon Wobur, Nathan Whitners ditto Edmund Richardfon ditt( J )hn Stedman ditto Jonathan Thompfon ditt< iiamuel Haven Hopkinton SkeriJ—]o{t^\x Hofmer, of Concord.

Deputy Sheriff's.

Stephen Wyman AJliby Eph. Littlefield Hollijlor. Zaccheus Shed Billerica Eliel Littlefield dittc Peter Edes Charleflown Daniel Stevens, jr. Marlboro Jofeph Moors Groton John Flagg Wcfta Sampfon Woods ditto Abijah Thompfon Woburr.

Keeper of the Powder-Houfe in Charlejloavn, Peter Tufts, jun. of Charleflown. Jurtlces, Sec. TorL 85 YORK COUNTY.

yuft'ices of the Common Pleas.

Ndihaniel Wells, of Wells, Ckief-Jvflkt. Edward Cutts, of Kittery, Jonas Clark, of Wells, and Si- mon Fiye, of Fryburgh.

Spesial yvjl'ices*

Berwick. of York. John Lord, of } Jofeph Bragdon, Clerh of the Fleas and Sejfwns, and alfo Refident Clerh of the S. y. Court for this County, Daniel Sewall, of York. Jiidsc cf Prchate. Rcgifrer of Probate. of Xittery. J of Edward Cutts, | Daniel Sewall, York.

(J:f' Probate Courts on the Mondays immediately preced- ing the Tuefdoys on which the Supreme Judicial Court and Courts of Common Pleas fit in this County [Seethe Courts, p.72 —74] and at the fame places; and at the Probate-Office in York, on the 3d Mondays in January, February, March, June, July, November aim December. At Berwick on the 3d Monday in June; and at Fryburgh on the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding the.Court of Common Fleas in Auguft. [See Courts, p. 73.] Regl/lcr of Deeds and County Treafurer. William Froft, of York.

yufl'ices of the Peace and of the ^orum» William Parfons 86 Juftlces anJ Attornies, 2V.*

yujliccs of the Paice, Uriah Molt Aii'ciis [John Morrill l.lmerkk Jofeph Eixierfoa '^Alfred Ahrior Lihhey Limiji^ton I John Hohnes ditto K/ra Da'is ' ditto Ihcs. Perkins, 3d. Anwdfl Sain'i Eow Raymond L^r»nn Scth Bunihan dirto John Low ditto Robert To'Yne ditto klijah Drew Ncwjuld Benjamin Greene Bern)ick Jol'oph Parfons ParJonsRtId Domlnicus Good'.vln d; 10 Joh:! Paine ditto Dudley Hubb ird ditto Nicholas Emery ditto Richard F. Cults dirto Samaei Garland ditto Ivory Hf)vey ditto Pel)perdboro* Edward P. Hayman ditto T. G. Thornton ditto J

Peter Merrill ditto 1 [anu's Gray ditto Tohn Cufhing ditto Richard Cntts ditto E!i Twi'chcU Betfid Daniel Granger ditto Prcntifs IvtcUen Bidd;ford\ J. Chaobourn P/nL'ip/^ur.sfi iSamuel Pearfon ditto \Vm. '1 hompfon Geirifh dn }

Ralph T.Jordan ditto j Xath"! Merrill ''"^ Porte 1 firlu Aaron Porter ditto Wi'diam Ri^

John Wood ditto { Stephen Jcwctt IVatcrJcrd Afahel Cole Corin/k Eber Rice ditto I E/.ek. Merrill Eajl-Andovcr Jofeph Thomas JVdli Mofes Ames Frybur/h Jacob Fiflier ditto William RufTell diito Geo. W. Walllngford ditt Tndah Dana ditto Jofeph Moody ditto William T. Gerrllh Kittery Naihaniel Wells, jr. ditto Andrew p. Fernald ditto John Storer ditto

Alexander Rice ditto \ John Kiitgfhury Yo,k T. M. \Ventn'orth Lcbunon Elihu Bragilon dirto Nath'I Chamberlain ditto Mofes Lvraan dit to Attornies at the Supfeme yudk'uil Court, John Holmes -l/frrd Cyius King Pcpperdloro' j Dudley Hubbard Btrroick )o

Benjamin Greene diuo JciVph I hcmas mils PrcntifN Mellen Biddrford 'Geo. W. Wallirgford ditto Judah Dana Fr\burgh jofeph Dane Nicholas Emery Porfov^field Attornies at the C6im?non Picas. ^ViIliam Lambert B. ruddi Barker Curt'S Bi'XtoJi Naihaniel Coffin Coioners, Sec, «7 a

Sam Lie! Moulfon Lmin'^Jcm Torcp'i. Prii.ne Berwick ]Oiliua Small ditto

Kzra 1 witch -"ll Bet I id B<-.jij;niiin Johnfon Ncwfitld 'Ih.odorc Ra;]ell dnio S.imue! B:;rb;ink Parfonsfuld Balclif'Or )n!tikei B?tId>-Jord PJimeas Kelly Pcpperdhor^ Jcic^miah Rertcs ditto Gcoi-^;e F i-oft Phillip lb urgk

'i'hos. A. lohnfon iiijh I Ezra Thomprori Sanjord Kohtr.t I'd^c Fry hii rg n ' David Chapliti WaUrJord Da!iiri Ffircc 'Kittery Stcph^'u Perkins WdU

! i iam Ln^hton ditto John Cole ditto Wi ^ Jofcph Hammond ditto Samuel Moody" York Bcnp.min Parker ditto Samuel Say ward ditto Daiucl Wood Lchunon SJitriJ^~-lch\hoA Goodwin, of Berwick.

Deputy Sher'ilfs,

Jam-s Gould Anindcll i .Toleph I.angton Lebanon Mark Lcj Berwick Jolm IVI'Arthur Limin,';ton | Ichabod Goodwin, jr. diito Jofepb Huckens Parfoiujidd Chriil. Gilpatiick Biddrford Ben]. Pattcrfon Pcppcrt'll/oro* \ Ichabod Faufield ditto $8 JuRices, &c. Hawpjhirc,

i^ Probate Courts, at Dcerfidd, on the lO Tucfclay^iil January, May and Auguft,' at the hcufe of Mr. Erafaii Barnard. At Northampton, on the \{{ Tuefday of Match and December, and on the laft Tuefdoy ot each month, ex- cept the laft Tucfday in Mi;y and Augufi, at the hcu'e ct Mrs. Abigail Lyman, in February, June andOftober, at the houfe of Mr. tWa^er Williams. In HaciLy, on the firft Tucfday in April and July, and the 2d Tucfday in November, ai the houfe of Mr. Eliilaa Cook. A". B. The Court wili be opened ai each day, fpcc.lied as above, at 9 o'clock.

Reg'iflers of Deeds. Southern DiJlriB, William Pynchon, of Springfield. Middle Diftrici, Levi Lyman, of Northampton. Northern DJftrici, Epaphras Hoit, of DeerfieJd. Jujlices of the Peace and of the Riorum. Zebina Montague Woodbridge 5- Hadley Amherjl \ Rug. ^'^"''"^ ^I'fc Sih-r;r:rrfif],. Abner Morgan Brimjield Mofes B 1 i fs ^p ringfeL Hugh McLellan Colraine William Pynch-^.! dittc John Williams Deerjield Chauncey Brewer ditto Timothy Robinfon Granville John Hooker dittc D'dvid Smead Greenfield Thomas Dwight dittc Charles Phe.'ps Hadley Joihua Greene, jr. Weruidi Jonathan E. Porter ditto Samuel Mather Wejifida j Ebenezer Hunt Northampton dittc |

Samuel Henfhaw ditto I Juftin Ely Weji Springjifl^

Samuel Hinckley ditto ! Abraham Burbank ditto Jofeph Lyman, jr. ditto Nahum Eager IVorthingtcn | Jofeph IVIctcalf *Orange Ezra Starkweather cdtto Jonathan Judd Southampton

Appointed to qnaJtfy Civil Officers.

John Blifs, Mofes Blifs, Samuel Mather, Ebenezer Hunt, Thomas Dwight, and Jofeph Lyman, jr. Jufices of the Peace. Saml. F. Bickinfon Amherjl Browning Brimfitla \ Jofeph Ephraim Williams yljh Darius Munger ditto field \ Elijah Paine ditto Stephen Pynchon

Beiija. Paribus Chcjifrjield Varney Penrce New Salem Jonathan M?.gee Ccl^ainc Daniel Wright Nvrthavii'ton Samuel Ware, jr. Conway Levi Lyman ditto Wiiliam Biiiings ditto Levi Shepherd ditto EHftia Billings ditto John Taylor ditto tbenczer SncAl Cummingtan Solomon Stoddard, jr. ditto ditto ElifiiaHunt Nort/ijicld Adam Packard _ Oliver Harris Dana Obadiah Dickinfon ditto Wm. S. Williams Dctrficld John Barrett ditto Ilezekiah W. Strong ditto Solomon Vofe ditto Mofes Bafcom Gill Oliver Chapin *Orange "Wiiliam White Gojhcn Aaron Ivlerrick Palvicr J)avid. Smith Granby Ifaac Abercroihbie Pclkam Joiiah Hervey Granville James Richards *Plainftild litus Fov/ler ditto John Wells Rowe John Phelps ciitto John Long Shduurne Uracl Parfoiis ditto William Ward Shvtcjiury Jerome Ripley Grcarjidd Lcml. Pomeioy Southavipton Jonathan Leavitt oitio Saul Fowler Southwick Solomon Smead ditto liaac Coit ditto Rohert Field Grec7izvic/i Jofeph Williams SpringJrid Ifaac Powers ditto Jonathan Dwight ditto Samut:l Porter Ha din George Bliis ditto Benjamin Smith Uatfnld William Ely ditto Kdnmnd Longley Hawley Danl. \A,niitmore Sunderland Afaph \^^hi:e Heath Lemuel Barnard ditto Khenezer Tucker ditto William Bowdoin Ware John Policy Holland Caleb Mayo Warwick Jacob Thorn pfon ditto James Goldlburjy ditto Lemuel Fofler '^Lndai Abel Whitney W>J}ficld Gideon Burt L ong meadow John Ingerfoll ditto Nathaniel Ely ditto Sylveller Judd Wcjlhaniftca David Macke MiddUjidd Elip. Leonard V/. Spring[aid Abel Goodell Monjon Pelatiah Blifs ^ ditto Abner Brown ditto Lucjs Morgan ditto EUfha Root Montague ditto Henry Wells ditto Thomas Sannderfon Whatdy Kdward Taylor Alontgomery W. Bodman Wiiliamjburgh Lzck. Kellog, jr. Nczv Saltni Jon.Woodbridge J'Vorthingt. Attornies at the Svpreine yudkial Court. Samuel F. Id'icVm^onAmherJi Ell P. Afliman Blandford Simern Strong, jr. ditto Abner Morgan Brivijield Elijah Paine /}/lifidd Stephen Pynchon ditto Jcl. Bridgman Bddartjwn Benjamin Pmfons Clujlerjicld iSoj.j H 2 90 Juftices, Coroners, Sec. Hampjhlre.

Hezek. W. Strong D^erfield John Barrett Northfield John Phelps Granville Solomon Vofe ditto K. E. Newcomb Greenfield Jofcph Protlor ^Orange Jonathan Leavitt ditto John I-Iooker Springfield Jofhua N. Unham Greenwich George Blifs ditto Jonathan E. Porter Hadley William Ely ditto Edward Upham New Salem Jonathan Dwight, jr.. ditto Sannucl C. Alien ditto Henry Barnard Sunderland John Taylor Northampton John Ingerfoll Wejljidd vSamuel Hinckley ditto Elijah Bates ditto Solomon Stoddard, jr. ditto Sami. Lathrop IV. Springfield Elijah H. Mills ditto J. ¥/oodbridge iVvrthingtou Iheodore Strong ditto

Attorriies at the Common Pleas, Sylveft. Maxwell Charlcmont Frederick Hunt Monfm Wm. Billings, jr. Conway Chas. Sheppard Northampton Pliny Arms Detrjield John Nevers Norihjicld Elijah Alvord, 2d Greenfield


Juft. Forward, j r. Btkhertown Benja, Prefcott Northampton Samuel Bares Brhnjield William Butler ditto Jonathan Mage ColroAne William Pomcroy Northfield

William Caldwell ditto Saville Metcalf *Orame'6< Reuben Bardwell Conway Ifrael Conkey Pclham Bela Norton Cummington Zebulun Benton Rowe Erallus Bernard Da-rfield John Pynchon Springfield

Ambrofc Stone GoJJien I John Prcntlfs Wendell Ezra Baldwin, jr. Granville John S. Douglas Weft field I

Caleb Ciapp Greenfield I Edv.-ard Morns Wilbrafiam Eliel Gilbert ditto Joliah Langdori difro j Alden Lathrop Greenwich Elifiia Brewller Worthington Ede Whital^er Monfon Jofiah Mills aitt« j

Jofeph Gunn Montague I

Sheriff-—Ebenezer M;jtfoon, jr. of Amh^rft. Deputy Sheri^s.

_^r. Juflus Williams, Am he Hi \ Judah Sexton New Salm John Moore Brr.nfdd 'i'homas Kidd Northanifton j Rufus Saxton D'-erfnld Caleb Lyman Northfnd j Eleazer Slocum Granville William Baldwin Palmer I Oliver Wilkinfon Greenfield Jofiah Bardv/eM Shringjicld j Luke Stone Grtevzoich ' F. jd. Palmer W. Springfield SyKuiJUi Maxwell Heath Juftlces, &c. Plymouth, 91 PLYMOUTH COUNTY.

jfujlices of the Common Pleas, Benjamin Willis and Daniel Howard, of Bridgewater, William Watfon and Ephraim Spooner, of Plymouth. Special yujlices,

Ifaac Thompfon Middkbord' Joflma Thomas Plymouth j

Xilborn Whitman Ptmbrohe \

Clerk of the Pleas and SeJJions, Jofiah Cotton, of Plymouth. "judge of Probate. Regijler of Probate. j of Jofhua Thomas, Plymouth | Ifaac Lathrop, of Plymouth ^^^ Probate Courts, at Scitv.ate, on the ift Mondays in September, December, March and June.—At Piympton, on the ift Mondays m Oftober, November, January-, February-, May, July and Auguft, and on the id Tuefday in April. Regijler ef Deeds. County Treafurer. RofleterCotton,of Plymouth j Eph. Spooner, of Plymouth j Jufl'ices of the Peace and of the ^orum, Mifchell Bridgewater Thomas Plymouth Nah. \ Jofhua Daniel Howard ditto Ephraim Spooner ditto Samuel Norton Hingkam Nailjaaiel Goodwin ditto \{i.zcThLOvci-p{or\ Middlebord' Abraham Holmes Rockejler Kilborn Whitman Pembroke Charles Turner, jr. Scituate; William Watfon Plymouth

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. William Watfon, Ephraim Spooner, Jofhua Thomas, Ifaac Thompfon, Daniel Howard, and Beza Hayward. yujllces of the Peace, Luke Bicknell Abington David Stockbridge Hanover Samuel Norton ditto Nathan Rice Hinguam Aaron Hobart, jr. ditto Daniel Shute auto Jonathan Crane Bridgewater Abner Lincoln ditto Daniel Snow ditto Robert Gould Hvll Hetlor Orr ditto Seth Drew KingJioJi Gideon Howard ditto Jedidiah Holmes ditto Ilfachar Snell, jr. ditto John Thomas ditto Nehcmiah Cobb Carver James Sever ditto Judah Alden Duxborcugh Afa Waterman Marjlijteld JoHah Thompfon EUiha Phillips ditto 5 2 Attornles, Coroners, &c. Plymouth. Nchcm. Bennett Middteboro* John D. Dunbar PI)JMu( Wilkes Wood di/io \V'illiam Da\is 6\n 5 Elijah Bifbee, jr. David Richmond ditto Plympto ,* J:-nies Wafliburn ditto Liilha ilLi^;;lcs Jioc/ic/ie i John Turner Pembroke Natiil. Ilaniinond, 3d. ditt: ^ Jofcph Smith ditto Nadian Willis diu« \

Abner Barilett Plyvwutk Nathaniel Rugi^lcs • ditf, >i Jofiah Cotton ditto Elijah 'iurner Scituat 'i Hemy Warren ditto Hayward pcirce dutt •' " RoRcter Cotton ditto ! Chnflopher Cufiiing diiL Ifrael ^^''ilHam L. Barron ditto { Fearing IVarchait William Jackfon ditto Rowland Leonard diiu Zaccheus Barilett ditto Benjamm Fearing din< ditto John Fearing Mariin Paris i ditu Mtornies at the Supreme jfndicial Court.

• Wm. Bay 1 es Bridgcwatcr Jam-s Wafbiburn Middldord Nahum Michel! diito Kiiborn Whitman Pmihnki Jorham Culhn;an Hanover Joi'hua Thomas Plymouth Wiikcs Wood Middltbord' John D. Dunbar ditiu ^ttornies at the Common Pleas.

Abraham Holmes, Rocliejtcr Brown dbi/i^toii j Coroners,

Noah Norton Abhigtoji I llaac B. Bjrker Pembroke

Lot Whirmarfh J5a

Fphraim Andrews Hingham Thomas Sturtevanr, jr liirrs* Job Loruig, jr. diito William Crapo Ao Jedidiah Holmes, jr. Kinvfion Nathar.icl Haikell d.no V\ John Gra) , jr. diifo Peleg hitu-idi^c diio

W^illiain Lewis Marjiijxdd Lemuel iuiner 6 it-- te James Dingley ditto Samuel V\'aierman d'.to

Iviark Hafkell Middlchord' imicl Savory M 'fi'23t Sherijf.—, of Duxborou, ,K Deputy Sheriffs. Micah White Abui>^to7i Lemuel Briggs Midduborv* Amos Shaw ditto Nathaniel VViider, jr. dit o Ambrole Keith Hal/Jax David Oidli.im pr/.d/rcAe John Adams, jr. Jun,^/tcn Gideon Biaciford J'/}H.ploa Jedidiah Little Mu>J/i'/,e/d Noali Dexter Ji'-rbyier

Kubcrt Cafliiaaii Midiiklord' J anic'S Spai i oil .'•.. , Lati Juiiices, &c. BriJhU 93 BRISTOL COUNTY.

y^fi'ices of the Common Pleas. 'George Leonard, of Norton, Stephen Bullock, of Reho- (^oth, Samuel Tobey, of Beiklev, aud Ldward Pope, of Ne-vV-Eedfoid. Special Juftkes, EHfha May Attkboro\ James Wiliiams Taunton j Aldrn ditto S}X)oner NewbeSJord \ Samuel Fales Chrk of the Court of Common Pleas and SeJJions* Samuel Fales, of Taunton.

Judge of Probate. \ Regijler of Probate. Seth Paddleford William Baylies Dighton, Taunton. \ (j:3" Probate Courts at Taunton, on the ift Tuefday in January, March and Auguft. At Norto7i, on the ift Tuef- day in July and December. At RehotrAh., on the ifl Tuef- day yvi April and September. At Digkton, on the ift Tueiday in June and November. At New-Bedford cm the ift Tuefday in May and October ; and at Freetown on the ill Tueiday in February.

Rc^;if^?r cj Deeds. t County Treafurer. James Williams Taunton Samuel Crocker TauntOK \

'JujTices of the Peace and of the ^orum* Samuel Tobey Berkley Laban Wheaton Norton William Baylies Dightnn Ephr. Starkweather Rehobotk Edward Pope New Bedford Stth Paddleford Taunton Alden Spoouer Samuel Fales ditto dkto j Lemuel Willictms ditto James Williams ditto Seth Sjx:>uner ditto Foiler Swift ditto George Leonard Norton j

Appointed to qvaVfy Civil Officers. George I x'onard, Stephen Bullock, Samuel Tobey, Edward les and Seth Paddleford,

jfiijllces of the Peace, C. Richardfon, jr. Attleboro John Rogers Dartmouth Joel Re id ditto David Thacher ditto Ebenezer Tyler, 2d ditto Hodijah Baylies Dighton A.pollos Tobey Berkley Samuel W.' Baylies ditto Holder S locum Dartmouth Samuel Guild Eqflon Joel Packard ditto Elijah Howard ditto EUhu Slocunft ditto Daniel Wheaton ditto 94 Attcrnics, Ccronersj &:c. UrtJloL

John Pool F.aJlou Dav jelle Bullock Fndovin Nathaniel Morton, 3cl. ditto tphraini Window ditto C'iiarlcs Durfce diiio Vv'alhington Hathaway diito Beiijiinun Bates Mamjirld Daiiie! Giiiiert ditto

1 j Sam . Perry , r. New Bedford \ Benjamui Church, jr. ditto Rounrevil Spooi^cr ditto Rodolph. H. Vv'^illiams ditto .Samuel Morey Norton Ephiaim Raymond ditto Silss Cobb ditto Joliah Dean RayiiKun i>eth Vl''aihburn ditto Jonathan Shaw ditto William A. Leonard diito Daniel Carpenter Rthobctk Juilices, &c. Barnjlahle, 9>

r.h Shc'srmna Dartmouth i Jofeph Whcaton Rshohoth lull, Whitmarlh Dighton A^Ji BuDock dma - i.K Nathaniel Hunt ditto Porter, jr. Freftown \ lie D'c-^u Wansfidd Roydl Chafe Srvanzry

.>hn Co^'r'«.'eil New Bedford \ Seih Crofrman Taunton v''ahcr ^ipooiicr ditto John Porter ditto Vllliain Verry SanuielPaddlcford ditto Norton \ bene/.er Titu-s ditto Oliver Soper ditto -eorge Gilbert ditto Bcr.ja. Brownell, jr. IVeJibort liphaiec Slack Rt-iwhoth Roger White ditto

BARNSTABLE COUNTY. , yujiices of the Common Pleas. N^nhaniel Freeman, of Sandwich, Ebene/.er Bacon, of arnilable, and Samuel Watcrmar, of Wellfleet.

Special ynjl'icef.

>hn Davis Barnjlahk I 1 homas Thatcher Yarmontk •avifl Scuddcr ditto | lei'k of Pleas and SsJJions—alfo Clerl' of the Supreme judicial Court for Barnjlable and Dukes County, William Otis, of Barnftable.

jydgf of Probate. I Regifer of Probate. ~h\\ Davis Earnjlahlc Nathl. Freeman Sandwich \ ^^ Pr<)bate Courts AiBarnfiable, on the 2dTuefdays of .pril, May, June and September. At Great-Marfies, on e 2d Tueidays of January, February, Julj' and Decem- rr. At Yarmouth^ on the 2d Tuefday of Auguft, At indwich, on the 2d Tuefday of Nov^mbcr. At Falmouth,

\ the day after the Court is held at Sandwich. At Brezd- rr, on the 3d Tuefday of March, and 2d Tuefday in cloher. At Harzvkk, the day before each time laR nien- )ned. At Eajlham^ on the ^^^ednefday next following e 3d Tuefday in March, and 2d Tuefday in October. At mjlrit, o!i the day after each hift mentioned times. Regifer of Deeds ar.d County Treafurer, Ebcnezer Bacoii, of Eaiultable.

jtifiices of the Peace and of the ^crum. iPeph Utis Barrifnbk Enenc zer Crocker Barrfcbk ^hii Davis ditto So^o^^.on Freeman Brtiojlcr

}-cnczc i- Earon ditto Nathl. Freeman Sandwich 'avidScudder duto: g6 Julllces, Attomles, &:c. Barnjiahle.

Appointed to qualify Civil OJicers. Nathaniel Freeman, Solomon Freeman, Samuel Savage John Davis, and Ebcnczcr Bacon. jujllces of the Peace. Samuel Savage Barrjlabk Thomas Jones FclmmV j Holmes Allen ditto Ehen. Broadbrooks Hffuiid I

David Parker ditto I Gid. Hawley, jr. Marfhpe Jofiah Sam (on ditto Timothy Bafcom Orlean Timothy Phinney ditto Elifha Perry Sandwic, Sylvanus Stone Brewfter Sylvanus Xyc ditti Jofeph Doane Chatham Wendell Davis ditt. Richard Sears ditto Tames Freeman ditt Solo. Freeman, jr. Brczvjler Sylyivanus Snow Ttut

Jeremiah Howes Dennif Samuel Waterman WeI!fta Ifaac Sparrow Laftham Thomvs Thatcher c\\X<

Elifha Mayo "ditto Gorham Lovell ditt • Joleph Palmer, jr. Falmouth Ehfha Doane ditt David Nye ditto

Attorn'ies at the Supreme jfudic'ial Court,

Holmes Allen Barnjiahle \ \\''endell Davis Sandzvk Coroners. Ifaiah Parker Bar-njlable Seth Hamlin Falmmt Nalor Crocker ditto William Crofby Uarwic Richard Sears Chatham Lemuel Pope Sandwic Daniel Eldridge Dennis Heman Tobey ditt Benjamin Pepper Eajlham Levi Stevens Trm Michael Collins ditto Jofnh Whitman Wcllfu Samuel Bourne, jr Falmouth Jofeph Hawes Yarmout.

Sheriff. Jofeph Dimmick, of Falmouth.

Deputy Sher'il/s.

John Thacher Barnjiahle Nr.th. B oadhrcoks Fal-mcVt. Timothy Phinney ditto Jofiah SpaiTow Orlcan Jofeph Chipman dicto John Nye, jr. Sanduic. Lewis Gorham ditto Caleb Perry d-tt Benjamin Hathaway ditto Shad. Freeman ditt: Jonathan Snow Brczi'dtr Anthony Snow Tnir, I Zenas Doane Eaf^hom 1 Solomon Dyer IVelljhi

Eldridg- Dennis j Enoch HaMet Yarmouth

Elnath'^n Nye Falmcmth \

Jofeph G. Le> is, of Barnr-abte, i< Deput}" Sheriff i Keeper of the Gaol. »

Juftices, Sec, 57 DUKES' COUNTY. Jujilces of the Common Pleas Jai^es Athearn, of Tilbury, Beriah Norton, of Ed^-rton, Benjamin Baflett, Matthew Mf;yhew, jr. ofChilmark. Special Jujlices. Benjamin Mayhew Clnlmaik | Benjamin Allen Tifiury

Cierk ofthi Pleas and SeJJlons, Cornelius Marchant, jr. of Ldgarfon. Judge of Probate. Regifur of Probate. lames Athearn, j of Tifhury. ', Thomas Cook, or Edgarton. R^giji^r , of Deeds. Comny Treafurer. j >amuel Smith, of Edgarton. | Thos.Jermgnn,cf Edgarton. Jujlices of the Peace and of the ^orum. Jernigan -, j'fm Edgarton Tames Athcara \ Tifjury 3enah ^orron ditto | Shub^el Cottle "ditto

Appointed to qualify Ci'vll Officers. James Athearn, Shubael Cottle, Beriah Norton, and Thomas Cook. Jujlices of the Peace, *'Iatth. Mayhew, jr. C/dlmark William Eutler Edgarton -ebulun Allen ditto William Mayhev/- ditto benjamin BafTett ditto Benjamin Allen Tifbury homas Cook Edgarton Jttornies at the Common Pleas. :bcnezer Skiff Chilmark William j Jernigan Edgarton nomas Cook Edgarton \ Coroners, imon Mayhew Chilviark j William Cafe Tirbur-i ames Coffin Edgarton \ Sheriff.—Benjamin Smith, of Edgarton.

Deputy Sheriffs, y ill lani Mayhew Edgartcn Thomas \ Jcnes Ti/hvry •enjamin Smith, jr. ditto | NANTUCKET COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas,

Stephen Hufley, of Nantucket, Chief Jnftice. Jofiah Coffin, Joilah Barker, and Jam'^es Coffir.. 1805.] I .

98 Jiilllces, &G.

Special jujllces,

Peter Eafton and Zacchcus HufTjy.

" Clerk cf the Pkas and Scfjions, Benj;\m!n Gardner. Prnhat.r. Rcgiffr of Probate, Jud

Jofiah Coffin, Jerhro Huffcy, and Zacrheus IIuiTey. . Altorn'ies at the Common Pleas* Jofiah Hufiey, Ifaac Coffin, Wm. Coffin, 2d. Eben'r. Cla] Coroners, Caleb Bunker and William Colman.

