BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio

As at 30 June 2021

Target Holdings Model Strategy Por�olio Date: 6/30/2021 The BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio is a diversified investment strategy with % an ac�vely managed asset alloca�on using exclusively exchange traded funds. In general, the BetaShares Australian Fincls Sect ETF 16.3 por�olio will have a long‐term average target exposure of around 90% in growth assets and Vanguard Global Infrastructure ETF 12.2 10% in defensive assets. VanEck Australian Property ETF 10.1

Vanguard Global Value Equity Ac�ve ETF 9.4 The High Growth Por�olio is designed for investors who are focused on maximising risk iShares S&P/ASX 20 ETF 8.2

RBA Bank accepted Bills 90 Days 8.0 adjusted long‐term investment returns and are comfortable with increased capital vola�lity.

iShares Gold Trust 6.9 This por�olio is appropriate for investors with a minimum seven‐year investment �meframe.

VanEck Gold Miners ETF 6.8 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 6.5 Through this investment op�on, BlueRock will aim to beat its Morningstar Benchmark over a iShares MSCI China ETF 6.2 period of 7 years or more, net of fees. Other 9.3

Total 100.0

Asset Alloca�on Returns Por�olio Date: 6/30/2021 As of Date: 6/30/2021 % 25.0 Australian Equity 24.5 20.0 Interna�onal Equity 27.4 15.0 Infrastructure 12.3 10.0 Growth Alterna�ves 6.8 5.0 Defensive Alterna�ves 6.9 0.0 Australian Property 10.3 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year Incep�on Global Property 3.9 Return

Australian Fixed Income 0.0 BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio Morningstar Aus Msec Aggressive TR AUD Since Interna�onal Fixed Income 0.0 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year Incep�on Cash 8.1 BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio 5.03 10.21 22.82 6.56 Total 100.0 Morningstar Aus Msec Aggressive TR AUD 8.07 12.87 24.69 17.08 Equity Regional Exposure Investment Growth Por�olio Date: 6/30/2021 Time Period: Since Common Incep�on (1/1/2020) to 6/30/2021 % 122.5 North America 32.5 La�n America 0.9 115.0 United Kingdom 1.7 107.5 Europe dev 3.7 100.0 Europe emrg 0.4 92.5 Africa/Middle East 1.4 Australasia 42.2 85.0 Japan 2.4 77.5 Asia dev 2.7 3/2020 6/2020 9/2020 12/2020 3/2021 6/2021 Asia emrg 12.0 Total 100.0 BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio Morningstar Aus Msec Aggressive TR AUD Equity Sectors Risk Metrics Holdings­Based Style Map Por�olio Date: 6/30/2021 Time Period: Since Common Incep�on (1/1/2020) to 6/30/2021

Calcula�on Benchmark: Morningstar Aus Msec Aggressive TR AUD Risk‐free Rate: USTREAS T‐Bill Auc�on Ave 3 Mon

% Giant Basic Materials 11.7 Consumer Cyclical 5.7 Inv Bmk1 Financial Services 29.0 Return 4.33 11.08 Real Estate 19.0

Consumer Defensive 2.7 Std Dev 15.55 15.84 Mid Large Healthcare 4.0 Alpha ‐6.06 0.00 U�li�es 8.3 Beta 0.98 1.00 Communica�on Services 4.6 Energy 3.2 R2 96.67 100.00 Micro Small Deep‐Val Core‐Val Core Core‐Grth High‐Grth Industrials 6.9 Sharpe Ra�o (arith) 0.54 0.95 Technology 4.8 BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio 7/31/2021 Morningstar Aus Msec Aggressive TR AUD 2/28/2021 Total 100.0 Sor�no Ra�o 0.47 0.87

*BlueRock Disclaimer: the informa�on presented in this fact sheet is not intended to be advice. It does not take into account any par�cular investors or class of investors investment objec�ves, financial situa�on or needs, and should not be used as the basis for making investment, financial or other decisions. The investment returns shown are historical and no warranty can be given for future performance. You should be aware that historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Due to the vola�lity of underlying assets of the fund and other risk factors associated with inves�ng, investment returns can be nega�ve (par�cularly in the short term). To the extent permi�ed by law no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this informa�on. BlueRock does not guarantee the repayment of capital, payment of income or the por�olio performance. Neither BlueRock nor its affiliates guarantee the data or content contained herein to be accurate, complete or �mely nor will they have any liability for its use or distribu�on.

