05 • 09 20 05 guidemagazine.org True Stories Pointing to Jesus Jesus to Pointing Stories True

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CC nd? MMl e OO il ) w ay? h e s OO OOt ibl r a B TT he E s t e oe HH d h t at h w W o t: h in OO s (H i h t TT s I Lake Tahoe Terror Ashleigh wanted to feel God’s protection Tea Towel in the Window Would James ever be able to return home? Possessed, Part 3 Junior’s baptism Disappointments To order, call 1.800.447.7377 or Blessings? Guide phone: 208.465.2500 Fax: 208.465.2531 n nervous anticipation my academy Email: [email protected] roommate, Helen, and I scanned the Unsolicited manuscripts welcome Ilist of drama troupe participants. “ You both did well in your auditions,” the director encouraged. “Maybe next year.” But before the year was over, Helen Facebook.com/ guidemagazine.org GuideMagazine.org was grateful she hadn’t succeeded in her auditions. It was her failure that had opened the door for her to become stu- dent chaplain. EDITOR Lori Futcher A few years later I shared Helen’s story MANAGING EDITOR with my college roommate, Cathy, after Laura Sámano we had unsuccessfully auditioned for the DESIGNER college drama troupe. Inspired, Cathy Daniel Añez founded a puppet ministry. COPY EDITOR Both of my roommates had found their Rhonda Christiano callings after failed auditions, but my CLERICAL SUPPORT continued failures were leading only to Gricelda Blanco disappointment. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Then one evening the drama director Rebecca Hilde burst into the college sandwich shop WEBMASTER where I was eating. “Get changed and Kim Peckham join us for a photo shoot in the audito- WEB PRESS Dennis Legg rium in 15 minutes,” he panted. “By the way, one of the participants dropped out—you’re in.” MAY 9, 2020 • VOLUME 68 • NUMBER 19 If you’ve faced disap-

Guide® (ISSN 0017-5226) is a Christian story magazine primarily for readers pointment, don’t give up. ages 10-14. It is provided by Seventh-day Adventists and is published weekly by Pacific Press® Publishing Association, 1350 N. Kings Road, Nampa, ID In His time, God will turn 83687-3193. Periodicals postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. Copyright © 2020 your disappointments into by Pacific Press® Publishing Association. Printed in U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Order through your church’s School secretary, or call toll-free blessings. 1.800.447.7377. Yearly subscription: $61.58. ADDRESS CHANGES: Supply old and new addresses eight weeks in advance to P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Guide Circulation, P.O. Box 5353, Nampa, ID 83653-5353. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all prominent photos © 2020 Thinkstock.com. Lori Futcher, Editor

2 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org G L S O T IS Y B o T d u A rl r C L E N o hu FinlandA D V e W rch d th Family Aroun

The Finland Union has 62 churches and a membership of 4,678. In a population of 5,518,000, that’s 1,180 people for each church member.

Finland The Seventh-day Adventist message was brought to Finland through sea captain A. F. Lundqvist. While at sea he was The church in Finland oversees four grade converted after purchasing literature from George Drew, an schools, Finland Junior College, the Nurmikoti Adventist colporteur in England. As a result of reading these nursing home, Media7 Julkaisut publishing books, he immediately began to keep the Sabbath and became house, and a Bible correspondence school. a Seventh-day Adventist, remaining faithful until his death in 1955 at the age of 97.

The official languages of Finland are Finnish (native to about Between the fourteenth and nineteenth 87 percent of the population) and Swedish (native language centuries, Finland was part of Sweden, to about 5 percent of the population). The indigenous Sami before becoming a part of the Russian languages are spoken in northern Lapland. Empire. It gained independence as a result of the Russian Revolution in 1917.

Finland has about 188,000 lakes, leading to the nickname “Land of a Thousand Lakes.”

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 3 datasphere Too Close to Home

By Kyla Steinkraus

The Washington Post reported that a hunk of space rock A Nickname to named Asteroid 2019 OK went whizzing past Earth on July 25, Remember Astronomers 2019. While asteroids aren’t unusual, this particular asteroid have nicknamed asteroids the size not only seemed to appear out of nowhere, but also whipped of Asteroid 2019 OK as “City-killer by only about 45,000 miles from our planet. asteroids.” One astronomer told the That may seem quite far, but it’s actually only about one Washington Post that if 2019 OK fifth the distance between the Earth and the moon and was had struck Earth, most of it would considered by astronomers to be “uncomfortably close.” have probably reached the ground, The craggy rock was an estimated 187 to 427 feet wide— resulting in damage equivalent to a comparable to the size of a football field. It was the largest nuclear bomb, with enough force to asteroid to pass this close to Earth in many years. destroy a city. NASA astronomers noticed the asteroid shooting toward Earth only one day before it whizzed by. The asteroid wasn’t one that scientists had already been tracking. Even though it seems big, Asteroid 2019 OK wasn’t nearly as large as many other asteroids. In the vastness of space, it was tiny. It’s strange elliptical orbit and unusual speed made it even harder to detect. The last space rock close to the size of Asteroid 2019 OK to come near Earth was more than a century ago. Known as the Tunguska event, that asteroid caused an explosion that leveled 770 square miles of forest land in Siberia.

Asteroids in outer space are an The Tunguska infinitely fascinating part of event cleared 770 square God’s creation—though we’d miles of forest land rather appreciate them from in Siberia. the safety and distance of our telescopes!