Sheriff. DehutM-Sher'if Gardner. I Charles Foiger. John |

WORCESTER COUNTY. 'Juflices of the Common Pleas. Dwight Fofler, ofBrookfield, Chief Jiific^. Heywood Worcefi. Elijah Brigham WeHbord \ Benj. Special Juflices

IVorcefl Benjamin Kimball Harvard \ Oliver Fifke Thos. \V. Ward Shrewfbury \ Clerh of the Pleas and Sejfons,

Jofeph Allen, of Worcefter. , Crier of the Courts. Ephraim Mower, of Worcefter. Rrrifier of Prohatr. ludreof Prr^batc. \ Wheeler, Worcci N?rhl. Paine, of Worccfter. | Thcoph. Juflices, Sec. Worccjler, 99

(Vf- Probate Courts, at the Probate-Office in IVorcrfrr, on the iftTuefday in each luonih. At Tcmpltton, on the Thurfday next after the 3dTuerd;H- in May and odTnefday V.^right, mnholder. iii Oaober, at the houfe ci; Mr. Joihun At Brookficld, (Weft-Parifnj on (he 2d luefdHy in April, and 4th Tucfday in October, at the houle of CaiM.^p.aper, innholder. At Lancajtcr, on the 3d Taciday in May and November, at the houle of Nathaniel Arnold, innholder. At Uxbrid.yc, on the 4tli 'l^uefday in May and NovembvT^ at the houle of Melfrs. Chapins, innhoiders. Regiftcr of Deeds. Cvunh Tnafurer. | Alien, ofWorccilcr Daniel Clap, of Worcefier | Samuel

'«' Juftices of the Peace and of the Riorum. Dwight Fofter Brookfidd JoOiua Herdhaw 6V,v-c'n'>/

u^ppolnted to quoXfy Civil Officers. Dwight Poller, Elijah Bngham, Bcnjannn Heyyood, Sa-^ lem Town, Jofeph Aikn, and Nathaniel Paine. Jujiiqes. of the Peace. Jacob Willard AJhbumkam John Cutler Brcokfidd Abraham Low ditto diuo Janv s Humphries Alhol Daniel Forbes ditto John Caldwell Barre Luke Baldwin uaio Benjamin Jenkins ditto Jabe/, Upham diuo Eleazer James ditto Erai'iiius Babbitt Charictort Joel Bent ditto Aaron Maifli D'^ugUn Amoi Johnfon *Berlin John Chamberlain DiidJcy Jonathan Whitcomb Bolton Aaron Tufis ditto Silas Holman ditto Daniel Putnam F'dchbu}:^li Nathi. Longley, jr. ditto Ifrael Turner diUo Ezra Beaman Boyljlon Joleph lux ditta , Gardner James Longley ditto ; Aaron Wood ICO Juftices, Worcejler,

Charles B;iker Gerry Ifaac Gregory - Royalfio, IihamarWard ditto John Frink Rutlam Benjamin GodJard Grafton Mo'es White ditt< joleph VvVod ditto Jonas Howe dut* Nathanrel Adams ditto Thos. W. Ward ShrewfbuT John Haflings Hardwick Ezra Taylor Southbon

Timothy Paige ditto Trowbridge Taylor • ditt' Beajaniin Kimball Harvard John Bifco Spence John Mycail ditto Beijjamin Drury ditti "William Drury Holden Benj. Richardfon Sterling Lemuel Davis ditto William Putnam ditt* E. Woodward Hubbardjion John Robbins ditt« Ifrael Athcrton Lancafier Ifrael Allen ditt< Samuel Ward ditto Oliver Plympton Sturbridg Jofiah Flagg ditto David Wight ditti Thomas Denny Lcicefler Amos Johnfon ditt- Ebent-zer Adams ditto William King Sutto Nathaniel P. Denny ditto Nathan Putnaiii ditt Williams Nichols Leo?niv/ler Aaron Peirce ditt John Gardner ditto Solomon Leland ditt W. Cunningham Lunenburg Ebenezer Waters ditt Benjamin Read Mendon Silas Cutler TempUto Sedi Haitings ditto Thomas Fifher ditt Andrew Dexter ditto Lovell Walker ditt Samuel Jones Miljord Ezra Wood, jr. Upto Adam Chapin ditto Benjamin Adams Uxbridg Benj. Joflyn Newbraintree James Hawfe Wejlboroug. ditto Andrew Peters ditti Nahum lay Northbord' Danforth Keyes Wejler. Paul Whiting Northbridge Nicholas Dike Weftmin^e TefTe Allen Oakham Abel Wood ditt< Jofeph Fobes ditto Samuel Crofby Winckendff, Sylvanus Towne Oxford Ifrael Whltoii ditt* Syivanus Learned ditto Edward Bangs WcrteRt Uriah Holt ditto Samuel Flagg ditt( Nathaniel Crocker Paxton Abraham Lincoln ditt< John Chandler Pcterjham 1 heophilus Wheeler ditt( Jofeph Trumbull ditto Ifaiah Thomas ditt( Nathaniel Maccarty ditto Daniel Clap dittc Mofes Gill Princeton Samuel Allen ditt( M^illiana Dodds ditto Francis Blake ditt< Pillips Sweetfer Royaljlon Barr/Jler at Lata—Levi Lincoln, of Worcefter. Attornies, Coroners, S:c. loi

Attornies at the Supreme yudicial Court, Achol Seih Haftings McndoTi Eleazer James Barre Richard George ditto Luther Perry ditto Erafmus Babbitt Oxford Jabez Upham Brookjidd Daniel Bigelow Pcttrjham Pliny Merrick ditto Lovell Walker Trvipldon Liberty Bates Chaiittcn Benjamin Adams Vxbridge Wm. Stedman Lahcafter Nathaniel Paine Worcc/ter Merrick Rice ditto Edward Bangs ditto

Nathl. P. Denny Leiccfte-r Francis Blake -. ditto Afa Johnfon Leoninjlcr Levi Thaxter diiiQ Abijah Bigelow ditto Atiormes at the Common Plcas^ Amos Crofby Brookjidd Mofes_Smiih. jr Lavcafter j Daniel Gilbert ditto Tvier Biuc!^ Lcomiiiflt-r William E. Green Grafton Wm. CrWhite Rutland Luke Brown Har-dunck Bartholw. Brown Sterling Elifha P. Cutler ditio Elles Howe Sutton vJamuel J. Sprague Lancajkr Samuel A. Flagg IVorceJlcr Coroners. Wm. Stearns AJhburnham Jonathan Burr Nezo Braint ree Tofeph Peirce Athd lonathaii Hams Oxj'i Elijah Caldwell Barre Hi -lapgood Petcrjham Simeon Draper Brookjidd Daniel Woodbur}- Royaijtcn Thom.plbn Rawfon ditto Zadock Gates Rutland Aaron Wheelock CharUton J, Sumner, ji. Shrew/bury John Farnum Douglas Eliot Mafon Spencer Jabez Day Dudley Robert B. Thomas Sterling' Simon Goddard Gerry Mofes Smith ditto Aaron Kimball, jr. Grajlon Mofes Thomas ditto Seth Hinckley Hardwick Simeon Fifk Sturbr?dge Flint Davis Harvard David P. Chafe SuTtcn Afa Wheeler Hubbardjton Ezra Farrar Uf'to?i Benjamin Wyman Lancajier Peter White Uxb ridge John White ditto Joiiah S. Prcntifs Hard WiUiana Sprague Leicejier Ifaac Furbuih Wijlborougli Bezaletl l^dy^icnctLecminJier Jonas Miles JVcJtminJie.r Peter Brown Lunenburg ifaac Miles ditto John Tyler Mtndon Heyw. Kidc'er IVindicndcn Afa Penniman ditto Jofhua Whitney U orctjicr Seth Davenport, jr. ditto John Peirce ditto

E li as Ha 1 1 Kray Brain t ree Ephiaim Mower dittq 102 Juftices, Sec. Cumberland,

Sheriff.—\Y\\Xx^m CaldweH, of Worcefter.

Deputy Sheriffs* ^ Jofeph Pcirce Atiiol Jofeph Darling Lcomm^i Archibald Black Barre David Davenport Mcndo Samuel Henry ditto Jotham Bowker PcUrJka; Robert -Cutler Brcokfield Jonas Stearns Princetc John MuIIey ditto John Peirce Ro\ainc Sibley Barton Charkton Timothy Ruggles Rutlm Comtbrt Claflin ditto Jonas Howe, jr. ditt Jofliua Johnfon Dana Jonaihan Butterick Sterlin Jofeph EdgcU Gardner Mofcs Thomas ditt Amiiziah Howard Grafton John Holbrook Sturbrid^ Pliny Lawton Havdzvick Rofewell Warner ditt Jonaihan Symcnds Harvard Gibbs Sibley SutU Solomon Carter Lancajler Otis Prentice War Thomas Bennett ditto Ifaac Tyler, 2d IVeJler Robert Townfliend ditto John Hoar, jr. Weftmin^t Jofeph VVaflibum Lcicejicr William Eaton Worcejit


jfujlices of the Common Pleas. Stephen Longfellow of Gorham, Robert Souihgatc oi Scarborough, and John Frothingham of Poitland.

Special Jujlices. Ifaac Parfons Nev) Gloucefler | Wm. Thompfon Scarban Clerk of the Pleas.—Samuel Freeman, of Portland.

Jtidge cf Probate. I Regifler of Probate. Samuel Freeman, of Portland John Frothingham, Portlan | (^ Probate Courts in this County are held at the Regil ters office in Portland, on the sd and 4th Wednefday.ii each month. Re^ijier of Deeds. County Treafurcr. \ Elias Merrill, of Portland j Jofeph M'Lellan, Portland

yi[ftices of the Peace and of the Quorum, John Cufhing Freepcrt Peleg Wadfv.orth Portion, ifaac Parfons New Gloucejier John Frothingham di«« Sainuel Freeman Portland Wm. Thompfon Scarbori

William Wedgery ditto I Robert Southgate ditto

Ifaac Parkei ditto j Peter T. Smith JVin^m Juftices, &c. CumterlanJ, 10?

Appointed to qualify Ct'oil Officers,. Stephen Longfellow, Robert Southgate, Samuel Frecinan. jfujlices of the Peace, Jofiah Paine Baldwin Barrett Potter N, Yarwo-idh Enoch Perlejr Bridgetozcm James Prince ditto Samuel Farniworth ditto Ammi Pv. Mitchell ditto Peter O. Alden Biiinfioick Job Eailman Ncrmay John Dunlap ditto Pelatiah March Otisfidd Charles Coffin ditto Daniel Stoweli Parh

Johft Perry, jr. ditto Caleb Prentifs , ditto Ifaac Sturtevant *ButterJield Jofiah Bifco ditto

Ebr. Thrafher Cape Elizabttk Sam-uel Paris * ditto Geo. E. Vaughan ditto Andw.R.Giddtngs Pejepfcct Holmes Thomas Dixfield Michael Little Poland Jofiah Burnarn Durham Samuel Andrews ditto Job Eaftman Falmouth JefTe Rice ditto Archelaus Lev/is ditto John K. ^ between Polavd Mofes Mernl ditto Smith i and Raymond, Timothy Pike ditto William Martin Portland Edmund Phinney Gorhara Ifaac 11 (ley ditto George Lewis ditto Woodbury Storer ditto Lothrop Lewis ditto William Symmes ditto John P. Little ditto Ebenezcr Mayo ditto Joleph M'Lellan Gray Salmon Chafe ditto Samuel Perley ditto George E. Vaughan ditto Benj. Dunning Harp/well ditto Stephen Purrington ditto P..ichard Hunnewell dii'o Arvida Hayfoid Hartford Jofiah Peirce Raymo), i Samuel Paris Hebron Guftavus A. Gofs Rumjord John Greenwood ditto Tofhua Fayban Scarhro* William Livermore Jay Jofcph Emerfon ditto Edward Richardfon ditto John Dean Standrjk JelTe Row Minot William Thompfon ditto C^rus Hamlin Livermore Theodore Mulfey ditto

Nathaniel Perley ditto J . Thom pibn *Thcmp/on PL Saml. Foxcraft N. Gloucejter Ichabod Bonney Turner Nathaniel C, Allen ditto Luther Cary (jitto ditto John Turner ditto Peleg Chandler, jr. ditto Paul Little Windham Jacob Mitchell N. Yarmouth James Paine ditto

Attorriies at the Supreme Judicial Ccurt

Peter O. Alden Brunfwick I Leonard NIorfe Frceport

Bersjamin Little • Gcrham Orr ditto } John P. 104 Attornles, &c. Cumberland.

Ezkl. Whitman N.GlouceJier James D. Hopkins PortSar. Barret Potter A'. Yarmouth "George E. Vaughan ditt "William Symmes Portland George Brad!.my ditt Salmon Chafe ditto Stephen Longfellow ditt Ifaac Paiker ditto ^ttornies at the Common Pleas* Artemas Sawyer Brunfzvick James C. Jewett Portltm Fofter V\^aterman Durham Horatio Southgatc diti Peter Thatcher Fabncidh Nathan Kinfman ditt Charles Coffin Gorham Oliver Bray diti Jami's French Norway Daniel Howard Tiirnt Luther Farrar ditto Jofcph Pope Windha. L'uiiicl Holden Otisficld Coroners, Koah Melchcr Brunjwick. Philip Chandler A'. G/

Afaph Howard Minot \ Samuel Barker Windha Sheriff—}o\\n Wait, of Portland.

Deputy Sheriffs* Thos. Thompfon BrunJ'wick Beza. Loring New G/ouaft Daniel Brown ditto William Warner diti Lemuel Swift ditto Stephen Knight Otisjiet David Hale Bn'dgctoicn Amos Clough A". Varnum Cape-Elizabeth Jeremiah Blanchard did J. Armdrong \ ^ecomb Joidan Durham Bayley BodwcU Norwo Hannibal Hamblen ditto Heiiiv Tackfon Polan benjamin Bay ley Falmouth CalefeGraffam PortlM Ebenezer Kollock ditto EzraGibbs -diti Jofiah Kttd Freeport Sylvanus Cufhman din Jofeph Stockbridge ditto Stephen Lee diti Ellis Standiih Gorham Lewis Gay Raymon John Cioufman ditto Edmund Page Jiumjer i)avid Jordan Cray Abraham Leavitt Scarbor Melzar Turner ditto Richard Libby Bilt \Vllliara Cobb Iltbron Edward Thompfon Stavdij 1 ]-,r>.^.:,<: r.l^.ilff Wll.dJlA. ,

Jullices, &c. Lincoln^ 105 LINCOLN COUNTY.

jfujllces of the Common Pkas^ rhomas Rice, Nathaniel Thwing, of Woolwkb^ and , of Wifcaflet.

Special Jtijllcesx

Dummer Sewall Bath I Water. Thom^ Waldoboro Mark L. Hill Georgetozon \ Ckrk of the Supreme Judktal Cotirt and CommoQ Pleas. Alden Bradford, of WifcaiTet. Ckrh of the General Scjfions of the Peacf^ William Bowman, of Wifcaflet.

Judge of Probate, I Regif^er of Froh&tc, AldenBi^adford,ofWifc2l][et, I (}:|* Probate Courts, at Wifcajet, on the Wedaefday next preceding the sd Monday in January, the Friday nest preceding the 2d Monday in May, the 2d Monday in Aug, and on the 3d Tuefday in Novemb^. At Nttucajik^ o« the Thurfday next preceding the 2d Monday in J anuary and on the Tuefday next following tiie 2d Monday iu Auguft. At Waldoborougk, on Friday next preceding the sd Monday in Januarj^, and on the Wednefday next follow- ing the 2d Monday in Auguft. At WarrtUf on Saturday next preceding the 2d Monday in January, and on TharW day next following the 2d Monday m Auguft. At Thorn- ajlown on Friday next following the 2d Monday in AuguS, At Drefden^ on the ift Tuefday in February, the 3d Mon- day in May, and on Monday next preceding the 3d Tuef» day in November. At Batk, on Thurfday next following the ift Tuefday in February, and on Friday next preceding the 4th Monday in Auguft ; and at Topjkam^ on Friday- next following the ift Tuefday in February, and on Satui* day next preceding the 4th Monday in Auguft.

Rcgijler of Deeds. 1 Coitnty Treafurer> Rice, Wifcaflet. Thomas of f Nat. Thwing, of Woolwkb. Juflices of the Peace and of the ^orum- Francis Winter Bat/i Mark L. Hill Ge&rgetimm Dummer Sewall ditto David Fales Tkoiaa^oz^ William M'Cobb Booth^ay Jofiah Reed ditto .

ic6 Juflices and Attoniies, Lincoln*

Orchard Cooke Wijcaffet Wifcajfc Ablel Wood ditto ^ diitc Alden Bradford ditto Nathiinie! Thving ^Tbo/a^/c^

jippointed to qualify Civil Officers. Thomas Rice, Nathaniel TInving, Orchard Cooke, Dum- nicr Sewa.'I, and Mark T. Hill. Jujlkes of the Peace. Samuel Wsiers Bailfcown •Samuel Kennedy NcrvcaJ^, William Webb Batk Jofiah Stcbbins Neu Mil/on William King ditto I)aniel Rofe dittf Andrew Greenwood ditto David Dennis Nohleboro Dudley B. Hobart ditto Jonathan Grcely Palerm Jonathan Sawyer Bootkha\ Jacob Grcely dittc James Rogers Bozvdoin Richard Meagher *Phir'ioof Thomas Read Bowduitiham Hezekiah Prince St.Gcorgi Zaccheus Beal ditto Jofhud Adams Thomajioicn. 3Ehhu Getchell ditto Jofeph Ligraham dittc Thomas Johnfoa Brifiol Benjamin Hafey Topjhan James Nichols ditto Jonathan Kilis dittt

' William MTntire ditto Benj^amin J. Porter ditu -David Blodget Camden Ezra Smith ditt< b'amue! Jacobs ditto Stephen March Uniw John Pendleton ditto Jacob Ludwig Waldobon Jofcph Cufhing Cvftiing Jofliua Head dittt James Malcom ditto James Witherell *WaU. Ivlofes Davis Edgecomb James W. Head WarrcJ Denny M'Cobb Georgetown Mofes Copelaiid dittc James N. Lithgow ditto dittc .William Lee ditto Ebenezer Thatcher dittcw..i«. Samuel Brown Hope Jonathan Bowman Wifcaje,\ John Herrick Lczvijton Jofeph Chriftopher dittc^ Joel Thompfon ditto John Merrill, jr. dittC? Noah Jourdan Lif^on Jeremiah Bailey ditic Samuel Tibbetts ditto David Payfon ditto James ShurtlctF Litchjidd Pel eg Tall man IVcolwick JEdward Jones *Madunkook Abner Wade ditto Ailornies at the Supreme Judicial Court, Andrew Greenwood Bath Samuel Thatcher U^arren Eraftus Foote Camden Ebenezer Thatcher diicc Jofiah Steb bins NtwMUJord Silas Lee Wijcafet J^enjamin Hafey TofjJiam Jeremiah Eailey dittc Benjamin Orr ' ditto John Merrill, jr. ditlc Coroners, Sheriffs, &c. 107

Attornies at the Common Pleas. Noblchorougk MariafTeh Smith Ckorge "Reed j Wifcajet ManalFeh Smith, jr. Warren Coroners* Abraham Choate ^Ealljlorim Benjamin Briggs Georgetown William Brown Bath Daniel Read Lewijlcn •Francis Winter, jr. ditto Ezek.Thompfon * Little Riv^ Chriftopher Culhing ditto {e.r Plantation Hugh Maloy Btwdoin Robert Robinlon New-Cajile Robert Thompfon Brijlol Jacob Greley, jr. Palermo Nathl. Bryant Noblthorough David Fales, 3d. Thomajlown George Erlkine New Milford Charles SampTbrf Waldoboro* Chas. Gouitlard Georgetown Samuel Davis V/arren. ifaiah V/yman ditto Nymphas Stacy WifcaJJet Sheriff. —Edmund Bridge, of Drefdsa.

Deputy-Sheriff's. John McClentock Boothbay John Giiddcn Palermo Tofliua Palmer Camden Willard Fales Thomajlown Farnham Hall ditto Hezekiah Wyman Topjham John Lewis CuJJiing Humphrey Purrington ditto Louis Houdlette, jr. Drefden Obed fiurnham ditto Phinens J ones Lifbon William Boggs Union John Owen Litcnfidd Jeremiah Luce ditto Jas. Purrington *Lit.Riv.PL Nathan Sprague Waldoborc* Serh Curtis Ncw-Cajlle George Reed ditto Jofiah Jones ditto JelTe Page Jf^arren Geo. R. Freeman N. Milford Samuel Sevey Wifcajet Jofiah Norris ditto

BERKSHIRE COUNTY. yujllces of the Common Pleas, John Bacon, of Stockbridge, attd Nathaniel Bifhop, of Richmond. S^eclai jujlices.

Samuel Whiting,-^. i^/zr/;?^^ Afhbel Strong Pittsficld William WaH;er Lenox Timo. Edwards Stockbridge Timothy Chi Ids Pittsfdd Wm. Towner Witimmfown Clerk of the Court of Common Phas and ofthe Seffms, Jofeph Woodbridge,. of Stockbridge. toS Jiiftlces, &c. Berkjhire,

Probate. Regijlcr Probate. Judgt of j of

William Walker, of Lenox | Nathl.Biftiop, of Richmond. Regijlers of Deedi* Southern Difrid, Mofes Hopkins, of Great-Barringtoa; Middle D(firi6}, Jofeph Tucker, of Lenox. Northern Difiritt^ Timothy Whitney, of Lanefborought. County Treajurtr.—, of Stockbridge.

' Jiijllus of the Peace and of the ^orum, William Williams Dalton Afhbel Strong Pittsfield Thos. Ives Gr^at-Barrington Timothy Childs ditto Gideon Wheeler, Lancfhoro' Nathaniel Bifhop Richmond William Walker Lenox John Bacon Stockbridgi Azariah Eggleilon ditto' Timothy Edwards ditto Eldad Lewis ditto Wm. Towner, IViUiamflcwn £li Root Pittsfield

Appointed to quattfy Civil Officers, John Bacon, Nathaniel Bifhop, William Walker and Azariah Eggleflon. Jujlices of the Peace, Ifrael Jones Adams Efbon Gregor}-- New j Afkfom

Shubael Whitmarfti ditto | Eben. Smith New Maribord Abner Kellog Alford Daniel Taylor dlttoc Philander Hulbert ditto Benjamin Wheeler ditto Nathaniel Klngflcy ^ecket Cyrus Stowell Partridgefield Daniel Brown CJiefhire Henry Van Schaack Pittsfield Ezri Barker ditto Jofliua Danfoith ditto Seneca Tullcr Egremont John C. Williams ditto Mofes Hopkins G.Barrington Zechariah Pelrfon Richmond Samuel Whiting ditto Hugo Bughardt ditto John Whiting ditto Benjamin Rofleter ditto Gideon Martm Hancock Drake Mills Sandisfield Theodore Hinfdale Hinfdale John Canfield ditto Nehemiah Bull Lanefhord John H. Allen dlttc^ \Voolcot Hubbell ditto Snellum Babbit Savos ' Peter Burr Curtis ditto Elifha Lee Sheffield Ebenezer Jenkins Lee William Buel ditto Jofiah Yale ditto Mofes Hubbard ditto Jofeph Whiton ditto Stephen Dewey ditto Jofeph Goodwin Lenox John W. Hulbert ditto Charles Pattterfon ^Mount Barnabas Bidwell Stockbridgt [n^afiington. Jofeph Woodbiidge diit» Attornies, &c. ^erkjhire. 1 09 ,Giles Jackrcn Tyring ham Obad. Ward IV.Stockbridie lAdonijah Ridwell ditto Wm. Young WUliamJicwn, lElnathan Pratt ditto ditto John Garfield ditto William Starkweather ditto Jereh. LzwKnce Wajhwg ton Deodotus Noble ditto jChr. French We/i Stockbr, Robert Walker Wind/or Enoch W. Thaver ditto

Attoram at the Supreme Judickl Court, ^Diniel Noble Adams 1 John C. Williams Pittsfidd ^ ^''^'^^ Barrington l^homas Gold r L \i^M ditto [ohn VV biting ditto John W. Hulbert SheJceU ^^^^"^ rf '" Yf^^^"^ Barnabas Bidwell.^(5i;7Va^ Ihos. Allen Hinjdale Jofeph Woodbridge dit'Jo ^amJ H. , VJhtt\tiLan*;lboro' E. W.Thayer W.Rtockbridge Samuel Quincy Lenox Daniel Dewey WilUiawJlown \fhbel Strong Pittsfidd ditto AttDrmes at the Common Pleas.

^'''^"'^^l-.'f^^^tt Lenox I Thomas B. Strong Patsjidd ^hoin„... \^ .11..^. ditto Eph. A. Judfon Sandnjtdd rederick Hunt Coroners,

^pHralm Mead Pittsfield L;^''l'^?"nfcph. S.bley ^ I, ^^^^M G Harrington Dennifon Robinfon Windjor Vm. Stevens Partndgejidd \ Snerif. Simon Lamed, of Fittsfield.

Deputy Sheriff's, ames Mafon Adams Thoi.Hindfdale, jr. Pittsfidd lenry Marih Dalton W. S. Leadbetter Richmond •zra Keilog G. Harrington Stephen Palmer Sandisfidd rtemas Thompfon Hinfdak Eli Enfign Sheffield Vjiiliam Hall Lanefboro' Stephen Willard Stockbrid>^^. laron Barnes ditto Jof. Seelye PVefi-Stockbrictge ohn Gregory Lenox H. C. Brown Williamjlozvn tcphen Pel ton Loudon Cr^^rr— Daniel Williams, ]x. —Gaoler, Wm. Whelpley

HANCOCK COUNTY. Jujlices of the Common Pleas, David Cobb, of Goldfborough, Qhief Jujiice. 'liver Parker, of Profpea, Francis Le Barron Goo dwio, :. ol Fianckfort, > 1805.] K no Ju dices, Sec. liancoeh.

Special jfujiices,

F.bcnezer Ficyd Biuthill I 1 homas CohH Cu^'

B. H:i:i Buck/lozvn Joiuithan Eddy '^Eddli, . Caleb \ Clerk of the Pl-as, &c.—^Thomas Cobb, oFCiiftinc.

t , Judge of Prohatp. Rrgijlcr cf Probate.

job NcHon, oi" Caftine. j Wm.'Aijbot, of Cjilline. ^:^ P.'obaie Courts, at the Probate Office in Cajlincti the 4th Tuclday of e.very month except September. Rtgijic.r of Deeds.. County Trfofurer, of j Bradfhaw Hall, Caftlne. j Ebenezer Floyd, of Bluehi Jiiftkes of the Peace and of tht ^orum, Samuel E. Duttoii Bangor Jonaihau Eddy *Eddingt

J ( )!rdtha:i Bock Buck iiown Fr. E. B. Goodwin Frankfi. Ctileb Brooks Hall 'ditto David Cobb Cjoldfl)OTQUi D iowe Cafline W. Wetmore *^c WeUru. job >r2Hbn ditto Simeon Fowler Orringi Thomas Cobb ditto Oliver Leonard dji Jofeph Tyler Deerijle Oliver Parker Profp,

Appointed to qualify Cfvil Officers, David Cobb, Oliver Parker, Francis Le Barron Goodw: Caleb B. Hail, Jacob Nelfon, Thomas Cobb, Oliver Let ard, and David Howe. Jufllces of the Peace* A! 'en Oilman Bangor Theodore Jones EUfzooj dii Buhan P. Field Beifaji Meiatiah Jordan . .T-iTTics Nefmitb ditto VVm. M'-Q'lathy Frankfi Wx 'iam Crofby ditto Daniel Llvermore HarrtG Ro Scrt Houfton ditto Martin Rinfiey dii ' Be: jam in Poor ditto John Gil key JJIefhoroUi 'Rol-.ert Parkor Bhichiil George Ulmer Lincolnvi I Ebenezer Floyd ditto Thomas Knowlton AbrMyi* Jc-ijn Peters Orringi ditto J Tolcph Carr Stephen Peabody Buckfioum Park Holland An '\ homas S. Sparhawk ditto Pelariah Freeman Penobf M'illiam Abbot Cal}ine Benjamin Shute Profpi }Vai^{haw Hall ditto Nathaniel Ridder C Oliver Alann ditto David Thurllon Sedgwi y. B; ovvji Coll. TownfI. No. 2. Daniel Thurflon dtt G,-o.ue. T'vler Dierific John Peters Sur l^Mei TotH Treat 'K Ldtu I Maloa SI»w Attornies, Coroners, &c. in

j^ttornles at the Supreme jucriclal Court,

.llan Gilnum Bangor m\wt\ E. Dutton ditto Job Nelibii Ca/hn- elatiyh Hitchcock ditto William Abbot diito ohaii.p. Field Btifa/l Andrew Morroji Hamd^n Viriiaiu Crolby ditto Oliver Leoiwrd Orrin^Lcn

j^ttornies at the Common Pleas, ihn Wilfon Bdjujl George Herbert Swry j rchibald ones Frankfort J \ CorDners, 5feph Houftoii B'-Ijall Amos Dole Orrin^ton. »oby Llitle i^aftrir Jofiah Brewer, jr. ditto homas Robbins Desri'lt John Vs^iHon Penohjcot Eter Hardy ditto John Bean Svllivdu j noch Satnpfon Franhf^rt Jacob Toiler Trtntci^ horaas Buckman Kcrthport ShcriJJ'—^i^{^in Shaw, of Trenton. Deputy Sherifs.

.ndrcw MoiTe Bcinsor-\ Jonuhan Fofter -CafTive ^hn Hule Belfajl Afa Greene Brtrifle raiicis Anderfon ditto Sanuiel Merrill Frankfort

iiafiiib Adams Euekfccam \ Jelie Craig Orrington Crier of the Courts—Charles Stean«, jr. Gaoltr—Jonathan Foiler, of Caftine. WASHINGTON COUNTY. ^iijlices of ihe Common Pleas. Stephen Jones, of Machias, Chuf Jufiicc. Alexander Canipbcil, of Steuben, John Cran?, X)f Plan-

tion, No. 12, Orangetown ; and Theodore Liiicoln, of Jenyfville. Special jfvjiices, imes Campbell Harrington | George Stillmaa Machias Clerk of the Pleas and Sejlons, Joiiah Harris, of Machias. Judge of Probate. Regifler oj Probate. j tephcn Jones, qf \iachias. Jofiah Harris, of Machias. j

Regifler of Deeds. I County Trea furer, ieo, Stillman, of Machias, John Cooper, of Machias. { 2

112 Juftices, Attornies, 8lc,

jfuflkes of the Peace and of the ,^orum.

Theodore Lincoln Denyfville I Stephen Jones Machif$ Lemuel Trefcott R'ajiport \ Phmeas Bruce ditto

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers. Stephen Jones, Alexander Campbell, Theodore Lincoln, George Stillman, and Phineas Bruce. yuflices of the Peace..

Thomas Ruggles Columbia J. Crane 0ratiget07im\^o.\2, Jofeph Patten ditto ]oh.xihrt\\'tr Schoodick No. 4. John Allan Eajlport George Stillman Machias. Daniel P. Upton ditto Jofiah Harris ditto Jno.BurgIn (Moofe-IJl.) ditto Thomas Archibald Steuben James Campbell Harrington Gufta.Fellows Phnta. No. 1 Attomies at the Supreme Judicial Court, I^iel Upton Eajlport Phineas Bruce Machias P. \ Attornies at the Common Pleas, Charles Angler Machias John Dickinlbn Machiai \ Coroners. William Patten Columbia Oliver Shed Eajlport Stephen Parker Machias Juftlces, Sec. Norfolk, 113

Jud;^e of Probate. Regijier of Probate j

Win. Heath, of Roxbury j Samuel Haven, of Dcdham i^^ Pruhate Courts are held at the Probate Office in Dedhanif on the ift Tuefday in each month, and at New- comb's Tavern in Quincx, the ill Thurfday in February, ind the 2d Tuefday iii May, Augull and November, annually.

