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July 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991

7-3-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 03, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, July 3, 1991, Vol. 76, No. 166, 16 Pages CeaSCrrfire broken Slovenia back at war with Yugoslavia U UBUA 'A. Yugoslavia (U PI) - The Feder.1I and Sloveni:U1 mi litary leaders ordered Yugoslav mil it31)1l ooght ficrt."C battlcs Tuesday their fon.. c~ to wilhdm \\' 10 thei r ba.~s, release with SIO\'cn ian Itm.'CS. blJllhc breakaway repub­ prisoners open top-levcl negoti ations. lic t! vcnl uall y .Igreed tu" truce in the fi ghting V",;I TlIfCIKovsld. !he MactxIooian rqn.'.'OpIc. i ' >:.iudin<~ five fcd:rJl soIdic!>. "runj. He added. "" \Vc eXJXX.1 to havc .. , guar.ulIccs l-d in clasocs that cntplcd when protesters tried oflUft """,v"'oo I>.nrIf of d" Yugo;lav l'eqlIc's to block an antlored co lumn leaving a rnil itaI)' Anny, This means the ccss

  • SPRINGFlElJ) IUl'f) - Vo,,,, ill N o" " llliooi, s !:uc la\Vmake~ werr .,dlCdulcd to adjourn 1.'(I(JIlI." hU! Cool.. (:ouJ(! i,,';I't balloL' In c~ ;r pmp­ iu lC' 30 bUI no\\' fa(,t' the prospecl of worki ng ~11) la.\ i r K· ~ l-.c , :u 5 IXn:.'C1lI tlrthc r.lh.!of infla­ \\'u" KS JOf)pcr:L" they struggle 10 dcaJ with a S 1,8 li on lilldcr a (,: o rn rro Jl1 i ~c b u d~c l proposa l hi ll ion bud1!cl dcJkit for fisca l 1992. '):rllCX..T.ll' in ~lC WlI..' J\S.~'1 11 b1v OflCfl"'(i Tlk...~ On the h;r~' l in i n g whle 'ITC SX50 million in day. . budget cu\s proposed by first-\crnl Repub1ican The offer struck .\\ lhc most troublesome Go\', Jim Edgar. Republicans are: dealing from i:-.sue plaguing bi panisan budgct negotiators a positioo of greater strength bccau..-.e il now takes but received a cool reception from GOP 1aw­ a three·fifths majority to move bills to the gov· Splash dash makers who have m:tdc pmp:ny tax relief for ernor's desk. the enti re state their top priority, Dcmocntic leader.; said their members will Chel Tangora, senior In elementary education, splashes to her car in the "Suburban Cool: Count)' has got some of the not suppon a st::newide pmpcny taX cap unless Communications BuildIng parking lot to roll up an open window during highest property taxes in the Statc of Ill inois. it excludes Cook Coun:)". where Chicago and a sudden thuncleTstorm Tueacllly IIftemoon. The cloudburst, which and 10 Il.!t them out would be irresponsible." other ci ties stand to lo~ millions of dollars. droppIIcI on the CarbcIncWe _ 8bout noon, I..a.d 8bout 15 minutes 8nd said Senate GOP leader James " Pat·,' I'Ililip cauMd a power on the Mat side of town• of Wood Dale. ..., BUDGET, page 5

    THIS Council approves funding method for square By Leslie CoIp The comminee recommended issued. and the ticket is then placed ligIUIg for the 226 parking spaces 00 MORNING Staff Writer extending the hwr.; of parking enlilroe· on the dashboard of the vehicle. Town Square could cost about S I(lO ment until midnight. increasing the Torn Redmond. downtown coar· for each space each year. he said. ' I \\ ..... CamondaIe has a new way to help parking rate to 20 or 25 cenlS an dinara. said the city budgeIed S25,OOl The only concerns expressed by pa)' for some of the old Town Square. hour. in. "Iing several "pay and dis· for parking meteJs. But the palking councilmen wen: what would happen Police on bikes 1bc couneil voted unanimously to play" parking machines instead of machines could COSIIess, depending to the "pay and display" machines atrep a pm far !he qxnioo ;nI main­ individual parking meterS and allow­ on the style and number of machines if a bener way was found 10 pay for for local patrol tenance of Town Square. ing the use of tokens by businesses. needed. the maintenance and operation of "Pay and display" machines allow 1bcre would need to be at least Town Square and lhe problem of --f>age 3 The recommendation was made b)' 12 business and property owners people to insen money. similar to two macItines lIB would pOOabIy ro;t durability as compared to parking Students enjoy near Town Square. which i:: bor­ parking meters. A licket display ing between S5.000 and S6.000 each. meter.;. dered by OIinois Avenue ;nI Monroe. the date. time. amount paid. expira· Mainaining and paying far enforce· C8I11JUS aaft shop Washington and Jackson streets. tion time and machine number is ment. extra security. landscaping and ..., COUNCIL, page 5 --f>age 6 _aia Explosive celebrations set for Fourth EdJag beals Mac Residents recall battles for inc:Jependerlre Pol~ watchi1g for illegal use of fireworks i1 Mrta:b1 play By Annelllt Holder shell . made of concrete that rests on By Wayne F~ --f>age 16 Entertainment Editor a stage. was built in 1938 and ha.< Staff Writer

    If war veterans have thei r way, ..., FOURTH, page 5 Celebrating Independence Day 1"\ III \ the Fourth of Jul)' will not go out with a bang in Carbondale could OpInion with a big bang. but wi ll be remem· Gus Bode land you in jail. --f>age 4 bered forever. All f""works are illegal in Illinois except for sparklers. smoke dev;-'.'5. Classified Purp Lavender. Vietnam war vel­ -Pages 12-13 eran from Murphysboro. said he "smoke" and "glowwonn" P' ctS hopes to keep the Independence Day and Irick ~ CarbontI< ?o­ Crossword lice Ouef Dol, Strom said he doesn't -PageS oe\eIr.fut alive forever. He " '.01.< pc<>­ pie 10 always remember freedom did expect any trouble •. though. no! come cas)'. "We have the standard number of Lavender helps keel' the celebra· fi re complaints." Strom said. "but I \l1j""' tioo alive in Murphysboro by emcee· don't think we have a particular pr0b­ "If we cat '""" fll1!WOll<, have han ing the shellshow in Murphysboro. lem." used." he said, "we will ConfiM:alC The shellshow is a variety enter· Strom said the departmenl will try thtm The oI1icer cat abo .."", .., ,,,,b tainment show at Riverside Park Gus says 1'lllIhow my IIUppOrt to curb the use of fire worits during followed by fireworks at dusk. The .. the grill.* the holiday weekend. _ FIREWORKS, pege 5 Paael6 July 3,1991 Sports Dail) Egyptian Soulhem lIIinoi. Uni,ersit)' at Carbondale Wimbledon No.1 seeds advance Agassi drops colorful garb for Wimbledon By John SonvnerhOf Staff Writer

