»:'i/." 317.3M31 M41 A 4w:;kves -yuii. Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVI as sacliu setts, Boston \ http://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1805amer i' I A M^^^jo^Sai J^IASSx\CHUSETTS AND United States Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 180 5, and Twenty-Ninth oi American Independence. > CONTAINING Civily Ecdefiajlica!, Judicial, and Military Lifts in MASSACHUSETTS ; Associations, and Corporate Institutions, for literary, agricultural^ and charitable Purpofes. A Liji of PosT-TowNS in Majachvfetts, with tk Names of the Post-Masters. AT.,SO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, % its With feveral Departments and Eftablifiiraents ; The Executive Government in each State ; Cenfus of the Towns inMaflfachufetts ; Public Duties, Sec USEFUL TABLES, And a Variety of other intereiling Articles. BOSTON : Pubiifhed by JOHN WEST, and MANNING & LORING. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book-'Stores, Comhill. ' , KCLIPSES FvOR i8o5. 'rTF,RE will be fix EclipCes rhk year; four of tliem'v/ii-i jj -0- bi- oi -he; Sun, and tv/o M'lil be of the Moon, as follows. I. The fi.ft will be a total and viilble colipfe of the JMoon, January the 15th, and by calculation as follows, vi^. H. M. • '"P-cginnifig of th« Etlipfc BcginTiing of total aatknefs Appa'rent tin»G Aiiddie - ;. - . - q'LI . End of total darkhfefs ' V End of Eclipfe Duration of total'cr^rk-ne«rs , Whole duration - -V, 20'^ Bitnts eclipfed, 52', in the r rtntn^ji-W G\ Hiadov.'. IL_ The fecond will he df ine STih,';Tan^?,ry*3erfi, lit' 29m. m the evening, invifihle.in the \or:hem i^iTTirnhcit-A : IIL l'heth;ii:^il^atro'?)s-^f%)?&^Ju^26lb(^ ** .29zqm. in the eveniViV4nvirihr5L. \ IV. Tiie { burtii \\Mirlx!N^tte.'Mo6ir, -.Hly lAh;, 4hy^ l5Tn. in. the ev erring ij^ia^oi-^fjqM-entlyi-^icqii invijil^e to "us. \ V. TheffftI? t^> \ur-j:^j|U^th,^ 1^. ^7np^ in the morninj:^, iiXifible. v * VL Theviixth and lail wiU.be orShe Sun, Decern d^ Soth, 7h. 25m. i^ tHe caning- • -inviriy.(i>o.va4] tl* Y'liabi\y able parts of the o^lobe, but central at the {»uth po]e,*!ir ^ loTig'tude 111° 24' weft-^f*^oftorvand iatitudi^S^llfoath. > «^ '. -s lat. S. • • J) 47I . .. <<*<4« <-4-< "^4* <v* <-4* <<»*^-<* ->->*> Cen A /4^ ^v /-^ ec^-^y 5 . JANUARY, i8p^, begins on Tuefday. Firft Quarter 8th day, ch. 27m. cvcrrr. ^' Full Moon 15th day, sl:j#45m. monrirg. Laft Quarter 22d day, loh. im. morning. New Moon 30th day, 2h. i^m. evenins^. Obicr\Hi if J jay^, tides. Low C-P. Bofi. & De^;h. 7 3^5 .5 1^,11 4^ Moderate wtaiJ^^^m ^^^SL 31 ^|\6 i6iEv.36 ^^ 1 3j:3 s foil. 8h. ^om. Clouds 31 7 20. 22 4|G Sir I. Newton, b. 1643, denote 30 8 26 2 7 ^ 2 more J'nozv. 29 5 .9 Sc ,^ Epiphany. 