Reg (fle r 0/ Deeds. County Treasure r. | Eliphalet Pond, of Dedbam Jfaac Ballard, o£ Dedhaia i yujilces of the Peace ajfd of the ^orum.

Vm. Afpinwall BrookUnc ( JohnWhitins Frankiin

NTathaniel Ames Dedbam j Richard Oanch (luincy Ibenezer Wight ditto Ihomas B. Adc ditto

>amuel Haven ditto I Nalhatiiel Ruggles Roxhury ibenezer Warren Fcxhoro' David S. Greenough ditto I abez Fidier Franklin \ Cotton Tufts Weymouth

Appointed to qualify Civil OJicers, Fifher Ames, John Read and Ebciiezer Warren.

Juflices of the Peace. Jllran Bates Belling ham. Peter B. Adams Q^uincy 'tephcn Sharp Brook line Mofes Black ditto Elijah Crane Canton Ephraim Walej* Rando!^-Ji jliilia Doane Cchajjtt Samuel Bafs diito amfs Laihrop ditto Ebenezer Seaver Roxbury sathl. Kiiigfbury D^dhani John Parker ditfo ioratio Townfend ditto Thomas Williams, jr difto tephen Bad lam Dorchcftcr Ifaac S. Gardner ditto lofes Everett ditto Benjamin Randall Sharon. laron Everest Foxborough Jofcph Hewir.s ditto 'elatiah Firtier Franklin Peter Adams Stcug/iton ohn Boyd ditto Fred-rick Pope ditto !.lijah Adams Medjicld SethBuIlard Walpdf ohn Baxter ditto A fa White Weymouth ibijah Richardfoji Medway Eliphalet Loud ditto ofeph Lovel ditto James Humphre}^. 2d. ditto ^liakim Adams ditto David Hoi brook Wrentkam tna. Kingibury Needkam Cornelius KoUock ditty .benezer Miller Quincy

Barrijlers at Law. Benjamia Hichborn, and Perez Morton, of Dorchefler 180J.] K 2 114 Attornies, Coroners, &c.

Attornies at the Supreme jfudic'tal Court. P

Liberty Bates Edimgham I Wm. P. Whiting Randolf Fifher Ames i}^af/;

James Richardfon Hitto 1 John Shirley Williams din Henry M. Lifle Milton Gideon I.. Thayer JVey?7;oi/i Thomas B. Adams ditto Jairus Ware Wnntha } Attornies at the Common Pleas,

William Dunbar Canton \ Enoch Brown Dcd'io Coroners, Caleb French Braintree Zenas French Randolf Thomas White Brookline Nathaniel Riiggles Roxhui Ebenezer Davis ditto William Heath, jr. ditt Fbenezer Heath ditto William Brewer diti ^Villiam Whiting Dedkam Jeffe Daggett dit' F.W^ithington,3d^Z)orc//f/?fr Francis Curtis Skart Adam Jones *Dover Samuel Capen, 2d. Stov.glit JelTe Pratt Foxbord j abin Fifher dit. Jafon Fifner Franklin Ifaac Bullard Walpc Amafa Richardfon ditto C'lanuiel Bailey Weywcu C'ieorge Ellis Medfeld D. Hoi brook, jr. Wrcntka Tofeph Ware Medway Jonaihan Felt dit Ralph Bullard ditto Thomas Braftow am

Rufus Peirce Milton Paul Fifher dit I David vSmith, Nccdham "ir. Shcrijf. Benjamin Clark Cutler, of Roxbury

Deputy Sheriffs.

F.iias Cook Btllingkam Thomas Kollock Shnn Abner Ellis Medfidd Nathaniel Bui laid Kttdha Jofeph N. Arnold Quincy Dt'f>7

yujlices of the Common Picas, Jofeph yorth and Daniel Coney, of Augufta, Nathanie Dummer and Chandler Robbins, of Hallowell.

Special yufiices, William Brooks Avgvfta Samuel Moody Hallcux j

William Swan Gardiner \ Roben Page Rcudfn Jullices, &c. KennehecL 15

Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court and Court of Common Pleas* John Davis, of Augufta. Clerk of the S#o?75.—Barzlllai Gannett, of Gardiner. Probate. fudge of Probate. I Rrgijlcr of

Daniel Coney, Augufta. 1 Chnnd. Robbins, Hallov.-ell. grf" Probate Courts are kept at the nlBce of the Judge of Probate, in Augufta, on the laft: Tuefcay of each month in the year, except in September.

Regijler of Deeds. I County Trcajiirer.

Henry Sewall of Augufta. | Samuel Howard of Augufta.

yufi'tces of the Peace and of the ^orum, Jofeph North Augvjla Charles Vaughan HaflowcU William Brooks ditto Jedidiah Jev/ett Pittflown William Howard ditto Robert Page Rtadfeld Supply Belcher Farmington Reuben Kidder Watcrville Solomon Adams ditto Nathl. Fairbanks IVintkrcp William Swan Gardiner Samuel Wood ditto Nathl. Dummer Hallotacll

Appointed to qualify Civil Officers* Jofeph North, Daniel Coney, Nathaniel Dummer, Chandleir Robbins, William Howard, and Henry Scwali.

jfuflices of the Peace,

John Moore Anfon \ Benjamin Dowe Cornville

Dominicus Getchell ditto { Samuel Tobev Fairfield B. Br^-ant ditto Vv^illiam Kendall ditto Henry Sewall Augvfla StephenTitcomb Farminglen Thomas Bowman ditto Mofes Sterling ditto John Davis ditto Benjamin Whittier ditio Samuel Titcomb ditto Solomon Bates Fayette James Bridge ditto Barzillai Gannett Gardiner t Benjamin Whitwell diito Benjamin Merrill Gnme Samuel Howard ditto Jofeph Hcrrick ditto Samuel Coney ditto Chandler Robbins Hallcwdl John Rockwood Belgrade Samuel Moody ditto Eti Wcfton Canaan Jofeph Wmgaie ditto Brj'ce Mc Lei Ian diito David Sewail ditto Seth Currier ditto Samuel S. Wilde ditto Dummer Sewall Chejlervillc Jeremiah Dummer ditto Ezckiel Brown Clintcn John Odlin P?ge duw) 'Jonah Crolby, jr. ditio Natlraaiei Per ley ditio ii6 Attornies, &c. Kenneheck.

T\\om?sY\\\thxo\cnHa!bwdl William Read Abraham Burrell Harlrm Ichabod Thomas Abiel Dailey Leeds Ebenezer Pattee In.. John Chandler Monmouth Benjamin Bartleft Simon Dearhon ditto James Witherell ditto Samuel Reddington djitc Jed. Prelcott Mount Vernon John Getchell dittf} Benjamin Philbrick ditto William Parwell dii:c Samuel Prelcott NezoSkaron Afa Reddington IVctcrvilk Cornl. Norton Ntzu Vineyard Jeremiah Fairfield ditro Samuel Dagget, jr. ditto i^lnathan She^^^'in ditto J ohn Harlow Norridgeioock Jofeph Tamfon IVa^ne. William Jones ditto John Lock *WeJi pond PI. Sarnuel Oakham Pittjiown Ebenezer Eaton Wilton Jolm Hubbard Readficld Ezekiel Pattee WinJInm Abiah Holbrook ditto Thomas Rice ditto James Waugh Starks Ef)hraim Town ditto Thomas McKechnie ditto Samuel Page Winthrop Attornies at the Supreme Judicial Court, James Bri'Jge Augujla Oliver Whipple Hallozotl Benjamm Whitwell ditto Wm. Jonv'S Norridgewock Nathan Bridge Gardiner Reuben Kidder Watcn'ilk \

Nathaniel Per ley HallcwrU I Thomas Rice, jr. Winfoto Samuel S. Wilde ditto Dudley 1 odd Winthrop | Attornies at the Common Pleas, Thomas Bowman Angujia E. W. Ripley Hollcweli Reuel Williams ditto Samuel P. Glidden Rtadfietd H. We'd Fuller ditto Goiham Dummer ditto Judah M'Lellan Canaan Philip Leach VaJJaU>or%' Ruilell Ireeman Clinton Luther Kmerfon ditto Nathan Cutler Farmington TimoihvBoiuch Wotrrvilie Henry V. Chamberlain ditto Daniel (?ainpbell Winthrop ThonidS Bond, jr. lla'dozoell E. T. Warren IVinp Sylvefter G. Whipple ditto Coroners*

Ifalah M^'ood An/on Alfred Martin Hallowdl Ellas Craig An^uja Daniel Evans ditto Jotham Smith Farmington Jefle Robinfon ditto Andrew Norton ditto Matthias BloHom Monmouth Enoch Craig ditto Robert Blake Mountvf man ^Vijliam Dolton Fairjidd C. Norton, jr. Nezvzimjfdrd ifaiicis Hubbard Fa.atc Silas Wood Norndgcwkk Harvard Unlverfity. 117

Rufus Gay Gardiner Abiel Getchell Vaf[alhoro'' Jacob Loud Pittjlozun Jas. Stackpole, jr, WattrvilLc- [chabod Simmonds Readfield Al lis. Sweet Wa\%H David Hunter Strong Ezekiel Pattee, jr, Winjicxv William Fanvell Vajfalbord' Elijah Wood Wintkrcp William Getchell ditto SkeriJ—Anhm Lithgow, of Augufta. Deputy Sherifs. ^mos Partridge Augvjla Steph. Scribner Mountvernon rhos. Johnfoii Farmingtcn Peter Oilman Norridgcwock vVilliam Cower ditto Jacob Loud Pittjloicn efle Jewett Gardiner Ithiel Gordon Readjield ienj. Co\hy *GrecnJiown PL James Waugh, jr. Starks ohn Sewall Hallozvell Jofeph Bofwell VaJJalboro' Nathaniel Tilton ditto John Bofwell ditto ona. Longfellow Abijah Smith Watervilk acob Smith ditto Afa Moore ditto ames Harvey Monmouth John May V/inthrop "homas Kimball ditto

Harvard Univerjity at Cambridge. Founded A. D. 1638. Jamed , to perpetuate the name and liber- ality of its principal individual benefaftor.—Made a Cor- poration by Charter, 1650.

^he following are the names of the Pr esi dents, yVow 1640 to the prefcnt time. appointment. Died or refrgned. 1640 Rev. Henrv^ Dunfter 1654 16.54 P-eV' 1671 1672 Rev. , m. d 1674 167,5 Rev. , a. m. 1681 1682 Doftor John Rogers, a.m. 1684 1685 -^^v, Increafe Mather, d. d. 1701 1/01 Rev. Samuel Wiliard, a. m. Vice-Pref. 1707 1708 Hon, John Lcvcrctt, a. m. f. r. s. 1724 1725 Rev. Benjamin Wadfworth, a. m. 17:^0 1737 Rev. , a. m. 1769 3770 Rev. Samuel Locke, d. d. i7:-3 2774 Rev. , d. d. 1780 1781 Rev. Jofeph Wiliard, d. d. ll. d. :8o4 8 »

1 1 Harvard Univerfity.

Board of Overfeers, His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Lieutcnan, Governor, the Honorable the Council and Senate, and ;ii

Minifters of the Congregational Churches in thetown^ > BoJIon, Charicjlown, Cambridge^ fVatertozun, Roxlurj, a,:'. Dorchejler, Secretary of this Beard, Corporation

, Prefident.

Hon. Oliver Wendell, Efq. ' ) Hon. John Davis, li.d. ( r ^'^^^'^''^'// Rev. John Lathrop, d. d. T Eliphalet Pearlbn, I.L. D. ) Kbenezer Storer, a. m. Treafurer. Profefors in Harvard Umverjity. Eliphalet Pearlon, ll. d. Hancock Projcjfor of the He- brew and Oriental Languages, and the En^Jifi Language. John Warren, m. d.Hersey Pfofejjor of Anaton-y aTU> Surgery. Benjamin Waterhoufe, m. d.Hf. rsry Profejor of tkn Theory and Praclice of Phyfic. Aaron Dexter, m. d. Ervin'g Profejor of Chemijlty ana Materia Mcdka.

Samuel Webber, a. m. Ho l l i s Profejor cf Mathematia and Natural Philofophy,

tutors in the Uni'Derfity. Levi Hedge, a. m. Logic, MHaphyJics and EtJiia. Daniel Kimball, a. m. The Latin Language. Richard Sanger, a. m. The Greek Language. Farker Cleveland, a.'M. Geography, Gtometrv, and the Eler mcnts of Natural Philofophy and Aff'onumy. Sidney Willard, a. e. Librarian.

, Regent. ^:^The Library contains 14,000 Volumes. Vacations, Firfl, 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 7 weeks from the 4th Wednefday in December. Third, 2 weeks from the 3d Wednefdiiy in May, I'hefe three are the only vacations, as eilublifiied in March, 180a. Gommcncement is on the laft Wednefday in Anguft. _

The Medical L e c t u r k s in the Univerfity of Cam- bridge, commence on the tft Wednefday in 0£tr. yearly. Colleges* 119

Williams' College.

(At Williavijlown in BerkJIiire County.) Incorporated as an Academy, March 8, 1785, Incorporated as a College, June 22, 1793« Eberiezer Frtch, d. d. Prefident. Stephen Weft, d. d. Vke-Prefrdoit. Daniel Dewey, Efq. Treafuret. Chauncy Lull, Secretary. James W. Robbins, a. b. Preceptor of the Academy con- ne6\ed with the College. Hon. Theodore Sedgwick, ll. d. Profelfor of Law and Civil Polity. Tutors,

Gamaliel S. Olds I James W. Robbins Levi Frederick Perry Parlbns | Preceptor of the Grammar School. Corporation Hon. Theodore Sedgwick William Williams, Efq. Tompfon J. Skinner, Efq. SanuKrl Herifioaw, Efq, Rev. Ammi Robbins Rev. Daniel Collins Rev. Alvan Hyde Hon. Stephen Van Ranfelaer Ifrael Jones, Eitj. Rev. Ebcnczer Fitch Kt'v. Seth Swift Rev. Stephen Weft Henry Van Schaack, Efq. John Wiiliams, Efq. Vacations, Firjl, 5 weeks from Commencement. Second, 3 wreks from the 3d Wednefdny in January. Third, 3 weeks from the 1 ft Wednefday in May. Commencement is on the ift Wednefday in September.

Tale College at New-Haven.

Founded in the year 1700. Prejidents, Appointment. Death or Rcfignation, 1701 Rev. Abraham Pierfon, 1707 J719 Rev. Timothy Cutler, D. D. 1722 1727 Rev. Eliftia Williams, 1739 X73Q Rev. Thomas Clap, J766 i?66 Rev. Naphtali Daggett, D. D. 1777 »777 Rev. Ezra Stiles, d. d. ll. d. I79a 1795 Rev. Timothy Dwigh.-, d. D. I20 Colleges.

Felloivs. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor and fix fenior Afi^- ants in the Council of the State, together with the follov ing Clergymen. Timothy Piikin Levi Hart, n. d. Plnoch Huntington Timothy D wight, d. D. Jofiah Whitney, d. d. James Dana, d. d. David Ely John Marfli Nathan Williams, n. D. Noah Benedift Hezekiah Ripley, d. d. Profejfors* Profejfor of Divinity, Henry Davis. ProJ-jJor of Mathematics and Natural Phtlojophy^ Jen miah Day. Prq/cj.'or of Law, Hon. Elizur Goodrich. Projejjor ojChtmiJl^y, Benjamin Sillimaii. Tutors* Bancroft Fowler James Stedman James Luce Kingfley Noyes Darling Mofcs Stuarf Treafurer^ Hon. James Hillhoufe.

There are at prefeni eight CollegeEdi Sees ; three of thejn each ICO feet long and 40 wide, are inhabited by the tut& and lludcnts. Each of them contains 32 chambers andfej f!udies. The other buildings are a chapel, library, diningj halls, houfe fur the prcfident, and another for the profel|a of divinity. Vacations. Firp, 6 weeks from Commencement. SfCGud, 3 weeks from th.^ fecond Wednefday in Janu^ Third, weeks from the Wednefday preceding the fecdiK 3 ' Thurfday in May. ^ Commencement is on the fecond Wednefday in Seprembpr

Bowdoin College at Brunfwick.

Incorporated June 24, 1794. Rev. Jofeph jVrKeen, d.d. Prefident. John Abbot, a.m. ProfeJJor of Languagts* Board of Trujiees. J^cv. Jofeph M'Keen, d.d. Prefident, ex officio. Samuel Dean, d.d. Vice-Prefident, Charles Coffin, Efq. Secretary. Durniner Scwall, Efq. Tnafurer, 1

Colleges. 1 2

Hon. John Frothinghara,Efq. Hon. Alfred Johnfon Rev. Thomas Lancafler Ifiiac Pcirker, Efq. Aldcn Bradford, Efq. Jofiah Windfhip Elijah Kellogg Silas Lee, Efq. Board of Oiierfecrs, Hon. James Bo\vdciii, Prejident- John Abbot, a.m. Vice-Prefident. , Efq. Secretary. Vacations. Firjiy 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 6 weeks from the ift Wednefdny in January. Thirds 3 v.eeks from the 3d Wednefday in May.

Commencement is on the id Wednefday in September.

Brown Univerjtty at Providence.

The firfl ftone of this College was laid in May, ^770. Hon. Jabez Bowen, Efq. Chancellor. Pvev. Afa Mcffer, Prefident.

The whole number of the Corporation is 48, of whom 36 are Truftees, and 12 are Fellows ; the latter mufl; be per- fons of public education, and are ftiled, The Learned Facul- ty^ whofe bufinefs it is to judge of the qualifications of can-

Commencement is on the ill Wednefday in September. . 122 Colleges, &c.

At the. lafl anniverfary, Nicholas Brown, Efq. prefcntc

the Corix^ratjon with five thoufand dollars ; in cnnfequcnc of which, they voted unsnimoufly, That the Coilege fna in future be named, ** BROWN UNIVERSITY, in >h

State of Rhode-Ifland, and Providence Plantations," i honor of their very liberal Benefaftor. The Univerfity is fituatcd in the town of Providencr, an is a large and elegant building, on a hill at the eaik of th town, which renders it delightful by commanding an ex

tenfive, variegated profpeft of the country adjacent ; the edi fice is of brick, 150 feet long, and 55 broad, four (lories hij? and contains 60 rooms. Upv/ards of fix hundred perfor have been graduated there fince its inftitution, although tb fludies were interrupted by the College being ufed by ih JFrench and American troops for an hofpital and barr

Dartmouth College, (N.H.) Founded 1769, under the patronage or' Lord Dartmoudj

from whom it derives its name. «• Hon. John Wheelock, li.d. Prefident, Praffjcfr oj C9k and Bcclffiaftkal Hijio ry . t Plon. John Hubbard, a. m. Prof-^ljor of Mathematics dHk Natural PhUcJopkx. I' Rev. John Smith, d.d. Projejjor oj the Latin, Gretk^ Ht» brew, and other Oriental Lc?n(ua£es. * Nathan Smith, m.d. Projejjor of Chanijir^ &MatcriaMedii^ Rofwcil ShirtlelF, a.m. Proftjfor of Divinity, Elifhu Rockwood, A. 15. Tutor. Frederick Hall, a. li. Prtcefdor of the Acad^n^ cmneSlet

with the College. ] Vacations, Firf, Four and an balf weeks from Commrnrement. Second, Eight and an half weeks from ift Tvfonday in Jan.

Commencement is on 4th Wednefday in Aisguft.

The Fraternity of PHI BETA KAPPA hold their An- ^ niverfary at C*imbridge, on the day after Commencemeai. John T. Kirkland, D.n. Prefident.

' Francis D. Channihg, Vice-Prefdent. «-r Sidu«y Wiilard, Corrcfprndia^ end Recording SicntWry*^ Acadeini"es. 123 ACADEMIES IN MASSACHUSETTS. f^rpcmud ? Dummer Academy at Newbury.

So named in honour of the liberal founder, the Honorable .Villiam Dmnmer, formerly Lieutenant Governor of (/tafTachufetts. It was iafiituted March 1, 1763. Rev. faac Smith, Preceptor. 14 Truftees.

780, GEl. 4. Phillips' Acadtwy at Andover. So named in honour of the liberal founders of that name n Exprer (N. H.) Andover and Bofton. iuftituted April

., 1778. Mark NeuTnan, a. m. Preceptor. I)Bvid T. Kimball, AjfiJlaM. Amos Blanchard, Writing-Majler. Trujiees, Eliphalet Pcarfon, ll. d. Prefident. ^ Hon. Oliver Wendell, Efq. V'ice-Prefident, Rev. Jonathan French, Secretary. amuel Abhor, Efq. Hon. Jofrah Qnincy, Efq. Jlx. Nehemiah Abbot Hon. John Phillips, jr. Efq. lev. Jedidiah Morfc, d. d. Mark Newman, a.m. JcHu John Phillips, Efq. Samuel Farrar, Efq.

gl^To the foregoing Truftees, Hi-^ Honor the late Lieu- ;nant-Governor Phillips, committed the fum of 5000 lollars, the income to be expended in part for Religious Jocks and Tra£ls for charitable diftribution. 792, Nov. ij. Marblehcad Acadany.—^Thomas Cole. 793, June 17. Weft field Academy.—hym?in Strong. 793> Sept. a8. Groton Acadimy. —Caleb Butler. 7.93> 5?. 28. Wtftjord Academy .—^^xC\zm\n Ames. 793, March 19. Plymouth Academy^ at Bridgewater, William Simmons. i 794, Ffb. 27. Portland Academy.—Ed^^ard Payfon. 795. Feb. 25. New-Salem Acadejny .—WiWhm Rickey. 797, March 1. Dctrfield Academy.—Allen Greely. 797.' Jz^"^ 17.- Dtrby Academy at HingJiam. So named in honour pf Madam Derby, its founder. Abner Lincoln, Preceptor. 798, March 3. Milton Academy. 799, Feb. 26. Bridgewaier Academy.~]ohn Reed, jun, 799, Ma?-ch 1. Framing fiam Acaucmy.—Mr. Weed. 801, March 3. Nantucfict Academy .-^WiVa-dm Niles, — 124 Churches and Miniflcrs.

Feb. Lincoln at NewcafiU. 1801, 23. Academy . 1803, Feb. 22. Bcrkjliire Academy at Lenox.—L. Glcafdr ^803, March 5. Gorham Academy. 1803, March 7. Hamd^n Academy. 1803, March 8. Blue Hill Academy.—Elias Upton. 1804, />^. JO. Bradford Acadevty. 1804, Feb. 10. Hebron A^cademy. 1804, June 21. Monjon Academy,

Churches, Mini/iers cf the Gojpd, and Religious So cietieSf in the federal Tonvns in Mojfachvfetts. Note. Congregationalifts, the mofl numerous denomina tlon, have no diftiiittlve letier. E. ftands for Epifcopalian P. for PrefLyteiian. B. for Baprift. U for Univerfalifl

Places with this mark * are not incorporated. Towns i: each county are arranged in alphabetical order. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Churches, Miniflcrs, &c. in the town of Bofton. Arranged according to the time the Churches were Jounded Firft Church, in Cornhill, William Emerfon. Second, or Old North Church, John Lathrop, d.D. [The ancient Meeting-Houfe being dejlroyed^ in the year 1775 the Mtmh, rs oj thai Society have Jince united with the Churo in Middle-Street.] Firft Baptifl Church, Back-Street, Samvel Stillman^ d.d. Old South Church, Marlboro'-Street, Jofeph F.ckley, d.D Stone Chapel, E. South School-Street, Jam^s Fie<.nmn. Church in Brnt tie-Street, Quaker's Mcctiii^-Houfe, Congrefs-Street. New North Church, North-Street, John Elliot, D.D. Ne\y SourhChurch, Sunnmcr-Strect, John T. KirAland,D.D. C\yi'ii\ Church, E. Salem-Stveet, Church in Fcd^ ral-^Ntieet, William. E, Chanving. Chb' '> !: H.' !-..-L-;rcct, South-Lnd, SamullVcJt^ d.d. Tr;r::y C :..::!.. i". ^uml^.cr-^trcc•t, Sr.?nvfl ParLr, d. D. /;,' :yJvef}e.<- 7ihn Gardner, AfTiftaiit Minifter. Wtfl ChJ.cJi, l.ynclc-^ireet, Secotid B^jvift C.'jurch, Back-Street, Thmias Baldwin.

Sai:': r.-; lans thice .' ocicrtics. Uni.^:...,il Church, Beniict-Street, John Mvrray.

RcK. .. Csth. Church, Frar^klin-Strcct, F. A. Matign(m,Tt.9. John Ckcvcrus, AHif^ant IviinificT. Meihodifi Society, Methbdiil Alley, North-£nd. Churches and MIniflers. 155'

'The Mttho6^i{\s /lave no fdtled Mimjers, hut thrir Srchties ' are generally fitpplicdy according to their rules, by itinerant Preachers, who beiii^ frequently changed, their Names are not injcrted at the Towns zvherc they hazic Meetings.^ Minifter at Chel/ea, Jofeph TucWrmiiii. Minijlers who ofjkiate [J:^ at the Public J.r&ure, in Bojon, on TliurfdaySy arranged according to theirJeniority. Doa. Weft Doa. Morfe Mr. Pierce .^oa. Lathrop Mr. Harris Mr. Chanmng Doa. Eliot Mr.' Enuj-lbp Mr. Tuckerman Doa. Kcklcy Doa. Kukland Vir. PoUcr Mr. Gi

Joxford, Kli/.iir Holyckc Newbury- ^ 'Fhomas C'aiy Peter Eaton port, ( 7. Andrtws Jradford, Jonathan Allen Samuel Sprinj; Ebencicr Dutch C. W. Milton >anvers, Benja.Wadlworth Daniel Dana P B John C;iles P ylouccfter, Ell Forbes, n.o. Janus Moife E Daniel Fuller Rowley, David Fuller Thomas j ones II ir.tac Bramiii lamllton, M. Cutler, li..d. G.T.Williams lavcihill, H.Smith, n.D. B Shubael Lovell B Ifaac Tompkins Salcm, John Prince, I.I .n. pfwich, Levi Fiifbie Willlain Bentlcy jollah Webfter Sam!. Wovcefter

jofeph Dana, d.d. 'i hos.Barnard, dd ..ynn, 'J lus. C Tharlier Daniel Hopkins W'm. Frothlnj;ham Nathl. Fdher, E Friends & Meth(>d. B Tu'lci, Jofeph Ml. .ic-y Friends lerter, Abrh. Rnndall Salifhi William Balch liijichead, S:im\iel Dana 'i\)i.sficldj A. Huuiin^^ton Hcicl-.iali May 126 Churches and Minifters. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Aftnn, Mofco Adams Littleton, Edmund Fofler i Alhby, Cornelius Warren Maiden, Aaron Green Bedford, v'^ainuel Sreanis Henry Pottle E David M'Gregore Marlboro', A fa Packard Bilierlca, H. Cumings,D.D. Medford, D. Ofgood. r>. d *Boxboro', Jofcph Wiilard Newton, Jonathan Homer Burlington, J oh a M arret Wrn. Greenoiigf Cambridge, Ahiel Molmes Jofcph Grafton 1 1 haddtiis Fifke Peppercll, John Bui lard John FoOer Reading, Reuben Emerfon Williau) jenks E Eliab Stone

B Peter Sanborn :, *Carlifle, Paul Litchfield Eben. Nelfon 'I Charieflown, J.Morre, d.d. Sherburne, Elijah Bro-wme \'Vin. Collier B Shirley, Phineas Whitnej Chelmsford, John Pickens B Stoneham, John H. Steven Wilkes Allen A.M. Stow, Jonathan Newel Concord, Ezra Kipky Sudbury, Jacob Bigelow Dratiit, Solomon Ailvin Towijfiiend, David Palmer Dunflable, Jofhua Hey wood *ryn^,fboro', N. Lawreno jE^.ft-Sudbury, Joel Fofter Waltham, Jacob Cufliing F'raminghani, D. Kellcg Watertown, RichardR.Elic Ed. Clarke B Weftford, Caleb Blake Groton, Daaicl Chaplin Wcftoii, Samuel Kendal P Hollifton, Timo. Dickinfon Methodifts Hopkinton, Nathaniel Howe Wilmington, F.Rejnolds Lexifjgton, Jonas Clark Woburn, I Lincoln, Charles Stearns Jofeph Chickerini YORK COUNTY. *Alfrcd, John Turner Fr)-bu rgh, Zcb. Rlchardfon I Arundell, Sila^Mr.ody Lyuian, Siir.on Lock 1 Andr. >!iciburne B Kiiieiy, W^iiiiam Brlggs, Berwick, John Thoinpfon Samuel Chandkr Jofeph Hilliard Jofeph Litchfield WilliamHcoper B Friends Wra.RatchelderB Lebanon, Ifaac Hafey Nathaniel Loid B Zebadee Delano I Friends Limerick, Edmund Eaftnwi Bethel, Daniel Gould Eben.Kinfmaji I Bidaeiord, Xa:hl. Vv'ebfler Limirgton, Jona. Atkinfo: Buxton, Paul CofSn Stephen Webber I Abner Flanders B JchnChadburn I Fiyburgh, Wm. FefTenden Churches and Mmifters, 127

Newfield, Wcniw. Lord B Waterboro', Henry Smith Parfonsficld, Benjamin Rolf V\^aterford, Lincoln Ripicy Samuel Weeks B Wells, M.Henimen\\ay,DD Levi Chadhurn B Nathl. H.Fletcher Pepperelboro', E. Whitcomb Jofeph Eaton B Saiitord, MoCes Swett Jofnua Roberts B

Oris Roblnfon B ,' York, ITaac Lyman Shaplelgi"),. John Brown Rofwell MefTenger Tozer Lord Ifaac Briggs

HAMPSHHIE COUNTY. AmherO:, D. Parfons, b.d. Greeenfield, Roger Newton | Ichabod Draper Greenwich, Joieph Blodget Afiifield, Nehemiah Porter Jofhua Crofby

Enos Smith B Hadlcy, Saml . Hopkins,!) i>. Belchcrtown, Juftus Forward Hatfield, Jof. Lyman, d.d. Jeremiah Hafkell B Hawley, Jonathan Groat Samuel Bigelow B ^Holland, Ezra Reeve IBemardftown, Am.da Cook Leverett, Henry Williams Blandford, B & E Elij. Montague B Bnmfield, Leyden, Ala Hlbbeid B Euckland, Jcliah Spauldlng Long-Meadow, R. S. Storrs B Middiefield, Jonathan Nafli Charlemont, Tofcph Field B Wheeler B Monfon, JefiTe Ives, Chefter, Aaron Bafcom B Zaccheus Colby Montague, Judah Nafii Chefterfield, Jofiah Waters B Aia Todd B New-Salem, Warren Peirce j Cohaine, Samuel Tagj^art P B |

Rufus Freeman B ! Northampton, S. Williams Edm. Littlefield 3 Northfieid, Thomas Mafon

Conway, John Emerfon | Norv.-ich, S. Woodbridge Robert Keyes B | *Orange, Methodifts Cummington, James Briggs Palmer, Moles Baldwin | Deerfield, John Taylor Pelham, AndrewOliver P *Eafthampton, P. Willifton *Plainfield, Motes Hallock Gill, Jabez Muniell Rowe, Prefcived Smith Gofhen, Samuel Whitman Ruflcl, EbenezerStowB Granby, Elijah Gridlcy Shelburne, Theoph.Packaid Gianville, Timo. M. Cooley David Long B Joel Baker Southampton, Viiiion Gould ^ iloger Hanifon S. Brimfield, E. Codding B Chrifto. Minor B South-Hadley, Joel Hayes 128 Churches and Minifters.