Source: Morningstar Direct BlueRock Dynamic Index High Growth Por�olio ­ Holding Intersec�on Por�olio Date: 6/30/2021 Top 25 holdings: 48.18% Other: 51.82%

Por�olio Investment Exchange Sector Weigh�ng % Type Country

RBA Bank accepted Bills 90 Days 8.00 Index — — Gold 6.89 — — — of Australia 5.86 Stock Financial Services Australia Banking Corp 3.14 Stock Financial Services Australia Na�onal Australia Bank Ltd 2.86 Stock Financial Services Australia Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 2.65 Stock Financial Services Australia Ltd 1.77 Stock Financial Services Australia 1.36 Stock Real Estate Australia Tencent Holdings Ltd 1.17 Stock Communica�on Services Hong Kong Alibaba Group Holding Ltd Ordinary Shares 1.13 Stock Consumer Cyclical Hong Kong Newmont Corp 1.08 Stock Basic Materials United States GPT Group 1.06 Stock Real Estate Australia 1.04 Stock Real Estate Australia Group 1.01 Stock Real Estate Australia 1.01 Stock Real Estate Australia Corp Ltd 1.00 Stock Real Estate Australia Charter Hall Group 0.98 Stock Real Estate Australia BHP Group Ltd 0.95 Stock Basic Materials Australia CSL Ltd 0.86 Stock Healthcare Australia 0.82 Stock Real Estate Australia Union Pacific Corp 0.81 Stock Industrials United States Barrick Gold Corp 0.76 Stock Basic Materials Canada NextEra Energy Inc 0.76 Stock U�li�es United States American Tower Corp 0.64 Stock Real Estate United States Franco‐Nevada Corp 0.57 Stock Basic Materials Canada

Source: Morningstar Direct Leading Contributors Time Period: 4/1/2021 to 6/30/2021

Rescaled Return Contribu�on Weight

BetaShares Australian Fincls Sect ETF 22.63 8.57 2.07 Vanguard Global Value Equity Ac�ve ETF 13.84 7.04 1.05 VanEck Gold Miners ETF 3.24 12.99 0.93 VanEck MSCI Wld ex Aus Qlty ETF 7.28 12.42 0.85 iShares MSCI China ETF 4.26 10.44 0.85 iShares S&P/ASX 20 ETF 9.54 9.21 0.83 VanEck Australian Property ETF 7.54 9.16 0.72 Vanguard Global Infrastructure ETF 15.70 4.04 0.65 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 7.79 6.69 0.60 SPDR® Dow Jones Global Real Estate ETF 4.19 11.47 0.46

Leading Detractors Time Period: 4/1/2021 to 6/30/2021

Rescaled Return Contribu�on Weight

BetaShares Glb Gold Miners ETF‐Ccy Hdg 3.99 ‐8.20 ‐0.92 SPDR® Dow Jones Global Real Estate ETF 4.19 11.47 0.46 Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF 7.79 6.69 0.60 Vanguard Global Infrastructure ETF 15.70 4.04 0.65 VanEck Australian Property ETF 7.54 9.16 0.72 iShares S&P/ASX 20 ETF 9.54 9.21 0.83 iShares MSCI China ETF 4.26 10.44 0.85 VanEck MSCI Wld ex Aus Qlty ETF 7.28 12.42 0.85 VanEck Gold Miners ETF 3.24 12.99 0.93 Vanguard Global Value Equity Ac�ve ETF 13.84 7.04 1.05

Source: Morningstar Direct