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P. 5 Dear our valued customer, 2015 and the year to come is still being an exciting year of Fairtex, not only the expanding of demand and business, increasing production capacity, new innovation, We are still having fun and being happy to work hard everday to LPSURYHRXUSURGXFWOHDUQ\RXUSUREOHPDQG¿QGVROXWLRQE\LQYHQWLQJDQG manufacturing high quality equipments for your training. Our attitude and mission in producing only premium product and provide great service to our customer has not never been changed since 1971. A long journey of Fairtex LQWKHLQGXVWU\GH¿QLWHO\VKRZRXUSDVVLRQLQRXUURRW0XD\7KDLDQGRWKHU combat sports. Everyone at Fairtex is working hard to serve you. Buying Fairtex, you are buying our long experience and decent craftsmanship of our people that convey through our quality. 7KLVQHZFDWDORJLQFOXGHVQHZSURGXFWVWKDWZHKDYHODXQFKHGHYHU\ months. We only select the best selling and highlight product to include in this new catalog. We narrow your choice down to make it’s easier for you DQGJHWWRWKHSRLQW:HKRSH\RXHQMR\DQG7KDQN\RXIRUVHOHFWLQJ)DLUWH[ We really really appreciate your trust in our brand. 0U3KLOLS:RQJ Fairtex Chairman P.5 The Camp was initially established in central Bangkok but later relocated to Bangplee, about 25 km away. This 1993 With his dream of taking Muay Thai to the USA, and ORFDWLRQZDVFKRVHQVSHFL¿FDOO\WRFUHDWHDSURIHVVLRQDO wanting to dispel the negative Hollywood images of Muay training atmosphere away from the distractions of Bangkok. Thai and the people who practise it, Mr. Wong established 7KHYHQXHEHQH¿WVIURPFOHDQIUHVKDLUDQGWKHFRROLQJ Fairtex Muay Thai Camp in Chandler, Arizona, USA. This ocean breeze from the gulf of Thailand - a refreshing con- multi-million dollar Muay Thai camp facility was equipped trast to the noise and pollution of Bangkok. with fold-up bleachers to seat over 500 people, a full center ring, over 24 heavy bags, 24 dormitory style rooms, shower 1978 Mr. Wong became a Lumpinee Boxing Stadium pro- URRPVDVDXQDDQGSOHQW\RISDUNLQJVSDFH«1RWKLQJHOVH moter and Fairtex Promotions was established. Mr. Wong like it existed. ZDVRQHRIWKH¿UVWWRKHOSSURPRWHDIRUHLJQ¿JKWHU'RQ ³7KH'UDJRQ´:LOVRQWR¿JKWLQ/XPSLQHH%R[LQJ6WDGLXP Mr. Wong quickly learned that Muay Thai in the USA was +HZDVDOVRWKH¿UVWWRLQYLWH(631WRFRYHUWKH)DLUWH[ wrongly perceived as a misperception as a “dangerous 0U:RQJDQG$QWKRQ\/LQ3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2RI sponsored World Muay Thai Council (WMC) world champi- sport”. He discovered that people were getting poor qual- )DLUWH[*URXSHVWDEOLVKHG)DLUWH[(TXLSPHQW&RPSDQ\ RQVKLSWLWOH¿JKWVDW/XPSLQHH%R[LQJ6WDGLXP³VWDUULQJ ity training, while using poorly engineered equipment that Limited in Thailand. Fairtex’s manufacturing capacity was VXFK¿JKWHUVDV´5DPRQ'HFNHU,YDQ+LSSRO\WHDQG compounded the injury rate. Mr. Wong became deter- increased and the company created the facilities required Jongsanan “The Wooden Man” Fairtex. mined to improve the safety of Muay Thai by designing and to continually raise quality standards to meet the demands developing equipment to meet the standards of his Muay RIFXVWRPHUVDQG)DLUWH[SURIHVVLRQDO¿JKWHUV Thai champions and by providing top quality