Southwlck, Ifaac Clinton Weft Springf.Thos. Rand B Snringfield, B. Howard Methodifts Sunderland, D. H.Willlfton Whately, Rufus Wells 'W'are, Reuben Mofs BiS Warwick, Samuel Reed Wilbraham, Mofes Warren Levi Hodge B Step. Shepherd B Wendell, Jofeph KiUmrn Setli Clark B Samuel King B Ezra Whitter Weftfield, Ifaac Knap B Terry Weft-Hanipton, Enoch Hale Methodifls

WeftSpringf.J . Lathrop, D d Worthington, J. L. Pornroy Jeffe Wightman B PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Abirgton, Samuel Niles Middleboro' Samuel Nelfon Bridgewater, John Reed Samuel Abbott Zedekiah Sanger Jofeph Barker Afa Meech Thomas Crafts V.W.RathbunB David Gurncy Carver, John How land Pembroke, Morrill Allen B George Bar Row Duxborough, John Allyn Plymouth, James Kendall Halifax, Abel Richmond Setb Sterfon Hanover, John Mellen AdoniramJiidfoa Hingham, Henry Ware Plympton, John Briggs Nichol. B. Whitney Rochcfter, LemuelLeBarroa Hull, p Oliver Cobb Kingfton, ZephaniahWiiIib B Marfhfield, William Shnw Scituate, David Barnes, d.d. Elijah Leonard Nehemiab Thomas Barnabas Pcrkin'; B W.W.Wheeler E Middleboro', Ifaac Backus Wareham, Noble Everett B BRISTOL COUNTY. Attleborough, John Wilder Dighton, Enoch Goffe B Holm.an Eaiion, William Read B Methodifts James Read B Freetown, Philip Hathway B Berkley, Thomas Andros Jabez Lewis B Dartmouth, Daniel Hicks B Job Borden B Arnold Blils B B Friends Friends Dighton, William Warren ^^.^n.>field, Kowland Greert ' Abraham Gulhee New-Bedford. Churches and Minifters. 129

?^c^y Bedford, Ifaiah Weflon Reho- Preferved Pearfe B John Lawrence B both, Philip Pearfe NTorton, Pitt Clark B ^aynham, P. Fobes, ll.d. Somerfet, B lehoboth, Otis Thompfon Swanzey, Saml. Northup B Sylvefter Round B ' PhUipSlade B John Pitman B Taunton, John Pipon •Jacob Hicks B Troy, B BARNSTABLE COUNTY Jarnftable, J oth. Waterman Harwich, Abner Lewis B Oakes Shaw Marfhpee, John Freeman B John Peak B Orleans, Jonathan Bafcom irewfter, John Simpkins Provincetown, Saml. Parker Tbatham, Ephraim Briggs Methodifts Dennis, Sandwich, Jonathan Burr ^ftham. Philander Shaw Friends and Methodifts 'almouth, Henry Lincoln Truro, Judc Damon Friends Methodifts lar^v'ich, Nath. Underwood Wellfleet, Levi Whitman Methodifts Yarmouth, Timothy Alden Gideon Hawley, Miflionary to the Marftipee Indians

• DUKES' COUNTY. Jhiliuark, Jonathan Smith *Gay-Head, Thos. JefFer>- B Idgarton, Jofeph Thaxter Tiftjury, Nymphas Hatch Gay-Head, Z.Hpwwoofwee B Zechariah Mayhew, MiiTionary at Martha's Vineyard. NANTUCKET COUNTY. Jantucket, and Methodifts James Gumey I Friends Ifaiah Alden and WORCESTER COUNTY.

Ifhburnham, John Cufhing I Brookfield, Thpmas Snell Micnh Stone Methodifts Labau Thurbcr B Lthol, Jofeph Eafterbrook Charleton, James Boomer B »arre, Janies Thompfon \¥hippie Berlin, Reuben Puffer Methodifts Sohon, Ifaac Allen Dana, Jacob Whipple B ioylfton. Ward Cotton U WilliajTi N^.fii Douglas, Ifaac Stone ^ookfield, Ephraim Vv'ard B S30 Churches and Miniflers.

Dudley, Able! Williams Peteifliam, litchburgh, Princeton, James MurdocJ '] itusT. Barton Royalflon, Joreph Lee Methodilh Gardner, Jonathan Olgood Rutland, HezekiahGoodrii Ot-rry, Ezekiel L. Bafcom Shrewfbury, Jofepb Sunin Grafion, John Miles Southboro* Jeroboam Parfv B Sp( ncer, Jofeph Pope Zephaniah Lathe U Sterling, Reuben Holccmt Hardu'ick, 'I honras Holt Sturbridge, Otis Lane Ebenezcr Bun B Zen. L. Leonard ' Methodifts Edward Turner Harvard, Stephen Ecmis Sutton, Edmund "Mills Geo.RobiufonB Jofeph Goffe Ifaiah Parker U Samuel Waters Holden, Jcfeph Averj'

Hubbardfton, David Kendall Wm.Bachelder . Lancafler, NathL Thayer Templeton, Eben.Sparhaw Leiccfter, Zeph. S. Moore Elifha Andrews B Upton, Benjamin Wood Leominfter, Lunenburg, Timothy Flint Uxbridge, Samuel Judfon Milford, David Long Ward, Ifaac Bayley New-Braintree, John Fiflc Weftborou^h, J. Robinfor Northboro', Peter Whitney Weftern, Stephen Baxter Northbridge, J. Crane, d.d. Weflminfter, Afaph Rice Northhridge, Jfthn Cooper Winchendon, Levi Pilfbur Oakham, Daniel Tomlmfon Worcefter, Samuel Aullia Oxford, U Aaron Bancroft Peterlham, F£flus Fofter CUMBERLAND COUNT\'. Bridgetown, Nathan Church Gray, Daniel \"\'"efton Brunrwich,Eno<:hTitconibB Harpiwell, Samuei Eaton Buckfield, Nathl. Chafe B Saml. Marnier I Sam I.Woodward B Hebron, John Trip I Cape-Elizabeth, Wm. Gregg Methodifts Durham, Jacob Kerrick Jay, Thomas Macomber I Falmouth, Wra. Mihemore Livermore, Syl.Boardman P Caleb Bradley New-Glou- } E. Mofely I B JohnWaire U cciler, J Robcf Low Friends and Methodifts Thos. Bams li Freepon, Alfred Johnfon North-Yar- ) T. Oilman Goxham, Jeremiah Noyes B mouth, > Ruf. Anderf

Dtisfield, Thomas Roby Portland, Friends & Method. 'aris, James Hooper B B ,'oland, Jonathan Scott Scarboro* Thomas Lancafter Thos. Barnes U Nathan Tilton Methodifls Standifh, Daniel Marrett 'ortlapd, Saml. Dean, d.d. Turner, Suiiih . P Elijah KeUogg Windham, Nathaniel Stone Timo. Hiiliard E B LINCOLN COUNTY. Ballftownjjofeph Bailey B *Madunkook, B oothbay, John Sawyer ^Mifcongus-Ifland, B iowdoin, James Potter B New-Caftle, (a) Kiah Bailey owdDinham,J.Macomber B Ne\v-Milford, Jona. Ward Methodills Nobleborough,S.A.F}agg B riftol, William Riddel St. George, Ephraim Hall B Friends & Methodills Thoma{lown,Elifha Snow B B Toplham, B Jrcfden, Freeman Parker Methodifts -dgecomb, *Wales, B B Waldoboro' Fred. A.PvCtz L B Warren, Andr. Fuller B •eorgetown, E. Emerfon Hufe ope, A. Fuller B WifcafTet, Hez. Packard ewiftown,BenjarainCole B Woolwich, Jdiah Windfliip ifbon, IchabodTeniulc B B itchfield, Wm. Stinfon B BERKSHIRE COUNTY. dams, Methodifts Lee, Mcthodifts Ifred, Methodilh Lenox, Samuel Shepard lefhire, Peter Werden B B B Methodifts John Leland B *Mt. Wafhington, Method. ilton, Ebenezer Jennings *New-Aajford, Merhodijb (remontjJcduthunGray R New-Marlboro' Jacol) Catlin reat-Barrington, E Nathaniel Turner Nichols B Pittsfield, Thomas Allen mcock, Clark Pvogeis B Method, &Baptifts mefboro' Daniel Collins Partridgefield, John Leland ?e, Alvan Hyde Ebenezer Smith B

(a) At Damorlfcoita-Milh there is a Roman Catholic •mih, zvkerf the Rev. John Cheverus vf Bojion ojiciatts 'Mtjour mcnthi every, year. 132 Churches and Miniftefs.

Richmond, David Perry Tyringham, Methodifts Sandislicld, Levi White Waihir.gton, W. Ballantii J. Nichols Eenj. Baldwin Methodiftj Jeir^ Hartwell R ' W ft-Stock- ) Oliver Ay< Savoy, Job Borden B bridge, J Sheffield. Ephraim Judfon WiiliyimftGwn, Seth Swift

' Method! fls Dyer Stark StockbrldgerS. Weft, d.d. Methodifis WiDdfor, Gordon Dorrao Tyringham, Jofcph Avery HANCOCK COUNTY. Bluc-HJii, Jonathan Fifher Orrington, Enoch Mudgc Buck{lown,MighiH Bioodfa) Penoblcot, Ca(!;nc,WiJIi-.m Mafon Jonathan Powi inefbc!rojg;h,Thos.Eames B Sedgwick, Daniel Merrill Mt. Deleft, Benj. Downe B Sullivan, Abm.Cummlngj WASHINGTON COUNTY. Machias, Marfhfield Steel id Methodlfls Er^flport— rhere is a Roman-Catholic Church at PIf ant-Point for the PafTamaqnoddy Indians, Rev. James Re tus Romagne, who vifits alio the Penobfcot Indians. NORFOLK COUNTY. Bellingham, B Needham, Stephen Palmt Braintree, Ezra Weld Thomas Noyes Brookline, John Pierce Methodifts Canton, Zcch. Howard Quincy, Peter Whitney Cohadet, Jacob Flint Wm. Montaga( Dcdham, Jofima Bates Randolph, Jonathan Stroi»^ JalTez Chickerlnj^ Joel Briggs Thomas Thacher Roxbury, Eliphalet Portei E John Bradford Dorchener,Th:Kkl.M.Marrls Thomas Gray *Dover, Benjamin Caryl Sharon, Jonathan Whirak Foxhorouilh, Danl. Loring Stoiighfon, Edw. Richmoi Franklin, N. Emmons, n.D. Walpole, George More; Mcdfield, Thomas Prentifs Weymouth, Jacob Nortor B Simeon WiHiai Medway Luther Wright Wrentham, Elifna Fifke David Sanford John Cleveland Milton, William Williams.

(a) Mr. Blood is /titled ovrr Baptifls ard dn^regdtk alijls U'xtcd- Churches, Minifters, &c. 133 KENNEBECK ^ COUNTY ^.ugufla, Darnel Stone , Monmouth, Methodifis Chefterv,le,JothamSewall Mount-Vernon. Clinron R Mepbb.fh. Cain B Ncvv-Vmeya?d B Comv,lle,fa) ' ^ B Pittfbwn, ' fax, £ Jabez Lewis B Strong, Methodlfb F'.nmington, B Sydney, Afa Wilber Fayette, Oliver B Billings B Vaffalboro' Nehem Gould Gardiner, Samuel B Hafkell Friends Greene, 3 Vienna, MethodrRs Kallowell, EliphaletGillet Wayne, VVm. Goddin;^ B 4"arlem, Job Chadwick B Wnino\v, Jofhua Cuftin^an Leeds, Thomas Francis B Wmthrop, Jona. fielding aj Formerly called Bernardjloum, E, fide Kmnebeck River.

^'^1'-' ^^"^" of Ii\,Jr^rA^ '? Public Worniip are ^^^ ^" ^^ R-^ Eftate, except a i" Town o"f iS'"'^ 'k CONVENTION Of tneCoMGRKGATioxAi. Ministers in the ^'^"^''^'"^^^'2^^^ ^/ -I->wrT Maflachufetts. ''•^',1'^ '",^'>^' ^he 1 laP W^r"rT ^" afternoon of the

f rd>ev,ng the ..nd.gent widows of dcceafed CkrlmT d with no particular authority or control over the Ch-irch

of Convention 3;medfS?tlfen?r;'^ have been ap. ^«^^ aanLatLs of M^n A^^'^^i^^^ ^haraaer and 'fo ' '"^ Candidates who may travel othe S ates nn^ ' ^^^een^enr iSo5-] has been entered into . 134 Convention of Minifters.

between the Convention and the other reprefentative hoditi

of Minift€rs in other States, mutually to communicate tlie names of their Committees for this purpofe. Every certifr cate mull be figncd by one gentleman at lead of that Com- mittee, from whole bounds the perfon recommended traveU.

T/ie committee in Ma s s a c h u s e t t s confijls of theJoUom- ing Gentlemen^—viz. Rev. Rev. Step. Weft, D rt.Stockbndge Ezra Weld, Braintn Seth Swift, Williamjlown John Read, BridgewcUt-

J. Lathrop, ii.i>.W.Springf. Perez Fobes, l l . d . Raynhct

Jofeph Lyman, Hatfield Saml. Weft, d . d .N. Bedfar, Roger Newton, Greenfield Zephaniah Willis, Kingsto John Cufhing, Ajhburnham Jonathan French, Andove Ezra Ripley, Concord Thes. Barnard, d.d. Saltt Daniel Chaplin, Groton Samuel Spring, Newburypoi E})hraim \Vard, Brookpeld Saml. Deane, D.D. Port/an

John Lathrop, d.d. Bofioii M. Hemmenway , d.d. IVd

Jed. Morfe, d . d .Charh-Jiuum John Eliot, D. d. ot Bofton, Treafurer. --John T. Kirkland, d. d. Scribe of the Convention.

The Convention ** earneftjy recommend to all your

gentlemen, who defign to devote themfclves to the work < tJieminiftry, to fpend that portion of time in the ftudy ofd vmity, vv'hith improved and judicious advifers Ihall thir. neceifary to qualify them for public teachers." The Congregational Minifters throughout the Commoj wealth, whhfome exceptions, are aftbciated, and have regi lar and ftated meetings for fcllowfiiip and mutual improvi ment. The Convention have pafTed a vote, requefting tJ Moderator or Scribe of the feveral AfTociarions throughoi the Commonwealth, to forward to the Scribe oftheCo! Vention, a correct lift of the members of their refpe£ii' Aflbciations, with the name of the Scribe of each, and ofti

Candidates liccrifed by them ; and have directed that tl Scribe of the Convention procure the infertion of the fevf al lifts in the Maffachufetts Regifter. The Convention, folicitous to collcft and prefcrvc-acc rate documents for a Hifrory of their Churches,, have pafled vote, that each of th'* "C'ongregational Minifters in Mad chulettsbe requcftcd tocompile ahiftory of hisownChurc andof thofc in his vicinity which may happen to he vacai and to make returns to the Scribe of the Convention. It hoped, this important requeft will not pafs unnoticed, b be produ£livc of great good. .

Bifhops—Revenue Officers, &c. 1^5

Epifcopalian Bifhops in America.

Abraham Jarvis, Blfhop in Connetlicut. NewHaven

Bcniamin Moore, D . d . Blfhop in N. York. New-York City, William White, Bifhopin Pennfylvania. Philadelphia Thos. J. Clagget, Biftiof) in Marjriand. Croom, U. Marlboro* James' Madiion, Bifliop in . Richmond. Jaccjb Mountain, Biftiop in Canada. Qutbec, Charles Inglis, Bifliop in Nova-Scotia. Halifax

- » Samud P cukcr, Bifhop t" Mn fl aLhuHiu. BcJioTt Roman Catholic Bifhops. John Carroll Baltimore Leonard Neale, his Coadjutor, Georgetozvn

Revenue Officers in Maflachufetts.

Port of Boston and C h A r l e s t o w N Colle&or, Benjamin Lincoln. Deputy-Colledor, Benjamin Weld. Naval Officer, James Lovell.

Surveyor and InJpeEior^ Thomas Melvill. InJptEiors & Mtafurers.—^Jonas C. Minot, John F. Barber, Thomas Edes, Benjamin Eaton, Beza Lincoln, JohnPopkin, Samuel Janes, Jofhua Thaxter, Oliver P. Holyoke, John Willifton, Samuel Prince, Samuel W. Hunt, John Norton. Weighers and Gangers.—^o^wdL Pico, Samuel Whecl- ivright, Peter DoUiver, Seth Wells. INSPECTORS OF OUT-PORTS. ^ Henry Thaxter Occflfional InfpeBorSy I Hingham. \ Martin Lincoln Occafional Infpe&or, Levi Bates Weymouth, 2olletfor, William R. Lee Salem and Naval Officer^ Samuel W^ard Beverly . Surveyory Barthol. Putnam Surveyor^ Jofiah Batchelder Beverly. Colkaor, Jofeph W^ilfon Marblcluad. ColUaor, Ralph Crofs

Naval OfficerJ Jonathan Titcomb Nctuburyport, Purveyor, Michael Hoge ':ollc6ior, John Gibaut Gloucejler. ''Purveyor Sff Infpe&or, Zechariah Stevens Purveyor ^ Injpcaur, Johah Reed, Tkomajioum, ''nfpeclor, Henry Warren Plymouth, 'nfpetlor^ Samuel Derby York, 136 Militia Officers. COLLECTORS. Afa Andrews^ Ipfzuich Dudly B. Hobart, B^tk Henrj- Warren, Plymouth Francis Cook, WiJcaJjH Jofeph Otis, Barnjiabie Jofeph Y?Lr\eYylValdoborougk Stephen HuiTey, Nantucket Jofiah Hook, Pcnobfcct John Peafe, Edgarton Stephen Smith, Machias Edward Pope, New-Bedford M. ]ox(i^\^*Frenchman^sBay Hodij ih B-dyXic^, Dig ht07i L. F. Delifdernier,*Pflj//iflWfl- Samuel Derby, York \^qvcddy Jonas Clark, *Ke7inebunk Hore B. Trift. *Diliria oj \_MiMPpi Jere. Hill, & \ ^^f'Mf ' ( Pepperelboro' Jona. Wlfton, *Moofe-IJland Ifaac Ilfley, jun. Portland [and Deputy Colkaor]

MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA. [Carefully revifed by the Adjutant-General.] GENERAL STAFF OFFICERS, Captain-General and Commander in Chief, His Excellency CALEB STRONG. Adjutant- Central, Brigadier-General William Donnifon, of Bof!on.

[Office is kept at No. 18, Winter-Street.] ^arter-Mqfter General. Amafa Davis, of Boflon. [Office No. 129, Orange Street.] DIVISIONART STAFF OFFICERS, Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. FIRST DIVISION.. Major General. —Simon Elliot, of Boflon. Aid-de-Camp.—Major JohnT. Sargeant.

SECOND DIVISION.— EfTcx. Major-General.—Gideon Fofter, of Danvers. Aid-de-Camps. Major Gideon Tucker and Jofeph Stephens, 3d. ^

Divilicmary Staff-Officers, 137

Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel John Tracy of Newbury-Port. DeptUy Quarter-Mafler General. Jofhua Carter, of Newburj'port.

THIRD DIVISION.—Middlefex. Major General. —William Hull of Newton. Aid-de-Camps. Charles Hunt and William Bant SuUiVan. Deputy Quarter-Majler General, Samuel Swan, of Charleftown.

FOURTH DIVISION.—Hampfliire. Major-G€nei'aL-^E}dtntztT Mattoon, of Amherft. Aid-dc-Camps. Majors Eleazer Porter and Samuel Gamwell. Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel Jofepli VVilliams, of Springfield. FIFTH DIVISION. Counties of Plymouth, Briftol, Barnilable, Dukes County, and Nantucket. Major-Gcncrcl.—Nathaniel Goodwin, of Plymouth. Aid-de-Cavips. Majors James Sprout and Nathan Hayward.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York and Cumberland. Major-GeneraL—lch2)ciO

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worceftcr. Majcr-Gentral.—John Cutler, of Brookficld. Aid-de. Camps* Majors Liberty Bannifter and Thomas Upham, Deputy Adjutant-Gcveml. Colonel Scih Bannifter, of Brookfield. iBos.j M 2 i3S Brigade Staff-Officers.

Dcbuty Quarter-Mailer General. Epnraim Mower, oF Worceftcr.

EIGHTH DIVISION.—Lincoln and Kenncbeck. Major-GeneraL—Henry Sewall, of Augulla. Aid'de-Camps. Majors Barzillai Gannett and John OdHn Page.

NINTH DIVISION.—Bcrkfliirc. Major General Aid-cU-Camps. Majors Ezckiel Bacon and Tompfon J. Skinner, jun Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel Simon Lamed, of Pittsfield.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Wafhington. Major General.— Alexander Campbcll> of Steuben. Aid-de-Camps.—Major James Campbell, and Pattar BRIGADE STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST DIVISION. Counties ofSufFolk and Norfolk. LEGIONARY BRIGADE. John Winflow, Brigadier-General. George Blanchard, Brigade-Major, ift 5 Stephen Badlam, Brigadier-General, Bng. ?i SamuelSs M. Thaj^er, Brigade-Major. 2(1 5 Elijah Crane, Brigadier-General. Biig. < Timothy Vv^^hiting, Brigade-Major.


id 5 Elias H. Derby, Brigadier-General.

Brig. I Sylvcller Olborne, Brigade-Major. 2d ^ James Brickct, Brigadier General. Brig, i J ames Ayer, Brigade-Major.


ift ^ Jonathan Coolidge, Brigadier-Genera 3rig. ( Jeremiah Clap, Erig;idc-Major. 2d K Joieph B. Varnum, Brigadicr-Gener; Eng. \ .Sampfon Woods. Brigade-Major- Brigade Staff-Officers. 139.


ift 5 -*^aniuel Porter, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Eralhjs Smith, Brigade-Miijor. 2d I Lemuel Dickinfon, Brigadier-Gcneral. Brig. ( Theodore Strong, Brigade-Major,

FIFTH DIVISION.—Plymouth, Sec. ifl 5 ^•rael Fearing, Brigadier-General. Brig. C William Jackfon, Brlgadc-M^jor. - ad 5 Benjr,min Bates, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( William Sever, Brigade-Major.

3d ' 5 Fbenezer Lothrop, Brigadier-General. B'Jg- C Jofeph Blifli, jun. Brig-ade-Major.

SIXTH DIVISION.—York and Cumberland.

ift 5 Andrew P. Fernald, Brigadier-General. Brig, i William Jcfferds, Brigade-Major. p.d \ Nathaniel C. Allen, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Ezekiel Day, Brigade-Major.


ift 5 Jonathan Davis, Brigadier-General. Bri^. ( William P. Rider, Brigade- Major. 2d ^ James Humphrey, Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Jacob Fifher, Brigade-Major.

EIGHTH DlVISIOxN.—Lincoln and Kcnnebcch.

ift ^ , Brigadier-General. Brig. ( sSeth Tinkham, Brigade-Major.

2d S John Chandler. Bngadier-CTeneral. Brig, ( Samuel Howard, Bngade-Major.


ift S Ihomas Ives, Brigadier-General. Brig. ^ Stephen Dewey, Brigade-Major. 2d < William Towner, Brigadier-General. Brig. I Henry C. Brown, Brigade-Major.

TENTH DIVISION.—Hancock and Wafhington. ift Crofty, ^ John Brigadier-General. Brig. ( Robert Wheeler, Brigade-Major. 2d < John Cooper, Brigadier-General, ^"g* I Joliuh Harris, Brigade-Major. . l4o Fleld-Offieers of Infantry. FIELD OFFICERS, FIRST DIVISION. Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk. LEGIONARY BRIGADE, INFANTRY. Thomas Badger, Lieutenant-Colonel, George Bafs, Adjutant.

Richard Au ft in, Quaner-Mafter oaniuel Hunt, Surgeon.

Firft-Sublegion.—Peter Ofgood, Major.

Second-SvbUgio7i, —Jacob Stearns, Major,

Third-Sublegiotu Maj<

SUBLEGIONoF ARTILLERY. John Bray, Major. Abraham Edwards, Adjutant. Nathaniel Brown, Quarter-Mafter.

LEGIONARY CAVALRY—One Company, Henry Purkett, Captain.


, Major.

Ftrjl Brigade.

ifl: ^ Ifaac S. Gardner, Liciiienant-CnloneL Reg. i W\\\\?m BolTon and Edward Robinfon, Major sd S John Barker, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Jonathan Bates and John White, Majors. 3d S Benjamin Hayden, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Barnabas Clark and Joleph Bent, Majors. Second Brigade.

id ^ Johnron Malon,' Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < George Ellis and John Burridge, Majors.

ed ^ Naihan Gill, LleutenantrColonel. Keg. i N^ith. Vhiting and Somuel Littlefield, Majoxi. sd 5 Beriah Braftow, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. ( George Havvcsj Major, Field-Officers of Infantry. 141

SECOND DIVISION.—Effcx. F'trjl Brigade. ift ^ Benjamin Pickman, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ John Ropp, and Edward S. Lang, Majors. { Johnl'ucker, Lieutenant-Colone!. Reg \ John Mafon and James Tappin, Majors, ^u 5 David Colby, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I William Wier, Major. 4th S " illiam Mansfield, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Ezra Hitchins, jr. and John D. AtweU, Majors. 5th ^ Ebenezer Goodnle, Licutenant-CoioneL Reg. \ Ehas Wilkins and Andrcv Munroe, Alajors. Second Brigade* ift Lieutenant-Colonel. {,Benjamin Stickney and Jo{iah Hilk, Majors. 2d r Thomas Wade, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. C Toleph Dorman and Thomas Ga^e, Majors. 3d r Nathaniel Lovejoy, Lieutenant-Coicnel. Reg. (.Thomas Savory and James Kimball, Majors. 4th r Jonathan Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. "ilfaac Wittier and Benjamin Young, Majors.

5^ C , Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. "J^.Zabulon Ingerfol and Richard Kimball, Majors. 6th rJohnGreenic;,f, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. "^John Peabody, Major.

THIRD DIVLSION.—Middlcfex. F'lrji Brigade. ift f Ebenezer Cheney, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. l Jonas Wyetb aLd Vv'iUiam Bond, Majors. 2d C AmosBordman, Licutenanr-Colonel. jr. ! Reg. X Jchri Jaquith, and Abijah Thorn pfon, Majors. 3d ("John Buttrick, Lieutenant-Colonel.* Reg. (.Jonas Buitrlckitd James Barret, Majors. 4tn r Afa Eames, Lieutenant-Colonel. JRcg. (^William Wood and John Meilen, Majors. Second Brigade. ift Thom.as Hapgood, Lieutenant-Colonel. J iRcg. I Mofes Whiicomb and Daniel Maynard, Majors. 2d ^ Jonathan Bancroft, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Thoinas Lawrtrnce, and Timothy Bigelow, Majors. 3d r William Hildreth, Lieutenant-Colonel. X]oh^ Parker and jofeph Fletcher, Majors. P^^g- 142^ Field-Officers of Infantry.

FOURTH DIVISION.-^Hainpfhire. Firji Brigade. ift 5 Daniel Lamh, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. J Auguflus Sidon and Alexander Field, Majors, 2d 5 D^^''^ ^^o''^^y» Lieutenant-Colonel. Ktg. I Job Langdon and Roger Cooley, Majors, 3(1 5 Thomas Powers, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. } MelzarHunt and Mofes Haftings, Majors. 4th 5 S^^^ Parfons, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Simon E. Holland and Ozias French, Majors, 5th 5 Alexander Seffions, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I Aaron Morgan and Rinaldo Webber, Majtnrs.

Second Brigade.^ > < Lieutenant>Colonel. *^ ift Ifaac Maltby, ^ Reg. I Seth Pomro*' and Charles Chapman, Majors. 2d 5 I^3i"i^^ '^'^^^'^j Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. } John Ruflell and Cl^rk Chandler, Majors. 3d iMcdad Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Jacob Putnam, Major. 4th 5 Jonathan Woodbridge, Lieutenant-Colonel.