    Edberg wins pro has made his flamboyant style of dress a trademark among Ihe tennis over McEnroe world. But even Agassi seems to know in straight s.ets when to give "ay to tradition. The No.5 seeded American WIMBLEDON, England (UPI) stripped off his nashy colorful - Defending champion Stefan clothing for his second Wimbledon Edberg blasted three-time appearnncc. champion Joho McEnroe in straight sets Tuesday. advancing to the Wimbledon tradition calls for all quarterfinals of the S6.5 million lOurnamcnt players to wear Wimbledon Championships. predominantly white. Edberg, the No. I seed from Since the first Wimbledon in Sweden, eliminated No. 16 seeded 1877, the event has McEnroe 7-6 (7-4), 6-1, 6-4 to been surrounded by tradition. keep alive hi s quest for a third In the early days of tennis many Wimbledon title in four years. women played in hooped skirts, McEnroe. 32. won the crown in and men could not play in shon­ slcavcs in the presence of ladics. 198 1, 1983 31Jd 1984 but Tuesday's nl31ch proved again he is no longer Wearing while is onc of 12 among the ""J:>On's elitc. unwritten rules of good Edberg, 25, won in two hours counmanship and serves several ~1nd six minutes on sun ny Centre practical reasons, such as reflecti ng Court. Edberg showed the form heat and not distracting the other lhal PUI him in the last three players, according 10 the Un ited \Vimblcdon finals against Boris States Tennis Association. Becker. !he No. 2 seed who was to A spokeswoman for the USTA play Sweden's Christian Bergsuom said there are no rules prohibiting later Tuesday. !he wcaring of colorful clothing in Fourth-seed ed American Jim USTA-sponsored lOurnamcnrs, Courier, bidding for a Grand Slam which include the U.S. Open and double following his the Davis Cup. triumph, also reached the Rules and tradirion a( quarterfinals by defeating Wimbledon, however. require Czechoslovak Karel Novacek 6-3, players to wear prcdort'inant\)' 6-4,6-2. white clothing. Stem Graf, the No. I women's College tennis players 3rc seed, advanced into !he semifinals regulated in terms of tennis apparel with a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Zina because most arc forced to wear Gamson, gaining revenge for a uniforms approved by their coaches semifinal loss to Garrison last year. and athletic deparunenlS. Garrison, of Houston, ended Graf's Saluki men's tennis coach Dick two-year reign as Wimbledon Lefevre said the USTA should champion in 1990. make some stricter rules on the Graf, a 22-year-old German, said Konrad Preg_skl, SIUC prof.ssor In the Carbondal._ HIs tennis cloth.s mIght not clothing !he players wear. radio .nd televIsIon depanment, returns a meet Wimbledon regulatIOns, which requIre _ TENNIS, pege15 volley Tuesday at the spons Center In predomInately whHe clOthes for players. _ CLOTHES, pege 15 Ohio State bans umbrellas, Chemical drive smoking at football games Golf associations conform chemical use to EPA standards COLUMBUS, Ohio (UP!) - VeIr:rinIry Medicine. By Rob Neff Golf Foundation, the PGA Tour what chemicals she uses or what Smokilll _ umbrellas have "This is consistent ..ith SlallWritor and other golf organizations. effect they have on the beeD banDed at Obio Slate am:DI JaIrictions on SIIIOkiDg "It was kind of revolutionary to environmenL fooII*I pmea. iD SL Jobn AreDa duriDg Golf organizations such as the get all those people together," she "I don't know what they are," The OSU Athletic CouaciI batcIbaII pmes and in oIher PGA and the Golf Course said. she said "I just use the stuff." ,_ .... 10 pnDbit -*iDI itt tIlIiwnily fdities. " Superintendents Association of Leslie said the meeting was Laueau said, however, that she all ipeCIIIIOr _ IIJd The De.. Ohio Sladium America are taking measures to designed to COlDlter problems with follows the directions on the rellnIOIIIl of Ohio Sladi.. IIIIIIRIa policy says I81IbIeIIas align pesticide use on golf COUISCS chemical use before they occur. pesticide labels and EPA bqpttail\l1IIis _ may DOl be opened iD any The..-.ef1 __is ....--..._ with sound environmental policy. While she said the government regulations and never exceeds the Some local golf course super­ has found no major problems with limits places on restricted use iD reIJIOIllC to eYi.s- The ...... policy also lOCI COIICenriJli "puaiwo" 0' ittIO eIfeca _ titIL - intmlcnlS in Southern 1:Iinois say chemical use on golf courses, the chemicals. their COUISCS conform to aU CllJl'COl group decided to continue meeting Jones said applicators of "sec~" iaIIaIaIioD of ' TIle, _,. bowne., be dtaiJ ...... , ~ittIO_ ...... for_ Environmental Pro\eCtion Agency to monitor pesticide use and ensure restricted-use pesticides are regulations concerning pesticide enforcement of all federal supposed to be Iaught a specific "We ~1IiiI JIG!iCy will ~lIiar"""" '''~ eaIisac:e IbC 1JIOCIa*I' ...... JIiIIicJ- use on golf courses. regulations regarding chemical use ~ by both SI3lC and GCSAA Bill Ramsey, superintendent at on the courses. programs to use when applying the d"CIIIlid" ~~~___ _ ~..t:.t '--"~ ~belief ...... __ CibIInct Crab Orchard Golf Club, said Pat Jones, spokesman for the chemicals. . c: ..... J a .. Yiewf1..,'ipa;Wan_ because he the dangm of GCSAA, said the main regulations The [USI step is to diagnose the pIOIIIiaacirill ~f1 JIIIIe--eo ...." .~. pesticides, he uses chemical sprays ooncaning WJif course come from type of pest that is causing the , ,14 '.. . ~\;.~ as little as possible. the FedaaI Insecticide, FlDlgicide, pobIem. As part of an on-going ~ to and Rodenticide AcL Golf courses treat their grounds keep golf cowses environmentally The act ""IWres states to set up for fungus, diseases, unwanted Sandberg taken to hospital friendly, memben of the EPA and training programs for applicators of plants, insects on! other pesIS. GCSAA met in Washington, D.C .. restricted-use chemicals and for Once the problems have been CHICAGO (UPI) - Chicago dvow bounced off Sandbetg's right last week to discuss current applicators of pesticides which are identified the superintmdenlS must Cubs second baseman Ryne hand, then off his helmet and into problems and possible solutions not available to the general public. determine the options on! ClOIIIrOIs Sandberg injlmd his right hand in PillSburgh S<'tond baseman Jose with chemical use on golf courses. Even with this training program, available to them on! the possible Tuesday's game against the Lind. An"" Leslie, spokeswoman for some superintendents in the area impact the measwcs they choose to PiuslJurgh Pirates and was tJrousht Sandberg was taken to me office of pesticide and toxic rely on product labeling and care for golf course could have on for X-rays. Northwestern Memorial Hospital substances in the EPA, said the specific EPA regulations for the envinnnc:nL Sandberg had just tied the !iCOIe for X-rays on the fingen on lIis meeting included represenlatives information on pesticide use. Jones said in most cases, golf I-I wim an RBllieIder's choice in right hand. The ball apparently from the National Golf Counes Nancy Ureau, superintendent at course superintendents are well­ !he rust iming, then stole second. struck between his fourth finger Ownen Association, the National Jackson Country Club in educated in the etrecu on! uses of But catcher Mike LaValliere's and pinky. Club Association, the National Murphysboro, said she isn't sure the pesticides available. DaiJyEgyptilJn July 3.1991

    ~~T'O ~\ SALON 4'.r Owner: Vi steams .;).S PERM SAl!:! 1''<>$ HOW'1hN JULY 111l worldlnation No 1pIt'CM.l-.. or eIh lana haw. tNClUOES CUT AND STYlE United States: allies making CAlJ.NOW.

    71S S. UNN'. 1\JES.So\T. tuNDaD«OSt 10...... sF_ plan to deploy force to Iraq sa-. WID ..... ' .. ANKARA. 'Iilrtcy (UPI) - The Unital SIaIeS and iIs allies IR nearing agreement on the deployment of a rapid JeaCtion fon:e against Iraq, a senior U.S. ofracial said Tuesday. U.S. Defense Und=rcwy Paul WoIfowilZ !Old joumaIisIs be could IXll go info dcIaiIs of the pIanncd rapid FIeld pIIIIIr"'" bIc:an ______-$1.9S1I11 . reaction force, but could "my say we are gelling close 10 asr=nent." He was rcfcninc 10 plans for the Uni1ed SIaIeS. Brilain. FflWICC and !he FJeld /,mbo ...... _ ...... _.. .••.••.• _._... 1.9S1111 . NcthcrIlnIs 10 set up. 5.