29 5 o 3' 3 34 P. Leiiox. ^-^%^f M 285 4 19 ^3 lAician. •K ::i"oir; 914 win(h (md c .A4 ' ^- Day break ^. 4,5m'. 'verf ft' ^•53 11:6 2620 ^.3 22 ,2:7 aoudyr\ Perig^e^l ^5'-r45' 3o ^ f ift Sund. pail Epiph. Very. high 24 5 44 to 'J 4 2 C.P.North.War. &Len. "tides 23 J 6 4?i 11 Now D eclipf. inviiible 23 t #'i{t ,164 comes on 22 « 42 1 Dr. Fr.inklin born, 1706. 21 ^ 18(6 MiddUng tides. ajlorm 20 r 9 6 offnew or rain, 19 10 12 20 18 16' 2d Sund. paft Epiphany. 11 3 21 Agnes. Louis XVI. beh, morn. 1793. 4 - Vincent. ;^ . More 4 4 moderaie. 15 Low tides for the fcafon. 14 b I '5 Converfion St. PauL Falling 13 .' 3 weather. 12 }) Apogee 5 4 o 3d Sund. paft Epiphany. 11 o 5 4S the Great died, 10 Peter 1725. 5 5 0^1 9 S3 Cold 9 5 D 20 10 22 with feme. Oeclipfed. 5 ])(ets'ii 1 -6 Yard \. fcis 2h. Join. J'v.ow. 7 6 Sii 56 New Hanipilnrc, gr.ait of, by the PJymcuth company 1621 ; and firft began to be fettled 1623. It Mas put under the jurifdiclion oi Mailachufetts 1650, r.nd feparated fror that government 1679. In -1692, the inhabitants ^gai ^-^etiiioned to be united M'ilh M.-iHachuicits, and were ior : ^ ^^ FEBRUARY, 1805, beg^ti^n F^^ Firfl: Quarter 6thfd^Y,^i^h.^^rn. evenii^. Fuji Moon 13th 'dd^y^ 3h, 58111. evening/ t Lad Quarter 21ft day, *6n. 3^tfi>rtnormn^. j M"|%vn Qba-rvcibie Days, :r. (jjhTUyjca (gc V.:>| T.es. 7*s fet 2h. om. Driving -7 5 6 7.-J4i®-4i Purif^". Mary, or Candlqira*. 4 5 8 2! 4th ifRid. pa{l">Epiph^\ ZiJzrhl^. ^ 3 5 ?C ' 2 11 Fine/i/n, " ^ J 2 I, ^'^ ''^% AgatlTa!^^ ,^M^ ffr)' . o Alliance with France, 1V78.-'* 7 <Vi/. J eclip. feveral 7*s- „ ^„ - 8 Middlijig^ tides^'V > JPeiJ^^. 6 57f§ 9 ic Septuagefima Sunday. 11 Treaty with G. Britain, 1796. t2 Plea/ant 13 Yard L. fou. 7h. 20m. /<?r Vale NT i n e-Day. February. Changcz to ;i 's fet ih. oin. Jlormy. 17 Sexagefima Sund. <z7Z<3f 1? bh(fierit7g. 19' C. P. Port!. Gen. ^eiT. Camb. 20 Good wtatkcr ^ \ < 2f Very low tides. agahi, Washington bom, 1732. PUafant [ D A^K^gee. Quinqna. Sund. St. Matth. Clouds dmcte a change. Afli-Wednefdiy, or Lent. 28 VENUS will be Morning S/ar, till- ih 2^/1 day of May ;' ' t/isncc Evening Star to the end of the year. , j " iliort time under their jmifdiftion . A provJujcial Congr^fj' took up the Civil government anuar/ j) ^776, : Oclober3i, 1783, they eftablifl their preTent conftitution Mafifachufetts" grant of, by ihe P;iyh>dutJ^ coihpan>*t^ Sir Henry Rofwell and others 1627 ; a royal charter grant- ed 1628. Emigration to this country was prohibited by , * 7/^f to ^^ A:,^ <r.^ J 6- n 1 . U^ Cif a. y t ^^^ 1% cV~H^c^^A^ V . MARCtis 1805, begins oft Friday. New Moon'^ift day, ^h. 45111. itiorning. Firft Quarter Sth day, ^h. 52m. morning. Full Moon 15th ^ay, 5^.' 