-* Reg. i Clark Robinfon and Thaddeus Baker, Majors, 5th 5 Jofeph Rice, Lieutenant-Colonel. ' ^eg* ^ John Ames and Roger Leavitt, Majors.

FIFTH DIVISION.—Plymouth. FlrJl Brigade. id ^ John Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Zaccheiis Bartlett and George RufTel, Mojors. 2d < Charles Turner, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel.'

Reg. i John James and William Vinal, jun. Majors. ,?d \ Sylvanus Lazell, LieurenantXoloncl. Reg. \ Caleb Howard and JaniesBarrell, Majors. 4th \ Abiel Wafhburn, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Peter Hoar and Rowland Luce, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift S Chr.ftopher Blanding, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i Abiah Blifs and Jonathan Barney, Majors. ed ^ Robert Earle, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i John Spooner and Benjamin Brayton, Majors. 3d ( job Winflov/, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. ( i homas Lincoln and John Gilmore, jun. Majors. 4th 5 J*^^"^ ^'^'''^^''^' Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. \ Ebenezer Bacon and ZaLuIon White, Majors. Field-Officers of Infantry. 143

Third Brigade, aft ^ Thomas Thatcher, Lieutenanr-Colonel. Reg. \ David Nye and Ilaiah Hall, Majors. 2d 5 Jonathan Snow, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Jabez Sparrow and John Witherell, Majc»s,

SIXTH DIVISION.—York. Firjl Brigade, ift ^ John Nowell, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Jonathan Hill and Thomas D. Cujtts, "Majon. 2d 5 John Lord, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. X John Leighton, jr. and Nathan Nafon, Majors. 3d 5 Ifaac Lane, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ Stephen Briant and John Smith, Majors. 4th 5 William Froft, Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. \ Benjamin Peirce and Samuel Cluff, Majors. 5th S Jofeph Parlbns, Lieutenant-Colonel, Reg. \ Paul Burnham and Jofiaii Fowle, Majors. 6th fjohn Mitchell, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. tl^^^'^d Hatch and John Taylor, jr. Majors.

7th S Amos Haftings, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ William Ruifel and John Stickney, Majors. Second Brigade, County of Cumberland. i.ft ^ James Merrill, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Ifaac Gage and Jofiah Hobbs, Majors. 2d \ Charles Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < John Lawrence and Thomas Mears, Majors. 3d 5 Nathaniel Froil:, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. c Jofiah Libby and Jonathan Mouiton, Majors. 4th 5 Thomas Chute, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i William True and Thomas Finfon, lylajors. 5th S , Lientenant-Colonel. Reg. I Jonathan Moors, and Jonathan Cummmgs, Majors. 6th 5 I^avid Learned, Lieutenant-Colonel. JLeg. ( John Turner and JefTe Stone, Majors.

SEVENTH DIVISION.—Worcefter. Firji Brigade, ift \ John Davis, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ John Brigham and Ifaac Lamb, Majors. 2d 5 Samuet Nelfon, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Benjamia Godirey and John Farnhamv M3Jors« 144 Field-Officers of Infantry.

3(1 ^ Samuel B, Rice, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. c Oliver Croroy and Seth Hiiickle^-, Majors. f 4th $ , Lieutenant-Colonel. Keg. \ Ebenrzer Stone and Samuel Hcaley, Majors. th K Caleb Burbank, Lieutenant-Colonel,

ieg. ( Jofiah Wheelock and Paul Whiting, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift ^ Silas Holman, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg- c James Wilder and Stephen P. Gardner, Majo; 2d S Jonas Ball, jun. Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( William Eager and Barnam Blake, Majors. 3d 5 Samuel Lcf, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. ( Abicl Parmenter and Eliphalet Stone, Majors. 4th 5 Euke Jofiyn, Lieutenant-Colonel,

iteg. i Benjamin Marflnll and Edmund Cufhing, Majo: 5th $ Abel Kendall, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. c Willam Fletcher and Benjamin Adams, Majon

EIGHTH DIVLSION.— Lincoln and Kennebeck. Firji Brigade*

ifl: \ Dcimy M'Cobb, Lieurenant-Colonei.

Pveg. i David Shaw and Andrew Read, Majors. 2d 5 David Pjyfon, Lieuten?nt-Colone'. Reg. < David Payl'on, jun. and Abiel Wood, jun. Majoi 3d ( George Barliow, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. ( Daniel Waters and Charles Razor, Majors. 4th 5 'Samuel Th?»tcher, Lieutenant-Colonel. }<^eg. \ Benjamin Bracket and Oris Robins, Majors. 5th < Janies P..ogers, Lieutcn:int-Colonel. Reg. \ Alexander Rogeis and Noah Jordan, Majors. Second Brigade.

ift ^ Thomas Fillebrown, Lieutenant-Colonel. Re^^. i ""'erh Gay and Paul Biake, Majors. 2d. 5 Eiir.ithaii Sherwin, Lieurenant-CoIoncl. Pveg. i Abner Weeks, Nehemiah A. Parker, Majors. 3d 5 ^^'^illiam Sprague, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. l James Harvey and Brown Baker, Majors. drh. 5 J3"ie.s Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. I John Moor, and Eli Wefton, Majors. 5th f Silas Gould, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. 4 Oliver Bailey and Samuel Prefcott, Majors. Field-Officers of Infantry. i^r

NINTH DIVISION—Berkfliire. Firjl Brigade,

ift ^ David Tracy, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg* < John Afiiley, 3d. and Minor Owen, Majors. 2d 5 Joseph Whiton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Hezekiah Merrick and Stephen Janfies, Majors. 3d 5 Elias Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg. i John Hide and Daniel Fowler, Majors. Second Brigade,

ift ^ Marlhall Jones, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. \ ATa Clothier and Lyman Hubbel, Majors. 2d ^\ Mofes Bixby, Lieutenant-Colonel.

Reg.Xtg. i Abfalom Ford and John Willard, Majors.\ 3d 5 Amos Holbrook, Lieutenant-Colonel, Reg. \ Peter Warden, jr. and Gilbert Wadkins, Majors.

TENTH DIVISION—Hancock and Waflilngton. Firji Brigade,

id 5 Jeremiah Vv^ardwell, Lieutenant-ColoneL

Reg. i Majors. ^ 2d \ Thomas Knov/lton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i Robert Treat and Thomas Braftow, Majors. 3d < John Blake, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. < Nathan Hopkins and Andrew Tyler, Majors. Second Brigade.

irft 5 Jereniiah O'Brien, Lieutenant-Colonel. Reg. i joi'eph Wallis and John Brewer, Majors, 2d \ Melariah Jordan, Lieut.'nant-Co!onel.

Reg. ( Jelie Dution and Amos Ames, Majors.

Officers commanding Corps of Cavalry.

FIRST DIVISION. Second Brigade, x Squadron. legionary Brigade, 1 Troop. Major Nathan Jones "^.aptain Henry Purket. Captain Jofhua Fairbanks Captain William Capea FirJi Brigade, 1 Squadron. Captain Jeremiah Baker Vlajor Nathaniel Wales Ilaptain Aaron Davis SECOND DIVISION.

Captain Nathaniel Tucker Srcond^ Bngade, \ Sauadron, "laptain Samuel Bailey Captain Daniel Cark^ J805.] N 1^6 CfDcers of Cavatry.

Captain Jonathan Lambert Captain William Bracke Captain A'.i Towii Captain Seth Morl'e Ct>.ptain Joicph Goodrich Thomas Chafe THIRD DIVI-^ION. SEVENTH DIVISIC Fir/f Bi Batts'.ion. Firjl Brigade, 1 Battal Col. Calvin Sanger Lieut. Lieut. Col. Jofiah Taft T'^'i^iVi Learned V^jor Major Jeremiah Kinglb Captain Jofliua Hammond Cptain Jofeph Fox Whittcmore' Captain Jofiah Crp^iin Elias Hatch Secpud Bri,nadx, 3 Trcops-. Captain Mofes Healey Captain Robtr? Burr Captain Ebenczer 1 idd, Captain- John ButterPicld Captain Urael Putnam FOURTH DHTSIOM. Second Brigade, l Battal Firji Bngnd€, 1 Battalion. Lieut^ Coi. John Crawfc Lieut. Co!. Samuel Porter Major Afa \\Tiitcomb Mai or Ruflel Atwater Captain Joel Biyant

r?p!;vn Rnib.-n Patrick Captain Arnbcl 5miih . Captain Gideon Colton Captain Stephen Ilafting C ptain Mofes Porter Captain Dame! Putnam Second Brigade, 1 Batin'ion. Captain John Kendall Lu-ut. Co!. Ai'-! St-j} Bri:^ade. r Capiain ATner Spau!d;rig TJajor William Boarnc Captain Samuel Elwel Capiain Gideon Hovard. NINTH DIVISION C:< plain Thomris Bennett Ft?/i Brigade, i S./uadi Sco'iid nrigadc, r Sq-vadrort. Major Jofiah Dn'ight Major Jjanisl GiV'^trrt Captain Lewis Whcaton C;!i) ain Azariah Root Captain Henry Brown Captain Alexander Fortcr, jr. Captain Thomis Andrews Ciiptain I)aniel Scars Srci^d Brigade, \ S'lua'ii SL\TH DIVISION. M.'jor Thonicts Gould Firfl Brigade, 1 Squadrort. Major Alexander R-ce Captain John Low- Captain Geo'ge Froft

Sa B ig'jdi , 1 S.jvadron- Major Lothrop Lewis Officers of Artillery, H7

"Officers commanding Corps of jirtiUery.

FIRST DIVISION. Captain Mules Buit, jr. ,

'gicimry Brigade, i Eattal. Captain jHrot»'Wa:kcr ajor Bray John Srcond Jirigade, i Battalion^ ipiain Oliver J ohonnot Major Solomon Smcad iptain John Smith Captain Nfihemi.h May rji Brigade, i BattaUon. Capiain Solomon Sevcrence ajor James Robinfon Captain James. Fales iptain .} effe Daggett Captain William Edwards iptajn Naihauiel >.b iw iptain John Robinfun FIFTH DIVISION. cond Brigade, i Battalion. Firjl Brigade, 1 Battalion. ajor Abner Morle Major Jofeph Thomas iptain David Hartfliorn Cajv.ain Noah Ford iptam Increafe Hewias Captain Benjamin. Whltmaa Captain G.forge Drew ECOND DIVISION. Second Brigade, i Battalion, rji Brigade, i Battalim. Major Brian H^-Il ajor Amos Hovey Captain VViijiam Henfliaw iptaui Ala Brooks Captain Thos. Danforth, sd, ptajn Clark Wilfon ptain Daniel Hayes SIXTH DIVISION. :cnd Brigade, i Battalion. Firji Brigade, i Battalion, ajor Benjamin Som.erby ivlajor Len^uei V/eeks ptain Thomas Burrill Captain Jeremiah Clark ptam Ephraiiii Brown Captain Abner lawyer

Second Brigade, i Battalion, THIRD DIVISION. Major Lemuel Veeks 7? Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Thomas M- ars ajor Adam Brown Captain Jame^ D. Ho^;kins })tain John Carter ptain Jofhua RuHell SEVENTH DH/ISION. :ptain Elifha Liverniore Bird Brigade, i Divij'on. iptain Jofiah Stone Major Jedidiah Heaiey'

:ond Brigade, i Battalion. Captam Pearley Hmit ajor John Kidder Capt. Gerihoxii Plympton.'*r. iptain James Lewis, jr. Captain Peter Slater

ptain Jofeph Dows Second Brigade, i Battalion, Mi.jor Naihamel Jones OURTH DIVISION. Captain John Allen ii Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Abci Kendall ijor Jacub 3iiis Captain Solomon Carter 148 Officers of Artillery, &c.

EIGHTH DIVISION. Captain Dudley Woodwork

Firft Brigade, l Battalion. Second Brigade^ i Battalion Major Jofhua Shaw Major Biitler Goodrich Captain Chriftopher Cufhing Captain Elijah Enfign Captain Sam!. Sevey Capt. Melanaon Vv^. Well Second Brigade^ i Battalion. Major TENTH DIVISION. Cripiain Abijah Smith Firjl Bri^adcy i Battalion Captain Moles Palmer Major Thomas Stevens Captain Jonathan Wilfon NINTH DIVISION. Captain Henry Dillinghaiti(

Firjl Brigade, i Battalion. Captain Otis Little {

Major John Kellog Second Brigade, i Company Captain Ilaiah Byington Captain Samuel Smith

Officers of the Legionary Brigade in Bofton, Brigadier-General ----- John Winflow, Brigade-Major ------George Bianchard* Brigade Quartcr-Majler - - - Richard Auftin.

Infantry. Lieutenant-Colonel ----- Thomas Badger. Adjutant ------George Bafs. Surg carl ------,- Samuel Hunt, ]r. Surgeon!s Mate ------[Stephen Thayer.]^

Firft Subleglon of Infantry. ^ Peter Ofgood, Major Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. Jacob Canterbury John J. Valentine, Abel Crocker. Turner Crocker, TofephW. Honier, I faac Cufhing, John A. Parkman, Benjamin Hijri Thomas Dean, Charles P. Sumner,

Second Sublegion of Infantry.

, Major. Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. Charles Clement, Charles Curtis, James B.MarftoB PenuelB. Rogers, Jabez Ellis, Simon Haftings. Nathan Bacon, Frink Stratton..v John Franks, Epes Ellerj--, Nathaniel Huni( Third Subleglon of Infantry. Jacob Stearns, Major. Captains. Litutinants. E'zfigns. Amos Binney, Enos Blake, X)avid Stanvood. Ebenezer Thayer, Daniel Badger, Rt;aben Sanborn. Jofeph Stodder, Barzillai Hadfon, Eben. Knowlton. Caleb Pratt, jr. (Chellea) David Province.

Fourth Sublegion of Infantry,-* Captain. Limtmant. Enfign. Jofepb Loring, Ezra Davis, William Munroe,

Sublegion of Light Infantry. Captain John Brazer, Senior Captain and Commandant of the Sublegion. Captains. Lieutenants. Enfigns. Thos. Ho'A'c & Ed. Quincy, S?!nuel _ Jenks. Charles Davis, Ileniy Sargent, Moics Poor. Daniel MtflTinger, John Cotton, Geo. W.heekr,

Sublegion of Artillery.

Major - - - John Bray. Adjutant - - - Abraham Edwards. Oiiarter-Majlcr - Nathaniel Brown. Captains. Lieutenants. Oliver Johonnot, David Cobb & Nicholas Peirce. [ehn Smith, Hezekiah Hadibn & Caleb Loring,

Troop of Cavalry.

Captain.. I Lieut. Abel Whcelock, Cornet. j Lieut. Eber Lawrence, John Houlflonc Henry Purkett, J j

Company of Independent Cadets* Captain - - Lieutenant-Colonel Arnold Welles. Lieutenant - - Major Jofeph Pcirce, jr. Enfign - - Major Thomas Brewer. Adjutant - - Mr. Samuel May. Surgeon - - Dr. JohnC. Waneii. 1805.] N 2 '5° Town-6tf cers in Boflon.

Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company. [Incorporated, 1638.] Captain Daniel Meffinger. Lieutmant Charles Clement.- Enfgn Elijah Davenport, Firjl Serjeant Henry Mefiinger. Second Serjeant Ifaac Simpfon.

Third Serjeant - Samuel Billings.

Fourth Scijeant • JohnBinney. Trea/urer - John Winflow, Efq. ClerA Thomas Clark.

TOWN-OFFICERS in BOSTON. SekBmen, (a) Charles Bulfinch John Tileftone John May David Tilden Ebenezer Oliver Francis Wright William Porter Jona. Hunnewell Jona. Chapman Town-Clerk^ William Cooper. Toivn-T'reafurer and CoUe^or of Taxes*

Benjamin Sumner.— Office No. 4, Long-Wharf. Overfecrs of the Poor, Edward ProBor Redford Webfter Samuel Clap Henry Hill Thomas Perkins Ozias Goodwin William Smith Samuel Snelling William Mackay William Phillips Benj. Goddard Majler of the Alms-Hoitfe. Phyfician and Surgeon. Capt. Conftant Freem.an. Doftor James Jackibn. Fireivards,

[The Figures allude to the time when chofcn.] Thomas Melvill Amafa Davis 179P John May Henry Jackfon 1791 Samuel Parkman William Scollay 1792

(a) The Sele6>men meet at their Chamber, at the eaft end of Faneuil-Hall, every IVe.dneJday afternoon, for tranff rfting the prudential affairs of the Town ; —and on the iafi Monday in each month, for the purpoie of examining and aliowip.o accounts againft the town. Matthew Na^ro is the Attendant on the SeleOnien. Town-Officers in Bofton. 151-

[ofeph May 1793 152 Town-Omcers in xjuT^uli,

j^jjfejfors of Taxes, Jcfiah Snellin^, .Samuel Dunn, and John Boyle.

Jffj/lant AJfeJfors, John M^ihflov/, Prthdent. John W.Quincy, Secretary | Ward, No. 1, John Wait and John W. Qulncy. 2, Jacob Rhoadcs and John HolTand. 3, Benjamin Barns and Thomas Lewis, jun. 4, Enoch James and William Walter. 5, Nathan Webb and Mitchell Lincoln, 6, Jacob Tidd and Ifaac White. 7, Nathaniel Call and Joliah Bacon. 8, Samuel Torrey and Andrew Oliver. 9, Barney Smith and John Baxter. 10, Francis Wright and John Window. 11, Allen Crocker and Jofiah Morrill. 12, Benjamin Wheeler and Ephraim Thayer.

Auditors of Accounts of the 'Toivn-Trcafurer, Selc< men, Q'verfeers of the Poor, and Board of Health, Hon. Thomas Dawes, Jofeph Ruffell, and Samuel Brow Ajjay-Majlers.—John Wells and William C. Hunnema Cler-k and Injpctior of the Market.—William Goocli. Conjlahles, Amos Lewis EliPna Copeland Cornelius Fullei Samuel White Henry Lane Ix'vi Joy Thomas Stevenfon Solomon Twift John Devrreli Jirah Holbrook Mofcs Thayer Cullers of Dry Ffh, Roger Bartlctt a.id jouathan Cufhing,

Fence- F'ie'wers,

Benjamin White I Daniel Ingerfoll, jun.

Moles Eayres \ W'illiam Darricot Hay-wards & Hog^reevcs^ Barney Connor & James Cobbi Hay-Weigher.—George Trott. hformer of Deer.—Abraliam Adams. InfpeRor of Stone-Lime—Edward Rumney. *" * Meafurers of Wood and Bark at the Whafves^ Jofeph Giearon— North End of the Town. « ^ Daniel Ingerfoll, jun.—Center of the Town. Wiihaiii Aiid.ews—South End of the Town. Town-Officers &c. in Bofton. 153

Meafurers of Wood coming by Land, Ifrael Mead—South End of the Town. Jirah Holbrook—North End of the Town. Stephen Hall and Solomon Twlft—Weft-Bonon Bridge. Suweyors of Boards and Shingles. Jofhua Bentley, William Cloufton, John Butterfield, Benjamin White, John Cogfwell, William Eliifon, Daniel Ingerfoll, jr. Samuel Treat, Nathan Bradlcj^ jr. Noah Daggettj jr. Caleb Ccolidge, BraddockLcring, and Edwaid AUine. Surveyors of Flaxfeed. Samuel Blagge, x\rihur Langford j

Robert Wyer, jr. [ Jofeph Hammatt Surveyors of Hoops,

Henry Purkett I Thomas Barber

Lemuel Gardner | James Eunfon Surveyors of Highways*—^The Sele£lmen, Surveyors of^emp, Samuel Emmons and James Phillips. Surveyors of IV/icat. —Edw. 1 uckerman and Jofiah Snelling. Sealers of Weights and Meafures.

Richard Auftin, fori own & State | Timo. Green, for town. Sealers of Leather.—Thomas Bradley and Matthew Lorlng. Totun-Crier.—, No. 62, Prince-Street. Weigher of Onions.—^W^illiam Plitchbome. Municipal Court for the Town, Eftablifhed by a Lawpaficd the 4th ot March, 1800. Hon. Thomas Dawes, Judge.—(Salary 500 dolls.) John Phillips, Efq. Advocate.—(Salar)^ 200 dolls.} John Heard, Efq. Clerk. gilf'The Municipal Court is holden at Bofton on the ift Monday in each month, March and September excepted.

./iu^ioneers. Samuel Clap Thomas Clark Benjam-in Tucker T.K.Jones &Co. Lewis Hayt Nathaniel P. Hewcs Samuel Bradford Jofeph Ripley William Leverett Shaw,Barker&Co Cornel. Coolidge Benjamin Sweetfei Samuel Blagge JohnW.Quincy Patrick Gormond Caleb Hayward John Jutau Robert Gardner Thos.Fiflier&Co 154 Phyficians and Surgeons.

Sextons. Jofeph Edmonds—houf. iicad of Proftor's Lane. Ede Vennevar—houfe VVheeici's Point. James Pvogers—hoaleiiear the New-North Mecting-Hcufe. Allen Lauchlen—hoafc Purchafe Street. Henry Lane—houie Brattle Street. JchnG.Grofl'man—hoafe in Pond Street (orP.owe's lane.) Zeally Skidmore—houle Elliot Street. David Darling—houle No. 47, Back Street. James Baker—houfe Hawkins Street. Ebenczer Claflen—houfe Bennett Street. -

Wardens for ike Port of Bofton and CharleJh'UJn, Natr'aiiie! B. Lyaeai.d Thomas Powers.

Phyfcians aiid Surgeons pradifing in Bo/lon, *James Lloyd, m.d.—Near Couce^T-Hail. *Samuel Danforth, m.d.—Oppofue Concert-Hajl. *Ifaac Rand, m.d.—Atkiafon-Streer. *J ohn Jeffries, .m . d . —Franklin-Street. *Charles Jarvis, a.m.—No. 49, Newbury-Street. *Lemuel Hayward, a.>.i. —No. 85, Ncwbur)^-Strcet. *Thornas Kaft, a.m.—No. 18, Hanover-Street. *5ohn Warren, m.d.—Middle of School-Screet. *William Euftis, a.m.—Sudbury-Street. Tiiomis Welfh, a.m. No. 13, Federal -Street. *Aaron Dexter, m.d. Lcv.er end of Milk-Street. *\Viniam Spooner,M.D.—Buinnch-Street, Bowdoln-Squarc. *Abljah Cheevcr, a.m.—Court-Street. *John Fleet, jr. m.d.—No. 5, Cornhill. *Ifaac Rand, jr. a.m.— Elliot-Street. Dotlor Percival Hall, —Crofs-Strect, Doclor Jolhaa Thomas,—Bottom of Center-Street- *Wir!iam Ingalis, M.D.— Schoci-Street. *l'homas Danforth, a.m.—Bowdoin- Square- Afa Bullard, a..\[. —No. 83, Newbury-Street. *John G. Coffin, —No. 53, Middle-Street. *Jacob Gates,^^—No. 49, Marlboro'-Street. Samuel Hunt, jr. m.b. —North-Square. *James Jackfon, m.b.—School-Street, near the ChapeL Benjamin Shurtleff, m.b.—No. 7, Union-Street. *John C. Howard, a.m. —Lynde-Street, Weft Bofton. *John C.Warren, m.d.—Tremont-Street, oppofite Chapel.

* feiiou^s of the Majachufetti Medical Society, Centifts, Pilots, &c. 15|

^^^VTas Perkins, m.b.— EfTex-Street. Doftor Frederck J. Enflin,—Pleafant-Strect. Dcclor Jeremiah Gofs,— Ru'Jel-Street. Potior Abraham Scales,—No. , Middle-Street. Doctor Francis A. Alchmiller,—Creek-Square. Surgeons Dentj/i in Bojion. Jofiah Flagg,—Back Street. William P. Greenvrood,—Cold Lane. Thomas Paribus, —No. i, Winter Street. * "1 » Branch Pilots in the State of Majfachufetts. Pilotsfor the Inward Divilion of Port and Hartcnr of Bojlon, Thomas Knox, Cliarles Cole, Robert Knox. Pilots for the Outward Divifwn of the Port and Harbour of Bojlon. Jofiah Ayres, Nathl. B. Lynde, Leml. Ayres, JohnTflly.

By a late Law of this Commonv.'ealth, the pi-Iotage of the harbour of Bcflon is formed into two di\'ifions. Outward and Inwa-^dt The outward divifion confifts of four branch-

es ; and the inward ditiRon confifts of three branches; and no pcrfon fo commiffioned as a pilot, or his deputy, {hall undertake to bri'^g in or csrry out of faid harbour any vcliel dra^ving nine feet of water, (coafters and fifiiing-vef- ,feis excepted) except in his own particular branch, un^-r tJie penalty oiffty dollars. ' -The Governor nnd Council determine and fix the fees of pilotage of the feveral pilots for the haibour of Bofp-r, from time to time, having refpeft to ihe different rifk and hazard of the inward and outwarrs divifions, and according as the --iim (lances of peace or war, and the fisafons of the year,

Severally require ; and the fame to be fpecrhed on their dive warrants. A fchedule of thc-jr fees to be hung

' the Cuilom-Hodfe for the port of Boflcn and Ckarlcf' for public and , infpetlion informatioa.

1 1 E S I §6 Rates of Pilotage—of Boclcage, &c.

l^^d's Rates of Wharfage. 157

VcfTels from 150 to 200 tons 158 Rates of Whaifage and iStoragc Cents.

Ranging Timber . . 2,5 per 100 feet. Onions . . . 4 per 100 bunches;

RuffiaDuck . . . iperbo't.

Caflv of Nails . . . . 4 per (^afK. Empty cafks, &c. half wharfage. All merchandize (hipped off the wharf, to pay th? famii \vharfage as for landing, excepting fuch goods as have piid far landing, and (not having been carried off the wharf on -which they were landed) are taken off within one month from" die time they were landed. \ Goods taken in lighters, or ctherwlft by water, frorn onn board any veifel lying at the wharf, and goods taken froiK lighters, or otherwife by water, on board ai:y veffel lying '^ the wharf, to pay one half as much as for landing. Th^ faid half wharfage to be paid by the veffel lying at th|i wharf. The wharfage of goods landed, to he paid by the f:!rer. cr perfon landing the fame, except wood and lumber, whkfj^ is to be paid by the purchafer. The wharfage of goods (hipped off the wharf, to be _ _ by the veffel that recei^.'es them on board, or the perfon y^ uiips UlCIIl. Probate Information. ^59

Xjeneral Information refpedlng Prolate Bujmefu AN Executor fhould notify the heirs, or perfons intereft- ed in. a will, of the day he intends to offer it for pro- irate, that fhe\^ m?y have opportunity to conteft the probate

thereof, if they lee caufe ; otherwife the Judge may be obliged to poftpone proving the will, and to cite the heirs. An executor knowing of his appointment, muft caufe the vill [o be proved within thirty days after the death of the teftator, or prefent the faid will to the Probate Court, and

in wrirh.g declare his refufal : otherwife he may be fub- jfrtted to a heavy fine. When a perfon dies inteftate, .he widow, or next of kin to the deceafed, (if of age) fiiouId» vithin thirty days, take out a letter of adminiftration, or in writing decline the truft. Guardians rauft be appointed to minors, before the eltate is diftributed, and beiore the ac- count of adminiftration is allowed. When executors and adminiflrators are prepared to exhibit their accounts of ad- iriaftration to the Judge for allowance, they fhould invari- ably notify the perfons interefted therein, or their guardians, to be pr^ent in Court at the examination thereof: unlefs the heirs and guardians will previoufiy examine the account to be exhibited, and will certify thereon their approbation oF ir. This method may fa ve much trouble and expenfe. I'hc fame fteps fhould be taken with creditors, when an ef^

tate is infolvent : that is, tliey mufl be notified as aforefaid, or they rauft certify- as aforefaid. Adminiflrators who wifh not to account with the Judge of Probate for the perfonal eftate of the deceafed, as the fame fhail be appraifed, fhould jgive notice thereof, at the time they return the inventory, and then obtain an order for the fale of the whole, or fuch part thereof as the Judge fhall direct; and the heirs alfc, if they apprehend the perfonal eftate is appraifed too low, iliould reprefent the fame ro the Judge, and requeft to have it fold at p'lblic auftion,-or at private fale, as will befl fene ^e interefl of ail perfons concerned. 1 69 Gcnfus of Mafachufctts,

CENSUS of the fenjeral TOWNS in MASSA CHUSETTS DISTRICT. County Suffolk. of Burlington, 534 Towns. Inhabitants, Cambridge, 8.453 Boflon and > „ Carl.ne, ^34 ^'937 Iflands, J Charleftown, 9f75i Chelfea and } « Chelmsford, 1,29a ^49 Illands, S Concord, 1,679 25,786 Dracut, 1,274 County ofEsSEX. Dunflable, 485 Ame(bury, Eaft-Sudbury, Andover, Framingham, 1,695h Beverly, m\ Grotori, l,8o« JBoxford, S3* HoUifton, 783 Bradford, 1,420 Hopkintop, >.37t Danvers, 8*643 Lexington, 1,006 Gloucefter, 5.313 Lincoln, 75^ Hamilton, 749 Littleton, 904 Haverhill, Maiden, Ipfwich, 3>3o5 Marlborough, 1.735 Lynn, ^,837 Medford, 1,114 Lynnfield, 468 Natick, 694 Manchefter, 1,082 Newton, l,49i Marblehead, 5.211 Pepperell, i,ig9 Methiien, Reading, 2,025 Middleton, 598 Sherburne, 775 Newbury, 4,076 Shifley, 7»3 Newbury port, 5»946 Stoneham, 380 Rowley, h557 Stow, Salem, 9A57 Sudbury, J.303 Saiifbury, 1,8,55 Tewkfbury, 944 lopsfield, 7^^ Townfliend, Wenham, 476 Tyngfborough, —^^61,196 Waltham, 903 County £/ Middlesex. Watertown, 1,207 A6toa, poi Weftford, 1,267 Afhby, 041 \Vefton, 1,027 Bedford, 538 Wilmington, 797 Billerica, Ji3^3 Woburn, 1,228 Boxborougb, 387 Cenfus of Maflkchufctts. 1 6]

Cewtty af Ha>i ps h ire. Towns. Inhabitants, I owns. Inhabitants. Granville, 2,309 Amherft, 1,358 Greenfield, 1,254 Belchertown, 1,878 Hatfield, 809 Brim field, 1,384 Haw'ley, 878 Granby, '• 786 Heath, 604 Greenwich, 1,460 Ley den, Hadley, ' .^ i>o73 Middlefield, riolhuid, '^ 445 Montgomeiy, j6o Leveretf 711 Northampton, 2,190

Lonj>mdadow, 973 . Norwich, 959 Ludlow^; 650 Plainfield, 797 Vlonfon; ' 1,635 Rowe, 57& Montagae, 1,222 Ruficll, 431 ^4ev^•-Safcm, 1,949 Shelburne, 1,079 vTorfhfidd^ l>c)47 Southampton, )range,? 766 Southwick, 867

>-a!iner, ' 1,389 Wefifieid, 2,1 'elham,' .1>144 Well -Hampton, y^ ^hiittrfbury, 930 lohth-Haclley, 80 x ioneh-Briroticld, 774 \A-''harely, 773 undcrl-and, 537 Willian-;fburgh,i, 179 Ipvir-Kfield, 2,312 Worihiiigtcn, 1,223 -Vaie, • 997 72,433

A/'anvick, 1^233 County 0/ Pl Y M O U T I-J Vendeii, ' y'i7 ribington, 1,623 A-'ilbrahatii, 1,743 Bridgwater, 5,2co Vejl Side elf Connecticut Carver, 863 Ri-ocr. Duxborough, 1,664 ifiificld,*" 1,741 Halifax, 642 'ari>ardftowri, 780 Hanover, 958 landforti, IjZ/S Hingh;.m, 2,112 •uckiand, ijCAl Hull, "h;^.riemont, ' 875 Kingfton, 1,037

'ht frci, . 1,542 Marfnfieid, 1,256 :h"efterficH, 1,323 Middleboro', 4,458 ' oirain, 2,014 Pembroke, 1,943 onv.-ay," ' 2,013 Plymouth, 3>524 "ummington, 985 Plympton, 8b 1 .