4 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org BY THE NUMBERS 54,000 miles per hour Asteroid 2019 OK’s speed 54,000

8,900 to 42,500 miles per hour The speed of most asteroids mph

A Shocking Entrance More than a thousand people were injured in 2013 when a much smaller meteor (only 65 feet across) entered the Earth’s atmosphere over Russia. The shock wave this caused collapsed roofs and shattered windows.

Nothing to Fear You may hear people expressing fears that one day a huge asteroid will destroy the entire Earth. But that is something we don’t need to be afraid of. The Bible tells us how Earth’s story will end: not with an asteroid, but with the second coming of Jesus. Depiction of Asteroid 2019 OK passing Planet Earth

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 5 hew!” Ashleigh un- By Cathlynn Doré Law loaded her armful of W blankets and pillows She might not be on the condo bed. “So why do we need this load of bedding when running from an the closets are filled with blankets and pillows?” anti-Christian Grandma chuckled. “Don’t you government, but have a favorite blanket?” “Not since I was 3,” she replied, Ashleigh could tugging her pillow from the bot- tom of the pile. still experience Grandma’s eyes twinkled, God’s protection. “Isn’t that your favorite pillow?” Ashleigh gave her a sideways glance and hugged it close. It was camp meeting time, and Ashleigh’s family was staying at a time-share condo at Lake Tahoe. After a sandwich supper, the fam- Lake Tahoe Terror

6 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org ily piled in the car and headed to softly picked out a succession of the campground. chords. The girls slid into a row of “There’s Rachel and Emily.” seats. “I hope you’ll join me in our Ashleigh craned her neck to see first song,” he said as he began. her friends better as the car “Shine, Jesus, shine.” The turned into the parking area. Be- words brought a smile to her face fore Mom could take the key out every time. Ashleigh loved hear- of the ignition, Ashleigh was out ing the voices swelling around of the car. her. It felt like a group hug. “Em! Rach!” Ashleigh squealed When the main speaker began, as the girls ran to each other. The she knew it was going to be good. girls chattered nonstop until they Within seconds he had the youth reached the door of the tent. captivated with his experience There were more friends to con- of having to hide and run for his nect with inside. life. Because he had decided to Shortly the worship leader’s become a Christian in a country voice interrupted: “I’m not audi- that denied its citizens the right tioning for a vocalist spot.” There to religious freedom, he was in was a ripple of laughter as he constant danger. Lake Tahoe Terror

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 7 Nothing like that has ever hap- called over her shoulder to Ben pened to me, Ashleigh thought. and Grandma. “Don’t let the bad Not that she wanted it to. But bugs bite!” sometimes she wished that she “That’s bedbugs!” Ben, sudden- could have the kind of experience ly awake, corrected his sister. that would prove to her that God “ Whatever,” Ashleigh yawned. was lovingly watchful and protec- As she knelt to pray that night, tive of her. the Bible’s promise in Psalm 91 was As the speaker finished another still ringing vividly in her ears: “ You exciting episode of God’s divine will not fear the terror of night, nor protection, he clicked on his the arrow that flies by day, nor the smartphone. pestilence that stalks in the dark- “ ‘ Whoever dwells in the shelter ness” (Psalm 91:5, 6, NIV). of the Most High will rest in the She thrilled again to think shadow of the Almighty’ [Psalm of how the speaker had been 91:1, NIV],” he read. Looking up, he spectacularly protected so many seemed to look right at Ashleigh. times. How could he ever doubt “Are you choosing to dwell ‘in the God’s love for him? she reasoned shelter of the Most High’?” sleepily as she finished her prayer A shiver ran through Ashleigh. and crawled into bed. She wanted to stay close to Jesus The evening breeze, sifting and live in His “shelter,” though through the sliding-glass door she was sure she wasn’t in need screen, lulled Ashleigh right to of God’s watchful care the way the sleep. She didn’t even stir until speaker had been! the early daylight began to spread across the room. n their way back to their That’s when she heard Mom’s condo that night, Mom gasp. Ashleigh was still in a haze Oglanced in the rearview mir- of slumber as she heard Mom slip ror. “It’s pretty quiet back there.” out of bed. Ashleigh pulled her eyes away “ Wh-h-h-a-a-a-t?” Mom drew from the distant glimmering lights. out her question. Then suddenly “That’s because Ben is snoring she erupted, “Ashleigh Kay!” away,” she said. “And I’m thinking.” Mom’s exclamation popped Once inside the condo, Ashleigh’s eyes open Ashleigh climbed the immediately. “ Would stairs to where she and you look at this?” she Mom would be sleep- demanded. ing. “Good night, sleep Lifting herself up on tight,” Ashleigh her elbow, Ashleigh

8 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org squinted toward Mom, who was standing at the sliding-glass door. Find the emoji ? “ What?” Ashleigh’s eyes were still that shows how trying to operate. Then, as the blur Ashleigh felt about camp meeting. came into focus, she saw it. Slowly Ashleigh swung her legs out of bed. Trancelike, she walked to the sliding-glass door. She blinked. The screen had been shredded in Why didn’t the bear come in? three places. The cuts were about a Ashleigh’s mind reeled as it raced foot long. It was her turn to gasp! from one possibility to another. “ Yep,” Mom said softly but with As they excitedly recounted God’s distinct clarity. “ We had a visitor protection that night, a convic- last night.” tion rose in Ashleigh. She wasn’t Ashleigh shivered as a wave of running for her life, but there were realization passed through her. Her dangers around her, too. Now she eyes followed the wooden stairway had her own experience of being the bear must have followed from in the “shadow of the Almighty.” the adjacent woods to their door. There was no room for doubt.