    SIDON. Lebanon (UP!) - An estimated 10.000 Lebanese Anny trOOps drove thousands of followers of PLO chief Yasser Araf31 from a hillside region Tuesday in a second day of fighting with rebels that has left atleas1 19 dead and 75 wounded, military sources said. The tank·led troops engaged in house-uHlouse combat against Palestinian rebels before taking control of !he villages eas1 of !he soulhcm port city of Sidon, officials said. Lebanese political sources said Araf31 sent an urgent cable 10 the Arab League calling for immediate inlerVention in the conflicL

    Number of ~ trips to hospital dropping WASHINGroN (UPI) - Drug-relalCd lrips 10 the nation's emergency rooms dropped 14.2 percenl between 1989 and 1990. indicating tlle nation was winning the figh. against casual drug usc. the Departmenl of Hcalth and Human Serv ices announced Tuesday. The num ber of emergency room palienlS who had used cocaine. !he mo frequently men tioned drug. dropped !he sIwpest, from an esIimated 109. 672 for 1989 10 79,398 in 1990. said the department, which uses the figures 10 gauge drug use naIionwidc.

    LOS ANGELES (UP!) - Lee Remick, one of Hollywood's most versatile leading ladies who played everything from a temperance leader 10 an alcoholic in the poignant drama "The Days of W'mc and Roses." died Tuesday of cancer. Sbe was 55. Her agent, Joe Funicello, said she died at her Brentwood home. Remick's career began on the stage with her Broadway debut in 1953 in the production "Be Your Age." She also appeared in SI3ge productions of " Wait Unlil Dark." "Bus Stop" and "I Do. I Do."

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Vienna St. 150 East l uly 3, 1991 IJaily Egyptian Police riding high on new bike patrol Summer ByW8yneFraar stop us and report something they Staff Writer wouldn't to a patrol car." conducive Not everybody is in favor of the The Carbondale Police new patrols. Danny Estep is a to acciden1s Department is riding high these delivery driv... for LaRoma's Pizza. days. He said he doesn't see the VOint of By Todd WelvHrt The police have purchased two the bicycles. Student Wr ~er moonlain bicycles to use on patrols. "I understand they arc .. J • ng to Officer Don Priddy said the save money," Estep said. "but there As the tcmperalUre begins response has been good ,., far. are other ways of doing iL In fact. I t" rise. so will the rate of "The reaction has been very almost hit one of the officers the accidents and injury that will good," Priddy said. "Most of the other day. He just rode right out in require hospital carc this pcople we have made ""'lIact with front of me." smnmer. have been very positive." "They're not going to stop The Nalional Safety Hoby Slinkard, a worker at anybody with a bicycle. I know I Council estimares the raIC of Pagliai's Pizza, said the bicycle sure as hell wouIdn 'L" injury that will need hospital police arc a good idea. The new patrol is popolar with care will rise to almost I3 "People say you can't ride a bike the ~:fficen , Strom said. percent in the warm weather as rast as you can drive a car," "They arc standing in line to use months. Slinkard said, "but there were two the bikes," he said. '"Ibt:re are 15 "People get weird," said fights on the Strip Friday nighl and volunteerS right now." Brad Kane, Emergency the bicycles were the first officers Not all offICerS arc eligible to use Medical Technician for there." the bikes. There is a standard l ackson County ambulance "Plus, if they arc patrolling a agility leSt all volunteerS must pass servicc. "1be wann wcalhcr. neighborhood, you can't tell me a before being allowed to go on a sunny skies. it all seems to burglar wouldn't be looking for a patrol. Strom said he also apects add to carelessness." squad car insIoad of a bike. " ., see improveInenl in the mncss of Kane has been an EMT for Priddy said there arc advanlages his deparImenL lackson County for the lasl to using the bilccs in town. Strom said the bicycle patrol is three years and in that time "I think it's a lot quicker than a not yet set in its schedule but will he has noticed the pattern of foot palmi," he said. be after the agility testing is injuries rise and fall with the During the Street Machine through. seasons. Nationals a bicycle offICer wrote a "The patrol goes out every "Motor vchicie accidents ticket to a motorisl who had been ooupIe days or ,.,," he said. "Once arc always there. year racing his car and became caughl in we finish the testing, offlcers will round," Kane said, " but traffic. be using the bikes pretty barbecues and other summer Police Chief Don Strom said the frequenOy." OUtiilgS seem conducive to department did some research Suorn said the test has not been injuries and other problems." before purchasing the bikes. fully set up yet. but he apectS to The statistics support "Bikes patrols have predom­ include a I 1/2 mile run and Kane. A study of blood inantly been done on the West conccnuale on the cardiovascular al cohol content in drivers Coast," Strom said fitness of his foree. involved in accidents and Strom said besides offering The police bought two Comp admitted to hospitals were stealth and mobility, the bicycl.. Rockhoppers front Phoenix Cycles 46.1 percent higher during give the police dcpanm""t a chance at S650 each. Doug MeDonald, me summer monlhs. to enhance its image with the owna of the SlIJre, said he gave a Although the national raleS community_ imprompIU lesson to the officers. rise, Carbondale's rates "Our department is moving "I went over to the station and carbondale patrolman Don PrIddy shows off one 01 the n_ usually fall because of the towards community policing." he showed them some basic main­ blCycIyeS that the police oHlCers will be using to conduct transient student population. said. "We're looking to break down tenance and bike-handling skills," routine patrols around Carbondale to Improve police· barriers. PIlopie won't be afraid to McDonald said. community relations. REGGAE NilE al Pinch Penny Pub & Garden

    Live Reggae Fish t1.99 Tr-b &Fiies ..,~ I I Olat- - F"lSh, fries & ~ Fish fries & I hush puppies. I hush puppies. I IOns DnlCIIII4D'I ..~ . _p;aldI." I . ::,~':==o:= ::.~ I I ~.. =-T.,=r,rte~ ---- Cll*inTOIIr~ 7· 15-91 on Tour! Old Style Drafts 50( : ------~fiies q.99 : ~fiies q.99 : 50~ Shot Bar F"1Sh, fries & • Fish, fries & I Red Stripe $1.75 I alfler~=~~COl4lOl1 ordIscaurCcftra pai'llC(llllnD..,.. ~ ~=..P.'!!!!!!:.t:rherCOlClQ.1Ofdisauloflejll~ ... ,", .J Swarnpwater Slush $1.25 L c.unOs.Dlltr ecwes 7. '5-9' C:a(:f;linO's OII8C1P1tS 7·1 5·91 Hula Balls $1.25 ---- . SEAFOOD ---­ $2 Cover •...... •..•.•......

    Pinch Penny Pub, 700 Eas t Grand r§!:-r:;,V.EAT {llrl1.,\.~QOD I'14Q. r§!:-r:;,v"UT 111m ~\.~\QOD Pl4Q, r§!:- r:;,v"EAT Illn.E .,\.~QOD I'I~Q. : Must be 21to enter i July 3,1991 Opinion & Commentary


    Future still uncertain for Rainbow's End us, THE BOUGH CREAKED. bUI the cradle didn't fall last week for many SIUC students, faculty and staff dependent on the campus day care center, Rainbow's End. The future of infant and toddler care at Rainbow's End looked cloudy after the program lost its lease at the Lake1and School building and ran into difficulty finding another building that met the fire marshal's code requirements for young children. Although the center received permission to temporarily move to the Student Recreation Center the building's structure only met the fire code for children older than 3.