County of BarnsTvVBLE. County of WORC»STBlt. Towns. Inhabitants, Towns. Inhabitanti* Barnftable, 2,964 Afhbumham, 994 Chatham, i»35i Athol, 993 Dennis, li4o8 Barrc, 1,937 Eaftham, 0.59 Berlin, 590 Falmouth, 1,882 Bolton, 945 Harwich, 2,857 Brookfield, 3,28jl Marfhpce, 155 Boylfton, 1,058 Charlton, Orleans, J, 095 8,120 Provincetown, Bis Douglas, 1,083 Sandwich, 3,024 Dudley, I1I40 Truro, 1,15a Fitchburgh, l,.'50o Wellfleet, 1,207 Gardner, S^i Yarmouth, ^,727 Gerry, 802 19,293 Gralton, 985 Hardwick, 1,727 County Bristol. of Han'ard, ii3>9 Attleborough, 2,480 Holdcn, 1,142 Berkley, 1,013 Hubbardfton, 1,1 J3 Dartmouth, 2,660 Lancaftcr, 1,584 Dighton, 1,666 Lticeftcr, *»*o3 Eafton, 1,550 Leominfter, 1,485 Freetown, 2,53^ Lunenburgh, 1,243 Mansfield, 1,016 Mendon, 1,628 New-Bedford, 4,361 Milford, 907 Norton, 1,481 New-Braintree, 875 Ravnham, 1,181 Northborough, 600 Rehoboth, 4,743 Northbridge, 544 Somerfet, 1,232 Oakham, 801 Swanzey, 1,741 Oxford, l,2';7 Taunton, 3,800 Paxton, 5H2 Wertport, 2,361 Peterfh-^m, 1-794 33,880 Princeton, i,o!ii Royalftou, i,«13 Dukes County. Rutland, i,'Jo3 Chilmark, 800 ShrewCbury, 1,043 Edp;arton, 1,226 Southborough, 871 Tilbur>', 1,092 Spencer, 1,431 -3,u8 Siciling, i,tM4 Sturbndgc, i,>^4(> County of Na n t u C ke T . . Sutton, 2,,5v-j Nantucket, 5,617 Templcton, i,c68

—^-t-5»5j7 . I Upton, 85^ Ccnfus of 'M^fl'achufctts, &c. i6$

.Towns , Inhahitants. 164 Table of Intereil.

A TABLE of SIMPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent,

cnlculu-ed in Dollars, Cfnts and Milles. ; Princi- Tabic of the Value, &c. of Coins, 165

*• * ^ jMille«, '^oooo*ot'5t^oo««o IS "ooooof^f^voooeio j Ccnt«,

*^. [Dimes,^ vo o o o c^ «^vo m o c< oi

-o ^ I Dolls. '*«*->O00>O ^e^»«5M M O O - u Eagles, 'jL, I oomoomoooooo

G ^OtoOOOOOOOooOM ^M M O 000 000 r«.to^M O 2-1 ^MM^C^MfJ 000000

^jO^OOO^OO^O «»3»0 00 O •»^. 't-O O w-)e«oo r*oo r^ M "mi- m w ^MM^O^Ot«V>MHOOOO 2ft. 'J oVOOOOOOOOO^OO^<>*

O s 11 . r^NO OO too VD Q»00 00 ©0 M w OOOOO0O.4»0te«

. 00 «^vO .09>OeO««c«%0>OM " W M M rtfcS _.MHtC yO u^ «t M O _:iHMr^MMr<)000000

•« _. J^ ' 4v'* *^° <^=* "^"^ "«tO>6cc M

w^ V^-OO 5 ^ o . ^ OS© >0 If t O* »^ «C eo

ft ca CO•i-l


(I) (ii •—,S S ft cc fe to cJo'w i2! A TABLlL For receivingnr.d pacing the Goidt^oins of Great ?'•> it

A ! :; , and Port u gal, of their prefent Standard, accorc jng to the A8: of Corgrefs, regulaiiiig Foreign Coin; Passed the 9th Ftbrua'y, 1793- Carefully revifed.

(dwt's. doUs.cts. dwt's. | doll&.cts I

oO 7^


to !o 11 12 13 H

16 17 18 ]6 19 I

20 2o 21 22 23 24 25 ^2 2b 23

27 1 24

28 j 24 20 25

8° 30 31 32 S3 ^ 36 A Table of Gold Corns. 167

- -dwt's. i6S A Table of Gold Coins

»3o 230 204 231 205 232 206 233 207 834 208 «35 208 836 209 £-37 2ia ^38 211 «39 212

240 240 213 241 214 S42 2-^5 2^*3 216 244 of Great^Brltain and Portugal. i6g

dwt*s. dblls.cts. dwt's. {dol]s.cts. dwt's. doUs-cts.

350 350 3n 851 312 352 312 3.53 313 354 314 355 356 357 358 359

260 360 361 362 363 364

$1 369

370 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 31^ 379

180 380 38t

383 384

386 387 388 ^^89 1805.J lj& A Table of Gold Colas,

dolls, cts. • ' dwt's. I

Jwt's dolls.cts. i 1 1 72 A Table of Gold Coins dwts. ( dolls. cts. t dwt^s. .( dolls, cts. dwt's. j dolls.cM.

100 100

174 A Table of Gold Coins dwt's. I dolls.cts. dwt*s. j dolls.cts. dwt's. dolls, ctl. i)

340 340 097 81 380 380 332 84 420 420 341 298 68 881 333 72 421 368 342 299 56 382 334 60 422 369 343 300 44 383 334 47 423 370 344 301 3» 384 335 35 424 37» 345 302 19 385 337 22 42 372 346 303 6 386 338 10 42 373 347 303 94 338 98 427 374 348 304 02 lU 339 85 428 374 349 305 69 38s 340 73 429 375

350 350 306 67 390 390 341 60 430 430 376 64 351 307 44 391 342 48 431 377 5« 352 308 82 392 343 36 432 378 39 353 309 19 393 344 23 433 379 27 354 3J0 7 394 345 1 434 380 14 355 3'6 95 395 345 8 435 381 8 350 311 82 396 346 43S 381 9c 357 312 70 397 347 74 437 382 77 358 313 57 3981348 61 438 383 6^ 359 314 45 3991349 49 439 384 52

3^0 360^3 33 400 400 350 36 4464401385 361 316 20 401 351 24 441386 362 317 8 402 352 11 44aJ387 363 317 403 352 99 4431388 364 318 n 404 353 87 444 388 365 319 405 354 74 445 389 .366 320 406 355 62 446 390 367 321 35S 46 407 49 447 391 363 322 33 408 35 37 448391 369 323 409 % 25 449593

324 410 410 12 450 450 394 324 411 00 451 325 i84 412 360 87 452 326 71 413 361 75 453

327 59 414 362 63 • 454 308 47 4»5 363 455 329 34 416 364 456 330 22 25 457 331 9 418 il 13 458 331 419 97 367 i . 459 of France and Spam. »75

dwt's. f dolls, cts. dwt's. dolls. 1 460 460 402 461 403 462 404 463 464 465 407 466 408 467 409 468 409 469 4^o

470 47G 411 471 412 472 413 473 414 474 416 476 416 477 478 418 479 419

480 480

49« 490 429 491 430 492 430 493 431 494 432 495 433 496 434 497 498 436 499 437 WW ,«tiP.Mm. lMIM » '< l'I W1>l»^ I THE

tiniteu states Calcntiar.

Government of the UNITED STATES. , LL.D. President. AARON BURR, f^ce Prcfident of the U>ftTEI States, znd. Pref.d^ni of the Senate, (a)

Samuel A. Otis, Secretary. SENATE. Ncza-HampfiirCf Simeon Olcott and William Plumer. ^^hodo-Iflznd^ Chriftopher Ellery. J^lajachufetts^ John Q. Adams and TimoLhy Pickering Conncdkutf James Hillhoufe and Uriah I'racy. Verinont, -Stephen R. Bradley and Ifrael Smith, New-York. Theodoras Bailey. Ncw-Jerfey, Jonathan Dayton and John Condit. ptiuifylvania, George Logan and Samuel Maciaj-. Dilawarey Samuel White and W'illiam H. Well^, Maryland, Robert Wright and Samuel Smith. ^ Firghn'd, Wilfcn C. Nicholas and John Taylor. i>i Norih-Carolina, DaviJ Stone aiid Jeffe Frauklin.

South-Carolina^ I'hcmas Sumter and Pclrcc Eatler. _'^, Georgia^ Abraham Baldwin and Jam:;s Jackfon.

Kerduhv, John Brackenric'ge ai-,W Jjohn Brown. ' Tcnnejc?, Joicph Anicrfon and Daniel Smith. OhcO, , John Smiib ai.J 1 honsas Worthington^

''a) B\ th&^CanJlitutHm, thlViCf-P'ffd^.il is Pre.fidcnt of'li S^rate, out has nc icicc un^^i tin. S^ilnLiy^^ '\t'.a'ly diiidci Eighth Congrefs. ^77


Speaker. \ Clerk.

Nathaniel Macon, j John Beckley. Mr. Parkinfon, Chaplain.

NEW-HAMPSHIRE fends 5. , Samuel Hunt, David Hough, Silas Bettan, Clifton Clagget. MASSACHUSETTS, 17. 'William Euftis, Samuel Thacher, Jacob Crowninfhield, jfofeph B. Varnum, Phanuel Bifhop, Tomfon J. Skinner, ibenezer Seaver, , Seth Haftings, Manaflen Sutler, William Stedman, Peleg Wadfvorth, Thomas i)w'ight, , , Phineas 3ruce, Samuel Taggart, RHODE-ISLAND, 2.

Jofeph Staunton, jun. j Nehemiah Knight, CONNECTICUT, 7. John C. Smith, Roger Grifwold, Benjamin Talmagc, lamuel W. Dana, Calvin Goddard, John Davenport, jr. Jimeon Baldwin.

VERMONT. 4. Gideon Olin, William Chamberlain, James Elliot, Mar« n Chittenden. NEW-YORK, 17. John Smith, Samuel L. Mitchell, Philip Van Cortlandt, ndrew M'Cord, Daniel D, Verplank, Beriah Palmer, David Thomas, Thomas Sammons, Erafius Root, John feitterfon, Oliver Phelps, Jofhua Sands, Henry W. Living* •n, Killian K. Van RenfTelacr, Greorge Tibbets, Gay- ' Grifwold, Jofiab Hafborouk. NEW.JERSEY, 6. James Sloan, Ebenezer Elmer, Henry Southard, Jam^ !ott, William Melms, Adam Boyd. , 18. Jofeph Clay, Jacob Richards, Michael Leib, Robert own, Ifaac Van Home, Frederick Conrad, Jofeph Heifler, Anderfon, John Whitehill, John Smilei, John Stewart, ohn A. Hanna, David Bond, , William indley, John,B. C. Lucas, William Hoge, John Rhea. DELAWARE, 1. "^ Cefar A. Rodney. 178 Eighth Congrefs, &e.

MARYLAND, 9. Jofeph H. Nicholfon, William Mac Creery, John Archi er, Nicholas R. Moore, Walter Bowie, John Dennis, Thomas Plater, John Campbell. VIRGINIA, 22. John Randolph, jr. John Smith, JohnClopton, Thomas M. Randolph, John W. Eppes, John Dawfon, Jofeph Lewis, jun. Edwin Gray, David Holmes, Anthony New, Thomas Claiborne, Walter Jones, Thomas Newton, jun. Abram Trigg, Peterfon Goodwin, James Stephenfon, John G. Jackfon, Thomas Lewis, , Thomas Grif- fin, Philip R. Thompfon. NORTH-CAROLINA, 12. , Willis Allfton, Richard Stanford, Saml. D. Purviance, Marmaduke Williams, Thos. Wynns. James Holland, William Blackledge, Nathaniel Alexander, Jofeph Winnfton, William Kennedy, James Gillefpie. SOUTH-CAROLINA, 8. William Butler, Thomas Lowndes, Richard Winn, Levi Carney, Thomas Moore, Wade Plimpton, John Eark, Benjamin Huger. GEORGIA, 4. David Merriweiher, Peter Early, Samuel Hammond, Ml". Bryan. KENTUCKY, 6. John Fowler, Matthew Walton, John Boyle, Thomai Sanford, George M. Bedinger, Matthew Lyon.

TENNESSEE, 3. William Pickfon, Geo.Wafhington Campbell, John Rhea OHIO, 1. Jeremiah Morrow. MISSISIPPI TERRITORY, 1. William Lattimore.

A List of Representatives chosen for the gth Congress, as fiar as could be coUedled will be found at the end of the Recistpr.

Department of State. Maddifon, Secretary. Jacob Wagner, Chief Clerk James | Department of the Treafury of the United States, Secretary, Albert Gallatin. Comptroller, Gabriel Duvall. Auditor, Richard Harrifon. CommiJJioner of the Revenue, William Mille5« Treafurer, Thomas T. Tucker. Rf^glficr, Jofeph Nourfe. Heads of Departments.—Judiciary, 179

IVar Department.

Secretary^ . Accountant, William Simmonds. Purveyor of Public Supplies, Tenth Coxe, Nav^ Department,

Robert Smith, Secretary. ] 1 homas Turner, Accountant Jofeph Fox, Chief Builder and Conjirucior.

PoJi-OJice EJlahlifloment. Gideon Granger, Poft-Mafter-GeneraU

Abraham Bradley, Affiftant ditto. ' " JUDICIARY. Supreme Court."

John Marfliall, Chief Juftice. jijfociale Jujlices, W. Culhlng, Majachufetts BufhrodWafiilngtOTi, Virginia Wm. Patteribn, N. Jerfey. William Johnfon, 5. Carolina Samuel Chafe, Maryland Attorney'General.

Levi Lincoln,.of Maffachufetts. Clerk, Elias B^ Caldwell, of Wafliington City.

\The Records of -the Courts of Errors and Appeals, in cajei ^f Capture, are lodged in the Clerk'' s Office cj this Court.] DISTRICT OFFICERS. Diftrld of Maine.

Judge. Attorney.. I Marjkal. I David Sewall> Silas Lee, | | Tho. G.Thornton. DiftricT; of New-Hampfliire.

Judge Attorney. I Marjkal. I fohn S. Sherburne Dani. | Humphreys ( Michael M'CIary. Diftria of Maffachufetts.

Judge. Attorney. I Marjkal. I John Davis George Blak? J J Samu^ Bradford. i8o Diftrld Officers—Federal Courts.

DIftria of Rhode-Ifland.

udge. Attorney. 1 MarJJiaL' I ' William ridL. Barnes | David Howell J Peck. Diftri<5l of Connefticut.

Judge. I Attorney, i Marjhal.

Richard Law | Pierpont Edward"! | Jofeph Wiicox- Diftrid: of Vermont.

Attorney. I Marjkal. Judtre. I David Fay Elijah Paine | | John Willard.. i:)iftria of New-York.

Judge. Attorney. I MarJHal. I Nathan Sandford JohnSlofsHobart | J John Swartwoul. Diiftrl

I Attorney. 1 Judgt* ^ ^ Mar/hat.

Robert Morris. | Jofeph M'llvainc | Oliver Barnctt, Diftrid of Pennfylvania. Richard Peters, Judge. Alex. J. Dallas, Attorney for the Eajlern DiflriSl, John Smith, Marpial for the Eajlem Dijiri6i, Diftria of Delaware.

Judge. Attorney. I Marfkal, I

Bedford | George Read, jun. Culhing | Joel Lewis. Piftria of Marylandi

Judge. I Attorney. Marjhal. | James Winchefter I Z. Hollinglworth | Reuben Etting. Diftria of Columbia^ Chief Judge. j Judges. William Kilty | Wm. Cranch&Jas.Marflial


the feat of Government, on the firft Monday i ATFebruary, annually. CIRCUIT COURTS. IVhen any of the follozoing days happen on a Simdoft I

Court is to &€ holden on the Monday fiUoivvng, . Sittings of the Federal Courts. i8i

Firji Circuit, In Rhode-Ijfland, at Providence, on the I5ih day of Ko- vembcr ; and at Newport, on the i5'h day of June. In Majackufetti, atBofton, June ift and Oftober 20th." In Nezo-Hampjhirey at Portifmouth, on the 19th day of

^AY ; and at Exeter, on the 2d day of November. Sfcond Circuit.

In CenneElicut, at New-Haven, on the 13th (fay of April ; and ?t Hartford, on the 17th day of September.

In Vermont, at Windfor, on the ift day of May ; and at Rutland, on the 3d day of October. In New-York^ at New-York, April 1 and September 1. Third Circuit. In MeW'Jerfey, at Trenton, April 1 and Oftober 1. In P'-nnfylvunia, at the city of Philadelphia, April tl and Oftober 11. Fourth Circuit. In Delaware, at Dover, June 3 and Oftober 27. In Maryland, at Baltimore, May 1 and November 7. Fifth Circuit. In Virginia, at Richmond, May 22 and November 22. In North-Carolina, at Raleigh, June 15 and Dec. 29. Sixth Circuit.

_ In South-Carolina, at Charlefton, May 20 ; and at Colum*. bia, November 30. In Georgia, at Savannah, May 6 ; and at Louifville, December 14. In Columbia, for the county of Alexandria, on the 4th Monday ot June, and 4th Monday of November; for the County of Wafhington, on the 4th Monday of July, and 4th Monday of Novem be r. DISTRICr COURTS. IN the Diftrift of Maine, at Portland and Wifcaflet alter- nately, on the firft Tuefday cf March, laft Tuefday of May, and ift Tuefday in September and December. In New-HajnpJIiire, alternately at Portfraouth and Exe- ter, on the thiid Tuefdays in March, Jane, September an4 December. In Vermont, at Rutland, on the loth day of OBober; and at Windfor the 7th day of May, annually : (Tc fit Qa JMtJnday when ;hey happen on SundayJ iSo5-] Q» —

i82 Sittinj^fso of the Federal Courts.

In '^'^affachifctts. at Bonon, pn the 4rh Tuefday in June

and ift in December. .'Ar Salem, -oa tiie 3d 1 uefday i "'TVl*arch,'and 2d in September. In Rhode-Jjland^^ at Newport, on the 2d Tuefday "in May

and .^d Tuefdjiy in Ocloberj and at Providence, the 1 Tuefday in February, and the iftTnefday in Augnft. In CovneRkitt, al'ernately at Hartford and Ne^^•-Havcn, the 3d Tuesdays of February, M;)y, Auguft and Novembei In N:zo-York, at the city of New-York, on the firftTue days of February, May, Auguft and November. In Ncw^Jerfe\\ at New-Erunfwick, on the 4ih Tucfdaj in iVI-.y and November. At Burlington, on the 4th Tu« days in February and Auguft. _ In PervhJMvariia, at Philadejpbia, on the 3d Mondays February, May, Auguft and Nov^ihber.

In Delaware, alternately at Dovt-r and Newcaftle on tl 4tb Tnefdays of February, May, Auguft and Noyembe

In Marylandy at Baltimore, on the iiift Tuefdays Mrucb, Tune, September and December. In Potomac DifinEl^ ai Alexandria, on the ift Tuefda;

in April and Oftobcr. . ^ In Vir,iiriia, at Noifolk, on the i,5rh day of June, ar

j^ih day of December ; and at Richmond, on the loth di

o'? May, and lorb day of November : to commence ( Mond'.ys when the times happen on Sundaj's. In Norjolk Dijlnci^ at Norfolk,X)n ihe ift Tuefdoys FrbriTary,.;Mayv Auj_,uft and November. In Kriifuch, ill Monday in March, ift Monday in Jul

and 111 MoiKi,iy in November, annup.lly. .

In North-Carolina, Alhemarle D.{liiFt, at Eden ton, on tl

^dToeld^y in Anril, on the ^dl ucQay in Auguft, and on ti 3d Tueiday in December.— Pamptico Diftritt, at Nev>ber:

on the 2d Tnefday of April, 2d Tuefday of Auguft, arid I I'ucfday of D^cemb°r ''^ope F: ar Diftrirt, at Wilmin


eact fuccecdin^- the 4th ii-ioncu:/ of Noveiul><3r. . Counfellors and Attornles, Szc, i§3

In the Territor}- of Orleans^ at the city of Or]enn<:, on the 3(1 Mondaj of October, oa tiie 3d Monday ot January, on the 3d Monday of Apr 1, and on the 3d Monday of J a.y. In 0/no, on the lit Monday of Februdry, on the lit Ivioi.- day o[ June, and on tiie ift Monday of (J6loher,

Counfellors auti Attornies //; ibe Circuit Court, Mapchujetts Bljinct.

James SulUvan, .^ncarjalnub Bouiuf, 1 heophi'us Parfons, Wiiiiam Wetmore, Levi Lincoln, AVilliani Hull, hben- czer Bradifh, Thomas Edwards, Jonathan Fi^y, Rafus G. Araory, Samuel Dexter, Jofcph Hail, Edward Gr;?y, Harriioa G. Otis, William Prefcott, V/iiiiam Nymmes, jrl, Thomas Williams, jun. Horatio f ownfcnd, Timothy Big- low, John Lowell, liaac Parker, John C^- Adams, John Phillips, Barnabas Bidwell, George Blake, Benjamin WHit-. man, John Callender, Jofiah Ouincy, Samuel Haven, jo- leph Rowe, EbenezerGay, Wiliiam Sullivan, Jofcph Bart- lett, Charles Paine, Francis Blake, Chailes Jackfon, John Heard, jun. William Thurfton, Edward Jackfon, Thos. O.. Selffidge, Robert T. Paine, jr. 184 Miniilers in Foreign Countries. i

Secretary cf War, . • . 4,500 Secretary of the Navy, . 4.5co Comptroller of the Treafurj', . S^o^^ Auditor of ditto, , 3,000 Treafurer of ditto, . 3,000

Regifter of ditto, . 2,400 Attorney-General, . . . 3, ©00 Commiflioner of Revenue, . 3,000 Accountant of War Department, 2,cco Accountant of Navy Department, 2,000 Poft Mafter-General, - - 3,000 Afliftant Poft-Mafter-General, 1,700

MINISTERS OF THE UNITED STATES, resi- DEXT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. I^ames Munroe, Minifter Plenipotentiary London ,Gen. John Armdrong, Minifter in France Paris Thomas Sumpter, jr. Serretary Charles Plnckney, Minifter Plenipotentiary Madrid John Graham, Secretary

Commt/fioners at Paris y under the Loui/iana Treaty* B-irren Fn^war Skipwirh. Ha^c Coxe |


Confiils In the Kingdom of Great'Britain and its De* pendencies, George W. Erving, Coniul and Agent for managing Claims for Spoliations, at LoridoA Eiias Vanderhorft Brijol Harry^rant ^..Leith Robert W. Fox Falmouth John Gavino Gibraltar James Mavuy Liverpool ( Danara" jofeph Wilibn Dublin W. P. Gardner < ra and Thorn. fAuldjo Poole ( EjfeqmSo ^ Kins Ron on Georger, Knoxrr JohnElmnie,jr. \ ff^,,^ \ gW^'/^^ James Holmes Belfajl Jofeph Pulis Malta John Church Cork David Eafton Martinico Commercial Agents to the French Republic and hef Dominions, FuKvar Skipwith Paris Thomas Lovell La Rochelle James Anderfon Ottc William Patterfon Nantg Aaron Vale VCrimt Thomas F. Gantt ditto ,

American Confuls. 1 85

James Robertfonfa) Antwerp Thomas Aliorn Cayenne J. L^ Baroi), jr. (ci) Dhppt Etienne Cathalan Marjnllis Wiiliam Lee Bourd-aux John Appletoa Calais Edw. Tones If. Gaudalcnipe Fiancis Coffyn Dunkirk Henry WiHbn Opnd W . Buchanan J ^ ^^^^6on. Vincent Gray Havannak E. Auhree, Cherbourg (aj Vice-Ccvful. fa) | Confuls to the Kingdom of Spain and its Dominions,

Moi'es Young Madrid \ Lewis O'Brian St. Jnf/'r0

Jofeph Yznardl, jr. Cadiz | Henry Mo'ier Corunna Robt. Mont<;omeVy Alicant Tofiai) Bhikely StJagoiCuba) \Vm. Kirkp-.itrick Malaga Geo. Tenerifft \ W.McKhoy

Confuls to the Kingdom of Portugal and Its Dominions,

William Jarvis Lijhon I John Street Fayai'

John F. Brown I/l.St. Thorn. \ Barnard de C. Brown Oporto Confuls to the Batavlan RepuhUc.

Sylvanus Bourne, Conful-General at Awjlcrdam.{\\) Lawfon Alexander, at Rotterdam.

Confuls to the Kingdom of Denmark and its Dominion^,

Hans R. iviabye Copenhagen | Henry Cooper Santa Cruz. Frederick W. Lutze, is ConTul to Prufiia at Stettin.

Levitt Harris, is Conful at St. Peteifinirj^^ in Ruffia. ' Confuls to Germany—John M. Forbes, at Hamburgh ;(b) Fredeikk J. Wichelhaufen, at Brcram ; William Rig^en, ax Triejie ; and William Clark, at Emdrn. Conful to the Kingdom of Sweden,

Robert C. Gardner, at Gottenhurg . Confuls to the Italian States, Thomas ApDleton Leghorn John M. Goctchlns GrnoA

John Matthieu Naples Joleph Barnes Ifl. oj Sicily John B. Sartori Rome

(a) Mr. Bourne has a':pointed Mr. Ticdc Chriftians.Vo "«:/, tend to the ajjairs of the Confulate at the Texel, and Mt^p. Korr& Co. at the Hclder ; to whuai majlers of veJeU will addrefs thenifelvcs.

(b) Mr. J. M: Forbes is alfa Conful for fnch barfs of the circle of Lower Saxony as vmy he nearer to Hamburgk t/lan t» the rejidence an\ of ' other Coufu! of the Uuiitd States. 1S05.J Q 2 i86 Foreign Minifters in tlie U. States.

Conful for Ijlands of Minorca^ Majorta and Tvkc John Martin Baker.

Marian Letnar is Conful for Illand of Madeira.

Ifaac Piince is Conful for Idand o{ Bartfiolomew. Confuh to the Barbary Powers.

Tobias Lear,fc-) Conful-General at Algiers,

James L. Cathcart in Algiers ; and James Simpfon, Moroccc

Capt. M'Gee is Agent at Canton.

MINISTERS, CONSULS AxVd COMMISSARIE OF FOREIGN POWERS, resident in tm; UNITED STA1T.S. Frcm the Kingdom of Great Britain*

Edward Thornton, Charge d'Affaires. Alfo appointed i the fame charafter to the Court of Berlin. Thomas Barclay, Conful-General for the Eaftern States. Phineas Bond, Ccnjul-Gtneral for the Middle -and Souther States. ^Thomas M'Donough, Conful for New-Hampfhire, Maffi chufetts, Rhode-Ifland and Connetlicut. Benj. Moodie, Conjid for N. and S. Carolina and Georgii John Breefe, Vice-Ccnftliox Rhode-Ifland. Gabriel Wood, Vice-Conful for Baltimore. Anthony Merry, Envoy Extraordirrary and Minifler Pk nipotentiary to the United States.

From the French RepubUc,

Louis Andre Pichon, Charge d'Affaires and Conful Gee eral at Georgetown. Marc Antoine Alexis Giraud, Conful for the Nevr-Englan States, at Softon. Citizen Ray, Conful for New-Yoik and New-Jerfev, z New-York. Louis Arcambal, Conful ^or Maryland, at Baltimore. Girard Cazeaux, Vtcc-Conful, at Portfmouth, (N. H.) Tofeph Marie Lequinio Kcrblay, Vicc-Confuly at Newport. Citizen Fourcroy (protempore) Vice-Conful, at Philadeiphis Citizen Delille, Vice-Conjul, at Wilmington, (N. C.)