The Watchers follows Caleb; Tamzi; their families; Allamu, the blind beggar; and the old prophet Daniel, as before their very eyes, the mighty kingdom of Babylon is overthrown by Cyrus and his Medo- Persian army. Was this the beginning of the end for the Babylonian Jews or the sign of a new beginning? God would keep His promise—Caleb was sure of it!

Guardians of the Mercy Seat chronicles the adventures of Laadan and his friends as they struggle to know God’s will for Israel— and their lives—in the tumultuous days leading up to the capture of the ark of the covenant and the troubled times following its seizure.

©2017 Pacific Press® Publishing Association • 1755901935May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 9 Working Out Problems By Melissa Yeagle In life we all face problems. Below, each set of two problems has the same answer, and that answer corresponds with a word. If done correctly you will find a Bible promise that can help get you through life’s problems.

A. 50 - 25 = 5 x 5 = I. 3 x 7 = 24 - 3 = B. 250 x 2 = 1000 - 500 = J. 43 + 24 = 100 - 33 = C. 3 x 1 = 100 - 67 = K. 11 x 4 = 66 - 22 = D. 44 x 2 = 100 - 12 = L. 4 x 5 = 100 - 80 = E. 88 - 66 = 2 x 11 = M. 77 + 11 = 90 - 2 = F. 909 x 0 = 55 - 55 = N. 5 x 8 = 100 - 60 = G. 3 x 33 = 63 + 36 = O. 100 - 70 = 10 x 3 = H. 11 + 20 = 52 - 21 = “Don’t Bother the Bears” and 25 we 500 together 31 them 20 and 22 more God 30 things 0 know 33 for 21 edge-of-your- good 67 love 40 seat adventures all 22 that 88 await you in to 44 work 99 Guide’s Greatest A B C D E F G H Mischief Stories.

ISBN 978-0-8163-6315-5 I J K L M N O THESE TRUE STORIES FROM GUIDE MAGAZINE ARE AWESOME! Add Guide’s Greatest Mischief Answer on p. 27 Stories to your collection!

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©2019 Pacific Press® Publishing Association • Please contact your ABC for pricing in Canada • 10 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org 1955902917 “Don’t“Don’t Bother Bother the the Bears” Bears” andand 22 22 more more edge-of-edge-of-your-your- seatseat adventures adventures awaitawait you you in in Guide’sGuide’s Greatest Greatest MischiefMischief Stories Stories. .

ISBN 978-0-8163-6315-5ISBN 978-0-8163-6315-5THESETHESE TRUE TRUE STORIES STORIES FROM FROM GUIDE GUIDE MAGAZINE MAGAZINE ARE ARE AWESOME! AWESOME! AddAdd Guide’s Guide’s Greatest Greatest Mischief Mischief StoriesStories to yourto your collection! collection!

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©2019©2019 Pacific Pacific Press Press® Publishing® Publishing Association Association • Please • Please contact contact your your ABC ABCfor pricing for pricing in Canada in Canada • • May 9, 20201955902917 | G1955902917UIDE | 11 12 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org Tea Towel in The window

By James Down as told to Michelle Down 0 Illustrated by Mariano Santillan James was angry enough to stay away from home forever.

arie, come and help,” I yelled, my arms covered M with soapsuds. The dishes were piling up in the sink, and I needed someone to wipe them. Besides, it was the girls’ job to clear the sink as I washed. I could hear giggling and laugh- ter from the lounge. It was Friday night and special because Dad was home early to spend time with his family. I stormed into the lounge. “Come and help me!” I yelled at my four sisters. The girls contin- ued reading and giggling. I was sure Dad would send them in to help, but nothing happened.

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 13 whining and complaining. Quit your miserable yelling—now!” Posh Polishing He gave me a hard push and In the eighteenth century, tea stormed out. He was angry too. towels made of linen were found I was shocked. This was so in homes of the wealthy. The soft unfair. I had to help on the farm, texture of the fabric made them chop the wood, get in the cows ideal for drying the expensive . . . and all my sisters did was help bone china preferred by the Mum in the kitchen with a bit of English upper classes. cooking. I was furious. —radicalteatowel.com I finished the dishes, stomped to my room, and slammed the door shut. “I’ve had enough,” I mut- tered. “No one appreciates what I do. No one loves me. This is unfair.” I grabbed my backpack and stuffed a few clothes in it. As soon as the family had settled for the night, I crept to the kitchen, threw in some bread and fruit, and silently let myself out. I was 14 years old and had no idea where I would go, but I sure I stomped back to the lounge. wasn’t going to stay in that house “Dad, tell the girls to come and a moment longer. help. The dishes are piling up.” I I marched up a hill at the back of was angry. But still nothing hap- the house, as far away as I could get. pened. Then I lay down for the night. It was There was absolutely no room hugely uncomfortable lying on the left in the sink now. My hands damp earth. I had been too angry were in the water again, and I was to think straight, and hadn’t even frustrated. brought a pillow or blanket. Insects “Dad,” I yelled as loudly as I buzzed and bit, and I squirmed with could. “Get the girls to come and fear at every rustle. I knew there help me.” were snakes around at this time of The door opened, and Dad year. The thought made me leap to burst into the kitchen. “Stop that my feet and climb a tree—a very yelling,” he ordered. “ We can’t uncomfortable perch for the night. hear ourselves talk with all your “I hate them all,” I fumed.