    WHEN PLACED IN A crisis University officials worked Paving lot seems poor priority quickly to resolve the problem. This time they were lucky. Gov. Jim Edgar announced a shrinking SIU budget. 10 the .-roms will ooIy serve 10 On June 27, one day before the infant and toddler program \arge budget shortfall just as SIU Teachers' raises be damned! We frustrale the problem, "I was Iale was to be ended, First Presbyterian Church USA agreed to fmished blacktopping the 'lOO-far­ .-led lmIher paved parking lot! for class becaUge ... " What will we donate space during the summer for the younger children's from-campus-II>-be-useful' parking Aside from its aesIheIic value, one do? program. The church building meets all fire code standards. 10l This is the parlcing lot that is of the main reasons for the I believe the far-seeing south of the Arena, wa-a-ay down continued paving of the SIU chancellor has the problem well in Thanks to First Presbyterian's generous offer, the program south. The budget shonfall will campus is that there win finaUy be hand. Higher tuition means rewer was saved from termination or, at least, the termination soon impact SIU through enough parlcing spaces Thousands students. Fewer students mean postponed until fall. decreased hiring in much needed of SIU students who are mabie 10 more avai\able parking spaces. and However, luck has a tendency to run out and the center's maintenance areas, fewer services, SlOp their cars can now rest their no lines at the johns. All this adds problems have not been permanently solved. Preparations and an increase in tuition for the motors and run like maniacs 10 the up to punctual students, and one students. The' parking lot. which nearest restrOom. to happy campus. Thank you very need to be made to handle this situation responsibly and served ir s inrcnded purpose This will creale anOlhcr obvious much Herr Chanccllor.-A. Ross :Ivojd crisis siruarions in me future. adequately in ilS pre-paved Slale, is problem at SIU. A severe shortage Morris, graduate student, Parenrs of 17 infanrs and toddlers were not notified child a furlher drain on an already in available restrooms. Long lines political science. care services would be ended until June 26. leaving these families two days to find alternative care for their children. Although families had been informed in a posted memo at the school that the Lakeland building lease would expire at Americans should be less apathetic; the end of June they had been reassured child care would continue to be provided. authority belongs to common people University officials probably were reluctant to report this dire news and postponed the task. hoping appropriate space If Jackie Spinner really believes In!IC8d these CIlUIlIgeOIII people put authority back where it that ",ome dreams can't come ba¥e dIrecI to ..... of a beaI::r life. belonls: in the hands of the would be found at the last minute. But this is not a ~ituation uue," as she swed J_ 20, then it ~ IhaIi dial, !hey ba¥e refu3ed common people. To do so is not that can be handled in this manner. Parents should have been is time she woke up and smelled to apathetically shrug their ooIy our duly as bwnan beinp, but notified of the possibility of services being cut at least a the coffee. Fortunately, Ibere are sboulders. They have literally, within our rilhlS as American month or two in advance so they could prepare. . people in Eastem Europe, South shoaled in anger mltil the wor\d citizens. That is what makes Africa, Ibe Soviet Union, China, bad no choice but to J;.n to diem. America gr had eoougll. They willing ., actively JefUge ., accept the downfall of our IIIIIion. are sick and tired of having an the shallowness and greed of our Bull assure you. Jackie Spimer, another space needs to be found. oppressive government tell them po1iticians. We must wn:stIe power all dreams can come true.-Malt Finding available buildings that meet the strict fire codes for what 10 do and what 10 think. away from self-serving 1eadeIs,-' Y.-wood,RDior. history. day care centers is difficult. A thorough search has been made for buildings that meet safety standards; unfortunately Carbondale's selection is limited. It's time to consider building instead of leasing a How to submit a building for the center so all requirements can be mel This would offer a permanent solution for the center. letter to the editor. The bough is still bent and the cradle sways precariously. Doonesbury "v Garry Trudeau -__...... 110._ .... _ .... __ _...... _ - ___... _ _a-_I10_ -- ...... un.a_-- .. ___ ... _~ .... ,...... ____ .. _~--,"_".110 .. 110-.-­ ..--...... a.-:.. --..-- ...... -. ---..-._....,_._-_. __ ._ .. .- ...... ----_._."-'._"._-'-E___ - I10...... ___ __ - .... _., ...... --..,.,------.,- .,----.,--­.. .. --~ . _-_.-._- -- -. .. ------... .. -- .. .. ------. . - ~~~--- ....-~~-~~~ - .~ .. July 3,1991 False alann hits Morris after stann OFIr! ByWayneFrazer )XtJb1ems this morning. OUI of senice, there is aKJlher siren SIucIenI Pragramming Council 3nI Floor, SIudenI Cenler StatlWriter ''When we IesIed the alarm this on lOp olthe Physical PlanL" !536-3393 Or Call Our 24 Hour HoIIine 536-5556 lIIOOling, it gaw: the auack warning Novy said many workers came A faullY alarm coupled with a insread olthe romado ...... un,," be to his offICe in Moms Library 10 summer storm equalled a minor said. "The Physical Planl was fmel _the ...... for the alarm. scare al Morris Library Tuesday scheduled 10 look at it, but il just Willie Scott, ~ undergrad­ aflCmOOn. wentoff." .-librarian, said the students paid The siren malfunctioned around The siren is one of a sysrem of liule -..bon 10 die siren. 2:30 p.m., righl afrer a thunder­ nine alarms lhrougbout C8Ibondale ""There weren 9 t very many storm swepllhrougb the ...... that sound in event of severe people in the library at the time," All the sirens are lested every wealher or anack by foreign he said. "I didn'l nOlice any firsl lUesday of the month al 10 invaders. Novy said the malfun­ mow:menllO the basement. " a.m. Chris Novy, IrBining offICe< CIioning aiImI had been shut down. In a a cmaJICDCY, students are for Carbondale Emergency '"The power has been shut off 10 10 sedt sheller in the basemenl of Services. said there also were the alarm," he said. ''Even with it theboo.y. BILLB OF ST. LoUIS RIvDBoAT CaUlII FOURTH, from Page 11-- SaturdaY. July 20 n..... Bullets hit man, Bus Leaves Carbondale at 4;00 p.rn. ~ held Ihe veriety show every Founh is at Abe Martin Field al slUe al Starts at 7:00 p.m and Retmns at 11:00 p.m of July for 52 years. dusl<. car in shootings Lavender said combat veterans Bob Harris, SIUC securily By Wayne Frazer $45,00 per person· Dress Casual will relate Ihe fireworks 10 Ihe direclor, advised people to arrive StaflWriter artillery fired in war, and lhe early because secunly cuts off The cruise Includes DeadUae to ~ster fireworks should be espccially traffic when the fireworks stan. Two drive-by shootings dinner, the music of the Is J~ 8 at the SPC significant to people who just "It's a shame 10 a full of see car occurred lale Monday and omce. Tblrd Floor returned from Saudi Arabia. kids go by Ihal didn'l see Ihe Bob Kuban Band and a early Thesday in Carbondale. Student Center, "It reminds me of what I saw and fireworks, bul mom and dad need The fust shooting occurred scenic view of the Checks or cash only. heard," he said. " Whal I heard to leave early," Harris said. al 11:50 p.m. on Monday in For more information can 536-3393 comes to you more Ihan the other." The Murphysboro firework Louis Rlverfron] the 900 block of E. Walnut. CharJes Fuhrhop, Korean war vet display is at Riverside I'aIt at duslc Jason Zviu, 22, and Joly from Campbell Hill, will spend the July 4. A craft show, soflball 22, boIh ol day wilh his famjJy. He said he will tournament and horseshoe Sanders, Carbon­ dale, were driving on E. remember Ii.... lost for freedom. tournamenl begins at 9 am. and a WalnUI when shots were fued "It took a lot of fighting to gel it car show begins al noon. VarielY at Zwiu's from another and hold it," Fuhrhop said. entenainmcnt begins al 7 p.m. in car Any vehicle. Neither Zwiu or The Carbondale firework display the band sheD. Sanders _ hurt but the ..... nte SPC Homecoming Committee roof of the car was shaUcred. needs a theme for this year's RREWORKS, from Page 1- The victims described the suspect as a white male Homecoming Celebration. to appear in city coon. from Missouri (where fireworks are between the ages of 20 and "It is also a stale crime, but we legal) we have in the district is at 26. He had Img brown hair Enter your ideas lcnd (0 pursue most of the Chcsrer." and a mustache. The suspecl violations in the city," Strom said. Jack Haughlan, Chester Chief of car's _ a dark blue Pontiac in the SPC Office, Punishmenl depends on the Police, said fireworks become an Trans Am wiL"l-tops. amount of fireworks possessed. issue around July 4. Another drive-by shooting 3rd Floor The charges range from peuy "We do have quile a problem," look place al 2:32 a.m. offense to Class A misdemeanor. he said. ''The dealers SCI up stands Tuesday morning in the 400 Student Center, 51atew ide, more than 285 right across the riVCI'. We can'l just block of E. ChestnuL The deadline 10 enler is Illinoisans will be injured by f",,­ 3ITCSt people for having fIreworks, According 10 police. works on July 4, according to though, because they can say they Phillip T. Johnson, 28. of Du Thomas L. Annstead. State Fire just carne 0 .... for luach. " Quoin 9 was visiting friends Marshal. Haughtan said once the fire­ when he heard two ShOlS State Police Caplain William worts cross the bonier, the general fued outside Ihe house. One Powers of Districl 13 Hcadquancrs public lends 10 disobey the law. olthe bullets SIruCk Johnson in Du Quoin said fireworks aren'l a "People choose to ignore the in the calf. big problem for his force. law," be said. 'Then when they end Johnson wenl 10 Carbon­ "We don't get that many cases," up in jail, they think we are picking dale Me.norial Hospital Powers said. "The only entry poinl on them." under his <. wn power, where Coloring contest will begin fri.. June 14 and enc1 he was ue~led for a minor SIlL. July 13. l'1nlshed posteIS are to be turned in gmshot wound. polU said. dwing the week or SUn .. July 7-&1t., July 131n the COUNCIL, from Page 11----- The Iwo shootings hap­ SI'C 0fI\ce. 3rd Moor student center or at any of the pened almost three hours '1f one of these breaks down, it's for incmIsed padring enfon:emenl Walt DIsney roms during that week. apart and 13 blocks apart. di/Terent than one pRing merer," and how much money could be All enbies that are turned In will be displayed In the 011 if the shoot- Councilman John Mi11s said. generaled with an increase in Information student Center on the MISt Moor during the weeks of City sI8ff members will begin III parlcinl fees 10 presenl 10 the July I &:10 (subject to Change). rrtzes will be !ableiDp-~-----­ from Ihe police IqIOIl. get more deIaiIed CSIimaIes ol COSIS aud. a r-..-ing. 1WIOU.1CCd and IIW!Irded during the week ol July ·'CS'" MQU,ADQIIi". mDIY­ I, Only one enbY P!7 ~ 2. J:ntIants muse PrInt their name, age. BUDGET, from Page 1.---- adcIras and pIione number on the baCk of the t:::;. Edgar sliIl wants a -xIe cap 011 Sunday. stare's fiscal situation every IwO he years." ~: ~~~~ ~~Tr::ll~nBre not but sOOwed signs 1'uesd&y may Howe"er9 Democratjc House eligible to win. be weab:ning his position. Speaker Michael Madigan has Still to be nelotiated is how "I would hope we wouldn'l apparently refused to budge, much revenue local JOVernments .JIIKlI!Q QUJDUA Cntrles will be exclude any part of the slate, bul peIIIIpS because • wnporary tax would m:eive from the surclwJe judged on creatlvIty, neatness. and I'm DOt sure what we can gel a would give him additional political exlallion. originality, Cntrants are encouraged to use any medium (crayons. markers. etc.. . ). dfte-flflhs VOle 01\," be said. Ie-. when it expiJed in 1993, The Democratic plan calls for All judges decisions wDl be final. The governor said up 10 dee of one ~ belorc Edpr would have cities and countios III get aboal 75 the state's four legislative leaders III run for te-dection. pen:cnl of the S3SO millioo they OOOD LUCKIII are read)' 10 8CCqK Edpr's call for "Taxpayers don'l feel that you previously n:ceived from the laX, a pennanent exlerosion olthe _'s should have permanenl state while Republicans wanl 10 limil IWo-year, 20 percenl income laX IaXCS," Madigan said "There's local lovemmenls' share to 25 swcharge thal expimd at midnight nothing ..TOIIg witb ",viewing the pm:cIIl. ','1 ." & fit. 1bday's Puzzle .,,,•• '.p.r;al. ACROSS , '.-u. .. " .,- ,..,..".. .. w.. .~ 47~- 10 DiIgrMI ... ".,,4, 13Jahn..:l .. ""-SO -...... 57~ ... 7"._., 14Pu1111o ..... lSAAFhero- 90utOfIW ... Aryoclr 11 Ponw hill .. =:. 13 VtdU , ...... c-.. ..'.- .. _.. ..c..t..w. halt DiIIIkt• ..22_ -_- ~;;.."t;..,. .. - ...... SPCa....., 71T...... · ._ .,- 7l ...... , aT...... --.. ,,-.. -DOWN - 1 "-a.tey?'. 36'_- 37on...c:f'jef 2 ..... 4' WeI.

