VOL 8.0 | DECEMBER 2020 WHAT'S TRENDING BEAUTY & FASHION Offbeat New Year Caring for Your Skin Resolutions HEALTH Eat to beat the Menopause Health hazards of technology TRAVEL TALES CELEBS Entertainment Buzz & much more Meet the Invincibles Contents MEET THE TASTE BUDS INVINCIBLES 32 01-14 WHAT'S TRENDING HEALTH 15-19 33-41 SHE LEADS BEAUTY 20 42-43 TRAVEL CELEB 21-24 44-49 RELATIONSHIP ZODIAC 25-29 50-51 ART & CULTURE EVENT REPORT 30-31 52 Magazine designed by : TEX Technology Exchange Executive editor : Daman Singh E-mail :
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[email protected]) Let's reach for the sky Let's win over the world Let's change the story….. I am extremely thrilled to launch my dream in the form of a wonderful collection of various themes weaved together as ‘Women Shine’. This global e-magazine salutes all women across the globe for the amazing work they have been doing in their respective fields. We will present to you every month, a lovely platter donning a celebrity, yummy recipes, travel tales, home remedies, and interesting write-ups on beauty, fashion, entrepreneurship, and many much more. We are now 8 months old. The year 2020 is been really kind to Women Shine as during this pandemic Women Shine Was born.