14 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org “Maybe I’ll leave and find a job I was sure neither of them ever somewhere. Pete Smith is always wanted to see me again, and I felt looking for help. I’ll quit school hurt and rejected. and work for him.” I tramped back to my hiding I hardly slept that night as I place. An hour later I saw the planned my escape. I awoke early car drive back to the farm and and looked down at the farm- the sticklike figures of my family house, way off in the distance. troop into the kitchen. I waited. Smoke came from the chimney, The window suddenly opened, and I knew mum would be up and a white tea towel fluttered cooking breakfast. in the breeze. My heart soared. My tummy’s rumbling, I thought Maybe my parents did love me. miserably as I climbed down, dug I waited awhile and then out the bread, and made myself walked back to the house. Mum a scanty breakfast. It was hardly and Dad were sitting at the table, enough to feed a hungry teen. looking sad. There they go, off to church, I “James,” Mum cried as soon thought as I saw the car pull out as she saw me. She leaped to her slowly and drive off. Good. Now I feet and gave me a huge hug. Dad can get more supplies. had tears in his eyes as he hugged I raced down to the house and me too. stuffed my tummy with leftover “ Welcome home, son,” he food. I filled my pack with clothes, choked. “Sit down. We need to bedding, and more food. There talk.” was no way I was ever going back Mum pulled out a chair, and to live with them . . . but on the we talked and talked. I told my other hand, it was pretty lonely parents how I felt, and Dad up the hill by myself. apologized for being so harsh. I thought for a while and then Mum said she appreciated how sat down and wrote a note. dependable I was and how proud she was of her eldest child. Dad Dear Mum and Dad, said much the same. I feel that no one loves me or thinks “Mum and Dad do love me,” I about all the work I do. It’s not fair, and murmured happily as I went to I hate it here. But if you really love me my room to unpack. I guessed and want me back, hang a white tea this was how the prodigal son must have felt when he walked towel out the kitchen window—other- back home so many years ago. wise I’m leaving and never coming back. It was good to be home. —James

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 15 5 Standout Black Adventist Women You May Not Know About By Randy Fishell

1. Rosetta Douglass-Sprague

Does that second name look a little familiar? Rosetta was the old- est daughter of one of the most important antislavery advocates in American history: Frederick Douglass. Dad was close to, and proud of, Rosetta. He especially enjoyed hearing her play the piano for visitors. But he also saw firsthand how difficult life could be for even a “free” young black woman in America. In 1848, when Rosetta went off to attend the Seward Seminary in New York, school officials segregated her from the white students. She became an Adventist after questioning how Sunday could be the Bible Sabbath. After spending some time teaching, Rosetta eventually settled into life as a wife and homemaker. It’s said that she inherited a keen sense of racial justice from her famous father and also from observing life during the post-Civil War years.

16 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org 2. Yolanda Clarke

On August 28, 1963, the bus ride from New York City to Washington, D.C., took longer than usual. Tens of thousands of people were gather- ing at the National Mall as part of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Later that day Martin Luther King, Jr., would deliver his “I Have a Dream” speech, one of the most famous speeches in history. Yolanda was a member of a choir who’d be singing at the event. The daughter of an Adventist pastor, Yolanda was musically gifted, over time attending such renowned music schools as Boston Conserva- tory, New York University, Columbia, and the Royal School of Music in London. But when it came to finding work as a young musician in New York City, Yolanda said, “I was [very] qualified but was often turned down because of the color of my skin.”* Not only could Yolanda sing well, but she was also gifted on the piano and organ. That day in 1963, just before the choir performed, Yolanda was told that she was needed on the organ. Disappointed that she wouldn’t be singing with the choir, Yolanda played “We Shall Overcome” and “Freedom Is the Thing We’re Talking About” as the huge audience joined in. Afterward, Yolanda took her seat about 10 feet from Martin Luther King, whose speech brought tears to her eyes. History was made, and Yolanda Clarke had played a part in it.

Always an Adventist “I am an SDA through and through. Been one my whole life. Everybody learned sooner or later what I believed. At times they’d tease me about not eating meat or drinking alcohol, or going to church on Saturday, but they always respected me.”† —Yolanda Clarke

*From Benjamin Baker, “Who’s That Adventist Woman Beside Martin Luther King, Jr.?” ( Online, February 6, 2015). †Ibid, adventistreviewonline.org

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 17 3. Mabel Branch

In the world of professional sports, the Nuggets, Broncos, and Rockies all call Denver, Colorado, home. When it comes to professional teachers, Denver boasts of Mabel Branch, a Seventh-day Adventist who became the first African American public school teacher in the state of Colorado. This all happened in 1898, shortly after Mabel graduated from high school. Here’s how the local newspaper described the appointment: “She [Mabel Branch] is the first colored teacher appointed in Colorado, and her friends look upon the appointment as marking the beginning of a new era for the colored race in the state. . . . She has worked hard for the position with which she is now honored. . . . Miss Branch, on both sides of the family, descends from slaves. The parents of her father and mother were slaves, but they themselves were born in freedom. Her parents are well educated, and appreciate the honor given their daughter.“* Mabel later went as a missionary to Africa with her parents. It was almost as if she couldn’t stop herself from serving.

*”First Colored Teacher in Colorado,”Rocky Mountain News, July 30, 1898, p. 4.

4. Mary Britton

Born in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1855, Mary Britton first chose teaching as a profession. Nurs- ing was the other option open to women during this time, but Mary’s real desire was to become a doctor. After training at the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan, Mary began a medical practice at her home. She became Lexington’s first licensed female physician. Throughout much of her life, Mary also dedicated a lot of time helping to improve racial equality in Lexington and thereby the entire state of Kentucky.

