The Daily Egyptian, July 03, 1991
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 7-3-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 03, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 76, Issue 166 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 03, 1991." (Jul 1991). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, July 3, 1991, Vol. 76, No. 166, 16 Pages CeaSCrrfire broken Slovenia back at war with Yugoslavia U UBUA 'A. Yugoslavia (U PI) - The Feder.1I and Sloveni:U1 mi litary leaders ordered Yugoslav mil it31)1l ooght ficrt."C battlcs Tuesday their fon.. c~ to wilhdm \\' 10 thei r ba.~s, release with SIO\'cn ian Itm.'CS. blJllhc breakaway repub prisoners open top-levcl negoti ations. lic t! vcnl uall y .Igreed tu" truce in the fi ghting V",;I TlIfCIKovsld. !he MactxIooian rqn.'<CI1Iive lhal had ~ ha ll c rcd a European Community. on the eight -member Yugoslav collcctive head brokcrcd l:c3!'C·firc. of state. who :'K.·cornpanil-d Mesic to Ljubljana. ViolcrK."C ~ II ..;o fl an:d in Z:..Igrcb. the l'apital of said. " \Ve ha\ e a t!uarantcc Slovenia on itt; own Croatia. \\ ilh at Ic:asl one dvilian killed and 10 in itiativc wi ll ce.a~ all offensive opcr.ltions.·· 00.". (>.'OpIc. i ' >:.iudin<~ five fcd:rJl soIdic!>. "runj. He added. "" \Vc eXJXX.1 to havc .. , guar.ulIccs l-d in clasocs that cntplcd when protesters tried oflUft """,v"'oo I>.nrIf of d" Yugo;lav l'eqlIc's to block an antlored co lumn leaving a rnil itaI)' Anny, This means the ccss<lI ion of all host iI bascooflkial s !\aid. itie" and usc of anns i l1lm\:.~ ial e l y in the whole II \V3S the worst doW of bl()()(h. hcd si nce region. frg luing broke (lut '<lsi Thursday. two days Mesic :'Klded, '" After we get into calm waters. "fl er 510\'Cl1 iOl imd Cm:'lIia oc'l'I:U\.--d indcp::llck.--cc all tho5C wllo break t hi ~ at!TCC men' .. !II act from .vul.!oslavia. 'nil' len':ioll wa... hd1!llIcn· illel!all v and then that one \\i ll take on himsclf t.."d whl..' l1 1Ill' tL'ticral lllililary puhlicly criticized .1 11 n:.srollsibil ity. 111e world wi ll not forgive it Ihe nmioJ1 :1 1 civilian Icadcr.--hip for n('golial ,lI1d neither will we:' int! with the Slovcniall covcnllncnl. But there WOlS no immediate ('Ollll11c nt from ~"i l ovcnian In fon lla t i\l~ M ini ~ l e r Jelko Kacin d" Yugoslav '"111)'. Ibrn. c:ulicr. Col. Gcn B~,,* "'<lid Ihe !.!tl\ emmenl of Slo\'(,lliall Pre ... idl'nt Ad z.ic. i,,'hicf of stall of the Yucoslav militar\,. Mi lan K l;C;l11 ;t!!rrl'd 10 the ,:ea~- fi Tt.' medial said on ~ I a t e - ru n television that the Sioveni;n l'd hy Yu gll,l; v Pre,idi,,'nt Stjep'lI1 Mc~i L f\..' "i!<o tanc-c would lx' c ru~ hcd . Democrats try tax cap as budget compromise SPRINGFlElJ) IUl'f) - Vo,,,, ill N o" " llliooi, s !:uc la\Vmake~ werr .,dlCdulcd to adjourn 1.'(I(JIlI." hU! Cool.. (:ouJ(! i,,';I't balloL' In c~ ;r pmp iu lC' 30 bUI no\\' fa(,t' the prospecl of worki ng ~11) la.\ i r K· ~ l-.c , :u 5 IXn:.'C1lI tlrthc r.lh.!of infla \\'u" KS JOf)pcr:L" they struggle 10 dcaJ with a S 1,8 li on lilldcr a (,: o rn rro Jl1 i ~c b u d~c l proposa l hi ll ion bud1!cl dcJkit for fisca l 1992. '):rllCX..T.ll' in ~lC WlI..' J\S.~'1 11 b1v OflCfl"'(i Tlk...~ On the h;r~' l in i n g whle 'ITC SX50 million in day. budget cu\s proposed by first-\crnl Repub1ican The offer struck .\\ lhc most troublesome Go\', Jim Edgar. Republicans are: dealing from i:-.sue plaguing bi panisan budgct negotiators a positioo of greater strength bccau..-.e il now takes but received a cool reception from GOP 1aw a three·fifths majority to move bills to the gov· Splash dash makers who have m:tdc pmp:ny tax relief for ernor's desk. the enti re state their top priority, Dcmocntic leader.; said their members will Chel Tangora, senior In elementary education, splashes to her car in the "Suburban Cool: Count)' has got some of the not suppon a st::newide pmpcny taX cap unless Communications BuildIng parking lot to roll up an open window during highest property taxes in the Statc of Ill inois. it excludes Cook Coun:)". where Chicago and a sudden thuncleTstorm Tueacllly IIftemoon. The cloudburst, which and 10 Il.!t them out would be irresponsible." other ci ties stand to lo~ millions of dollars. droppIIcI on the CarbcIncWe _ 8bout noon, I..a.d 8bout 