(c) Mr. Lear is alfo a Cojitmifjiontr to treat of Peace wit ike Bafliauj cf Tripcii. Foreign Confuls in the U. States. 187

' Citizen Ofter, Vice-Conful, at Norfolk. Citizen Sotin, Ft'ce-Con/ul, at Chailefton, (S. C.) Citizen Soult, Vice-Conful, at Savannah, (Georgia.) Citizen Martil, Commijfary of Commercial Rc/atzcn:, for Kcn» tucky, at New-Orleans.

From the Kingdom of Spain* .Marquis de Cafa Yrujo, Minifitr Plenipotentiary^ at Wafii- ington. Don Jofeph Bruno Magdalena, Secretary of Legation^ at Wafliington. Sig. Don Valentin dcYorondz, Conful-General, Philadelphia. Sig. Don paufto de Foronda, Vice-Conful Genera/, do. Sig. Don Juan Stoughton, Conful, for New-Ham pfliirc, (^onnefticut, Rhode-Ifland, Vermont, and Mafiachu- fetts, at Bofton. ; ,^, Sig. Don Jofeph Wifeman, Vict-Conful, for faid lad men- ' tioned States, at Newport. ^ Sig. Don Thomas Stoughton, Conful^ for New-York, at City of New-York.

, Sig. Don Juan Baptifla Banabeu, Vice-Confult for Maryland, at Baltimore. §ig. Don Antonio Argote Villalobos, Vice-Conful^ for Vir- ginia, and Kentucky, at Norfolk. Sig. Don Diego Murphy, Conful, for North and South Car- olina, and Georgia, at Charlefton, (S. C.) '

From the Kingdom of Portugah John Abram, Vice-Conful for New-York. James F. Vemock, Vice-Conful for South-Carolina. Mr. Suvaro, Vice-Conful for Pennfylvania,

From the Bataiian Repttblic. Adrian Valck', Conful for Maryland and Virginia. Tan Boonen Graves, Conful for South-Carolina and Georgia. J. H. C. Heineken, Commercial Agent^ for Pennlylvania.

From Prujfia,

; JphannEmft Chiiflian Schulz, Conful ^x Baltimore.

From the Kingdom of Denmark, Peter BlicherOlfen, MinifterRefident and Conful-General. Peter Pederfon, Charge d'AJ'airei to the United States. iSS Confuls, Sec.


Jacob E. A. Steinmeitz, for South-Carolina. Jofeph Winthrop, ditto. Wm. Scarborough, for Georgia. Erich Bollman, for Pennfylvania. John Baritz, for North-Carolina. John Spendler, for New-York and Conne6licut. Peter Collin, for Maryland. Joiiathan Swift, for Diftrift of Columbia. David Greene, for Bofton (MafT.)

From Sijueden* Richard Soderftrom, Conful-Gencral. Jofeph Winthrop, Vke-Confid, Charlefton (S. C.) Jona. Swift, Fke-Con/ui, Columbia and ports on Potomac, Charles F. Degen, Vice-ConJ'ul, New-Hampfhire, Maffachu fetts and Rhode-Ifland. Henry Gahn, Vice-Confiil, for New-York and Conncflicut. John Baritz, Vice-Confnl, for North-Carolina. Peter Collin, Vice-Conful, for Maryland. John Cowper, Vkc-Conful, for Norfolk, and all other port; in Virgmia, except thofc on the Potomac. DUTIES, PAYABLE BY LAW ON ALL GOODS, WARES ^«^ MERCHANDIZE,

Imported into the United States from and after ihe laft da) of June, 1804.

C^If imported in foreignfiips or nyejfels, an additiot. is made of lO per centum en the amount of duties.

Note. Articles on which the duties are ellimated pei centum, are unde: flood to be ad valorem ; except wher otherwit'e particularly exprelled, as, per cwt. per gallon per pound, per doz.

ALE, beer and porter, In cafks or bottles, 8 cents }->er gall on the bottles, if black glafs quart bottles, - - - 60 cts. pr. groft Almonds, - - - 2 cents per lb« Duties on Goods, &c. S9

Anchors, i| cents per lb, Annifeed, ^ - - 1 75 per eent. Antimony, regulus of, Jrec. Apparatus, philofophical, fpecially ini' ported for any feminary of learning, free. Apparel, wearing. 5ee Wearing apparel - - Aqua fortis, _ free: Arms, fire and fide, not otherwife enu- merated, or parts thereof, - - 17^ per cent. Articles of all kinds, of the growth, or manufafture

of the United- States, or their territories, upon which I no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid( - - % or admitted, - - , Artificial flowers, feathers, and other orna- ments for women's head-drefTes, - 17I per cent. BAGGAGE, perfonal. See Wearing apparel, &c. Balls & Balfams. See Powders, Paftes, &c. Bark of the cork tree - - free.

Beer ale, and porter. .S"*?^ Ale. Beafts, viz. horfes, cattle, fheep, fv/ine or other ufeful ones, imported for breed, free. Bohea teas. See Teas. Bonnets, hats and caps of ever}' kind, - 17I per cent. Books, blank, - - - 15 per cent.

Boots, - - . y^ cts. per pair. Bottles, black glafs quart, 60 cts. per grofs, Brafs cannon, I74per cent. lafs teutenague and wire, free. irafs, all other manufaftures of brafs, 174 per cent, irafs, iron or fteel locks, hinges, hoes, an vils and vifes, 15 per cent. 5ri ks and tiles, 17J per cent. iriftles, of fwine, free. kufhes, 15 per cent. buckles, fhoe and knee, I7|per cent. bullion, - , - frte. burgundy wine. See Wines. Jurr-ftones, unwrought, free. buttons of every kind, 17^ per cent. JABINET wares, 17I per cent. 'ables and tarred cordage, 2 cents per lb. jambricks, 15 per cent. •andles of tallow, 2 cents per lb. andles of wax or fpermaqeti, 6 cents per lb. 190 Duties on Goods, &c.

Canes, walking Packs and whips, 15 per cent. Cannon of brafs, J 75 per cent. Capers, 175 per cent. Caps, hats and bonnets of every kind 175 percent. Cards, wool and cotton, 50 cents per doz. Cards, playing, - , 25 cts. per pack. Carpets and carpeting. 372 per cent, Carriages, or parts ot carriages. 225 per cent. Cartridge paper, 175 per cent. CaflTia, Chinefe, 4 cents per lb. Champaign wine. See Wines. Cheefe, - - - 7 cents per lb. China w.are, 17! per cent. Chintzes and coloured calicoes or muflins, and all print- ed, fiained.or coloured goods or manufaftures, or not being printed, ftained or coloured, of cotton, of linen, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the material of chief value, Chocolate, _ > _ 3 cents per lb. Cinnamon and cloves, 20 cents per lb. Clay, unwrought. free. Clocks & watches, or parts of either. See Watches. Clogs and golofhoes. See Shoes. Clothing ready made, 15 per cent. Coaches, chariots, phaetons, chairs, chaifes, folos, or other carriages, or parts of either, - - - 22|per cent. Coal, _ - - 5 cts. pr.bufhel. - Cocoa, - , 2 cents per ib.^. Coffee, _ - _ 5 cents per Ibv Colours. See Painters. _ » _ Comfits, 1 7I per cent. Compofitjons for the teeth or giims. See Dentifdce. manufaflures, ^^^^' Copper - 1 7a P^'' Copper in plates, pigs, and bars, free. Cordage, tarred, - ^ 2 cents per lb. Cordage, untarred, per lb.

Cork tree, bark of, .- />'te. Cofmetics, 1 7^ per cent. Cotton, 3 cents per lb* Cotton rags. See Rags. Cotton or linen manufadures, or of both, or of which cotton or linen is the mate- Duties on Goods, &c. 191

ilaj of chief value, whether printed, rtaine'd, coloured, or otherwife, - 15 per cent. Currants, - - - 2 cents per lb. CutlafTes, or parts thereof, - 17^ per cent. - - DATES, 1 7^ per cent* Dentifrice, powders, tinftures, prepara- tions and com poll tions for the teeth and gums, - - I7^per cent. Difhes, pewter, - - 4 cents per lb. Dolls, dreffed & undrefTed, or parts thereof, 17^ per cent. Drugs and woods for dyeing, - free. Drugs, medicinal, except thofe common- ly ufed for dyeing, - - 17^ per cent, EARTHEN and ftone ware, - 175 per cent. Elfences. See Powders, paftes, &:c. FANS, or parts thereof, - I7^per cent. Fayal wine. Set Wines. Feathers, and other ornaments for women's head drelfes, - - 17^ per cent. Figs, - - - 2 cents per lb. Fifh, dried, foreign caught, - 50 cts.pr.quintal. F]fh, mackarei, - - 60 cts.per barrel. Fifh, falmon, • - - 100 cts. per bbl. Fifh, all other pickled, - 40 cents per bbl. Floor-cloths ;md mats, or parts of either, 17^ per cent. Flowers, artificial, - 17^ per cent. Fringes commonly ufed by upholflerers, coachmakers and faddlers, - 17^ per cent. Fruits of all kinds, except thofe other- wife particularly enumerated, - 175 per cent. Furs of every kind, undreffed, - free. Gauzes, - - 15 pe^ cent. Geneva Ipirits. See Spirits. Ginger, - . - 17I per cent. Girandoles or parts thereof, - sfig per cent. Giafs, black quart bottles, - 60 cents pr.grofs. Glafs, window, not above 8 by 10 inches, 160 cents S pr.ioo Glafs, Window, nor above 10 by 12 inches, 17,5 cents > fquare G afs, wmdow, above 10 by 12 inches, 225 cents) feet. Giafs, all other glafs, and manufattures thereof, - - _ . 22^ per cent. Glauber fairs, - - - 200 cts. per cwt. Gloves and mittens of every kind, - 172 per cent. Gliie-, - - - 4 cents per lb. Goiii, filver i^d plated ware, - I7ipe-r cent. ^ 192 Duties on Goods, &c.

Gold and filver lace, - - 17J percent.^ • Golofhoes. Sjc Shoes. . . . _ Goods, wares and merchandize imported dire^lly from") ;

China or India in (hips or veflTels not of the United f . States, except teas, China ware, and all other arti-r j - cles liable to higher rates of duties, j| J Goods, wares and merchandize, intended to be re-ex- ported to a forei^i^n port or place in the fame fiiip or | all arti- l veffei in which they {hall be imported—and :

the growth or manufaaure of the United -! cles of j territories, upon no draw- States, or of their which j back, bounty or allowance has been paid or admitted, j Goods, wares and merchandize, not herein otherwife particularly enumerated and - - - cesrt. delcvihcd, _ _ 15 per Gum, chiefly ufed in preparing muflins, cottons or linens, for receiving colours or dyes, . - - free. Gum Arabic, - - - f^^^' Gunpowder, . - - 4 cents per lb HANGERS, or parts thereof, - 17^ per cent. Hail powder, - - - 4 cents per lb Hats, caps, and bonnets of every kind, i/^per cent- Hemp, . - - - 100 cents percw Hempen rags, - - - - free. Hides, raw, - - - /rce. Hoop iron, . - - - 1 cent per lb. IMPLEMENTS or tools of a mechanical trade only, of pcrfons who arrive in the L-hiited States, _ - - free. Indigo, - - - -25 cents per lb Iron wire, - - - - free. Iron, fheet, - - - i| cents per lb Iron, (lit and hoop, - _ - 1 cent per lb. Iron, fteel or brafs locks, hinges, hoes, anvils and vifes, - - - 15 percent. Iron, caft, and all manufiftures of iron, fteel or biafs, or of which either of

thefe m.etals is the article of chief value, not being otheiwife particularly enu- merated, - - - . 17^ per cent. JEWELRY and paRe work, - I7^perce^ KID and morocco flioes. See Shoes. LACE of gold and CIvcr, - 17I' per cent. Duties on Goods, &c. ipj

Laces and lawn

is the article of chief value, not other- wife particularly enumerated, - 17I per cent. Lemons and limes, - - 17I per cent. Lim.e, foreign, in cafks of 60 gallons, 50 cents pr.cafk. Linen or cotton manufaflures, or of both, or of which cotton or iinen is the ma- terial of chief value, whether printed, ftalued, coloured or otherwife, - 15 per cent. Linen rags, - - - free. Lifbon and Oporto wines. Set Wines. Looking glafs, - - , . 22| per cent. MACE, - - . 125 cents per lb. Mackerel, - - _ 60 cents per bbl. Madeira, Malaga, and other wines. Set Wines. Malt, - - - - locts.perbufliel. Manufaftures of tin, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and difhes, - I7iper cent. Manufaftures of iron, fteel, or brafs, not otherwife particularly enumerated, 17I per cent. Manufa£lures of leather, not otherwife enumerated, - - particularly _ 17^ per cent. Manufaftures of lead, not otherwife par- ticularly enumerated, - - 1 cent per lb. Manufafhires of cotton or linen, or of both, whether printed, ftained, colour- - ed or otherwife, - 15 F-i" cent. Manufactures of glafs. Set Glafs. ManufaGures of tobacco. 6Ve-SnufF, fegars and tobacco. Manufaflures of wood. Set Cabinet w^es and wood. *8o5.j R 1(^4 Duties on Goods, 5cc.

Manufafturcs of the U. States, or their • ;

territories, upon which no drawback, J^ bounty or allowance has been paid or - admitted, - ,- I^"^^* Marble, flate, and other ftone, bricks, tiles, tables, itioriers, and other utenfils of marble or flate, and generally all ftone and earthen ware, - - 175 i-»er cent. Mats and floor-cloths, or parts of either, 17^ per cent. ^ledicinal drugs, except thofe commonly - ufed in dyeing, - 17^ per cent. ^ Merchandize, goods and wares imported dire8;ly from ^ rj China or India, in fliips or veflels not of the Unitt^dr ^"^^ States, except teas, China ware and all oilier^ articles liable to higher rates of duties, - - ) ^ Merchandize, goods and wares intended to be re-^ exported to a foreign port or place, in the iame

{hip or veflel in which they fliall be imported ; and 1 ^ all articles of the growth or manufafture of the ^.5! ^• United States, or of their territories, upon which i

no drawback, bounty or allowance has been paid 1

- * or admitted, . " J Merchandize, goods and wares, not herein otherwife particularly enumerai-d and - - - per cent. defcribed, 15^ ^ Millenary ready made, - - I73perceiu. Mittens arfd gloves of every kind, - i7t.>erceut. Molaffes, - - -^ -- 5 cents per -di. Morocco and kid flioes. See Shoe's. Muikets and firelocks with or without

bn^onets, or parts of either, .- -175 per cent. . Mufllns and muflinets, whether printed,

flnined, coloured or oiherwife, - 15 percent, . Muflard in flour, - - - i'^ti»er cent. NAILS, - - - - 2 cents i:»er ib. Nankins, - - - - »5 percent.^ Nutmegs, . - - 50 cents per ib. OCHRE Yellow, dry, - - i cent per i&. Ochre Yellow, ui oil, - - I5 cent per ib. Oil, . . - - 17^ per cent. >, Oil of vitriol, - - - Jrt^^' Ointments, oils and odours. Sa Pow-

• ders, partes, Sec. ,v . . Old i>ewter, - - " f^^^*------i7i-percejjl. Ohves, . Duties on Goods, &c. 195

Oporto and Lifbon wine, - - So cents pergall. Oratiges, - - - - 175 per cent. O.niamcnts for M'omen's head-dreffes, 17^ per cent. PACKTHREAD and nvine, - 400 cents per cwf. Painters' colours, w'heth;^r dry or ground in oil, except thoie otherwife enumer- ated, and thofe commonty ufed in dye- - - ing, - - 1 7i per cent. Paper hangings, _ _ _ 17^ per cent. Paper, writing and wrapping, - - 15 per cent. Paper, {heathmg and cartridge, - 175 per cent. Pafteboards, parchment or vellum, - 15 per cent. Pnftc work and jeweir)^, - - 17^ per cent. Pepper, - - - - 6 cents per lb. Perfumes, _ - - - 175 per cent. Pewter manufaftures, except plates and difhes, - _ _ - 17^ per cent. Pewter places and difnes, - - - 4 cents per lb. Pewter, old, _ - _ /'^^« Phaetons, or parts thereof, - - 22|i)ercent. Piiiloiophical apparatus, fpecially im- ported for any ferainaryof learning, free. Pickled fifh of every kind, except mack- arel and falmon, - - 40 cents per bbl. Pickles of all forts, - - _ 17^ per cent. "Pictures and prints, - - - 15 per cent. Pimento, - - - - 4 cents per lb. Piftols or parts thereof, - - 175 per cent. Plailler 01 Paris, - - - J'rte.

Plumbs and prunes, r- - - 2 cents per lb. Porter, beer, or ale, in cafks cvr bottles, 8 cents per gallon, on the bottles, if black glafs quart bottles, 60 cents pr. grcis. Powder, hair, - . - ^ cents per lb. Powder, gun, - - - 4 cents per lb. Powders, paftes, balls, balfams, ointments, oils, waters,") ^ waflies, tinftures, eflences, or other preparations, or J;^ compolitions, commonly called Iwect icents, odours, )> q^ perfumes or cofmetics, and all powders or prepara- 'jtoj - - "^^ tions for the teeth or gums, - J Printed, ftained, or coloured goods, or manufadures of cotton, or ot linen, or - of both, - - 15 percent. Printing tvpes, - - - 15 \.zx cent. QUICKSILVER, - - 6 cents per lb. 196 Duties on Goods, &c.

RAGS of cotton, of hempen, of linen and of woollen cloth, - free. Raifins imported in jars and boxes, and mufcadel raifms, - - - 2 cents per lb. Railing, all other kinds of, - - i§ cents per lb. Raw hides and fl;.ins, _ - - Jret. Red lead, ----- 2 cents per lb, Rcgulus of antimony, - - Jrec. Rum. See Spirits. SADDLES, or parts thereof, - J 5 per cent. Saffron, _ _ - free. - Sail cloth, - - 1,5 per cent. Salmon, _ - _ loo cents pr.bhl. Salt, weighing more than fifty-fix pounds per bufliel, - - - 2o cts.pr.^Slbs, Salt, weighing fifty-fix pounds per bufhel, or lefs, - - - 20 cts.pr.buftiel. Salt petre, - - - 15 per cent. Salts, glauber, - t 200 cents pr.cwt, Sattins and other wrought filks, - 15 percent. Sea ftores of fliips or veflels, - - jtte. Segars, - - - - 200 cts. pr. icoo Seines, - - - 4 cents per lb. Sheathing and cartridge paper, « 171-2 per cent. Sheet iron, - - - 1^ cents per lb Sherry' and other wines. Su Wines. Shoes, kid and morocco, 15 cents pr. pair Shoes and flippers of filk, 25 cents pr. jpair Shoes, other fiioes and flippers for men and women, clogs or golofiioes, 15 cents pr. pair Slioes, other ihoes and flippers for chil- dren, - - - 10 cents pr. pair Silver lace. 17 1-2 per cent. Silver and plated ware, 17 1-2 per cent. Skins and hides raw, - _ - free. Slate, ftone, and ftone ware, 17 1-2 per cent. Slit and hoop iron, 1 cent per lb- Snuff, 10 cents per lb» Soap, - - _ £ cents per lb. Solos and other carriages, or parts thereof, £2 1-2 per cent Spanifii brown, - - - l cent per lb. Spermaceii candles, - - 6 cents pe^ lb. Spikes, - . - - 1 cent per ib. Spirits, diililled in foreign countries, vjj. Duties on Goods, 5cc. 197 From Graiv. Firft proof, - - - - 28 cents per gall. Second proof, - - 29 cents per gall^ Third proof, - - 31 cents per gaif. Fourth proof, - 34£ents pergall. - Fifth proof, - . - 40 cents per gall. Sixth proof, - - - Accents per gall. From other materials. Firft proof, , _ - 25 cents per gal!. Second proof, - - - 25 cents per gall. Third proof, _ - _ 28 cents per gall. Fourth proof, - 32 cents per gall. Fifth pi oof, _ - - 38 cents per gall. - Sixth proof, , - - 46 cents per gall. ?pirlts diflilled in the United States, imported in the fame fhip orveffel in which they had been previoufly exported from the United States, viz. Frovi Molajfes. Firft proof - - - - 15 cents per gall. Second proof, - - - 16 cents per gall. Third proof, - - 17 cents per gall. Fourth proof, - - 19 cents per gall. Fifth proof, - - - 23 cents per gall.

Sixth proof, - - . - 30 cents per gall. From mot-'rials of the grozotli andproduce of the United States, FirO. proof, - - - - 7 cents per gall. Second proof, _ . - 8 cents per gall. Third proof, - - - 9 cents per gall. Fourth proof, ... 11 cents per g^ll. Fifth proof, - - - - 13 cents per gall. Sixth proof, - - - - 18 cents per gall. Stained, printed or coloured goods, or manufaftures of cotton, or ot linen, or of both, - - - 15 per cent. Starch, - - - 3 cents per lb. Steel, - - - loo cents pr.cwt. Steel, i'on or brafs locks, binges, hoes, anvils and vifcs, - - 15 per cert. Steel, all other manufi'Burcs of Heel, - 17 1-2 per cenf. Stockings, - - - 17 1-2 per cent. Stone and ears hen ware, . . - 17 1-2 per cent. Stones burr, umvrought, - - /^^^' >Vg-TS, brown, - - - 2 1-2 cts. pr. lb. Tatars, white clayed, - 3 cents per ib. it^c^.l R 2 19^ Duties on Goods, &<.

Sugars, white, powdered, - - - 3 cents per lb. Sugars, all other clayed or powdered, £ 1-2 cts. pr. ib Sugar, lump, - - - 6 1-2 cts. pr. lb Sugar loaf, - - - 9 cents pt^r lb. Sugar, other refined, - 6 1-9 cts. pr. lb Sugar, candy, - - - 11 1-2 cts. pr. lb Sulphur, - - - - 15 per cent. Sweet Tcents. See Powders, &c. Swine, briftles of, - - - -free. Swords, cutlalfes, or parts of either, - 17 1-2 per cent. TABLES of marble, flate and other Hone, or parts thereof, - - 17 1-2 percent. Taliow, - - . 11-2 cts. pi. Ib Tallow candles, - - - 2 cents per lb. Tarred cordage, - - - 2 cents per lb, TaOTels and trimmings commonly ufed by upholfterers, coachn^akers and iaddlers, 17 1-2 per cent. Teas fro7n China and India, crjrom any ifland lying eafiwardly of the Cape of Good Hope. Tea, Bohea, - - - i2 cents per lb. Tea, Souchong and other black teas, 18 cents per lb. Tea, Hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or gomee, ----- 32 cents per lb. Tea, other green teas, - 2o ceatsperlb. Fro7n Europe, Teas, Bohea, - - - 14 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 21 cents per lb. Teas, Hyfon, imperial, gunpowder, or - gomee, - - - 40 cents per lb. Teas, other green teas, - - - 24 cents per lb. Frojn any ether place.

Teas, Bohea, - . - - - 1 7 cents per lb. Teas, Souchong and other black teas, 27 cents per lb Teas, Hyfon, imperial, gunpowder or gomee, 50 cents per lb, - Teas, other green teas, - - . 3o cents per lb Tcneriffe and Tokay wines. See Wines. Tiles and bricks, - . _ - 17 1-2 per cent Tin manufatiares, - . . - 17 1-2 ^xir cent Tin in pigs and plates, - - - free. Tinclures. Sec Powders, partes, Sec. Tobacco, manulacluied (oti.er than fnuff and fegars,} - • - - 6 cents per lb Duties on Goods, &c. 199

TdcIs or jinplements of a mechanical trade only, of jjerfons who arrive in the


Unwrought clay, - - Jt'(-^' "Unwrou;^ht burr flones, » free, VELVETS and velverets, - 15 per cent. " Verdigris, - - Jree, Vitriol, oil of, - - Jree. Wafers, - - - - 17 1-2 per cent. V/alking fticks, whips and canes, - 15 per cent. Wares of tin, pewter and copper, except pewter plates and difhes, - - 17 1-2 per cent. Wares, €irthen or ftone, - - 17 1-2 per cent. Vv^'ares, China, - - - - 17 1-2 per cent. Wares, gold, filver and plated, - 17 1-2 per cent. Wares, goods and merchandize, imported direftly'^ ^ from China or India, in ihips or veifels not of the ( C United States, except teas, china ware, and allC^^^ other articles, liable to higher rates of duties, - ) t? Wares, goods and merchandize of the growth or^ manufacture of the United States, or of their terri-^ ^ tories, upon which no drawback, bounty or allow-f 'i;^ ancc has been paid or admitted, - - ) Watches and clocks, or parts of either, 17 1-2 per cent. Waters and waflies. ^ee Powders, partes, &c. V,''ax candles, - - - 6 cents per lb. Wearing apparel and other perfonal bag- gage, of perfons who arrive in the United States, - _ - Jree. White and red lead - - 2 cts. pr. lb. W^indow glafs. See Glafs. Winn in cajla, bottles, or ether ve[[cls. Wines, Malmfey, Madeira and London particular Madeira, - - - .58 cents pr. gall. Wines, all other Madeira wine, - 50 cents pr. gall. 200 Duties on Goods, Sec,

Wines, Er.r^^vir.d}^, Charnpaign, Rhcn- ifli, and Tokny, - - - - 45 cent."? pr. g^l!. Wines, Sh:;rr}", and St. Lucar, - 40 cents pr. gall. Wines, Ciaret and other wines, not enumer- ated, when imported in bottles or cafes, 35 cents pr. gal!. Wines, Lilbon, Opoito, and other Por- tugal wines, _ - - _ - 30 cents pr. gall. Wines Sicily, _____ 30 cents pr. gall. Wines, TenerifFe, Fayal, Malaga, St. George and other weUern iiland wines, 28 cents pr. gal!. Wines, all other wines, when imported otherwife than in bottles or cafes, 23 cents pr. gall. On the bottles, if black giafs quart bot- tles, - - - - _ - 60 cents pr.grofs.

If other than black glafs quart bottles, 9.9. 1-2 per cent. Wire of brafs and iron, J^^^' "Vl^ood unmanufaflured, - - free. Wood manufaftured, exclufive of cabi- net vvares, - _ - _ - 15 per cent. Woods dyeing, ----- fre. Vv^oollen rags, . _ - - - 'free. YARN, untarred, - - - - 225 cts. pr. cwt. All Oiher goods not before particularly enumerated and defcvibed, - - 15 per cent. (^ AH parts of articles to be fubjefl to the fame duties as the entire article is fubjeft to.

On all ad valflrcTn articles im}X>rted from any foreign port within the Cape of Good Hope, 10 per cent, to be added to the atlual col}, including all charges, (outfide packages, corar. nijflions and infurarce only excepted] before the duties are. calculated, & 20 per cent, if frciti any port beyond faid Cape.

All dutied articles, imported into the Uniied States, not \ having been landed more than one year, are allowed a draw- back of the duties, fubjert to a deduction of 3|- per cent, ex- cept {piriis, which is half a cent per gallon, and 2^ per cent, on the amount of the duties. The Bottles in xohich Liquors are imtorted^ to pay the ' fame duty as evipty bottles. - No merchandize to be imported in any vefTel belonging in whole or m j\irt to a citizen or inhabitant of the Unied States, tri.iefs t'^e maOer of fuch veiTei (hail have on board a , Manifeft in writing, iigncd by Such mailer, or other pjrlon Jjaving ihi command, containing the nanie of the }H>rr *«r Rfiftridions on Importations. 201 phze where fuch merchandize was received, and the port where confi^ned or deftincd to, within the Unit^^d States, jjartjculariy noting the merchandize deftined for each port

refpeftiyely ; and every package en board fuch vclfci to be particularly dcfcribed ;-— lo whom configned, or if to order, viith the names of all paflengers, diftingiiifhinjg; whether cabin or flcerage paflengers, or both, with their baggage, ztA an account of all remaining fea-ftores, (if any.) No goods, wares, cr merchandize, of foreign growth or manufaOure, fubjcci: to tlie payment of duties, {hall be brought into the United States from any foreign port or place in any other manner than by fea ; nor in any fliip or vcflTcl of lefs than Thirty Tons burthen, agreeable to the mode of afcertaining American tonnage, except in cer- tam diftrifts on the Northern, Northweftern and Weftern boundaries of the United States, adjoining to the dominions of Great-Britam jn Upper and Lower Canada, and the dif- trifts on the rivers Ohio and Miflllippi. No beer, ale or porter, to be imported in caflcs of left of lefs capacity than Forty Gallons beer mecfure, or if in bottles, in packages lefs than Six Dozen, under penalty of forfeiture, with the fhip or veflel. No refined lump or loaf fugar, fiiall be imported into the United States, from any port or place, except in ftips or veflels of the burthen of One Hundred and Twenty Tons and upv;ards, and in cafks or packages containing each, not lefs ^han Six Hundred Pounds, on pain of forfeiting the faid {hip or vefl::!, and the loaf or lump fugar imported therein, ex- cept in fuch caflcs or packages as aforefaid. No diflilled fpirits, farrack and fweet cordials excepted) to be imported in ca{ks or veffcis of lefs capacity than Ninety gallons wine meafurc^ on pain of forfeiture, with the ;fhip or veffel, nor in cafki or velTels which have been marked purfuant to any law of the United States, on pain of for- feiture of the faid refined loaf or lump fugar, and diftilled

fpirits, together with the fhip or velTei : Provided, that the forfeiture {hall not be incurred on " any fhips imported or brought into the United States, in other cafks or velfels aforefaid, or the {liip or veffel in which they fiiall be brought, if fuch fpirits fhall be for the ufe of the feamcn on board of fuch {hi|j> or veffel, and {hall not exceed the quantity q{ four gallons tor each fcam.an," and tvldch fnall at the time of the entry of the faid veifd be inferted in the mttnifejl as the fea- fiores of fuclifhip or vejjei. ———— —a — 202 Entry and Delivery—^Tonnage.