18 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org 5. Irene Morgan

Your history teacher has probably mentioned Rosa Parks, the African American woman who in 1955 refused to give up her bus seat to a white person in Montgomery, Alabama. As a result, the United States Congress once called her “the first lady of civil rights.” Ms. Parks’s action was heroic, but she wasn’t the first to stay put in a bus seat against orders. That took place 11 years earlier, in 1944. Irene Morgan had recently experienced the death of her baby in the womb and was very tired. When the Greyhound bus driver demanded that she give up her bus seat, Irene refused to move. She was promptly arrested and jailed. But her courageous act led to a court case—Irene Morgan v. Commonwealth of Virginia—that was heard before the U.S. Supreme Court. Irene won the case, and the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation on interstate buses was illegal. Sadly, the Commonwealth of Virginia and many states ignored the ruling for decades. Irene was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Clinton in 2000. She was a lifelong member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and died in 2007.

Test Runs Irene Morgan’s case inspired the 1947 Journey of Reconciliation, during which activists rode on interstate Greyhound and Trailways buses through the Upper South, testing the enforcement of the Supreme Court’s ruling. The activists usually placed an interracial pair in the white area of the bus, while other activists, disguised as ordinary passengers, rode in the back of the bus. When the group reached North Carolina, they encountered arrests and violence. Before the journey was over, the protesters had endured 12 arrests and experienced dangerous mob violence. —en.wikipedia.org

But one of her most important activities was help- “Religion that God the ing to establish the Colored Orphan Industrial Home Father accepts is this: car- in Lexington, Kentucky. This organization provided ing for orphans or widows food, shelter, education, and training to destitute who need help; and orphans and elderly homeless women. It closed in keeping yourself free from 1988, but the buildings are still in existence. the world’s evil influence” (James 1:27, ICB).‡

‡Scriptures credited to ICB are quoted from the International Children’s Bible, copyright © 1986, 1988, 2008, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 19 By Andrew McChesney 0 Illustrated by Marcus Mashburn

Part 3 of 6: Junior's Baptism

The story so far: Demons talk to and through Junior’s father, who is a high priest for the Candomblé religion. When Junior decides he wants to be a Seventh-day Adventist, the demons order Father to leave home as part of a plan to prevent Junior from being baptized. When that plan fails, Father returns home, but the demons are still determined to stop Junior’s baptism.

ot long after Father activities. Although the demons returned home, he had a had promised to stop Junior Nbaffling dream in which from being baptized, the boy’s a relative invited him to visit a desire only grew. His baptism Protestant church. Opening the was scheduled for October 29. church’s front door, he saw the Mother longed to be baptized sanctuary packed with people. As at the same time, but when she he entered, the ceiling opened, mentioned it to her Bible study and a bright light shone from teacher, Celia only said, “ You above, causing a precious stone need to talk with the pastor.” from his ring (which was impor- When she talked to Pastor tant to his work as a high priest) Ricardo, he told her, “ You to pop out and fall to the floor. cannot be baptized, because “I think the dream meant that you’re not legally married.” God is calling me to join that “Don’t worry,” Pastor Ricardo church,” he told his wife. said, sensing Mother’s disap- While Father had been gone, pointment. “Ask Eduardo to Junior had started Bible studies marry you.” in preparation for baptism and The next Sabbath Pastor immersed himself in church Ricardo again encouraged her

20| GUIDE | guidemagazine.org to get married. marry you.” “ Who knows?” he said. He wasn’t much more positive “Maybe God is asking you to when Junior asked him to at- wait a little longer so you can be tend his upcoming baptism. baptized with Eduardo.” “Only if I can wear my high “My husband be baptized?” she exclaimed. “That will never happen!” Nevertheless, she sought out Father later that day and asked him to marry her. “No,” he replied. “I’ll never

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 21 priest robes from the temple,” Junior up for the baptism. he said. He did not tell Junior About 5:00 p.m., a demon told that the demons had prohibited Father to dress in his high priest him from going. robes and go to the church. Mother asked friends at the “ We will possess people in Alpha Seventh-day Adventist the church to prevent Junior Community Church what she from being baptized,” the de- should do if her husband came mon promised. wearing his robes. Father donned his robes and “Let him come,” they said. hailed a taxi to the church. He “If he comes, we’ll welcome could hear an invisible legion him,” added Pastor Ricardo. “But beware: Something un- expected might happen if he shows up.”

he Sabbath of Junior’s T baptism, five people, including Ju- nior, were scheduled to be baptized at the 4:00 p.m. ceremony. “Drive me to the temple,” Father or- dered Mother after she and Junior returned from church that morn- ing. His request wasn’t unusual. He usually performed rituals on Saturdays and returned home early Sunday mornings. The demons didn’t require his services on Sundays, telling him, “Sunday is a family day." Mother dropped him off and returned home to pick