    . -. .. . ~ ...... l' ag~6 /)aily Egyplinll July 3. I\I9 ! Craft Shop gains popularity - - - I By Annetle Holder Rainy days may make Entenainment Eoitor

    L ike the wCalher, craft classes slue students pay big arc hOl and getting holter! By Christine Leninger up the surface and come down The Craft Shop in the SlUdent SlaffWriter on lIle inside of the glass," he Center basement is becoming more said. popular because people are Leaky ceilings in lIle College Les Bilderback, broadcasting wanting inexpensive cntcnainment. of Communications and Fine engineer in the department of said Ron Dunkel, engineering Arts has caused both the radio-lelevision, said a leakage junior from Carbondale and Physical Plant and people in the reporL for Room I075C was assislallt arts and crafts coordinalOr building to save for a rainy day. lUmed in to the Physical Plant for the Craft Shop. "EvCly time it spits outside, in January. The leak has not Dunkel said because of the bad the ceiling leaks in various parIS been fixed yeL economy, people arc returning 10 of the building," said custodian "ff I was a parent sending my malting things instead of buying Jim Rey. child hete to study cinema and lIlem. Rey said the problem spans photography or radio and People also are delaying most of the Communications television, I would be one upset vacations, which leaves them more S .." PIIoIo by F.... .­ Building, including the depan­ parent for all of the water leisure time. ments of Radio and Telcvisim, damage when tuition is so Dunkel said because lIle Craft Katy cannell Of carbonoale copies a skull design for a T· Cinema and Photography and high." Roy said. Shop competes with other Shin Tuesday afternoon In the Craft Shop as pan Of a class Theater. lWo-thirds of the dark­ Rey said money was sup­ rocreational activities, many people on hand-palntlng T-shlns_ rooms in the Cinema and posed to be appropriated in choose to spend lIleir time inside Photography department are Apri1 or May II> fix the roof, but lIle Student Center learreng a craft organizations and silk-screen T­ classes are taught by local inoperable because oi .he the money _13IIC. rather !han outside in the summer shins." residents. missing ceiling tiles leuing in University Architect Allen Class size is limited to eight heat. Debra Johnson Jones, Craft ShoP light and dripping water. HaaIIe said. "The proposal to fix o\t Craft Shop classes, people coordinator of ans and crafts, said people to allow more personal Rey said he has been worlcing the roof of the Communications Ieam everything from how to make lIle shop tries to look for market inlmlCtion willl students. in the Communications Build­ Building was approved June 26. pottery to how to play lIle guilJ. rrends and consults student surveys Craft ShoP classes are available ing for three years and the An arehilllCl in Marion is now Dunkel said the ,;as:oes are a when deciding what classes to to students, faculty/staff and the problem still has not been re­ drawing up the plans. " benefit for students who decide to offer. public. solved. Rey also said the HaaIIe said J*hing is the only participare in classes. Because the shop has had a \aJge windows along McLeod tIting the Physical Plant can do "We're a benefit for lIle student request for photography classes, it Classes available this summer Theater leak when it rains. to relieve the immediate because we' re an arts and crafts is looking into buying photogrnphic include marbleized clothing and "J have seen lIle rain hit the problem until the plans to fix facility willl tools, equipment and equipmenL jewelry an. glass at a certain angle, climb the roof have been 6naIized. know-how," he said. Most art classes are taught by ''We're DOl just a pIacc 10 make SIDe SIlx'.ents, but this summer is Registration forms are available an. but to make banners for school an exception because most of the at lIle Craft ShoP. University Museum exhibits , offer a bouquet of artworks ******** ~"I ' By Allan Towell exhibiL : E~\ ptiap Dr;\ e·;n : StaffWrrter One example of this is the exhibit currently running in the . , - I Across from University Mall I Artistic significance. space and museum by Severin Gene Jantzen TWO GIAI'IT available money are the factors that of Carlyle, who creates sculpture HOLIDAY ..OVIES' 50ft OFF combine to determine what art [rem bones and stones and other aAClIC-TO.. ACI( GateOpe_ .... IAny I.Iaa Sandwich (Lunch and D!nnerl worl< will be on e.hibit atllle SIDC natural ilCms. 1'1-...... University Museum, direclOr lohn Space and funding for the ...... only) . Whitlock said. University Museum \~ included The majority of the cx.hibi(s in the origimJ w1iv"", ity charter of shown al rhe Un;vcrs;ly Museum 1871, said ]0 Nasi, museum curator ' Any MIll Biscuit (~~ast Hours OnIy).1 are of local origin, Whitlock said. ofhislOly. All maslers of fine arts students l i lC muscwn officially opened 10 Two offers allowed per coupon .J arc required 10 exhibit their thesis lIle public in 1874 and was in the ...... L worl< to earn their degrees. flrst Old Main building that was Not good In QlIIIbit,.", IIriIJJ My 0IItet""., iN coupons The students will usually

