Umted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,902,539
Umted. States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,902,539 Jackson [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 20, 1990 [54] FUEL-OIHDANT NIIXTURE‘ FOR 3,910,494 10/1975 Melton, J1‘. ......................... .. 239/13 DETONAHON GUN FLAME'PLAT‘NG 1'83’??? 111171333 ‘1211' " 333%? , , verev e - n .1 [75] Inventor: John E. Jackson, Brownsburg, Ind. 4,215,819 8/1980 Garda et a1. 239/81 . 4,231,518 11/1980 Zverev et a1. .. .. 239/81 [73] Asslgnee’ Um“ ca'b‘de C°"P°“m°“' 4,258,091 3/1981 Dudko et a1. .. 427/422 Danbury, Cmm- 4,279,383 7/1981 Zverev et a1. .. 239/61 _ 4,319,715 3/1982 Garda et a1. .. 239/81 [21] Appl' N°f' 146’723 4,469,772 9/1984 Barton et 111. ..... .. 430/163 [22] Filed: Feb. 4, 1988 4,621,017 11/1986 Chandler et a1. 427/430.1 X 4,669,658 6/ 1987 Nevgod et a1. .. 239/81 - 4,687,673 8/ 1987 Lindblom ..... .. 427/423 X Ram“! U‘S‘ Amman Dm 4,731,253 3/1988 1511116111 .......................... .. 427/423 x [ 63 1 abaldo‘ffefnC0 tin ti -'m -Pam fSe ' .N° . 110,841, Oct. 21, 1987, OTHER PUBLICATIONS 4 Deposition of Coatings by Detonation Methods, A. I. [51] Int. Cl. ............................................. .. 13051) 1/10 _ _ , [52] US. 01. ........ ..... ..427/423;149/109.2; Zverev 6* 91- Lemngrad' Swdestwyemye Pubhshers, 239/13; 252/372; 89/7 1979 ‘pp. 31-32 and pp. 165-166. I [58] Field of Search ................ .. 427/422, 423; 239/81, ' C°atm8§ Based On Refractory Compounds Apphed by 239/13; 252/372; 149/1092; 89/7 1361291131101! V.
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