22 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org of demons swirling around him. Father wondered. He had At the church’s entrance, the expected to be kicked out. demons stopped Father. “Come to the front,” the “ We cannot go in,” they said. deacon said. “ Your son will be “ We won’t go with you.” happy to see you.” He led Father Father looked grimly at the to the baptismal pool. church’s front doors. He remem- Father turned around and bered the most important lesson looked at the congregation. the demons had taught him He saw that some people were years earlier: Never leave a job sitting with bowed heads and undone. If he started a task, he guessed that they were fright- had to finish it. ened. Later he realized that they were praying. he baptism ceremony Then he saw Junior in the was magnificent. The baptismal pool. His son’s face T theme was the 12 gates of was worried. the New Jerusalem, and 12 gates “Pastor, my father is here,” were set up around the church. Junior said nervously. A million At the front of the church, thoughts filled Junior’s mind. Pastor Ricardo announced that God planned everything, he Junior would be baptized first thought. No one knew in advance and invited him to stand near that I would be baptized first, and the baptismal pool. He asked Father arrived just as I entered Junior to share his story. the pool. God’s plans are perfect! When Junior entered the Mother burst into tears when pool, Father, wearing his high she saw Father walking through priest robes, walked into the a New Jerusalem gate. She sanctuary. As Father entered wasn’t sad. Instead, she was the church, a sweet, holy energy overwhelmed with happiness, flowed over him. It was unlike fear, and astonishment. anything he had ever experi- Each of the five baptisms was enced, and it felt good. Later he supposed to last 10 minutes, but realized that it must have been Junior’s lasted an hour. the presence of the Holy Spirit. Finally the pastor raised his Father’s anger about the bap- arm and said, “As a minister of tism disappeared. A deacon met the gospel, I baptize you in the him at the back, took his hand, name of the Father, the Son, and and gave him a hug. “ Welcome, the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Then he Eduardo!” dipped Junior under the water. What? He knows my name? Junior, dripping wet, hugged

Continued on p. 27


woman once came to me and told me that she The banana principle simply means take time to had learned to use the "banana principle" with listen. Ask, and then listen carefully. A her teenage daughter. Jesus was a master at asking questions and patiently I wondered, What on earth is the banana principle? listening to the answers people gave. Jesus focused She explained. She’d noticed that her daughter on others. Most people focus on themselves. To them, often clammed up when they got into a discussion. The listening is simply a pause. They can hardly wait for the girl just wouldn’t share what was really on her heart. other person to stop talking so they can say what is on One day the woman got a banana from the their minds. They are more interested in unloading their kitchen, sat beside her daughter, and asked a thoughts than really hearing the answer. question. While the girl answered, the mother very Here is a vital principle. You can’t learn what is in deliberately peeled the banana and took a bite. After another individual’s mind if you do all the talking. The she chewed the piece, she asked another question and essence of is concern for others. Love allows took another bite. And so it went through the evening. other people the freedom to share their inmost thoughts She found that her daughter opened up about a lot and feelings. To love another is to genuinely care. . . . of things. You cannot love me if you do not know me. And you What had happened? The mother had made sure cannot know me if you don’t take the time to listen to she listened after she asked a question. She didn’t my heart. So grab a banana. Peel it. Ask a question, rush in with a comment or criticism while her daughter and take a bite. Then listen with your heart as well as was answering. She just listened and chewed, and your ears.—, Solid Ground (Hagerstown, chewed, and listened. Md.: Review and Herald, 2003), p. 174.

SABBATH Read this week’s Real-Time Faith story above. Memory Text: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; one fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to serve keep watch over the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). and be served without partiality or reservation. . . . This unity has its source in the oneness of the triune God, who has adopted us Our Beliefs, no. 14, Unity in the Body of Christ: as His children.” “We are all equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into Read Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, pp. 58, 59.

SUNDAY Read Proverbs 18:2-13. Sheilah and her mother seem to always be fighting. respond by saying, “You never listen to me!” or just Sheilah’s mother will say something, and Sheilah will react by walk away shaking their heads. Sheilah and her mom are sighing or rolling her eyes. Sometimes Sheilah just ignores her frustrated. What can each of them do to make things better mother. There are times that one or the other of them will between them?


May 16, 2020 realtimefaith.net Lesson study for May 9-15 LESSON 7: LISTENING ON PURPOSE, PART 1

MONDAY Read Psalm 133:1; Ephesians 2:14, 16; Ephesians 4:3. God wants us to get along in our families as well as in the church family. With Jesus in our hearts, it is easier to be loving and kind. He brings us together in unity. He knows how much happier and more peaceful our lives would be if we would get along! In Christ we can put aside our own desires, thoughts, feelings, and opinions and open our hearts to be kind, understanding, and forgiving. What are some ways you can bring peace and understanding into your family situation? ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� Unscramble the words and phrases in the word bank and write them on the lines below the scrambled words. Next, place the corrected words/phrases in the correct blank spaces in the Bible verse from the New King James Version to learn how we can show unity in our homes. rehtona eon ogd fo ecape gnireffusgnlo htwi gnirabe evlo lufknaht eb

rehtona eon strahe royu ni ssendnki gnivigrfo seicrme rednte elru ytilimhu

“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on ______, ______, ______, meekness, ______; ______, and ______, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on ______, which is the bond of perfection. And let the ______, to which also you were called in one body; and ______” (Colossians 3:12-15).

TUESDAY Read James 1:19. Have you noticed that we are devoting two lessons to listening? Wonder why? Think about this: “We were given two ears but only one mouth. God knew that listening was twice as hard as talking.” Not only is listening difficult, but listening well is even more difficult—maybe one of the most difficult things we will ever do. But it is also one of the most important things we can do as we mature and grow. The same skills we use in the real world, we carry over into the spiritual world in our walk with God. We need to learn to set aside distractions and preconceived ideas and let God speak to us through the Bible, good books and music (and this magazine), and godly people. Those same skills will be needed when we attempt to tell others about God. First we will need to listen to what they think. Then we can frame what we say to meet their needs. The skill of listening well affects everyone for eternity.

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 25 WEDNESDAY Bible Insights Please read each text and fill in the blanks. Texts are from the New International Version of the Bible. If you don't have an NIV Bible, you can go to BibleGateway.com. 1. “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be ______to ______, ______to ______and ______to become ______” (James 1:19).