    CAUFORNIA 12-PAK 12-0Z. CANS SPRITE. MEllO YEllO GRAIN FED snEer seiCiiiss ClaSSic Banais Crapes Coke Rib Eye 69

    1I2-CAllON eTN. 16-0Z. CANS GAUON PLASTIC JUG COU NTRY ClUB CAMPBELL'S KROGER CHI LLED FISCHER'S WHOLE Ice Pork & orange Boneless Cream Beans Juice Ham 39


    n ·CT. ROll PAPER Bounty nssue Towels 1~.79 .75

    6.4-0 Z. TUBe OR PageS July 3,1991 Church synod against AbIe-but-absent dads judged nomination of Thomas to be nation's worst slouches WASHINGTON (UPI) - Thomas' s nomination was Delegates 10 General Synod of offered by national executives WASHJNGTON (UP!) - They submiaed names are oerious about suppon and law enforcement the 1.6 millioo- member United 01 the cInaclI lie Monday night include a mongage banker, a making their point and tracking offices, 10 display as they choose, Church of Christ have voted and was approved by the resIaInIeur .., a former player for down the dcatIbelIS. but WiUins said the council overwhelmingly to oppose delegates' -.ding ovation. the Washington RedWns. They've "A couple 01 .... have Iried it expllClS media IIImlion 10 bring the President Bush's nomination 01 The swement called Thomas, lived mostly average lives and have in the past successfully," said most tips from the public. Clarence Thomas to the who is black, ". severe children who love litem. Now, their Wtggins, who is Vuginia's diRctor "What happens frequently on Supreme Court, clnacll officials opponent of civil rights and faces are splashed on "Wanted" of child suppon enforcemenL "In these things, we've found, is the said Tuesday. human rights" and "a vocal posIA:8 aU ova- the CXUlU}'. fact, we' ve done it in Virginia. names will get in the paper," be The synod, the highest opponent 01 allinnative action." Among some 2 miUion absent We've golICn like 23 01 27 guys said. "Their frirnds or their family decision-making body of the It said the nominee, as head 01 parents who fail to pay child we've liSIed in the ~" wiD ICC it.., lin them in." mainline Protestant denomi­ the Equal Employmcnt Oppor­ StWXt. they have '-t jud&ed by Wiggins Slid the council Red 'JbtII:ther. the 22 _ are nation, meeting in Norfolk, Va., tunity Commission under authorities 10 be the lowest of the all the states and territories to more than $661,000 behind in called the Thomas nomination J>n.sident R~, "exemplified low, the worst of the nation's comribute ID the list lIId 10 ... 21 SlJIIIIOfl paymenIS. Gregory Morey, "an affront to the pursuit of callous and conlemplUOUS \ack growing list 01 deadbeat dads. _ and the DisIrict 01 Columbia a 35-year-old resIaUraIIt lIl8lI8Ier equal justi<.e" and wged Bush of respect for the rights of Not only have the nation', 22 have submitted their worst wbose last known address was 10 withdraw it women, racial and ethnic "Most Wanted" able-but-absent offender. Peoria, Ariz., owes the most at If Bush does not, the per.IOIIS and the rights 01 senior parents refused to support the While there are non-custodial 574,100 in combined support for delegales said, they will join "in citizens. children they left bdtind, they have mothers who owe child support, his wife and tlfte children, ages the building of a national "In addition, Thomas ol1el\ gone 10 great lengths 10 avoid Wiggins said the all-male list 12, 14.., 16. campaign to block the consistendy opposed the efforts the obligation. reIJocts the fact that 97 percent 01 Arizona officials say to elude confirmation of Clarence of workers to redress They have moved from stale 10 non-paying ~ 1ft faihers. enforcement, Morey has used at Thornas." employment discrimination," stale, job to job, sometimes The group includes Loran Ora least lOw cIifferaa Socia1 Security The statement opposing the SIatement said. changing their names and Social Fultz, 44, a plumber, who owes numbers and frequently moves Security numbers to elude child 567,580 in cbild and spousal between jobs managing coffe­ support enfon:ement authorities. support in lIlillois. Fultz "has shops or fast-food restaurants m Harry Wiggins, president 01 the blatandy iptored his child support Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and National Council of State Child and tbe entire legal system," T..... Breast cancer help? suppon Enforcement Adminis­ aa:ording .. his posIef. Last known Tunodty Smith's posIef is one of trators, says the listing of most address, McutIain Home, ArIc. Call the few dtat includes no picIure, but Bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy dubious dads i! "just a takeoff on (217) 524-4528. the former Washington Redskins the FBI's most wanted," but the 22 The posIA:8 have '-t disuibuled running back is already known 10 show promise for potential treatments support enforcement agencies that 10 the SIaIeS, -'y lIunuIIt child foocbaU fans. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Bone some 44,800, making it the second marrow transplants and intensive leading cause 01 cancer death after Pneumonia, chemotherapy have shown promise lung cancer. for u-eating some advanced b=t If detected and treated early, at cancer patienls in a new study, but least 91 percent of breast cancer AlOSmaynot [h e therapy needs more testing. patients can be expected 10 survive researchers said Tuesday. at least fi ve years. But if the cancer .. The study, involving 30 patients has spread, patients are at high risk be bad for all who s uffered breast cancer for recurrences and the chances of ~NIGKfCWB CHICAGO (UPI) - AIDS relapses, found the combination of survival drops 10 18 percent patients stricken by acute very intensive high-dose In the new study, published in the respiralOry failure and a form of loumal of the National Cancer Proudly Presents chemotherapy and bone marrow pneumonia apparently have a more ~ Institute, 30 patients who had transplants enabled four patients 10 optimistic iong-tenn prognosis daI remain cancer free for more than 27 suffered relapses of breast can= ~ theNewest had been lItought, ~ said months. underwent four months of ve:.t Tuesday. therapy intensive chemotherapy on an "This is a that certainly Researchels followed 73 patieuJs hold; promise for certain groups of ourpatient basis .mel 24 appeared 10 SUMMER SESSION! who were admitted to the Cook patients with breast cancer and respond lO 'some degree. COImty HospiIal in Oticago with something patients with breast The 24 women who appeared to a cancer should be aware of as a respond then had some of their form of pneumonia that often bone removed .., mc:eiwd strikes AIDS patients, pneumo­ ROCK potential treatment," said Dr. M. marrow cystis carinii pneomonia, .., acute John Kennedy of the lohns very high-dosc chemotherapy in an respirarory failure. The researchers Hopkins Oncology Center in auempt 10 wipe out any remaining WEDNESDAY!! Baltimore, who led the study. cancer in their bodies. found thal47 pa=tl 01 the patients lO ll's certainly nOl for everyone The bone marrow was removed survived their immediale hospitali­ zalion .., a1most dne-quanen of butthcrc arc groups of patients who so that it could be reinfused inlO You've Been AWing For 1 should consider having this their bodies after the chemotherapy those who surviwd liwd for.1east one year. treatment," he said by telephone. to reconstitute their immune Night of Patients who are most likely 10 systems, which would have been The survival rates for such ROCK & ROll. benefit from the treatment are with severely damaged or destroyed by patients had been low in lite lim whose cancer has spread the high-dosc cItcmotherapy. seven yeMS 01 the AIDS c:pidemic, AND OlD DANCE MIX. •• throughout their bodies who appear Before the bone marrow was with 85 percent to lOll percent to respond well to chemotherapy, reinfused, it also was tteated with dying in the hospiIal and fewer than WeD Here It Is!! he said. chemotherapy to kill any cancer 10 percent surviving one yea-, the The National Cancer Institute is cells that might be present. researchers said. also sponsoring a nationwide study In addition 10 the eight patients "This dismal prognosis led to to test the approach on patienlS who who showed a complete responoe to conlroversy as 10 whether IIggR'S­ SIeve Fadras of .. are at high risk for suffering the initial chemtJtherapy, IItree of sive life-support interventions -' relapacs, he said. the remaining 16 who had only admission 10 the inltJlSive care unit Reaches to the Back SbeU and Plays aD Breast cancer will strike an shown a partial response were are approjlriare for these patienIs," of your favorite Rock I: (old I: estimated \75,000 women in the converted 10 complele :esponses they said in the Journal of the RoD United States this year and kill the additional chemotherapy. American Medica1 Association. PWS. •• He'D EWD Play Those PartyTunes You New Yorker saves life of woman Grew Up With! from under wheels of express train AND JUST TO TOP IT OfF.•• NEWARK, NJ. (UP1) - Donald Burlce did not IraCks. know, when be boarded a oommuter train heading for "I removed my necktie and using my pocItelknife his Manhattan OffICe, that within an hour he would be fashioned two lOI,"*,uets for her leg," he said. "The using his necktie, suit jacket and old Boy Scout knife other leg was badly mangled. so I wrapped the sleeve to save the life of a woman who had jumped under an 01 my suit jacIcct lnlUnd the knee." Amtrak cxprcss. New Jersey Transit police reponed witnesses saw In fact, Burke, 35, a staff lawyer for the Port the woman jump in front 01 the Amtrak train. 95C Authority or New York and New Jersey, would not While others looked on, Burlce held the injured even have been in Newark's Penn Station at 8 a.m. woman's hand and uied to comfort ber. PITCHERS OF BEER Monday except that his car wouldn't start. "I want to die," she told him. "Let me die." " I never take the uain," he srud. Burke asked her for he.' name. Burke was "tanding on a platform waiting for a "Sheila," the woman sobbed. AU. NIGHT WNG! PATH !rain to die World Trade Center when he heard a " Well, Sheila, God doesn' t want you to kill commotion. A middle·aged woman was pinned undr-r yowself," Burke IOId her. " He wants you to live. You the wheels of a train. must hang on." "1 saw a rnpidly growing pool of blood," he said Bur1ce and the woman recited the Lord's Prayer, CHECK IT OaT! T' ':