training to his 1958 The name “Fairtex” was registered as a trademark in students. )DLUWH[(TXLSPHQW&RPSDQ\/LPLWHGEHFDPHWKH)DLUWH[ Thailand. Worldwide Headquarters, fully staffed with design, manu- 1994 Mr. Wong began to manufacture equipment for his facturing and marketing teams to support Fairtex equip- 1971 Philip Wong, Chairman and Founder of Fairtex, es- boxers at his Fairtex Garments Factory in Bangkok. He ment customers worldwide. Fairtex easily broke into the tablished Fairtex Garments Factory Company Limited, the then started to supply his equipment to professional martial (XURSHDQPDUNHWVWDUWLQJZLWKWKH8QLWHG.LQJGRP parent company of the Fairtex Group. DUWVLQVWUXFWRUVDQGVWXGHQWVWKURXJKRXW1RUWK$PHULFD$V word got out about the superior Fairtex quality, the demand Fairtex enters MMA with it’s sponsorship of UFC Cham- In the mid 1970’s, Fairtex was a pioneer in introducing for Fairtex equipment quickly increased. pion Pat “The Croatian Sensation” Miletich. Pat would be high quality Fairtex branded T-shirts to the Thai depart- WKH¿UVWLQDORQJDQGFRQWLQXLQJOLQHRI)DLUWH[VXSSRUWHG ment store market. At its peak, Fairtex was the number 1996 Fairtex Muay Thai Camp, Chandler, Arizona was relo- MMA athletes. His sponsorship marked the beginning of a one brand in Thailand. Mr. Wong expanded the Fairtex cated to San Francisco and Fairtex Muay Thai Camp, San QHZHUDDV)DLUWH[EHFDPHD¿[WXUHLQ0L[HG0DUWLDO$UWV business - exporting Fairtex products under private brands Francisco, California was born. Worldwide. worldwide. 1998 Fairtex Gear, Inc. was established to sell and distrib- 1975 Mr. Wong created Fairtex Muay Thai Camp Thailand, XWHWKH)DLUWH[HTXLSPHQWWKURXJKRXW1RUWK$PHULFD DVDKREE\WRIXO¿OOKLVORYHDQGSDVVLRQIRU0XD\7KDL,W was a way for Mr. Wong to give back to the community by 1980’s Fairtex Muay Thai “ Fairtex Muay Thai became one 'HPDQGIRUWKH)DLUWH[TXDOLW\HTXLSPHQWRXWVWULSSHG giving poor children and young men a second chance at RIWKH¿UVW´7KDLFDPSVWRWUDLQIRUHLJQHUVIURP(XURSH manufacturing capacity When Mr. Wong began outsourcing life through Muay Thai, thus keeping them off the streets -DSDQWKH86$DQGDOVRWKH¿UVWWRWUDLQIHPDOHVDWKOHWHV manufacturing to several contract suppliers he was disap- and away from drugs. which was viewed as a taboo by Thais at the time. pointed by the mediocre produce and service quality. P. P.5 ¿YH2O\PSLFEDGPLQWRQDQGVRFFHUJ\PQDVLXPVDURFN climbing wall a weights and aerobic gym, health spa, club house, day care, dormitories, restaurants, and many other ¿YHVWDUDPHQLWLHV 2006 Fairtex, LLC established its headquarters in San Francisco, California, USA to serve as a new design center for Fairtex branded apparel. Fairtex Muay Thai and Fitness, San Francisco, Cali- Fairtex Muay Thai Fitness expanded its second USA loca- fornia, USA was incorporated by Mr. Wong and Mr. Lin to tion at the heart of Silicon Valley in Mountain View, Califor- continue the Fairtex legacy. nia. 2004 Fairtex went to Japan and formed Weerasack Fairtex Muay Thai starting off with four gym locations throughout Today Fairtex is recognized as the gear of champions and Fairtex is the authority in Muay Thai. With our in-depth Tokyo metropolitan areas. HQGRUVHGE\ZRUOGFKDPSLRQ¿JKWHUVLQVWUXFWRUVSURPRW- knowledge and