" No fhip or vefTel from foreign ]X)rts, or coming by Tea from any port of the United States, fliall be permitted to re- port, make entr}', or break hulk, till the mafier fhall deliver to the po^^-mafier

Ports 'of Entry and Delivery for Foreign vejfels. No vefTel nr^t wholly belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United States, fiiidi be admitted to unload dX any port or place, except the following :

. N E \v-HA M p s H ! R E Portftnouth . Massachu- setts.—Portland zxxA Falmouth, New-Bedford^ Dighton, S&lem and Beverly^ Gloiidfier, Newburyport, Marhleheady Nantucket, Bcjlon and Clia.rkflozon, Plymouth, Bath, French- rnan's-Bay, WifcafTet, Machias, Penobfcot, Biddcford and Pepperelborough, — Rhode-Island.— Newport, Provi- dence, Briflol. Co N N EC T 1 c u T .—.N.w-London, New- Haven— N E \v-Y o R K. New-York. — N e w-J e r s e y . Pcrtk-Arihoy, Burlington. P e k n s y l v a n i a . Phila- delphia.-—'De law a re . Wilmivgt^v, New-Cadle, Port- Penn . Ma r y e a n d . Baltimore, Annapolis, Vienna, Oxford, Georgetown on Potomack, Cheftertown Creek, Nottingham, Nanjemoy, Digge's landing, Snow-hill, Carrclf- burgh. V i R G 1 A I a. —Alexandria, Kinfale, Newport, Tapahannock, Fort-Royal, Fredcrickfburgh,Urbarina, York- town, Weft-point, Hanipton, Bermuda-hundred, City^point, Rocket*s-landing, Norfolk and Portfmouth. North- Carolina.— Wilmington, Newbern, Beaufort, Wafliing- ton, Edenton, Piankbridge. So u t h-Ca r o l i n a. • Charlcflcn, Georgetozon, Beavfort. Ge or g i . —-5tf- vannah, Suntziry, Brunfwick, Frederics, St. Mar>-'s. Nor fhall any velfel from the Cape of Good-Hope, or be- yond the fame, be admitted to enter, except at the ports in tlie above litts, which are diftinguiihed by Italia. TONNAGE, By AH cfCongrefs, approved ^d of March, 1799, to be paid at the time of entering the vclTel, and before any permit fliall be granted for unloading any part of the cargo. [Seel 63.} the following rates. (See alfo AH 2o Julyt 1791.) Ouftom-Houfe Fees, <5cc. 203

On alljhips orvejfels, entering from any foreign port or place. Pc-rTon cent.<.

Ships or veilels of rh- United States, - - - ' 6 built within the United Stages, after 20! h

,%:, July, 17<^9> but belongir.g v.Jioily or in ir part to foreign powers, duiy recorded, 30 On other fliips or vetie's, - . - - - - 50 Additional tonnage on foreign veffels denominated Light

money, [By AH of Congrefs, zr^tk March i8o|.) i;^o VelTels of the United States; employed in the coafling trade or fiOieries, diii/ licenfed, per annum, - 6 Veffeis of the United States;*niTl-!eT than licenfed) taking in merchandize in a diil^rict hi one State, to be.deiiv- "" ered in a diftrift in another State, other than an cu-^ioiu- - ing State, on the f^a-coaft, or on a navigable river, 6 Other fhips or veffeis, taking in merchandize to be de-

livered in another difui.-;! - . - - - 50


To the CdlcEior and Naval Officer, Dolls.Ccnts, Entry of a vcfTel of -1.00 tons or up-vards, 2 50 Clearance of do. do. ao. - 2 50 Entry of a veffcl under 10& tons, - i 50 Clearance of do. do. do. - - 1 5» Every poll entry, - - - 2 Permit to lan.i g;.ods, - - _ . - 20

- -. . Eveiy bond taken oflicia I ly, 40 Feritiit to land goods for exportation for drawback, 3° Debenture or other official certificate, - 20 Bill of health, - - - - - 20 O.^cial document (except rcgillcr iequi;ed by any pcrforijj - _ _ _ 20

To the Surveyor. Admea faring and certifying the fame, of every fhip or veHel of 100 tons and under, per ton, 1 Admeafurement of every Ihip or vcHcl above 100 tons, and not exceeding 200 tons, - 1 50 Above 200 tons, - - - - 2 '

For all other fervices on boaid any fj-'Sp or veffel of loo tons or upwarils, h-tving on board goods, vaies or '- :-r-rchandize, fnbj.-ft to duty, 3 For >ike ferv'ices on board any {hip or vefTel of lefs - than 1 CO tons, - -^ 1 50 2C4 Allowance for Draught—Tare, &c.

On all veflcls, not having on board goods, wares and merchandize, fubjeft to duty, - 66^

Allozva7iccs for Draught. Commercial Information. 205

from the invoice quantity, in lieu of breakage ; or it fhall be lawful to compute the duties on the actual quantity by tale, at the option of the impofier at the time cf entry. jBounty on Salted Provifions and Fipi of the Untied States.

An allov^nce of thirty cents per barrel is allowed on pickled fife of the United States, and tzt'enty-five cents per barrel on all provifions faltea within the United States, without any deduajon,if the fame fliall amount to ten dollars. And in order to obtain fuch bounty, the exporter to make an entry therefor with the "collcflor—but no entry uill be received where fuch pickled fifh or falted provifions have net been infpeBcd and inarkcdy agreeable to the laws of the refpeftive States, where fuch laws are in force. Such Bount}' is payable in 'fix months from the date of the bond to be given ; and in no cafe, ualefs the certificates of land- rng at a foreign port, as in other cafes, are produced. The bond to be in double the amount of fiich bounty—condition- ed that tli€ fame fhall be landed & left at fome foreign port. Form of the Entry, hitry of intended to be exported for the Benefit cf Bounty, by in the whereof is majler^ boundfor

Marks as Deicnpt.and Number of branded on fpeciescf fifh Quality. barrels. the cafks. or provifions.

GENERAL INFORMATION. The want of certificates of diftilled fpirits, wines or teas, (ubjeft fuch articles to feizure, and fifty dollars fine, if fuch certificates are not delivered to the pnrchafer ; and if any cafk, chef}, velfel or cafe, containing fuch articles, fhall be found in the podcffion of any pcrfon, without being marked, and not being accompanied with a certificate, the famx is liable to feizure. On the fale of any cafk, &c. which has been marked, the marks to be defaced in prcfcnce of fome officer of infpefhon or cuftoms ; and the certificate of the fame to be delivered up imder the penalty of ene hundred dollars and cofls of fiMt. Goods from foreign ports, not to be unladen but between fun-rije and fun-fet, \f»itIiout fpecial liceafe,- under a penalty 1805. ] S 2o6 Commercial Information. of four hundred dollars on the mafter and every other per- foil concerned, difabiiity irom holding any office under the goveniment of the United States fur feven years, and be- ing advert! fed in tiv.' newfpapers, with forfeiture of the goods; and if above four hundred dollars, value of vellel and apparel.

Goods removed before gauged and weighed ; and, if wines, fplrlts or teas, before being marked, without per- mlffion, are forfeited. Perfons giving or offering a bribe, forfeit from tzoo hun- dred to two thoufand dollars, infpectors and cHicers of revenue cutters may go on board, examine and fearch vef-

fels, have accefs to the cabin, and feal packages ; and afier funfet fccure liatches, &c. Perfons in charge of veiTels, for breaking fadenings, but in prefence of an officer, forfeit two hioidred dollars. Officers may fcize within or without their diftrifls. Per- fons refjftingor impeding them, ioik'n/our /r/wdred dollars. The mafter or commander of any veffel, that ffiall ob- ftrucl or hinder (or be the caufe theieof) any officer of the revenue, in going on board liis fhipor veifel, for the purpofe of carrying into effect any of the revenue laws of the United States, forfeits from fifty iojive hundred dollars. Every owner of a vcilel, refidlhg within the limits of the United States, to fwear to the regiller within ninety days af- ter its being granted, or it becomes void, and the veflei and cargo pays foreign tonnage and duty. Returned Cargo. (If any articles oj an outtcard cargo are brofight backy they are to be detailed, fpccificd by zvkom Jliipped autocardj and to whom conjigned inzuard.)

For the information of Merchants in the D'lJhiS of Boflon and Charleftovvn. ALL bonds given on the exportation of merchandize, en- titled to a drawback, mull be put in fuit as they be- come due, unlefs by prior application to the Comptroller, longer nme Ihall be given to procure the necc'Jary evidence that the merchandize exported was landed in a foieign port, cap'.ured or loft. * That no document of landing merchandize in a foreign port, entitled to a drawback, can be received, however regu- lar, after the l)ond becomes due, unlefs fatisfaftory reafon* *i-e alli^ncd for the d^ay. Governors in the U. States. 207

That the exporter of all faked provifions and pickled fifli, entitled to bounty, cannot claim it, unlefs the evidence of the delivery of the fifh and provi lions, in a foreign port, is tendered before his bond, given at the time of exportation, becomes due, excepting in thofe cafes where fatisfaciory reafons are affigncd for the delay, or a farther time granted by theComptroi'ter for obtaining evidence of the landing of the provifions or fiih, in a foreign port. That no debenture can be ilfued on the exportation of merchanHize, unlefs the exporter fliall, within ten days after the clearance of the velfel, complete thofe papers which the law makes ncceffary to his being entitled to a drawback. Should -.WiV merchant in this dillrift be confcious that he has boi'ds in the Cuftom-Houfe, now due, given on the ex- portation of merchandize, or of pickled fifli, or of faked pro- vifions, he will confider how interefling it is to him, to nave them cancelled without further delay.

Governors in the feveral States,

New-Ham pfhire, John Taylor Gilman. Ma'fachufetts, Caleb Strong. Rhode-ir.and, &c. Arthur Fenner. Connetlicut, Jonathan Trumbull. Vermont, Ifaac Tichenor. New-York, Morgan Lewis. Islew-Jerfey, General Bloomficld. Pennfylvania, 7 horn as M'Kean. Delaware, Nathaniel Mitchell. Maryland, Robert Bowie. Virginia, John Page. North-Carolina, James 7'urner. South-Carolina, James B. Richardfon. Georgia, John Milledge. Kentucky, Chriftoph.'^r Greenup. TennefTee, John Sevier. Miffifippi Territor)-, Ohio, Edward Tiffin. Territory of Orleans, Wilkam C.C.Claiborne. 8

20 Coins and Currencies,

The rates at which all foreign coins and currenci-cs are eJH- mated at the Citfiom-Houfes of the United States, Dols. Cts. Each pound fterll),g of Great Britain, at - 4 44 Each pound fter ling of Ireland - - - 4 i.o

Each llvre tournois of France, - - - • 18^ Each florin or guilder of the United Netherlands, 40 Each mark banco of Hamburgh, - - - 33^ Each rix dollar of Denmark, - - « 1 Each rial of plate of Spain, - - - - lo .Each rial of vellon of Spain, - - - - 5 Each milree of Portugal, - - - - 1 24 Each tale of China, - - - - • 1 48 Each pagoda of India, - - - • - 1 84 Each rupee of Bengal, - - - - * ^o

Hitles for reducing the Currencies of the different States into each other. ift. To reduce the currencies of i\ew-Hamp{hire, Ma{^ fachtiletts, Rhode-Ifland, Connefticut and Virginia, into thole of New-York and North-Carolina, to the given fum add f part thereof. Of Pennfy Ivania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Maryland, to the given fum add ^th. Of South-Carolina and Georgia, from the given fum fub- traft 2-9ihs thereof.

Qn the contrary, £id. To reduce New-YorK aau North-Carolina into Ne\v-Hampfhire, Maflachufetts, Rhode-Illand, Conneflicut and Virginia, from the given fum deduft ^th thereof. Into Pennfy Ivania, New-Jeriey, Delaware and Mary- land, from the fum given deduft i-i6th thereof. Into South-Carolina and Georgia, to the fum given add l-6th, and then take half of the whole.

3d . To reduce Pennfy Ivania, New-Jerfey, Delaware and Mar5-land, into New-Hampfliire, Maflachufetts, Rhode- lilaiid, Connefticut and Virginia, from the fura given de« duft i-ctii thereof. Into New-York and North-Carolina, to the fum givea add i-i^th thereof. Into South-Carolina and Georgia, multiply by 3 and i-9th, and divide the produ£l by 5 ; or multiply by 28, and divide by 45. r

Ninth Congrers. 209

4th. To reduce South-Carolina and Georgia into New- Hampfnire, MafTachuretts, Rhodc-Ifland, Connefticut and Virginia, to the j;iven ium add 2-7ths thereof. Into Pennfylvania, Ncw-Jerfey, Delaware and Marj'iand,

multiply the pven fum by 4,5, and divide by 28. Into New-York and North-Carolina, from the given fum fnbtraci: i-jth, and double the remainder.

Senators and Reprefentatives chofen for the Ninth Congress of the linked States, fas far as the returns could be obtained ivhen this Jljeet ivas put to prefs.) SENATORS. Rhodc-IJland^ *Ber]amin Kowland and *James Fenner. A'ew-Ynrk, *John Smith. Netv-Jerfey, John Condit and *Aaron Kitchell. Virginia^ *William B. Giles. TenneJJee, William Cocke and Jofeph Anderfon. REPRESENTATIVES. New-Hamffiircy Samuel Tennej^, David Hough, Sibs B ttmi, *Thos.W.Thompron, and*Caieb Ellis—complete. J^'lajjachufdts^ *Jofiah Quincy, Jacob Crov.'uinfhield, *Teremiah Nelfon, William Stedman, Jofeph B. Varnum, Phanuel Bifhop, Plbcnezer Seaver, Seth Haftings, Peleg Wadfworth, •^Vv'illiam E-y, Samuel T^iggart, *Jofeph Barker, *Ifaiah L. Green, *Barnabas Eidwell, ^Orchard Cook, *John Chandler and Richard Cutts. Rhode-ijland^ Jofeph Staunton, jr. and Nehemlah Krjglit —complete. Conndlkiit, All re-ele£l:ed, except Simeon Baldwin, re- fipned. See p, 177. V-rrmovt, Gideon Olin, William Chamberlain, Martin Ch.itfenden. New-York, *Eliphalet Weeks, Samuel L. Mitchell, Philip VaTiCortlandt, *John Blake, jr. Daniel D. Vcrplank, *Manin G. Schuneman, Henry VV. Livingfton, *Jofiah Mat Hers, David i homas, Ki'iank.Van Renflelaer, •^•Natba:i Williams, niomasSammonds, *John Rullel, *Petcr Sailly, *lVi J racy, *Gordon S. Mumfordj *Samuel Rickcr— complete. Kao.-Jcrfc\, No returns arrived. 210 Ninth Congrefs—Corre(5lIons, &c.

Pennfylvania, Jofeph Clay, John Smilie, Jacob Richards, Michael Leib, Robert Brown, Frederick Conrad, Ifaac Anderfon, John Whitehlll, *James Kelly, John A. Hanna, David Bond, Andrew Gregg, *John Pugh, Wm. Findley,

John B. C. Lucas, *Chriftian Lowe, and John Rhea. . Delaware^ ^James A. Bayard. Maryland^ William M'Creery, Nicholas R. Moore, John Campbell, *Roger Nelfon, *Patfick Magaader, ^Charles Goldfborough. Virginia, *Chri{lopher Clark. North-CaroliJia, Nathaniel Macon, Willis Allfton, Rich- ard Stanford, Marmaduke Williams, Thos. Wynns, James Holland, Wm. Blackledge, Nathaniel Alexander, Jofeph Winnfton, James Gillefpie, *Thoma§ Blount, and Duncan M'Farland—complete. South-Carolina, David R. Williams, tiice Wade Hamp- ton, declined. Georgia, No returns arrived. Kentucky, All re-eleaed. 5cep. 178. Tennejec, Ohio, Abraham Morrow. Mijfijippi Territory,

Chaplains of the %d Sejion of the Eighth Congress.

Rev. Mr. M'Cormick, to the Senate. Rev. William Bentley, of Salem (MaflT.) to the Houfe.


Page , 38 INSERT Afa Danforth as Deputy-Infpeaor, at JL Springfield.

41 Officers elefted ed Wednefday in June ; Peleg Ben- fon is Treafurer, vice Thornas Odiorne.

48 Hamp. Miff. Society incorporated Feb. 21, 1804 ; yearly choice of Officers is at Northampton, on the Thurfday of the week when the Court of Com. Pleas is held in the month of Auguft, at e o'clock. P.M. 51 Bottom, add Deac. Abiel Fletcher to the Truftees of Weftern Society of Middlefex Hufbandmcn. 52 Laft line, read Woiffiipful Edward Goodwin. 53 Second line, read "V^^'orffiinful John B. Hammatt, viot J.W.Quincy. 53 Brother vVilliam Eaton is Grand Tiler* 1

Corrections and Additions. 2 1

53 Firft Diftrift, for town of Randolph read Quincy ; dele Riiing Star, and infert it in Fourth Diftritt. 54 Sixth Diilria, Ebenezer H. Fhiliips is Dift. Dep. Grand Mnfter. 55 Seventh Dift. read Amherfl in room of Sunderland. ^^ Eighth DiftriB, read Gr. Barrington in room of Nev.'-

Marlboro' ; and infert a new Lodge named Sheffield, at Sheffield. 55 Ninth Diftrift, infert two new Lodges, Oriental ^t Bridget0\vn, and Solar at Bath. 55 Tenth Diflri^t, George Ulmer, vfce David Howe. p Tweihh Diftria, Wm . Coffin is Dift. Dep. Gr. Maft. DO Prefident of Merrimack Bank, dele laft t in his name. 6,^ Top, Leonard Kimball, vice John S. Abbot. 66 Boll. Marine So'ci. Committee of Relief, Capt. Mungo Mackay, Capt. Thomas Dennie, vice Capts. Ozias Goodwin, Jofeph Ripley, and Benjamin Smith. 66 Salem E. I. M. Soci. Nathl. Appleton is Secretarj', vice William Ward. 66 -; Nathl. Bowditch is appointed to infpeft and arrange the journals from abroad. 71 Nathan Willis, Poftmafter at Rochefter, vice E. Rug- glcs. 81 Dele Abner Prefcott, as Judge of Probate. 82 Dele W^illiam Hunt and Oliver Prefcott, deceafed. 83 John Walker, Wobum, (hould be at Burlington. 84 infert Dsniel Parker, at Charleftown, vic^ Aaron Put- nam, at Common Pleas. 84 Infert Loammi Baldwin, jr. Cambridge, atS. J. C 108 Dele Eli Root, at Pittsfield, deceafed. 136 Dele Horc B. TrifL, Colic 6lor, deceafed. 154 Doft. Coffin, No. 79, Orang '-Street. 146 Third DiviHon, lit Brigade, add Captains Mofes Babcock, Biii RufTel, and James Freeman; aiid in the 2d Brigade of faid Diviiion, infert Capt. Jofeph Wood. 146 Fourth Divifion, add Capt. Abner Pcafe. 146 Seventh Divifion, Capt. William Taylor, rice Aih- bel Smith. 146 Tenth Divifion, add Capt. John Wi'fon. 148 Eighih Divifion, add Capt, Daniel Holden. J48 P.ead Legim Quarter-Mafter, ifillcad cf Bn'-udi Quarter-Mafter, ( 2^2 )

ROADS to federal Towns on the Continent from. Bollon, with the Names of Innkeepers. From Bcflon Roads. 2^5

Eafton Upper Road to ExtUr and Taunton Porter, Bolcum 12 Portland. Dighton Dean & Brown 7 Medford Blanchard 5 Somerfet Davis 4 Wobum Blackhorfe 5 Swanzey Chace 5 do. Fowle 3 Warren 5 Parker Brittol Keith 4 Wilmington, Jaquith 4 Over the ferry to New- Andover Ames 6 port Townfend 13 Woods 3 Bxadley 74 " Williams To CJiarlefozun fNeiu- Haverhill Hirrod i© Hampfliirc) do. Bradley & Menotomy Rudel 5 Williams 6 do. Whittemore 1 Plaftow Sawyer 5 Lexington Brown Q Kingftoa 6 do. Munro Exeter Folfom 6 do. Dudley & Hutchins Meriam Newmarket Hill 6 <3o. MufTey Durham Richardfon 6 Lincoln Brooks Dover ' Harvey 6 Concord Tones do. Town Hodgdon Barrett & Wheeler do, do. Cogfwell Aclon White do. tlo. Keley&Ela 3 Littleton Kidder Somerfworth Riker 3 Groton Richardfon Berwick Higgins Shirley 3^ Sawtel do. Hatch 4 Lunenburgh Good- Wells Littlefield 4 rich & Whitney do. Clark 4 Fitchburgh Cowden Kennebunk Bernard or Aibbumham Cufliing Howard 8^ Biddeford Hooper 10 Saco Bridge Spring Thence to Charleftown as in Pej^ereiboro* Cleaves & the beforementioned lift. Bradt)ury 4 To Dartmouth College. Scarborough ^Milikin 2 Charleftown Willard 119 do. Marfii 4 (See above.) do. March 2 Claremont Aftiley 6 Stroudwater Broad 5 do. Cook 4 Portland ' 4 Cornifh Chafe 5 do. Peck Piainficld Saftord 7 do. Chadwick Lebanon Hall 6 do. Chamberlain Hanover Brewfter 4 do. Beaman

161 129 . ^cient & Hon. Artillery Company, [idcciirts in Massachusetts, 73 Attornies in Suffuik County 77Cullersof Dry Fish, Absay-Masters, . _ - iS^lCunribcrland County, Justices, At- Assesors of 1 axes, I52.| tornics, &c. Auftioneers in Boston, lS3iCuniberland County, Ministers and Auditors of Accounts of the Town Churches, 130 I Treasury, . - - 152 Szc. *rp|A RTMOUTII College 124 of U. S. and i Is Bran<-.hes, S BANK Department of United States, 178 Banks in Massachusetts, 57-^''.^^^^^„^^^,, ,q„^,^^^ 40 Ediftist Education Fund, 48 iD'.strict officers of United States, 179 Barnstable county. Justices, Attor- 'Divisionary .^"taff-OfRctrs, 136 nies, &c. ^* Dockp:;e, Wharfage, &c. ISO Barnstable county. Ministers and . iDrownecl persons, method of treat- Churches, - - . ^5 ment, . . • 44 Barristers at Law, Suffolk County, Dnkes County, Justices, Attormes, Berkshire County Justices aiiS^'At- Sheriffs, ixc. . • S7 toraies, &c. Dukes Co. Ministers and Churches 129 Berkshire County, Jvlinisters and Duties of United States, . 188 Churches; 31 * Berksiiire & Columbian Missionary "C'CLIPSES, . . Bishops, . 135 Societies, - - r^-4. XI4 Episcopalian •_-»"'• Marine Insurance Boston Board of Health, -^^ Essex Fire and . <>5 Boston Marine S-ociety, - "' ^ '^66 Company at Salem, &c. 7^ Boston Marina liisurapce Company, Essex Co. justices, Attornies, Churches, 125 Boston A.^uedurt Corporation, Essex Co. Ministers and Boston, 4.^ Bostim Library, XTE.MALE Asylum, Franklin Associution, JJ Female Charit. Society Salem, 44 B<»stC)n 15^ Boston Female Asylum, Fence Viewers, J 40 Boston Episcopal Charitable Society, Field-Omcers in Mns<5achuset«», ISO Bowdoin Colle,'^e. Fire-Wards in Boston, Boston, 43 Boylston's ChL-irita'sle Donations, Franklin Association, (Trustees Urigade Staii-Oiiicprs, Franklin Donation oO 4? Custoj-n-HousC, &c. 203 •!ristol Mediial A-sociation, Ftes of the of. 208 >4ostol Co. jusli'jcs, AlL.>rnic3, &c. Foreign Coins, value Ministers and Churches, GENERAL Court cf Massachu- Unntr.-i Brown y, setts, Bishops in the United States, Gloucester Marine Insurance Com- 63 CATIET?, Company of, - 149 Calendar of Courts in Massa- '^^'^ Governors .eince the first

" Attornies, &c . . Committees of Senate and House, [ _ Mmislers and M,i<=sacnusetts, - - ss^Hampshire County, • »^/ ConsuV etc. in Great Britain and Churches, . Justices, Attor- its Oependencies, i84.'Hancnck County, .' nies, &c. • 100 Consuls &c. of Foreign powers resi j Co. Ministers & Churches, 132 . dent in the Unitcfl States, l8f»Hancc>ck • Constables in Boston, - 152 Ha; vird Univer-^ity, &t. Cvnvention ofConeregational Minis- Hav-^Vard, Hay- Weigher, Boston, ters in Ma>.,achusetts, - i.-.3Hi.mano Poriety at - Humaiie Society at Newb«ryport, Cc t oners, BufFolfc County, 78 . . , 1

Index-. 2.

Page Page INDEPET«DENT Cadets 1-49 Ministsrs of FordCn Countries ic Infantry in Boston, 148 the United States, « ll^iiitipa! tlie Ilifoimer of DtCi; . 152 Cviurls for tow InspeCtoiB ai JBeef, &( •8 :. \TANTCCKE1ANTCCKET Marine Insur- lusiiKCiors uf Outpurts (Revenue) \i\ IN -iKC Corny;I'aiiy InjtruAori in Public ScUooU, 6s -jr.fjckst Union Marlaa Insurance insurance OOites-, Cuinuany, Iriili Cliaiilable 3oficty, Xautucktt County, Justices, Attor.- JUDICTARV of the United State-, nies, (kc. ^7 rfolk Co. Ministers Kennebeck Csunty, Justices, Attor- i: Churches, iMutaries Irablic in Massachusetts, nies, &c. Kennebeck County, Ministers and ORPUAN'C Societies, Cliurches, Overseers cf the i.'oor, LEGIONARY BrigdJe in Boston, PHYSICIANS and Surgcuiis, Letter postage, rates of, 154 Pilots i!-.d Pilotage, Lincoln and Kennebeck, Marine la- ^ 155 Plvumutij Co. Justictts, Attornies, &c. surauce Company,

Masonic Societies in Massachusetts, S3 T> ATES of Letters, . 20 Massachusetts Medical Society, 39 ,X\.Rates of Dockage, V/harfigD, &c.X5C> Massachusetts Charitable Society, 41 -Representatives of the V. Statt s 177 Missachusetti Congregational Cliarit iKcpi-esentE-Uves of M-iisachusttts, 23 Society 42 Revenue OSicers in Massachusetts, 135 Missachasotts Charitable Fire Society, 4- Rhoue I. Coll. See Brov.n Uaiversity. Massachusetts Huinaue Society, 45. Roman Cati;olic Bishops, Massachusetts Missionary- Society, 45 Roxjury Charitable Society, Massachusetts Baptist Missionary

Society,' ' . 46iQALARlES of United States Msssachusetts Historical Society, 4p;0 Officers, Massachusetts Agricultural Sc-ciety, 51 Saleui r-.Iaiine Insurance Company, Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insur- |Saleni Female Charitable Society, ance Company, 62 Salem E. I. Marine Society, Massachusetts Fire and Marine In- IScots Charitable Society, surance Com;^any, 62 (Sealers of Weights, (Sec. Massachusetts Militia, i36iScleftmen1ind School Com. in Bjst. Massachusetts Maehanic Association, 50|Senate of United States, Medical Assoc iaiioi^s. 4I! Senate 01 iVIa3saeUus,Jtts, ylZ. Medical Dispensary, Sextons in Boston, 154 Medical Lectures, 19 Social Law Library, Measurers of '"Vood acd Bark, Society for propag&ting ths Gospel Merrimack iiuniana Society, 46 among ludiacs, &.c. Merrir.iaek Marine and. Fire In- StaE<'s,-'.ist cf. IS sun-nce Conriany, 64 Storage (rates f^i) Middlesex Cemty, Justices, At- SufToll; Insuianee Couipany, 6.J Attornies, tornies, dec. . Siffr'olk County, Justices, 7<5 -Middlesex Co. Ministers & Churches, 126 fols.Co. Minister fir Churches, 1-4 Ministers of United States 'sL ,-.„ "^TTS Jnder.

Pagei PagOj TABLE of Penny Weighu of [United States Dirtrift Offiten, I7s#[ Goldfortheuseof Banks, 166—I7SJX /"ACATIONS at the Colle. Tableof Coins in the diff.Statej, i6S| V ges, . . n8— Table of Interest at 6 per cent. '64 -w -•» it. tm?»t<, / « . for toMn :.na Table of Towns and Poet-Ma.te«, el^X^A^J^^^

Z. ^ V^ashington Co. Justices, Attornies, liM " S>'-'-='^^°etonCo. Minis & Churches. '^^ Swn-Officers i'n Boston, ''"'"°' Town-Clerk, Town-T«Lurer, 1 50 V}^, ""1^ Western^"f^' Souetyf of MWd. Umbandm.^ ], Town Crier j^^ si • '^7 Treasury DeWtment of U. States, 178 ^^t'if^ (^^|f'°« "^ IVoopofC^vL'.ryinBctoa, . UP^."''"'^ ' S.""^,^^J. ^,/ . Trustees of Bcvlston's Donation, ^zZ^'^^'T 0°' ^^"?*' 1^^?"^ ^^ iTaj^orccster Co. Ministers & Churches, x 2p Tutors in , .

Tutors in Colleges, . 1:9—I22'V7'AJLE College, , n'gi Ur^ION Insurance Co. at B&3ton, 63! X York County, Justices, Attor- Union Inutrance Co. at Salem, 6s nies. Sheriffs, &c. . 8j Vftited States Calendar, . 1.76 Tork Co. Ministers &Cburchesy 12&

THE Subfcribers gratefully

acknowledge the affiftance they have received from Gen- tlemen in various parts of the State, and refpeftfully afk a continuance of their favours. They alfo rcqueft that future Communications may be made as early as the middle of

September ; and as in many inftances the information re- ceived from Gentlemen in the famt County has elfentially

varied, it is requefted that no alteration may be made where

there is any doubt of i;s accuracy. JOHN WEST. MANNING B LORING.

Printed by Manning £^ Lorinc, No. ajli^ornhilli.