511^. morning. Laft Quarter 23d day, 3h. 24m. morning, New Moon 30th d'ay, 6h. 9m. evening. ^ M \V Oblervabie Days, &c. jr. s i 1 2 3 ^ APRIL, ib05, begins oii\^londa^. Firft-Quarter 6th day, iih. 47m. morpi^igL Full Moon 13th day, yh. om. evening.^- ^ \ Lad Quarter 21ft day, ich; 18m. evening^. New Mcon 29th day, 3h. 47m. morniifg. ^ liil Ohlcrvable Davs, t^c. r.0s. Gov, and b^n. choien, Maliachu. 8 46 E~2^ 7*s fet loh. Cc('d, St. Ambrofc. zc':tA^ ; Jailing ^.-;'^ 3 39 7 rpoTj::. Not very high tides, weatkcr. Hi^h winds. , ^ 36-7 1 fe ^7'-^«35\ C.P. T.enox. Becomes pleafant 2 S.J. C.Concord. CP. Plym 3¥ Gen. Self. York.r and ^ 3'HJ agreeaUe tveatker. 4 6 Good-Friday. Cliangtabk. 4 3^' !0 C|. • rife Eafter-Day. Some . 7 52 morn, C.P.Taunton, rain* [-xYork 856 o 4 S.J.C. Worcefter.. C.P. Boftoi: 9 57 C F-A Low tides. .. Cool 10 rp. I'ard L iet5 ph. 3m. D Apogee. 11 40 2 52 Battle at Lexington, 1775. -non). zoinds. '- o 23 ui ] tftSund.p'^rt Eaft. LowS. Skoicers. i\3c S.J.C. Northarnpt. and Ipfwich. Gen. Eleftion Rhode-Kland. 2 2£ St. Mark. 2 , _ Beautiful Middling tides, •wfather. •3 -^ 2d Sund. paft Eailer. Heavy 4 29 fiowrr with thunder. Ifefer> 1^ 27y 0=3 S.J.C. Lenox. C.P. Dedham •9 '2LEv.'jr^ fequence of a proclamation iilurd by General Q,ag^, th^ rcprefenratives met at Salem, and refolyed tbemfeSpes into a provincial Congrei?, October 5, 1774. A convention met for fettling a conllitution, September 1, 1779, 2nd ton- tinued by adjouri;rrient until March 2, 178c, when The.y 2?^ /r^/^ iG.y t'i^ O^^H.-^ 'h 7 JiA/4^^ 'i ¥ -^y"^'a^yky^ 7 r- ^i^1/ f^-' 'c~. r' -y^ yt^ ^^/s-^^t*^*^ ^^'' %, .//t" / Tvt «. ^<< MAT, iSq5, begins on Wednefd?.; Firft Quar^r 5th day, 7h. 2m. ^vfi^ing. FuinSloon 13 th (fay, ph. 41m. njorning. Laft Quarter 24 ft day, ih. 53ml evening. New Moon dScJi da]^, i ih. 3301. morning. UMerv^c Jjj 'r- •:: S:. Philip 33^ :5t. jair.cs. Ic 14 1 31 Unfctdiid .. I)Peric;ee. II It ~8 N'ight's lengt^icli. ^^ zqeau'icr. morn. 5 Middling ud<|^^ 'v • , o ic 3d Sund. pslT^^.rter. Becomes i =c 1 2c C.P.Caffen-; ir«^^>. 1 51 Y^dL^^s8h.'4Sv{' 16^ 7 Go Gsp. Eleftica Hastkird. « Ccsd plantvig 3 « 1 8 10 ! 11? weather, «l 3 I Li F 4|h S.^pai^ Eaft. Ceii. Louifiana o 8 10 51 C.P. Wifcairet. if your ground\ 11 4c 8l 8 -4 a |>4^.C..York. be dry. \^ 48 mom jLcw tides. * Grows cco'er. 8; 9 ?^9 c 3; 17*3 lile 4h. 28ni. D Apoge 8 lO £s 1 2o 1-6 Prince's of Wales boru, 1768. 2 10 1817 i S^rcvers. 44 8 ii 33 ;5th Sund. pail Eaftsr. vj 8 mom. 3 4 n jC.P. Northampton. fine 12 8; o 1 4 3^ 3 C.P. Augu'.ta and Edgarton. 41 8 26 5 15 + again. ^ 48 5 Afcenfion Day. Hoh^ fhurfd; 40 o Q 3 qo 8 Ha^jn winds. S3 Yard L fets jh. 8m. 08 8 6 1" Su;id.
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