expertise, we have been developing and ers and sanctioning bodies worldwide as the leader and LQQRYDWLQJSUHPLXP¿JKWVSRUWVHTXLSPHQWVLQFH,Q 2005 Fairtex Muay Thai Fitness, Sports Club and Hotel innovator in high impact combat sports. Fairtex equipment recent years, Fairtex has been recognized and gained in- complex broke ground in Pattaya, Thailand. The facility is LV³(QJLQHHUHGIRU7RS3HUIRUPDQFH´ ternational reputations both as the leader in the high impact a 3.5 acre lot centrally located in Pattaya within a walking sports equipment industry, and also as the industry’s top distance to the beach. It is approximately 90 km Southeast Under Mr. Wong’s and Mr. Lin’s leadership and support innovator. from Central Bangkok. It is the Premier Muay Thai training from our distributors and loyal customers, Fairtex has center in the world and has been awarded the title of “The become one of the hottest brands in the combat sports 2XUGULYHLVLQQRYDWLRQ)DLUWH[¶VLQWHJUDOSDUWLFLSDWLRQDW Best Muay Thai Gym in Asia” by Travel Magazine. It is a equipment industry with over 25 distributors worldwide; rec- HYHU\OHYHORI¿JKWVSRUWVKDVDIIRUGHGXVDQXQSDUDOOHOHG state-of-the-art facility with four boxing rings, fully equipped ognized as the leader and innovator for high impact sports GHSWKRINQRZOHGJHDQGLQWXLWLRQLQWKH¿HOG:HKDYH ¿WQHVVFHQWHU2O\PSLFVL]HVZLPPLQJSRROEDVNHWEDOO equipment; and the leading authority in Muay Thai having been translating our ring-proven expertise into the engi- courts, two pro-tennis courts, two squash/racquet courts, produced over 60 champions with titles such as Lumpinee, neering of superior equipment and apparel for athletes 5DMDGDPQHUQ:%&0XD\7KDL:0&,6.$DQGRWKHU since 1993. It is this combination of ring experience and With limited opportunities for foreign athletes to compete world championship titles. technical wisdom that has enabled us to consistently de- in Thailand, Fairtex purchased the only boxing stadium in velop cutting edge products. At Fairtex, our motto is Pattaya, Thailand to promote both Thai and foreign ath- Since 1975 Fairtex has been dedicated to the training, letes. Fairtex Muay Thai Thepasit Stadium holds three management and promotion of professional Muay Thai “Be Inspired”. ¿JKWQLJKWHYHQWVSHUZHHNJURRPLQJWKHQH[WJHQHUD- ¿JKWHUV%R[HUVDQG0L[HG0DUWLDO$UWVDWKOHWHV7KLVWUD- tion of world champions. Mr. Wong has visions of making dition is growing, as Fairtex has expanded with two camps Pattaya a great city, a city that will host the best Muay Thai in Thailand, two gyms in the USA and six gyms in Japan. ¿JKWHUVIURP7KDLODQGDQGDOORYHUWKHZRUOG Fairtex has students from all over the world from Holland, 5XVVLDDQG&KLQDWR%UD]LOWKH86$DQG$XVWUDOLD2XU Weerasack Fairtex Muay Thai further expanded in Japan champions consistently rank as the best in the world. with two more gyms. P. P.5 BOXING GLOVES 10 BAG GLOVES 52 HEADGUARDS 56 FOCUS MITTS 66 THAI PADS 78 SHIN PADS 82 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 90 PROTECTORS 94 BELLY PADS 98 HEAVY BAGS 104 GRAPPING DUMMY 126 COMBAT EQUIPMENT 138 ACCESSORIES 146 MUAYTHAI SHORTS 168 P.5 BGV1 UNIVERSAL GLOVES “TIGHT-FIT” DESIGN (UJRQRPLFDOO\HQJLQHHUHGZLWKDXQLTXH FRQWRXUHGDQGWLJKWILWKDQGFRPSDUWPHQW GHVLJQWRSURYLGHDVHFXUHDQGVQXJILW