2. “Sin is ______ended by ______words, but the ______their ______” (Proverbs 10:19).

3. “Set a ______over my ______, Lord; keep ______over the door of my ______” (Psalm 141:3).

4. “Evildoers are ______by their ______talk, and so the ______escape ______. From the ______of their ______people are filled with ______things. . . . ______show their annoyance at once, but the ______overlook an ______. . . . The ______of the reckless pierce like ______, but the ______of the wise brings ______. . . . The prudent keep their ______to themselves, but a fool’s ______blurts out folly” (Proverbs 12:13-23).

THURSDAY Read Proverbs 12:12-23. Review the memory text. Ever wonder why every conversation with your parents or siblings seems to turn into an argument? It could be because you’re too serious! Play a game with yourself called “what they really meant to say.” Recall conversations that have gone bad over the past few days and figure out how you could have responded to make the situation better. Think about what the other person is really trying to say through, not only their words, but also their tone of voice and facial expressions. Here’s how you play. Example 1: Your sister (you share a room) says to you before going to bed: “You’re such a mess. You always throw your clothes on the floor and never pick them up. No one will ever want to room with you.” Playing the game, you would say: What she really meant to say was: “When you throw your clothes on the floor after you come home from school and don’t pick them up, I feel frustrated and like I’m the only one who wants to keep the room neat. When my friends come over, I feel embarrassed by how our room looks.” Example 2: Your brother says to you: “You never pay any attention to me. You’re always doing things with your friends.” Playing the game, you would say: What he really meant to say was: “When you play with your friends, I feel left out. I feel as if you don’t like spending time with me anymore.”

FRIDAY Read Proverbs 10:19. Refer back to Thursday’s lesson to refresh your memory about playing “what they really meant to say.” Keep track of your attempts to listen “between the lines” and hear what your friends and/or family are really saying to you: What ______said: ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ What ______really meant to say was: �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ What ______said: ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ What ______really meant to say was: �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Now record how listening this way has affected your relationship with someone. What I said to______: ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ How ______reacted: ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ What I said to ______: ����������������������������������������������� How ______reacted: ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������

26| GUIDE | guidemagazine.org "Possessed," from p. 23

Father. people are so nice.” “Daddy, despite your religion, He was surprised that the I love you, and I love you very church members were so warm much,” he said. and respectful. He was very happy. Looking at the audience, he Back home, Father called added, “I thank you all for being everyone he knew to announce here. But most of all I thank my proudly that his son had been father for being here at this very baptized. He described the ex- special moment.” He hugged perience as incredible. Father and started crying. That night he told Mother that Then Father addressed Junior. he had to go to the temple to “Son, I accept your religion perform a ritual. But before he because many supernatural left, he asked for her opinion. things have happened,” he said. “Should I go?” he asked. “I sense a supernatural energy “ Yes, you should,” Mother right now. I just hope that my said. own path to Jesus isn’t painful.” Father left but returned home Father watched the next sooner than Mother expected. baptism and turned to go. But Mother realized that the Holy church members wouldn’t allow Spirit had started to work in his him to depart. People hugged heart. An unbelievable peace him as he passed. filled their home for four days. “ We are happy that you Then the demons ordered Fa- came,” said one church member. ther to kill Mother and Junior. “ We are glad that you are here,” said another. Read part 4 next week: What “Sit next to me,” said yet an- will Father do? other. Father sat down. No one knew that his goal had been to stop Junior’s baptism. Little children surrounded him and curiously stared at his robes. When the ceremony ended, more church members greeted Father and showered him with hugs. He was shocked. He never Answer: Working Out Problems, p. 10: expected to be treated so lovingly. "And we know that all things work together As the family got into the car for good to them that love God" (Romans 8:28, KJV). afterward, Father said, “This is such a nice place, and the

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE | 27 power points® story

Man Overboard

Have you ever been in a situation in which all you wanted was to be full, warm, and dry? Paul and his shipmates were. But Paul knew someone had to make the first move, so even though he was a prisoner, he did.

fter the ship ran One of them declared that Paul aground, the centurion must be a murderer, because A ordered everyone off. even though he escaped the Along with the other men, Paul sea, justice would not allow him clung to pieces of the ship, to live. When Paul brushed off and they were washed ashore. the snake and it fell into the As the people who were ship- fire, they told him that his hand wrecked stood shivering on the would swell up or that he would beach, they noticed a group of die soon. But, contrary to their people walking toward them. expectations, Paul just smiled The island’s inhabitants as he continued to warm him- were friendly. They welcomed self by the fire. everyone to their island called The islanders carefully Malta. The islanders quickly watched him. Nothing happened. built a fire in a sheltered area. When their predictions didn’t Paul, helpful as usual in spite of come true, they agreed loudly the cold and wet, helped gather among themselves that he must kindling wood. As he threw his be a god. One of them slipped bundle in the fire, a poisonous away to tell their ruler. That man snake struck him and hung on didn’t return, but a servant of to his hand. the ruler soon came. He invited The islanders jumped back. Paul to the home of a man named