    ~OPiCANAaonu. 99 ~ I ORANGE JUICE I MOL Page 10 Dai/yEgyptitJn July 3, 1991 Trial reveals 900 telephone services face Priest tried court bribes FCC, Congressional checks for defacing inChicago WASHINGTON (UPI/States) - being bilked and the luring of McCain's and a second Senate billboards The 900 telephone industry in nocent children inoo placing high­ bill, scheduled for hearings on July CH ICAGO (UPI) - A CHICAGO (UPI) - The spawned such popular pay-per-<:all cOSt calls which can financially would, among oIher things, ban former Chicago pol icc 10, .uomcy for a Chicago priest services as sports phone and dial-a­ encumber lhe entire famil y." officer, who later became an marketing straIegies LhaI atrempt 10 on trial on charges he lawyer, much to the delight of McCain said. coax unsupervised children into defaced' billboards aucmptcd attorney and government consumers who so ught quick operati ve. testified he look By Lhc end of Lhc year, Lhc FCC using pay-per-caU numbers. 10 of Lhc blame on entertainment and information at \)f bribes and made payoffs for expects to unveil a hOSI Many pay-per-call industry that owns the rcasonat:le costs. regulations affecting long diSIanCC officials say that attempts at self­ 24 years. But the 900 industry also Roben Cooley, 48, carriers, local phone companies, regulation have failed for a variety unleashed its share of frauds and testified Monday during the and service bureaus, which store of reasons and an: now welcoming thieves, prompting a backlash from racketeeri ng trial o f 11 900 and local 976 programs for either FCC or congre.. ional Chinese businessmen and Congress and the Federal their "information providers," Lhc intervention so long as die rules three On Leong Chinese Communications Commission, individuals and businesses that adopted an: fair and consisIaIt. merchant association:; which arc now poised to impose marIret pay-per-<:all servia:s. The industry'. WOf$t fears are c harged with running a restrictions on the largely "The commission saw that Lherc two: That a regulatory patchwork multimillion-dollar ga'1lbling unregulated industry. was a problem as evidenced by Lhc will emerge region-by-region, and enterprise. Marketing scams aimed at number of consumer complaints that excessive regulation might Coole)' said during his fllSt children, the unemployed and the we received and decided that some damage an industry on die me. 10 years as a defense poor have been f:rcquendy cited as regulation was necessary," said "We are hoping that it's not anomey, he made payoffs 10 some of die most ,,'ricvous offenses Mary Beth Richards, chief of the going to be too resUictive, We at lcast '19 judges. among the consumer complaints enforcement division in die FCC's don't want die indusuy 10 he ruin, of bui1d­ paralyzed as the security forces it South Africa in lighl of recent ing new settlements in the controls themselves engage in td'onns. West Bank and Gaza Strip, violence against the people. pmnit As he h.s in the past, Msndela There are NO which are home to 1.7 such violence 10 occur anti remain came down decisively in favor of million AnIbs. immune £rom prosecution when maintainir.,s the SImClions unti1 all Unwanted Memwhile. Israeli deICnse lIIere is clear evidence of their vestiges of South Africa's off'lCiais promised to boost involvement or CODDivaoce -' the institatioaaIized rec:ism. \mown as Babies funding for Israel's 8-mile­ murder of innocent people." I!*Iheid. are abolished. deep "security zone" in SOUIhem LdJaon. _ heavy Mlftlelalltitl. "The chaIIe:tF dill r-s us with ...... L __ ...D. "ConleQllCltlly. nobody sbouId tq8fd 10 this question is that we ..... fIgIIIq COIIIiI-s jaIllIDItb complain wben we accase the sbould find ....y. and means by of die zone ~ Pales· Pretori. regime of pur.uiag a which we .,.. the pocess of the tial.. ",eniUu ...d doable ...... cae oflalting peace aOIioa of ___ and help aea Think Ad