15 minutes 8nd said Senate GOP leader James " Pat·,' I'Ililip cauMd a power on the Mat side of town• of Wood Dale. ..., BUDGET, page 5 THIS Council approves funding method for square By Leslie CoIp The comminee recommended issued. and the ticket is then placed ligIUIg for the 226 parking spaces 00 MORNING Staff Writer extending the hwr.; of parking enlilroe· on the dashboard of the vehicle. Town Square could cost about S I(lO ment until midnight. increasing the Torn Redmond. downtown coar· for each space each year. he said. ' I \\ ..... CamondaIe has a new way to help parking rate to 20 or 25 cenlS an dinara. said the city budgeIed S25,OOl The only concerns expressed by pa)' for some of the old Town Square. hour. in. "Iing several "pay and dis· for parking meteJs. But the palking councilmen wen: what would happen Police on bikes 1bc couneil voted unanimously to play" parking machines instead of machines could COSIIess, depending to the "pay and display" machines atrep a pm far !he qxnioo ;nI main individual parking meterS and allow on the style and number of machines if a bener way was found 10 pay for for local patrol tenance of Town Square. ing the use of tokens by businesses. needed. the maintenance and operation of "Pay and display" machines allow 1bcre would need to be at least Town Square and lhe problem of --f>age 3 The recommendation was made b)' 12 business and property owners people to insen money. similar to two macItines lIB would pOOabIy ro;t durability as compared to parking Students enjoy near Town Square. which i:: bor parking meters. A licket display ing between S5.000 and S6.000 each. meter.;. dered by OIinois Avenue ;nI Monroe. the date. time. amount paid. expira· Mainaining and paying far enforce· C8I11JUS aaft shop Washington and Jackson streets. tion time and machine number is ment. extra security. landscaping and ..., COUNCIL, page 5 --f>age 6 _aia Explosive celebrations set for Fourth EdJag beals Mac Residents recall battles for inc:Jependerlre Pol~ watchi1g for illegal use of fireworks i1 Mrta:b1 play By Annelllt Holder shell . made of concrete that rests on By Wayne F~ --f>age 16 Entertainment Editor a stage. was built in 1938 and ha.< Staff Writer If war veterans have thei r way, ..., FOURTH, page 5 Celebrating Independence Day 1"\ III \ the Fourth of Jul)' will not go out with a bang in Carbondale could OpInion with a big bang. but wi ll be remem· Gus Bode land you in jail. --f>age 4 bered forever. All f""works are illegal in Illinois except for sparklers. smoke dev;-'.'5. Classified Purp Lavender. Vietnam war vel -Pages 12-13 eran from Murphysboro. said he "smoke" and "glowwonn" P' ctS hopes to keep the Independence Day and Irick ~ CarbontI< ?o Crossword lice Ouef Dol, Strom said he doesn't -PageS oe\eIr.fut alive forever. He " '.01.< pc<> pie 10 always remember freedom did expect any trouble •. though. no! come cas)'. "We have the standard number of Lavender helps keel' the celebra· fi re complaints." Strom said. "but I \l1j""' tioo alive in Murphysboro by emcee· don't think we have a particular pr0b "If we cat '""" fll1!WOll<, have han ing the shellshow in Murphysboro. lem." used." he said, "we will ConfiM:alC The shellshow is a variety enter· Strom said the departmenl will try thtm The oI1icer cat abo .."", .., ,,,,b tainment show at Riverside Park Gus says 1'lllIhow my IIUppOrt to curb the use of fire worits during followed by fireworks at dusk. The .. the grill.* the holiday weekend. _ FIREWORKS, pege 5 Paael6 July 3,1991 Sports Dail) Egyptian Soulhem lIIinoi. Uni,ersit)' at Carbondale Wimbledon No.1 seeds advance Agassi drops colorful garb for Wimbledon By John SonvnerhOf Staff Writer Edberg wins Tennis pro Andre Agassi has made his flamboyant style of dress a trademark among Ihe tennis over McEnroe world. But even Agassi seems to know in straight s.ets when to give "ay to tradition. The No.5 seeded American WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) stripped off his nashy colorful - Defending champion Stefan clothing for his second Wimbledon Edberg blasted three-time appearnncc. champion Joho McEnroe in straight sets Tuesday. advancing to the Wimbledon tradition calls for all quarterfinals of the S6.5 million lOurnamcnt players to wear Wimbledon Championships.