28| GUIDE | guidemagazine.org Publius who was the top author- Publius agreed without ity on the island of Malta. hesitation. Paul knelt by the bed Publius graciously welcomed and laid his hands on the sick Paul. His servants brought a man. He prayed to the living wonderful meal to the guests. God for the healing of this man. Paul ate well and started to Publius’ father opened his eyes get his appetite back. After the and sat up. He pushed back the meal Publius spoke directly to coverings and stood up as if he Paul about his experience with had just woken to a new day. the snake. He wanted to know His face glowed. The servants if it was true that it didn’t affect looked from him to Paul and him. When Paul replied that he back to him with wide eyes. was well, Publius asked Paul if Publius introduced his father to he was a god. Paul as the one who had healed Paul, of course, used this him. Paul again directed them opportunity to introduce to the living God as the healer. Publius to the living God. As Word quickly spread around Paul continued talking about the island about the healing. God, Publius listened politely. People came looking for Paul. By He asked several questions. the time Paul and the men with Paul enjoyed the hospitality whom he had sailed were ready of Publius for three days. Dur- to leave, three months later, ing one of those days a servant many other sick people had been bowed quickly and whispered healed, and almost everyone had into Publius’ ear, whose expres- heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. sion changed into an anxious Paul and his shipmates never frown. He jumped up and ex- lacked anything as long as they cused himself. were on the island. One servant told Paul that When it was time to leave, the Publius’ father had been suf- islanders furnished them—the fering from fever and dysentery. crew, prisoners, and passen- The doctors couldn’t help him. gers—with everything needed He was near death. for the journey. Paul asked to see him. The example of Paul serving When Paul arrived, the man’s the people of Malta in spite of color was poor and his respira- his prisoner status and poor tion shallow. He looked like he health is evidence to the fact was dying. that we can serve God—and Paul told Publius he would others—regardless of our like to pray for his father. circumstances.

May 9, 2020 | GUIDE |29 power points® JUNIOR SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON

juniorpowerpoints.org DO Do this week’s activity at guidemagazine.org. Lesson 7

Sabbath May 16, 2020 Lesson study for READ Read Acts 28:1, 2 and this week’s story, “Man Overboard.” May 9-15 REVIEW Review the power text. SEARCH On a world map, see how far Malta is from where you live. Sunday PRAY Praise God for watching over you when you are in danger. Key References: Acts 28:1-10; The Acts of the Apostles, pp. READ Read Acts 28:3, 4. 439-446; The Bible Story (1994), vol. 10, pp. 118-122; THINK What positive actions can you take when you are in a bad situation? Think of examples. Our Beliefs, nos. 11, 17, 22. WRITE In your Bible study journal, write about a time God brought good out of a bad situation.

Monday REVIEW Review the power text. PRAY Ask God to give you the discipline to make the best of a bad situation.

READ Read Acts 28:5, 6. We seek opportunities THINK Why didn’t the snake harm Paul? How did this incident help Paul be a witness for God? to serve others in every situation. ASK Ask an adult about a time he/she served under difficult circumstances.

Tuesday REVIEW Review the power text. PRAY Ask God to help you serve in all circumstances. “Sitting down, Jesus READ Read Acts 28:7-9. called the Twelve and THINK How did Paul give the islanders what they needed most? What can you do for others? said, ‘Anyone who APPLY Find ways to alleviate other people’s suffering. wants to be first must REVIEW Review the power text. be the very last, and the Wednesday PRAY Ask God for the ability to meet people’s needs. servant of all’ ” (Mark 9:35, NIV). READ Read Luke 22:26. LIST List three ways you can follow this counsel. REVIEW Review the power text.

Thursday PRAY Thank God for Jesus’ example of being a servant.

READ Read Matthew 20:26-28. DISCUSS Discuss with your family how you would respond to the following situations: • An old woman gets on the bus, and there are no seats left. No one moves. • Glass fragments and juice are everywhere in the aisle of the grocery store. • An unpopular girl is sitting alone crying. Your friends want you at their table. Friday • Your grouchy neighbor hasn’t been outside for a few days. • Your brother doesn’t do his chores before soccer practice. SAY Repeat the power text aloud by memory. PRAY Ask God to give you a servant’s heart.

30 | GUIDE | guidemagazine.org BIBLE Lesson 7: May 9-15, 2020 SKETCHES Written by Tompaul Wheeler + Illustrated by Mariano Santillan A Visual Introduction to the Sabbath School Lesson


THE ISLANDERS BUILD A FIRE TO WELCOME THEM. AS PAUL ADDS BRUSHWOOD TO THE FIRE, A VIPER CRAWLS OUT AND BITES HIS HAND. This man must be a murderer! He escaped from the sea, but the goddess Justice is not letting him live.






To read or listen to this week’s Sabbath School lesson, go to juniorpowerpoints.org, or use your Bible study guide. At the Top of Your Lungs

Compiled by by Compiled STEINKRAUS KYLA Your lungs are not the same size. The right

More facts at guidemagazine.org/factory facts More lung is a little wider and shorter than the left lung to make room for the liver. The left lung is slightly thinner than the right to make room for the heart. —livescience.com

Exploding Bike Helmet A pair of Swedish women have developed the world’s first invisible bike helmet. The “helmet” looks like a scarf and functions like an airbag, opening during a collision. —bicycle-touring-guide.com

No Guts, No Glory Never threaten a sea cucumber—it may poop out its guts on you. Sea cucumbers eject their intestines when they feel threatened. Even more bizarre: they can regrow those intestines within a couple weeks. —Newsweek.com

Stick a Fork in It The common fork was once considered scandalous. In the eleventh century, people believed that forks were a sacrilege because God had already given people “natural forks”—our fingers. —apnews.com

Gentle as a Lamb The famous poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb” is based on a true story. Mary Sawyer, of Sterling, Massachusetts, hand- raised a lamb from birth who followed her everywhere—including to school

GUI201909 one day. The poet Sarah Josepha Hale published the story as a poem in 1830. —smithsonianmag.com *GUI201909*