    ~~J.!~" ~~.~ ' " ..•. _..• .... .~ .U~; '~ " 1 ... ' . 1 I I . , ' • • ~ Co ~. • , C Page 12 July 3. 1991

    v ~ ~v~~ vv ~ ~'*' Daily Egyptian ~~'.~-u..'~ ~ ,,~ ffi Classified • 536-3311 [ZJ


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    ali varieties buy one at 1.99 get one f ., ·onal DOUBLE COUPONS OPEN 24 HOURSA DAY ALL STORES OPEN natl ALL THIS WEEK · DETAILS IN STORE 7 DAYS A WEEK THURSDAY, JULY 4th July 3, 1991 J)aily I:.g)'pIion Page 15 Navratilova trails Capriati before rain Oldest Wimbledon player struggles against youngest player in tennis quarterfinals WIMBLEDON, England (UP!) We;lnesday. Defending champion NavratiJova when she chased down willi serve until !he rain came. - Martina Navratilova was Navralilova is chasing her lOth a drop shol and hil a finely·angled Rain has interrupted play during fighting 10 Slay in the 56.5 million Wunblcdcn tille, while Cap• . ·ti is winner. eight of the ninc days since Wimbledon Championships in the lournamenl for only Ihe Navralilova broke back Wunbledon began. Tuesday when rain SlOpped in the second lime. immcdiaIeIy for 4-5 and ceIebraIed Navralilova has nol failed 10 second sel of her quanerfinal Capriati, of Saddlebrook, Fla., wilh the familiar clenched fisl make lIIe semifmals at Wimbiedon againsl 15· year·old Jennifer broke 34·year-old Navratilova's salute, bullhe teenagU I0OI: the set since 1977. Navratilova was CapiaIi. serve in the eighth game of the in !he 10th game willi yet another participating in her 113111 singles Capriali, who was only Iwo opening set, sealing the break willi ,,,,,,", winner on her fust set poinL matCh on !he Wimbledon grass, an when Naratilova won the fusl of a cross· court backhand relum Navralilova argued her serve on all·time record. her nine Wunblcdon singles titles willner. set point shoukI have heen called a Capriali made il liJ the fourth in 1978, was Icading 64, 2·3 afltf CapriaIi had early success willi faul~ bul umpire Fran McDoweU round last year as a 14.year-old and 50 minutes or high quality rcnnis service rcIIImS, particularly on her declined 10 0YerIuIe !he line judge. is seeded nin'" lIIis year. She won by boIh players. double-fISted backhand side. Her The champion SIaIted !he second her fust toomamenI al PuerIO Rico The maICh was halted because or speed around the coon hroughl a sel wilh the fourth successive last year, and was a sernifmali Sl at rain and will be continued short burSI of applause from service break and games !hen wenl !he 1990 French Open. Winds of Wimbledon blow fresh air By Unied Press International lypicaUy refined Wimblcdcn crowd Wimbledon also :tas declared said All England Club chairman gave way 10 a cheering, chanting war on tickel scalper •. Organizers JohnCwry. WIMBLEDON, England (UP!) throng. Some of Ihe celebralory obtained an injunction againsl 20 John McEnroe may also have - Rain is most definitely falling mood carried over Tuesday, when scalpers, who are now forbidden mellowed from his days as the again al Wimbledon, and a new rain visited the All England Club from buying or selling tickets for world's No. I irnnis player and No. wind also may be blowing. once more. lIIe 1991 toumamenl and may nOl I problem child. The bacldog of matches caused Martina Navratilova was playing come wilhin 400 yards of Ihe BUI in Tuesday's fourth·round by the w'-'Crlogged opening week Jennifer Capriati in a quarterfinal Wimbledon grounds. loss 10 Slefan Edberg, 10 Ihe forced organizers 10 schedule malch when the clouds opened. " Touts dealing in Wimbledon crowd's amusement, he offered a .nalches on Ihe firsl Sunday of Willi tiule hope of a resumption of tickets should he warned thaI we bil or the classic temper. Wunblcdcn for the fust time in !he play, the remaining spectalors, are delermined 10 enforce Ihese " The ball was a fOOl ouL Does tournamenl'S 114 years. mosl huddled under umbre ll as, conditions so that tickets are used that look close 10 you?" he yelled Thousands of fans came on a made a spirited, if soggy allCmpl at by Ihose for whom Ihey were al umpire David LiUlcflCld. pay·as·you-enler policy, and the the Wave. intended - real tennis lovers." Some wind never changes. Pittsburgh tramples Chicago Cubs with two homeruns by one Pirate Pssl... C HICAGO (UPI) - Gary the Cubs when Ryne Sandberg and in the seventh Bonds got his Vars ho hit his first two major­ inj ured hi s rig ht hand stealing Ihird RBI on a sacrifice fl y and LA ROMfi·S league homers and drove in six second base. He will be out from Varsho walloped his second homer runs Tuesday. leading a 22-hil five lO seven day!). with a runner on, making it 13-1. tlump Day Special! assaull thm carried the Pittsburgh The Piratcs broke a I-I tic with The Pirates 1 run 101al equaled Pirates 10 a 13-4 roUi of the three run in the second inning. !heir season high. and their hil IOtal Large 1 Item Chicago Cubs. Barry Bonds tripled to the center "''as five shy of the club mark set in Doug Drabek, 7·8, allowed nine field wall and trotted home on 1922. &2,32 oz. Pepsis hiLS in his third complete game in Varsho's ill'St oom."., inlO the right Andy Van Slyke gave the Pilares 17 starts. He walked one and struck ilCld bleachers. a J~ Jead in the J1fS{ inning wilh oUl lhrcc. Mike LaValliere and Jose Lind his eighth homer of lIIe season. Includes Pitcher of Shawn Boskie, 3·8, started in rapped back·lo-back singles. After The Cubs tied the score without only PepsI or Beer $6.:~ (wllh proof of ageJ wllh pia"" of Mike Bielecki, who was Drabek flied ou~ Orlando Merced getting a hiL Eal·ln Orders sidelined willi an inflamed elbow. singled, scoring LaVaUiere. Doug Dascenzo walked, slO le Boskie was shelled for eighl runs The Pirales added a run in lIIe second and moved 10 third when $2.00 Pitchers of Beer Open for Luncll Delivery and II hits over Ihrcc plus innings. lIIird when Bobby Bonilla tripled Mark Grace flied oul 10 right. Mon. - Sat. 11 a.m. Heathcliff Slocumb worked three and scored on Varsho's sacrifice Sandberg followed with a bouncer or $1.00 Quarts Wednesday SpeaaI noI valid with any 0Che' and one third innings, giving up fly. to second baseman Lind. whose ~noStbstiMions five runs. Bonds drove in a run with a throw was high 10 the plale and The loss was compounded for single in the flflll 10 make il 1(}O1, Dascmzo scored. IllS. IIIiIIaIs 121-1344 TENNIS, from Page 16------she has PUI her disappointmenl "I played more aggr=ively and yielded break opponunies in only from last year behind her. I0OI: my chances," Fernandez said. three or !he games. "I am a 101 bcaJthier and a 101 "I really wenl for illOday." McEnroe was still in contention more eager than lasl year," she Defending champion Marlina des pile losing Ihe tiebreak, said. "I have much more Navratilova, seeking her 10111 tille. encouraged by some volleying concentration on whal'S happening was playing 15·year-01cl American errors from Ihe champion as he on thecourL Jennifer Capriali and second· beld serve for 1·1 in the second SCI. Graf's 66-minute stroll over !he seeded Argenlinian Gabriela However, Edberg started sevenlh·seeded Garrison Sabatini was up againsl Peruvian wOOcing his serve·an

    Puzzle Answers CLOTHES, from Page 16- Lefevre said !he athlett:s wbo are white; said Brien Hays, junior in endo